Chapter 01.1
"We call them Gnip Gnops," said Ambassador Sophie Astor, the following morning in the briefing room. Survey Service Captain Michael Taylor, his first officer Commander Jessica Hale, and his second officer Susan Cleary were all present.
"What do they call themselves?" Taylor asked.
"We don't know," said Sophie. "Communicating with them is difficult. They have taught themselves our language through trial and error, but they aren't very forthcoming." She activated a holo. "A crew from the USS Jersey discovered them accidentally in a survey of the star system PK-24943."
"What's in that system?"
"Not much except an asteroid belt."
"I hate asteroid belts," said Taylor.
"This one has very few meteors. It's not densely populated. The Gnip Gnops occupy a larger asteroid several miles in diameter. It's not known if they are native to the asteroid or have merely established a base there."
"How could an alien race be native to a tiny asteroid? How do they survive there without an atmosphere?" Taylor asked.
"They have one, according to the crew of the Jersey," said Sophie.
"How can an asteroid have an atmosphere?"
"We don't know. We suspect it is artificial in nature," said Sophie. "They may be technologically far more advanced than we are. That is why first contact is so important," said Sophie.
"What is our mission?" Taylor asked.
"It's very simple. Escort me to the asteroid, and wait while I negotiate."
"With adequate security protection," said Taylor. He glared at Sophie, daring her to object.
"Of course, Captain," said Sophie.
PK-24943 was on the edge of known space, a few days from Space Station Zebra. It would take nearly three weeks to get there at cruising speed. They were to go to the Station first to get briefed, and then onto the asteroid.
Jessica rubbed against him when they walked.
At first Taylor didn't even notice it. Then, when he noticed it, he thought it was an accident. Then it kept happening. Jessica would casually brush her arm against his when they walked, or brush her leg against his, and smile flirtatiously when he noticed. She was flirting with him.
And the way she smiled at him--early and frequent, often with no provocation at all. It was like she was trying to melt his resistance with her giant sexy smiles. She would smile at him when discussing the maintenance logs. She would smile at him when discussing a personnel matter. She would smile at him when discussing a problem with the ship's plumbing.
Soon enough, Taylor was smiling back.
Jessica sometimes smiled at the crew, it was true, but mostly her smiles were reserved for him. The other thing Taylor noticed was that Jessica wore short skirts. In the beginning, the Survey Service dress code required men to wear pants and women to wear skirts. Over the years with a more progressive frame of mind, women were also permitted to wear pants. Most women preferred to wear pants because they viewed wearing skirts as sexually objectifying them. Sophie Astor never wore skirts. Susan Cleary wore skirts occasionally when she was off duty.
But Commander Jessica Hale wore them every day.
She had long, lean legs which attracted the attention of nearly every man on the ship and not a few women. That, combined with the full, ripe way she filled out her dayshirt, made her the subject of constant interest for at least half the crew.
One day Taylor was having lunch with Sophie in the cafeteria. After their last abortive dinner, Sophie refused to dine in his quarters again.
"It's nice we have this time together," said Taylor.
Sophie continued to eat.
"I mean, we should make the most of the time we have together."
Sophie said nothing.
"Sophie, why are you being like this?" Taylor said.
"Being like what?" Sophie said.
At that moment all the male heads turned as Commander Jessica Hale entered the cafeteria. Her long luscious legs were gleaming, as if they had been freshly shaved and lotioned. Her breasts made very romantic hills in her Survey Service dayshirt. Her long black hair was pulled back in a ponytail. She scanned the crowd for what she was looking for, and found it.
"Captain," she said, smiling as she leaned over him, giving an excellent view of her breasts.
"Jessica? What is it?" Taylor said.
"Chief Stoneheld wants to meet with me at 14:00 to talk about some planned maintenance to the Jitter Drive."
"Any problems?"
"No. Purely routine." She smiled at him. "But I thought you might want to be there."
Taylor smiled back at her. "I'll be there."
"Good," she smiled back at him. "See you later, Captain." As she walked away, her ass swayed inside her short bobbing white skirt.
Taylor turned back to Sophie. He was still smiling, but she wasn't.
"Have you slept with her yet?" Sophie asked.
"What?" said Taylor.
"Do I need to repeat my question?"
Taylor looked around to see if anyone was listening and lowered his voice. "Sophie, I haven't slept with her."
"Yet," said Sophie. "Somehow, you always find a way to."
