Part 04
The Family Mansion Redux Part 4: Liz's Dilemma
By Charlie Flemming
By Charlie Flemming
Copyright 2020 Charlie Flemming
Liz stood in the doorway, completely naked, and drunk, "What the fuck is going on in here?!" She nearly shouted before she realized that Nathan was still asleep in bed. What Liz said was still fairly loud, but Nathan didn't seem to stir.
The scene was a depraved one. Liz's second-oldest daughter, Lexi, had both of her hands gripped around her brother's humongous cock. It was automatically the biggest dick that Liz had ever seen, and Lexi looked as if she was about to suck Nathan's hardness into her open mouth.
But after Liz came in, Lexi took her hands off her brother's erect penis out of fear and stammered, "This isn't what it looks like!" Lexi already knew it was a total lie that wouldn't fool anyone though, maybe if Liz had come in a bit earlier, but not seconds before Lexi was about to give her brother a blowjob. There isn't any getting out of this one..., Lexi thought bitterly as she glanced at her brother's dick wondering what might have been had her mother not caught her.
Even though Liz was incredibly drunk, Lexi's excuse didn't fool her one bit. "Oh, so you weren't about to give your brother a blowjob right in front of me?!" As she said it she glanced at Nathan's enormous cock still standing tall and uncovered from her son's midsection. She immediately pictured herself kneeling beside his bed and sucking his fat cock. This thought made Liz's pussy twitch with need as she remembered the porn she just caught part of in Brooke's room. She recalled the mother and daughter on their knees in the kitchen in front of their son/brother gleefully sucking away at his cock with no problem sharing, "Ooohh," Liz couldn't help but moan as her cunt called out to her and her knees buckled and she had to sit down on the floor.
Lexi was unfamiliar with sexual sounds, so she legitimately thought her mother had hurt herself, "Are you okay?" Lexi said as she came around to the side of Liz and gripped her arm to help her to her feet.
"I don't need help okay," Liz said to her redheaded daughter as she tried to get away from her grip. But while Liz moved around this caused Lexi to loosen her grip, unintentionally lunge forward, and trip. Pushing Liz onto her back and Lexi on her front so their bodies were pressed into each other and Liz's giant EE tits were pressing right into Lexi's C-sized ones. Both their nipples were already hard from being so turned on already from seeing Nathan's naked form. Mother and daughter's nipples rubbed against each other causing a strong desire to surge through both their bodies.
In the position they were in Liz was staring up into Lexi's beautiful blue eyes while Lexi was staring back down into her mother's brown ones. Liz was so turned on, and too drunk to suppress her libido. Her mind surged with memories of when she and Brianna made love all those years ago and she knew she wanted to kiss Lexi right then, but since Lexi was holding her down, she couldn't.
Liz looks up into her daughter's eyes and says, "You're the one in control." her words dripping with sexual need. She could feel her pussy dripping on her son's carpeted floor beneath her. Liz felt her body scream with a need. One she had been suppressing for a very long time. Liz needed to get fucked. And Liz knew that if Lexi, her daughter by blood, took her right then she would do absolutely nothing to stop her.
However, Lexi heard Liz's tone but without much experience herself with sex, especially with other women, she confused horniness with anger and quickly pushed herself off her mother, "Sorry." She mumbled a moment later.
"It's okay," Liz said as she pushed herself to her feet feeling disappointed. As she did she openly ogled her 19-year-old daughter's body, her red hair curling down to her shoulders, her pretty face, youthful and beautiful. Her sight lingered on Lexi's pouty lips, ones Liz still wanted to kiss. Lexi's perky tits, smaller than Liz's but very shapely, her flat belly, and her shapely ass. Liz's view came to Lexi's beautiful vagina, which Liz noticed for the first time that Lexi actually was wearing panties, but her pussy was so wet that it had made her underwear practically see-through as it hugged at her daughter's tight cunt. Her brain was flooded with a sudden fantasy. Liz pictured that she was watching Lexi's tight pussy getting filled by a huge cock, like her son's cock...
This thought made Liz remember that Nathan was still lying in bed behind her with his hard cock sticking up in the air. She glanced back and gasped at the sight of its hugeness. Maybe she could....
Liz's thoughts were interrupted by Lexi's voice, "Why are you naked?" her daughter asked.
Lexi noticed right away how her mother was ogling her and it made her uncomfortable enough she looked away. It was only when Liz finally glanced away from her that Lexi looked back. The only light in the room was the moonlight coming through the window so it was a bit hard to see.
