Chapter 04.2

Zaragoth was smiling and laughing with Cunha and Sanjay. The expression on Selvanna's face after she had been shamed into handing over the manatas lifted all their spirits.

"I thought she was going to melt right there on the spot," said Zaragoth.

"That would have made quite a mess on the marble floor," said Cunha. They all laughed, even Sanjay.

Zaragoth put a hand on Cunha's knee. "So, when are we going to pick a day?"

"A day for what?" Cunha asked, his voice growing cold.

"Our marriage. And making me Empress," said Zaragoth.

It was Sanjay who answered. "The time is not yet ripe."

"Cunha?" said Zaragoth.

"You heard him," said Cunha. "You need to have patience."

"Patience? I've had nothing but patience for the past four years!" she raged. She looked at them. They had a secret, they were keeping from her. Something important. She could tell.

Sanjay looked coldly at her. "Perhaps you think the Compassionate One is treating you unfairly?"

Zaragoth felt a pressure around her. It felt like jizz. Sanjay's jizz. "No... of course not."

Caltrans felt terrible. He had betrayed the School of Wizards. He looked up and down the long wall of the Pit of Love, where his fellow students were shackled as he was. At first there had been more than seventy of them. But then they had been taken away, one by one. There were now only a handful of them left.

The worst part of it was that he had given in without even being tortured. All it had taken was a look from Selvanna's dark eyes. She touched his hand, and somehow her ahmen overpowered him, turning his resolve into putty. He had wizard wrote whatever she said. He had even deposited his precious hot wax inside the so-called Tree of Life, helping to create the Compassionate One. And now the entire School of Wizards had been captured because of him.

Some were taken in groups of eight or nine, and were not seen again. Caltrans didn't know what happened to them.

But the rest was taken one at a time. They were made to lie down on the ground while those sexy druidesses stimulated them. One by one, in front of Caltrans' eyes, they had been made to Make the Change. They had lain down as Wizards, but when they got up they became something different. Tools of the Compassionate One.

Caltrans had watched it happen to them, one by one, to Selid, Mashad, Prendon, and many others. They had all been tortured for days, filled with jizz without having the ability to use it or get release. The agony in their candelabras was unbearable. And then these pretty, sexy druidesses would lie them on the ground, caress them, and bring them to the very edge of the very edge, promising them release if they Made the Change. Wizards who Caltrans thought would be unbreakable had all Made the Change. Prendon, who had vowed never to be broken, was taken away by the druid girls.

And Caltrans had watched, with his very own eyes, as Prendon Made the Change. Two of the druid girls, Samantha and Gabrielle, were fondling Prendon, who was lying naked on his back. His candelabra was hard and harshly red, as it had been for days. Samantha was gently fondling his candelabra, while Gabriella was rubbing his chest.

"Change... Change... Make the Change."

Even from twenty feet away, Caltrans could sense the Power flowing through Prendon's body, both ahmen and jizz. He could almost see it swirling inside Prendon's head.

Prendon had moaned, and gasped, his candelabra had twitched, and then, suddenly, Samantha whispered excitedly, "I think he's going to do it. I think he's going to make it-"

And then Prendon stiffened, and cried out, and he Made the Change. At that moment the Power, which had been preventing him from going over the edge, was abated, and Prendon gasped as his candelabra exploded, squirting out in a wide arc, some of it landing on Gabriella's face. Rather than being offended, Gabriella only laughed and wiped it off with a finger, and put it in her mouth. "Victory takes good," she said, winking at Caltrans.

And now there were only three of them left. Had all the others Made the Change? Surely not. Some had been taken to the other side of the Pit, where something else had been done to them.

Cernman, Victor and Caltrans had each endured three grueling torture sessions, lying flat on their back while girls tormented them, raising their jizz to the very edge, making their candelabras and grapes of love turn ruby red and feel like they were going to burst.

