Part 15
Nathan decided to go for a swim. He had such a crazy morning he had forgotten about his daily exercise and decided a few laps around their Olympic-sized pool would do him good.
He put on his swimsuit, which was a full-body, skintight one-piece that covered everything but his hands, feet, and head. Nathan had bought it himself with his own money, not really wanting to have to ask his Dad (who he didn't like talking to for any length of time anyway) or anyone else because he was embarrassed about not wanting to be seen in anything too revealing. He had some issues with his body, to say the least, and was too shy to even show off his muscular chest if he could help it.
Because he bought it himself with what little money he had at the time, it wasn't made out of the best material, and he had it for a few years at that point, so a few strands and strings were sticking out from general wear and tear.
Once Nathan had his suit on, he went out to the pool. He started swimming, and as he did, he started to feel better. All thoughts of his mother and sisters drifted away from him as he gave in to the feeling of the cool water as he swam even harder than before.
As Brooke showered, she could still taste her brother's cum on her tongue. She thought about how she gave her brother a blowjob as she soaped her body. Wow, Nathan, she thought as she licked her lips at the thought of it all, I can't believe what a fucking stud you are, but you're such a loser you don't even know it. She soaped her big tits, pinching her nipples as she stimulated herself thinking about just how big of a cock her brother had, Sucking your dick was probably the hottest thing I'd ever done, so taboo and arousing as fuck. Even if you are a loser and a dweeb, Nathan, I know you and Mom have a thing going on, and I'm going to exploit it to get what I want... Brooke wasn't sure in that minute if what she wanted was her mother or her brother, though Liz was her obsession, the thought of fucking Nathan was turning her on just as much.
Brooke thought about masturbating, but then remembered that James was there and she probably didn't have a lot of time before her mother became his love-sick puppy dog again. She shut off the shower and quickly dressed.
In her room, she glanced out the window and smiled when she saw Nathan was swimming out there in his dorky, full-body swimsuit. She changed into one of her own suits and then ran out of her room to join her brother by the pool.
Liz sat in the car for a very long time by herself. At first, she wanted to just leave Bri at the mall out of punishment, but as her anger subsided, she realized that Bri really wasn't to blame.
True, Liz thought, She did take advantage of me when Nathan was massaging me. But I wanted my pussy to get licked then, even if I didn't know she was the one licking me. None of this is anyone's fault but mine, or more specifically my Sex Demon. Liz sighed as she thought of how much trouble her overpowering libido had caused her in such a short amount of time, Jesus, if I don't get rid of her forever, I'll probably end up fucking up everyone's life, especially my own. And that's what Liz decided to do, lock all her sexual urges away in the back of her brain and throw away the key.
Bri checked four other stores before thinking to check the parking lot and was relieved when she saw that Liz didn't leave without her. She got in the passenger seat, and Liz started the car and drove out of the lot without saying a word.
Bri wasn't sure what to do so she just said, "I'm sorry."
Liz didn't hesitate in replying. "Don't worry about it," she said, sincerely, "But it wasn't very nice of you to pretend to not know about Nathan and me when I really needed to talk to someone about it." Liz didn't sound angry about this, just mildly annoyed.
"Well..." Bri said, her voice trailing off, but after a moment she found the words, "Okay, I'm sorry but I saw an opportunity, one I wasn't sure I'd ever get again. I mean," she looked at her sexy friend, "I'm sorry that I have this infatuation, but you are just so beautiful and loving and caring and I just can't help it. You're the kindest person I've ever known and catching you with your son like that, well, I couldn't help but try something."
"So," Liz replied, "You saw me when I lost control."
"If you mean when Nate ate your pussy, no, but I was there."
"Where were you?" Liz asked out of curiosity.
Bri smirked, "I might have been under the massage table, sucking your son's dick."
Liz gasped, "You did?" She took a moment to consider this, "Did he cum in your mouth?"
Bri chuckled, "Yeah, almost immediately. That kid has a hair-trigger." Bri tilted her head to the side as she remembered, "He cums like a mule, it was almost impossible for me to swallow it all." Bri was started to feel horny as she recalled Nathan's sexual prowess, "He was still hard after too."
Liz bit her lip and moaned as she remembered, "Yeah, I guess he needs to cum many times in a row to be satisfied. He gets that from me." Liz felt her Sex Demon start to awaken as she thought about her son's cock, but then thought of her husband and felt her horniness disappear, "He probably gets the hair-trigger from James."
