Chapter 02.1

[The Survey Service makes contact with the alien species known as Gnip Gnops]

"I am Pralor," said the first holoimage. "And these are First Rinald, Second Rinald, and...."

"He is third Rinald," said First Rinald.

"Yes, that is right," said Pralor.

They were traveling parallel to the alien asteroid and had established communications via holo.

"I am Captain Michael Taylor of the USS Immortal," said Taylor.

Pralor laughed. "What a long name!"

"You can call me Captain... or Michael," said Taylor.

"Very well, Captain or Michael!" said Pralor.

"Gnip!" said First Rinald.

"Gnop!" said Third Rinald.

The Gnip Gnops were all big, heavyset men with very thick, fuzzy beards that went down to their chests. They had giant eyebrows and dark tattoos all over their faces and arms. They looked humanoid, but not quite human.

"I am Ambassador Sophie Astor," said Sophie. "I-"

"And I am First Officer Jessica Hale," said Jessica. "It is a pleasure to meet you."

"Pleasure!" said Pralor.

"Gnip!" said Third Rinald.

"Gnop!" said First Rinald. And then they all laughed.

"We want to establish peaceful relations with you," said Jessica. "But first we have many questions. How did your asteroid get here?"


"How does it move?"


"How do you maintain an atmosphere over such a small low gravity area?"

"Gnip Gnop!" said Pralor. The others laughed. Then he said, "Captain or Michael. You let your women talk for you! Are they in charge?"

Yes, Jessica thought smugly.

"They are my officers and representatives of the Survey Service and the World Government," said Taylor.

"That's a lot of words!" said Pralor. The others laughed again.

"They speak for me," said Taylor.

"What else do they do for you?" Pralor asked.


"These women... are they all yours?" Pralor asked.

"None of these women are mine, strictly speaking," said Taylor.

"None of them? What kind of man are you?" Pralor asked. All the Rinalds laughed. "Tell it true: you have never had either of them?"

Taylor bit his lip. Of course he had. One of them as recently as a few hours ago! His penis was still red and sore from when he had pounded Jessica's pussy. "That's not what we're here to talk about."

"I have many women," Pralor said, as if Taylor hadn't spoken. "But none as exotic and fair as these. How did you get them?"

"Jessica Hale is an officer in the Survey Service. Sophie Astor works for the Foreign Service."

"And they gave them to you... for gnip gnop?"

"I... I don't understand."

"Gnip. Gnip gnop," said Pralor. "Forgive us, your language is still new to us. Come, Captain, come to our homeplace. Bring your exotic women with you."

"I'd like that," said Taylor, feeling a bit uneasy.

"We await your arrival," said Pralor. "Gnip!"

And his image faded.

"You will not be going down to the planet," said Jessica. She was looking intently in Taylor's holomirror, adjusting her collar a bit critically. "Do you think they're even?"

"They invited me down to the planet."

"You're not going."

"I'm the Captain, I have to-"

She silenced him with a stare. She pressed a slender finger against his chest. "You are not going. The landing party will be me, Sophie, and Susan Cleary."

"Susan? Why Susan?"

"Because that's the way it has to be," she said. "I was told this in my Future Prediction. I would lead the landing party, and Susan and Sophie would be on it." She stabbed him gently with her finger. "You... weren't... in the prediction... so you... don't... get to go."

"Jessica, try to listen to reason. They are an alien race we know nothing about. They seem to have an obsession with women."

"I know. Hopefully they'll be thinking with their cocks as much as you do," she said. She pulled down on her dayshirt and smiled. "How do I look?"

"You're not listening!"

"Of course I am. I'll be armed." She took her mini compression pistol out of her holster. "And I'll have two space marines with me. I'll be perfectly safe. I have to be. This mission has already been predicted to be a smashing success, for all of us. Well, for me at least," she grinned, winking at him.

Taylor caught up with Sophie on the hanger deck right before she boarded the shuttle. "Sophie, be careful," said Taylor.

"I will," she said.

"I have a bad feeling about this," said Taylor.

"Jessica claims the mission will be successful," said Sophie.

"But who knows how success is to be defined," said Taylor. He kissed her cheek. "Be careful."

She stared at him with dark eyes. "You already said that."

"I know. I'm saying it again."

Sophie gave him a small smile, and then stepped into the shuttle.

