Part 11
By Charlie Flemming
By Charlie Flemming
Copyright 2020 Charlie Flemming
Liz, unlike her son, did not walk through the house naked. When she got to the laundry room she grabbed a towel and wrapped it around her as she briskly went up two sets of stairs, two different hallways, and through the foyer on her trip back to her room. Once she got there, she dropped the towel on the floor at the foot of her bed and walked into the bathroom. She turned the shower on, made sure the temperature was a tolerable one and got in. Every action was automatic, Liz herself felt like she was drifting through a dream. What she had done that day did not seem real to her.
But, no matter how surreal everything felt, the memories of what she'd done that day caught up with her. As the water started cascading down her body, Liz began to cry and a moment later fell to her knees on the floor of the shower. This was probably the worst Liz had ever felt in her life, save for right after her parents died.
Her thoughts didn't help the matter: What the fuck is wrong with me!? What kind of slut sucks her own son while he sleeps? Or lets him rub his cock against her pussy until he cums all over her face!? Or jerk him off in a public diner where anyone could catch them?? Or force him to rub her tits and eat her pussy!? As she thought these thoughts she sobbed on the floor of the shower.
Bri came down the hall after leaving Nathan back in his room. After their conversation, she was sure her relationship with Nathan would go back to normal in no time at all. She wasn't so sure about Liz's relationship with her son though. But she was hoping that maybe she could talk to her as well, though since Liz didn't know about Bri's involvement in the gym, Bri couldn't be as straightforward with her as she had been with Nathan.
The master bedroom was soundproof so Bri didn't hear anything until she opened the door and came into the room. Then she could only hear the sound of running water, and for a moment Bri thought, ah, she's bathing, I'll come back later. But as she turned to leave, she heard her best friend sobbing, just barely audible over the water.
Bri cringed. She had been quite horny after the events of the gym since she hadn't gotten off like Nathan and Liz, but all her sexy thoughts went away as she heard her friend crying. She knew that she couldn't admit to Liz that she knew exactly what she was crying about, but she could at least be a good friend.
Bri shut the bedroom door so she could cross the room and knock on the master bathroom entry, "Everything alright, Liz?" Bri asked, hoping her friend would let her in and not just because she wanted to see her naked again.
The sound of knocking surprised Liz enough that she forced herself to stop crying for fear that it was her son coming to check on her, And I'm such a slut, she thought bitterly, I'd probably rip all his clothes off and fuck him in the shower. If her Sex Demon was around at the moment, this thought would have turned her on greatly, but after the multiple orgasms she'd been craving since that morning, Liz's libido was safely shut off for the moment.
But when Liz heard Bri's voice she was greatly relieved. So relieved, without even thinking about it, Liz said, "Just a minute, Bri." and she dried her eyes, stood up, and went to the door to let Bri in, not even thinking that she was naked.
Bri got an eyeful as Liz opened the door, not that she hadn't just seen her best friend naked in the gym but she had not expected to see Liz in the buff again so soon. She looked down her body, openly ogling her as Bri's pussy pulsated with desire and need as she eyeballed Liz's perfect skin, fit body, large breasts, and bare pussy. Bri could still taste Liz's pussy in her lips from earlier, along with Nathan's cum, and could hardly understand why the two flavors tasted so fucking good mixing together in her mouth. She briefly fantasized eating Nathan's cum out of his mother's pussy and Bri was too horny to push the image away.
Liz could tell Bri was staring at her pussy, but she was too upset to care about that right then, "Bri," Liz said after a moment of sexually tense silence, "I'm sorry for being naked, I don't know what I was thinking." She grabbed a towel from the nearby rack and wrapped it around her body. Though part of her was starting to get turned on again and her Sexual Demon was slowly beginning to reawaken, Liz knew it was time to get serious.
After putting a towel on and shutting the shower off, Liz led Bri back into her room and sat on the bed, "Bri, I think I have to talk about this to someone or I'm going to go crazy." Liz stated though I don't know how I'm going to admit this to you. Liz thought, maybe it doesn't have to be so straightforward...
"What is it, Liz?" Bri said innocently as she reached over and gripped Liz's hand so she could hold it comfortingly, though part of her merely wanted to hold Liz's hand. Bri tried not to notice how soft her skin was as she did but still started lightly stroking Liz's palm and fingers slowly and sensually.
Liz noticed and liked the sensation of Bri holding her hand as she stroked her fingers, something about it was electrifying and she could feel her Sex Demon slowly coming out to play but Liz beat her off with a mental stick, she was feeling too guilty and it overpowered her just recently reawakened libido. "I'm a bad mother." Liz finally admitted after another tense moment.
