I was having one of the best days of my life. Then it became the worst! The boss had suggested I join him for lunch at a very nice downtown hotel. This was not an everyday occurrence, so I knew something was up. To my surprise, several men in upper management were at our table when we arrived.

By the time lunch was over, I had learned I was being promoted, with a hefty salary increase. I was given direct responsibility for several important accounts. My 20 years of service to the company was being rewarded and I felt great!

I was even given a staff of three to work on the accounts. My only reservation was that one of the people named to my staff was a self-serving, ass kisser. He would be a problem but I dared not voice any negatives. I was just receiving a promotion and it was no time to complain!

I excused myself to go to the men's room. The few drinks and the excitement made me feel like my bladder would explode. I was thinking how excited Kate would be when I told her the news. We had been married for 23 years and had raised two kids. We had an empty nest and the promotion would allow us the freedom to do many of the things we had always dreamed about. Kate and I were best friends, lovers, and partners in everything.

I was smiling to myself as I opened the door to leave the men's room. Things were going so very well for me. That was when I saw Kate and a fellow from her work step out of the elevator not 20 feet from where I stood. She did not see me. In fact, she had eyes only for her coworker as they strolled toward the hotel bar. Just before they ducked into the bar, he pulled her to him and kissed her lips!

If you had taken a 2x4 and driven it into my gut, it would not have hurt as much. I staggered back into the lavatory and dropped to my knees by a toilet bowl. I offered my sacrifices to the porcelain gods for several minutes. Finally, I was completely purged. I managed to get to my feet and stagger to the sink. It took a minute or two to get myself cleaned up enough to leave the room.

I stepped from the bathroom and looked for Kate. It took a minute to locate her, but I could see her through the glass doors. She was stepping into a cab and lover boy was turning to walk back to the front desk. I pulled myself together and intercepted him before he got there. I stepped in front of him and jammed my face close to his.

"Hey, asshole," I hissed. "If I ever see you near my wife, or even suspect you have been near her, I am going to fuck you over big time!"

His surprise was complete. I could see his mind trying to place me. Then understanding swept across his face.

"Are you threatening me?" he blustered.

If I hadn't been so livid, I would have laughed.

"You have to ask, you goddamn idiot?" I blurted. "This is a serious fucking threat! I will fuck your wife, your kids, and your fucking dog. Shit, I'll fuck your cat if you have one, and then I'll fuck you, cocksucker! You'll have no marriage and a damn painful existence."

He stood there with my face inches from his and I could see the fear. I could almost smell it. Still, it gave me no pleasure. Another thought came to me as I faced the man that had made me a cuckold.

"If Kate ever finds out that I know about you and her, I will come looking for you. Your wife will know what a fucking shit she married and you and I will be going at it knuckle and skull. I don't give a shit if you outweigh me by 20 pounds. It will be mine to do and I will sure as all hell do it!"

I turned on my heel and walked away. One of the desk people was approaching as I left. I guess it was apparent that we were not best friends. I walked past him to rejoin my superiors in the dining room.

"Tom! I thought we were going to have to send a search party," laughed the boss. "You look a little pale, Tom. Are you ok?"

"I am fine, Henry. I'm just excited about the opportunity you have given me," I replied.

I was still seething on the inside and was not yet able to control all my emotions. Without thinking, I told the boss that which I had promised myself I would not.

"I do have to admit that I do not think Howard will work very well on my staff, Henry," I suggested. "If it is possible, I would prefer Steve Whiting, from advertising."

"Howard has a lot of experience in this field. Why would you prefer Steve," asked my boss.

"I have worked with Howard for several years now. I have always found him to be lazy, self-serving, undependable, and an extreme ass-kisser. Other than that, he does a decent job," I finished.

Henry looked from me to the other men sitting at the table. None of them would look him in the eye. He turned back to me and I returned his look as I waited for him to comment.

"Those seem like very good reasons," he laughed. "I like a man that speaks his mind, Tom. I have to admit that you only confirmed my personal observations about Howard."

Then the other senior management suits chirped in telling how they never thought Howard was very good either. They had their heads so far up the boss's ass it was a wonder they could even breathe.

"Tom, it is likely that Howard will learn that you didn't want him on your team and confront you," continued the boss. "We all know there are no secrets when more than one person is involved. What will you do at that point?"

"I won't waste any time farting around with him, Henry. I will just ignore him and go about my business," I replied. This thing with Kate was making me unusually candid and it felt good.