Liz looked back to her daughter, her drunkenness briefly shaken off as she remembered what she had just caught her middle daughter in the middle of. "You have no right to judge me for anything Lexi." She said in a low voice to not wake Nathan, "I caught you giving your brother a handjob!" and had I been any later, Liz thought, probably a blowjob too. As she had that thought, her pussy spasmed slightly and leaked more juices down her leg. From the waist up, however, Liz was fuming with anger.
Lexi looked away from her mother in shame. She felt like crying. She glanced briefly at her brother's face, fearfully avoiding looking at his cock again, but then glanced at it anyway because part of her felt she'd probably never see it again. When Lexi looked back at Nathan's face she was thankful that he was at least still asleep. You really can sleep through just about anything, Lexi thought, happily, but she knew she should get out of there to avoid him waking up soon. "I'm sorry Mom, it wasn't my fault." She stammered, just trying to say anything to get out of trouble with her mother. Lexi immediately regretted saying it as she knew it wasn't true.
"Oh really? Then Nathan's cock just happened to find its way into your hand, huh?" Liz pointed out, sarcastically. "And I didn't just walk in here moments before you put that same cock in your mouth?" She was too drunk to be subtle, and also quite angry at her daughter (and maybe a little jealous).
"I'm sorry, Mom, I'll never do it again," Lexi said, not sure what that even meant right then. She just needed to get out of that room and hoped she could end the conversation quickly.
Liz sighed, "I guess this is my fault for letting you sleep with your brother this long. I only hope that nothing else has happened that would make me even more disappointed in you Lexi," she sighed again as she glanced back at Nathan, mostly to ogle his humongous sausage, still very hard and bigger than any cock Liz had seen before. Even her own father couldn't compare to Nathan's boner. "Just, go to your room." Liz ordered, not looking away from this amazing dick in front of her, "we'll talk about this tomorrow."
It was dark, but Lexi could still see her mother's gaze as she glared at Nathan's body on the bed. Lexi was slightly perplexed by the look she caught in Liz's eye but was more glad than anything to get out of there. She went to the next door down in the hall and entered her room.
Lexi jumped in her bed and threw the blanket over her head and stayed up awake for a while, worrying about what her mother might say to her the following day. Something she didn't notice was that her mother had not left Nathan's room, and she was already asleep and didn't hear the door. Before she fell asleep, Lexi heard a few strange noises coming through the walls, but just assumed it was the natural creaking of their incredibly large mansion and didn't think anything else of it.
After Lexi left her brother's room, Liz glanced behind her to make sure Lexi was gone. Once the door closed behind her, Liz got down on her knees next to her son's bed, just as she had pictured in her fantasy. She leaned over so she could get a really good look at Nathan's cock. The only time she saw her father's dick she was at least three feet away from him. Liz knew, at least unconsciously, that she needed to see her son's cock from up close. At least so she knew exactly what it looked like for her masturbatory fantasies as her son was already taking her father's place for her most primal desires.
It's just so fucking big! Liz thought as she got as close as she dared, leaning in close so she could get a look at every vein on this thick monster in front of her, I've never seen anything like it. My father had a very large one... But this must be at least twice the size in both length and girth! Though it wasn't really. Nathan's cock was a bit bigger than her father's but her drunk mind was making her son's dick even more massive for her future fantasies. Liz continued to inch closer and closer to Nathan's manhood making it tower above her eyes as she rested her mouth against his leg while she stared at it. Without even thinking about it, she tasted her son's salty skin. Darting her tongue across the small area where her lips met his leg.
Her son's cock was so large that her drunk mind was telling her that something must be wrong with it. A penis this big can't be natural, she thought, it's my duty as his mother to make sure he has a healthy penis. And as she thought this she reached out and gripped her son's shaft with one hand, not thinking for even an instant that this was a boundary she should never cross.
Liz bit her lip as she ran her hand up and down the rock hard cock between this real man's legs, not a fake man like Nathan's father and her husband, James. She started speeding up. Liz was not even pretending she was doing anything else but giving Nathan a handjob right then as she ran her hands over this gigantic cock before her. Liz noticed his giant balls for the first time, large, mammoth things each at least as large as a billiard ball. Liz moved one hand from her son's shaft to grip and fondle his cum-filled orbs. They were so large she couldn't grip them both simultaneously and just felt up one for a moment before switching to the other.
Liz was intoxicated, both from the alcohol and from this sexual need which seemed to have taken over her completely as she gave a handjob to her only son. Her breathing became ragged, her nipples hardened, her pussy moistened, and Liz was feeling something inside of her awakening. Something naughty but also very, very horny.
