Part 07

Nathan and his mother, Liz, sat in her car in silence as she drove them to her therapist's office.

Liz had decided during her shower, after she had actually showered and stopped eating her son's delicious cum off her body, that she had to talk to somebody about what had been going on with her and her only son, Nate. Partly because Liz herself didn't know what was happening between them, or what she wanted to happen either. Liz knew she had to be the responsible one, it was her fault for letting things go too far. She was constantly letting her Sex Demon do her thinking whenever she was even remotely horny, it seemed.

Who can I even talk to about such a thing? Liz thought, I've been married for over twenty years now and never once thought about cheating on James before... Just saying that I've been looking at another man would probably drive Andrea out of her mind, she is too religious, and no way in hell would she be able to handle that it's Nathan, my own son, that I'm obsessing over... Andrea was Liz's older sister and in between her and their oldest sister, Jenna, Liz sighed as she thought of her other sister, there's no way I can tell Jenna I've even looked at another man without her having to find out who he is and how she could hold it over my head. Well, my sisters are out...

Liz thought as she started going through the list of who she could even talk to about it, No, I can't talk to her about this. It would probably bring up that night we... she didn't want to think about how she and her best friend had made love twenty years ago because Liz still blamed herself about the whole thing, just how she felt with that morning with her son, it was all her fault. So Liz forced it from her mind and left the sentence in her thoughts unfinished, I can't do that to her. I don't want to hurt her anymore. Well, no Bri.

Thinking of Bri made Liz think of her daughters because Bri helped Liz raise her children their whole lives. Bri was maybe a better parent than Liz was. Maybe they! She briefly had the image of Lexi breaking down and crying as Liz announced what she did with her brother the night before, especially after Liz stopped Lexi from touching Nathan's dick while he slept only to do the exact same thing after she left.

Erika? No way, it would make her mind explode, Liz thought. But she assumed that Erika was basically just a younger version of herself, partly because they looked very similar and Erika was the daughter that others could plainly see she was her offspring, also Erika liked to pretend she was a nice, sweet girl around her mother with not a bad bone inside of her, even though she was anything but. Brooke? Liz thought, remembering that Brooke had been watching incest-themed porn when she spied on her last night. Maybe she would be more understanding than the other members of her family? Liz almost decided to talk to Brooke right then and there, but thinking about her oldest daughter made her start thinking about the porno she caught her watching, a mother and daughter sucking their son and brother's cock together. Liz's hand start to lightly squeeze her nipple and she let out a small moan thinking about such a depraved scene as pleasure when through her delectable tits from her nipple down her spine, into her pussy...and then Liz realized what she was doing and what she was thinking about doing it and forced everything, including talking to Brooke, from her mind.

Liz and Bri attended a book group once a week on Wednesday nights, and the members there were friends to both of them, but Liz couldn't imagine even mentioning thinking of cheating on her husband, no matter who it was with, to even one of the members without them intensely judging her.

Liz also considered the teachers at Erika's school, where all her children had attended, but again, couldn't imagine telling even one of them something so intimate. Liz grumpily shut the shower off and put on a robe she grabbed from the other room before coming into the "group shower" room. She realized as soon as the robe adorned her body that it wasn't meant for her. Her boobs stuck out too far and made it rise up and revealed her ass from behind. Also, the v-neck in front was pushed around her breasts so that the sides of her areolas were showing and she couldn't fix it without revealing her bare pussy as well (she kept it shaved in a vague hope that it would make James more into sex and maybe go down on her here and there, so far it hasn't been successful on either count).

She gave up and forgot about it as Liz's mind started considering who else she could talk to. Her therapist was most obvious, she did have an appointment with her in less than an hour, but considering Dr. Yumi Kim only made Liz's mind jump straight to the family's long-time doctor, Dr. Laurel Scots. Which made Liz recall her son's hard cock once again, not that she ever really stopped thinking about it, but she thought of how hard he was the night before, how she had to make Nathan cum multiple times until his penis would finally go down. How he needed to cum all over her earlier and was still hard when they parted.

Obviously, Liz decided, something is medically wrong with my son! Though of course Liz didn't realize it, this was an odd way for her to retroactively rationalize her behavior. If something is medically wrong with him because his penis is so rigid all the time, and his balls so full of sperm, then he must need to have someone make him orgasm and get rid of all that excess cum. It's a mother's duty to help her son, after all. This thought, as incredibly unlikely as it was, made Liz's motherly side and Sex Demon side both liked that idea very much. Liz didn't realize it at the time, but it was the first time Liz ever recalled them ever getting along.

