Part 19

Faded Memories

By Charlie Flemming

Copyright 2020 Charlie Flemming

Liz woke up first feeling especially hungover but her responsible side was back in control. She had a very bad headache and her whole body felt like it had been through the mill. Most of her skin felt especially sticky as well making her think, I must not have been very careful, she thought, I guess I spilled wine all over me.... Liz briefly tried to remember anything after she started drinking wine at the kitchen counter yesterday, but everything was so hazy, I kind of remember sitting in the hot tub... Meh, it's probably not important. I feel pretty sick though, this is why you should never start drinking at noon.

It was still too dark to see so Liz crawled along the bed in the dark. As she did she, realized that she was naked and there seemed to be spots all over her giant, heart-shaped bed that was either wet or seemed to be crusty and dry, what the hell happened in here last night? She asked herself as she made a mental note to ask Bri to wash her sheets before James got home. Liz sighed, depressed, as she thought of James out with that slut of his, that made her think of her son Nathan and what they'd been up to lately, at least that won't happen again, and I haven't done anything since the massage two days ago, She reminded herself, feeling somewhat proud of her self-restraint and not remembering at all the events of last night after she started drinking with Bri.

Liz realized as she stood from the bed that something stank. She knew part of it was her body being that she was covered in old sweat and wine, but something else in the room permeated the air.

Liz walked to the room's adjoining bathroom, something she had no problem doing in the dark. She turned the light switch on and blinked her eyes quickly to adjust to the flood of light. As she did she thought she saw something strange in the mirror. But then realized it was only her own reflection. Her mouth dropped open as she looked at herself in the mirror.

There was what appeared to be dried cum, both from men and women, all over her face, dried into her messy black hair, and dry semen was streaked across her big boobs, there was even some dried on her lips that Liz licked up before she could stop herself. But tasting it she knew right away that it was her son, Nathan's, cum.

Delicious, even dry, Liz thought, bitterly, Holy fucking shit, I look like a slut and I'm fucking acting like one too. I don't even remember what happened but I know it wasn't good. Something sexual with my son! And God even knows who else! It's my fucking Sex Demon! When will she leave me alone!? As Liz thought more things to make her feel terrible she started the nearby bath and got in.

There was only one bathtub, not including the jacuzzis, in the whole house and that was the one in Liz's bathroom. It was also a shower and she rarely used it as anything but a shower but wanted to take a bath then, both because she felt soaking in hot water would help her hangover and perhaps her mood.

As she sat in the tub and waited for it to fill completely with water, Liz tried to remember the previous day's activities. I remember everything up to getting upset about James cheating on me with that fucking slut Rosa, Liz wasn't normally this course with her language, even in her private thoughts but the hangover combined with her guilt was keeping her from thinking civil thoughts.

Also, it was then that the hot water touched her pussy, which wasn't normally a big deal but it made Liz realize that her vagina felt especially tender that morning. At first she didn't think about it, but as she grabbed the nearby soap and started spreading suds on her body as she washed away her son's dried semen and God knew who's pussy juice, she felt the soreness in her pussy once again and suddenly realized something.

Liz had a flash of memory through the mist of alcohol keeping a lock on the full extent of what happened last night. She was on her back in her room, it was night and the lights were off, she was moaning wildly, "Yes, fuck me! Fuck your mommy! Fuck me, Nathan!" As a silhouette of a person loomed over her as they furiously fucked her pussy with something very, very large which could only be a cock thrusting deep inside her as she came around it, "I'm cumming on my son's cock!" She moaned like a maniac in her memory.

"Oh no!" Liz said aloud in shock as she knew the very reason her cunt felt so raw that morning, "I fucked Nathan last night!" It was the only explanation, "I fucked my own son!"

Nathan was the next to wake up. He was in his bed, naked, with an equally naked Lexi pressed up against him. He knew it was her before he even opened his eyes, just by the feel of her body in his arm, that's how familiar they were with each other. He subconsciously stroked her bare back all the way down to her ass, odd, he thought as he gripped her soft buttocks without even thinking about it, loving how her shapely cheeks felt in his hand, Lexi never sleeps naked...

