Part 13

Copyright 2020 Charlie Flemming

Liz went to sleep feeling better than she had in a long time. And that night she dreamed something that meant a lot to her when she woke up.

She came into Nathan's room again, and Nathan was sitting upon his bed, naked. His head was tilted back as his twin sister, Lexi, sucked his humongous cock. It was so large that Lexi could only suck on his enormous, purple dickhead and stroked the rest of his shaft with both hands while moaning in ecstasy while she was doing it.

"Oh yes," Nathan said softly to his sister, "Just like that. You're even better than Mom."

Liz came up and as she got closer, Lexi transformed before her very eyes into the Sex Demon she imagined earlier, who looked like Liz except with a pair tiny horns sticking out of her hair, and skin that hinted at red. Liz gasped at the sight of her daughter disappearing so Liz's overpowering libido could possess her.

Liz wasn't surprised though, in the dream it all made sense to her, "I should have expected you to be here." she spat at the devil before her.

The demon took her mouth off of Liz's son's cock, but only to wrap both her boobs around his shaft and start bouncing them with her clawed hands in a perverted titfuck, "Because this is where you want to be," she snarled at Liz, "You love Nathan's cock! You want him to be your lover!"

Liz tried to look away from the perverted sight before her, but she couldn't, "I know you're right," she admitted, defeated, "I shouldn't want him, but I do. I want him more than anything."

The demon stood up, letting go of Nathan's dick with her massive tits and he looked up at her sullenly, "Oh, but I thought..." he said, but looked away, too shy to say anything more. Liz felt sorry for him and licked her lips with desire as she stared at his impressive, hard cock.

"Look at him," Liz's Sex Demon said to her, "He aches with need. It's like he told us in the doctor's office, he has to cum many times to be satisfied. And he needs us to help him. He needs his mother to help him cum." To Liz, the devil's words were spellbinding. The demon motioned to her to come closer.

Liz walked in a haze, her eyes never leaving her son's crotch as his dick seemed to jump and dance for her, just begging for release. Liz sunk to her knees, next to the Sex Demon in front of her son.

The Demon cackled triumphantly as she grabbed Liz's head and forced her forward to engulf her son's cock. She didn't resist, Liz knew she wanted this, she opened her mouth wide and felt Nathan's thick, veiny dick fill her entire mouth and go down her throat. I'm deepthroating him, Liz thought with utter happiness that she could take the whole thing in her mouth, and I love it! I love gagging on Nathan's cock! I love deepthroating my son!

Liz started bobbing her head on her son's cock, and the Sex Demon started finger fucking Liz from behind, using both her hands to stimulate her pussy and her asshole. Liz thought it would hurt because of the claws but it felt amazing as she started cumming around the hands of the demon. She realized that the hands weren't claws at all and she glanced behind her while keeping her son's cock in her mouth and saw that it wasn't the Sex Demon at all, but now Brooke, her oldest daughter, who was playing with her ass and cunt.

Liz didn't stop sucking her son's dick and only gave in to the taboo pleasure, and she heard a noise and saw that Lexi and Erika were now watching from the door, but they too were naked as the rest of them and were playing with each other's tits and pussies while they watched the perverted scene. Liz remembered thinking, yes girls. Watch Mommy, watch how perverted she is. Watch how much she loves sucking your brother's giant dick.

Nathan moaned and started cumming, and Liz sucked it all down. It tasted just like it had when she sucked his cock while he was sleeping the day before, absolutely delicious.

Liz woke from the dream feeling hornier than she ever felt in her life before. She felt the dream had a lot of meaning though, I don't think my daughters showing up at the end had anything to do with anything, outside of what a pervert my Sex Demon is, she thought bitterly, but this indicates that me and her are maybe seeing eye-to-eye when it comes to Nathan. She licked her lips just thinking about it, he needs to cum, and I don't see any reason I can't be the one to help him do it. She suddenly realized how horny she was, and thought for a moment that maybe she should masturbate and sleep on it so she could think about it more clearly when she woke up. I am his mother, after all, I need to be sure before I-

Liz's thought was interrupted as she heard a sound. It was her bedroom door opening. Liz gasped, she thought of who it might be and realized it could only be Nathan. He's confident, she thought, but can I really resist him? She wasn't sure if she even wanted to resist. Liz closed her eyes and turned on her side, deciding to pretend to be asleep at first.