With that thought, Liz was out of the room to tell her son they were going out together and she'd take him to the doctor just after her therapy appointment. She ignored her son's shocked look at her outfit as she told him her plan...

Dr. Yumi Kim was a 36-year old Japanese-American woman and very sexy. She had perfectly black hair, C-cup tits, and a shapely body. She had an 18-year old daughter after getting pregnant in high school and deciding to both have the child and leave her boyfriend, mostly because it wasn't his child and she didn't even want to tell him about it or that she'd decided to break up with him to begin with. So she just took what money she had and moved out of the state.

Her daughter, Mia, was the best thing in Yumi's life and she wouldn't give her up for anything. She raised her by herself while also going through college and graduate school in order to become a doctor of psychology.

Yumi always felt she was too busy to date, though occasionally would hook up with a colleague at a psychology conference but she rarely attended even those and chose to mostly concentrate on her work in therapy.

So, to deal with her horniness, which happened more than she'd ever admitted, Yumi started reading and masturbating to Hentai-Manga. She felt it might have something to do with her Japanese origins that made her so attracted to it, but deep down Yumi knew it was how big they drew the cocks in them, along with how much cum they would shoot, both things that were totally unbelievable to real life, but there was something about the fantasy of constantly hard dicks that shot endless cum that Yumi was very attracted to.

As she read more and more of this type of Manga, Yumi discovered that she wasn't at all into tentacles, but she was very, very into incest. She especially liked it when a mother seduced her son (or vice-versa) and, by extension, mothers fucking their daughters. Though lesbian stuff was rarer in Hentai, unless it was specifically lesbian, Yumi liked it when it happened. Like when a son fucked his mother only to then turn his sights on his sister but then the mother would get jealous until the daughter started eating her pussy while the son fucks her in a sudden family orgy and Yumi was cumming, hard, on her hand while she read thinking Why is this so fucking hot to me!?

Occasionally, during these intimate moments with herself, images of Yumi's daughter would flash in her mind, who was even more attractive than Yumi herself because of her mixed heritage, she had black hair but with a tinge of red from Mia's father, who Yumi never told her about, bigger tits, a sexy face, and legs, and then Yumi would cum thinking it was her daughter eating her pussy and immediately feel very guilty about it afterward. This usually led to her remembering that it was all just fantasy, even if it was a bit fucked up, and there was no man with a huge cock that came forever, just as much as there was no way her daughter would think incest was as hot as Yumi did.

Nathan stayed in the waiting room as the secretary let Liz through the door. Liz was so distracted sitting next to her son in the waiting room, thinking about how good he smelled after taking his recent shower, and trying not to think about how good his cock and cum tasted in her mouth. She hardly heard Cynthia, the 22-year-old secretary who worked at Yumi's office.

Nathan just sat there and thought about how much he wanted to leave. He wasn't sure why he was there anyway since his mother had said that they should probably avoid each other only to change her mind just after. She hadn't mentioned her plan to take him to the doctor afterward as they had spent all the time since then in complete silence.

Liz entered the office which had a couch for customers to sit on and occasionally lie on, but Liz just sat like she always did. Yumi smiled at her as her client came in the door as she stood for a moment behind her desk, revealing her sexy but professional mini-skirt she wore. Yumi liked dressing sexy, mostly because she didn't have time for dating so she wanted to seduce the men she slept with as quickly as possible. This particular skirt was a light shade of blue and pushed her breasts up and out and the skirt was short to show off her sexy legs which were covered in her fishnet pantyhose.

Liz was used to how Yumi dressed, but as they shook hands, the fact that Liz had been so horny since she came home drunk the night before, noticing how sexy her therapist looked in her outfit suddenly made her wonder what Yumi looked like naked. Something she only was slightly confused about as she sat on the couch. If Liz were honest to herself about sex, she'd have realized a long time ago that she was intensely bisexual.

Yumi asked Liz a question but Liz was distracted by her inner conflict of her Sex Demon wanting to think about her son's cock and Yumi's tits and a whole host of other sexy things, while Liz's responsible side was trying to think of anything but that but was failing. "What?" Liz said when she realized she hadn't heard a single syllable of Yumi's speech.

