Part 20
A Family Meeting
By Charlie Flemming
By Charlie Flemming
Copyright 2020 Charlie Flemming
After Liz's bath and before she caught her daughters naked in the hallway doing God knows what with their brother in his bathroom, she had made a decision. She had decided to call her sisters.
First, she called Jenna, her oldest sister. She was 40, two years older than Liz, and had blonde hair, blue eyes, was taller than Liz but nowhere near as tall as Nathan who was 6'4" and Liz felt they got along, but also knew that Jenna was very nosy.
Also, since the first time Liz showed Jenna the mansion that James built for their family, Jenna had been trying to move in. She pointed out there were "-so many extra rooms! There's no way you'll have a family this size!" That was before Jenna's husband died and they were both pregnant for the first time, just noticing their 21 bedrooms in their expansive upper floor, "Please let us move in, you'll hardly notice us, I promise."
Though Liz felt she and Jenna had a good relationship, she also knew that her nosiness and general disrespect for her would slowly drive her insane and she'd succeeded in keeping Jenna from living with her so far. But, every few years, Jenna would suddenly "get a promotion" or find a "better living space" and would suddenly be living a lot closer to Liz's house than she was before. After moving her whole family at least five times since her husband's death, Jenna now lived in the nearby city and had her job shifted around enough that she was now working from an office there too.
Liz put a robe around her wet body and called her sister as she sat on her now clean bed, Thank God for Bri. She thought as hit the button for Jenna and put the phone to her ear.
Jenna answered on the second ring, "You know," she said, knowing already it was Liz because her phone told her so, "it's very early, the sun is barely up."
"I knew you would already be up," Liz said, knowing that Jenna had basically been a workaholic since her husband died, "and I wanted to call you before I called Andrea." Andrea was the name of Liz's and Jenna's other sister.
"Oh? Making the rounds?" Jenna asked, Liz had been right, Jenna had already been up, eaten breakfast, and working on something for her boss on her laptop for the last two hours. It was tough work being an executive assistant, but Jenna earned her $55k a year. Still, she knew it would never be enough to live in a place as luxurious as Liz's mansion.
"Yeah," Liz answered, she wanted to keep it brief before Jenna became suspicious of anything, "I had an idea and thought we could maybe have a Sunday Family Dinner tonight."
"Oh, we haven't had one of those in a while." Jenna said sounding happy but was already suspicious that something was up, Sunday Family Dinner was something they thought about doing once a week since everyone now basically lived in the same city, and it worked...for about a month, then they skipped one, and then decided it could be every other week instead, which they did the next week but then decided once a month was best, then it only ever happened every once in a while and hadn't at that point for several months, "Is that the only reason you called?" Jenna asked innocently.
Liz bit her lip, hoping she wasn't about to give anything away, "Um, I thought, if it's alright with you, perhaps Erika and Lexi could spend the summer at your house. I thought you could pick them up today after dinner." She cringed saying it out loud, but Liz knew that someone had to leave or she was going to lose control again, and since she couldn't the next best thing was kicking her kids out of the house.
This surprised Jenna on the other end, "What? The whole summer? Why?"
Liz opened her mouth but then closed it again. She knew she wasn't the best at keeping secrets and also knew that, if she had a secret to keep, then Jenna would hone in on it and do everything she could to uncover it. "I just want them out of the house for, um, a little while." She said trying to hurry the conversation along, "Would that be okay with you?"
Jenna thought about pushing it but decided there'd be time for that later, "Sure, I love it when your family comes to visit." This wasn't a lie, she really did love her nieces and nephew and loved spending time with them, another reason she felt moving in together was a good idea, "We'll have to switch around some sleeping arrangements but I'm sure it will be fine." All three of Jenna's daughters still lived with her even though they were all adults now, which she didn't mind figuring they'd all live at Liz's mansion eventually, and there was so much room they would hardly have to see each other, probably.
"Okay, thanks, see you then," Liz said as she quickly ended the call. She immediately dialed up Andrea, her other sister.
Andrea was born the year in between Liz and Jenna and was 39. She was a redhead, which ran in their family, and had gotten pregnant the first time she drank at the age of 20 and was so drunk she never knew who the father was. Since then she'd been very against drugs and alcohol and also became incredibly religious and spoke at great length about celibacy and how she wished she had never gotten drunk that fateful night. That was before she then gave birth to triplets, all girls, and loved them very much. They were Erika's age and went to the local high school with Jenna's youngest daughter. She lived on the other side of the city, and Liz felt she always seemed to live in the same city as Jenna did like she was following her around. Liz thought that was especially strange because she knew that Jenna and Andrea more or less hated each other, so knew that couldn't be the reason...could it?
