Part 17
Hot Tub Games
By Charlie Flemming
By Charlie Flemming
Copyright 2020 Charlie Flemming
Nathan tried his best to will his boner away but as soon as his mother and Bri came over he knew it was basically impossible. He could only hope the jets spewing bubbles in the hot tub was enough to cover his nudity.
Liz and Bri were wearing their "swimsuits" they had bought at the mall. But, since they didn't get a chance to try them on before just then, neither realized that they were actually just lingerie. The triangular pattern that covered their nipples and vaginas were actually made of a see-through mesh that left their private parts fully on display.
Liz almost chickened out, but she was already kinda drunk and very horny and Bri, who was a bit tipsy simply suggested, "Just think of Nathan's face when he sees us in this!" And Liz was completely on board again as she thought of her son seeing her dressed like a slut.
Liz was too drunk to keep herself from thinking about her son sexually, or Bri for that matter when she could see her beautiful brown back and butt from behind and clearly see her EE breasts and hard nipples along with her wet, shaved pussy. Liz licked her lips, "You know, we don't have to go out with the kids." She said as glanced at Bri's small bed in the corner of her room where they were changing their clothes.
Bri knew exactly what Liz was implying, but knew if she fucked her friend in her intoxicated state she would be taking even more advantage of her than she had when she ate her pussy in the guise of Nathan yesterday. Bri grinned and told Liz, "No, I think we should join your children in the hot tub. It will clear the air, you know?"
Liz nodded, and within a few minutes, they were out in the jacuzzi with several bottles of wine and pouring drinks for Nathan, Brooke, and Erika, in outfits that left them practically naked.
Nathan could do nothing but gawk with his jaw wide open as he stared at his mother and the family maid. Their bodies were even more on display than Brooke's and Erika's. He could clearly see his mother's pink nipples and Bri's purple ones, along with both their pouty, bare pussies. He could feel his cock twitch in the water as he remembered eating his mother's cunt yesterday and just how eye-opening it had been for him that he could enjoy bringing so much pleasure to a woman with his lips and tongue, and just how much he loved the taste of pussy. He glanced at Erika as part of him wanted to eat her cunt again right then, even though he had just gotten done with it. He would normally try to force these incestuous thoughts out of his mind, but with all four women in that hot tub being practically naked, and all the blood from his brain rushing to his giant cock, he couldn't think of anything but sexy thoughts about his family right then.
Erika was feeling very strange as she took her almost completely full wine glass from her nearly naked mother. Jesus, she thought, Mom's never drunk with us before, but I've never seen her like this before either. She considered Liz's outfit, openly staring at her mother's giant boobs stretching the bikini strap nearly to its breaking point. Erika glanced at her brother to gauge his reaction to their mother's slutty outfit. Erika wasn't surprised to see that he was staring back at Liz with pure lust in his eyes, but what surprised her was that a sudden pang of jealousy jumped into her mind.
What the fuck? Erika thought as she looked away from the sight of her brother practically raping their mother with his eyes, she had to gain control of her emotions, Why would I care what Nathan does with anyone? Sure, it's weird he and Mom are trying to fuck each other, and it's totally obvious with Mom if she's out here trying to get him drunk and dressed up even more revealing than I am. Hell, she's dressed like a porn star ready to fuck! Erika glanced at Liz again, biting her lip as she got an eyeful of her mother's sexy, made-to-fuck body, Fuck! Even I want to fuck her when she's dressed like that! What? This thought confused Erika as she looked away from Liz again, she'd never thought of a woman in a sexual way and didn't want to start with her own mother, That's as bad as Nathan... Her thoughts drifted away as she remembered how wonderful it was when he ate her pussy just then, Jesus Christ, I've never had anyone make me feel so good before. I didn't even know I could feel that good before. Fuck, I need to feel that again, I need to...NO!
Erika stood up, fully intent on storming out of the jacuzzi and going to her room to stew for a while and stay away from her nerdy (sexy) loser (stud) brother forever, but as she stood everyone turned to look at her and she froze. Erika realized that if she left, that basically meant Nathan was left there with Liz, who Erika knew had fooled around with him, Brooke, who she'd just witnessed give their brother a blowjob, and Bri, who was dressed just as slutty as her mother and Erika didn't like (or trust) very much at all.
Erika sat back down and sipped her wine. She wasn't sure about her feelings for her brother, but she was damn sure she wasn't letting anyone else get to him first.