Susan Cleary quick-walked to the shuttle. She would have gone right past Taylor he had allowed it. "Susan, a minute."

"I have to board the shuttle, sir," she said.

Taylor sensed the tension between them. They had been close confidants, once. But she had become alienated from him because of his submissive behavior. Still, he had to try to save her. "Susan, listen, Sophie has to go on this mission. But you don't. You don't have to go if you don't want to."

She gave him an unreadable look, and said, "I can handle myself, Captain." She saw the unhappiness on his face. "Really, sir. I can handle this."

Taylor nodded unconvincingly. He watched her step into the shuttle, and then it flew out of Bay 2.

Taylor sat on the bridge impatiently, tapping the floor with his foot. He kept checking his chrono. One hour passed, and no word from the team. He resisted the impulse to comm them. The other crew picked up on his concern.

"No signals?" Taylor asked Mushy.

"Not a word, Sir," she said. "Would you like me to hail them?"

"Not yet." If he called too soon, Jessica could get irritated.

Finally, when two hours had passed, Taylor said, "All right. Call them."

Jessica landed the shuttle on a green field right next to the entrance to an enormous cavern. As they stepped out of the shuttle, she squinted at the bright sunlight and blue sky.

There were no stars for many light years. How could there be a sun in the sky?

"Incredible," said Jessica. "It must be some kind of artificial environment. I've never seen anything like it."

"Holographic?" Susan asked.

"No. I feel the warmth of the sun," said Jessica, putting her hand out.

"And the gravity is nearly earth normal," said Sophie. "It should be ten percent of that. An incredible piece of planetary engineering."

"What is that?" Susan pointed to the cave entrance. It was huge; the ceiling of the cave was at least a half mile high. The cave looked big enough to park a spaceship inside of.

They slowly made their way to the cave. The ground and walls were teaming with vegetation of all colors, of kinds they had never seen before. The cave went on as far as the eye could see; at the other end was an enormously bright white light which provided illumination. It was as if they were walking towards the sun. As they walked further, they saw the Gnip Gnops, apparently waiting for them.

"Let me do the talking," said Jessica.

"I was the one sent to negotiate with them," said Sophie.

"But I think you'll be very, very quiet, dear, and let me do the talking, if you still care at all about your precious Michael." She gave Sophie a withering glance.

Jessica, Sophie, and Susan walked to the Gnip Gnops, flanked by their two marine guards.

"Greetings," said Jessica. "I am Jessica Hale."

"First Officer Jessica Hale," said Pralor. "Ambassador Sophie Astor. And who is the pretty one with the fiery hair?"

Susan blushed.

"This is Lieutenant Commander Susan Cleary," said Jessica. She turned to their marine guards. "And there are-"

"Unimportant," said Pralor, waving a hand dismissively.

"Yes, well, we have come to get to know you," said Jessica.

"Gnip!" said one of them excitedly.

"Gnop!" said another.

"We would like to get to know you as well, First Officer Jessica Hale," said Pralor.

"I'm pleased," Jessica smiled.



"Please begin by removing your clothing," said Pralor.

"What?" said Jessica.

"Your clothing, remove it. All three of you females," said Pralor. "You are all females, are you not?"

"Well, yes," said Jessica.

"Then remove your clothing," said Pralor. He saw their reactions. "Do you have a better word for what I am asking?"

"Inappropriate," said Sophie.

"Indecent," said Susan.

"Please, then, be inappropriate and indecent," said Pralor.

"No way!" said Susan, planting her feet wide on the ground.

"I'm afraid I must insist," said Pralor.

"Why?" Jessica asked. "Why do you want us to remove our clothing?"

"We want to see your bodies. We have many questions. Foremost among them is: we want to know if you have holes large enough and deep enough for our Nub Nubs to comfortably fit inside of."

"What?" said Susan, her eyes going wide.

"Please remove your clothes. Please be inappropriate and indecent with us."

Jessica drew her mini compression pistol. Pralor rotated his hand, and the pistol went flying out of her hand into his own. He aimed it curiously. "What does this do?" He fired, and a beam of compressed energy shot past Susan's shoulder.


"Gnip Gnop!"

"I think we should be returning to our ship," said Sophie, taking a step backwards.

"But we haven't seen your holes," said Pralor. "You have yet to be inappropriate and indecent with us!"

"Marines!" Jessica barked.