"Hello," Andrea yawned into her cell phone after many rings, "I was asleep, Liz." She said a moment later as she took a moment to glance at who it was who was calling her.
"Sorry for the early hour, Andrea," Liz said to her sleepy sister, "But I was hoping that we could have a Sunday Family Dinner tonight, like old times."
Andrea glanced at the clock, "I have to get ready for church soon, but I suppose we could come after. It'd be nice to see the family again. I'm sure my daughters will be thrilled." She actually wasn't sure of that but was just trying to be pleasant as she woke up.
"Awesome," Liz said, "and thanks, but I don't suppose you'd, um, want to also maybe take Nathan and Brooke for the rest of the summer?"
Andrea was in the process of pushing her blanket off her and getting up but that stopped her as if she'd been "paused" for a second, "I mean, there's not a lot of room here..." She said after a moment. She worked at a massage parlor that didn't see a whole lot of business and was barely making enough to keep her small, one-floor house. It did have a basement but it was converted into a bedroom for all three of her daughters. That left her room, the living room, and the kitchen, none of which were very big. "One person can sleep on the couch," Andrea went on, "but I doubt that the girls would be happy if someone had to stay in their room, there's hardly enough room for them."
"Couldn't Brooke just sleep with you or something?" Liz suggested.
Andrea cringed at the thought, "That...would probably not be a very good idea. Why do they need to be gone today anyway?" She realized she probably should have asked that first. Andrea wasn't stupid, she just tended to be a little slow on the uptake sometimes.
Liz sighed as she considered telling Andrea what was bothering her. Unlike with Jenna, Liz knew she could trust Andrea, and since she and Jenna hated each other Liz also knew Andrea wouldn't tell Jenna anything. But, Liz also knew that if she even said a hint of what she remembered about yesterday, she'd never hear the end about how it was a sin and she was going to hell, etc. Liz decided not to tell her anything, but also not lie to her either, "Let's just say that they've been very bad and I don't want to see them for a while. Brooke, especially." She couldn't really remember last night, but her mother's intuition, along with the fact that Brooke tried to seduce her two nights ago, made Liz think that Brooke was more to blame than she would likely admit.
"A naughty boy and girl, huh? Alright, I can help you out, Liz. We'll make room."
Liz thought that was an odd way to put it but didn't want to mention it, "Thank you so much, Andrea. I'll see you later today?"
"Yeah, probably in the afternoon." Andrea said, "After church, and goodbye Liz, I love you."
Liz smiled hearing that, "I love you too, Andrea." Liz hung up the phone, feeling like a sense of normalcy had returned.
But then she ran into Erika running out of Nathan's room naked, reminding her how abnormal things had become. And while she was scolding her (after first making sure that Nathan wasn't in his room), Lexi came out of Nathan's bathroom, also walking through the halls naked and with what smelled like semen on her breath and Liz made them go back to their own rooms and put some decent clothes on, announcing the plan for "Sunday Family Dinner," even though they hadn't done it for several years at that point.
Liz felt for a minute that she had things under control as she woke up Brooke.
But then she caught Bri fucking Nathan in the basement, reminding her just how out of control everything had become.
Liz came into the living room, which had an overly large couch stretched along the wall with the entrance to the room and went around the corner in an L-shape. There was also a very large coffee table that was big enough anyone sitting on the couch could use it. The TV was on the opposite wall taking up almost the entire wall, there were some chairs on the other side of the door and some shelves, but the TV was best seen from the couch without moving furniture so most people just sat there.
She was unsurprised to see there were similar splotches of boy and girl cum all over the couch, though not nearly as bad as it was in her room. Liz was too angry to care though and grabbed one of the seldom-used chairs in the corner and brought it over and sat in it. Erika and Lexi came in after and sat to the side of the couch that was cleaner than whatever they did in that room last night.
Lexi was feeling very jealous of Bri fucking Nathan and was sitting there staring at the floor and thinking, God Dammit, now I'm the only one in this house who's still a virgin. She thought bitterly, though that was the least of her concerns, Dammit, will Nathan even want me now that he has Bri? She remembered the scene she walked in on moments ago of Nathan's monstrous cock impaling their African-American maid in their laundry room downstairs. Fuck, Bri looked like her pussy was practically being split in two by Nathan's humongous dick. I wonder how something that big would feel in my pussy... Then she was jealous once again at Bri, Fuck it! I'm going to fuck Nathan as soon as we're alone together! It's the only way I'll be able to him know that his twin sister is the one he should be with! I'm the one he should be fucking! Lexi was feeling so horny and angry right then this seemed like the most logical course of action.