Bri could tell that Liz was feeling terrible after what happened, which Bri could understand since she also felt guilty about it. Less so about eating Liz's pussy, since Liz didn't know that part, but sucking Nathan's dick under the table had definitely pushed it too far. He was practically her own son considering she'd known him since birth and was probably closer to him than Liz was. Then again, if Nathan had licked my pussy and made me cum like he did his actual mother... Bri tried to picture it but it only made her vaginal juices begin flowing once again, if he was as good at eating pussy as Liz made him seem, considering how much she yelled and moaned with pleasure while he was doing it, I don't think I'd be that upset about it. Bri's mind drifted away as she remembered what obscenities had passed through Liz's lips while her own son licked her cunt. Bri shivered as her pussy pulsated with the thought.
Liz noticed that Bri was just staring into space blankly after Liz's admission to being a bad mom, "What are you thinking about?" She asked in a normal tone, just trying to get her mind off her own thoughts.
Bri jumped and snapped out of her fantasies, "Um, sorry," she stammered as she rubbed the back of Liz's hand comfortingly, "Just thinking about, um," Bri knew she couldn't admit to Liz what she had actually thought about so she just said, "nothing at all. So, what do you mean you're a bad mother? You've been a great mom!" Bri was hoping to ease Liz into admitting to her what had happened, "I mean, all your kids turned out great! Look at, um," she was about to say "Nate" but realized that she probably shouldn't mention the child that was bothering Liz so she said, "Brooke! She already has her own business going making and selling clothes, not to mention she's a bonafide genius... Just like her mother." Bri added that last part in the hopes it would butter Liz up and put her in a better mood. Though Liz was plenty smart, especially when compared to James, Bri and Liz both knew the Slope children were much more intelligent than either of them.
Liz did smile at Bri's comment but didn't say anything else for a few seconds as she wondered how to tell Bri about Nathan. There's no way, she thought after another moment, she wouldn't understand and she'd probably think I was some kind of perverted freak...Dammit, this is just like when I turned into a horny slut 20 years ago and forced Bri to eat my pussy while I sucked her cunt...FUCK WHY IS THAT THOUGHT MAKING ME HORNY NOW TOO! She wanted to scream, but instead focused that emotion on her misbehaving Sex Demon to force it away again and calmed down, "You are right." Liz said, just in the hopes of saying something would make her feel better, "Brooke is a genius, and I'm very proud of her- BROOKE!" Liz suddenly shouted as she stood up, taking her hand away from Brianna in the process, and had to grip the towel around her body to keep it from falling, Brooke would be perfect! I did catch her watching incestuous pornography yesterday so it wouldn't be too weird, right? I could talk to her about it! And she practically ran out of the room wearing nothing but the white towel gripped around her wet body.
Bri had no idea what to make of that but shrugged, figuring she could probably get Liz to talk about it later. She glanced at the clock, time to make dinner anyway. Bri thought as she left and went down the stairs. She glanced up the hall towards Brooke's room and just saw Liz's toweled behind as she entered the room.
Lexi was still in the living room and heard people walking through the halls upstairs. She had been watching TV for the last few hours but she had hardly been paying attention to it. Really she'd just been lost in her own thoughts, wondering when the shit was about to hit the fan. God dammit, I know Mom is about to come down and yell at me for what she caught me doing last night. I also know Nathan probably hates me now because Mom probably told him all about it. They had spent the entire day together so far, after all. What else could they be talking about?
With that thought, Lexi bitterly turned the gigantic television off and went out to the hall and into the foyer to face the music.
But it wasn't her mother coming down the stairs, "Oh, hey Bri," Lexi said to the family maid as she descended into the foyer, "Do you know where Mom or Nathan is?" Lexi felt she had already come out there expecting a scolding, no reason to put it off any longer.
Bri glanced at Lexi. Bri smiled at the redheaded beauty, noticing for what seemed like the first time that she had grown into quite the attractive young lady. She shook her head then, even though she had given her brother a blowjob and was secretly in love with Liz, she wasn't about to start lusting after the whole Slope family no matter how horny she was, "Um, your mother is in Brooke's room so they can talk, I believe. Nathan is in his room like he always is." She tried to say both these things casually but her words were dripping with desire for both Liz and Nathan, especially since her fantasies about him eating her pussy felt like that, at least, could maybe become a reality, unlike her desire for Liz. Though Bri felt this was wrong, it wasn't nearly as wrong as a son causing his mother to cum in his mouth.
"Thanks," Lexi mumbled as she passed Bri and up the stairs. As she did, Bri walked the rest of the way down the stairs and into the kitchen to start on dinner.