"Maybe someone should teach him to hold his loads better?" Bri suggested, "Like his mother?"
Liz glanced at Bri angrily but then Bri started laughing. "Don't even joke about that." Liz said and Bri shut up, "Nothing can ever happen between me and Nathan again, between any of us." Liz quickly added that last part, it was important to let Bri know that they couldn't fool around.
Bri was disappointed to hear that but she said, "That's probably for the best," anyway.
"Good, I'm glad we're in agreement." Liz pulled into another parking lot.
Bri recognized it right away, "Liz, we're back in front of that abandoned shop..." She said noticing they were in the parking lot they had come to accidentally earlier.
"I know," Liz explained, "But I think I should tell you everything before we go back home. It will make me feel a lot better if you knew." Liz took a deep breath, Bri tried not to notice how much she stuck her tits out as she did so, "Okay, well, it all started when I caught my father coming out of the shower shortly after I turned 18..."
Brooke came down the stairs and ran into her father, James, and Rosa, their gardener who had never once gardened. She was surprised to see Rosa, who she saw out of the guest house in the back so rarely she usually had to remind herself that she was even there.
Rosa was beautiful, which everyone in the Slope family assumed was the reason James even hired her. She had brown hair, green eyes, tits at least as big as Brooke's, and legs for days. Brooke often thought of her in her sexual fantasies, even though she had only talked to her a handful of times
Brooke noticed that James and Rosa seemed to be heading out, "Where are you two going?" She asked.
"Out." James blurted without looking at his daughter.
"We'll be gone for the evening," Rosa explained, more politely than James, "tell Mrs. Slope it's business-related. We will not be back until tomorrow."
"Um, okay," Brooke said, suspiciously as she watched them leave the house. There was a limo waiting in the front outside the gate. Well, I guess if you're going to cheat on your wife with your gardener, you might as well cheat in style. She thought, bitterly, knowing that she would never cheat on her mother if she was married to her, even with someone as beautiful as Rosa.
That reminded Brooke. She had put on a not-particularly attractive one-piece because James or Rosa might see her as she tried to coerce her brother into helping her seduce their mother and figured it was best to keep things as low-key as possible. But with both of them gone...
Brooke ran back to her room and a few minutes later she was walking out to the pool wearing a swimsuit she found particularly sexy. It was a v-shaped one-piece that held her boobs out and stretched down and over her pussy but hugged hit cunt so that it gave her a bit of a camel toe. From behind it looked like she only had the letter "V" drawn on her back from the top of her ass to her shoulders because the straps were so small.
Nathan saw his blonde older sister coming over in her red swimsuit and nearly choked on the water by what she was wearing. Her breasts were pushing out the material so far he could clearly see both sides of her tit-flesh on both boobs, and the V of the suit only parted just below her belly button revealing her sexy stomach. It was a sexy outfit, and something inside Nathan wanted nothing more than for her to take it off, even though he didn't think he really wanted that from his sister, no matter what happened in his bedroom earlier, but the outfit was just too sexy for him not to think about Brooke sexually.
He coughed on water and swam to the side of the pool so he didn't drown. He held onto the side and let his legs dangle in the deep part of the pool. Mostly he didn't want to get out at all because Brooke was so sexy in her revealing suit that he already had a huge boner that he was sure he couldn't hide in his skin-tight outfit.
"I wanted to talk to you," Brooke said as she stood above her brother as he looked up at her in the pool. She spread her legs slightly as she stood there, wanting him to notice her camel toe.
Nathan did but looked away from his sister's pussy in her swimwear, "What about?" He asked but he thought he could guess.
"Well, about how you and I are going to seduce Mom." Brooke licked her lips slowly and sexily as she thought about it.
Nathan was looking away so he didn't see this action, "That's messed up." He said, "And you shouldn't want that. She's our mother."
"And yet you want it too," Brooke was angry now, not willing to let this loser tell her what she should feel, "And that's why we're going to help each other out until Mom is a total slut for both of us. I mean, what kind of a loser are you that you can't even recognize an opportunity like this? I bet you've never even had a blowjob before I came into your room earlier. I bet you've never even kissed a girl. I bet-" She stopped talking because Nathan then grabbed her leg and pulled her into the pool.