Brooke scooched closer to her brother and lightly started to stroke his leg as they both drank their wine. Brooke knew that Liz was drunk, she'd seen her that way before, but never while also being this horny. She needed to push things in the direction she wanted them to go.
"Let's play a drinking game!" Brooke suggested as she raised her full glass of wine into the air.
Lexi had been sleeping off the rest of her hangover and then went to take a shower afterward. When she came back she heard voices in the backyard and then gasped at what she saw, all the women who lived in their mansion were in the most revealing swimsuits she'd ever seen anyone wear as they drank wine with Nathan! She was instantly jealous, Lexi had been secretly in love with her twin brother for as long as she could remember, and if he was giving attention to anyone in their family it had aught to be her.
Needless to say, within minutes she was in her own swimsuit and out at the jacuzzi.
"Just what's going on here?" Lexi asked suspiciously as she eyeballed the suits everyone was wearing. Lexi herself only had one swimsuit and it wasn't very attractive at all. Just a normal one-piece bathing suit.
"Oh, we're just about to play Never Have I Ever!" Liz announced cheerfully as her middle daughter came up, she poured another glass of wine and handed it out to her, "Come on Lexi, play with us!"
Lexi glanced around again, not sure exactly how she felt about any of it, but also, similar to how Erika felt moments ago, she didn't want to be the only one missing out on whatever it happened to be. She took the glass, "You don't mind we're underage?" She said as she sat in the tub in between her mother and Brooke as Bri settled down on the other side of Liz with Erika to the side of her leaving Nathan in between Brooke and Erika.
Liz shrugged, which caused her top to push up and reveal one of her nipples. Nathan gulped but no one else said anything as they could already see it through the lingerie anyway. "You're all 18 or older. And the law is you can drink in your home as long as you have your parent's permission." She explained, "We're all adults and I'm your mother, I think we should be allowed to drink together on occasion. Besides, what's better than getting a little tipsy in the hot tub!"
"Alright, well, how do you play Never Have I Ever?" Lexi asked, she hadn't been to many parties in high school and didn't know.
"Oh it's easy," Brooke said, "It goes around and everyone says something they've never done, and if anyone else has done it they have to take a drink."
"That's it?" Lexi asked, "That doesn't seem so bad."
Brooke smiled, already thinking of ways she could push things a bit further, though not too far until everyone was drunk, "Well, how about we up the ante a little bit?" She suggested.
"Oh no, that's al-" Lexi started to say.
But Brooke interrupted, "We'll add a few extra rules. One, if no one else drinks then whoever said what they'd never done has to drink."
"That seems fair," Liz said, who was just hoping to clear the air and be a good mother again with this game, no matter how horny she was or what she was wearing because of it, "How about we start now?"
"And two," Brooke went on, ignoring her mother, "Whatever we say should have to involve someone else here."
"But, why?" Nathan said just before Brooke grabbed his cock under the water in the hopes he would keep his mouth shut.
Brooke sighed and let go of his dick as punishment, to Nathan's great disappointment, but she didn't care because he'd angered her, "Just to keep things interesting. You know, it will get us drunker faster."
"I'm all for that," Bri said, who was kind of hoping the alcohol would help her to hide her feelings for Liz better, at least from herself.
Nathan was feeling conflicted in general but kept his mouth shut and sipped his wine. He'd never had alcohol of any kind before, but felt this wasn't so bad. Kind of sweet, though it had a funky aftertaste as he drank a bit more of it he was starting to get used to it.
Lexi and Erika both felt suspicious of everything that was happening, but neither said anything. Lexi mostly hoped that she'd find a good excuse to take her brother and leave, while Erika was trying to think of a way to get everyone else to leave but her and Nathan.
"Okay," Liz said when Brooke didn't say a third extra rule and no one complained about the additions, "How about Brooke starts the game as she's the one adding all these rules."
Brooke smiled, flashing her perfect teeth perfectly complimenting her sexy face, "Alright, well, never have I ever," she started, saying the words slowly as she considered whether she should lie or not. Brooke decided to be truthful because it was more fun that way, "been naked in this hot tub before." It was true, not in that particular jacuzzi anyway.
Nathan and Erika both glared at their sister as they took a drink, Nathan being naked right that second just hiding under the jet streams, while Erika was naked moments before while Nathan ate her out.