Their marine escorts raised their compression rifles. But Pralor raised his hand and they froze. They all froze.

One of the Gnips curiously walked up to the marines, took his compression rifle from his hands, stared down the sights of it, and threw it away. Another Gnip drew a curved sword from his belt. He stared at a marine in the eyes, they swept the sword in a mighty swing, chopping off his head.

"No!" Jessica screamed.

The Gnip swung his sword again, decapitating the other marine.

"No! It's not supposed to happen this way!" she cried. She could speak, but otherwise couldn't move a muscle.

Pralor and some of the Gnips approached the women and stared at them closely. Curious fingers ran over their breasts and their pubises.

"It will be difficult to analyze them with all these layers," said one of them.

"Agreed," said Pralor. He twisted his hand again, and suddenly Jessica, Sophie, and Susan were completely naked!

How could they do that? Sophie wondered. They appeared to have the powers of telekinesis and the transmutation of objects!

"Now you are most inappropriate and indecent, if I am using the terms correctly," said Pralor approvingly, staring at Sophie's nuclear tipped breasts and dark pubic triangle lustfully.

"Gnip!" said one of the aliens, poking Sophie's breasts.

"Gnop!" said another, probing her vagina.

"What are you looking for?" Sophie asked, as she felt a finger penetrating her.


"We wish to know if our Nub Nubs can fit inside of you," said Pralor.

"For what purpose?" Sophie asked, as the finger moved experimentally back and forth inside her cunthole.

"Gnip," said Pralor.


"Gnop," said Pralor.


"Gnip Gnop!" said Pralor. "Who wishes to be Gnipped first?"

"Not me!" said Jessica, wide eyed.

Their attention seemed to focus on Susan, the youngest of the three. "This one seems most suitable for Gnip," said one of them.

"No!" Susan shrieked, as fingers probed her vagina.

"Take me!" said Sophie.

"What?" said Pralor.

"Take me!" said Sophie. "I... I will gnip with you."

"Gnip?" said one of them, a First Rinald.

"Gnop!" said Sophie.

Suddenly she was free to move, and the First Rinald was entirely naked. Just like that. He had so much hair that his body looked like a bear. And between his legs jutted an enormous penis, much thicker than a regular human's. Presumably that was his Nub Nub!

"I don't know if that can fit inside me," said Sophie fearfully.

"That is what you are here to find out, is it not?" Pralor asked.

The First Rinald pulled Sophie to the ground in a surprisingly gentle way. Then he got on top of her and started slobbering her with wet kisses, almost like a dog.

"Gnip?" he said, between kisses.

"Gnop," said Sophie, raising a single eyebrow.

The First Rinald started to get more and more worked up as he humped one of Sophie's legs. He started panting heavily and his organ got stiffer. Finally he lifted himself up and aimed his penis at Sophie's vagina. It looked the size of a thick sausage. He started to move it inside her.

"Slowly! Do it slowly!" she gasped.

The First Rinald seemed to understand her and slowed down. He moved into her bit by bit, inch by inch. Sophie gasped as she felt herself being entered. She felt her vagina spreading to accommodate him. He was big, so very big!

And finally he slid all the way inside her. The First Rinald grinned, and started moving back and forth. As Sophie adjusted to his size, she found she could bear him better.

"Ah, ah, ah, ah," the Rinald gasped.

"Sophie!" Susan cried. "Are you all right?"

"Apparently," said Sophie.

"What's happening?"

"I am being penetrated by a phallus which I estimate is eight or perhaps nine inches in length," said Sophie, watching the rod going in and out of her hairy cuntlips. "It is perhaps two inches in width, and has the consistency of a frozen sausage." She looked up at the Gnip who was penetrating her. The subject penetrating me seems to be experiencing intense sexual arousal. His eyes have widened and he is gasping at regular intervals. I think this is the Gnip Gnop equivalent of sexual intercourse, which curiously enough does not seem to require much cooperation or interest on the part of their partners."

"Sophie, how can you be so analytical at a time like this?" Susan asked.

Sophie shrugged, as the meaty penis continued to plow between her cuntlips. "I'm trained as a Passive Observer. And so I observe." She watched as the alien cockmeat plowed roughly in and out of her cunt. It seemed to have a mean velocity of perhaps two inches a second, though Sophie would have preferred to have measuring equipment to be certain.