"That sounds good, but he may pursue it, if you understand my drift," Henry continued.

"If I have to, I'll kick his ass. Is that what you are looking for, Henry?" I asked.

Everyone looked down at the table as Henry studied my face.

"I have to say I am surprised by you, and pleasantly so, Tom," he confessed. "For some reason, I worried that you would be too timid and wishy-washy to head a team. Now I wonder why I didn't promote you years ago."

"It was only very recently that I have become more assertive, Henry," I explained. "You were probably right to hold back. The good news is I am now ready and will do a good job for you."

I was thinking of Kate with that fucking weasel as I spoke. My attitude change was very recent. It was less than an hour old! It occurred to me that I could easily handle my new position. A week ago it would have been so important that I would have lost sleep over it. Now, putting it in perspective, I knew I was the best man for the job and would not even fret over the work. I had bigger fish to fry at the moment. Everything is relative, I realized.

The gathering broke up shortly after that and I drove home. I was half an hour earlier than usual, but Kate's car was in the drive when I pulled in. Usually she got home a few minutes later than I.

"You are home early," observed Kate. "Is anything wrong at work, Honey?"

I noticed she was wearing a robe and her hair was wet. She was obvious she had washed away any incriminating evidence of her afternoon tryst.

"I just left a little early," I answered. "Did you get dirty at work and have to come home to clean up or something?"

My question seemed to surprise her for a second. Then she laughed and told me, "The air conditioning quit today and around 3:00 we all went home. I was all sweaty from the humidity, so I showered."

"So you stuck it out at work until 3:00 with no air?" I asked.

"You know our company, Tom. They hate to lose a nickel. I sat there and perspired until they sent us home at 3:00," repeated Kate.

"I'll have to rib Tony about it next time I see him," I laughed. I can only imagine how many pounds he lost today."

Tony was a coworker of Kate's that was actually obese and would break into a sweat if the temperature passed 60 degrees. Kate looked at me, but had no reply. Let her start worrying about covering her lies. It could consume her, I decided, and that would be a good thing. Right then I decided not to confront Kate. I would simply ask innocent questions and make little observations. When a person is drawn into lies, they can suffer in more ways than a truthful person can imagine. That whack-job in Salt Lake City is a good example.

Kate started dinner and was unusually happy and talkative. Her good mood made mine worse. I knew the reason for her cheer and it plunged me into the depths of despair. Still I tried to cover it up. I did not want to tip my hand too soon. As we dined, Kate made all kinds of small talk and tried to draw me into a conversation. Try as I would, I could not muster much enthusiasm for anything. I felt I was doing well to not grab a knife and slice her heart out!

After dinner we sat down and watched a movie. As soon as it was over, I announced I was going to bed. I quickly took care of all my bedtime chores and crawled into bed, depressed and morose. It was only a minute later that Kate slid in next to me, and she was naked!

"I thought you might like a little nookie tonight," she whispered as she leaned her breasts against me.

All I could think about was how she had pushed her breasts against another man a few hours prior and she was offering me his seconds. As I pictured it in my mind, I felt my stomach begin to protest. By this time, Kate was rubbing her hand over my cock, but it was not responding. I tried to think of baseball, or politics, just to ease my nerves. It didn't help.

"You seem a little tense tonight, Lover," whispered Kate. "Maybe some of this will help relax you."

She placed my hand on her pussy and all I could think of was the last cock that had been there. My stomach made its decision. I pushed Kate off and sprinted to the bathroom. I was barely able to keep it down till I reached the toilet. Then dinner made an early exit. I was kneeling there for a few minutes before I began to feel better. Slowly, I rose and washed my face and brushed my teeth again.

"I knew you weren't feeling well, Sweetheart," Kate said as I slowly returned to a normal state. "I heard there was something going around. You had better plan on taking tomorrow off. You look like death warmed over."

It had been a practice of ours over the years for an ill spouse to sleep in the spare bedroom. That way we would not contaminate the other, or ruin their night's sleep.

"Whatever," I mumbled as I headed for the guest room.

I closed the door and slept little that night. I was up early and showered and dressed and left for work before Kate woke up. I knew I would be almost an hour early, but it was better than spending time at home, under the circumstances.

I prepared my new office. Funny, but I had forgotten about my promotion until I was almost at work. By the time the regular work force arrived I was moved in and ready to go. The group seemed genuinely pleased to be working under me. I briefly laid out my expectations and what I would consider and what I would not. Soon my team was doing its job. I never really thought about it much before, but I soon learned that I didn't have to know a great deal about any given part of the project. I had to make certain that the person doing that part of the puzzle did. I had to guide them and settle any questions of priority or domain. Since I had a good group, it became apparent that we would meet our deadlines and goals easily.