Brooke noticed Liz take a drink as well and faked being surprised, "Mom! You're bad!"
"Well, it was only late at night when you were all asleep," Liz explained, not feeling the least bit embarrassed about it. But as she got drunker and hornier as she realized her sexy body was on full display for her children to see, especially her son Nathan, her Sex Demon was coming out to play and she wasn't doing anything to stop it. In fact, Liz knew she didn't want to stop it. "Who's next?"
"How about we go to the left," Brooke said, "So Nathan is after me." She looked at him and got closer to him in the tub so her big boobs pressed into the side of her brother's arms and distracted him.
"Uh, um, what?" Nathan stammered out, hoping beyond hope that his cock wasn't jerking so much as his blonde older sister pressed her body against him that his cock wasn't jerking so much it was obvious to everyone else.
"I said it was your turn, silly," Brooke said, giggling flirtatiously as she did so. "Tell us your deepest darkest secret?"
Nathan realized that Brooke was so close to his face he could actually taste her breath, which only made him want to kiss her. He gulped, blushed, and blurted out before he realized he was even saying anything, "I'm a virgin."
Brooke laughed and scooted away from her brother before anyone got suspicious of her, "Oh my god, that's hilarious." She said, "Of course you are, you loser." She really only said that to make it seem nothing had changed between herself and her brother and Brooke thought it would be weird if she didn't insult him in some way.
"Hey!" Liz, Lexi, and Erika all said at the same time.
"Be nice to your brother!" Liz scolded.
"Why are you always so mean to him!" Lexi said angrily.
"You're such a bitch!" Erika yelled.
But since they said this all at once, all Brooke heard was the "Hey" part, but as to how they all seemed to be standing up for Nathan all at once when Brooke had never had anyone stop her from bullying her brother before, she knew things had started to change around there. She just had to be sure they changed in the direction she wanted them to go. "I'm just kidding." She said as she settled back. "And no one drank for Nathan's never having sex before so-"
Then Lexi quickly took a drink from her wine glass and Brooke rolled her eyes, "Okay, I drank." Lexi said as she blushed.
"Of course, that makes sense," Brooke said, causing Lexi to blush almost as red as her hair, and then Brooke looked at Erika, "Your turn."
"Huh?" Erika said, "Oh right," she had been distracted by ideas of how Nathan could lose his virginity. She was starting to feel a bit tipsy from the wine, even though she'd only drank a little but she knew she was a lightweight from drinking with her school friends, who weren't friends at all, not really. Erika realized something as she thought and that was that all eyes were on Nathan. It didn't take someone as smart as Erika to realize the women in that pull were lusting after him, but she also didn't like that no one was giving her any attention at all either. She couldn't have that.
"I don't have any real friends," Erika said, gloomily as she looked down into the bubbling water.
"Oh no," Liz said concerned for her youngest child, "I'm very sorry to hear that." She moved in the water over to her daughter and hugged her. "I'm your friend, sweetie." She whispered to Erika as she held her close, trying not to notice that they're tits were now rubbing against each other, which was making Liz very horny right then.
Erika hugged her mother back as she noticed all eyes were now on here filled with concern, she had gotten what she wanted, "Thanks, I needed this." She said as Lexi and Brooke both put a comforting hand on her shoulders. She broke the hug with her mom, "But none of you drank." She said as she sat back in her seat looking somewhat smug.
Everyone took a drink, even Erika as she considered everything. She actually had said that to make everyone feel sorry for her and get the attention she craved, but she realized as she said it that it was true. She really didn't let people get close to her, not in an emotional way. Erika didn't care about that before and she wondered what changed. But as she sat back she felt her arm brush against Nathan's arm and a shiver went up her spine as her stomach filled with butterflies. She wanted to grab him and kiss him but had to remind herself, this is Nathan we're talking about here. But she didn't move her arm away from him as she thought this.
Lexi couldn't think of anything so she said, "My name has never been Brooke." Making Brooke roll her eyes and take a drink. Lexi wanted a little revenge for her making fun of Nathan for being a virgin though.
Bri didn't want Liz to drink more than she already had so she said, "I've never been one of Liz's kids." Making everyone but her and Liz drink. Brooke and Erika both rolling their eyes at Bri for picking such an easy target.
Liz thought for a moment and said, "I've never had sex on an airplane before." She said, smirking like a goon at Bri while she did.
"Well, I shouldn't have told you about that," Bri said as she rolled her eyes and was about to take a drink when Brooke stopped her.