While Lexi moped next to her, Erika, who was at the very edge of the couch nearest the door, leaned on the nearby armrest. She was also remembering the sight of Bri riding Nathan as they fucked on the floor downstairs, but her thoughts were very different. Holy fucking shit fuck, Bri? Really Nathan of all the women here... I would have preferred it if it were Mom or even Lexi, but anyone but Bri. Erika had always seen the family maid as something of an enemy, mostly because she would see right through her bullshit. Oh, it doesn't matter anyway! Nathan can do whatever the fuck he wants! I don't have feelings for him! I DON'T! But even as she thought that she pictured Bri fucking him again, his humongous dick plunging in and out of her wet pussy, except as she pictured it, Erika wished that it was her instead of Bri who was plunging herself on Nathan's sausage.
Liz was also lost in thought in the intervening time before anyone else came in the living room. Great, first me, now Bri, she thought, remembering that someone had fucked her last night, though she was too drunk to know who it was exactly, there wasn't anyone else in their mansion last night with a dick, will Nathan never be satisfied until he fucks the whole family?
As she thought this another voice cropped up in the back of her brain, "You know," Said Liz's Sex Demon, or what she called her overpowering libido whenever she came around, "It's not Nathan who's at fault. If anything, he's just caught up in our playtime."
"What?" Liz said in her mind, she was facing her Demon now in a mental room in her brain. Though the rest of the room was nondescript, "But he's trying to fuck his sisters! And he definitely fucked me!" Liz took a deep breath and calmed down, "He needs to be sent away. That's why I called his aunts."
"What do you remember about last night?" The Demon said as she got closer to Liz, she stuck out a forked tongue that ran down the side of Liz's face.
Liz didn't like that but just stood there and let her lick, "I remember that Nathan basically used me as his own personal cum bucket last night." Liz shuddered at the thought, but not because it disgusted her but instead because it turned her on so much.
"Did Nathan actually do that?" The Demon asked as she started pacing around Liz in a circle, she seemed to be sizing her up like a farmer might cattle. "Try to remember last night."
Liz sighed and thought of the parts of last night she actually did remember, "No, I guess not." She sighed and sunk down to the floor, "He didn't do anything at all, it was all me. All his mother trying to be his own personal cum bucket." She stared at the floor as the demon passed by again with hoofed feet.
"What else do you remember?"
Liz looked up into the Demon's eyes, she felt like she was about to cry, not just in the fantasy but in the living room in front of two of her daughters as well, "I remember being happy. So totally completely filled with joy that I was my son's lover, no, that's not right, but more like his sex pet willing to fuck him any time and anywhere. I remember that I wanted these things, I've wanted them my entire adult life, to be an uninhibited pervert and live out all my fantasies. To fuck my son, my daughters, and everyone else in between. To be a total slut!" Liz sighed as she finished her speech. She felt amazingly guilty, "That shouldn't be anyone's dream. Especially not an upstanding wife and mother, like I am."
Liz's Sex Demon stopped her pacing so she could laugh at her.
Liz scowled, "Well, like the respectable wife and mother that I want to be, anyway." She looked up at the red-skinned clone of herself, 'What the fuck do you think I should do?"
The Demon got down on her knees and smirked at Liz like the devil she was, "I would give in, become the total slut I know you want to be. Fuck your whole family! Who cares about consequences?!" The Demon laughed, "Liz, we both know you'll never be happy unless you decide to really live."
"And do that through sex?" Liz rolled her eyes, "Not just sex but incest? I can't do that. I can't let anyone else do that either. And the only way my children will be safe is if I send them as far away from me as I can."
The Sex Demon opened her mouth to say something else but Liz banished her away as quickly as she finished her thought. She came back to reality, where not much had changed and Liz, Lexi, and Erika all sat in the living room not talking to each other for a few more minutes before Brooke came into the room.
They looked at her as she came in but when they saw it was only Brooke they all looked back at the nothing.
Brooke whistled when she saw the mess they made of the room, "Well, I suppose we'll need to clean this up before the rest of the family gets here. I mean, that is if we're all still planning on having Sunday Family Dinner like you said when you woke me up."
Liz sighed, "We'll do that after the meeting, this is important to get out of the way first." She explained.
