Part 14


By Charlie Flemming

Copyright 2020 Charlie Flemming

"So, James is back?" Bri asked, another attempt to make conversation.

"Yup," Liz said in yet another monosyllabic answer and they drove in silence for a few more minutes.

"Where are we going again?" Bri asked when she couldn't stand it anymore again. She knew that Liz was going through a lot. She also knew that Liz was completely whipped by her husband James and usually followed him around like a puppy dog while he was there, even though he seemed to mostly ignore Liz unless he wanted something from her.

"Out," Liz said. Truthfully she was too distracted by her thoughts right then. Her Sex Demon seemed to be gone because once James showed up at home all of Liz's sexual desire went right out the window. This was mostly because after over 20 years of terrible sex with the same man, she'd basically given up on ever being sexually satisfied or getting to live out her fantasies caused by her overpowering libido. So, because of this, she kept it all locked away and denied this part of herself since she married him.

I can't ever let "her" out again either, Liz thought as she remembered how much she messed up her relationship with Brianna after that, I mean, if it weren't for my fucking Sex Demon, I'd still be close enough that maybe I could tell her about all this. I still don't know what to do. I know everything with Nathan has to stop. But I don't want to stay with James anymore. I'm not just his "trophy" anymore. He may have paid for everything but I've never had any emotional support from him the entire time we've been married. So, I'm going to have to divorce his ass and never have sex again. She was very sure of this last part. With her Sex Demon locked up and only knowing regret from every sexual experience in her life, Liz was positive it was better to be chaste than miserable.

Liz parked in a parking lot, not even realizing it was to a store long since abandoned. She turned off the car and was about to get out when Bri put a hand on her arm to stop her.

"Elizabeth," Bri said comfortingly, "What is it that's bothering you so much?"

"What?" Liz said back, "Nothing, I'm fine." She smiled at her friend and tried to seem sincere.

Bri already knew though and thought about saying something about catching Liz with Nathan yesterday, but knew she couldn't do that without also admitting that she had taken advantage of the situation, so she took a different route, "You're obviously not fine, Liz. We're parked at a shop that closed down almost ten years ago."

Liz looked up out the windshield and saw that her friend was correct and she had driven them to an abandoned parking lot. Her entire demeanor changed as she slunk back in the driver's seat looking absolutely miserable. "I have a lot on my mind today." She said meekly.

Bri still had her hand on Liz's arm and moved it up, loving the feel of her best friend's perfect skin, but she did this only to take her hand and hold it compassionately, "I'm here if you want to talk about it."

Liz looked in Bri's eyes, which were just as brown as Liz's were. She was enjoying the warmth of her friend holding her hand. It was a sensual warmth, and one she never got from her husband. She was already feeling a little better from something so small, "I don't know if I can." Liz admitted though, "I'm afraid of what you'll think of me."

Bri smiled at the buxom beauty beside her, "Liz, I could never think any less of you, no matter what." Bri glanced at Liz's naturally pouty lips and was glad to see Liz smile slightly as well, "You're my best friend and I love you. I'm sure whatever is bothering you, we can figure out together as we've always done."

Liz still felt unsure but she knew what Bri said was true. She had always been there for her right when Liz needed her the most. Liz wanted to tell her everything right then, but still felt Bri would never understand if she did. She decided to only tell the truth partially, "Well," Liz began, "as you know, I'm planning on divorcing James."

"Of course," Bri said, "I helped convince you to do it. He's an asshole." Bri knew James had come home the night before and Liz tended to essentially become his doormat whenever he was around. She liked to call him names so Liz would hopefully remember what a jerk he was to her.

"Yes, absolutely," Liz agreed immediately, "I never should have married him."

Bri was impressed, usually, Liz was the first to stand up for her lame husband, "So, what's the problem?" Bri asked, though she already knew the answer.

Liz gripped Bri's hand very tightly then, she needed strength before she could admit it, "I've, um," she still wanted to tell Bri everything but held back once again, "I've been having feelings for, um, another man."

Bri almost laughed because she knew the truth, but held back, "Liz, that's great. James has been such a loser and he's so awful to you and the kids, but especially to you. If I were in your position, I'd also be shopping around for someone else." Bri sounded incredibly easy-going about this but if she hadn't already known this probably would have shocked her, only because Liz seemed like she had a stick up her ass about anything sexual most of the time, even the suggestion of cheating on her husband would have made her run out of the room before yesterday.