"That's not right, Mom." She said, "You're supposed to say something about someone else here."
"Oh yeah," Liz said giggling at herself and causing her tits to bounce with her laughter, making Nathan gulp, "that's a weird rule. Ummmm, I guess I've never, um, taken a shower with Nathan before." Liz was too drunk to think there was anything inappropriate about that and had been thinking about showering with her handsome son since he'd showered her with semen yesterday morning.
Bri thought that was a weird one and was about to say so when both Erika and Lexi took a drink from their glasses making her voice catch in her throat. "Wh-what?" She croaked, though softly enough no one heard her over the sound of the water jets.
Liz was also a bit confused as they drank but figured it was probably something they did when they were young and didn't know any better, so she didn't push the matter.
Brooke just wanted to keep things sexy so she said, "I've never gone down on Mom." Fully expecting everyone to glare at her and she'd have to drink. But instead, both Nathan and Bri took a drink. Brooke cocked an eyebrow and said, "Well, that is interesting." As she said this she inched closer to her brother and grabbed his cock under the water, "Very interesting." she said as she began to slowly stroke him off, being careful to keep her movements slow so no one noticed beneath the bubbles.
Erika's jaw dropped open, she couldn't believe it. Nathan had licked their mother's pussy just as he had her own! Her mind was on fire but not as much as her cunt as she remembered how good it felt to cum on her brother's tongue. She wasn't surprised about Bri, she had known she was in love with Liz since Erika knew what romantic love was.
Lexi, however, was livid. She stood up in the tub, "You went down on Mom! That's our mother!" She stated, staring daggers into Nathan filled with rage caused from her jealousy.
Nathan gulped but really couldn't concentrate while Brooke was stroking his cock. He was especially turned on by the fact that it was happening in front of everyone while they didn't know anything. And was far too turned on to respond to his redheaded twin sister, "Um, let's continue the game!" He stammered, "I've never had a vagina!" He practically shouted as he did his best to hold off on cumming in the water. He was thinking an awful lot about vaginas right then.
"Ugh," Lexi grunted as she sat back in the water and everyone took a drink with everyone else. Her glass was empty after that and Liz practically yanked it away from her to refill it. Lexi was angry, and starting to get suspicious of Brooke's arm movements so close to her brother, but thought at that moment that she was just drunk and being paranoid. Then again, she thought, Nathan's gone down on Mom and even I gave him a handjob in the shower...I guess he's not opposed to being intimate with family members. This thought made Lexi jealous but also gave her hope.
Erika was very interested in what else Nathan might have done with other family members so she said, "I've never given Nathan a blowjob." She knew Brooke would drink then but was surprised that Bri also drank (Liz drank a few moments later but long enough after that anyone who noticed assumed she was just taking a drink because she wanted to).
Erika was about to say something about Bri but that's when Lexi reached over and turned off the jacuzzi jets.
Lexi was immediately very jealous of Brooke giving their brother a blowjob and proving that Nathan has been fooling around with more than just she and their mother. She was so upset about this she didn't even notice that Bri drank as well. But that basically clinched her suspicions of Brooke's arm movements and turning off the jets confirmed this. The bubbles stopped forming in the water immediately and everyone could see that Nathan was sitting in the hot tub naked with Brooke's hand gripped around his huge cock which was very erect and obviously leaking pre-cum into the tub.
"Oh my," Liz said as she licked her lips at the sexy sight. She was very tipsy and extremely horny and seeing that Nathan was not only naked but being stroked off by his sexy sister, the sight was so perverted that Liz's Sex Demon immediately came out to play. Her hands went straight to her tits as she started groping her own boobs and playing with her nipples.
Bri's mouth dropped open in shock, but all these revelations about the Slope family was making her incredibly horny as well. She never knew that incest could be so fucking hot before.
Erika wasn't shocked since she'd watched Brooke give Nathan a blowjob not too long ago, but part of her was very jealous that she hadn't thought to stroke Nathan off first. Still, she just sat and stared as Brooke's hand gripped their brother's giant schlong.
Lexi stood up and in a fit of rage started tearing off her one-piece swimsuit, "Well, if Nathan is naked, I should be too." She said, slurring her words just a bit as her sexy body came into view.