"What is this bizarre jealousy you have? First Susan and now Jessica. You left me, Sophie, remember?"
"I remember," she said calmly. Then, "She wants you, Michael. Everyone aboard knows it. And I think you want her. You told me what happened between you and her lookalike sister in the year one billion, remember?"
"I'm trying not to," said Taylor, suddenly regretting it.
"Try not to be a total embarrassment when you give in to your baser desires." She got up and left.
"Captain on the bridge!" said Jessica. Everyone snapped to attention as Taylor entered the control room for his duty shift.
"Jessica, you don't have to say that every time I arrive," said Taylor.
"I think strict discipline serves the crew well, sir," she said. Jessica Hale was such a total opposite of Sasha Runningbear, in every way. Thorough, highly efficient, competent... and very sexy. She was once again wearing her short white skirt, showing off her magnificent gleaming thighs. Her firm melons filled out her dayshirt very nicely and her dark straight hair was down around her shoulders.
"Mr. Galloway changed course to avoid a rogue meteor shower at 0400. We are back on course now, with only seven minutes lost," she said, as her melons proudly stuck out at him.
"Very good, Commander," said Taylor.
"Mr. Penfold did a test of the weapons systems under my supervision. The power levels on Hot Beamer number two, which was only recently repaired after the Battle of Ramada, were fluctuating a bit. I'd like to have Chief Stoneheld look into it."
"Lieutenant Takorama's sensors have gathered more information about the Colco Nebula, which has added to the information already in our databanks from previous surveys. You may want to review that at your leisure."
"Very good," said Taylor. "Anything else?"
"I asked Lieutenant Commander Cleary to conduct a manual count of our food stores... but it's not done yet, is it, Commander?"
Susan looked hesitant. "Not yet. I have two crewmen working on it. We'll have the count ready for you by the end of the day, sir. Ma'am. Ma'am sir," she said nervously.
"Why are you having the food stores counted? They were checked when they were brought aboard," said Taylor.
"Rates of consumption vary, and food spoilage is sometimes a factor," said Jessica. "I like to be thorough."
"I notice that. Very good work, Commander."
"Thank you, sir. The ship is yours," she said formally, exiting the bridge.
Taylor turned to Susan, who smiled and gave him a wide eyed expression. Taylor smiled back.
"May I join you?"
Sophie looked up from her lunch to see Jessica Hale. Taylor, she knew, was still in the control room. She nodded.
Jessica sat down with her food tray. "I wanted a chance to get to know you better, Sophie."
"We have so much in common,"
"Like what?" Sophie asked.
"Isn't it obvious?" Jessica gave an irritating grin. "You were the Captain's first officer for many years. And now I am. There's a lot I could learn from you."
"You seem to know how to handle yourself."
"Thank you, I appreciate that, but running the ship is only part of my job."
"What other duties do you have?" Sophie asked.
"For one thing, I'd like to learn how to get into the Captain's pants."
Sophie's jaw dropped open.
Jessica smiled. "I don't think I've seen that particular expression on your face before, Sophie. I thought passive observers were supposed to be calm and detached."
"My apologies," said Sophie, as she resumed eating. "I did not expect you to be so blunt."
"Oh, I can be whatever I need to be," said Jessica, smiling as she spooned some space jello. "I'd like to ask you what happened to my sister in the year one billion."
"I wasn't there," said Sophie.
"But you know what happened to her, didn't you?"
Sophie said nothing.
"You do. Did Taylor kill her? Or did he simply let her die? Or perhaps... it wasn't his fault at all."
Sophie continued to eat slowly.
"I will get the truth eventually," said Jessica.
"If you harbor animus towards the Captain, why do you want to have a relationship with him?" Sophie asked.
Jessica's eyes narrowed. "I don't want a relationship with our dear Captain. I want to fuck him. And I think you're the key to that."
"You're mistaken," said Sophie.
"Am I?" Jessica gave an irritating grin. "What about the time you both turned into plant people and fucked each other?"
Sophie dropped her fork with a clatter.
"Sophie, I asked you a question."
"How did you know about that?" Sophie asked. "That's from a classified mission report."
"I have low friends in high places," Jessica smirked. "I wasn't able to get access to the mission reports of the USS Devonshire, which supposedly took my sister and your lover to the year one billion. That's held under the highest level of security. But I was able to get access to some of your other more... mundane mission reports. Although what is considered mundane for you and the Captain would be considered outlandish anywhere else. I read the report where you and the Captain apparently landed on a planet dubbed 'New Eden' and where the both of you were apparently turned into humanoid plant creatures and had sexual relations with each other. Am I right?"