"I asked you how you were?" Yumi said with a reassuring smile, "Are you okay, Liz, you seem a bit distracted?" Yumi had always liked Liz and thought they might have been friends if they met in less professional circumstances. Yumi also thought, since the first time Liz came into her office about a year beforehand, that Elizabeth Slope was the most beautiful woman she had ever met. Her visage was breathtaking and Yumi had been practically starstruck on that first meeting. But after talking for a few minutes, Yumi realized that Liz was possibly the least sexual person she'd ever spoken to. Liz would seem to suppress even the slightest sexual talk and Yumi realized that Liz was probably the most sexually frustrated woman ever. One of the reasons she thought Liz should get out of her loveless, unsatisfying marriage, and maybe get out into the dating game again, though when Yumi spoke to Liz she had come to learn to choose her words carefully. Liz tended to shut down or quickly change the subject if anything they talked about even approached anything sexual.

"I'm just great," Liz said after Yumi's words reached her brain through the haze of horny thoughts, "Um, just great," Liz repeated as if trying to convince herself the words were true.

Of course, Yumi saw through Liz's facade, "Are you sure Liz? It seems like something is bothering you."

Liz bit her lip as she considered Yumi. On the first day of her treatment, Yumi explained that this was a safe space as long as she wasn't hurting anyone: herself, or others. Liz did need to talk about this with somebody, she hadn't realized before that moment that Yumi would be perfect, but also didn't want to explain everything to her if she could help it. "I'm, um, sorry." She mumbled, "There is some-, um, something happening lately, and I need to take my son to, um, the doctor." Mentioning Nathan caused a vision of her son's humongous cock flash through her mind, "Um," her voice caught in her throat and she started moving her legs awkwardly. Liz felt her pussy moisten. "I've got a lot on my mind...I guess." Liz admitted.

Yumi considered Liz as she spoke. Her body language seemed to indicate a number of things, conflict, shame, and confusion were obvious, but there was something else Yumi could tell but wasn't sure.

Then Liz mentioned her son and Yumi held back from gasping. She saw what the emotion was that Liz was holding back and it only showed for a moment but when it did it seemed to affect Liz's entire body: lust! Yumi was surprised as she felt her pussy twinge with need under her skirt. No way, it's not possible, Yumi thought, not with Liz! There's no way she's lusting after her own son! It's just not possible. Yumi wasn't disappointed, she had already accepted that this fantasy of hers was just that, a fantasy. Yumi knew she was only imagining things.

"Would you like to talk about what's bothering you?" Yumi said, forcing her thoughts away as she took her completely professional stance like always. "If not, we could continue the discussion from last week concerning the divorce with your husband."

"Nothing's changed, James is still out of town so there's nothing to catch," Liz admitted. She looked troubled to Yumi, who was certain that Liz was about to talk about how faithful she'd been while her husband was off cheating on her, but then Liz took her completely by surprise and said, "I have to admit this to somebody, and I already know it's wrong and everything, but I think, no I don't think anything, I know that I've developed feelings for another man..." Liz stopped talking, not sure how to go on.

Yumi blinked her brown eyes, this was surprising only because this was Liz saying it, "Um, well, that's common in unhealthy marriages for one to be unconsciously looking for someone new. This mate hasn't pleased you and from an instinctual level-"

"The man I've developed feelings for is my own son, Nathan." Liz blurted out, then gasped as she realized she just blurted that out. She blushed profusely and hid her face in her hands. Liz always had a bit of a problem with keeping secrets, even when they were her secrets to keep.

Yumi's pussy twinged and began throbbing with need as her juices started flowing and wetting her panties. She was utterly speechless by what Liz was saying but calmed herself down knowing that this wasn't like her manga. She was sure she just got a little crush Liz had and wouldn't do anything to a family member, "Well," Yumi started, mentally slapping her libido in the face to shut her up and letting her constant professionalism take over, "developing an infatuation with a relative isn't as uncommon as one might think. It's just as long as you don't act on these emotions that-"

"I sucked his cock and swallowed his cum!" Liz blurted out again before squealing, "GAAAHH!" blushing an even deeper shade of red and covering her head with her arms as she buried her face in her knees.

Yumi was quiet. Her brain seemed to have shut down for a moment as her pussy throbbed again and her whole body briefly shook in a wave of pleasure that traveled throughout her body. Holy shit, she thought, did hearing that just give me a mini-orgasm!? She was glad Liz was currently hiding her face since Yumi was certain she'd have seen how Liz's words had affected Yumi's body.

