Chapter 02.2

She leaned closer to him, showing off her Wisdoms. "All I know is that we have an Emperor now who is young and virile. If I have the Emperor's favor, all the better." She pulled her arm free of him.

"You're a fool," said Magister.

Back in the Grand Dining Hall, Peine the Wizard had a different serving girl, Tawna, on her lap. "Taste it," he smiled.

Tawna looked uncertainly at the black goo on Peine's hand.

"Go on," he said.

Tawna scooped some up and put it in her mouth. "Ummm," she said.

"Everything tastes better with Power," said Peine. "Repeat."

Tawna's eyes started to become glassy. "Everything tastes better with Power."

"Again," said Peine, fondling her Wisdoms.

"Everything tastes better with Power." Her mind was rapidly becoming clouded.

Along a side wall, Zebrah and Dog Man stood, watching Cunha and his men cuddle with different women.

Dog Man looked at Zebrah. "Aren't you going to get yourself some fun?"

Zebrah was like a block of stone. She might have well been a statue made of white granite. "No."

"Well, I am," said Dog Man. He wagged his tail and purposefully bumped into Simcha, one of the serving girls.

"Hey!" Simcha cried. "You almost made me drop this," she said accusingly, as she carefully put down a tray of drinks.

"So sorry," said Dog Man. "Have you ever been with a Dog Man before?"

"What? No," said Simcha. She tried to head back to the kitchen, but Dog Man blocked her way.

"I have the softest fur," said Dog Man, holding up an arm filled with black fur. "Touch it."

"No thanks," said Simcha, she tried to move around him, but he blocked her way again.

"Just touch it," Dog Man urged her.

To appease him, Simcha reached out and patted his fur. Instantly her expression changed. She petted it a second time, and then a third. As she petted him more and more, her face started to go limp.

"That's right," said Dog Man soothingly. "Keep petting. It feels good, doesn't it?"

Simcha looked into Dog Man's eyes. They were deep pools of blackness. "Good... it does feel good..." she said slowly. She felt her ahmen rising her body, a growing attraction to the creature standing before her. His fur was so soft, so smooth, so tender. Every touch felt like the Power was surging into her, causing her Sacred Gorge to blossom.

Dog Man smiled and took her hand. "And it feels even better when you touch it here," he said, guiding her hand downwards....

Selvanna watched as, one by one, Cunha and his men started to pair off with women and leave the hall. She got up abruptly, scraping her chair against the stone floor, and looked at the guardsman behind her. "You!" she said.

"Me?" said the guardsman.

"Was I looking at someone else? Follow me," Selvanna snapped.

The guardsman obediently followed Selvanna back to her quarters. When they got there she stood before her bed. "Bangstick me," she said simply.

"Mistress?" said the guardsman uncertainly.

"Do I have to repeat myself? I don't like having to repeat myself," said Selvanna.

"Yes, Mistress," said the guardsman, gulping. His name was Jeffries. But during his time in her quarters, Selvanna never once asked his name. Jeffries took off his clothes and armor while Selvanna removed her black gown. When they were both nude, Jeffries's jaw dropped open. Selvanna was stunningly beautiful. She had large firm Wisdoms with blood red nipples. Her Phongfruit Forest was lush and dark and rich and full, and as she spread her legs he could see the beginnings of her Sacred Gorge.

"Well, what are you waiting for?" she snapped.

Jeffries made love to Selvanna. It was like a dream come true. Selvanna was the prettiest woman he had ever been with. As he spelunked her, Selvanna grinded her lips against his furiously, snarling, "Harder! Faster! Faster!". Jeffries pounded into her so hard that her Wisdoms bounced in every direction. Soon enough, they were both crying out, as Jeffries deposited load after load of hot wax in her Sacred Gorge, and Selvanna experienced a Phongasm.

They lay together in silence for a moment. Then Selvanna pushed him away. "Get out."


"I said, get out," said Selvanna. She watched him get up and reach for his clothes, with a hurt look on his face.

"Too slow," Selvanna declared. "If you're not out of here in a moment, I'll use you for spare parts."

Jeffries bundled up his clothing and armor and ran.

The following morning, Meeda was wood.

Her expression was blank. She stared straight ahead. She didn't say a word, unless asked a question, and then only responded in a monotone.

Meeda was wood.

"What happened to her?" Idah the serving girl asked.

Magister shook his head.

Later that day they found Meeda, hanging in a closet. Selvanna tisked tisked when they found the body. "Such a shame," she said, touching it with her finger, causing it to swing slightly.