"Wh-what?" Nathan stammered as he took Brooke's hand away from his dick and stood up as well. He'd never been drunk before and the alcohol had made most of his shame about being naked just melt away. He grabbed ahold of a now naked Lexi by her shoulders and forced her to look him in the eyes, "Lexi, what's with you?"
Lexi looked at her brother's big blue eyes and swooned a bit before pushing him away and sitting back down in the water. "Never mind, why don't we continue the game?" she suggested.
Nathan sighed and sat back down. Brooke's hand stayed away from his cock as everyone could see them now. He wondered if Liz was going to yell at him, but that's when he noticed his mother openly fondling her tits as she stared at his cock in the water and licked her lips. Nathan gulped as he felt his cock twitch, not sure what she wanted, and not sure if he wanted what she wanted. She seemed far from mad at him though.
Lexi was still obviously angry so she said, "I've never fucked Nathan." Not even bothering to censor herself in front of her mother, but she was glad that no one drank at that.
"Duh, he already said he was a virgin," Brooke pointed out to her nude, and obviously drunker than she seemed, sister, "Now you have to drink." She couldn't help but ogle Lexi's body either, she'd never really thought of her like that before but she was a very sexy young woman. Brooke briefly wondered what Lexi's beautiful pussy tasted like.
Lexi drank, feeling a little stupid as she did but still glad she confirmed Nathan hadn't fucked anyone there before he fucked her.
Bri was next and all she was thinking as the sexual tension seemed to only get thicker and thicker was, Jesus Christ this is hot! Look at Liz openly playing with her tits while Nathan and Lexi are naked right in front of her. Oh my God! This is too much. Oh yeah, it's my turn, I probably shouldn't say "I've never started masturbating right in front of you but I'm about to start," can I?
Bri shook her thoughts away and took a drink of wine then handed her glass to Liz to refill it, this made Liz stop feeling herself up and she sat normally without doing anything after to her tits after she handed the glass back.
"Um," Bri couldn't think of anything so she took a play from Nathan's book, "I've never had a penis." As she said this everyone's eyes but Nathan's went straight to his cock.
Nathan just groaned as he drank though and his mother took his empty glass and poured more wine into it.
It was Liz's turn but she was struggling with her Sex Demon right then as she also ogled her children. She could only stare at her son's cock now, unable to turn away from his stiffness. It was too massive, a monolith to his manliness. Liz wanted nothing more than to take Nathan to her room and fuck his brains out until she was completely satisfied. Her pussy pulsed as she pictured her sitting on her son's cock, his dick thrusting into her from below as she ground against him cumming over and over again as he filled her cunt full of his sinful seed. But these thoughts worried her more than it made her pussy wet (though they did that as well...).
"Mom, it's your turn," Brooke said, interrupting Liz's perverted fantasies.
"Hmm," Liz mumbled as she considered what she wanted to do. A lot of secrets had been revealed to her, a lot of sexy secrets that she wasn't meant to know. They made her hot, but also upset in that she should be a good mother and put a stop to everything, she knew this, "I think we should stop playing this game now." She said, taking a very stern tone with her children.
Everyone looked to Liz, "Um, why?" Erika asked, hoping to learn even more about the happenings in that house and sure she could use it all against her siblings and mother later.
"Because you all deserve to be punished after what I've heard." Liz said, sounding very strict. Everyone thought she was acting differently. Much more confident but also scarier. "You shouldn't be doing these things with family members and you're all admitting it like your proud. I have to put you all in your place. It's my duty as your mother."
Brooke was especially surprised by this. She had been expecting to manipulate everyone until her family was all essentially her sex slaves. She hadn't expected her mother of all people to stand up to this. Liz was so timid most of the time Brooke hadn't thought she'd be able to do anything to stop her, even something as small as telling them all to stop. Still, she had to try to continue, "But Mom," Brooke pointed out, "We already know that Nathan went down on you. You're just as much to blame as we are."
Liz scoffed at this, but also knew that Brooke was right. A part of her felt guilty about that, but mostly she just felt much hornier at the thought of her son with the talented tongue eating her pussy and making her cum. This was enough to awaken her Sex Demon fully and brush her responsibility under a rug.
Liz stood confidently as she made her decision, "First off," she said as she grabbed the top and bottom of the lingerie she wore and literally ripped it off herself, causing the straps of both parts to snap and she was now totally naked in front of her children, "for this punishment, everyone has to be naked." She ordered everyone as she stood with her hands on her hips, not the least bit concerned that her EE breasts and shaved, swollen, and practically gushing pussy were completely exposed to her offspring.