Nathan hated it when Brooke was like this. He didn't really see her treating anyone else in the family like she treated him and was never sure why she felt like she could just pick on him all the time. Of course, he never really put up much resistance and tended to just ignore her, but he was under a lot of stress lately and saw the opportunity.
As Brooke's head came back up above the water, Nathan saw that his sister was even more pissed than she was before. "I'LL KILL YOU!" She shouted as Nathan tried to swim away.
Nathan thought he was faster in the water, but Brooke did yoga and jogged with her mother almost every morning and was just as in shape as he was. Combined with the extra adrenaline from her anger she caught up to him in no time at all. She grabbed him by the hair and proceeded to dunk his head under the water.
Nathan was taken by surprise and didn't take a breath before he was being held under the water. Feeling he might drown he grabbed her and pushed her away so he could get air again.
Brooke was on him again within seconds. She grabbed at his shoulder, but all she got ahold of was one of the many loose fibers hanging off of his full-body swimsuit. As Nathan tried to swim away, the string was pulled off and kept coming as it took out a full seam going the full length of the suit and effectively ripping it in half.
Brooke cringed, her anger leaving her as Nathan's one-piece fell away from him. He turned back to his older sister, looking betrayed, "Um, whups," Brooke said lamely as she held up the string still in her hand.
"Ugh, you win again," Nathan said meekly as he grabbed what was left of his suit floating near him in the water and started swimming towards the shallow part of the pool so he could get out.
"Wait!" Brooke said as she swam up beside him, feeling guilty, "I can fix it."
"What?" Nathan asked, "You'll fix my suit?"
"Yeah, dummy," Brooke said with a laugh, "What do you think I do with all my time? I make and fix clothing." She held her hand out for Nathan to give her the suit.
Nathan did so, reluctantly, "So I'm just going to skinny dip until you get back?" He asked.
"Well, you could," Brooke said, "But it'd probably be smarter to hang out in the jacuzzi." As she said this she nodded to the corner of the pool area where their outdoor jacuzzi was, "If someone comes by, you can turn on the jets and they won't see that you're naked." Brooke didn't suggest waiting inside because she liked the idea of her brother being stuck out there, totally naked, until she came back for him.
Nathan glanced around before swimming to the side, getting out, running over to the jacuzzi, and hopping in. Brooke licked her lips, feeling horny, as she saw that Nathan's cock was rock hard as he got out, and also admired her brother's tone ass as he ran. She wondered if she could convince him to fuck her later, but thought that might be pushing him too fast.
Brooke noted as she got out that Nathan immediately turned the jets on in the jacuzzi even though she only said he should do that if someone came by. Meh, he's just a shy loser, after all, she thought as she took his broken suit into the house, but maybe I can fix that...
"-and that's when Nathan started rubbing my tits and, well, I guess you know the rest," Liz admitted. She was just finishing up her story to Bri and had mostly told her friend everything. How her Sex Demon first awakened when she started lusting after her father, how she had locked her sex drive up after she married James, how James was terrible in the sack which kept her libido locked up for so long, how her Sex Demon woke up again by catching Brooke sniffing her panties and then how she molested Nathan in his sleep.
She skimmed some of the details after that. She didn't tell Bri that she sucked her son's cock that night, just that she gave him a handjob and only licked his cum off her hand after. And she didn't mention more about the visit to Dr. Scots outside of Nathan mentioning that he needs to cum several times throughout the day, and Liz still felt that justified her actions to some degree. She also didn't mention the handjob she gave him in the diner (or even mention the diner) and decided not to mention that she caught Lexi, or that Lexi then caught her the next day, or, for that matter, that she had told Nathan she had feelings for him the night before which turned into a handjob-make-out-session. She just didn't want to sound like the slut she felt like doing all those things so she kept quiet about everything she felt she didn't have to mention.
Bri had listened quietly as Liz went through the whole story. When she stopped talking Bri asked, "So that's why you aren't angry at me? Because you think all of this is caused by your 'Sex Demon' as you call it."
"Right," Liz said, glad that Bri understood. "She's basically the cause of all my problems." Liz sighed as she thought about it, "And now I don't even know what to do. I can't run away as I did before, I suppose I could send Nathan and Brooke to their aunts but-"
"Why would you need to send Brooke away?" Bri asked, interrupting Liz, "just because she sniffed your panties?"
Liz bit her lip as she realized she wasn't going to mention that part, but she'd already let that much slip... "Okay," she sighed, "I wanted to talk to somebody about it and I thought Brooke might understand but in the process, she kind of tried to seduce me." And nearly succeeded, Liz thought bitterly to herself.