That allowed me more time to stew about Kate and where we stood. I wondered if lover-boy would work up the balls to tell Kate I had threatened him. Recalling the fear I had seen in his face, I felt it was unlikely. I also decided he would not be willing to risk getting his ass pounded, and his wife finding out, by seeing Kate again. I wondered how Kate would take his rejection, if he were astute enough to realize I was dead serious when I threatened him.

I was mulling these thoughts over as I was eating a sandwich and drinking a Dew when that asshole, Howard, stormed into the conference room we had been assigned. The rest of the team was working on a project on the drawing board.

"What the hell have you been telling the boss, Tom?" he yelled. "I hear you told him I was pretty much worthless and you didn't want me on your team! Would you care to say it to my face?" he demanded.

I stood up and looked him over. He was a few inches taller than I and about thirty pounds heavier. I suddenly felt very much alive and yet, calm. This was the sort of problem I could handle. It was physical and straightforward.

"Howard, I am sorry you heard about it, but I am not sorry I told Henry I didn't want you on my team," I stated calmly. "You are a back-stabbing, ass-kissing, self-centered prick to work with. You are a lazy fuck and love to blame your mistakes on other people. I wouldn't have you on my team if you were the last man standing in this office."

Howard was stunned! He had expected me to placate him, to lie to get out from under the truth. I didn't and he had to form a response.

"I think you are the back-stabber," he hollered. "This promotion should have been mine but you sucked Henry's cock and got in front of me, you bastard!"

"I would never get between you and a man's cock, Howard," I calmly assured him. "You asked and I told you, now get the fuck out of my room or start the ball!"

Howard was shocked that I had called his bluff. He looked at the others watching him and tried to bluster. His only goal was saving face.

"I'd kick you ass, but you would get me fired," he shouted. "I am not dumb enough to fall for that."

"Howard, I told Henry that I'd kick your ass if you gave me any trouble and I am beginning to think I'll have to," I allowed. "Will you folks close the door after you so that Howard and I can have a more personal discussion, please," I asked my crew.

They practically jumped to get out the door as fast as they could. Howard was beginning to shake as he saw them leave.

"You're crazy if you think I am going to stay in here alone with you. You tell some crazy story to get me fired if I worked you over!"

I jumped the few feet that separated us and chopped Howard a short blow to his throat. He began to cough and choke immediately, but I didn't care or wait. I grabbed his hair with my left hand and the waist of his pants with the other and ran him right at the door. The others had just gotten out and had their backs turned to us.

"Leave the door open," I hollered as I propelled Howard toward it, "and get out of the way!"

With that I gave him a final push and he shot stumbling and gagging through the open door. The others barely managed to step aside as he went crashing to the floor.

There was complete silence for a full minute as everyone waited to see what Howard would do next. He slowly pulled himself to his feet, looked around, and went down the hall.

Steve Whiting quipped, "It looks like we had better not piss off the boss. He'll kick our asses!"

With that everyone filed back into the room and resumed their work, although there were more than a few comments and suggestions made. It seemed my stock rose quite a bit with my group because of my handling of Howard. Later that day, Henry called me to his office.

"Did Howard stop in your work area today," he questioned.

"Yes, he stopped for a minute or so," I answered.

Henry looked at me closely for a minute.

"And was there any problem?" he prompted.

"I would have to say I had no problem, Henry. Have you reason to think I did?" I asked.

"Howard stopped in and gave his two week notice and said he couldn't work in a place where his safety could not be guaranteed," Henry responded. "I guess you don't know what he meant?"

"I would suggest you ask Howard what Howard was saying, Henry. I really can't speak for him," I replied.

Henry just nodded and I went back to work.

That night Kate was unusually quiet and I wondered to myself what she was thinking. Had her male friend told her it was over? Had he told her I knew? Somehow I doubted it because she seemed preoccupied and not concerned with me. My day had been full, and I had not slept the previous evening, so I retired to the guest room and went to sleep early.

I was up early and out before Kate was awake again the next morning. That night I slept in the guest room and Kate seemed perplexed but did not question it. It gradually became a steady habit. It was a week later that Kate finally asked why.

"Why are you still sleeping in the guest room, Tom?" she inquired. "You seem to be feeling well enough."