Brooke smiled as she ogled her mother and simultaneously took off her top. She had been planning to get everyone drunk and drink less herself so she could be sober enough to manipulate everyone into doing things like getting naked in the hot tub. Turns out, she thought as she took a big gulp of wine, I had nothing to be concerned about. She was a little worried about her mother though, she'd never seen this side of her before, so sexually confident. Brooke loved this part of her mother and hoped she see her this way again in the future.
Erika was also very surprised at Liz's sudden demeanor. She'd always been the most timid mother imaginable, and very easy to manipulate. She knew that Liz at least thought of her as innocent and naive, so Erika was half expecting Liz to make her go away but as everyone else got nude in the tub, Liz crossed her arms, under her breasts, and glared at Erika expectantly. Erika acted as if she was reluctant as she took off her bathing suit and threw it out of the jacuzzi as everyone else had done.
Liz smiled, "Good, very good." She knew she was drunk, but something inside of her felt very sober and very sure about something, something that was emanating from her vagina and worming its way into her brain, "Next, we're going to finish our glasses of wine." Liz grabbed her own glass and raised it into the air, "I notice all of your glasses are practically full." She pointed out. This was 100% Liz's fault as she made sure everyone's glass had been full and already gone through two bottles of wine.
Everyone toasted their glass, all 6 people swaying a bit, and then they drank their whole glasses of wine in a few gulps.
Bri, who had gotten naked with everyone else, figuring that her "swimsuit" didn't really hide anything anyway. She was very drunk for the early afternoon and wasn't used to it. The wine, along with all the beautiful Slope family in front of her, was making her very horny. She knew she should be stopping Liz from her own devices before she did something (else) that she would regret later, but was too turned on to not be curious as to what she was going to say was the next "punishment."
Nathan was the first to finish his wine and his glass fell in the grass behind them as he put it down, "Whups," He said, slurring his speech slightly, "I'll get it." He stood up, but as he did his body was pressed up against his mother's as she finished her wine.
Bumping into Liz's body caused her to slip and spill wine down the front of her body and slip into her son, "Oh fuck!" She shouted in shock as she fell.
Nathan, purely out of instinct, put his arms around his mother to brace her but was too drunk to do that and stay stable himself. He slipped and he fell back as he gripped his mother and Liz moved forward, her legs moving to either side of his and her hips pushed into his so her pussy was pressed up against her son's shaft as it stretched up his stomach. As the water splashed around them, Liz felt Nathan gripping her tightly as her breasts pushed into his chest, they were now face-to-face with each other.
"Um, we should probably-" Liz started to say as she slowly moved her hips, she was trying to stand up and get away from Nathan before she did something she would regret, but this act caused her pussy to slowly slide up his shaft, stimulating both her clit and pussy lips and sending a shiver up her spine and she said, "Ah, fuck it." And instead of pushing her son away, pushed her lips into his and started kissing him passionately, not only not caring that others could blatantly see she was a slut for her son, but it was really turning her on knowing she was completely exposed to her family. My own children can see me as I suck Nathan's tongue! She thought, That's so wrong! Yet so fucking hot I can't stand it anymore! I need to fuck my son! Right now, in front of everyone!
As Liz moved her hips further up her son's shaft, tongue wrestling with him like a maniac as the four other women watched in stunned silence, she could feel her cunt hole get to the tip of Nate's cockhead. She knew she shouldn't but was too drunk and horny to stop as she started to push down and-
Before she could penetrate herself on Nathan's humongous dick more than a millimeter (so none at all, really), Lexi saw what her mother was doing and practically tackled her, pushing her off of Nathan and right into Brooke. Brooke immediately moved her hands to Liz's breast under the guise of bracing her as she practically slammed into her.
Lexi looked pissed, which was kind of sexy as she stood over her mother naked, her whole upper body going a light shade of red including just the top of her tits, which she was jutting out as she arched her back with her hands on her hips, "Mom! What the fuck!?" She said, not wanting to say what exactly her mother was about to fuck.
Liz looked back up at her daughter, feeling very guilty as she realized she really was about to fuck her own son in full view of her daughters and Bri. "Um," Liz cleared her throat and then looked to her son, "Nathan, you should be ashamed of yourself. This is why you're going to be punished first." She was pretending it was Nathan's fault, knowing full well he probably blamed himself anyway (Liz's Sex Demon being in control was making her think about things very bluntly), "Stand up." She ordered her only son.