Lexi got to the top of the steps and glanced to the left down to Brooke's room #7. She didn't really want her mother to scold her in front of Brooke, so she turned to the right and walked down to Nathan's room in room #15.
Lexi practically dragged her feet as she sadly thought, What the fuck am I supposed to say? Maybe I don't have to say anything. Maybe Nathan will see me and immediately tell me what a sick fuck I am and that I should move away and never see him again. No. I couldn't stand that. I just couldn't. I love him too much. She sighed and stopped walking next to her room, one door away from her brother. I don't know, I don't know if I can do this... Suddenly scared about what lies beyond her brother's door, she turned and ran into her own room.
Lexi decided to do what she felt she should have done that morning. She called her BFF, Donna.
"Hello," Donna yawned into the phone.
"Were you asleep?" Lexi asked, "You know it's almost 6 pm right?"
"Maybe," Donna said, yawning again, "Whatever, I keep staying up late thinking about that brother of yours." Ever since Lexi and Donna discovered what sex was, Donna would flirt with Nathan. Not that Nathan noticed really, but Lexi might have convinced him Donna was only doing it to make fun of him. "Does he really have as big a cock as you say?"
"Yes," Lexi said quickly, then realized she even said anything, "I mean, um..." her voice trailed off from her own embarrassment.
"Hahaha," Donna laughed, "I'm only teasing, Lexi. But having a crush on your brother is kinda hot!" Donna really liked the idea of Lexi and Nathan hooking up, mostly because Donna wanted to be there when it happened, and possibly join in. But she knew this was only a fantasy and would never actually happen, mostly because this was Lexi and Nathan she was fantasizing about, probably the least sexually minded people she'd ever met.
But then Lexi said, "Okay, promise not to tell anyone what I'm about to say, but if I don't say this to somebody I think I'm going to go crazy!"
Donna could tell just from her voice that Lexi was having some kind of crisis, "Okay, Lex, what's up?"
"Promise me!"
"Right, I promise. You know you can trust me." Donna swore.
"Okay," Lexi took a deep breath, then heard something behind her and was scared someone might be listening in on the other side of her bedroom door (though really it was the sound of her mother leaving Brooke's room in a hurry) "Actually, Donna, how about you come over here later tonight, um, after everyone else is in bed?"
On the other end, Donna cocked an eyebrow as she sat up in her bed. What the hell could this be about? She already admitted she had a crush on her brother, what could be worse than that? She thought, "Sure Lex, whatever you need." Donna said to her friend and they both ended the call.
Brooke was in the shower when Liz went into her room. She sat on the bed in a towel when Brooke came in, also in a towel.
"Hey Mom," Brooke said, friendly, "Um, why are you in a towel?" Not that Brooke minded, truthfully the reason she loved incest porn so much was that she a huge crush on Liz. And incest turned Brooke on so much that she had no qualms at all against making love with her mother, not that she thought it would ever happen.
"Just got out of the shower," Liz said, "As I see you've done the same."
"Um, yeah, I'm going to get dressed now," Brooke said as she dropped her towel on the ground, revealing her tone body, giant breasts, and trimmed, blonde bush around her beautiful pussy, to her mother.
Liz gasped at how gorgeous Brooke's body was, her Sex Demon in full swing for a moment before Liz forced herself to look away from her exquisite daughter's form.
Brooke smirked, maybe Mom has more of a bisexual streak in her than I thought, Brook had no idea, but then thought that she was probably just imagining things and started rooting around in her drawers looking for something "normal" to wear before she got into various lingerie outfits later on to model them for her website. "So, what brings you to my room? Wanted to show off your towel to me?"
Liz laughed at Brooke's joke, and that made her comfortable enough to look back to Brooke for a second before seeing that now Brooke's back was turned to her as she looked through the drawers by the door. Liz couldn't help but stare at Brooke's beautiful tone back and her vision trailed down her spine until Liz was staring at her daughter's shapely ass. Wow! Liz thought. Brooke could be a model with a body like that! Liz had no idea.
Brooke glanced over her shoulder and caught her mother staring at her ass, "Um," she said, "Why did you come in here? You haven't been in here since I was a kid I don't think." Brooke was enjoying the attention though from the object of her desire, but she was also eager to get to the point so she could get to work on her outfits for the night and couldn't do that until she was alone again.
Liz forced herself to turn away, not at all sure what was happening to her outside of her perverted libido didn't want to go away that day, I thought you were dead... She thought at her Sex Demon bitterly. And I thought you would go away after all the trouble you've gotten me into today...