Liz realized she wasn't being clear. She took her hand back from Bri as she considered how to communicate this without admitting she'd been having incestuous thoughts about her own son. She decided to take a different approach, but she knew it wasn't going to be easy, "Okay, I know we've never, um, talked about it before, um," Liz took a breath and then let it out not continuing her sentence.

"What is it, Liz?" Bri asked, but she could almost feel what was coming. She gulped with worry.

Liz took another breath before continuing, "Twenty years ago, after my parents funeral-"

Bri interrupted, not willing to hear Liz blame her before she had her say, "Liz, I'm so sorry about that. I never should have taken advantage of you. I-"

"What?" Liz said, surprised and cutting Bri off, "No! You didn't take advantage of me, I'm the one who forced myself on you!"

Bri jaw dropped open, she couldn't believe what she was hearing, "You mean to say, you thought you were to blame for that all these years?"

"I was. I mean, I am to blame." Liz insisted, "That's what I'm trying to tell you. There's a side of me I've been trying to keep hidden since that night, and have been successful at it before yesterday. It's a terrible, evil, awful side to myself and causes nothing but terrible things whenever 'she' is around." Liz's head drooped, she couldn't believe she was about to tell somebody else about this but felt she couldn't get out of it now, "I call her my 'Sex Demon,' because that's how I feel whenever she's around. It's like I'm possessed."

"Your Sex Demon?" Brianna said, just trying to wrap her brain around it, "Why do you call it that?"

Liz sighed, not really wanting to be specific but not knowing any other way to explain it, "It's because, when I'm horny, she possesses me and won't let go until, um," Liz sighed, there was no getting out of it now, "Until I have as many orgasms as it takes to make her go away. And when I'm around, um, someone who, um, turns me on. She just won't leave me alone. And now I'm...." Liz trailed off, she had gotten so flustered in her explanation she had almost revealed that she was lusting after her son, Nathan, and she still couldn't think of a way to explain that to Bri and still have her look at her like she was anything but a freak.

Bri considered this, though she really wanted to get Liz to admit everything to her, there was something that was bugging her even more, something twenty years in the making, "So when we made love all those years ago, that was because of this so-called demon taking over your body?"

"When I forced you to-" Liz started.

"Goddammit, Liz," Bri said, rolling her eyes at her best friend, and just frustrated enough with Liz's mentality on the whole thing that she just blurted it all out, "you didn't force me into anything. I love you. I've always loved you. And that night was the best night of my life because it was the only time I would ever get to be with you." Bri bit her lip and turned away from Liz, she didn't want to see how she reacted for fear it would be with disgust, "I've blamed myself for that night. It was the day I drove you away from me and into his arms. I thought you felt the same way, that it was my fault." She sighed still just staring out the passenger side window.

Liz was silent for a very long time. She needed a moment to process everything, No! What? She thought, But, I'm the one to blame! I'm the one who forced Bri to do all those naughty, terrible things to me. If she's the one who wanted me... "I've been living a lie." She said after a moment, then suddenly laughed at herself, and kept laughing.

Bri turned back to Liz, thinking maybe her friend had actually lost her mind, but Liz was just laughing as if she'd just heard the funniest joke imaginable, and soon Bri was laughing along with her.

And then Liz grabbed Bri around the head and kissed her on the lips, she was so relieved. Bri was so surprised she barely got to kiss her back before Liz sat back in her seat and started the car. "Thank you Bri," Liz said as she put the car into gear and started driving out of the abandoned parking lot, "You've helped me put things in perspective if only a little bit. Now, let's go to the mall."

After getting dressed in one of the bathrooms on the second floor in the Slope mansion, Donna crossed the hall to Lexi's bedroom. She tried to open the door but found it locked. She knocked instead.

"Go away!" Donna barely heard Lexi yell through the thick wooden door.

"Come on, Lexi!" Donna yelled back, glancing up the hall to make sure no one else was around, "Talk to me!"

Donna stood there for a moment and thought maybe she should just leave and try to talk to Lexi later, but right before she turned to go, Lexi unlocked her door.