Brooke moved around to the other side of the couch after it curved around the corner and lied down, there were no cum stains over there, "Okay, what is it you want to tell us?" Brooke wasn't the least bit concerned about what her mother might say to her, she got to live out many of her fantasies the night before and was feeling extra confident things were going to go very right for her in the coming days.
Liz took a breath, then said, "We should wait for your brother to get here."
"Oh, where is he?" Brooke asked.
"Fucking Bri," Erika said bitterly before she could stop herself.
"What?" Brooke said, surprised, "Nathan is fucking Bri? Can we join in?" That thought greatly turned Brooke on, though she realized as soon as she said it that she was pushing things too far too fast.
"NO!" Liz practically shouted, though she was mostly angry at herself, she was very angry with Brooke as well. She knew that she did nothing to stop whatever sexual things happened the night before. She took a moment to calm down though, "You will not do such things in this house, Brooke. Not anymore."
Brooke didn't like the sound of that, "What do you mean by that, Mom?" She asked.
Liz opened her mouth to answer but closed it again when Nathan and Bri came into the room. Liz then took a more passive stance in her seat and looked away from them, not really wanting to see either of them at the moment.
Nathan went wide-eyed at the sight of the room, Jesus, did I do that? He wondered as he saw just how many sperm-stains seemed to cover the couch. He and Bri sat next to each other next to Brooke, who sat up. Nathan sitting in between Brooke and Bri.
Wow, Nathan thought as he sat down next to Bri, I lost my virginity. I can't believe it. And to Bri! He glanced at Bri, blushed, and looked away. I can't believe any of this. I feel like I did something really wrong. What if she doesn't want to talk to me again? He felt severely conflicted, for one, he really wanted to put an arm around Bri right then, but for another, he was almost positive she would punish him for being a perverted creep being that she was practically his step-mom and she was always very stern with him and his sisters growing up.
Bri, however, was feeling very differently from Nathan. Bri sat very close to Nathan and was almost resting her head on his shoulder she was so close. She really wanted to lie down with him, his strong arms cradling her as they cuddled on the couch. Bri had had a lot of sex in her life, not as much as some people but she generally shacked up with some stranger she met at the bar at least once a week. And yet no one had made her feel the way Nathan made her feel in the laundry room just ten minutes ago. Bri was sure she'd never cummed so hard before, and no one had a cock like Nathan, she knew that much. Her whole body felt like it was buzzing, every cell lit up with pure sexual satisfaction. It was like she was on some kind of drug that generated euphoria stretching throughout her entire being, but that drug was simple sex with someone who seemed to be some kind of secret sexual dynamo.
Who fucking knew? Bri thought as she glanced at Nathan out of the corner of her eyes, Nathan, man I've known since he was born, so shy, so nerdy, so reserved, who fucking knew that he was some kind of Sexual God in disguise? I feel so fucking good right now after the fucking he gave me. My whole body feels alive for the first time! I can't wait until we're alone again, I need more... She tried to stifle that thought, knowing it would be a one-time thing, but at that moment, Bri's pussy had other things to say on the matter.
"I've called this meeting," Liz said, breaking Bri out of her thoughts, "To explain why we're having Sunday Family Dinner. Your aunts and cousins will be coming over, we'll eat dinner, we'll pretend that everything is normal." Liz said this last part very firmly, everyone knew how serious she was about this, "And then, after dinner, you will all be going to your aunts' houses, Nathan and Brooke will be going to Aunt Andrea's house, and Erika and Lexi will go to your Aunt Jenna's house."
"What? For how long?" Brooke asked before anyone else could say anything.
"At least the rest of the summer," Liz explained.
"What? NO!?" Erika whined.
"That's so unfair!" Lexi cried out.
"What is this about anyway?" Brooke said, curiously.
"What is it about?!" Liz repeated, beside herself with anger and regret, "Weren't you here last night? This is not something families do, Brooke!" Liz sighed then, trying to calm down.
But Brooke wasn't about to hear the end of it, she couldn't stop now, she was having too much fun and they'd hardly even begun, "Mom," she said, deciding to see if she could combat Liz's emotions with logic, "We've basically been a very distant family. We all more or less keep to ourselves, but this is a way to bring us all together so we can all have a good time."
"By fucking each other!?" Liz stood from her chair, her face blushing with rage as she stared down her oldest daughter, "Brooke, are you not going to be satisfied until Nathan fucks everyone else?!"