Bri was shocked by this, she had never thought of Brooke as to do anything like try to fuck her own mother, she felt her pussy pulsate as she pictured Liz and her oldest daughter in an intimate situation, "Wow," was all she could say.
"What do you think of all this?" Liz asked. She was dying to know at that point after bearing her soul to her best friend.
Truthfully, Bri had been really horny when Liz began her story and had only gotten hornier as her story went on. But when Liz asked her question, Bri became lost in thought, just what do I think of all this? I mean, it's not every day your best friend who you've known your whole life tells you that she's been fooling around with her children, who you've known for their whole lives... She remembered sucking Nathan's cock yesterday, a boy she practically raised by herself, was that just as dirty as a son licking his mother's pussy? Am I as much at fault as she is, I mean, I'm basically his step-mother...
"You think I'm a freak, don't you?" Liz said, feeling miserable as Bri stared off into space, and the car filled up with silence.
Bri looked into Liz's beautiful, brown eyes and said with total sincerity, "No, I don't. Truthfully..." she paused, not sure if she should tell Liz everything, but Liz had been honest with her so far, "It turns me on a lot. I mean, I didn't think it would, something as taboo as incest, but when I heard the sounds you were making yesterday when Nathan went down on you. Holy fucking shit, that was probably the hottest and horniest I've ever felt in my life." As she said it she knew it was true and was too horny in that moment not to ask, "Is he good at giving head? With all the noises you were making, I bet he is."
Liz stared back at her friend, noticing her pouty lips and stunning eyes. She was feeling very sexually excited as she remembered her son's influence on her pussy with his talented tongue, "Oh my god, it was amazing!" She exclaimed, but then thought to add, "I mean, I've only ever had my pussy eaten by you and Nathan so maybe I'm not an expert, but Nathan is obviously naturally talented at eating cunt." A thrill went down Liz's spine as she talked about it.
"James has never gone down on you?" Bri asked, believing it but it was still surprising after Liz being faithful to him for so long.
"That man wouldn't know what foreplay is if it was a snake trying to bite him," Liz said, annoyed. Thinking of James made her pussy dry up really fast as she locked her Sex Demon in the back of her skull again. "Let's just go home, thank you for listening." Liz started the car and drove to the parking lot's exit.
"Are you going to send your kids away?" Bri asked. She was not a big fan of Liz's sisters and, though they'd often send the kids to sleepovers over there while they were growing up, she didn't like the idea of any of Liz's children staying with either of them permanently.
"No," Liz said without hesitating, "I can't kick Nate or Brooke out because of my problem. But things are going right back to the way they were before. I'm just going to pretend none of this happened and I'm sure everyone will take the hint."
Somehow, Bri doubted that but she agreed with Liz anyway and they drove the rest of the way home in silence as Bri thought naughty thoughts about Liz and her son.
Erika was in her room most of the morning. Mostly she was practicing her stretching and poses, thinking about how much she wished she could continue cheerleading over the summer. Would it be too weird to practice outside where the rest of the family could see me, she thought as she glanced out the window.
All the windows to the bedrooms looked out into the backyard where the pool was. So when Erika looked outside she saw that Nathan was swimming in the pool and decided that she'd rather not be around her perverted brother any more than she had to, she was about to close the curtain but then saw Brooke come out to him.
Erika was surprised because the swimsuit Brooke wore looked like she was naked from behind, but then she saw that she was indeed wearing a suit, just a very slutty one. Erika kept watching as Brooke and Nathan seemed to be arguing about something, and then watch the whole interaction as Nate pulled their sister into the pool and they fought, and then Brooke ripped their brother's suit right in half.
Erika couldn't help but laugh at that but then saw Nathan run naked to the jacuzzi while Brooke went back inside carrying the broken swimsuit.
She noticed as he ran that he was brandishing a giant hard-on. What the fuck? She thought, why would Nathan have an erection after talking to Brooke? Then she remembered the slutty swimsuit Brooke had on, Holy fuck, Nathan is attracted to Brooke too? Of course he is, what a fucking pervert! This angered her for reasons she didn't entirely understand, Jesus Christ, I can understand that perv lusting for Mom, I mean, she looks like me in twenty years, Erika thought very highly of herself and saw herself as the prettiest woman in the family. It didn't help that she was right, but that blonde bimbo slut? Erika usually got along with Brooke and would normally never think such things about her oldest sister, but something had come over her thinking about her with Nathan in any capacity, And why was Brooke wearing that around Nathan anyway? What a bitch! Is she trying to seduce Nathan? Why would anyone ever want that fucking dweeb?!