Lexi was already back in her bed and facing the wall by the time Donna stepped foot in the room. She shut the door behind her and just stood there awkwardly for a moment, "I'm sorry Lex-"

"For what part?" Lexi said back angrily, cutting her best friend off, "For making me jerk off my brother? Or for going down on me last night?" Before Donna could answer Lexi sat up in bed, she hadn't put on clothes after the shower and her blanket fell to her waist, revealing her C-cup, beautiful breasts to her friend. She looked embarrassed but not because of her nudity, "I'm sorry Donna," she said, "saying that out loud made me feel ridiculous. I mean, you should be mad at me if nothing else."

Donna walked over and sat on the bed by Lexi's feet, "Why's that?"

"Because I got what I wanted and you didn't get anything," Lexi said as she put her head down causing her curly red hair to fall cascade down over her tits and making her body look even more inviting.

Donna smirked and reached forward so she could put Lexi's chin up and make her look her in the eyes, "Lexi, you really don't know me very well." she said with a laugh, "But I guess I haven't been entirely truthful..."

"What do you mean?" Lexi asked.

Donna just thought, fuck it, no use hiding anything now, before saying, "Well, I loved eating your pussy last night and I loved watching you jerk off your brother in the shower just now."

"What?" Lexi was pretty naive and wasn't sure about any of this, "You loved it?"

"Fuck yeah!" Donna practically shouted, "I guess I have a bit of crush on you, and Nathan is hands down the hottest guy I know. I want all three of us to have an all redhead orgy together." Donna couldn't help but laugh again at Lexi's expression.

Lexi was absolutely shocked, "A threesome, you mean?" She asked but could hardly believe it, "I don't even know what I want from Nathan. I mean, I really liked jerking him off..." She trailed off as she considered it.

"And you admitted to enjoying me licking your snatch," Donna confirmed.

Lexi cringed, but she had pretty much admitted to that, "I don't know." she said anyway, "I'm not exactly experienced when it comes to any of this stuff and I feel like I'm being smothered by all this shit all of a sudden." She sighed and seemed to realize she was naked from the waist up, "Oh fucking hell," she said, usually, she wasn't this foul-mouthed but was too frustrated to censor herself at that time, "Just let me get dressed."

Lexi stood, draping her blanket around her as she grabbed a pair of panties from her drawer and put them on underneath the blanket. She knew it was stupid since she was just naked with her friend in the shower, but she was still feeling too uncomfortable with all this new sexual stuff to strut around naked in front of Donna.

"Lexi, I'm sorry," Donna said, "I really am. I've always known I was a bit of a perv. I didn't mean to fuck up your life in the process." Donna really was feeling pretty bad right then.

"You didn't fuck up my life," Lexi said as she got her bra on and dropped the blanket to the ground before putting on a t-shirt followed by a pair of sweatpants, "I just don't know what I'm going to say to Nate after this. If I'm ever able to talk to him again."

"I could talk to him for you?" Donna suggested, already scheming something to push him in the direction she wanted this to go.

Reading her mind, Lexi said, "Oh, so you can convince him to have a 'redheaded threesome' with us?" Lexi looked angrily at her best friend, "Don't be so obscene."

"Fine, I should probably leave anyway before the rest of your family wakes up," Donna said as she stood up to leave, "But if you and Nathan start fucking you have to tell me right away."

Lexi rolled her eyes, but for some reason said, "Fine, you'll be the first to know." But then laughed because the whole idea was ridiculous, even if she jerked him off in the shower and was secretly in love with him, he was still her brother.

"Sweet," Donna said before leaving the room. Lexi heard her car driving away from their back yard and out to the road only a few minutes later.

Despite just getting dressed, Lexi took off everything but her panties and got back into her bed. She had too much on her mind to want to do anything and decided she should just sleep on it.

Nathan was similarly having self-doubt as he stood in the shower. Water continued to fall on him for several minutes but he neither started washing or got out. He just stood there feeling miserable and wondering if any part of his life would ever go back to normal. After ten minutes of that, he turned off the water, put on the clothes he brought in, and went back to his room.

All he could think to do once he got there, was turn on the computer and zone out to some stupid steaming site and try to pretend he didn't have so many problems.

Liz and Bri stopped at their local mall, which wasn't particularly popular, at least not since it opened in the 90s, but it had plenty of stores. They first stopped by the food court to grab some lunch.

As they ate, Bri decided to press her friend again, hoping she'd get her to open up about what was happening between her and Nathan, "So, what did you and Nate do on your outing into the city yesterday?" She asked, innocently.