The person she thought was her son came in and got on the bed. He crawled up beside her and didn't take any time before he put an arm around her and started pawing at her tits roughly. Liz knew her son was inexperienced but this wasn't anything like the soft, sensual touching when he gave her a massage yesterday afternoon, "Um, that's a little rough," She said, deciding she shouldn't pretend to be asleep anymore.

"What? You never complained before." A man's voice came that was definitely not Nathan's.

Liz pushed herself up on the bed and away from the man. She knew who it was before she turned the light on, her husband, James. She looked at him with shocked eyes as the light flooded the room. What the fuck? She thought before saying, "Why are you home? You were supposed to be on your business trip for another month."

James sneered for just a moment before smiling and saying, "You win some you lose some," without any further explanation. He laid back on the bed looking like the cat who caught the canary and started unzipping his pants, "I've had a long trip, how about performing your wifely duties before I go to sleep."

Liz felt incredibly disgusted with him, but also with herself, after years of the worst sex in the world she felt she was finally coming into a new phase of her life, but there was no way she'd be able to fuck James ever again, "I, um, have to get something, first, um, I forgot I was going to get you something, a, uh, gift." She stammered, her brain trying to think of any excuse to get out of there right then, but now that she found one she went with it full force, "Yes, a gift! And it was important for me to get it for you when you arrived. That's why you should have told me before you came home...I'll be right back."

As Liz spoke she stood up and dressed as quickly as she could, she was so eager to get out and away from James before he could get his pants off. As soon as she was done talking, she was dressed in jeans and a t-shirt, not bothering to put on a bra or her panties, and she was out of the room.

"I can't even get a blowjob!" James shouted but she was already gone.

Outside her room, Liz half-walked, half-ran down the stairs getting her sneakers on as she did so. She couldn't believe herself as she left, after yesterday, I had all but forgot about James, she thought bitterly, and I was this close to cheating on him...with our son! What the fuck is wrong with me?! Even though she had been incredibly horny before James came into her room, and her Sex Demon was free to roam throughout her mind without hindrance, it was like James had somehow taken that power and crushed it between his fingers. Liz felt nothing but guilt for how she had been behaving, and her thoughts reflected that, I should be locked up in an insane asylum or something similar. I'm a terrible mother, lusting after her own son like that, what type of mom does that? Only really slutty ones. She thought, feeling more and more miserable by the second. Her only thought was that she should run away, not even sure where she would run to.

As Liz was jogging across the foyer, Brianna was just coming back from the basement after her morning bath. Being that she had the only bedroom on the ground floor, and there were two bathrooms but no showers, she usually bathed downstairs in the jacuzzi (one of three in and outside the house) which had its own room.

When Bri saw Liz rushing to the garage she said, "Where are you off to in a hurry?"

"Um, going, uh, shopping...I guess." Liz muttered, barely thinking about what she was saying.

Bri could tell her best friend was upset about something, "Oh, I needed to buy a new bra," she said as an excuse, "let me tag along." Though really Bri just wanted Liz to open up about what was bothering her.

Liz cringed as she considered saying anything at all to get Bri not to come, but realized that she was her best friend and she should probably talk to someone before doing anything rash, "Fine." Liz said and moments later Liz was driving her car with Bri in the passenger seat with no real destination in mind.

Lexi woke up with a slight headache. She had never been hungover before and as she woke she wondered if this was all it was. This isn't so bad, she thought as she rubbed the sleep out of her eyes and tried to remember the night before.

She remembered Donna coming over and them drinking tequila but then things started to get hazy and she decided it probably wasn't anything out of the ordinary. Lexi realized that there was an arm draped across her belly and as she opened her eyes she saw that Donna was sleeping in her bed.

That's normal, Lexi thought, Donna tended to sleep with her when she stayed over. But something about it seems different...