"Thank you so much for doing this for me! I'll never forget it!" Susan shot Sophie a look of pure gratitude.

"We're the Survey Service," Sophie gasped. "We protect our own," she said, momentarily forgetting that she was no longer in the Survey Service.

Pralor and the Gnips watched excitedly. "Is it a fit? Is it a good fit?" he asked the First Rinald.

"A very good fit," said the Rinald. "Her hole rubs my Nub Nubs very tightly!" he grinned.

The aliens cheered even as the Rinald continued to fuck her.

"Gnip!" "Gnip!" "Gnop!" "Gnip gnip gnop!" they cried.

The Rinald poled faster and faster inside of Sophie's prone body. Jessica marveled how firm her nuclear tipped breasts were, bouncing remarkably little as the Rinald pounded her pussy. Sophie saw Jessica staring at her. "Was this a part of your plan?" she asked.

"I... I don't know," said Jessica, making a face.

"You can be sure if Captain Taylor were here this wouldn't be happening," said Sophie, as the Rinald deeply penetrated her with his enormous Gnip Gnop penis.

"What can Taylor do? He's just a man."

"You obviously never knew him," said Sophie dismissively. "Excuse me, but I think my partner is orgasming. I must observe this closely."

The First Rinald grunted and cried out. He pulled out of her, and his penis sprayed like a fire hose, shooting green liquid over her belly and tits. Sophie looked down and mentally tried to calculate the Rinald's fluid volume he had ejaculated on her. It seemed an inordinate amount. Then she saw his enormous testicles and realized it made more sense to her. She made a mental note to write a report of it for the Scientific Branch after they were rescued.

"Very good!" said Pralor. "We are compatible! We will take more of your women. Can you arrange this?"

"No!" said Sophie emphatically, wiping some of the sperm off her belly.

"So, we should be talking to Captain or Michael instead, is that correct?"

"Gnip!" said a Second Rinald.

The Second Rinald helped Sophie to her feet. She tried to wipe off some of the green goo from her heavy tits, but it was very sticky.

"We should make use of all of them," said one of the Rinalds.

"Yes," said Pralor. "But first access to them must be properly regulated. They must be given cuntlocks."

"Cuntlocks, yes!" said one of the Rinalds.

A Rinald approached each of the women. "What are you doing?" Sophie cried, as she felt a small device being applied to the back of her neck.

"I am gnip gnop," the Rinald explained.

Sophie felt a heat on the back of her neck. She tried to move but was once again frozen. The Rinald smiled as a virtual keypad appeared on the back of her neck. Then he took the device and pressed it to her vagina. Sophie felt the heat of it there as well.

"What are they doing to us?" Susan cried, as she felt the device pressed to her cuntlips as well.

"You must all be given cuntlocks. To present unauthorized usage," Pralor explained.

The Rinalds spun the women around again, and pressed the virtual keypads on the back of their necks. They babbled incoherently in their language, as if announcing different combinations. When they were done they reached down and caressed each of their cunt lips.

The women were surprised to learn that their vaginal lips were sealed, sealed tight.

"What have you done to us?" Sophie cried.

"We have given you cuntlocks. All respectable females have them," said Pralor.

"What is their purpose?" Sophie asked.

"To prevent unauthorized usage. Now that you belong to us, it is for us to decide who will gnip with you."

"We do not belong to you," said Sophie.

"You came here to give yourselves to us, to further relations you said, didn't you?"

"No," said Sophie. "We came to negotiate, not to give you our bodies!"

"I don't understand," said Pralor. "You are females. What other purpose could you have, other than Gnip?"



"You will all be used now," Pralor announced.

Each one of the women were paired with a Rinald. The Rinalds hugged and kissed them but obviously Susan, Sophie, and Jessica were not participating. This seemed to trouble the Rinalds who said something unintelligible.

"Monkey," said Pralor.

"Monkey!" said one of the Rinalds.

"Monkey Monkey!" said one of the others excitedly.

Each one of their partners put their hands to their heads. Sophie's partner stared deeply into her eyes while his hands wrapped around her head.

"Monkey, monkey," he said.

Sophie felt vibrations entering her head.

"Monkey, monkey," Sophie repeated.

The Rinald grinned.

"Monkey, monkey!"

"Monkey, monkey, who's got the monkey!" Sophie cried.