"I don't know what I have, or had, but I didn't want to give it to you, Kate. I wouldn't want anyone to feel like I did that night," I answered truthfully.

"Well, I think you have totally recovered, so I want you to sleep with me. I miss you and it is your husbandly duty," she added.

I could think of no excuse to sleep in the guest room, so I went to bed in our room that evening. I just hoped Kate did not have any romantic intentions. As it turned out, she sat up watching a movie in bed and I slept well.

The problem came the following evening. I was snuggled into my side of the bed when Kate began to run her hands over me and rub her wonderful tits against my back. The images began to return and I felt queasy.

"How about the little guy comes out to play?" she asked as she stroked my cock. "I have a nice warm place for him."

This was the sort of talk we used to initiate sex over the years of our marriage. My stomach revolted again and I rushed to the bathroom. This was starting to worry me. I couldn't be vomiting every time my wife got close to me, yet that seemed to be the case. I once again deposited a meal in the toilet. Gradually I gathered my strength and cleaned myself up.

"I think you should see a doctor, Tom," suggested Kate. "I have never seen you vomit so often."

I looked at her and could see she was genuinely concerned. Then I thought she could collect my insurance if I croaked and she would be happier. With that thought, I headed to the guest room and went to sleep. Kate watched me with a worried look until I closed the door. I felt guilty about her worrying about me, but I was not willing to tell her why I got ill so often.

This scenario actually occurred twice more in the next two weeks. It became obvious to Kate that she was the reason I was getting sick. One morning after a bad session with the john, Kate brought the subject up as I was trying to leave without waking her. I was headed for the door when she spoke from the gloom of the living room. It surprised me, as I had not seen her sitting there.

"Why does it make you ill to be near me, Tom," she asked me pointedly. "You used to like making love to me. Do you have a girlfriend?"

The irony of the question brought a grim smile to my lips, but it was too dark for her to notice.

"I don't have any lady friends, Kate. I have never been unfaithful to you in any way," I responded. "I must have some kind of stomach disorder."

"Where you throw up when your own wife gets too close?" Kate persisted. "I have never heard of anything like that. You don't have the same 'disorder' the governor of New Jersey has, do you, Tom? If you do, I want to know!"

Now it was becoming ludicrous. She thought I might have become gay after all these years? Maybe I should consider it, I thought to myself for a fleeting second.

"Kate, I am not suddenly gay. I just have a weak stomach at this point. It will improve, just be patient," I pleaded.

"Why have you been sneaking out so early in the morning then, if you aren't seeing anyone," she cried. "I know something is up and you aren't telling me everything!"

"Okay, I replied. Let's tell each other everything that may be of interest to the other. You go first," I urged Kate.

"What the hell does that mean?" she yelled. "I am not the one behaving oddly. I don't have anything to tell!"

"Often odd behavior is not the sign or symptom of a person hiding things. I have discovered that over the years," I replied calmly. "The smart person keeps their behavior very normal, to avoid any suspicion."

"I don't know what you are saying, Tom," she moaned. "Why the riddles?"

"I am saying that if I were going to be unfaithful to you, I would do it in such a manner as to not arouse any suspicion. My actions are far too obvious to be those of a person having an affair," I assured Kate. "I would be very normal and asking you why you were behaving differently, to put you on the defensive and deflect any suspicion that might be directed my way."

It was too dark to be certain, but it seemed that Kate turned pale at my remark. She began to sob in the chair. I closed the door behind me.

Work was going great. I had been so sick about my marriage that I refused to worry about my job. I just made the obvious decisions and didn't worry about how the others liked me. It was strange that the infidelity of Kate's made work simple and less stressful.

That night when I got home, Kendra, Kate's sister, was at the house. I looked around for Kate, but Kendra told me she had gone to visit their ailing mother and had asked Kendra to make dinner for me. I wondered if Kate was seeing that guy again, but realized Kate would not dare get Kendra to cover for her. Kendra was an MD and it seemed odd she would bother to make dinner for me.

"How is the psychiatry going these days, Kendra? I asked. "Are you glad you finally settled on a field?" I asked.

"That is for certain, Tom. Now if I could settle on a man!" she laughed.

Kendra was 37 and divorced for a few years. Her husband had taken up with a nurse while she was working late hours. When she discovered it, She tossed him out.

"Well your cooking should help," I told her as I sat at the table. Everything smells great! The way to a man's heart."

That was when I noticed that Kendra wasn't wearing a bra. Her ample breasts were very apparent through the tight tank top she had on. I had never realized how big Kate's little sister's tits were.