Sophie just stared straight ahead of her.
"And at one point, if this report can be believed, you gave birth to a child who looked exactly like Captain Taylor. Is that true?"
"I cannot confirm or deny that statement," said Sophie.
"Of course you can! You're a Passive Observer and these are the facts," said Jessica. "Apparently, Taylor had a fifteen inch penis, but that was no problem, because you developed three interconnected vaginas. Tell me Sophie, was it good for you?"
"I cannot answer your questions," said Sophie.
"And then, moving on to more recent history, the two of you were kidnapped and taken to a space station where, if your report is to believed, you were made to perform in an alien breeding experiment. You and Taylor were mated together and produced an entirely new human race, one whose bodies which was used by aliens as hosts for a new race of alien slaves. Did that really happen?"
"I cannot answer your question," Sophie repeated.
"You see, from my perspective, you are the world's greatest expert on fucking Michael. So I want to ask you... how did you do it? How did you break down his resistance? Was it that cold woman act that you put on? Or did you go to his quarters and show him those nuclear enhanced tits I hear so much about?"
Sophie stood up to go. "If you want to have sex with the Captain, my advice is for you to go to his quarters and simply smile at him. You will find him quite malleable, he has absolutely no self control." She walked away.
"Thanks for the advice," Jessica grinned.
"Captain, I'm giving a mixed martial arts demonstration in the ship's gym at 18:00, with your permission," said Jessica, as she turned the watch over to him.
"Of course," said Taylor. "Mixed martial arts?"
"I have black belts in Judo and Hi-Ya," said Jessica.
"This I'd love to see."
"You're welcome to come and watch," said Jessica, smiling at him. "Susan can hold the fort for you, can't you, Susan?"
"Oh, of course," said Susan.
Jessica left the control room, her miniskirt swishing behind her.
"Is there anything she doesn't do well?" Susan asked.
"Do I detect a note of jealousy in your voice?" Taylor asked.
"She told me not to visit you in your quarters," said Susan.
"She did?"
"Well, not exactly... actually, she did. She said it was inappropriate for a woman to visit your quarters."
"Jessica visits me in my quarters, and she's a woman," said Taylor.
"Exactly!" Susan said, her eyes going wide. "She said it was different, because she's first officer."
"Is it different?" Taylor asked.
"Are you asking me?"
Susan considered a moment. "No, I don't think so. I may not be first officer, but I am one of your senior officers. And we're friends. So I think it's all right."
"I'm glad you decided that," said Taylor.
Taylor entered the ship's gym wearing workout clothes. He saw crewmembers lifting artificial weights and running on holographic treadmills. In the corner, however, he saw a group of crewmembers gathered in a semi circle around a gym mat where Jessica Hale was showing off her moves.
Jessica was faced off against not one but two crewmembers, Crewman Roe in front of her and Crewman Bauer behind her.
As Bauer lunged forward she turned half way and tripped him. Then she pivoted and grabbed Roe by the arm and threw him to the ground. Roe regained his balance just in time for Jessica to throw him to the ground too.
The crew clapped respectfully.
"Very impressive," said Taylor.
"Thank you sir," Jessica said, wiping sweat off her forehead. She was wearing a white shirt which was so tight it made her regular dayshirt look like a circus tent. Every curve of her delicious melons were on display. It was almost as if she were topless. She wore short shorts which also showed off her finely tanned legs.
"Would you like to have a go, sir?" Jessica asked.
"Me?" said Taylor.
"I'm sure there's a lot I could learn from you, Captain," said Jessica respectfully.
"Go on, Captain!"
"Do it!"
"All right," said Taylor. "Perhaps a brief throw." He walked onto the padded mat and stood opposite his first officer. She gave him a very intense stare which unnerved him. He instinctively screaned her and instantly realized that she wanted him, she wanted him very badly, but in more ways than one.....
Jessica grinned at him as if she him just where she wanted him. Then, in a lightning fast move, she grabbed for him.
But Taylor wasn't there. Suddenly, somehow, Jessica was on her back and Taylor was on top of her.
"Not bad," said Taylor. "But you telegraphed your moves. Never let an enemy know what you're about to do." He gave her a hand up.
Jessica stood very close to him and looked into his eyes. "I'll try to remember that, sir. Another round?"