"No fucking way, Liz!" Her Sex Demon told her in her mind's eye, which really surprised Liz but she also knew she wasn't crazy just vividly imagining it. She pictured her sex demon to look like a mix between herself and Satan, so if Liz had red skin and horns while standing naked and masturbating her asshole with an iron-plated dildo while she spoke, "It's not my fault you've avoided sex so much in the last twenty years you tried to kill me. But by locking me away you've only made me even stronger than before. And I'm back, bitch!" Liz had severely depressed herself with those thoughts.
Brooke had become frustrated by Liz's weird silence and sat next to her on the bed, grabbed her shoulders, and turns her to her, "Why are you in my room, Mom!?" She practically shouted.
Liz was now face-to-face with Brooke and Brooke was still naked. But the shock that took her out of her weird Sex-Demon fantasy made her just want to admit it all in one go, "I know you stole and sniffed my dirty panties." Liz said, not sure why but realized that seeing her daughter on that video doing something so depraved was the moment her Sex Demon had come back from the dead.
Brooke let go of her mother's shoulders in surprise, the fuck? She thought, How the fuck could she- "Those fucking teddy bears." Brooke said as she realized, "You set up cheater cams. You think Dad is fucking around on you?"
"Language!" Liz scowled, "And don't you change the subject, Brooke. This isn't about me. I know what I saw and this is all your fault." She was talking about Brooke inadvertently reawakening her Sex Demon even though Liz realized nobody knew about her but Liz.
Brooke didn't know what Liz was talking about but she could tell her mother was very angry with her, still, she had to know, "Wait? What did I start?"
Liz closed her eyes, partly in frustration, but mostly because she couldn't think clearly while staring at her eldest daughter's naked body, "You've made me-" a horny slut, Liz thought but didn't say, "Doubt myself," she finished her sentence with instead.
To Brooke, those words stung. Of course, to her, they also sounded like Liz felt Brooke had made her feel like she was a bad mother. "Mom, it's not your fault." She said regretfully as she stood from the bed to actually get dressed this time, "It's just an infatuation and-"
"No, you don't understand." Liz tried to explain, she opened her eyes and took in her beautiful, blonde daughter's body once again, but pretended not to notice as she spoke, she had to talk about this with someone and she was closer to Brooke than any other of her kids, "Brooke, you've awoken something in me. Something I've tried to keep hidden all these years. Something that's made me think things that are just- just- WRONG!" Not to mention what I've done already with Nathan, Liz thought bitterly but wasn't sure if she should mention that yet.
Again Brooke wasn't entirely getting it, but Liz's words made Brooke think that maybe, just maybe, what she wanted most of all was finally happening. Was Mom saying she was sexually attracted to me? She had to test it. Brooke innocently knocked a shirt off her dresser, "Oops," she said and turned around to bend over at the waist to pretend to pick it up so her ass and pussy were facing her mother. She glanced, upside down, between her legs to gauge Liz's reaction. Brooke was not disappointed.
Liz gasped when Brooke bent over. She could clearly see Brooke's pussy lips clearly, along with her puckered asshole and Liz practically started drooling as she visualized sticking her tongue into either of her eldest daughter's inviting holes. That sexy, confident feeling was back and Liz knew her Sex Demon had come out to play. Liz knew that if she didn't leave right then and there, she was about to violate her own daughter.
Brooke was surprised when Liz practically got up from the bed and ran from her room. But this confirmed her suspicions. "Holy. Fucking. Shit." Brooke said as she stood up and started actually dressing now that there wasn't anyone to show her body off to, "Mom has the hots for me." She then squealed with utter delight as tried to pick out something sexy to show off her body when she saw Liz again. She didn't want to go overboard and make anyone else suspicious, just enough that Liz would notice. Brooke picked out a tight pair of jeans that hugged her ass and showed it off, along with a t-shirt that was too small for her large tits and made them jut out and barely cover her nipples. She couldn't wear a bra in them, and worried it might be too much, but decided she cared more about Liz noticing her body than her brother and sisters noticing she was dressed like a cheap stripper.
Since Bri left his room, Nathan had been on his computer streaming videos. He had an erection for a very long time after Bri left, but refused to masturbate thinking about his mother and couldn't seem to even touch himself without thinking about her jerking him off in the diner, or how beautiful she looked with his cum all over her face and body after yoga that morning, or how much he loved the taste of her pussy after the massage that afternoon. Though all these thoughts really turned him on, he felt more guilty than anything else. Ultimately, his erection eventually went down by itself, though his dick was not very happy about it.
Being that he was usually a chronic masturbater whenever he was horny, this was the first time he began to know something about himself. That was that when he was horny, he became really stupid, probably because his cock needed all the blood in his brain to get hard and he had to do all the thinking with his dick after that. And all his dick wanted to do was cum, not caring in the process who it was making him orgasm.