Then a flood of memories came to Nate as he remembered the events from yesterday. In his mind, he recalled what happened in the hot tub and how he basically had oral sex with everyone, how he rubbed down his mother with sunscreen leading to him getting another blowjob from her in front of everyone, how they'd all met up in his room leading to a whole array of cunnilingus and cocksucking. Then Bri showed up, also naked, and announced there was pizza. He remembered eating pizza, and his mom, Liz, wanted to drink wine off his hard cock, and things started to get blurry after that. He vaguely remembered eating pizza in the kitchen, everyone still naked and standing around with the tits, pussies, and asses of his sister's, mother, and Bri all on display for him to see but everyone acting like everything was normal as they ate, but nothing else was clear after that.

He took his hand off his twin sister's ass and pushed himself away from Lexi, slowly as to not disturb her. He didn't turn his light on as he grabbed clothes blindly from his dresser before running across the hall to his bathroom. As Nathan got under the hot water, he realized that his cock, which was flaccid but also very sore. He wondered what the hell he, and his dick, had gotten up to after he blacked out. He felt guilty about everything and blamed himself, and part of him hoped he didn't remember.

Bri was the next to wake up, and she woke in her own bed. She didn't remember going back there the night before. In fact, the last thing she remembered was eating pizza with the nude Slopes and then Liz got more wine from the cellar and started ordering people to drink it off of each other's bodies. She started with practically dumping the bottle on Nathan's cock as she slurped the wine dripping down the sides. Bri tried to say that things were going too far again, but Liz offered Bri to lick wine off of Liz's pussy and Bri couldn't pass that up.

The last thing she remembered was Liz on her back on the kitchen's long wooden cutting board, pouring wine on her pussy as Bri drank it straight off her labia while also sucking on her best friend's clit. She looked up as Liz moaned and poured wine on her breasts while Nathan sucked on one of his mother's nipples and Brooke sucked on the other.

The memory turned Bri on greatly, but she also knew she should talk to Liz to make sure she wasn't freaking out about everything. Bri herself wasn't sure how to feel about all the incestuous touching yesterday. Though she realized it turned her on a great deal, she also knew it was something she couldn't let Liz ever do with her family again.

Yesterday was just a one-time thing, Bri told herself as she entered Liz's room.

As Bri entered, her senses were attacked with the very strong smell of sex that permeated the room. As Bri turned on the light she saw that all across Liz's bed were patches of wet spots that were obviously pools of girl cum, along with some very big white spots where Nathan obviously spread his seed. Holy fuck! What the hell happened after dinner last night!? Bri thought in total shock as she surveyed the bed.

Bri was distracted by this thought as she heard the sound of Liz crying in her bathroom. Without even thinking about it, Bri crossed the room and pushed open the door to where Liz was.

Liz was surprised as she heard the door, half-worried, half-excited that it might be her son coming back for more, "Who's there?!" She said, but a second later, saw through the open glass door around the tub that it was Bri.

Bri took a moment to ogle Liz in the tub, she could clearly see her friend's sexy body in full, her large EE-sized tits, just as large as Bri's own, her beautiful, tone legs, her shaved pussy that looked so inviting and Bri remembered once again how tasty drinking wine straight from Liz's cunt had been...

Bri took a moment to shake off her horniness, this wasn't the time, "I came to check on you. I figure after last night-"

Liz interrupted Bri before she could say anything else, "Bri, I think I have to fire you."

"What?" Bri said, this caught her completely by surprise.

"How can I keep you on, after I-" Liz took a breath, not sure if she could admit to Bri that she fucked her own son, "After I let myself go again. I definitely can't be around my children anymore, that's for sure."

"Liz, you're overreacting," Bri said, calmly, "I know I should have put my foot down harder yesterday, but it was just one drunken night. We'll get through this, just so long as we never do it ever again."

Liz sighed and brought her legs up to her chest and wrapped her arms around them. She didn't look at Bri, not knowing how to feel, yet unable to trust her feelings either, "But I can't be sure I'll never do anything again, Bri. I lose all control and look what I've done."

The way Liz said that last part made Bri suspicious that this was more than just about her sucking her son's cock. True, Bri thought, that was fucked up, but Liz was practically schooling Lexi how to suck Nathan's cock in the hot tub. She can't be freaking out just about that, can it? Bri wondered if it was because she ate her friend's pussy again, remembering how she reacted when she tried to do that in the lingerie store and decided Liz needed to clarify, "Is there something about yesterday bothering you specifically, Liz?" Bri asked, choosing her words carefully.