"All right," said Taylor reluctantly, to cries of "Yeah, yeah!" from the gathered crew.
Jessica faced him once more. "So I should try to keep my true intent hidden from until the last minute, is that it?" she asked, as she wiggled her ass suggestively left and right.
"As long as you can," said Taylor.
"Yes sir," she said. And then after, feinting to the left, Jessica grabbed him from the right. But once again she went flying to the ground.
Taylor helped her up. "You didn't telegraph as much this time, but you always use the same move."
"I'll try to think of something different. Once more?" Her eyes were pleading.
"All right."
This time Jessica feinted reaching out but swung her legs instead. Taylor collapsed to the ground and she piled on top of him. Taylor was acutely aware that she was pinning him to the mat with her knees outside his thighs, her crotch pressed down against his, and her hands pressed down against his arms.
"Now I have you exactly where I want you," she grinned.
"Do you?" Taylor asked. Suddenly he flipped her over so that she was the one pinned down, with Taylor's groin over hers and his hands over her arms.
The crew roared and cheered.
Taylor helped her up. "You have a lot of skill, Commander," he said.
"Thank you sir," she said, wiping sweat from her hair. "But it appears I still have a lot to learn." She smiled at him again.
Taylor was running on the holographic treadmill when Sophie came by. Sophie was wearing a tight shirt which showed off her nuclear tipped implants.
"Hey, Sophie," said Taylor.
"She wants you," said Sophie bluntly.
"You heard me," said Sophie. She added, "She knows about us."
"Us?" said Taylor. "Everyone knows about us. What do you mean?"
"Be careful." Sophie walked away.
Just a few moments later, Jessica Hale walked by with a towel around her neck. "Is this runner taken?" she pointed to the one next to him. Taylor shook his head and Jessica got aboard. As soon as she started running, a holographic treadmill appeared around her.
"Thank you for the martial arts lesson, sir. You're so good at everything."
"Well... maybe not everything," said Taylor.
"Really? Tell me something you're not good at," she demanded, giving him a little smile. Her tits were bouncing up and down as she ran. They were so distracting!
"Well... well...." Taylor was finding it hard to think while staring at those magnificent breasts. They weren't as firm as Sophie's nuclear tipped monsters but they were BIG!
"Yes, Captain?" she smiled, very much aware of the effect she was having on him.
"I'm not good at... thinking of things I'm not good at."
Jessica gave an amused titter. "You're such an incredible wit, Captain! Now I know what Susan sees in you."
"Susan?" said Taylor.
"She wants you," said Jessica.
"We're just friends," said Taylor.
"The two statements aren't mutually exclusive," Jessica noted. "So tell me, what was it like creating the perfect human race?"
"What?" said Taylor.
"You heard me," Jessica grinned, wiping sweat off her face. "You and Sophie, on the flying stud farm in space."
"How do you know about that?"
"Sophie told me," Jessica grinned again.
"I highly doubt that," said Taylor.
"Ask her," said Jessica, appearing unconcerned.
Why would Sophie tell Jessica about that?
"She said you and her mated, and created an entirely new human race with thousands of descendants. Tell me, Captain, what was that like?"
Taylor's jaw dropped open. No words came out.
"You must have been good. Really good," said Jessica, giving him a sparkling smile. "Tell me, Captain, how is it that some woman hasn't grabbed you a long time ago?"
"You're handsome. You're smart. You're good at everything you do. You're the most distinguished Captain in the Survey Service. You're the perfect package," said Jessica admiringly.
Taylor felt his face turn red. Her ardor inflamed him. Her smile turned him wild. It was like Jennifer all over again, Jennifer who filled her dayshirt so well, Jennifer who flirted madly with him, Jennifer who convinced him that she loved him.....
And now it appears he was being given a second chance with her sister Jessica.
Jessica persisted in her line of questioning. "Why didn't you... and Sophie...."
"Regulations," said Taylor thickly, as he ran blindly on the holotreadmill.
A long moment passed.
"I'd do it," said Jessica suddenly.
"You'd... do what?" Taylor asked.
"Resign my commission... for the right man," said Jessica. "I'd resign and stay planetside and have his babies."
"You would?"
"Um hm," said Jessica. "I'm 35 years old and unmarried. My biological clock is ticking, and you look to be the perfect specimen." She ran harder as Taylor started to grow a lump in his pants. Jessica's breasts bounced as she moved faster. "Resisting you is going to be hard, Captain Taylor. Very hard."