Liz blushed and dropped her plastic fork. It was a simple question, but it still caught her off guard, "Um, well," Liz said, but felt at a loss for words trying to decide whether to lie about it or not. But after Bri clearing up a twenty-year misunderstanding in the car, Liz felt she owed it to her friend. But how do I even begin? Liz wasn't sure, "Okay, I want you to promise me you won't tell anyone else about this. Nobody, you understand?" Liz knew she could trust Bri but she needed her friend to know how important this was to her.

Bri nodded, feeling excited about what Liz might be about to tell her, but then she glanced around. Even though the mall wasn't a very popular spot in that town there were usually at least a few people in the food court, "Well, no one is sitting nearby but there might be prying ears anyway." Bri pointed out to her friend.

Liz nodded realizing if news got out that she was lusting after her own son, she'd be the laughing stock of the town (or worse), "We could talk in the bathroom about it?" She suggested.

"Like in high school?" Bri said with a laugh, "Us always hiding away to smoke joints and talk about boys."

"Well, I'm too old to smoke grass now," Liz said, "Unless of course your carrying!" they both snickered at her little joke. "No seriously, you got some?" They both laughed again, much louder this time.

The rest of the people in the food court stared at the strange pair as they laughed like fools. But Liz and Bri didn't care, just too best friends having fun.

Brooke woke up late. She was up a lot later than she anticipated doing a cam-show, another way she got money, and someone offered her over a hundred dollars for a private show that lasted over an hour where she used her biggest dildo in her asshole. Brooke loved anal so she didn't mind at all.

Brooke woke with a plan, a plan to finish the seduction of her mother. But once she dressed and entered Liz's room, she saw the only person there was her father, James and he was fast asleep in the center of the humongous heart-shaped bed. "Shit," Brooke said, knowing that put a damper in her plans.

Brooke liked her father more than most of the people in the house, he did pay for her little lingerie business after all. But she still hated how he treated Liz, and she especially hated how Liz basically became his infatuated groupie willing to do anything for him for reasons Brooke did not understand. If someone treated her like James treated her mother she'd drop them like a hot iron.

So, Brooke left the room and thought about where her mother might be, maybe she could catch her before she became James' doormat. Well, she thought, Mom had been spending a lot of time with Nathan yesterday... and with that thought, she made her way to Nathan's room.

Brooke almost thought about knocking before automatically opening his bedroom door and entering Nathan's room. Though there were locks on most doors in that house, almost no one locked them.

She was so surprised she gasped when she caught her brother, sitting at his desk, stroking his dick while his eyes were glued to his computer screen in front of him. She gasped again she saw just how gigantic his cock was, definitely the biggest she had ever seen.

Nathan gasped too as he turned and then doubled back as his chair toppled backward from the sudden movement. This created a loud crash in the room. Brooke stood still for a few moments waiting for her brother to move, but he did not.

"Nathan?" She ventured after another moment. He didn't move. Brooke glanced at the open door behind her, wondering if anyone else heard the noise, but when nobody came, she closed it and then approached Nathan.

His cock was still quite hard with his pants down by his ankles, which were now above him due to the toppled chair. Brooke saw he had hit his head and was knocked out cold on the floor, but Brooke was more interested in what was on the computer monitor, "let's see what you get off to, Brother."

What she saw didn't really shock her. Nathan preferred reading erotica to watching porn most of the time, and what he had open was a story called, very plainly, "Son Fucks Mother." And was written very poorly to Brooke's eyes but was about a big-dicked son fucking the shit out of his mom with very little setup. Brooke smirked at this, "Maybe I have some competition," she said with a laugh. It was ridiculous to Brooke to think of her brother as anything but a weak loser and definitely not deserving of her mother's affections, not like James is either, Brooke thought bitterly as she glanced back down at her brother on the floor.

She noted her brother's cock again, Jesus Christ, she thought, that's bigger than my biggest dildo! Brooke was thoroughly impressed but also a bit suspicious of something. She thought of herself as the smartest member of the Slope family, though really she was the second smartest after Erika, but Erika was manipulative and intelligent enough to know it was probably best to hide her intelligence, especially from her "stupid family," as she thought of them. But Brooke was smart enough to put a few clues together quickly, Mom came to my room yesterday wanting to talk about something, I knew it wasn't just her trying to scold me for turning her on... And she spent an awful long time with Nathan yesterday...Could Mom be a size-queen and obsessed with big dicks? Could Mom and Nathan have done "something" yesterday? But as Brooke looked at her brother's dick she was starting to wonder if she was a size-queen too.