Liz bit her lip, Bri knew her too well for her to be able to hide anything. But Liz knew she couldn't just admit to Bri that she fucked her own son, at least, not until she was absolutely sure that's what happened, even though there was no doubt in her mind it was Nathan fucking her. No one else in that house had a dick last night... She thought bitterly before answering her friend and maid, "I, um, just need time to myself I think."

Bri nodded and turned to leave, as she opened the door back into the bedroom she got another whiff of the smells of pussy and cum coming off of Liz's bed, "I'm going to wash your sheets, okay?" Bri said as she left the bathroom and started to clean Liz's room without waiting for an answer.

Liz sighed as leaned back in the tub and let her body sink until everything but her nose was under the water. As she did another memory of the night before leaped into her mind, this one of her on her knees in front of Nathan, sucking on his balls while Lexi sucked his cock, and beneath Liz was Brooke, her eldest daughter, eating her cunt. She was cumming hard on her daughter's face, and she did, Liz remembered thinking this is the happiest I've ever felt.

This memory was too much for Liz right then and she felt herself start to cry again. Partly out of guilt, but mostly because she knew that thought from her memory was absolutely true. I really was happy then, just as I was happy when the shadow was fucking my brains out as I cried out for Nathan to fuck Mommy. It's the happiest I've ever been in my God-forsaken life, and I can never, ever do it again...

Erika was the next to awaken. She was in her own bed. She had drunk less than anyone else before they had pizza, but then after dinner when Liz suggested drinking wine off each other, and she and Lexi stared on in utter jealousy as Liz sucked Nathan's cock again. Once Nathan switched to sucking on their mother's tit, Erika and Lexi were suddenly competing with each other on who could suck more wine off Nathan's dick and balls and things got very blurry after that.

She vaguely remembered going to the living room after and Brooke suggesting that they have a "pussy-eating contest," and Nathan (though it could have been anyone...Erika couldn't remember clearly) brought her to orgasm with his tongue again, probably more than once, but after that, everything was a total blur.

As she wiped the sleep out of her eyes, Erika thought about yesterday, specifically, about Nathan eating her pussy in the hot tub, Jesus that was amazing, she thought, I can't believe I never knew before that getting your pussy licked could ever feel so good, then again everyone else I've been with has been pretty lame in that department.... Why does it have to be Nathan to have such a knack for getting me off? God, he's such a loser...right? I mean, he's always been my loser older brother. Shy, no friends, keeps to himself all the time, just like the unpopular nerd he's always been...and yet why can't I stop thinking about him? God! He's so muscular now, he has such a sexy body. Why does he keep it covered up all the time? Because he's a loser, right. But still, and that cock! I mean, I'm not a size-queen, like Mom totally is, she laughed softly as she thought of what a slut her mother was for most of yesterday but then stopped when jealousy took over, and now I feel like I'm competing with her for Nathan's attention. Fuck me! Why couldn't I realize I have feelings for him when the rest of the family is away on vacation, or at least not trying to fuck him too!?

After Erika thought that last sentence she realized what she was thinking, Fuck me, I really do have feelings for Nathan, don't I? My loser brother is also the man I'm in love with, um, I mean, not "love." That's stupid, I could never fall in love with someone so sensitive, and caring, and selfless, and I don't know anyone who would do more for their family so you know he'd be a good father, not to mention all the crazy sex we could be having...No, shut up Erika, you're doing it again. He's your brother!

Frustrated with herself, Erika threw her blanket off her body. She glanced at the clock and saw that it was much earlier than she normally woke up but knew she wasn't going to get back to sleep anyway. She grabbed some clothes, barely glancing at what she was grabbing, and walked out of the room naked to take her shower in the bathroom across the hall.

However, right before Erika turned the knob to enter, she glanced down the hall towards her brother's room thinking about what may or may not be feelings she had for him. Ugh, this is a bad idea. She thought as she let go of the doorknob and walked to the other end of the hall with her ass hanging out and the front of her body only covered by the clothes she carried in her arms.

She glanced in her brother's room, and when she saw he wasn't there Erika went into the bathroom across from his room and saw that he was already in the shower. Smiling, Erika dropped her spare clothes on the ground and entered the shower with him.