Nathan felt he should talk to his mother, maybe clear the air somehow. But he still felt so embarrassed and blamed himself for everything that he ended up staying in his room and avoiding his problems for the rest of the day.
Dinner that night, Erika came down last after just waking up, she had some amazing bedhead with her hair all messed up and sticking every which way, but she didn't care. There was no one there she was trying to impress.
When the Slopes ate, being that the table was a 50-foot long oak table, complete with a tablecloth that was long enough to touch the ground, and enough chairs to fit 25 people on each side along with a larger, cushioned chair on the head and foot of the table, but they all sat at one end at the head of the table. Usually with Lexi, Nathan, and Liz sitting on one side while Brooke and Erika sat on the other.
Though when Erika came in she thought it odd that her mom was sitting at the head of the table, usually reserved for her father, James, even though he was rarely there. And Lexi and Brooke were sitting opposite their brother. Erika thought, for a moment, that she should sit with her brother, but then remembered that he had molested her in the shower (as she decided to view it) and sat next to Lexi on the other side and away from Nathan.
Bri came in and served the food, she kept it simple that night and just made spaghetti and meatballs with a salad on the side, mostly because she had a late start and just needed to make something quickly. Not that anyone seemed to notice, but she liked to have dinner ready by 6:30 every night.
It was oddly silent as Bri served the food, she noticed that there seemed to be enough tension in the room she could probably cut it with one of the kitchen knives. Nathan seemed to have his eyes glued on his plate and wouldn't look at anyone else in the room. Lexi was nervously chewing her lip and would occasionally glance at either her brother or mother before quickly looking away. Brooke was trying to get Liz to look at her and would keep sitting up straight so her boobs would stick out even more than they were in her tight t-shirt. Unfortunately for Brooke, Liz seemed to be staring to the left and out the nearest window and wouldn't even look at her food as she ate it with her fork, her eyes were glued to their yard to the west of their mansion. Erika, however, didn't seem to notice how anyone else was acting and was only silent because she had just woken up and was still pretty tired as she quickly ate her food.
After dinner, everyone went back to their rooms. Erika left first and went back to paint her toenails while listening to Pop music, not the least bit concerned about the events of the day.
That could not be said about anyone else. Lexi practically bolted away from the table because she was worried her mother might confront her about what she caught her doing that night right there in front of everyone. She went back to her room and read one of her fantasy books waiting for Donna to text her that she was there so she could let her in.
Nathan left next and went back to his room and basically went straight to sleep, he was very tired after the long day he'd had, not to mention his mother woke him up exceptionally early that morning.
This left Brooke and Liz at the table. Liz still hadn't looked away from the spot she found in the yard to stare at, and Brooke really wanted her mother to notice her. Since they were alone now, maybe she could take the initiative?
"Whups," Brooke said just before she picked up her glass of water and obviously dumped it all over her shirt. It wasn't very full but this made her hard, wet nipples very clear through the cloth. "Clumsy me."
Liz finally looked away from the yard and gasped at Brooke's sexy little outfit along with her wet tits, "Um, Brooke, why are you, um," Liz started to say not even sure what she was trying to say. Her daughter was so sexy looking right then, and Liz was openly staring at her tits right then. She could feel her Sex Demon taking over her body once again, but didn't have the strength to fight her off this time.
"I better get out of these wet clothes," Brooke said as she took her shirt off, she was now sitting at the table naked from the waist up.
"You look so sexy, Brooke," Liz said, not fighting her desires anymore, "I don't think I've ever noticed before just how much you've grown." She was staring directly at her daughter's tits as she said this and licked her lips as she thought about what Brooke's nipples tasted like.
"Thanks, Mom," Brooke said very happily, this completely confirmed what she suspected, her mother thought about her sexually. "Do you wanna go to-"
Before Brooke could finish her sentence Bri came into the room. Brooke scrambled to get her shirt back on and hoped that she hadn't been caught trying to seduce her mother. Bri definitely wouldn't understand, Brooke thought. Little did she know...
Bri had not noticed anything amiss, mostly because she was coming in to collect the dishes and was carrying a large grey tray out in front of her to take plates and such. Brooke just barely got her shirt on in time before Bri moved the tray and looked at them.
Liz felt embarrassed as she had been ogling her daughter's tits again, even though she was "possessed" at the time, she knew she should just get out of there and go to bed before she embarrassed herself even further that night.
Brooke sighed as she watched her mother go and Bri collected the dinnerware from the table. Soon after that Brooke left as well and modeled her lingerie in her room and took pictures of herself for her website well into the night.