Cernman was next to be taken. Marion and Samantha came for him, unshackling him from his irons. The girls looked so sexy in their skintight spidersilk outfits. Marion had the biggest Wisdoms of all the girls, she was clearly the wisest, but her Pride cheeks were big and firm too. "It's time for you to Make the Change, Cernman," said Marion, in a sexy musical voice.

"No," said Cernman. "I won't. I've resisted you before."

"Oh, but you've never had me," said Marion, in a deep musical voice, and she said it in such a sexy, domineering way that Cernman couldn't help but shudder. As Samantha had Cernman lay down on the ground, Marion removed her spidersilk unitard. She was stunningly gorgeous, with big, fleshy Wisdoms and a dark Phongfruit Forest between her legs that simply ached to be spelunked by explorers with the proper equipment. Marion got between Cernman's legs and grabbed his super sensitive candelabra, and slowly inserted it into her Sacred Gorge.

Cernman cried out. His candelabra, which had already been on the edge for countless hours, felt like it was going to burst any second now... but it didn't. Instead, he was hounded by the same intense desire. To achieve Squirtatopia.

"It may feel like your wick is going to burst, but it isn't," Marion grinned, as she moved up and down slowly. "We have enough ahmen channeling through you to prevent you from candelgasming. But it feels like you're about to, doesn't it?"

"Yes," Cernman cried.

"All you have to do is to let go. Release, and Make the Change."

"No, Cernman! Don't do it!" Caltrains cried.

"Quiet!" said Marion sternly. "Your turn will come soon enough." She turned back to her captive. Cernman made little "ah... ah... ah..." every time she moved up and down on his shaft. Marion's Wise Ones slowed bobbed with every movement, her nipples getting stiff like little red pebbles.

"He's getting close, I feel it," Marion declared, starting to rock back and forth more than up and down.

"No, Cernman! Don't give in!" Caltrans cried.

Marion gave him a dark look, but then a smile, as Cernman's eyes went wide, and suddenly he moaned.

"That's it," said Marion. "He's going to do it! He's Making the Change! That's right, don't fight it! Give in to all of it! Welcome it into your mind!"

And then Cernman gave one last cry, and he exploded within her, pumping her full of his sticky wax. Caltrans could sense the change in him. Cernman was still full of jizz, but a different kind of jizz, somehow tainted.

Marion climbed off of Cernman. A thin line of hot wax connected the two until it snapped apart. Then Cernman got up. They talked for a moment, and then they walked over to Caltrans and Victor.

"Cernman," said Caltrans, wincing.

"It's not so bad," said Cernman. "Making the Change... it hurts, but only for a moment. I only wish I hadn't resisted for so long. You're only making it harder on yourself."

"Oh, Cernman, you can't believe that," said Victor.

"But I do," said Cernman.

Marion wrapped her hands around Cernman's waist. "Cernman serves the Compassionate One now," she said smugly, as her body glistened with perspiration. "As both of you soon will."

Selvanna came forward, flanked by Naomi and Dog Man. "What's going on here?"

"Cernman has Made the Change. Caltrans and Victor are the last ones," said Marion.

"I ordered them broken hours ago," Selvanna snapped. For some reason she seemed to be in a foul mood.

"Yes, well, we just broke Cernman a few moments ago," said Marion.

"At the rate you're going, darling, it will take days to finish the rest. I'll handle it," Selvanna snapped.


"I said, I'll handle it," said Selvanna. "You have taken some of Cernman's jizz?"

"Yes, Mistress," said Marion, looking down. Her Sacred Gorge was dripping a clear, viscous fluid.

"Then go and let the Compassionate One feed on you."

Marion bowed slightly and left.

Selvanna turned to Victor and Caltrans. "What shall we do with you two? The last resistors." She didn't wait for an answer. "You're both probably not worth the effort." She looked at Dog Man. "Kill them both."

Dog Man smiled and drew Barkwood, his giant axe.

"No, wait," said Selvanna. She looked at Caltrans. "This one is kind of cute. Bring them both. We'll use one to take the other."