Nathan started to stir then, "Ow! My head!" He yelled as he opened his eyes and saw his older sister standing above him, "Um, Brooke, uh," he noticed that he had his pants down with his cock out, "Maybe a little privacy?" He pleaded, knowing that Brooke was probably plotting a way to be mean to him in one way or another but after everything that happened that day he didn't even bother trying to hide his cock from her.

He wasn't incorrect about Brooke plotting something, "So," Brooke said smirking mischievously, "Did you and Mom fool around?" She asked, bluntly.

"Huh? What?" Nathan said shaking his head profusely, "NO! Who said that?" He grimaced, knowing that she could have talked to either of their sisters to find out.

Brooke chuckled triumphantly, "You just did you fucking idiot." She sat on the bed and stared down at her brother on the floor with his hard cock still hanging out, "Then again, with a dick like that, I suppose I can see what Mom might see in you. Or attached to you, as the case might be." She chuckled again.

Nathan was embarrassed as he got up from the ground, unbelieving what Brooke just made him admit. He pulled his pants up and shoved his cock down his pant leg, though it was still very obvious. "Yeah, yeah, yeah," he said feeling defeated as he stood his chair back up to sit down in it again, "I'm a huge pervert and I'm sure you'll never let me live this down. Just leave me alone, Brooke." He spun his chair around so he was looking back at the monitor and had his back to his big sister.

Brooke scowled at him, "Come on, don't be like that." Brooke rolled her eyes, she was always kind of hard on her brother, but she never wanted to feel like a bully. "Okay, look, you got to fuck Mom." she wasn't sure if that happened or not but thought she'd throw it out there to see what Nathan said, but also wanted to admit to her brother her own perversions, "To tell you the truth, I've always wanted-"

"We didn't have sex," Nathan said, interrupting his sister, "we just, um, 'fooled around,' like you said." Nathan was still very embarrassed about this and Brooke was the last person he wanted to talk to about it, well, except for James, of course.

Brooke cocked her eyebrow at that, her interest piqued as just how far Nate went with Liz, but decided she really wanted to tell him, if only because she'd never had anyone to share in her depraved obsession before, "I want to fuck Mom too." She admitted.

Nathan turned around in the chair, looking absolutely surprised, "What!?" He shouted.

"Keep quiet, idiot!" Brooke shouted back, then in a softer voice, "I mean, quiet down, I don't want Lexi to hear about how much perverts the two of us are."

Nathan cringed at Brooke calling him a 'pervert,' but he didn't look away from his blonde, sexy sister, "Well, I feel depraved just thinking about it. Let alone talking about it with you, Brooke. I mean, no offense, but we haven't entirely been close."

Brooke looked down at her brother's bulge again then licked her lips, seductively, "You know, Nathan, you're right. I've been a bitch to you." She stood and leaned forward, thrusting her chest in her brother's face. She hadn't put on a bra and Nathan could see up her shirt her perky, young tits clearly, her nipples were hard. Nathan gulped, "You know," she went on, "We could become a lot closer." As she said this she reached into her brother's lap and grabbed his engorged erection through his pant.

Nathan wasn't sure what to make of this. He grabbed her by the wrist and stopped her, "this is a trick." He said, "Your about to take out your camera so you can have a laugh with your friends, right?"

Brooke, in answer, took her hand back so she could take off her shirt so she was naked from the waist up, "Is this better?" She said as she posed for her brother with a hand on her hip and her mouth just barely open as she looked at him with pure lust in her eyes. "Take off your pants," she ordered.

Nathan thought this sight was so erotic that he stood up and took his pants off without a moment's hesitation. Brooke practically squealed with delight as his cock came back into view. She could hardly believe it herself, who knew that her brother would be so well hung that she'd actually want to suck his cock. She got down on her knees, put both hands on his thick, veiny dick, and sucked his cockhead into her mouth.

Nathan moaned with intense pleasure. He hadn't been expecting this at all, figuring she'd probably just jerk him off like Lexi did in the shower. But he could only put his head back as he moaned, "Fuck that's so fucking good, Brooke!" Hardly believing that it was the person he believed to be his nemesis giving him only his second blowjob (that he knew about...).