Erika was fuming as she thought these things, and decided she was going to get to the bottom of this. She grabbed her sluttiest swimsuit, feeling like she was competing with Brooke right then, and went down to join her brother in the jacuzzi.
Less than a minute later, she was walking across the paved concrete that surrounded the pool in their backyard.
Nathan heard the door and glanced over, hoping it was Brooke coming back with his repaired swimsuit. But then his mouth dropped open as he saw what Erika was wearing. It was a swimsuit that looked like it was made of nothing but strings crisscrossing across her body. It was a two-piece with multiple straps that went up and around her tits and neck and about the sides of her waist with barely enough material to cover her nipples, areolas, ass, or pussy.
Nathan's cock had just started to lose its hardness before he saw Erika, and now it was completely rigid again and begging to be stroked. But Nathan didn't touch it, hoping Erika didn't want to get in the jacuzzi and that hopefully the jets were enough to hide his condition.
Erika got in the tub with him, of course, and got down low in the water so the jets pushed her tits up and they seemed to float on the top of the water. Nathan gulped and tried his best to look her in the eyes but it was very hard when her breasts looked so inviting.
Once all of her brother's attention was on her, Erika calmed down, she smirked as she realized this was exactly what she wanted, why drool over that fucking slut Brooke, when you have a perfect hottie right in front of you? She thought, "I'm glad you are not out perving it up with Mom right now." Erika spat as she leaned back in the tub, closing her eyes and pretending to relax, though really she wanted Nathan to stare at her breasts and forget about Brooke, "I think there's probably something seriously wrong with you. Though that's always been true, right?" she added, feeling like being mean to her brother after what she suspected he and Brooke were doing.
"Oh, whatever," Nathan said, suddenly angry. He'd normally hold back, especially with Erika who might appear like a perfect angel to everyone else but was a real bitch when they were alone, "It's not like I'm the one who molested you in the shower."
Erika opened her eyes and sat up. She'd never seen Nathan get angry before so this was new, "Come on Nathan," she said, calmly, with a sly look in her eyes, "First off, I was only doing that to confirm you weren't fucking Mom, you sick fuck. And then Lexi walked in and I needed you to hide me." She cocked an eyebrow when she mentioned that last part, "And what is up with you and Lexi, she's coming into pee while you're in the shower? I hope you aren't perving after her too."
Nathan turned his head away from his brunette sister and blushed.
"Holy fuck, you are!" Erika said, really surprised, "Oh. My. Fucking. God. You're trying to bang your whole family? Aren't you?" Erika giggled like an insane person, feeling like she'd figured out her brother's game, "You really are just one sick fuck."
Nathan looked back to Erika with hatred in his eyes, but he was starting to feel very depressed as he thought about all the fucked up shit he'd been getting himself into, "Fine, you're right. Whatever." He said meekly as he sunk into the tub until the water came up to his nose. Because the jets were on, this made breathing a little difficult because water kept splashing all around his face, especially up his nostrils.
Erika calmed herself down and stopped laughing, "Oh come on, don't be like that." She said. Erika actually really liked her brother, even if he was a pervert. Nathan was the only person she felt she could truly be herself around. This was mostly because she could be as mean as she wanted to him without any consequences whatsoever since Nathan didn't argue or put up much of a fight while also doing anything she asked of him. With the rest of her family or her "friends" for that matter, she would act like the sweet, innocent little girl she was anything but.
Even though Erika liked being mean to her brother, she didn't like seeing him so upset. He usually didn't get like this with just poking fun at him (truthfully, he did but would save his lonely feelings for when he was alone in his room), "Fine, look, I enjoyed it when you fucked my thighs in the shower yesterday." She admitted.
Nathan pushed himself out of the water enough that his mouth was above it, "Now that's fucked up." He said with a laugh, but he did feel better.
Erika sneered at her redheaded brother, partly because she felt he tricked her by faking sadness, "Oh fuck you!" She shouted as she moved through the water and collided with him so she could straddle him and hold him down in the water, "I only said that so you'd stop being such a little bitch!" She shouted as she attempted to choke her brother, shaking his upper body wildly as her hands reached around his throat.