"She seemed somewhat... disturbed after her experience with his Highness last night," said Magister, choosing his words carefully.

"Yes, I imagine she would," said Selvanna, watching the body swing slowly back and forth. "You might pass word to the rest of the staff that this is what sometimes happens to moths who fly to close to the flame."

Magister bowed. "Yes, of course, Mistress."

Mistress. That's what they called her. Of course, they wouldn't call her Highness because she wasn't the Empress.

But, then, who was?

"When, Cunha?" Zaragoth asked, her voice like a high pitched girl's.

"Don't whine," Cunha said, as he got dressed. "It's so undignified." He looked at himself in the mirror. He was the most handsome Emperor ever. "Did you enjoy the girl?"

"As much as you," said Zaragoth. "But don't change the subject." She got up and put her arms around him. "When am I going to become your Empress?"

"When the time is right."

Zaragoth kissed him. "And when will that be?"

"When the Compassionate One decrees it," said Cunha sternly.

Zaragoth stiffened.

There were two major Churches throughout Aridor, those aligned with the Lord of Good and those with the Goddess of Charity. The Sacreds of the Lord of Good were all men, just as the Sacreds for the Goddess of Charity were all women. And nearly all of them were now huddled in the giant meeting hall in the Castle, surrounded by stern faced guards. They talked with each other nervously. They had some idea what was coming.

"What do you think they will do to us, Hempill?" Sacred Regina asked.

Bernard Hempill had a pretty good idea what the new Emperor would to them. He had always been a realist. That was why he had joined the Church of Good. He came from a poor family. His options had been limited. He didn't want to spend his life breaking his back on a farm or ranch. He didn't want to apprentice to some grubby shopkeeper who would treat him poorly. So instead he joined the Church. He was a smart boy, and had learned how to read, and passed the entrance examination easily. There had also been a very different kind of examination the Sacred had conducted on him, but Hempill had endured it and passed that one as well.

He rose quickly through the ranks, becoming deputy Sacred then assistant Sacred and finally a full Sacred just three years ago. Further advancement was more difficult, but Hempill still dreamed of becoming a Hierarch someday.

Not that was very likely now. Hempill saw the Hierarchs huddled together. Normally the Hierarchs of the Church of Good would never even be seen talking to the Hierarchs from the Church of Charity. Each considered the other to be blasphemous. But didn't stop them now, huddled together and talking nervously. Their expressions and body language were infectious, causing everyone to be fearful.

Hempill looked at Sacred Regina. She was with the Church of Charity and he was with the Church of Good, but they had talked at social gatherings from time to time. Sacred Regina had large, firm Wisdoms that stuck out even in her priestess robes and she always had a pretty smile....

But she wasn't smiling now. "What will become of us?" Regina asked.

"Nothing good," Hempill predicted.

He was right. The soldiers snapped to attention as the Emperor entered the hall. He was flanked by a woman wearing a long flowing black gown.

"Bow before your Emperor!" a soldier shouted. Everyone obediently got down on their knees.

Cunha studied them and smiled. "Rise," he said benevolently, and they did.

"I bring you greetings and felicitations, my friends," said Cunha. "I have some news which will excite and energize all of you, I am sure. The Compassionate One has decreed that all your misguided churches will be converted to new branches of the Church of Penance and Humility."

"The Church of Penance and Humility?" This from Grand Hierarch Tollen from the Church of Good. "I am not familiar with that, Sire."

"You will be," Cunha assured him. "It is a church dedicated to peace and love. You will embrace it as your own before long, I am sure."

"But... Sire... we already have our own beliefs," said another Hierarch.

"And... you are?" Cunha asked.

"Grand Hierarch Magenta, of the Church of Charity, representing the Goddess of Charity."

"The Goddess of Charity," said Cunha, nodding slowly. "The Goddess of Charity. A false God, Grand Hierarch. A false Goddess who sells her body like a common whore."

The assembled Sacreds gasped.

"And the so-called Lord of Good is no better. He is simply a beggar, a mendicant who takes stink coins from the poor to buy spirits and ale. I have it on excellent authority that the Lord of Good takes the Goddess of Charity in her Forbidden Exit, and both like it very much."

Sacreds were moaning now and crying out.

"You will embrace the one true Power, the Lord of Compassion, and you will do so now," said Cunha. "Hierarchs. Step forward."

The Hierarchs stepped forward, two Grand Hierarchs and four Arch Hierarchs.

"Which of you are the Grand Hierarchs again?"

"I am," said Grand Hierarch Magenta of the Church of Charity.

"As am I," said Grand Hierarch Mondy, of the Lord of Good.