Brooke could hardly believe it either, but she was loving every second as she sucked on her brother's dick, she still only had his cockhead in her mouth but was licking his slit and sucking down the copious amount of pre-cum that was leaking onto her tongue. Wow, so much pre-cum, she thought, I bet Nathan cums like a racehorse when he shoots! This excited Brooke, she didn't think she was a cumslut but knowing her brother was especially potent was really making her hot. She really was turned on by really pervy things, especially when incest was involved.

Nathan started to thrust unconsciously into his sister's mouth and she began to gag as his dick started to push deeper and deeper into her mouth. He realized he was even moving his hips and opened his eyes to look down at Brooke to make sure he wasn't hurting her. But when he saw her beautiful blue eyes staring back up at him with just as much lust as he had seen before he took his pants off, while her whole mouth was filled up with half his dick, her lips stretched around his shaft, the sight was the hottest and most perverted thing he'd ever seen in his life. It was too much for him to take and, with no warning more than another moan from him, he started cumming straight into his older sister's mouth.

Brooke moaned around his dick as she tasted the first salvo of her brother's sperm. It was the best cum she'd ever tasted in her life, though part of her wondered if that was just because it was from her own brother, family tastes better, she thought as she did her best to swallow his cum. But she was right in her assumption and Nathan came in such copious amounts that after two shots, her mouth was completely full and she couldn't swallow fast enough and she had to take his dick out of her mouth as her cheeks were pushed out like a squirrel hoarding acorns because they were filled with so much cum.

As she swallowed the large amount in her mouth, Nathan continued cumming, shooting his white fluid all over her face and chest. Brooke felt like she was getting a literal cum shower, he was shooting so much. Nathan looked down and grabbed his dick so he could aim it on her tits and with a few more shots, he covered her DDs until he finally stopped cumming. He collapsed back in the chair behind him. "Wow." Nathan said, looking down at his blonde, cum-covered sister on the floor, "I can't believe we did that."

Brooke stood up and gave her brother a very cummy smile, "That was hot!" She said, "Um, do you have a towel around?"

Nathan pulled his pants up and ran to the bathroom to grab a towel for Brooke. He was coming down from that impressive orgasm and was feeling guilty again as he came back and handed it to her, but Brooke seemed to be totally fine and seemed to be humming happily as she ruined a towel cleaning his cum off her face and chest, "Well, I guess I'm going to take a shower." Brooke said as she put her shirt back on, "But I'll be back, we're going to make a plan together." She explained.

"Uh," Nathan was feeling more than a bit nervous now, "we are?" he stammered.

"Uh-huh," Brook laughed, "We're going to help each other fuck Mom!" She laughed at her brother's expression and walked out of the room, leaving Nathan feeling very strange as he got on his bed and threw the blanket over his face. Things seemed to only be getting worse now.

Bri and Liz were now standing in front of the mall's lingerie shop.

Liz looked a bit frightened to enter, "Why are we here Bri?" She asked, "I thought you only wanted a bra." Liz liked wearing lingerie in private moments, often before masturbation sessions because they made her feel sexy. But only when she was alone, usually late at night in her bedroom, it was a way to let her Sex Demon out, just a bit, without going totally insane. She never wore it for her husband as it would be totally lost on James.

Since James had come home, Liz's Sex Demon was essentially locked away in her brain, but even standing this close to a store with mannequins modeling very revealing clothing was making Liz just a tad horny as she thought about what she liked to do when she wore lingerie. "I don't know, Bri." She admitted.

"What?" Bri said, "I like buying bras here as they're more comfortable. Besides, they have really big changing rooms. Also, they also sell swimsuits." As Bri said this she practically dragged Liz into the store, "And it's practically empty if you wanted to talk to me privately." Bri added.

It was true, as the only other person in the store was a very bored-looking woman standing behind the cash register who hardly looked at them as they walked by her. Liz was still worried about telling her friend her secret right then, "We'll talk about it in the car, okay?" Liz said.

"Suit yourself," Bri said as she grabbed a nearby swimsuit, then she thought of something and grabbed a second pair, "Hey, why don't we model swimsuits for each other like we used to. Since we have the same measurements we can decide if we want what the other is wearing."