The next person to wake up was Lexi. Who woke up naked in Nathan's bed, she stretched her arm out and was a tad disappointed that he wasn't there next to her, but she started to remember the day before and her body seemed to fill with joy.

Unlike everyone else, her mind was not filled with regrets from the day before. In fact, she was emboldened by it, I got to suck Nathan's cock! And he sucked my clit and pussy! Oh My God! That's more than I ever thought I would ever do! Maybe dreams really could come true... She didn't even care that the whole family knew about her feelings for her brother. If anything, they'll probably be more accepting when we get married and have kids together, she thought to herself, not too concerned that her sisters and mother were getting involved with "her man" too, yesterday, He'll only want to be with me soon. She hoped.

That's when she remembered Erika and how she was acting especially competitive with her yesterday, especially when they were sucking wine off of Nathan's cock together, What is with that? Lexi wondered.

Almost as soon as she wondered about this, the door opened. Hoping Nathan was coming back from wherever he was to lie with her, she pretended to be asleep. But through slitted eyelids, Lexi saw that it was Erika poking her head in, and as she turned away, Lexi briefly saw Lexi's shapely ass.

"What's that about?" Lexi asked herself as she sat up. She tiptoed to the door to look out through the opening and saw as Erika opened the door across the hall and let herself into Nathan's bathroom.

A jealous-rage filled Lexi as she went across the hall as well and walked in. She came into the bathroom just in time to see her younger sister enter the shower with their brother. In seconds, Lexi got in right behind her.

"Um, what the hell?" Nathan asked as two out of three of his sisters were suddenly in the shower with him.

"I could ask the same thing," Lexi said as she stared daggers into her sister.

Erika glowered right back at Lexi, "Oh please," she said as she crossed her arms below her breast which made her push her tits up and made them look all the more delectable to Nathan, "Lexi, you're such a hypocrite, you come in here and then get angry at me for coming in here too. It's not like you called dibs on Nathan or something."

Lexi blushed and looked down in embarrassment, of course now she was staring at Nathan's growing cock in between her and her sister, "It's not like that." She lied, "Nathan and I shower all the time. I was just going to wash his back for him."

"We've never showered together befo-" Nathan started to say but Lexi reached up and covered his mouth with her hand.

It was enough for Erika, who smiled as if she'd just won something, "You little bitch. You just thought you could come in here and steal Nathan out from under me."

This statement really confused both Nathan and Lexi, "What?" they both said together, Lexi taking her hand away from Nathan's mouth since he already let the cat out of the bag.

Now Erika blushed and looked down at her brother's cock, she licked her lips longingly as she remembered how much she enjoyed blowing her brother the night before. "It doesn't matter." Erika said, hoping they'd both drop it, "all I know is that I'm going to suck this cock and there's nothing either of you can do to stop me."

Erika dropped to her knees, but Lexi dropped right with her, not willing to give up on making Nathan her boyfriend, and if Erika thought she could out blow her brother, she had another thing coming.

Erika started by sucking on one of Nathan's humongous balls while she reached up and started stroking his cock with one hand. She wasn't the least bit surprised when Lexi joined her on the other side of his cock, sucking on his other nut. Her hand met Erika's around his shaft and the started stroking him off together.

"Um, you don't have to, uh," Nathan said as they sucked and stroked. His cock was still quite sore so the action was as much painful as it was pleasurable. He looked down and saw his beautiful sisters' heads as they sucked his balls, Erika's wet, black hair making her look all the more beautiful as it draped down past her shoulders. Lexi's red hair did the same and Nathan started to stroke both their heads as they started sucking the sides of his shaft like they were competing to play the same harmonica at the same time. "That feels amazing." He muttered, too horny to remember he was supposed to be feeling guilty about all the sexy stuff he'd been getting up to with his family.

Erika kept her eyes on Lexi as they both sucked the sides of their brother's cock. She didn't want her to do anything without her and get a leg up on Nathan's third leg. She took the initiative and moved up to Nathan's cockhead, determined to take the whole thing in her mouth, and force Lexi away, but she didn't expect Lexi to keep up with her and move her mouth onto their brother's dickhead at the same time. In the end, they were sucking on the head of his penis together, pre-cum pouring out and all over their tongues, but at the same time their lips were touching as their tongues licked around Nathan's dick head and soon Erika and Lexi were essentially making out with each other while simultaneously sucking Nathan's cock.