"Do you now pledge yourself to the Lord of Compassion?"

The Grand Hierarchs exchanged glances. Then they turned to Cunha.

"No," said Magenta.

"No, your Highness," said Mondy.

Cunha stared at them for a long moment. "May I say that I admire your dedication to principle?"

"Thank you, my-" Mondy's words were cut off just as his head was. Zebrah's vorpal blade Thrasher cut his head off, just as Dog Man's mighty axe Barkwood stabbed into Magenta's chest, right between her Wisdoms. Their bodies fell to the granite floor.

"The rest of you, step forward," said Cunha.

The hierarchs looked at each other.

"I said, step forward," said Cunha.

The four remaining Hierarchs stepped forward. "I am going to ask each of you a question. I want you think of how you will answer most carefully. Now then." He turned to the first man, Arch Hierarch Desmond Flayer of the Church of Good. "Will you pledge yourself to the Lord of Compassion?"

Flayer trembled as he looked at the bodies on the ground before him. A swirling pool of red was forming around Grand Hierarch Mondy's body.

"No, your Highness." Flayer closed his eyes and screamed as Dog Man's axe clove him.

Cunha turned to the next Hierarch. "Name?"

"Joya Fimbleton, your Highness, Arch Hierarch of the Church of Charity." She was trembling.

"Joya Fimbleton, Arch Hierarch of the Church of Charity," said Cunha. "Will you join the Church of Penance and Humility?"

"I..." She was shaking so hard her teeth were rattling and she had trouble speaking. "I cannot my lord."

She screamed even as Zebrah stabbed her in the chest with Thrasher.

"Next," said Cunha, sounding bored.

"Your Highness, I am Gary Tosarch, Arch Hierarch of the Church of Good," said one of the remaining two Hierarchs.

"And what revelation do you have for us today, Gary Tosarch, Arch Hierarch of the Church of Good? Will you join our holy cause?" Cunha asked.

"Your Highness... I regret to say I cannot."

"I regret it too," said Cunha. He watched as Zebrah expertly decapitated Gary Tosarch, Arch Hierarch of the Church of Good in one firm stroke.

"Last one!" said Cunha. He held up a restraining hand at the lone Hierarch. "No names, please. Not unless you're going to join us."

Mirandah Elos, Arch Hierarch of the Church of Charity, said, "Your Highness, I simply cannot-"

Elos was struck in the chest by a beam of Power from Cunha's hands. She fell screaming to the ground.

Zaragoth smiled. "I do believe the Hierarchs have spoken. Shall we start with the Sacreds next, your Highness?"

Cunha stared at the several hundred nervous looking robed figures before him. "No. This bores me. Kill them all."

"But Sire, we don't have enough Sacreds of our own. We need at least some of them-"

"I don't think any of this rabble has the good sense to join us." He paused a moment, staring at them. "Kill them-"

"Wait!" a voice cried.

"Who speaks?" said Cunha. "Show yourself!"

Bernard Hempill stepped forward.

"Identify yourself."

"I have the honor of being Bernard Hempill, Your Highness, a humble Sacred of the Church of Good." Hempill bowed his head piously.

"You have that honor, Bernard Hempill, for perhaps thirty seconds longer. Speak!"

"Your Highness, please do not condemn us all for the rigid ways of our Hierarchs. They have long been the leaders of our faith. It is difficult to ask of them-"

"Will you join us, Bernard Hempill?"

Hempill gulped. "Yes, your Highness."

The crowd murmured.

"Will you embrace the Lord of Compassion? Will you follow his teachings, and in turn teach others to embrace them as well?"

"Yes, Your Highness," said Hempill. He heard shouts of "No!" and "No, Hempill!" behind him, which he ignored.

"Very good." A small smile came to Cunha's lips. "And what of your associates?"

Hempill's defection had broken the ice, at least a little. Of the three hundred odd Sacreds in the room, a few started to come over to Hempill's side, in twos and threes. Hempill gestured to his old friend Ragnar.

"Come on," said Hempill, glancing anxiously at the Emperor, who looked increasingly impatient by the minute.

"No," Ragnar mouthed.

"Do you want to live?" said Hempill.

Ragnar bit his lip, looked pained, shook his head, but then changed his mind on the spot and came over to Hempill.

"You made the right move," said Hempill.

"I don't feel like it," said Ragnar.

Hempill looked at the other faces. Most were still unmoved. He made eye contact with Sacred Regina. "Come on," he mouthed at her. Tearfully, she shook her head.