When she removed the blanket, Lexi saw what it was. Lexi was completely naked, and Donna's hand was gripping one of her tits. Lexi rolled her eyes as she removed Donna's hand. Donna didn't stir as Lexi got the rest of the way out of bed, wondering why she was sleeping naked. Lexi needed a shower, she felt like she must have done some physical activity last night and got all sweaty.

She just grabbed some clothes and then peaked her head out in the hall before jumping across from her room to the bathroom, still naked. Lexi just didn't see a reason to put on clothes just to cross the hall. She went into the bathroom she and Nathan shared, even though the door to the other bathroom was closer.

Lexi started the water and got in. As she started soaping up her tits and belly, she remembered everything that happened the night before. Oh no! She thought as she remembered, I told Nathan I loved him...after catching him making out and getting a handjob from Mom! What the fuck was that about? And then Donna licked my pussy! And made me cum! Oh no!

As the memory of it all came to her, Lexi sunk to the floor of the bathtub feeling very vulnerable and stupid, "I didn't know alcohol could make you do things you'd regret later," she said without a hint of sarcasm. She was just naive.

Lexi sat on the floor of the shower and brought her knees up to her chest so she could wrap her arms around her legs. She was very nervous about leaving the shower, not sure how she was going to face either of the only two people she felt closest to, her twin brother or her best friend?

I fucked up everything, Lexi thought bitterly to herself as the hot water cascaded down her back.

Nathan was the next to wake up, though really he'd been waking up throughout the night after having naughty dreams/horrible nightmares where his mother or Lexi kept coming in and trying to fuck him. They never did in the dream because he would wake up right before they could, being totally unsure with himself whether he wanted them to continue or not.

He woke up again, unsurprised at his morning hardon staring back at him as he threw his blanket off his body. He decided to take a shower and grabbed clothes. Just like Lexi, he just glanced up the hall to make sure no one would see him when he darted across naked with just his clothes in his arms.

All the doors upstairs were made of thick wood and it was hard to hear the shower until you went into the bathroom. So Nathan didn't know Lexi was in there until after he already shut the door behind him. "Oh sorry," Nathan mumbled, "Didn't know you were in here." Then he noticed through the clear glass how Lexi was positioned on the ground with her legs up to her face and it looked like she might be crying, "Is everything okay?" Nathan said as he approached the shower.

Lexi sighed, barely able to listen to her twin brother's voice without losing her mind, "Just leave me alone." She said, keeping her eyes buried in her knees.

Under normal circumstances, Nathan would have turned around right then and hid in his room, but he couldn't stand seeing Lexi this miserable. "No," he said, not very confident, "I think we should probably talk about, um..." Nathan wasn't sure how to phrase what happened the night before so he just said, "it."

Nathan had finished his walk across the room and was now standing just outside the shower. Lexi looked up from her legs then and stared up at her brother. She noticed he was naked, brandishing his muscular, masculine chest and holding his clean clothes over his crotch. "Why are you naked?" she asked as she sat up.

Nathan gulped, as Lexi moved her legs away from her chest he could clearly see through the glass her perky, beautiful, C-cup tits, complete with pretty pink areolas and nipples. Not as large as his mother's but younger and more firm. "Uh," Nathan had to shake his head and clear his thoughts before answering his sister, "I sleep naked and I didn't see a reason to get dressed just to cross the hall."

Lexi giggled slightly at that and when Nathan looked at her confused she said, "I just did the same thing." She said, amused, "Alright, let's talk, but you might as well get in." She opened the door for him.

Nathan looked dumbfounded, "Uh, you mean-"

"We're both here to shower," Lexi explained, interrupting him, "we can shower and talk, I mean, unless you can't stand to see me naked," she sighed, "I know I'm not as pretty as Mom." She was starting to feel miserable again.

Nathan scowled at Lexi's self-inflicted insult. He dropped his clothes and stepped in behind her, "You're beautiful Lexi, I always thought that." He said to her.

Lexi smiled and stood up in the shower and faced her brother. She looked down and took a breath sharply as she stared at his huge erection, "So big," she said under her breath admiring the size and shape of Nathan's shaft and bulbous cockhead.