Victor and Caltrans were released from their shackles, and were marched towards the Compassionate One.

The Compassionate One was guarded by a ring of guards. They were giant, muscular men who were nearly seven feet tall. They seemed to have the Power in them.

"What are they?" Victor whispered.

"Gholams," said Caltrans.

"Gholams? Where did she-"

"Ah, here we are," said Selvanna.

The fleshy blob that was the Compassionate One had grown in size over the past few days. He had a lot more tentacles, nearly two dozen, and many of them were in use.

Caltrans saw Marion and another girl he didn't know, lying on their backs with their legs spread, with a tentacle going between their legs into their Sacred Gorges. But then he saw several other girls who were faced down, and they each had a tentacle going into their Forbidden Exits. And then there were several men who were also face down on their bellies, also with tentacles snaking into their Forbidden Exits.

"As you can see, the Compassionate One is quite versatile," said Selvanna. "Over there, you can see the Compassionate One feeding on Marion and Hannah. The Compassionate One feeds on their ahmen, as well as jizz they absorb during the conversion process." She smiled, as if she were giving an annotated tour. She then turned to the other women, who were lying on their bellies. "But here we have something quite different. Instead of taking something from these women, the Compassionate One is putting something in."

"Putting something in?" said Caltrans.

"They are being turned into Sussexes," said Selvanna.

"Sussexes?" said Victor disbelievingly.

"Turn your head, dear," Selvanna said to one of the women. The woman turned her head upwards. She stared at Victor and hissed at him, showing him fangs for teeth and blood red eyes.

Victor jumped back.

"You would do this to common girls?" said Caltrans.

"No," said Selvanna, caressing his arm. "These are no common girls. They are druids, like Marion and Naomi. They were the lesser of Diedraphon's brood, the ones I had no use for." She stared at him meaningfully. "The men, however, are being turned into something quite different. They are becoming gholams." She looked at Caltrans. "Can you guess who these men are?"

"No," Caltrans whispered.

Selvanna squatted down and turned a body over.

"Marjon," Caltrans whispered. His friend's body was midway through the alteration. He had a big muscular chest and enormous arms, but his legs were still unchanged, as was his face. Caltrans looked at the tentacle stuck inside Marjon's Forbidden Exit and longed to pull it free. "Marjon, what have they done to you?"

Marjon tried to speak, but no words came out.

"Take my word for it, he's beyond joy," said Selvanna. "I went through and selected the so-called wizards of lesser ability. They have been turned into gholams now, and because of their innate ability with the Power, they will be more resistant to Power based attacks."

"No," said Caltrans.

"This is the fate that awaits you if you don't make the Change, right here and now," said Selvanna. She turned to Victor. "So, what will it be?"

Victor looked at Marjon. He wavered, considering. To Make the Change, or to become like this-

He was still considering when Selvanna said, "No? Your answer is no. Very well. Dog, put him in the proper position." She used the Power to whisper something inside of Dog's head.

Dog nodded and grabbed Victor, and had him bend down until he was on his hands and knees. Victor watched as an idle tentacle of the Compassionate One started to come to life, as if it had been sleeping. It lifted up and started to slither towards Victor.

"No, no!" Victor cried. "I'll Make the Change! I'll do it!"

"Too late," Selvanna gloated. "You had your chance."

Victor tried to get up, to flee, to escape, but Dog held him down. The tentacle slithered between his legs, and Victor cried out when it entered his Forbidden Exit. And then his body stiffened, and froze in place.

"You can let go now," Selvanna smiled.

Dog slowly stood up. "Don't you usually have them lying down, to turn them into a gholam?"

"We're not turning him into a gholam," said Selvanna. "I think Victor could make an excellent lesson in obedience for young Caltrans here."

"What are you going to do?" Caltrans asked.

"Watch and see," said Selvanna. She took a deep breath and summoned her ahmen. She felt it flowing through her. She was always strong with the Power, stronger than Zaragoth. It simply wasn't fair--she shook her head minutely. She mustn't let herself get distracted.