"That shirt could be an even better short cut," I suggested. "I haven't ever seen a doctor that looked that good in a tank top!"

Kendra smiles as she brought the food to the table.

"Thanks, Tom. It is sweet of you to notice and to not be crude as you compliment me. I appreciate that," she added.

I was quick to respond, "And I appreciate the delicious dinner with such a sexy cook. This is great!"

With that we ate and chatted for an hour. I helped Kendra clean up the dishes and offered her some wine.

"I'll have a little," she said. "Remember, I have to drive an hour home."

"I am sure Kate would love to have you stay," I told her. "Did she say what time she would be home?"

"Just that it would be late. She invited me to stay, but I have to work pretty early, so I will go home tonight," replied Kendra.

We chatted for a while. I enjoyed Kendra's company. For a shrink, she was a regular person. I offered her a second glass and she accepted. Suddenly, she reached down and pulled her shirt over her head, exposing a set of perfect tits, with large, hard nipples. I just stared. I felt my cock grow as I gazed at Kendra's body.

She came over and sat in my lap. I had no idea what she was doing or why.

"Do you like my tits, Tom?" she asked. "Would you like to kiss them?

I was in complete shock. I had a beautiful woman; even if was my wife's sister, sitting topless in my lap. I knew she had to feel my cock poking her ass. I simply nodded in answer to her question. Kendra took her tits in her hands and brought them to my mouth. I began to kiss and suck on her nipples with great gusto. It was a dream come true.

"I feel how hard you cock is, Tom. Do you want to make love to me?" she asked.

"There is nothing that would be sweeter, Kendra. You are beautiful and desirable as all hell, but I will not do that. I am married to your sister and I would be the worse prick on the planet to that to either of you," I told her. "You really should put your shirt on while I am still thinking clearly."

Kendra reached down and squeezed my rampant erection. I had not had any sexual relief for a long time and with her topless and squeezing my cock, I came in my pants.

"Wow, you were turned on, weren't you?" Kendra whispered. "I want you to know that I respect you and think more of you than you can imagine. Sis is very lucky to have a man like you."

The mention of her sister must have caused my face to change. Kendra picked up on it immediately as she pulled her shirt back on.

"What is wrong between you two, Tom?" she questioned. "Let me confess that Kate and I planned this little seduction tonight. She told me that either sex made you ill, or she made you ill. I have seen enough to know that sex is no problem for you. I was just going to tease you enough to see if you had to run to the bathroom and vomit."

I sat in total shock at Kendra's revelation. Of course! It all made sense. I should have known something was up, and I was the sucker.

"I guess you will be able to laugh at me for years now," I groaned. "I should have known a woman like you would never fall for a guy like me. I was caught up in a fantasy. Now I have played the fool."

"You are so wrong, Tom. Your conduct was so male, but so honorable! I am the one that behaved badly and I feel guilty. It was a bad idea and I certainly should know have known better," Kendra apologized. "It was just that Kate was so worried about you, and your relationship. I have always admired your marriage and devotion to each other. I have never seen two people so much in love, even after many years together. You have raised two great kids and are so lucky!"

"Kendra, there is a very real problem, but I dare not tell you. I understand your loyalty to your sister and love you for it, but I must steer a very careful course. I have to think about how to proceed," I confided.

"Wow, Kate was right, wasn't she?" Kendra asked. "Intimacy with her makes you ill. Tom, I am an expert remember? I know what would cause that reaction from you. You needn't tell me any more. I just might have to bitch-slap big sister."

"Kendra, I can't even think straight any more, except you do have a wonderful set of tits. I am going to bed now, if you don't mind," I told her. "Please let yourself out. Goodnight."

"Poor Tom! I'll make this work out, I promise. Just keep loving Kate," she pleaded.

I was awakened some time later when Kate came to bed. She remained on her side of the bed and I fell back to sleep.

"You will be at the affair and you will bring your wife," stated Henry. "There are no excuses and no options. I will be formally announcing your promotion and you can be modest if it suits you, but you will be there, understood?"

I nodded my assent and began to stew over this new problem. I had to attend the party and Kate was expected to go with me. If she did not, all kinds of rumors would spread, and I was still unwilling to accept the end of my marriage.

"Kate, we are expected, or required really, to be at the company spring dinner Saturday evening," I began. "Henry told me there was no dodging it."

"Okay, but why would you want to miss it and why would Henry Mackin care if you did?" asked Kate. "Why is it so important all of a sudden?"