Nathan was similarly transfixed by his twin sister's beautiful pussy. It was flush with red hair, but he could still see Lexi's swollen pussy lips underneath, he wondered if that meant she was turned on. "Um, we should talk." He said, remembering why he even came in there, his eyes unable to leave his sister's hot cunt.

"Okay," Lexi said though she was just thinking about how much she wanted to grab her brother's dick right in front of her and stroke it, "What do you want to talk about?" She asked, feeling like she was in a trance as she felt her pussy pulsate with a need she'd never felt so strongly before.

"Um, we need to, um," Nathan actually wasn't sure and realized he couldn't keep staring at his sister's body and keep his head on straight. He turned around so his back was to her and that seemed to break the spell on both of them, "About what you said yesterday." Nathan finished his thought.

Lexi rolled her eyes, though Nathan couldn't see her do so, "Oh, you mean, while you were making out with Mom while she jerked you off?" She sounded very angry, "That's way worse than anything I said, that's for sure."

Nathan sighed, not sure what to say. He wasn't sure how to feel about that, let alone what to tell his sister, he decided to just be honest. "I don't know why that happened," he said, "Mom was upset and I was only trying to comfort her. I didn't mean for things to go so far."

Lexi could feel her anger building though, "Oh so you just rip your clothes off and get her to jerk you off? I'm sure that was very comforting to her." Her words were dripping with sarcasm.

This made Nathan mad, he turned around again to face her, Lexi had gotten closer to him and so his dick hit her in the side of her ass, which made Lexi gasp, and then his cock moved up between them so his dickhead rested on her belly. Lexi didn't move, enjoying the sensation but trying not to react to it.

"How is that any different from you being in love with me?!" Nathan demanded, angrily, "I'm your brother and her son and nothing can happen between any of us!" Nathan was sure, now, that the whole thing was a big bad idea.

"You're right!" Lexi shouted back, equally as angry, "It's a huge mistake that I should never have made! I shouldn't love you! I shouldn't!" Lexi reached forward with both hands and gripped her brother's cock around his shaft, "But I do." She said more calmly. She started slowly stroking him, Nathan did nothing to stop her, "I can't help it," Lexi went on as she slowly jerked her brother off, "You've always been so kind and thoughtful, even when I'm being a jerk. And I know I give you a hard time sometimes, but I've only ever done it to hide my feelings for you. And after seeing you with Mom like that, I know I can never live up to her. She's just so perfect, and I," Her voice caught in her throat, and she couldn't continue.

Nathan was loving his sister jerking him off but hated seeing how sad she was. He didn't know what else to do, he leaned in and kissed her on the mouth and then they were both making out while Lexi jerked him off as the water from the shower flowed down both their bodies. Nathan wrapped his arms around Lexi and pulled her closer to him and she kept jerking his dick, faster now, as they're tongues fought inside each other's mouths and their saliva mixed together.

"Well, look at what we have here." A voice came from inside the room. Frightened, the twins stopped kissing and broke apart. Donna was standing in the room and staring at them in the shower.

Nathan hadn't known that Donna was even there so this was a big surprise for him. Mostly, Donna seemed to just poke fun at him and he felt she didn't like him. He moved to get out of the shower but Donna crossed the room and put a hand on his bare chest as he got out.

"Don't stop on my account," she said. Nathan just stopped walking away, but stared back at her, confused.

Lexi had turned to face the shower wall, not sure how to face her best friend after she went down on her yesterday, but hearing her words now, she said, "What are you doing, Donna?" But still didn't face her.

"I'm doing you both a favor," Donna said mischievously as she pushed Nathan back into the shower, "I think you two should continue what you were doing. I just want to watch."

Nathan was shocked by this but liked the feeling of Donna's hand on his chest and allowed her to push him back in the shower. As he watched, Donna took her hand off him and started removing her clothes as well.

Lexi gasped at Donna's words and spun around, "Holy shit, Donna! Why are you being a pervert!?" Lexi was really surprised at her best friend, true she would tease her about liking her brother but she had never known her to do something like this.