Though everyone else assumed Liz was talking about Nathan fucking Brianna in the laundry room just now, Brooke picked up on what Liz was said, "Wait, Mom, what are you saying?" she asked, "What do you mean by 'everyone else'?"
Liz was too angry to stop herself from saying, "Nathan fucked me last night! His own mother!" Then she gasped at herself and fell back into her chair feeling like the world was crushing her.
Nathan perked up at that, not remembering most of last night, but he felt he would know if he fucked someone last night. Still, he thought as he didn't remember what he couldn't remember, maybe I did fuck Mom... He felt his cock twitch, but as much as the thought turned him on, his mother was absolutely stunning and he was 19 and full of hormones, the thought also freaked him out. He wasn't sure what to think.
Lexi and Erika were basically having the exact same thought at the same time, Mom fucked Nathan! If I don't fuck him soon he won't ever fuck me. The only real difference was Erika's thoughts had a lot more panther-like snarling aimed at her mother in between words.
Brooke just laughed at Liz's statement, "Haha, this is ridiculous. No, I know what to do. I'll be right back." She got up and ran out of the room and they could hear as she ran through the house, up the stairs and to her room, #7, so it wasn't too far from the top of the stairs, and run back. When she came back through the door to the living room she was brandishing her digital camera.
"Here, this will clear up everything," she said as she hooked it up to the tv.
She started the recording and everyone but Brooke gasped simultaneously. It started on the scene in the kitchen where Brooke had apparently started recording. On-screen, Nathan and Liz were making out while Bri ate her pussy, and then the camera moved to show that Erika and Lexi were both sucking on their brother's cock. Erika and Lexi were both very surprised to see that along with running their lips and tongue along Nathan's dick they would stop sucking him momentarily to furiously French kiss each other before coming back to Nathan's cock.
On-screen, a very drunk Liz said, "Brooke, come shuck on your Mommiesh tittiesh, hic."
"Coming mother," Brooke said and the footage switched off.
"Um, I should probably fast forward through this part," Brooke said in the living room as she started fiddling with the camera but the scene had already cut to the next bit and Brooke's pretty face filled the screen. She had set up a tripod to set the camera up, "Almost done," she was saying in the video.
In the video, Brooke stepped out of the way, showing that every woman but she was on the couch, naked, their legs spread showing their glorious pussies directly to the camera and to Nathan who stood in front of them, also naked, "Are we going to start?" he said impatiently, swaying, everyone obviously drunk as skunks.
"Wait," Liz said, "I want to watch this."
"Are you sure, Mom?" Brooke said, cocking an eyebrow.
"Yes," and she left it at that. Liz wanted to see how depraved things really got so she knew just how guilty she was supposed to feel but, if she was really being honest with herself, that part she saw from the kitchen made her very horny and she really wanted to see what happened next with this scene of four pussies facing the camera with her hung son standing there looking ready to fuck them all.
"Alright, whatever," Brooke said as she sat on the floor to watch with everyone else.
On-screen, Brooke came back into the frame and stood next to her brother, "ready when you are, Bro!" She said to him sounding very excited, she was just as naked as everyone else. Her big boobs bounced as she put an arm in the air and pumped it a couple of times to show how excited she was.
"Well, let's do it," Nathan said.
Brooke turned to the camera, "Okay, now the rules are simple, as soon as a woman cums you have to move onto the next woman. First person to make everyone cum wins!"
"What the fuck?" Erika said in real life, "I don't remember any of this."
"Language, Erika!" Liz said, though her eyes were glued on the screen so Erika knew she didn't actually care. And in truth, she didn't remember any of this either.
"Alright, now the first Pussy Eating Contest begins!" Brooke said, and then she and Nathan both got on their knees, she was in front of Bri and he was in front of Lexi, and they both started eating the pussy in front of them.
Lexi started writhing around right away, Bri soon followed, both Nathan and Brooke seemed to be evenly matched, but then Lexi shouted out, "I'm cumming!" As Nathan sucked her clit while fingering her at the same time and she spurted out all over his hand.
Brooke was doubling her efforts but Bri wasn't giving in yet as Nathan moved onto Erika and dug right in. Erika, who already had her pussy licked by Nathan earlier, seemed to know what to expect, only to have Nathan totally blow her away as he licked from her labia to her cunthole and back again, licking all the way into her until he touched her G-spot and she was cumming on his tongue as well. He was already moving onto Mom when Bri finally came on Brooke's face.
Brooke moved to Liz, who was next to Bri, right as Nathan was and they both started going down on her at the same time. While doing so, Bri and Nathan started to make out with each other as they were also making out with their mother's pussy.