Nathan blushed as Liz told him off, he did indeed blame himself for everything that had been happening. He stood his cock coming above the water and was staring off into space too drunkenly embarrassed to look at anyone. If he did, he'd notice that every eye was glued to his erection as the women licked their lips and all five imagined what it would feel like to be penetrated by such a beast.
Liz cleared her throat, "So, the punishment shall be," She looked up at Lexi, feeling somewhat angry that she stopped her from fucking her son she could have felt guilty about it after she had already ridden him through a few orgasms. "Lexi," she said.
"What? Why me? I didn't do anything!" Lexi complained.
"Because," Liz started and had to stop herself from saying, you stopped Mommy from getting her fuck on. And instead said, "You seem the most upset by not getting to fool around with your brother. This is because you have a sick obsession with him that must be tamed." Liz felt she knew exactly what she was talking about as she continued, "That's why the punishment is that in order to get over this horrible 'love' for Nathan, or at least what you think is love you naive girl," though she was directing this at Lexi, Liz was really thinking this about herself right then and how she'd been duped into thinking she loved her useless husband for so many years as even now he was off cheating on her when she'd been nothing but faithful to him (discounting the last couple of days), "That's why your punishment is that you have to get your brother off. You have to make him cum."
"Wait, what?" Lexi said as the words of her mother settled into her drunk brain.
"With your mouth," Liz continued feeling her pussy pulsate with pleasure as Brooke continued to play with her tits, "and, as we're all to blame, we all have to watch."
Lexi stood there, glancing at her sisters feeling very confused as to what she wanted right then. For one, she had been jealous that everyone else, it seemed, had been having oral fun with each other and she desperately wanted to give her brother a blowjob, especially after learning that Brooke had already done the same, but she'd never imagined she would have to do it in front her mother and sisters. "But Mom-" Lexi whined in a similar tone to one complaining about having to finish their broccoli.
"No buts," Liz scolded her redheaded daughter. She motioned to Nathan's cock in the air in between the five of them, "Look at your brother, he's practically aching for release. It's our fault that we did this to him." As she said this, she grabbed her tits and pushed them together and Nathan's cock jumped as he watched, "See, Lexi, it's our duty to make him cum."
"Um, Liz," Bri said, shaking off her drunk and horny haze as she realized that her best friend was probably pushing things a bit too far, "Maybe we shouldn't-"
Liz's Sex Demon didn't want anything to stop and moved quickly, pushing herself off Brooke, who's hands only now left her mother's breasts, and into Bri, she grabbed the brown beauty and kissed her passionately, causing Nathan and Lexi to gasp. Brooke and Erika weren't that surprised by it, both knowing that Bri had feelings for Liz before and Brooke had always thought they'd make a better couple than her mother with their father. Erika just didn't care, her thoughts on how she could suck Nathan's big cock instead of Lexi.
As Liz kissed Bri her hands slid up Bri's thigh and rested on her pussy, she started moving along her friend's folds, inserting a finger into her hot cunt. She broke the kiss but kept fingering her friend in the water as she turned back to her kids, "Now, Lexi, either you should suck your son's massive cock or I'm going to." She decreed.
Lexi gasped, but as Liz moved to do just that she shouted, "NOO!" Surprising everyone, even herself, but she was already on her knees in the water with both hands on her brother's cock, "No," she repeated, "I can do it." She looked up into Nathan's eyes as she stuck her tongue out and tentatively licked the tip of his cockhead. She tasted his pre-cum for the first time and thought it was actually pretty tasty. She wanted to taste his cum. "I want to do this." She said to her brother, pretending they were the only two in the hot tub, even though everyone heard what she said and all eyes were on her.
Lexi opened her mouth as wide as she could as she took her brother's cockhead into her mouth. She wasn't used to straining her mouth so much and couldn't take in more than the head of her brother's dick, but she started running her tongue in a circular motion around his head of his penis and started stroking the rest of his dick with bother her hands. She wanted to bring as much pleasure as she could to Nathan. Lexi hoped she could make her brother cum harder than anyone else had so far.
Nathan's mouth hung open as he watched his twin sister suck his dickhead while stroking his shaft. He looked around at the faces watching them, his mother, his two sisters, the family maid, all openly staring at the incestuous blowjob happening right between his legs. He then noticed that they're hands seemed to be moving between their own legs and realized that all the women in the tub were masturbating, even Lexi as she blew him! This was too fucking hot, "I'm going to cum!" He announced.