To her side, Susan was also wide-eyed as she said, "Monkey, monkey, where has it gone!"

Suddenly, all three women were tremendously aroused. They started to kiss and hug the Rinalds frantically. They felt a tremendous tension in their clitorises which desperately needed easing. The Rinalds kissed and hugged them back, pleased by this new attitude.

But when they moved lower to penetrate them, they found their vaginas were sealed.

"Gnip!" said Sophie's partner. He started to move the head of his sausage-like penis in a pattern over her labia, up, down, left, right, left, left, left.

"Gnop!" said Susan's partner, who was moving his penis over her own sealed up vagina, but in a different pattern.

Jessica's partner was doing much the same. They were moving their penises in different pattern, as if searching for a specific combination.

It was Sophie's partner who found it first. "Gnip Gnop!" he cried victoriously, as Sophie's vaginal lips parted for him. He was almost hysterical as he sunk his penis deep inside her. Sophie groaned with pleasure as she was deeply lost in sexual need. She wrapped her legs around the Gnip to ensure he penetrated her more deeply.

Jessica's partner was the next one to find the proper combination, and Jessica's cuntlips parted to permit herself to be fucked. Jessica was just as welcoming as Sophie, spreading her legs and hugging her lovemaking Gnip tightly, as she felt the monkey on her back too.

Only Susan's partner couldn't figure out the right combination. Try as he might, moving his penis in various combinations up, down, left, and right, he couldn't manage to unlock the secret of her vagina. Finally after arguing in their alien language, he roughly turned Susan around and pressed a series of keys on the holographic character pad on the back of her neck. Susan gasped as she felt her vaginal lips suddenly parting. Her partner grinned and swiftly turned her about and entered her.

Susan gasped as she was roughly used. They all did. "I've got a monkey on my back!" she cried. She didn't know what it meant, only that she was deep in sexual need.

"Monkey monkey, who's got the monkey?" Jessica cried, as the Rinald pounded her pussy.

"Monkey monkey, where has it gone?" Susan cried, as the thick, meaty alien penis entered her deeply.

Sophie turned her head to face Jessica who was lying side by side with her. "Is this the wonderful future you predicted for all of us?" she snarled. "The future where we become sex slaves for aliens and get fucked?"

"No! It can't be!" Jessica cried, even as a large sausage like penis plowed into her cunt. "I was promised the most important job opportunity of a lifetime!"

"Well, I don't think this is it!" Sophie cried.

"Captain or Michael," said the holoimage of Pralor, which appeared in the control room. "Greetings."

"Greetings," said Taylor. "I have not heard back from my landing party. Can you tell me how they are doing?"

"They are most fine."

"What are they doing now?"




"Gnop." Taylor frowned. "Can I speak to them?"

"Of course."

The holoimage shifted to show the three women, lying on their backs, while the Rinalds were fucking them.

"Sophie!" Taylor cried.

Sophie turned her head to face him. "Captain."

"What happened?"

Sophie spoke as calmly as she could while she was being fucked, her heavy breasts jostling ever so slightly with each pounding of her pussy. "We have been taken captive by the Gnip Gnops, who are using us for their sexual pleasure. Apparently they feel that we were sent here to pleasure them sexually, and that we now belong to them." She said it in a calm, matter of factly voice even as a Gnip Gnop thrust deeply in and out of her tight, slick love hole.

"What about the marines I sent?" Taylor asked.

"The marines are dead," said Sophie. "They can freeze people at will. They seem to have a telekinetic ability that we cannot cope with, Captain."

"Sophie, I'm coming to get you, to get you all!"

"Unadvisable," said Sophie, as her body jolted again from the Gnip Gnop who had mounted her. "You cannot cope with their powers. The logical thing to do is to abandon us and return to Space Station Zebra."

"We're the Survey Service, we won't leave you behind!" Mushy cried. At that moment Taylor felt immensely proud of her.

The holoinage shifted back to Pralor.

"Pralor, I want our women released immediately," said Taylor.

"Why? We have accepted them as the gifts you freely gave us, to Gnip our Nub Nubs so we can Gnop inside of them."

Taylor's face clouded. "They were not intended as gifts."

"Then why did you send them to us?"

"As negotiators."

Pralor laughed. "They are females! What other purpose could they have than serving as Gnips for our Nub Nubs to Gnop?"