"He is going to announce that I have been promoted to an upper management position," I explained. "He expects us to be there for the announcement."

"Tom! Sweetheart! That is wonderful news!" cried Kate. "Why would you even think about not going? I will be proud to be at your side, darling. You deserve the promotion for how hard you have worked for the company."

"I was just worried about all the fuss and how everything will go," I replied. "I guess it is just nerves."

"Maybe the stress from worrying about the promotion has been your problem," Kate suggested.

She was truly happy about this turn of events, but I was in knots. There were too many unknowns to suit me. I didn't know everyone at the company, or what they would tell Kate. I steeled myself for the night.

"I have to say, Kate, that Tom took the bull by the horns the very day I told him he was being promoted and placed in charge of several important accounts," chuckled Henry Mackin.

We were seated next to Henry and his wife at the dinner party the company held every spring. Kate was beautiful in a simple black dress that showed her assets off. I was trying to keep Kate from mingling too much. I made sure we were almost late and arrived just in time to be seated. The cocktail hour was a problem I had avoided. I was beginning to think I might make it through the whole affair with no problems. Then Henry decided to chat with Kate as we dined!

"I'll not soon forget that Wednesday afternoon. It was the first of the month and I invited Tom to dinner with me at the Sheridan. He had no idea who all would be at the hotel that day, did you, Tom?" asked Henry.

I just shook my head in response. Kate seemed suddenly uneasy as Henry went on.

"I told Tom about his promotion and who would be on his team. Stop me if Tom already told you this story, Kate," Henry offered.

Kate just shook her head and sat very still.

"Tom gets up and heads out to the bathroom in the lobby. He is gone for quite a while and comes back all pale and agitated looking. I was wondering if he had gotten some bad seafood or something," droned Henry. "It turns out he must have been stewing over one of the people we put on his team, because when he finally returned, he point blank told me that this guy named Howard was not going to work for him. He gave me some very good reasons and it has all worked out great. He has been doing the job for several weeks now and the results have been very favorable.

"Are you feeling alright, Kate?" asked Henry. "You look a bit pale. Do I have this affect on the whole family?"

Kate was very pale and agitated. I actually felt badly for her, but that is the price you pay for lies and cheating. It would be even more common without the pain and suffering it creates, wouldn't it. Kate excused herself and went to the ladies room. When she returned she seemed to be feeling better and made an effort to smile to everyone that congratulated us.

"You are Tom's wife?" asked Steve Whiting. "Did he tell you how he physically tossed Howard out of our work room? We were lucky to get out of the way before Howard went flying past. Then he picked his ass off the floor and lurched down the hall! Tom became an urban legend that day!"

Kate looked at me as Steve filled her in. It was as if she was seeing me for the first time. I guess the story surprised her.

"It is obvious that Tom isn't a guy to mess around with," added Steve. "He seems so calm and quiet, but when he is pissed, he is a dangerous dude!"

I thanked Steve for sharing that story and moved on. Now I was concerned that Kate would worry that I would kill her in her sleep. I had hoped to keep that story from her. It was after eleven when we left for home.

As I drove, Kate turned to me and asked, "Tom, why have you been keeping so much from me? You have been promoted for several weeks and you had a bit of an altercation with another man at work, yet you never told me. You used to share everything with me. Why has that changed?"

"Kate, I believe it is a two-way street. I have to believe you have not been sharing everything with me. My hesitation is a natural extension of your unwillingness to talk to me," I reasoned.

"You have suggested before that I have things to tell you. Why do you think that? I tell you everything of interest that happens at my work," she insisted.

"Then I have to say that I am just starting to define 'things of interest at work' the same way you do," I answered.

"Kendra told me that you don't get sick around her," Kate changed the subject. "She said you were hot to trot when she came on to you. That indicates that I actually make you sick. Kendra told me there must be something that you associate with me that triggers it. Why don't you tell me what that is?"

I just looked at Kate, my wife, lover, friend, and partner for so many years and felt as bad as I ever have. I wondered to myself if I would ever get over her infidelity. Was our marriage beyond repair? Did she even care? Did I care anymore?

"Do you want a divorce, Kate?" I asked.

She looked shocked and gave a gasp. Apparently it wasn't what she had been hoping to hear me say.

"Why would you ever ask me that, Tom?" she cried. "Are you seeing someone else?"

Women! She fucks some guy in a hotel and then asks me if I am having an affair. We were almost home and I was looking forward to ending the conversation. In the car I felt confined and forced to respond to Kate's questions.