I'd have your babies.
The thought stuck in Taylor's mind. That would have been the perfect solution. Now that Sophie had resigned from the service they could get married. Of course, they would be separated much of the time as he would be traveling, but they could be together sometimes. It would be something.
Taylor knew that Sophie wouldn't accept it. She wanted to be together with him day and night. She wanted the impossible, something he wasn't able to give.
But Jessica might accept it....
"Receiving a distress call from the SS Dimeter," said Mushy. "They say they're being attacked by pirates."
"Location!" Taylor barked.
A giant holodisplay appeared in the control room. "Mr. Galloway?"
"We can get there at 28 minutes at maximum speed."
"Engage. Red alert!" Taylor cried. "Battle stations!"
He saw the crew rushing to their stations and nodded with approval. The Immortal was once again a tightly run ship, thanks in part to Jessica's near constant battle drills.
When they arrived they found a Ramadan Corsair docked with the Dimeter. As they watched, it undocked and started to fly away.
"The Captain of the Dimeter reports that seven female crewmembers have been kidnapped from his ship," said Mushy.
"Captain, they're moving away at.7 lightspeed," said Galloway.
"Match them, Mr. Galloway. Mushy, send out a warning. Tell them to stand down."
Mushy transmitted the message. There was no response.
"Mr. Galloway, target their engines with Hot Beamers," said Taylor.
"Captain, there's a risk their ship could blow up," said Susan.
"I'm aware of that," said Taylor calmly. "Set beam strength to 50%."
"Fifty percent... aye sir."
Two of the Immortal's Hot Beamers stabbed out and fired at the fleeing Ramadan ship. It was hit in the rear just above its engines.
"It's still fleeing," said Galloway.
"Set beam strength to 75% and fire again."
"Do it."
The Immortal fired again. This time one of its beams penetrated the Corsair's screens and disabled one of the engines. The Corsair continued to move, but more slowly.
"Captain, I'm getting a message," said Mushy. "They threaten to kill the hostages if we keep firing."
"Tell them we will destroy them if they do not surrender."
Mushy transmitted the message.
Suddenly the holo of a bearded pirate appeared before them. "We will kill the hostages!" he said.
"Kill them," said Taylor calmly. "Do you know who I am? I'm Michael Taylor, the hero of the Battle of Ramada. I don't really care about hostages. I just want to see you dead. You have thirty seconds."
"Close channel," said Taylor.
The holo vanished.
The crew looked at each other worriedly. What was about to happen?
Second passed, and then-
"Captain, we're getting another message. They surrender," said Mushy.
"Tell them to lower their screens and come to a full stop," said Taylor. He pressed his comm. "Major Kearny, have you been listening?"
"Yes, Captain."
"Send a well armed boarding party. Bring the terrorists back, alive, if possible, along with the hostages."
"Yes, Captain."
As the Corsair came to a halt and lowered its screens, Jessica turned to him. "You're incredible!" she said.
"Just doing the work of the Survey Service," said Taylor.
"I've served four different Captains, and I've never seen anyone doing the work of the Survey Service like you!" Admiration filled her eyes.
"Thank you," said Taylor, suddenly feeling embarrassed. He turned away, only to see Susan smiling and then winking at him.
"You were incredible," Jessica repeated.
It was later that evening, and she had visited his quarters with the flimsy excuse of giving him an updated status report on the status of the hostages (all safely recovered) as well as repair work to the Dimeter.
"I just have a lot of experience in the area," said Taylor.
"It's more than that. Much more." She moved closer so they were face to face. "You're like no other officer I've ever served with. Or served under." Her hand started to caress his arm. "I can understand now why all the women around you have fallen for you. Sophie... Susan... Jennifer... how did Jennifer ever resist your charms, Captain?"
Taylor felt a familiar tingle go up and down his back. All she was doing was touching his arm, his clothed arm, but her attraction was powerful and real and she was mere inches away from him all alone in his quarters. Anything could happen, if he allowed it. Anything at all.
"Jennifer... I often thought there could be something between us. But... she was married," said Taylor. Not really, he added mentally.
"A pity," said Jessica. "Jennifer told me how attracted she was to you." Her hand moved lower, caressing his own.
"Really?" Taylor was getting extremely excited now.
"Really," she smiled. She studied him, seeing the effect she was having on him. "If only we could have a chance together." And then she leaned forward and kissed him gently on the lips.