Yumi had to catch her breath before saying, "Uh, could you, um, tell me everything that's happened." She centered herself before remembering who she was talking to and where they were talking, this is my office, I'm a professional. She reminded herself and said, "I need to know what happened in order to determine that no form of abuse took place." Yumi felt that was a legitimate excuse but she wasn't lying to herself either, she knew she just wanted to know for her own guilty pleasures.

Liz sighed as she lifted her head. She was still blushing profusely, and part of her knew that she may have abused her son, but she also knew that if she didn't tell someone she was going to explode. "Okay," she took a breath, "Okay," she said again. "It started last night. I came home a little tipsy after me and Bri went out to the club last night." She didn't want to admit that she was far from "a little tipsy" and closer to "blind drunk," also that it wasn't so much a club as it was a sleazy bar that's only redeeming factor was that it was close to their home, but she continued, "Well, I installed these teddy bear cameras to see if I could catch James with that slut Rosa and I thought I would check them, even though he hadn't been home yet, but instead I caught Brooke, um..." Liz suddenly realized that she probably shouldn't mention the part when she caught her oldest daughter masturbating to incestuous porn, but trailed off unsure of how to continue.

"What about your daughter Brooke?" Yumi asked, trying to hide her eagerness for Liz to continue her story about how she sucked her only son's cock.

"Um," Liz mumbled, she was a terrible liar, mostly because she was bad at coming up with good ones. And this time she was at a total loss as her horny side seemed to be controlling what she was thinking lately, "She was just in the video.." Liz said, deciding that it was better to just skip over things that didn't matter, "And I, um, went down the hall to my son's room, and that's when I caught" Liz realized before she could complete her sentence that catching Lexi jerking her brother off was probably one of those things she shouldn't mention.

"Lexi's another of your daughters?" Yumi asked. Her sexual fantasies were already making her mind do flips at the moment and all she could think of all the things Liz's daughters might also be doing while Liz was sucking off her son.

"Um, my mistake!" Liz said quickly, "Lexi wasn't there. Never mind!" She had to catch her breath again before continuing.

Yumi had a sudden image of Liz and her three daughters, who she hadn't seen before so they looked like sexy anime characters in her mind, as they all took turns fucking Liz's son and each other. Yumi reminded herself that this was Liz she was talking to and she was probably just flustered and misremembering. But there was a very horny part of her that was very suspicious of what exactly had been going on in Elizabeth Slope's home.

Liz had to take a moment to fast-forward her memories to when Lexi wasn't there anymore before she continued her story, "Well, um, Nathan was lying in front of me naked, and his cock! Oh my god, it's so large!" As soon as Liz mentioned her son's cock, her whole persona changed. Yumi had never seen Liz's sexual side come out before, probably because Liz did her best to never let her Sex Demon out, and hadn't expected such a person to come out of her client. Where Liz was normally shy and timid, she had become a woman who seemed both confident and eager as she continued her tale, "I've never seen a dick so big before and James' penis is soooo small." Yumi had not known that part since Liz only tiptoed around how disappointed she was in her sex life before then, but Yumi had assumed as much though just by how she talked about James anyway, "but this was something beyond belief almost." Liz went on, "His cock is even bigger than my father's," this statement would have surprised Yumi but her mind (and pussy) was already on overload as she eagerly awaited Liz's next words, "I couldn't help but touch it.

I had to! I needed to!" When Liz said this last part she sounded like she'd been lost in the desert and was talking about water only seconds from dying of thirst, "And when he came, it was so much and it tasted so good!" Liz was almost moaning out with sexual need as she shifted in her seat, "And when I saw that his cock was still hard after two orgasms," Yumi thought she must have misheard Liz when she mentioned multiple orgasms so far, and couldn't ask her to clarify before Liz continued, "I just couldn't stop myself. I had to suck Nathan's cock! And when I did I loved it! And I haven't been able to think of a single thing other than how much I loved sucking my son's giant cock!" After Liz finished her speech, it was as if her words all caught up to her, she realized that she was probably about to go to jail when Yumi reported what a horny slut she was, but she was also so fucking aroused right then she was likely to do something a horny slut might do...