Taylor's eyes narrowed. "They are officers of the United Survey Service and the World Government. They are my responsibility. You will return them immediately, or face the consequences."

The bridge crew was shocked. The meek, mild, beta male Captain, the one who had allowed himself to be repeatedly humiliated and dominated for the past two weeks, was gone. In his place was the Captain they had always known, the strong leader who would not be cowed by anyone. Eric Penfold smiled and John Galloway silently mouthed, "Yeah!"

Pralor shrugged. "If you want your females, Captain, you may come and get them. If you are strong enough."

His holoimage faded.

"I'm ready to launch an entire platoon of marines to rescue them," said Major Kearny.

"I'm sure you are, Major," said Taylor. "But how will you deal with aliens who have the ability to freeze people with their minds?"

"We'll try to take them by surprise."

"All of them?" said Taylor.

"Sir, we could threaten to destroy their asteroid," said Lieutenant Penfold. "Such threats have worked against the Ramadans."

"These are not cowardly pirates in a small Corsair. They are aliens, and we don't understand what motivates them," said Taylor.

"So... if we can't take them by force... what can we do?" Chief Stoneheld.

"The only alternative I can see is to go down to the planet and negotiate for their release," said Taylor.

"They don't seem to be in a very negotiating mood," said Stoneheld. "They may just kill you like they did Major Kearny's men.

"That's a risk I'll have to take, Chief."

"You? Alone?"

"That's right," said Taylor. "I'll be going down alone."

The crew exchanged glances. "Sir, we've just lost the first officer, and the second officer, and our ambassador. We can't afford to lose you," said Stoneheld.

"And you won't," said Taylor.

"How do you know?"

"I just do," said Taylor. And somehow, he did. Perhaps it was some aspect of his screaning ability he was unaware of. But somehow he just knew that he would be able to rescue them. He couldn't explain how or why in words.

He just knew.

Taylor landed his shuttle right next to Jessica's. When he emerged, he calmly walked into the giant cave. He saw Pralor and the Gnip Gnops. He saw Sophie, Jessica, and Susan still busy being fucked. They were already on their third set of partners, and their breasts and bellies and even their hair was splattered with green cum. The conditioning which had been done to them had gradually been reduced in intensity, so that they could merely enjoy sex without being wildly in need of it.

Susan's eyes grew wide as she saw Captain Taylor, all alone, coming to rescue them. "Captain!" she cried. "Look, it's Captain Taylor! He's come to rescue us!"

"I always knew he would," said Sophie calmly, even as her latest sex partner continued to penetrate her.

Taylor approached Pralor and said two words, very calmly. "Stop that."

Pralor looked at him and frowned as if seeing him for the first time. He gave a shrill whistle an spoke in an alien language. The Rinalds who were fucking Susan and Sophie pulled out but the one fucking Jessica kept going.

Pralor yelled at him again and he reluctantly pulled out.

"Cuntlock!" Pralor yelled.

"Cuntlock!" yelled one Rinald as he rapidly ran a complex pattern across Sophie's vagina, sealing it up.

"Cuntlock!" went another, as he did the same to Jessica.

"Cuntlock!" said the third, as he turned Susan around and rapidly pressed keys on the virtual keypad on the back of her neck.

"Cuntlock," said Pralor, smiling broadly.

The three Rinalds got up and approached Taylor. They looked like big, furry bears.

But Taylor was not intimidated. "I want my women back."

Pralor looked amused. "So, they are your women after all, aren't they, Captain or Michael?"

"Yes," said Taylor.

"You have used all of them?"

"At one time or another," said Taylor, with a straight face.

"I thought so." Pralor looked satisfied. "Tell me, which one gave you the most pleasure? That one, with the firm Gnips?" He pointed at Sophie. "Or that one, who tries to be a man?" He pointed at Jessica. "Or the young one, the one with the firmest flesh?" He pointed at Susan.

Taylor felt their eyes on him. "They all have their qualities," he said carefully.

"Ah, a man after my own gnip, a man who enjoys variety. I see now we have much in common, Captain or Michael."

"I'm glad we've established a rapport," said Taylor.

"A what?"

"A... never mind. I want my women back."

"Of course! They are yours! All you had to do was to ask."

"Really?" said Taylor.

"Yes. Simply ask, and they are yours," said Pralor. "Of course, first you must defeat each of their new masters, but I am sure a man of your quality will not find that any trouble."