Taylor felt like he was being propelled through time and space.
And then Jessica nodded and smiled and said, "Good night, Captain. Sweet dreams."
When Taylor took over the watch from Jessica the following morning, he said, "Anything to report?"
"Nothing out of the ordinary. The Dimeter is on its way to Starbase Bravo, as is the Corsair we captured, under the command of marine Lieutenant Neely, who has custody of the captured pirates. All ship systems are operating within normal parameters, and we are back on course to Space Station Zebra."
"Very good, Commander," said Taylor.
Jessica yawned and stretched her arms, causing her heavy melons to stick out even further.
"A little. I'm going to nap, eat, and may go swimming later, around 1200. Want to come?"
"I'm not much of a swimmer."
"Suit yourself, Captain." She gave him a little smile and left.
When Taylor handed over his watch to Chief Stoneheld he checked the chrono. It was 1200 hours.
Why not go for a little swim?
He knew it was wrong. He knew he shouldn't go. And yet he found himself racing back to his quarters and changing into his black, baggy swimshorts. Then he went to the swimming pool.
Most Survey Service warships didn't have swimming pools, but most warships weren't super dreadnoughts. With a crew of 534, the Immortal needed to have more areas for rest and recreation than ordinary ships and so had a pool, four gaming courts, and numerous gyms and meeting areas. The zero g pool was a giant transparent cube of water suspended in mid air, hovering right above the giant gravity suppressors. Only a handful of crewmen were swimming at mid-day but a number of them were laying on reclining chairs basking in the artificial sunlight.
Taylor saw Jessica doing the breast stroke. Her arms and legs moved elegantly as if she was born to live in water, each stroke even and measured and fully synchronized and under control. That's what he liked about her, that she was a perfectionist just like him, who took pride in everything she did,whether it was filling out a progress report or throwing an opponent in Hi-Ya, or swimming across a zero G pool of water.
When she reached the end of the floating cube she turned around and did another lap. She must have seen him because she stopped midway and emerged from the bottom of the cube, tentatively touching the surface around the cube where gravity still held sway.
She rubbed her luxurious black hair with a towel. "Captain. So nice to see you here," she said, smiling at him.
Taylor looked at her. Jessica wasn't wearing a regulation bathing suit. The one piece she had chosen revealed more of her breasts than it hid. For the first time Taylor could see her big, heavy melons and realized how incredibly pleasurable it would be to watch them jiggle while he made love to her. Father down the tight material grabbed her groin tightly, only highlighting the tight v shaped treasure contained between her legs. At that moment she looked so fuckable, so sexy, and Taylor realized how badly he wanted her.
She turned around, dabbing her back with a towel while inadvertently showing him her firm, round ass sticking out of her slender swimwear before turning back to face him.
"Did you have a nice watch?" she asked.
"Um hm," said Taylor, trying hard not to stare at her breasts or her ass.
"Come, swim with me."
"Oh, I don't think so."
"Then why are you wearing a bathing suit?"
"I... uh... I just want to relax in a recliner."
"May I join you?"
The next hour passed like a dream. Taylor was talking and laughing with his extremely attractive first officer dressed in a skintight bathing suit. He didn't remember what they talked about, only that Jessica was extremely flirtatious. And that smile! She wanted him. Taylor didn't care if the crew saw. He didn't care about anything.
It was Jessica, not Taylor, who made her goodbyes, saying she had some matters to attend to. Taylor waited a few moments and then left as well. He went back to his quarters and changed back into his uniform. His encounter with Jessica had left him enormous aroused, enormously unfulfilled. He had a need which needed completing, and he needed it badly.
Somehow he found himself at Sophie's quarters. He buzzed and she let him in.
"Sophie," said Taylor.
"Michael," she said.
"I love you," said Taylor.
"I love you too," she repeated.
He sat down on her couch and started to stroke her arm.
"No," she said, pulling back.
Taylor was incredibly frustrated. "Sophie... isn't it enough that I love you?"
"No," said Sophie. "If I can't have you always, I don't want you at all." To his surprise Taylor saw tears in her eyes.
"Sophie... I want you!" said Taylor.
"Michael you... you should leave now," she said, wiping away a tear.
Taylor got up, looking very conflicted. He left without saying a further word.
That evening Taylor was sitting in his quarters, trying to calm himself by listening to classical music. It wasn't working. He couldn't get her out of his mind. And by her he meant Jessica. Her smile. her flirtatious ways. The way she openly lusted after him. She was there for the taking! Why didn't he take her?