Yumi was dumbfounded, and even hornier than Liz by her words. She wanted to rip all her clothes off and start openly finger-fucking herself right in front of her client, but her brain reminded her that she was a professional who was just doing her job. "Hmm," she said, "Was your son asleep the entire time?" She tried not to sound eager or sexually excited about Liz's answer but she was obviously both.

Liz didn't notice though because her horny thoughts weren't helping her to think, or notice how sexually excited her psychologist was, clearly, "Yes, he has no idea about what his terrible mother has done to him..." Liz said, "And after this morning, I don't know..." she trailed off, realizing that was another one of those things she probably shouldn't mention.

"What happened this morning?" Yumi asked, and when she saw how reluctant Liz was to tell her, added, "Remember, if you don't tell me I might have to report you for suspected abuse." This wasn't entirely true but Yumi was operating on pure arousal at the moment and just really wanted to know anything else Liz might have done to her son.

Liz struggled with how to tell her psychologist, but just let it all out, "We were doing yoga and I was basically dry humping him until I had an orgasm on his dick and, um," she took a breath, not wanting to admit how awful she was but decided it was pointless to deny it, "Then I forced him to cum all over me! All over my face and body!" When she said this, it was like she was admitting to the FBI that she was the one behind every conspiracy of the last 50 years. Liz was taking all the blame away from her son, but she really thought that she was the one to blame.

Yumi considered this, as she did she started slowly hiking her skirt up under her desk so that Liz didn't notice her arm movement. "What's your son's perspective on this?" Yumi asked.

"I haven't spoken to him since it happened," Liz admitted, "Other than to tell him we're going to the doctor's office after this. I need to make sure nothing is wrong with his penis."

"What could be wrong with it?" Yumi considered.

"Well, Nathan seems to get really stiff and hard and need to cum multiple times in a row to go soft again." Liz was full-on Horny Mom Mode as she said this, "Something must be wrong with him medically. It's the only explanation."

Yumi could tell that Liz was telling herself this to try, in some odd way, to rationalize her behavior, but that still didn't answer her question, "I think we need Nathan's perspective on this, Liz. I think we should turn this into a group therapy session."

"What?" Liz was very surprised, "Do I have to tell him what I've done?"

"Remember, this is to determine whether abuse has taken place." Yumi explained, "We can't know that unless your son knows the full extent of your actions. Either you should tell him, or I will have to. Now, please, go and fetch him from the waiting room."

Liz nodded and went out of the room. While she was gone, Yumi took her soiled panties off and let them fall around her ankles and then thrust two fingers into her needy pussy. Of course, Yumi hadn't thought this through as Liz was only gone a moment and when she came back a moment later Yumi quickly took her fingers out of her horny cunt and straightened her clothes and pushed her hair back behind her ear. She realized that she hadn't thought this through either as she now had her own pussy juices in her hair and on her cheek. She did her best to look professional and ignore it.

Then Nathan came in the room and Yumi was rendered speechless once again. Like the first time she'd met Liz, her son was as handsome as she was beautiful. He hid his body but it was the beginning of summer so his clothes were loose enough to see the outline of his muscular body he hid underneath. He was also very tall, above six feet, and his red hair was a huge turn on to Yumi, as evident by her daughter's father also being a redhead. Her mind was aflutter as she glanced at his crotch and gasped because even though his jeans her loose-fit she could tell her client's son was hiding a humongous salami in his pants.

Yumi almost forgot herself and stood up to shake Nathan's hand but luckily remembered she was naked from the waist down and instead just said, "Pleased to meet you, Nathan. Your mother tells me good things," Yumi was trying to say this sounding flirtatious, but she had been so far out of the dating game she just ended sounding like a professional psychologist like always. Yumi was disappointed in herself, slightly, but she nodded to the couch, "Please, have a seat."

Nathan and his mother sat on either end of the couch. Liz was immensely nervous and seemed to be trying to lean into the side of the couch in order to hide from her son. Nathan was awkwardly looking at his feet and not trying to look at anyone.

After a moment of sitting in silence, Nathan said, "Mom said you wanted to talk to me."

Wow, even his voice is masculine, Yumi thought, I can see why Liz is so attracted to him. "Your mother needs to tell you something..." Yumi said, letting it hang in the air in the hopes that Liz would take over.