Nathan's eyes rolled back into his skull as he gave into the pleasure of having two women suck his dick simultaneously. He started to cum, too caught up in his own pleasure to even warn his sisters or try to hold back.

Erika could tell Nathan was about to cum but hoped Lexi wouldn't be prepared and back off so Erika could take all of her brother's creamy load for herself. Lexi didn't slow down as Nathan started filling both their mouths and cover their faces as he came copious amounts. Erika and Lexi were both already addicted to the taste of his sperm, and they both redoubled their efforts as cum overflowed their mouths, covered their lips, tits, and faces, and they were both trying their damnedest to swallow all of Nathan's sperm, licking and sucking all the cum off the side of his cock.

Except after a minute of this, Erika noticed that Nathan had left and she and Lexi were just making out with each other in the shower. "Lexi, stop." She said as she grabbed her sister's arms and held her away from her, looking a bit angry.

"What? Huh?" Lexi said dreamily as she opened her eyes and realized just what Erika had, Nathan was gone and she was making out with her sister. "Hehe," Lexi chuckled lamely, "Whups."

Erika groaned and got up to go find Nathan, not even bothering to put the clothes she brought in on before she left.

Lexi stayed on the floor, feeling a bit strange. She'd just been making out with her sister, something she'd never done with another woman. But after Donna went down on her the other day, she was starting to warm up the idea of being with another girl, also, she thought, Erika is a really good kisser... She sighed as she stood up and walked out of the room to follow her sister, however, she ran right into Liz who was fully dressed and already scolding Erika for walking around naked. Lexi gulped, herself being naked in the hallway as Liz turned to see her.

Bri had taken the sheet and replaced it with another bright red one, as all the sheets were for the giant heart-shaped bed in Liz's bedroom. She then took the dirtied blanket and sheet, which smelled so much of God only knew what sexual acts that happened on it the night before, that made Bri think again about the Slope family as she took it down to the basement.

Holy Christ, Bri thought as she felt her pussy get wet and her nipples harden, Why is this turning me on so much? I mean, I'd fuck Liz any day of the week, but I've never thought about Nathan or his sisters in a sexual way before. I mean, they're practically my kids! And they actually are Liz's kids and she's done even more than me! FUCK! It's perverted and depraved and so fucking wrong but I am SO FUCKING TURNED ON RIGHT NOW!

Bri got to the laundromat in the basement then and threw all the cummy blankets in the largest washer. She then noticed some of the fluids that hadn't dried on the sheets were now on her clothes. She shrugged, figuring it didn't matter at that point if she walked through the house naked and took off her shorts and t-shirt and threw them in the with the rest of the laundry.

Bri stood there for a moment, naked, her pussy ached with need again, she had a sudden want for a big hard cock to fuck. And that thought was the last she had before a totally nude Nathan walked into the room.

Speak of the devil, Bri thought as she glanced down at Nathan's penis, it was about half-hard at that moment.

Nathan, after cumming in his sister's mouths and on their faces, suddenly felt very guilty again and ran out of the bathroom to get away. He knew they were probably going to come look for him in his room so he ran through the house naked, hoping no one would catch him. Thankfully, no one did as he ran to get clothes from the laundry room, not expecting to find Bri there, less expecting to find her nude.

"Why are you coming in here naked?" Bri asked him.

Nathan looked at her and gulped, Bri was an absolutely beautiful black woman. Her tits were large and perky, her arms and legs fit from all the housework and exercise she did with his mother every day, her pussy shaved and looked very inviting. She was totally hot, but being this close to her while they were both naked felt just as taboo as being in the shower with his sisters just before this. I've known this woman my whole life, Nathan said to himself, She's practically my step-mom, in fact, I'm probably closer to her emotionally than my actual mother, and yet her body makes me so fucking horny, I can hardly stand it! Nathan was definitely suffering a mix of emotions as he ogled the family maid's body, but his cock was fully hard in seconds.

Bri licked her lips as she watched Nathan's cock grow to full hardness. Her cunt pulsed with need and as Bri looked in Nate's eyes, she didn't care about anything else but getting that need filled, "Look, Nate, I'm going to be straight with you," Bri said as she took a step towards the tall, handsome redheaded man in front of her, "Your mother is having a hard time dealing with the, um, 'events' of last evening. She even tried to fire me."