Liz suddenly felt Nathan's nuts tighten up and she knew he was about to cum. She just kept on jerking with her other hand, determined to watch her son shoot, and Nathan did not disappoint her.
The first salvo of sperm shot from her son's stick. Nate's cock was pointing straight up so it sailed in a big arc and splattered all over his stomach. With just that first rope, it was more cum than Liz had seen in one place at one time and it was only Nathan's first shot. She watched in awe as her son's cock kept shooting. She kept jerking his dick without slowing down, loving how his balls felt in her other hand as she emptied his nut sack of his copious cum.
Nathan shot and shot, ended up covering most of his stomach and thighs, not to mention his mother's hands and forearms along with a great amount of it ending on his cock and balls despite Liz's hands being in the way as she continued to jerk him.
Once her son had stopped his torrent of cum, Liz took her hand off and just took in the scene. Very thick pools of semen seemed to be all over Nathan's surprisingly still-sleeping body. She held up her hands and looked at them, so much cum covered palms and digits. Liz felt it as it passed between her fingers, gooey, and warm. Without thinking, she licked some of it out of the palm of her hand.
Liz had never tasted a man's cum before. She let her son's semen sit on her tongue while she savored the flavor. Liz loved the taste immediately. It was salty but sweet and delicious in a way unlike anything else she'd tasted before. She swallowed that amount and then proceeded to clean her hands, finger, and forearm by licking and eating all the sperm off of them. She tried to pace herself but was too drunk and only wanted more and more and then it was all gone from her body.
For half a second, something inside of Liz told her that she was being especially slutty. That was when she looked up and noticed all the cum all over her son's body, and that feeling went away. All Liz wanted was more cum in her mouth and stomach and was already licking cum off her son's chest like a dog. She sucked the cum off her son's nipples, out of his belly button and continued lapping up sperm down to Nathan's cock. It was only then that she realized her sons' dick was still rock hard.
Without stopping or slowing down, only wanting more sperm in her mouth, Liz traced her tongue around his shaft to his balls. She got on the bed completely with her son. She needed to get in a better position and started sucking the cum off his balls while she also sucked his nuts into her mouth, one and then the other since they were too big for both testicles to fit between her lips at the same time. Once Nathan's balls were clean she proceeded to lick and suck cum from her son's shaft. It was a labor of love as she sucked up and down one side of his shaft like she was playing the harmonica. She then proceeded to the other side to eat all the sperm off that way too.
Liz then got to her son's gigantic, purple cockhead and was about to suck the whole thing into her mouth when the motherly side suddenly kicked in. She gasped as she realized what she was going to do. She was nanoseconds away from blowing her son while he slept. She threw her hand over her mouth and pushed herself off the bed, so roughly the whole bed shook. Sure she had woken her son, Liz glanced at Nathan's face, but was relieved to see that he was still fast asleep.
Liz turned to walk out of the room, she grabbed the doorknob. But then, against her better judgment, Liz turned back to her sleeping son. She noticed again that his cock was still completely erect, even after cumming so fucking much. She thought to herself, maybe there was something wrong with his dick medically and it was hard like that all the time. She was too drunk to really think about this logically since it's not like Nathan walked around with a raging erection in his pants and it would be impossible to hide it. Still, Liz rationalized to herself, I should make him cum one more time to be absolutely sure there's nothing wrong with his penis. Only a good mother would take care of her son's health in this way. In her drunk brain, Liz felt this was a very good reason for a mother to do such a thing for her son.
Liz spread her son's legs to make room for her to get on her knees on the bed between them. She gripped Nathan's cock with both hands again. Liz was still very impressed by its massive size as she started slowly jerking him. She quickly speeded up as she thought of tasting her son's sperm again. "Cum for me baby," she said in a low voice, glancing at his face just to make sure he was still completely asleep, "please cum for mommy," Liz begged as her hands gripped tighter. She sped up her jerking to the point she was practically punching Nathan's pelvis as she jerked him.
She opened her mouth and got closer and closer to the head of her son's cock until his cockhead was only an inch away. Liz could feel his cock twitch and she knew her son was about to cum again. She moaned in delight as Nate started to spew. A mouthful of spunk flew from his dickhead and directly into her waiting mouth. It was so much she had to swallow immediately and the next shot hit her right on her closed lips and covered her cheek, neck, and some fell onto her breasts as well, sticking to her skin obscenely.