Liz gulped, knowing that she'd rather be the one to tell her son of her own indiscretions than Yumi. She was a good therapist, but Liz had always felt she was a bit...cold. "Nathan," she began, turning slightly away from the couch arm but not looking at her son yet, "There's something that I should tell you about last night. I-"

Yumi suddenly realized something, "Actually," she interrupted Liz, "I would like to ask you both a few questions." Yumi didn't want to scare away Nathan with Liz's indiscretions, not when she'd only just met him, "Specifically about earlier today." She went on, "Liz had told me that she forced you to cum on her. Is this true, Nathan?"

"What?" Nathan hadn't expected this as he hadn't expected his mother to tell anyone about that, "No, I mean, um," Nathan was blushing so hard his face matched his hair color, "I wasn't forced to do anything." He admitted once he collected his thoughts, "It's my fault that happened." This was another common thing with Nate. He tended to blame himself for everything, mostly because his sister's blamed him for everything too (especially when it was actually one of their faults) and he really couldn't accept that his mother might have actually wanted what had happened between them that morning.

But then Liz surprised him greatly, "No!" Liz said, looking at her son directly since he came in the room, "That's wrong! What happened was because of my indiscretion! I was the one who forced you to help me with yoga! I was the one who ate all the sperm off my body after you covered me in your spunk! I was the one who got drunk and sucked-"

Yumi opened her mouth to say something to stop Liz from blatantly admitting to her son every detail all at once. But nothing came out as her mind was blank. Her pussy was throbbing again as she looked at the sexy mother and manly son, knowing just what they'd been up to within the last 24 hours.

"Mom," Nathan interrupted instead, he looked Liz directly in the eye before saying, "My whole life you've never really taken an interest in me. I thought you flat-out didn't like me, honestly." Nathan never had enough confidence to be this honest with his mother before, but he hated seeing her get so upset about something that was obviously his fault, "And then this morning you wanted to spend the day together, and all I did was ruin it. I'm sorry, Mom, I really am." Nathan then blushed and went back to staring at the section of the floor directly in front of him he had been getting acquainted with.

Liz didn't know what to say to that. She'd never once considered that her son might feel this way. Does Nathan blame himself? Liz thought, How? This is so obviously my fault. How could he think he caused any of this? Unconsciously, Liz moved a few inches towards her son on the couch. She wasn't feeling like a horny slut anymore, just a concerned mother wanting to comfort her son.

But Yumi was more interested in something else Liz's son had admitted, "Nate," she said, "Can I call you Nate?" She didn't pause long enough for him to answer, "Anyway, I noticed that you said you feel that your mother has ignored you your whole life, could you elaborate on that?"

"Um," Nathan mumbled as he glanced at his mother, and then jumped when he noticed she was now sitting right next to him.

Liz grabbed her son's hand and held it with both hands, comfortingly, "It's okay, Nathan. You can say whatever you want here."

"Yes," Yumi said, "just think of this as like it's kind of like Vegas, whatever happens in therapy, stays in therapy." Yumi had said this to some of her other clients but realized the context of that statement might imply something more sexual than she let on before. Not that Yumi was against that, entirely, but she also knew she was behaving unprofessionally and should probably be more comforting to people who were technically the victims of incest (even if it seemed to Yumi to be completely consensual). She smiled comfortingly and said, "Anything you say is safe here and won't leave this room...unless you want it to." Yumi looked to Liz, "If it would make you feel better, I could make your mother leave as well while we speak."

Nathan considered this, "No, it's okay," he said. He really liked his mother holding his hand right then, she gripped him tightly with one hand while sympathetically stroked the back of his hand with her soft fingers and palm of her other hand. While she did this she was slowly leaning into him and the side of her breast was pushing into his arm. Nathan liked the feeling of her being so close to him. He wasn't sure if she'd still be so close after he admitted what he felt though, "She's my mother and I love her," Liz swooned hearing this, knowing full well that Nathan didn't mean romantic love but she still felt her heart swore in her chest, "But," Nathan went on, "I've always felt she'd paid more attention to my sisters than me. I don't think we've ever spent time one on one before today, and even in family group activities I feel I've been mostly ignored." Nathan sighed, feeling that his mother must hate him now, but she didn't pull away from him like he thought she would.

Instead, Liz did something that surprised everyone. She felt guilty about her son's admissions, especially since he was completely right. She let go of his hands so she could grab both sides of his face and force him to look at her, "I'm so sorry, Nathan. I'm a terrible mother." She said and meant only to get her son to stop staring at the floor so sullenly but now that they were face-to-face, and she could see into Nathan's handsome, blue eyes. She suddenly couldn't stop and she leaned in, "I'll be a better mother from now on," she whispered sexily to her strapping son and kissed him. It was like she couldn't stop herself as her lips met his, and she was surprised and very aroused to discover her son kissing her right back.