"Ah!" Nathan shouted in alarm but grabbed his little sister by the wrists so she wouldn't seriously hurt him. She was struggling with him but started to slow down in her violent motions.
Erika didn't realize when she moved that she when she got on top of Nathan, this forced his giant boner up against his belly and her pussy was now grinding against his naked shaft through her swimsuit. And as she struggled with him this was causing her pussy to gyrate on his huge cock and stimulate her clit. She started to slow in her struggling, but kept moving her hips so she was grinding her cunt against Nathan's dick, a very pleasurable feeling was starting to fill up her whole body, starting in her pussy and moving out to everywhere else.
Nathan let go of her wrists and she placed them on his shoulder and didn't choke him. He looked up into his little sister's radiant, brown eyes, she seemed to be whimpering slightly as she ground her pussy against his dick, and Nathan knew this was wrong, but also knew that this was making his cock feel very good, and Erika was beautiful, "You're very sexy." He said, barely noticing he had even said anything.
Nathan's words reached Erika's ears and she stopped moving her hips, but didn't get off of him yet and kept her pussy pressed right against the shaft of his cock, "Thanks," she said, and she blushed slightly as she just sat there looking into her brother's sexy blue eyes as her hands moved down over his muscular chest, "You aren't so bad yourself," she said with a sultry smile.
But then Erika realized what she was doing, "You need to stop doing this shit to me, you fucking pervert." She scolded as she got off of her brother. As she moved away, she stood up fully in the jacuzzi so she could sway her hips as she walked away, knowing full well Nathan was staring at her tone ass in her revealing swimsuit. She sat down opposite him, looking triumphant, like a mouse that just caught the cat in a trap of its own, "I only did that to prove you're a total degenerate freak who's only trying to fuck-" she was about to say "me" before Nathan interrupted.
"BROOKE!!" Nathan didn't shout but he said it so suddenly it felt like he did.
Jealousy flared up inside Erika, "You're trying to fuck Brooke?!" She asked, not loudly but both hurt and angry.
Nathan pointed and Erika saw that Brooke was just coming out into the yard. Erika cringed, took a deep breath, and submerged her whole body under the water, hoping the jets were enough to hide that she was there from her sister.
Brooke had not seen Erika, and she had a very wide smile on her face as she walked across the yard to her brother, carrying Nate's swimsuit. "I did it, bro." She said.
Nathan eyeballed the rag she held in her hand as she approached him, "What the hell is that?" He stammered when he saw it.
"It's your new swimsuit." Brooke said as she handed it to him, "It's a banana hammock!" She was very excited about this.
Erika knew she could hold her breath without issue for at least three minutes. Growing up with a pool in their backyard had her very accustomed to being underwater. But even with the jets in the jacuzzi on, she knew that Brooke would be able to tell someone else was in the tub when she looked in. Erika thought about just revealing herself, but was suspicious of Brooke after what she saw by the pool before she came out and didn't want to give away that she was there, just to see and hear what Brooke might do and say when she was alone with Nathan.
As Brooke approached the jacuzzi, Erika moved towards her brother underwater until she was in between his legs, figuring as long as she was close to him, he would hide that she was there from their sister.
Nathan jumped slightly as he felt Erika move his legs aside, what the fuck is she doing? He thought as he felt the sides of her body squeeze in between his thighs. He kept looking at Brooke though but cringed both at Erika's movements and at the incredibly small swimsuit Brooke was handing him.
Brooke saw his expression but gave her brother her friendliest smile, "It'll look good on you, I promise." She took a few more steps towards him still holding out the banana hammock. "Try it on, let me see." She ordered.
Nathan glanced back at the jacuzzi and then back at Brooke with a pained expression on his face, "Um, maybe, uh, not right now." He said, nervously.
Brooke thought this very odd and she sneered at her brother, "I thought you were ashamed of your body." She said bluntly, "What? You're enjoying being naked in our jacuzzi all of a sudden?" Brooke was very suspicious, "Are you hiding something in there?" As she asked this she leaned over and looked in the tub.
As Erika got in between her brother's legs, she noticed this basically put Nathan's enormous cock right in her face. She didn't touch it but did get a very good look at his bulbous cockhead, his thick, veiny shaft, and his enormous balls. She felt herself getting horny as she thought about how good it felt as she rubbed her pussy against his shaft until she came on his dick in the shower yesterday, and started unconsciously licking her lips, even though they tasted like the chlorine in the water right then. As she kneeled in front of her brother, wondering if she could even get half of the monolith in front of her into her mouth.