"You're making a mess Nathan," She said and, without thinking of a better way to collect the rest of her son's sperm in her mouth, she sucked his cockhead in between her waiting lips and swallowed with great enthusiasm as load after load of delicious jizz filled her mouth. Liz tried her best to swallow it all but as much was getting in her mouth as out of it. She wound up with large pools of sperms all over her face, neck, and breasts as large amounts of Nathan's cum escaped her lips. Liz didn't mind though. She was ecstatic to be covered in so much sperm, something she had only ever dreamed about before. At that moment, covered with her' son's cum with even more in her stomach, Liz had never felt so alive.
Liz also felt very full after eating two gigantic loads of her son's semen. She was about to roll off of Nathan but two things became very clear to her before she could. First, Nathan's cock was still as hard as it had been before. Secondly, Nathan's bulbous cockhead was still in her mouth. She didn't even try to rationalize what she was doing this time as Liz began to suck her son's cock deeper into her mouth.
It was such a big dick Liz couldn't even get it halfway past her lips before she started to gag. She'd heard of deepthroating before, though never thought she could do so herself, but she couldn't imagine any woman able to take the whole of her son's humongous cock down her throat. Liz was determined to suck the whole thing, even if she had to do it and parts, and took Nathan's dick out of her mouth long enough to lick and suck the sides of his dick from the shaft up before taking it back into her mouth again.
As she sucked her son's cock, Liz's hands seemed to have a mind of their own as they started plunging her fingers in and out of her soaking wet pussy as she performed this completely depraved action of sucking her sleeping son's cock. Liz was only determined to get another load of cum in her belly. Truthfully, though she didn't think about this until later when she went back to her own bed, this was the happiest she'd ever felt in her life. Her Sex Demon had finally come out to play. It'd been gone since she and Brianna had been together over 20 years ago, and Liz loved feeling sexy once again.
Liz started cumming on her fingers. As she orgasmed her son started filling her mouth with yet another gigantic load of jizz. It was just as copious as the previous two had been. But Liz was ready this time and swallowed all of it down. She loved the feeling of cumming while her son came in her mouth. It was probably the naughtiest thing she'd ever done and she just wanted more.
Liz came down from her orgasm at the foot of her son's bed and noticed that finally, her son's cock had gone down. She glanced at his face again and he looked just as asleep as he had the whole time. She briefly wondered if he was faking it. But then thought, that's ridiculous. If Nathan, as shy and inexperienced with girls as he is, realized his mother was blowing him his mind would explode! And then, with a drunken laugh at the naughty thought, walked out of the room and down the hall.
When Liz got back to her bedroom, she glanced in the mirror and realized that she still had cum all over her face. She must have been drunker than she thought to forget about such a thing. Liz walked into her private bathroom and was under the shower a moment later, washing Nathan's cum out of her face and hair.
She remembered as she got into bed after her shower, that blowing her son while masturbating, was the happiest she'd ever felt. But then Liz, for just a moment, felt incredibly guilty as she remembered the full extent of what she'd done. She was still too drunk to let it bother her and fell asleep moments later thinking about how good her son's cock felt in her mouth...
That night, Liz had naughty dreams. One involving Lexi and Brooke sucking their brother's cock, just like the women in the porno she caught Brooke watching. It was in their kitchen and she walked in and caught them. "What the hell is going on in here!?" She shouted, being motherly, "That's your brother you can't suck his cock like that!"
Their kitchen was very big, like everything else in their house. In her dream, Nathan was sitting up on the industrial-sized metal counter naked, his giant cock jutting out as Lexi and Brooke were on their knees in front of him and worshipped his massive erection with their tongues. They'd both suck one of his balls and move in unison, licking and kissing up the side's of Nate's cock until they came to the tip and they'd kiss each other as together they sucked on his giant dickhead. It was so depraved, Liz couldn't look away. She was slightly annoyed they weren't listening to their mother either.
But then her Sex Demon stepped out, who in her dream looked just like Liz but with red skin and horns and a demon tail, "No, keep going!" She ordered as she stepped up behind Liz and ripped her clothes off and started pinching her nippled and fingering his pussy with a clawed hand, "A cock like that needs to be serviced!" The demon demanded.
Then the Sex Demon forcefully gripped Liz by the hair and turned her around and bend her over so she was presenting her pussy and asshole to 3 out of 4 of her children, "Now, Nathan, fuck your mother! She needs to get pounded by your pussy-pleasing cock!" As the demon said this she got down on her knees on the side of Liz and used both hands on Liz's front and back to spread her pussy lips and asshole with her fingers as she stuck out an impossibly long forked tongue
"No, please!" Liz cried but she knew the demon spoke the truth as her son walked over to her. Liz could do nothing but watch and wait for her son to begin fucking her. The demon let go of Liz's body, got up, and grabbed Nathan's cock. She forcibly pull him by it. The Sex Demon lined up Nathan's dick at the opening to Liz's cunt. The cockhead started to penetrate. They were about to commit the most unholy of all sins. Liz could feel as Nathan started to fuck her, his mother. Liz cried out in pleasure and pain as her son pushed his further into her unholy hole.