Yumi watched as son kissed mother and both her hands were attacking her pussy under her desk almost without thinking about it, "Holy fuck," she moaned out loud as she saw Nathan's cock expand in his pant while he and his mother kissed, she could tell from the outline that Liz was correct, it was the biggest cock she'd ever seen.

Hearing Yumi moan out caused both Liz and Nate to realize that they weren't alone while they kissed. They broke the kiss but Liz didn't move away from her son right away. Instead, she stared into his eyes, and wanted to kiss him again, but knew it was wrong.

She pulled away, and scooted away from her son on the seat, but was very turned on now, and Liz's more confident sexual side seemed to be in charge, "Well, that was a tad unexpected," she said and laughed. Her laugh was so infectious that Nathan and Yumi started laughing along with her. It helped cut all the tension out of the room.

"Hahaha," Yumi laughed as she dried her eyes as the laughter slowly died down, "well, this was certainly an eye-opening session. Liz, I will see you here next week, alright? But I think we should maybe start group sessions with you and Nathan along with maybe one-on-one sessions between Nathan and I as well. But we'll discuss that in the future." Yumi added that last part realizing that her decisions right then might not be entirely professional as a lot of her thoughts were coming straight out of her horny pussy. "For now, I think you should maybe plan a few "getting to know each other" events. And maybe some one-on-one activities that don't involve anything, um, sexual. This will help to both allow you to discover who you are as mother and son and to cut the, um, tension that's already there. It will be better in the long run."

"What would you suggest, Dr. Kim?" Liz asked as she was glancing at her son sultrily only to look away, like a flirt, when her son looked back at her.

"Um," Yumi was trying very carefully to think with her brain and not with her sex organs, "Well, as a getting to know you event, you could try playing Truth or Dare with your son and daughters, or maybe," Yumi had to stop herself before she suggested Spin the Bottle and had to think of something else on the spot, "um, you have a pool-, uh, having a fun family pool session might be nice." Yumi felt that suggestion kinda stank but better than suggesting a game that involved romantically kissing the other members of your family, "As for some one-on-one things, Yoga is still good, but maybe start with less incentivizing positions, and massage would also be a good mother-son activity." Yumi full-on knew that she only wanted Liz and Nathan to touch each other more when she suggested those. Yumi felt at the time that she owed herself as a reward for not suggesting Spin the Bottle earlier.

"Massage?" Liz asked, feeling slightly suspicious, "Wouldn't that touching be too intimate?" Liz was already fine with yoga, even though they went too far earlier, but it still seemed "safe" as an activity that should involve Nathan.

"Well, that's the point," Yumi said, "If you learn to experience and appreciate each other's bodies then you'll build a stronger parent and child relationship overall." Yumi was just making shit up at that point, but she was too horny and needed them to leave so she could touch herself. She glanced at the clock, close enough, she thought before saying "Now, unfortunately, we're out of time. But I'm going to go ahead and schedule a group therapy session for the two of you for next Monday." It was Friday, so they'd be back after the weekend, "Would that be alright for both of you?"

"Yes," Liz said without hesitation.

"Um," Nathan wasn't sure about therapy but he glanced at his mother and she looked back at him with sexy, pleading eyes as she pouted her already naturally pouty lips, and he gulped but knew he could never say "no" to his mother, "Okay, I'll be there."

"Good, I'll see you next time," Yumi said and she waved them both out. Remembering at the last second again not to stand up to shake their hands as she was still naked from the waist down.

As soon as Nathan and Liz were out of the room, Yumi immediately started masturbating under the table and kept her next client waiting for fifteen minutes over as she had to finger fuck herself through two orgasms after the conversation she just had.

Once she'd calmed down Yumi realized she may not have given the best advice to Liz and Nate, but the thought of Liz massaging Nathan, or vice-versa, was so hot she had to masturbate again and again throughout the day. Yumi knew it was wrong of her and most unprofessional, but she absolutely wanted Liz and Nathan, a sexy mother and son, to fuck each other's brains out. She was already plotting ways to make that happen...​
Next page: Part 08
Previous page: Part 06