She sensed the jizz flowing from the tentacle into Victor's Forbidden Exit nestled between his prideful Cheeks of Plenty. Victor was on his hands and knees trembling, breathing shallowly. He felt the violation intensively, but couldn't move.

Selvanna lashed out with her hand and sent a wave of ahmen into Victor. Victor jerk like he had been struck. Selvanna's ahmen combined with the Compassionate One's jizz, twisting, turning, shaping. Victor gave one last wordless cry as his body started to petrify. In moments, he was all stone.

"What... what have you done?" Caltrans whispered.

"I have created a wizard's bench," said Selvanna. "It can be very useful for mixing potions, especially the kind which would burn through normal benches. She sat down on Victor's back, which was now hard like a benchtop. "Come," She said, patting Victor's back next to her. "Sit." She stared at him with hard eyes. "Sit!"

Caltrans, gulping, sat down on Victor's back with her. "I didn't want to do this," said Selvanna softly. She patted Victor's stone head with her left hand, and then Caltran's head with her right. "Victor was another one of your victims. They all were."

Caltrans started to speak, but Selvanna silenced him. "You're out of time, Caltrans. I want to know if you're going to Make the Change, and when I mean Make the Change, I mean without any resistance, without any delay, right here and now." She looked him squarely in the eye. "I would be... quite happy if you Made the Change. " Her hand started to roam over his body. "I think you could be extremely... useful to me." But then her expression hardened. "But if not, I think you would make an excellent companion bench for Victor here. So what will it be, Caltrans? Yes, or no?"

Caltrans remembered how little time Victor had been given to answer."Yes!" He practically shouted.

"Good," said Selvanna.

Naomi stepped forward. "Shall I help him Make the Change, Mistress?"

Selvanna looked down at Caltrans' candelabra. It was stiff and bright red from hours of edging, and the ringed head of it was especially puffy and fleshy. "No," she sighed. "I guess I'll have to do it myself."

"But Mistress-"

"Naomi, isn't it your turn to feed the gholams?"

"Yes, Mistress," said Naomi.

Selvanna sighed again as she pulled her black gown over her head. She was completely nude underneath.

Caltrans felt like his candelabra, already at the breaking point, was about to explode. Selvanna's Wise Ones were not quite as large as Marion's, and her Phongfruit Forest was not quite as thick and bushy either, but somehow Selvanna reeked of dark sensuality in a way that made the tip of his candelabra tingle with pain and joy. Selvanna smiled as if she knew the effect she was having on him, and pulled him down to the ground, with him on his back, and her on top. Shifting upwards, she quickly inserted his candelabra into her Sacred Gorge, and started moving up and down on him.

"I don't want any more delays," she snapped, looking down at him. "I want you to Make the Change, and make it NOW."

"I will," Caltrans promised. He felt Selvanna's ahmen entering his body, flowing into him through her Sacred Gorge into his candelabra. It felt tainted, sickly, as it coursed through his body, into his head.

"You're resisting," Selvanna cried, smacking him in the face.

"I'm not!" Caltrans protested. Her inner walls felt so good. His candelabra wanted to burst, but the Power, her Power, prevented it.

"You are!" Selvanna cried, slapping him again. "Let go! Let go now!"

Caltrans took a deep breath. He closed his eyes and tried not to resist. He tried to let her ahmen flood into his mind... entering him... changing him.....

"Ah.... Ah... ah....." Caltrans was the one being altered, but it was Selvanna who was gasping. "I... I feel it now. You're doing it. You're accepting it. That's right, just like that. You're Making the Change. What a good boy." She closed her eyes, and concentrated on the feeling of his candelabra inside of her. Caltrans was exceptionally well gifted in the candle department, just like... just like Cunha.

And as Selvanna squeezed her eyes tightly shut, suddenly it was no longer Caltrans she was juicing, it was Cunha. She was juicing Cunha, juicing him so he would make a meat pie within her, a meat pie which would become Karibdis, Tripoli, or even the Compassionate One.