"I have told you before, I am completely faithful, unless you count Kendra showing me her tits and squeezing my cock and making me cum in my pants," I replied. "I asked you if you wanted a divorce. Maybe you want to pursue other relationships. You are not very happy with the one we've had the past year or so."

"Past year?" Kate repeated. "We have only had trouble for the past month or so. Why give up so easy?"

"Kate, you have not been satisfied with me for longer than that," I told her. "You may as well admit it. You are not satisfied with me and you might want greener pastures."

Kate was staring at me as I spoke. Tears were forming in her eyes.

"That is just not true," she asserted. "I have always felt you were a good father, husband, and provider!"

"Just not much in the old sack, though?" I questioned.

"Where is this coming from, Tom?" Kate demanded. "Have I ever complained? No, I haven't"

We were pulling in the drive as she spoke. I parked the car, opened the door, and formed my reply.

"Kate, sleeping with someone else is tantamount to an extreme criticism of a man's sexual abilities," I calmly answered. "Ask any man if being a cuckold increases his confidence in his talents in bed!"

Kate burst into tears as I stepped out of the car and strode into the house. I went straight to the guestroom, locked the door, and went to bed.

I didn't sleep for a long time. I had finally spilled the beans and now Kate would decide what she wanted to do. It was very possible she would want a divorce now, and I decided I didn't care. The thing was; if I didn't care, why was I so sad?

I got up around 7 and decided to have some coffee and wait for Kate to wake up. We had to decide our next step. When I stepped from the bedroom I saw Kate sitting in a chair, facing the bedroom door. She stood as soon as I came out.

"Kendra!" she called. "Wake up!"

I heard a groan from the sofa and saw Kendra sitting up. It was obvious she had been sleeping there. I tried to clear my head and understand what I was seeing.

"Tom, I called Kendra last night after you went to bed and told her the whole story. I hoped she would have a simple cure, a pill or something that would make everything better. She kept falling back on the truth as the only possible remedy. I resisted that treatment for a long time already, but I am going to try it now," Kate rasped. "I ask that you listen to it before you decide what you want to do."

"I am only here to help two people I love very much, Tom," added Kendra. "I want to give my professional service and personal help. Please listen to Kate!"

I sat down on the end of the sofa and waited.

"I know now why I made you sick all the time. You must have seen us at the Sheridan that day. Ever since that day, you vomit if I get too close, and I understand why," added Kate. "Tom, I betrayed you, your love and your trust. I did sleep with Harold Wright that day."

Even though I already knew it, Kate's admission hit me like a hammer. Before she could continue, I jumped to my feet and rushed into the bathroom. It had been hours since I had eaten, but I did my best to remove any traces. It took a few minutes, but I cleaned up and returned to the living room.

Kendra was holding Kate to her as she cried, almost hysterically. Tears were running down her cheeks and I felt a need to comfort her as I had when her father died and she cried so. The problem was, I couldn't hold her without getting sick. I sat back down and waited. Gradually Kate calmed down, blew her nose and resumed her explanation.

"I am so sorry, Tom. The air did quit that day, but before noon. We were told to go home, so a bunch of us went to the Sheridan for their cheap Monday buffet. Since we didn't have to go back to work, we had few drinks. Before long everyone was gone but Harold and me. Somehow he convinced me we should get a room and, well.. try some 'afternoon delight' as he called it."

Kate sobbed as she continued, "The truth was there was no delight. He used me and finished in a few minutes. I was starting to sober up and he wanted to try it again. I refused and got dressed. He acted like he owned me and I was almost as sick as I have made you. He escorted me down the elevator and even kissed me by the bar. I think he did that to let anyone watching know that he had fucked me. We went into the bar, but I was so upset and ashamed I told him I had to go home. He went out and put me in a cab to go back to work to get my car."

"You were there that day, receiving a wonderful promotion and found me slipping out of a hotel room like a whore," she wailed. "It should have been perfect for you, but I ruined that, too. When I got home, I decided to make amends and be the best wife you could ever want. That cheered me up when I decided that, but you were so grim that day. Now I know why. Still I tried to show you I loved you, but you got ill. I wondered if you sensed him on me and I had nightmares about you smelling his scent on me and throwing me out."