"Of course," said Taylor, eyeing the towering gnips.

"Captain, watch out, they can freeze you!" Susan cried. "Don't fight for us! Leave while you can!"

"Susan, you're my crewman and you're coming back with me. End of discussion," said Taylor sternly. He turned to the gnips. "All right, who wants to fight first??"

"I do," said one of them, giving a wicked smile. He happened to be the one who had been fucking Susan just seconds earlier.

"All right, let's begin," said Taylor. He drew his compression pistol.

The Gnip smiled and raised a finger. Taylor froze. The gnip drew his curved sword.

"No!" Susan cried. "Captain! Captain!"

The Gnip casually walked over to Taylor and smiled. He raised his sword, and leisurely held it at the level of his neck.

"No!" Sophie cried.

The Gnip swung-

And Taylor wasn't there. He pivoted around the Gnip, and elbowed him in the ribs.

"Captain or Michael, how did you do that?" Pralor asked.

"Standard Survey Service training," said Taylor. He aimed his compression pistol at the Gnip and fired, but the Gnip was quicker, dodging under his beam and knocking his gun from his hand.

The Gnip grinned wickedly, waving his sword.

Taylor smiled back.

"Michael, be careful!" Sophie cried.

"He's fighting for me! He shouldn't be doing this!" Susan cried.

"He's doing his job," said Sophie sternly.

"Yes he is," Jessica agreed, seeing him in a new light.

Taylor dodged a sword thrust, then another, and another. He screaned the Gnip continually. Somehow that seemed to help him sense his opponent's next move. It was as if he could see a split second ahead in time. He ducked under the blade and punched the Gnip in the belly. He heard a thump but otherwise it had no affect on him.

Taylor focused all his energy on his right hand. At critical times in his life he had done this. On the planet where he had assumed the role of a God, he had actually caught a sword blade with his hand, and lifted up an opponent in the air by his throat. He hadn't known how he had done such a thing, only that he had. And now he focused all his energies again.....

The Gnip stared at Taylor hungrily and growled. He had enjoyed fucking Susan's tight pussy and didn't want to give the redheaded cutie up. He thought he had figured out where Taylor would dodge on his next attack and he adjusted accordingly, feinting one way and slashing another.

But Taylor was totally prepared for his move, as if the Gnip was moving in slow motion. He pivoted to the side of the Gnip and hit him with an open palm. The strength of the open palm was tremendous, sending the Gnip flying twenty feet through the air. When he landed, he didn't move.

Susan gasped. What had she just witnessed?

Taylor, breathing heavily, turned to Pralor.

"She is yours," said Pralor simply.

Susan came running up to Taylor. She embraced him in a tight hug. She was totally nude and covered in sticky green alien sperm but it didn't matter. "You saved me! Captain, I owe you my life!"

"Standard Survey Service service, Ma'am!" said Taylor, feeling very pleased with himself.

She kissed him hard on the lips. "Oh, I love you so much!"

"I love you too, Susan! Now get to the shuttle!"

"I want to stay!"

"Susan, get to the shuttle. That's an order," said Taylor. "If I don't return in ten minutes, leave immediately."



"Yes sir!" She saluted him, her green covered titties proudly erect. Then she left at a run.

"Who's next?" Taylor turned to the next Gnip.

The Gnip stared at his companion who Taylor had defeated, the companion who still was not moving, and saw the look in Taylor's eyes, and shook his head, stepping back.

"She is yours," said Pralor.

"Which one?" Taylor asked.

He found out shortly as Jessica was allowed to walk freely. "Captain, I don't know what to say," she said, feeling a mix of emotions.

"Better not to say anything," said Taylor. "Get to the shuttle. Blast off if I'm not back in five."



"Aye sir," said Jessica. She grabbed her clothes and turned and left. But she didn't go far, hiding behind a boulder just a few dozen feet away.

"And that leaves one," said Taylor, staring at the last Gnip standing by Pralor.

"Not this one, Captain or Michael," Pralor grinned. "Gnip! Gnip Gnip Gnop!"

The crowd of Gnips parted and an enormous Gnip stepped forward. He must have been seven feet tall and pure muscle.

"This is what you want me to fight?" Taylor asked.

"This is what you must kill," said Pralor.
Next page: Chapter 02.2
Previous page: Chapter 01.3