There was a buzz at his door. "Come."
It was Jessica. She came in without saying a word. She stood there for a long moment, seemingly evaluating him. She was wearing a non regulation shirt, one which had a zipper in the middle. She opened the zipper. She wasn't wearing a breast control collar. Her breasts were perfectly round, like ripe melons. Her areolas were big and red.
She took a step towards him. He took a step towards her. They met in the middle of the room.
And then they kissed.
"Ooooooh!" Taylor moaned. They were both completely nude, their bodies slithering around like snakes completely infatuated with each other. Jessica's smooth lean legs rubbed against his own. He felt his chest pressed against her heavy breasts. His penis rubbed against her dark pubic triangle.
"This is wrong," said Taylor, as he kissed her. "This is so very wrong."
"How can it be wrong when it feels so right?" said Jessica. She strategically moved up and down, rubbing her scratchy pubic hair against the head of his penis, making him groan. "Jennifer said you were so sexy... so very hot," she whispered.
A part of Taylor knew that was wrong, wrong wrong wrong, that Jennifer had never really been attracted to him, that it had been all one sided on his part, but in his mind his attraction to Jessica had neatly supplanted his attraction to Jennifer.
Jessica flipped so that she was on bottom and Taylor was on top. She grabbed the head of his penis and started to rub it against his cuntlips.
"Oh!" Taylor groaned. "I've wanted you for so long!"
"You have?" Jessica looked pleased.
"You and your sexy miniskirts. Your sexy smiles. The way you rubbed against me. None of that could have been an accident."
"Of course not, Honey. I was trying to seduce you," she grinned, as she worked the head of his penis up and down along her thick, juicy cuntlips. "Make love to me, Michael," she said.
"I... I don't know." Taylor felt his resolve rapidly vanishing. "Regulations-"
"Just for a minute! Just slip it in for a minute, to see if you like it! No one has to know!"
There was no way that he could slip his penis inside her for just a minute, but Taylor was rapidly falling under her spell.
"Do it. Do it, lover," she commanded. "I'll do whatever you want. I'll resign my commission. I'll have your babies."
I'll have your babies.
Hearing an extremely fuckable woman utter those words aroused Taylor without end. His brain short-circuited. All his common sense fled.
Jessica, somehow sensing the battle won, spread her legs and lifted her knees. Her labial lips were already dilated and parting, revealing her mysterious dark hole of love, ready and eager for the plundering. She offered him her cunt, and he no longer had the power to resist.
Taylor gasped as he plunged into her like a swimming diving into water. Only the temperature was hot rather than cold, hot, warm... and very tight. He gasped as he started to instinctively plunge into Jessica, in and out, in and out.
"That's it. That's a good boy," said Jessica, holding on to him. "Fuck my pussy, that's right, fuck me hard!"
"Oh Jessica you feel so good!" said Taylor.
"Did you always imagine it would be this way? Did you imagine fucking me when you eye raped my miniskirt off of me every day?"
"Yes!" Taylor cried. The way her insides stimulated the head of his penis was incredible. "I wanted you so badly!"
"And I wanted you," said Jessica. "When Kelly told me what a good fuck you were, I knew I had to try you for myself."
Taylor barely paused midthrust. "You... you knew I...."
"Had sex with my middle sister? Yes!" said Jessica. Her eyes narrowed. "And you fucked my Mom as well!"
"It wasn't my fault," said Taylor, as he continued to thrust into her. "It was an alien influence. It made your sister and your Mom-"
"Relax, loverboy. I know the full story," said Jessica. "If I were angry with you, I'd hardly be letting you fuck me blind, would I?"
"No," said Taylor.
"Now fuck me hard, Michael!" said Jessica. "Fuck me like this is the pinnacle of your career!"
Taylor obeyed. He moved in and out of her rapidly, making her breasts jiggle furiously. Jessica's breasts weren't as firm as Sophie's nuclear tipped ones but were still a pleasure to watch. As he climaxed, so did Jessica, crying out as he did as he filled her with his sperm.
For the first time in weeks Taylor felt he could think clearly again. All the sexual tension which had been built up was resolved.
Jessica kissed him gently. "Thank you. You were fabulous."
"You too," said Taylor. "But Jessica... we really shouldn't do this again."
"Maybe you're right," said Jessica, smiling.