Erika was just in the process of mentally scolding herself for thinking such pervy thoughts, especially about some dweeb like her nerdy brother (even if he was hot) and thought about just getting up in the water, but then noticed Brooke start to look over the side. Moving without thinking, Erika pressed her body even further into her brother and moved her face until it was touching his belly. Doing this caused Nathan's cock to be pushed in between both of their chests and Erika's big boobs wrapped around his cock on either side.
Nathan's eyes went wide, and his mouth dropped open, as he felt Erika's tits engulf his cock. His dick twitched and he had to stop himself from looking down for fear that Brooke was about to catch him and Erika in a very-hard-to-explain position.
Brooke glanced in the water but didn't think to look right at Nathan's crotch, mostly because she didn't want Nathan to see her looking, not yet anyway. But that decision meant she didn't see Erika either. She stepped away from the jacuzzi and looked at her brother's face. He looked scared, which she couldn't imagine why. "It's just a swimsuit." She said, deciding Nate was just worried about showing off his body, "It's not going to hurt you wearing less, in fact," Brooke licked her lips, seductively, "I bet a lot of women would like to see more of you."
Erika probably would have been very interested when she heard the seductiveness in Brooke's voice with that last statement, but as soon as her brother's dick was in between her tits, she stopped listening entirely. His cock was so long that his dickhead came almost up to her nose and was resting in front of her mouth. Tentatively, she licked it, just to see if she would like to do so. What a mammoth, she thought, I've never had a cock this big before...
She wasn't really thinking about who this dick was attached to as she grabbed her boobs and squeezed them tighter around her brother's dick and slowly started bouncing them up and down in a sudden titfuck. She licked his cockhead again, tasting a bit of her brother's pre-cum through the chlorine.
Nathan felt Erika do all this, of course, and it was driving him insane. But he couldn't have Brooke realize what was happening, "Um, maybe, uh, oh god," He was practically moaning as Erika started to increase the motion of her tits around his cock, "Maybe just, um, leave it there on the ground and I'll, uh, get it later, maybe. Oh fuck."
Brooke gave her brother a strange look, "You sure are acting weird," she said, but then shrugged, "I guess that's normal for you." She laughed, "Come on, Nathan, just try this on for me."
Erika decided right then to suck his cockhead into her mouth as she continued to bounce her tits around her brother's shaft in the jacuzzi. Nathan could feel himself getting ready to cum. The whole thing was turning him on to an extreme degree. Especially with Brooke standing so close and having no idea what was going on in the tub in front of him. Her watching him while Erika gave him a titfuck, for reasons he didn't entirely understand in his virginal mind, was really turning him on. However, because he was so nervous about being found out, the tension was stopping him from cumming. The first time in his life he'd really held back on having an orgasm, even though it wasn't intentional.
"I will put it on later!" Nathan stammered as Brooke's words caught up to his distracted brain, "Oh God! I promise I will! Just please leave me alone for a few minutes!" He was practically shouting as he said this.
Brooke wasn't taking no for an answer, she was sure this outfit would help her seduce their mother using Nathan's body, "Come on, Nathan, I bet you look like a hunk in these," she got close to him and leaned over the side of the jacuzzi so she could say to him very sexily, "If you do it, I'll give you another blowjob."
Erika hadn't been listening, her attention devoted to sucking on her brother's cockhead while simultaneously jerking his shaft with her tits, but Brooke got close enough to say this last part that Erika heard it very clearly and it surprised her so much she took Nathan's cock out of her mouth and stood up in the jacuzzi, revealing herself to her sister. "I KNEW IT!" She shouted, angrily and jealously, "YOU'RE TRYING TO SEDUCE NATHAN!"
Brooke took a step back, totally shocked, but then got a look at Erika and realized just where she was hiding as well. Erika had been so into her titjob that she hadn't realized she had pushed the straps that covered her boobs out of the way and her whole tits, nipples and all, could clearly be seen.
Brooke smirked, her initial surprise of Erika's sudden appearance quickly melting away, "And I wonder what you were doing under the water just now." she said, devilishly, "Something tells me our sweet, little Erika is not so innocent after all."