Liz looked at the two suits Bri was holding, "Those are too revealing," she pointed out, "Besides, I have a suit."

"Yeah, that conservative one-piece," Bri pointed out, "Don't you want to show you're body off to, um," she barely stopped herself from saying "Nathan" and letting it out that she already knew about Liz and her son, "to that man you like." She said instead.

Liz bit her lower lip as she thought about this, for one, it was wrong, depraved, taboo, did she mention wrong? But those same thoughts were turning her on even more and her Sex Demon was threatening on breaking out of its lockbox and wreaking havoc on her psyche if she didn't at least model the clothes. She decided to take the lesser of two evils, "Okay." Liz said as she grabbed one of the swimsuits and walked into one of the nearby changing rooms. Bri was right, it was a very large room, about the size of her walk-in closet. There was even a padded bench big enough for two or three people to sit on it comfortably, along with a mirror that took up the whole wall opposite the bench.

Liz was surprised when Bri followed her in and closed the door behind her.

"You can probably use your own room," Liz explained.

"Well, I figure we have privacy now," Bri said as she sat on the bench and started removing her clothes, "If you wanted to talk, and this way we can model to each other." She took off her shirt and bra, revealing her glorious brown boobs and dark brown nipples and areolas.

Liz longed to suck on Bri's tits, and then quickly closed her eyes and looked away when she realized she did so, "Bri, maybe turn away."

Bri took off her pants and panties and stood in front of Liz totally naked, "Liz, what are you so afraid of?" She asked as she stood there confidently, "that your 'Sex Demon' will get out or something?"

Liz wouldn't open her eyes, "That's exactly what I'm afraid of."

Bri put a hand on Liz's chin so she would look up at her. Liz opened her eyes, and couldn't help but admire Bri's perfect, brown skin, her long, tone legs, her perfect eyes, and smile, not to mention her shaved, wet, swollen pussy that Liz remembered loving the taste of all those years ago. Her Sex Demon was ready to pounce.

"Maybe," Bri said as her face inched closer to Liz's own, "I want your Sex Demon to come out," and with that, Bri leaned in and kissed Liz.

Liz did nothing to resist and started kissing Bri right back, sucking on her friend's tongue the moment it entered her mouth. As she did, Liz grabbed Bri and pulled her into her until they were both necking on the bench, Bri pushed Liz onto her back, pawing at her tits as they continued to kiss. "I want you," Bri whispered between kisses and she started undoing Liz's pants.

Within moments Liz was naked from the waist down and Bri was kissing her way down her body, even though she was kissing through her shirt she pushed her clothing up so she could briefly suck Liz's tits and lick and kiss her way down Liz's belly.

Liz was holding back on moaning as much as she could for fear that they would be caught, but couldn't resist as Bri started licking her pussy, "Oh fuck yes," she moaned as softly as she could muster while also receiving the pleasure she so greatly needed right then.

But then, as Bri made love to Liz's pussy with her tongue, Liz suddenly realized that this attention to her cunt was all too familiar. Not just something she experienced 20 years ago, but something she knew from less than 20 hours ago.

Liz sat up, and quickly stood up and put her clothes back on, "You lied to me." She said. She was angrier than Bri had ever seen her before.

Bri was very confused by Liz stopping her, "But I thought you liked it?" She said, feeling scorned.

"It doesn't matter," Liz said, "Don't think I don't know what you did. I recognized how your tongue felt in my pussy. You were there!" Liz could feel her anger rising, "You already knew and now you're lying to me. I can't believe you. I thought you were my best friend, and, what? Was that your plan the whole time? Did you plot with Nate to Ra*e me while I wasn't watching, is that it?"

Bri knew what Liz was talking about, the fact that she ate her pussy yesterday while she had a towel over her face and Nathan was giving her a massage, "Liz, I can explain-"

"I don't want to hear it," Liz said as she stepped out of the dressing room. She hadn't even realized but she grabbed both the swimsuits while she was leaving, and bought them practically out of anger as she marched out of the mall and to her car in the parking lot.

Bri dressed quickly but Liz had left the lingerie store by the time she left the dressing room. She had a feeling she just lost her best friend and probably her job all in one go. "God damn me and my fucking infatuation." She muttered to herself as she went off to find Liz and hope she could explain.​
Next page: Part 15
Previous page: Part 13