Donna shrugged as she removed her underwear, revealing her perky tits and smooth pussy. She got in the shower, in between them, Donna knew there was a good chance she was about to scare both of them away, but she was so fucking horny at what she just caught them doing she didn't care, "Okay, brother and sister incest is so fucking hot to me and you two are the sexiest brother and sister I know." She took hold of Lexi's hands and Lexi didn't resist as Donna took them to Nathan's cock, "Please, just pretend I'm not here. Just continue what you were doing."

Lexi let Donna put her hands back on her brother's cock. She glanced into Nate's eyes to make sure he wanted this and saw nothing but desire looking back at her. She gripped his thick and veiny shaft tightly and started to stroke. Lexi was horny too and not at all concerned that Donna was watching.

"Oh my fucking god," Donna moaned as she started stroking her own pussy lips and diddling her clit, "That is so fucking hot." She said huskily as she watched Lexi stroke her brother's huge cock.

"Oh shit," Nathan moaned, beyond caring about anything but the urge to cum, "That feels so good Lexi."

Lexi herself was practically drooling as she got closer and closer to her brother's dick as she stroked him. She wanted to see him cum, she wanted him to shoot his white stuff out of this gigantic monolith between her hands. She wanted to empty his balls. She wanted to taste it, she wasn't even sure why.

"I'm going to cum," Nathan announced, unable to hold back with his sister's hands stroking him while her best friend finger fucked herself nearby while watching the whole thing. This was just too much for him and his inexperienced mind and he felt his balls tighten as he unleashed his cum.

Lexi heard her brother but didn't stop stroking as she bent closer and closer to her brother's big dick. Because of this, the first spasm shot sperm all over her face, hitting her in the forehead and coming down across her nose and mouth, she licked her lips automatically and sucked some of his jizz into her mouth, moaning like a cumslut at the taste of it. She'd never tasted anything like it before, salty but also sweet and Lexi really felt she could get addicted to the flavor of her brother's cum.

"Oh fuck this is so fucking hot!" Donna moaned as she watched Nathan unload cum all over his sister's face. She started to cum too as she stood there watching them as she finger fucked her needy pussy. She started to squirt her juices, and from where she was standing Donna's pussy juice started flying all over the side of Nathan's dick, along with Lexi's hands and face.

Lexi was getting a facial from two people simultaneously now and soon her brother's sperm and Donna's juices were mixing together on her face. She kept licking her lips and realized that she was tasting not only her brother's cum but also Donna's. She was so turned on at that moment that she didn't care at all that she was tasting pussy for the first time, and would be lying if she said she didn't love the flavor of the two fluids mixing in her mouth. She wondered if she would like to eat Donna's pussy for a brief moment before both Donna and Nathan's orgasms subsided, and the thought quickly passed from Lexi's mind and was forgotten.

Lexi was a mess of cum, but it was quickly washed away by the water. Nathan could only stare down at his sister as his cock twitched from the erotic sight of her being used as his jizz target.

Lexi smiled up at them, feeling very turned on as the rest of their cum was washed from her body. But it was like the realization of what just happened hit her all at once. She moved like a deer in headlights, jumping out of the shower, dressing quickly, and running back to her room. Her brain filling up with worries and regrets about the whole event.

Donna watched her friend go but glanced down at Nathan's dick, impressed he was still hard after such an impressive orgasm. She thought about offering to help him get it to go down, but realized if she did she was being a bad friend to Lexi, "Well, that was hot," she said to Nathan, "But I should go talk to Lexi."

Nathan only nodded as the redheaded bombshell left the shower, he watched her ass as she walked out, thinking about how perfectly round it was as Donna got dressed and went after Lexi. Once she was gone, Nathan felt like a veil had been lifted and he suddenly realized what just happened in that shower. He had been jerked off by his twin sister, the person he was closest to in the world and his best friend. But now, he felt like he'd never be able to talk to her again. With that thought, his erection quickly went away on its own, and Nathan soon after left the bathroom as well to hide in his room for what he hoped at that moment would be forever and he just wouldn't have to face the world ever again.​
Next page: Part 14
Previous page: Part 12