Erika glanced down at herself and gasped as she adjusted her suit to cover her body again, "I don't do that." She said, putting on the air of purity she pretended to carry when anyone but Nathan was around, "Or even know what you're talking about." She said, maybe getting a little carried away with her act, "But I knew that whatever you were doing with our brother is just as sick and perverted as, as Nathan is." Erika felt her point was made and sat back in the jacuzzi.
Brooke wasn't surprised nor convinced by this, "Sure, sure," she said sarcastically, "but I'm not hiding the fact that-" Brooke stopped talking because Nathan suddenly moved and surprised her. He reached out and grabbed the swimsuit she just made for him and hurriedly put them on under the water, "What the-" Brooke said but then saw what Nathan saw.
Liz was back from her trip out and was walking into the backyard from the house. She was still wearing the frumpy jeans and t-shirt she had on when she left, but also put on a jacket that was too warm for the summer heat but didn't want to reveal any skin while around her son right then.
Erika saw her too and sat back in the jacuzzi and pretended she was doing anything but talking to Brooke and Nathan. She knew she could play her mother to believe whatever she wanted, she just had to pretend to be a naive little girl.
Brooke, who was still in her sexy, V-shaped swimsuit and thought about jumping into the jacuzzi to hide this fact but knew she'd already been seen. She turned to her mother and smiled, "Hey Mom," she said, "We're just having some jacuzzi time. It seems like the weather for it." It had been a particularly hot spring that year and summer looked like it was going to be even hotter.
Liz eyeballed Brooke's outfit suspiciously, "I've never seen you in that swimsuit before." She said as she walked closer to the jacuzzi.
Brooke smiled, innocently enough, "Well, it's so hot I figured the less I had on the better I would feel in this weather." Brooke decided it would be better to share the blame, "If you'll notice, Nathan and Erika had the same idea." As she said this, Brooke reached over and shut off the jacuzzi jets.
Liz glanced at the two in the jacuzzi. Nathan cringed, the suit that Brooke just gave him was barely big enough to cover his cock, especially while it was so hard. And it did nothing to hide the fact that he had an erection right then.
Liz came up to the side of the tub and she gasped. Not just at Nathan's hard dick in his tiny swimsuit, but also at Erika's outfit which was even sluttier than Brooke's in Liz's mind, only because she saw Erika as being a sweet, innocent girl and this revealing outfit was showing Liz, just a tiny bit, that she was anything but.
"Um, oh, uh,' Liz stammered as she had to shake off a few naughty thoughts all of a sudden, but then thought of her husband and glanced at the guest house on the other side of the enormous pool, which made her feel a lot less horny right then, "Is your father around?" She asked Brooke, not sure what James would think if he saw his children dressed like that.
"No," Brooke explained, "He and Rosa went out on a 'business meeting' and won't be back until tomorrow." Brooke shrugged, "At least, that's what they told me."
These words took a moment to reach Liz's brain. It wasn't as if she didn't hear them, but it was like she couldn't accept them. Not after the day she'd had of trying to rationalize her behavior and realize that her place was as James' wife and her children's mother, and nothing more than that (at least until she got divorced), but learning that James was already off cheating on her with their terrible gardener less than a day after he had arrived home? Liz felt crushed, to say the least.
Wordlessly, she turned away from her children in the jacuzzi and walked back to the house. She was feeling very depressed, and only knew she wanted to get very drunk right at that moment, even though it was still fairly early in the day.
Brooke felt bad for being so honest with her mother and not sugarcoating that her father was out with Rosa again. But Brooke knew her dad was a loser who would dare cheat on the most perfect woman in the world. That man deserves whatever happens to him, she thought as she got up and got in the jacuzzi tub with her siblings. And Mom needs to know the truth.
Nathan breathed a sigh of relief when his mother left. He felt she was probably going to tell him off or at least embarrass him in some way, but it seemed to be okay. Then, when Brooke jumped up on the side of the jacuzzi and got in next to him, he cringed. He just didn't know what to expect anymore.
Brooke just sat down and slunk into the jacuzzi seat until everything up to her neck was in the water. She put her head back to rest, "I'm just going to enjoy these jets on my back," she said. Then glanced between Erika and Nathan looking mischievous, "You two can continue what you were doing if you like." She laughed at Erika and Nathan's embarrassed looks before closing her eyes and enjoyed a little relaxation.
Nathan and Erika glanced at each other and then quickly looked, neither really wanted to talk about what happened, let alone continue it.