Her eyes were dry and she was looking directly into my eyes as she went on, "I have not made any contact with Harold since that day and he has been gentleman enough to leave me alone. It may be difficult to believe, but I love you, Tom, and only you. I will understand if you want to divorce me, but I pray that you can forgive me. Kendra has all but kicked my ass. She told me what I already know. I could never find a better friend or lover and I am the world's worse jackass!"

"Kate, that fucker, Harold, is not a gentleman," I explained. "I told him I would pretty much kill him and his family if he ever came near you again!"

Kendra and Kate both dropped their jaws at my revelation. It was obvious that Harold had taken my threat seriously.

"Do you understand how I feel about you, Kate? I physically threatened a man that outweighed me by 30 pounds, had four inches on me, and was more than a few years younger than I in the lobby of a downtown hotel. I was more than willing to fight him till one of us was out cold or dead!"

I searched for the right words and went on, "I would give you my life if necessary, but I will not give you to another man. You have only to ask and you will be rid of me, but as long as you are my wife, no other man will have you, ever! Can you live with that?"

Kendra began to blubber and Kate stood up and held her hand out to me. I stepped to her and held her close. She sobbed uncontrollably into my chest. My stomach began to churn. If I hadn't just purged it, I knew would be headed for the bathroom.

"I cannot stop my stomach from getting upset, Kate," I admitted. "I would be in the bathroom now if I hadn't just been there. I don't know what to do. I still love you, but I can't be close to you."

Kendra stopped blubbering long enough to offer her services. "I'll come over every evening and work with you guys. As long as you want to get over this, I will help.

It was two evenings later that Kendra stopped in.

"What I propose is not text book, but I spoke to Kate and she is willing to try it. Will you trust me, Tom?" she asked.

"I do trust you completely," I answered. "I just want to get back to normal and not just be able to be close to my wife but to be able to make love to her."

"Okay, Kate, take your clothes off," ordered Kendra.

To my surprise, Kendra also began to strip. Soon both sisters were naked in front of me, and my cock sprang to life. It was a sight like I had never imagined!

"Kate, walk over to Tom," directed Kendra. Keep going until there is an adverse reaction."

Kate was almost with in reach when I felt my stomach start to churn. I contemplated drinking Drano just to get even! I looked to Kendra.

"Stop! Stay where you are, Kate," said Kendra. "Maybe you would like to see these puppies a little closer, Tom."

With that she sauntered across the room to me, offering her breasts as she walked. My stomach stopped complaining immediately as I watched. Kendra came over and sat on my lap. She put her tits in my face and I knew I was expected to taste them, so I did. If this was therapy, I should have done it years ago!

"Kate, come over here and join us," ordered Kendra. "See how hungry your man is. Feed him."

Kate leaned in to my face and offered her nipples to my lips. I was noticing how similar the sister's breasts were, yet trying to memorize the subtle differences. Then my belly felt a little queasy and Kendra quickly pushed her tits into my face again. Soon I was sucking four tits like a starving babe. I felt my cock being handled and I didn't even try to determine who was doing it.

"Stand up Kate. We need to get this stud out of his clothes," insisted Kendra. "Let's see if that is a gun in his pocket or if he is glad to see us. Close your eyes, you lucky bastard."

I stood there with my eyes closed as my clothing was removed from my body. I stood naked with two very lovely women and one very hard cock!

"Now, Tom, open your eyes and walk with us to the bedroom. Put your arms around us, Squeeze our tits if you like."

I did. I noticed that if I alternated my attention between the two, my stomach would stay pretty calm, but when I concentrated on Kate's nipples too long, my stomach would initiate evacuation.

Soon I was lying on my back and Kendra was sucking my cock. I was almost ready to cum when she suddenly stopped and started kissing me. At the same time, I felt a mouth on my cock again. I knew it had to be Kate, but with Kendra kissing me, I avoided any feelings of nausea. Kendra slid up and lowered her delicious looking pussy on my face. I didn't need to be told what to do as I began lapping at her sex. At the same time I felt my cock being covered by a velvet vice. Kate was riding me as I serviced Kendra. In just a couple minutes I was ready to erupt. Then I heard both Kendra and Kate start moaning. I felt them both orgasm as I started draining my nuts into Kate's pussy. My stomach had no say at the moment as I finally found relief with my wife.

Slowly, Kendra removed her pussy from my lips and sighed. Kate then lay across my chest and kissed me. I was past feeling anything and my stomach seemed unsettled but kept its complaints to a minimum.

"You two look so good together, Sis!" exclaimed Kendra. "I think we are on the road to recovery, but I would be remiss if I didn't stop in regularly to follow up," she smiled.​