"What?" This really surprised Nathan, "She would never!" His entire life his mother and Bri had been best friends, there's no way she'd do something like that.

"Well, she did, and I still think she might." Bri took another step, and was close enough to grab Nathan's cock, which she did, giving his hard on a nice stroke, "And I really want to get fucked right now. I'm so fucking horny thinking about all the naughty things you did with your mother and sisters last night. Not to mention me," Bri smiled as she kissed Nathan on the lips. She squealed with delight as she felt his tongue meet hers in his mouth. "I just need you to fuck me, just a quickie," Bri said, breaking the kiss for a moment before sticking her tongue in Nathan's mouth once again. She took his cock and started rubbing the cockhead along her clit, she stood up on tip-toe in order to line it up with her needy hole.

Nanoseconds before Bri impaled her sopping wet cunt on Nathan's hard cock, Nathan broke their kiss and took as step back from her, not even realizing he very nearly was fucking the family maid, "I'm sorry Bri," he said as he turned away from her, making her let go of his cock, "Things have just been so crazy lately, and now you want to have sex with me?" He sighed, not sure how to feel about anything, "I mean, truthfully, with Mom and James being so distant," Nathan never called his father anything but his name, mostly because of how Nathan's dad treated his mom, but James was so self-centered he didn't even notice Nathan, let alone what he called him, "I've always kind of felt you were basically my second mother, and I don't know who else to turn to when things are, um, tough." Nathan turned back around then, giving Bri a weak smile and trying his best not to ogle her hot, naked body when he was trying so hard to be a good person.

Bri took a breath, frustrated she wasn't about to get fucked, but also feeling a bit guilty for trying to have sex with someone essentially telling her he was basically her son, Then again. He'd done all kinds of things with his actual mother and sisters, why not me too?... "Okay, fine," She grumbled, "I'm not going to seduce you, don't worry. But my offer stays on the table."

Nathan just scowled at Bri.

"Fine, fine, just saying." Bri sighed, "Well, I guess things have been a bit weird, especially yesterday. But I think if we just talk your mother into realizing that it was all just a drunken mistake, things will go back to normal." She stared hungrily at Nathan's cock as she thought, I don't know why you'd want things to go back to the way they were before, everyone locked in their rooms and avoiding each other. This is more fun, to say the least. She sighed again as she remembered how tense everything had been before, then remembered how bad of a way Liz had been before she left her, But I guess it's not normal, and incredibly depraved and perverted. The whole family can't be a non-stop orgy, that's just ridiculous. But as she thought about it, she was turned on even more. So, much more...

"So, you think Mom will be okay if we-" Nathan started to asked but stopped as Bri practically tackled him to the ground of the laundry room. Bri straddled Nathan with a leg on either side and his big cock pressing into both their bellies. She started kissing him, her large lips tasted like candy as he started sucking on her lips and tongue and didn't care anymore that Bri was his "second mother" as he kissed her.

His hands found there way up her back, sending shivers down Bri's spine. Holy fuck, she thought as she made out with Nathan on the floor, his touch is magical! Everything thing he does makes me so hot! I can't stop myself even if I wanted to! I can't! I need this too much!

As they made out, Bri grabbed Nathan's cock again and rose up, her pussy lined up perfectly with his cock, and she lowered herself on him. She wanted to go slowly but her cunt was far too wet and her pussy engulfed Nathan's cock completely in only a moment.

Bri had to stop kissing him because she immediately started cumming as she felt his humongous dick fill her up more than she'd ever had her cunt filled before, "OH MY GOD! NATHAN YOUR COCK FEELS SO FUCKING GOOD! OH MY FUCKING GOD!" She then tried to silence herself but kept moaning unintentionally as she started to grind against Nathan's pelvis and fucking his cock in her tight pussy as she started working herself up to a second orgasm.

"Holy shit!" Nathan said as he looked down past Bri's large boobs hanging down and saw where his cock was entering her pussy, "Holy fucking shit!" he said again, "We're fucking!"