"Holy shit," Nathan moaned on screen as he broke the kiss between two sets of completely different kinds of lips, "this is so hot! I think I need to fuck someone!" He slurred his speech so much it all kind of sounded like one long word.
The onscreen Erika and Lexi both said, "ME!" at the same time but Nathan was already moving behind Brooke, his huge, erect cock in hand, and lined it up with her pussy. She was on her knees so her pussy and ass were presented to Nathan and the camera very clearly. As Brooke at her mother's cunt she pushed her ass into the air, ready to get fucked by her brother's humongous love machine.
"You can't!" Liz suddenly moaned out between her perverted moaning, "Don't do it, Nathan! Don't fuck your incredibly hot sister! That's something you can't undo!" She then moaned out loud as another orgasm took her, probably brought on at the thought of Nathan fucking his sister.
Brooke stopped licking her mother's cunt long enough to say, "It's not really fucking if he puts it in my ass!"
The Brooke in the living room gasped as she heard herself say this on the screen, she had remembered the Pussy-Eating Contest but did not remember this. And she was just starting to realize just how much her asshole hurt that morning but hadn't thought about it until just that moment.
And on-screen, Liz moaned, "YES! YES! FUCK YOUR SISTER IN THE ASS, NATHAN! FUCK MY DAUGHTER'S TIGHT ASSHOLE, SON!" As she cummed yet again as she grabbed Brooke's head and gripped her tightly as she continued to suck her mother's pussy.
On-screen, Nathan stuck his cockhead in Brooke's puckered asshole and pushed it in. Brooke moaned, her eyes going into the back of her skull as Nathan started to push his way into her tight brown hole. She turned her head back to her mother's pussy as Nathan started to get into an incredible rhythm as he fucked Brooke's ass.
Erika and Lexi started to first masturbate themselves as they watched this depraved scene, but then turned and started to make out with each other, their hands going to each other's pussies.
Erika cringed as she watched herself do that, never before had she done such a thing with another woman like that, at least not with a man involved at the same time. Lexi blushed and turned away from the screen, not believing how much she kept getting into lesbian situations the past few days, and especially with Erika of all people. Anyone but her... she thought, but then she looked back at the depraved family film a moment later not wanting to miss anything.
On-screen, Nathan groaned and started to cum in his older sister's asshole before pulling out and letting loose 7 more torrents of cum that sent streaks all over Brooke's ass and up and down her back.
Brooke then got up off the floor in real life, "I think that's enough, let's just skip to the part I wanted to show you."
"No, wait!" Liz cried, desperately wanting to see the rest, but it was too late. Brooke was already fast-forwarding through what looked like Nathan then titfucking Liz on the couch and giving her a facial then getting a triple blowjob from all his sisters while Bri licked his asshole and Liz lay on her back on the ground and ate Brooke's pussy while finger fucking both Erika and Lexi.
Then the scene shifted to them in Liz's room. Still fast-forwarded so it was hard to make out what was happening as bodies seemed to shift and change on the bed, Nathan was eating Liz's pussy while Brooke and Bri 69'd, then Erika sucked Nathan's dick while Brooke and Lexi masturbated nearby, then Nathan was fucking Brooke's tits while Erika and Lexi were taking turned sucking his cockhead as it pushed up through their sister's cleavage until Nathan covered all three of them in cum.
But then the scene shifted again, and it was on night-vision mode showing a very different angle as the camera was just placed on the bed and using the night vision setting.
"Ah, here it is," Brooke said as she sat back on the floor.
Brooke came in the room, Liz was laying on the bed, she was wearing an enormous dildo. A very drunk Liz lay on the bed and moaned, "Fuck me, please fuck me, fuck your mother Nathan."
Brooke came up and lined up her dildo, being sure not to touch her mother otherwise, she might give herself away, but she started to fuck her really hard as Liz began to moan out like the sex-junky she was in that moment.
Liz was shocked as she watched Brooke fuck her with the huge dildo, but also very relieved. She knew now that Nathan didn't fuck her...but Brooke did! She was starting to shift the anger she had for Nathan that morning after catching him with Bri onto Brooke but didn't really have time to finish her thoughts before they heard the sound of at least three people coming up the stairs from the basement.
"Oh fuck," Liz said, "Stop the tape!" She shouted.
"OOOOOHHHH FFFFUUUUCCCCKKK!" Liz moaned on screen, "DON'T STOP FUCKING YOUR MOTHER!" The screen went black a second later as Brooke stopped the feed.