"No! Don't cum!" Brooke shouted as she fucked her pussy with three fingers, with one in her asshole, "You've barely even started!" She really wanted to cum when her brother did and wasn't ready yet.
"Yeah, Nathan," Liz said next, "You really have to learn to hold your loads better." She sounded sincerely concerned about this, "It's not healthy to cum so quickly, you know." Liz was pretty sure that wasn't true but was too drunk to care and really wanted her son to be able to pleasure women well.
After being scolded Nathan tensed up every muscle in his hips in the hopes that it would help, but he was already too far gone, with a mighty moan, he started cumming directly into Lexi's mouth.
Lexi had heard him announcing that he was about to cum, but she still wasn't completely ready for the copious amounts of semen rushing out of her brother's humongous dick and filling her mouth to the brim as her cheeks bloated full of his cum she backed away so she could swallow it all in a few gulps. She did like the taste, after all, but as she backed away this only left Nathan's boner shooting cum all over her face and into her hair. "Nate!" She complained as she put her arms up to block it, "Watch what you're doing!"
"Don't you dare!" Liz shouted as she got behind her daughter and grabbed Lexi's elbows and pulled her arms down so Nathan's next salvo went straight into his sister's face again, "This is your punishment so you have to take Nathan's load like your his fuckslut!" There's that word again...Why does it turn me on so much? Liz thought before continuing, "If you can't swallow his cum then you should take it on your face to show him how much you appreciate your brother!" Really Liz just wanted to see Lexi get a facial.
Since Liz got right up behind Lexi as she grabbed her, Liz's head was right over her shoulder and as Nathan's cock kept shooting he ended up covering his mother's face almost as much as Lexi's. They were both splattered with his pearly white jizz. Liz was so horny she started eating it off herself immediately, taking her hand and wiping it through the mess so she could lick it directly from her palm. "Mmm, delicious." Within moments she cleaned all the cum off herself.
As Liz licked herself clean, Nathan sat back down, too drunk to fully comprehend everything as he watched open-mouthed as his mother ate his cum from her hand as she moaned and purred like a kitten drinking milk. He was still too new at sexual things to know that his mother was what was referred to as a "cumslut," all he knew was the sight of her eating his sperm like it was candy was keeping his cock just as hard as it was before he came all over his mother and sister.
Lexi, however, sat in the water with his cum sticking all over her face in a splatter painting feeling like she couldn't do something as slutty as her mother, even if she was still really horny and knew that sucking her brother's cock until he came on her face was the hottest thing she'd ever done, but still, she wasn't sure if she should wash it off in the water, since then it'd be floating around in there with them, "Um, should I get a towel or..."
She was cut off as Brooke moved in the water and started licking her face, "Um what?" Lexi said but was cut off again as Brooke kissed her and shoved her tongue into her mouth. Lexi could taste the cum that was on it that Brooke just licked off her cheek. She started kissing her back barely even realizing who she was kissing, only that she wanted more of her brother's cum in her belly.
Erika noticed that Nathan was still hard in the water and saw an opportunity, "Well, it looks like our brother is still very horny. I suppose I should be punished next and have to blow him too, right?" She suggested as she reached over and gripped Nathan's cock in the water.
Liz licked her lips of the last remaining cum. She was still very horny too, and really wanted to make Erika suck her son's dick, but that thought made her realize she was maybe pushing things a little far, "No, um," she watched Brooke make out with Lexi for a minute, realizing just how sexy her daughters looked as the hot sun reflected off their beautiful faces, "Actually, we all need sunscreen. Yes, definitely." Liz said as an excuse as she got out of the hot tub, "How about we switch to tanning?"
As LIz was about to get out of the jacuzzi, she noticed that all other women, even Bri, had their eyes on Nathan's cock as Erika stroked him off in the water. Well, no one's going to come with me if my stud son doesn't cum too, um, come too. She reached out and grabbed Nathan's cock too, surprising Erika as they stroked him together for a moment, but instead, Liz took a strong grip on his dick and practically dragged him by it as she helped him stand up to make her follow him out of the hot tub.
Liz smirked a second later as she watched the four other women follow her and her son over to the lawn chairs that were set up beyond the edge of the pool.