"Fuck yeah we are!" Bri said, not believing that sex with Nathan was so unbelievably pleasurable. She started to bounce on his cock, absolutely loving the feeling of his dick partly leaving her pussy only to fully fill her up as she came down on it again, "THIS IS THE BEST FUCK I'VE EVER HAD!" Bri announced to the world as she fucked Nathan in earnest

Nathan loved watching Bri's brown boobs bounce as she fucked him, he reached up and grabbed both of her giant tits with both hands and squeezed and pinched, wanting to give her as much pleasure as possible. "You're so beautiful, Bri." He moaned as she continued to bounce on his cock, "Your pussy is so tight." He added, feeling very confident.

Bri loved what Nathan was doing to her tits and felt her orgasm reach her, "Nathan your hands are like magic! You touch me so well! You FUCK ME SO WELL! FUCK I'M CUMMING!"

Hearing Bri announce that while feeling her pussy tighten around his cock as a flood of juices came from her pussy and seemed to cover his pelvis, he was so turned on by all these things that Nathan started cumming as well, groaning gutturally he filled her pussy up with his sperm as his cock spasmed as wildly inside her pussy as her cunt did around his dick.

"Holy shit that was amazing," Bri said, and was about to kiss Nathan again but then heard the door open.

A very angry looking Liz with Erika and Lexi standing behind her were standing beyond the door. Liz was wearing a very conservative but pretty dress that she only wore on one occasion, Sunday Family Dinner.

"Um, I slipped and-" Bri started to say.

"Shut up," Liz said, angry, "I can blatantly see what happened. But I don't care. We're all having a family meeting, everyone get dressed, this evening my sisters and their families are coming over. So dress normally."

Liz then turned and walked away. Erika and Lexi both lingered, jealous that Bri fucked Nathan before they could, but then they gleaned at each other suspiciously before following their mother out of the room and up the stairs.

Bri sighed before getting off of Nathan, a great deal of sperm leaking out of her and onto the floor, "Jesus," she said, "You cum like a racehorse." Then she smiled at him and laughed and he laughed with her, though Nathan was mostly just nervous about what was about to come next, but still felt overly giddy after finally losing his virginity (at least from what he remembered anyway, he was suspicious what else he had gotten up to the night before).

When they stopped laughing, Bri stood up and walked across the room to the table where she folded all the laundry which had piles of clean clothes she had yet to fold. She grabbed something of hers that was casual but conservative pair of jeans and a t-shirt. She handed some of Nathan's clothes to him.

Nathan was feeling extra nervous as he followed Bri over, not sure how she was going to treat him now that they'd had sex, but when she handed him clothes all she said was, "Well, I guess we're going to have to see what your mother has to say." Very casually and normal and that made Nathan feel slightly better, "I guess we're all going to have to pay the piper."

Brooke woke up last, and it was because Liz stuck her head in and said, very sternly, "Wake up Brooke. We're having a family meeting in the living room in five minutes."

"Huh? Okay, Mom." Brooke said as she woke up. Liz left right away as Brooke turned over on the bed. As she did, she felt something uncomfortable and hard rubbing up against the front of her vagina. "Ow," she said as she removed her blanket.

Brooke smiled as she saw that she was wearing her largest strap-on dildo, still strapped around her waist with her "hard on" sticking out from her pelvis looking very obscene. Particularly because it was still dripping with pussy juice.

Brooke laughed to herself as she removed the dildo and shoved it under her bed. She was remembering the night before, Brooke had tried to pace herself so she could keep things going in the direction she wanted, but she drank so much wine straight out of her mother's pussy she eventually got just as drunk as everyone else. Still, she remembered more than anyone else did, even if it just came to her in bits and pieces. But the one thing that Brooke would never forget was something that happened right at the end of the night.

After they had retired to Liz's bedroom, everyone else was asleep but her, Nathan, and Liz. Nathan was fucking their mother's tits on the bed and came all over her face, neck, even her hair and fell over to pass out in the bed. Brooke basically dragged him back to his own room, but when she came back, she saw that Liz was half-passed out writhing on the bed covered in her son's cum and moaning, "Fuck me, Fuck me, Nathan. Fuck your mother."

Brooke couldn't pass up on this opportunity. She went back to her room, grabbed her biggest strap-on dildo, and went back and fucked her mother through several orgasms with it. The entire time Liz was moaning, "Fuck me Nathan, fuck your mother." Brooke thought the whole thing was very hot but also felt sure that Liz wouldn't remember any of it...​
Next page: Part 20
Previous page: Part 18