Liz woke instantly from her nightmare, but also could tell that she had orgasmed by the amount of dampness on her sheets around her crotch.
She glanced at the clock and saw she had only been asleep for a few hours. She sighed, knowing there was no way she was getting back to sleep now anyway, and got out of bed to get dressed. Liz was much soberer, but could still feel a bit drunk. She wondered, briefly, if she had a good time last night. She couldn't remember anything since the bar-
That's when the memory of the night before hit her all at once. She looked up at herself in the mirror and said, "Oh no," to herself, "I did it again haven't I..." she thought about how she let herself go with Brianna so many years ago and how it had driven them apart from each other. And just like with Bri, and Liz's father after she saw his cock, she suddenly wanted to run away from everything again. Just run out to my car and drive away and start a new life. The kids are adults now, and I hate my husband, I don't have a reason to stay here.... Liz thought but that line of thinking only made her depressed. She couldn't abandon her family.
"What would Yumi tell me to do?" She said out loud. Yumi Kim was her therapist and a very good one at that. Although most of her sessions were about how disappointed she was in her husband. Still, the solution was obvious, "She'd tell me to not run away from my problems and instead confront them head-on." Liz admitted. Her next session was later that day, but she was already thinking that instead of running away from her son they should spend the day together. "We haven't done that since...well, ever." Liz admitted, "not just the two of us anyway." There was a part of Liz that felt very guilty about that. She hadn't made much time for her only son while he was growing up. Maybe, she thought, it's time to change that.
Liz got up. As she finished getting dressed, she felt this was a very good idea and she was sure her Sex Demon wouldn't get in the way in any way. I'm completely sober now...mostly, she rationalized as she also stumbled slightly.
She walked back down the hall to her son's room. Liz had dressed so quickly that she hadn't put on underwear or a bra and was now only wearing her jogging outfit of short cotton shorts and one of her tight t-shirts. Her nipples were clearly poking dents in the thin fabric.
Liz went into her son's room and almost laughed at herself when she saw his nude form on the bed. When she left the room she had forgotten to cover her son up. She noted that his cock was still soft though, for medical reasons, and she felt a bit proud that she was able to "tame the savage beast" the night before. Then caught herself and forced herself to feel ashamed instead and she covered her son back up before waking him.
Nathan had to be grabbed by his shoulders and shaken awake that morning and he was incredibly groggy when he shouted, "Okay! I'm awake!" He had been having some strange dreams involving his mother and sister, Lexi, that might have been more sexual than he'd like to admit. "Sorry," Nathan mumbled, embarrassed when he saw it was his mother who had woken him as he rubbed the sleep out of his eyes.
Though Nathan probably could sleep through a nuclear war, when Lexi had grabbed his cock last night he had only been about half-asleep. And then was wide awake for everything that came after. He had never had sexual thoughts about his mother before. But Liz had never dressed in something that wasn't very conservative around him before. Last night, seeing her body in the moonlight, he fell instantly in lust with his mother. And when she started playing with his cock and proceeded to give Nathan his first bowjob, he pretended to still be sleeping. He was too inexperienced sexually to do any of the things he wanted to do, like moan out loudly as his mother jerked him off or grab her by the head as she sucked him off. He couldn't because these feelings for his mother were still too new to him and despite her horny exploitation of his body, didn't know how to express his sexual feelings in physical ways yet.
Of course, after Liz left the room, Nathan, after cumming three times in a row, fell right to sleep. And now, after less than an hour of actual sleep, he deduced that the memory of what happened was all just a highly sexual dream he had for going to be without masturbating first. Mom would never do anything like that...would she? He thought to himself. But then also noticed she was wearing the least conservative outfit he'd ever seen her in.
"It's okay," Liz said to her son in response to his apology, "I just thought maybe you and I could spend the day together, just you and me. I can't even remember the last time we did that!" Liz opened Nathan's blinds and let the sun in.
Nathan put his hand up not ready for the light yet, but then put it down to see his mother from behind. Her ass was perfect, and in those shorts, it was positively divine. He shook his head and realized he was being stupid. He knew his family was attractive but he just saw them as his family, I'm just having these thoughts because of that weird sex dream, he decided.
His mother turned around and he could tell she wasn't wearing a bra. Nathan could even see Liz's nipples poking through her shirt. He felt his cock twitch under the blanket and knew today was going to be a long day...