Movement towards Hempill reduced to a trickle, and before long it became clear that only about 30 Sacreds would join the cause. Thirty out of nearly 300.

Cunha looked at his new Sacreds. It was not clear if he were pleased or disappointed by their numbers. "Do you men... and women... pledge to serve the Lord of Compassion?"

"Yes," they said as one.

"Do you pledge to abide by his teachings? To do whatever he commands, wherever it takes you?"

"Yes," they said again.

Cunha stared at them a long moment. Then he said, "It is not enough to promise loyalty. You must prove your effectiveness." He gave a curt gesture with his head.

Soldiers came over to the small group of Sacreds. Each one was handed a black body whip.

"Effectiveness, Your Highness?" Hempill asked.

"Yes, effectiveness. It's a word, Sacred, one which means, capable of performing actions well," said Cunha, leaning forward on his throne. "You must all prove your effectiveness to me. You must prove that you can bring people into the loving embrace of the Lord of Compassion."

"How, Your Majesty?" one of them asked. Not Hempill. Hempill had already figured it out.

"By bringing one of your former colleagues into the flock," said Cunha. "You must each bring one of them to our cause. Failure to do so will result in your suffering their fate." His voice grew stern. "Begin now!"

Hempill and the other 29 Sacreds with whips strode towards the quivering mass of Sacreds, accompanied by grinning soldiers of the Empire.

"Which one do you want?" a soldier asked Hempill in a gruff tone. Hempill looked at the assembled Sacreds, both the men from the Church of Good and the women from the Church of Charity. And then his eyes fell on Sacred Regina.

"No... no...." she said, interpreting Hempill's stare and grin for what it was.

"I will save you," Hempill suddenly decided. "Her," he said, pointing to Regina.

The soldiers took Regina and marched her to the wall. They roughly pulled off her robes, and chained her so that her hands were above her head. More were also being chained as the other Sacreds made their selections. Usually men chose women, and women chose men, but not always; Hempill had to smile as he saw Sacred Samuels select a handsome young man to discipline.

In short order thirty Sacreds were chained to the wall, completely nude and exposed, and thirty other Sacreds held whips in their hands.

"What do we do with these, sir?" General Cloaka asked, indicating the trembling Sacreds who hadn't been selected.

"What indeed?" Cunha asked, and he summoned the jizz deep within himself and sent a burst of Power shooting out of his hands. Hempill and the others covered their ears and averted their eyes as their former associates screamed as they were dealt with.

When it was over, Cunha turned to the remaining Sacreds with the body whips. "Now get to work, if you don't want to suffer the same fate as them." His hands were smoking.

Hempill raised the body whip.

"No, Hempill," said Sacred Regina. Her Wisdoms were as large as Hempill had always imagined, and the rich dark growth of her Phongfruit Forest between her legs caused Hempill's candelabra to stiffen.

Hempill raised the whip. "It's for your own good." There was a crack as he brought it down on her. Regina cried out, and her Wisdoms did a little dance.

Hempill smiled as he felt his candelabra getting rock hard. He was beginning to like the tenets of his new religion.

Zaragoth strode out of the Throne Room. She enjoyed seeing the believers of the false religions being liquidated. There was only the Compassionate One. And now she was the High Priestess of the only permitted religion in all the Realm. It was a great honor. And yet... one thing was only missing.

As she walked down the corridor, a shadow detached itself from the wall. It formed into Sanjayata in front of her.

"Master," said Zaragoth, immediately getting to her knees and bowing her head.

"Rise," said Sanjay.

Zaragoth slowly got up.

"Did you enjoy the spectacle?"

"Yes, Master," said Zaragoth.

"Do not be complacent. You must train them well. Even the Sacreds you have brought with you from Algaria must be watched. We need to make sure they properly help the people Make the Change. Only when enough people believe will the Compassionate One truly be able to enter this world."

"Yes, Master," said Zaragoth. She opened her mouth, but did not speak.

"A question?"

"Yes, if I may," said Zaragoth. "You... you promised me that I would be Empress. When will it happen, Master?"

Sanjay frowned, and Zaragoth trembled. But she had to know.

"That has yet to be determined," said Sanjay.

"You... you aren't thinking about making Selvanna Empress, are you?" Selvanna, after all, was the mother of Cunha's children, Karibdis and Tripoli.

"That has yet to be determined," Sanjay repeated, articulating each word slowly and concisely. "All you should be thinking about is obeying, and carrying out the Compassionate One's great plan."

"Yes, Master," said Zaragoth, bowing again.
Next page: Chapter 03.1
Previous page: Chapter 02.1