Selvanna felt a shudder beneath her, and then she sensed Caltran's candelabra inside her releasing. Days of pent up sexual tension and edging caused Caltrans to release enormous gobs of hot wax into her Sacred Gorge. Selvanna, still thinking of Cunha, smiled, and whispered, "My love... my true love." And then she collapsed on top of him.

But when she opened her eyes, Cunha had somehow been transformed into Caltrans. She frowned. "Who do you serve?"

Caltrans looked eagerly up at her. "I serve the Com-"

"All right, that's enough," Selvanna snapped, getting up abruptly. She saw Naomi looking at her apprehensively. How much had she heard?

She looked at Caltrans' wet, shrunken, red candelabra. Suddenly it no longer looked quite so appealing. Had that thing really been inside of her? She turned to Naomi. "Get him cleaned up and put him to work with the others," she snapped, as Dog Man handed her her gown.

As General Cloaka roughly inserted his candelabra inside the Forbidden Exit of the dead man, Zebrah reflected on the fact on how alienated she felt from the Emperor's men.

Zebrah had always felt that way, of course. She had been born white in a race of women, the Alkemi, who had never had a white woman in their ranks, ever. White men in general were rare, as most of the males who were enslaved in raids were beige or cream, and to the Alkemi there was no difference between them.

But white. White was something else.

It wasn't supposed to happen. Her mother, Amathea, had strayed, and strayed badly.

Of course it was accepted that one would use thralls to extract their hot wax. That is what thralls were for. And of course thralls were needed to bake a meat pie, so the next generation of Alkemi could be born into the world.

But one was supposed to be careful about which thrall one selected to juice. Only the tallest, healthiest, strongest thralls were to be selected for reproduction. Getting engorged with a meat pie from a short thrall, a weak thrall, a sickly thrall, that was frowned upon.

But getting a meat pie from a white thrall? That was expressly forbidden.

Amathea had several thralls, and when she became engorged with a meat pie, she told everyone it was Alfredus the Beige, not Samuels the White, who had bangsticked her. The truth didn't come out until the day she disgorged her meat pie. Nessica the Midwife reached into Amathea's sopping wet Sacred Gorge and pulled out a head.

A white head.

Her mouth dropped open.

"My baby. How is my baby?" Amathea asked.

Nessica pulled the rest of the baby out of Amathea's sacred gorge, but her body was really working on automatic. She was in a state of shock.

When Amathea looked down to see what she had disgorged, she didn't look surprised. She knew.

"How could you?" Nessica asked, after the baby had been wiped and covered in swaddling, and she had recovered her wits.

"I didn't know," said Amathea defensively.

"Of course you did," said Nessica. "Amathea, I've known you since you were a foundling in obedience school. You weren't surprised at all."

Amathea hung her head guiltily.

"Why, why, why weren't you on the ragweed?"

"I... I...."

"Don't tell me that you planned to have a baby with this mutant!" She looked into Amathea's eyes, and saw the truth. "You love him, don't you?"

Amathea opened her mouth-

"Amathea! It's bad enough to love a thrall, but to fall in love with White trash? What happens when the Arbiter of Justice finds out about this?"

"She's not going to find out about this, Nessica," said Amathea.

"Why not?"

"Because you're not going to say anything."

Nessica laughed. "You don't think anyone will notice a White Alkemi girl walking around?"

"We'll move up into the hills. We'll live on our own, in a homestead," said Amathea.

"Amathea... that's a very isolated lifestyle," said Nessica. "Let me take the baby. Let me take care of it for you-"

Amathea knew what that meant. "No!" she yelled, taking the baby in her arms. The baby cried and produced its very first Forbidden Chocolate. Amathea looked down at the baby so white who had produced something so dark, and instinctively knew what she would be called: Zebrah!​
Next page: Chapter 05.1
Previous page: Chapter 04.1