Chapter 03

Under the Stairs

After her fuck session in the garden and her midnight ride, Jennifer was exhausted and slept until noon. She was awakened by the phone ringing.

"Hello," she answered groggily.

"Hello," said a male voice at the other end. "Am I speaking to Miss Jennifer Marlowe?"

"That is me, acknowledged Jennifer trying to wake up.

My name is Winston Dawson. I am a layer in Palmerville. This may sound a bit strange," said the lawyer, "but I have a package for you. "

"I don't understand why a lawyer would have a package for me. "

"It is rather difficult to explain," said Dawson sounding a bit sheepish. "Would you be able to come to my office this afternoon at 3?"

Jennifer agreed and hung up. She had a shower, ate and then decided to take another look at the garden in the bright sunlight. Her memories of last night were quite vivid still and she wondered what on earth had possessed her. What if someone recognized her in town from her nude ride? How could she ever show her face there again and she had just agreed to meeting someone in town. In daylight, however, everything seemed so mundane. The three that had raped her was just a plain old oak tree not some erotic vine slithering specimen of unknown origin. The statue of the horse was still there and very much an erect presence, but it was only a statue, stone and unmoving. With a sigh Jennifer made her way back to the house and then drove into town to meet with the lawyer.

"As I said on the phone, this is ah rather awkward and hard to explain," said Mr. Dawson when Jennifer was ushered into his office. Dawson was a balding man of 50 with a nervous twitch in one eye. "This law firm has been existed for four generations of Dawson. It was founded by my great grandfather and this request goes back to his time."

"I am afraid I don't understand," replied Jennifer.

"Er, well it is about this," said Dawson and he pulled a battered package from his desk drawer and placed it on the flat surface in front of them. "My great grandfather was given this parcel by Samantha Lee, the original owner of the house you bought. What is rather umm, strange is that the package is addressed to you and it came with instructions for me to phone you at precisely noon today. "

"Addressed to me?" said a puzzled Jennifer. "Surely you mean to the owner of the house on this date, because even I didn't know I was going to buy the house until last month. "

"No, I mean you personally," said Mr. Dawson. He pushed the package across the desk to her. "As you can see it is addressed to Miss Jennifer Marlowe at your current address. "Jennifer was speechless but finally reached out and took the parcel and then stood up to leave, feeling suddenly in a panic. Mr. Dawson look a bit disappointed and Jennifer realized that he had been curious as to what the package contained.

"I would rather open it in private Mr. Dawson, but I am very grateful for the dedicated service of you and your firm. Perhaps I will be able to tell you what was in the parcel at a future meeting. "Dawson nodded his thanks and Jennifer left his office and stepped out onto the main street of Palmerville. Jennifer was thinking about the package so hard she nearly ran into someone and stopped when she saw it was the librarian she had met the day before.

"Hello my dear," said the librarian. "I heard some people in town talking about a new Lady Godiva riding through town last night. They said she was rather a busty blonde. Quite a coincidence don't you think after our talk yesterday?"

"Oh I am sure that is all it is," replied Jennifer, "a coincidence. Perhaps those people had a bit too much too drink and beside I don't have a horse!"With that Jennifer hurried away, eager to get away from the penetrating gaze of the librarian and eager to see what the parcel contained.

Sitting at the kitchen table, Jennifer stared at the package for sometime. She was dying of curiosity and at the same time filled with fear and apprehension over what she might find inside. Finally curiosity won and she carefully opened the package. Inside was a book, or to be more precise, a diary. With shaking hands, Jennifer opened it to the title page.

Oh my, this diary might hold the key to what had happened to her the last two nights. With trembling hands, Jennifer turned the page and began to read.

It has been one week since I moved into this house that I had built for me. I picked the location of the house after months of careful research and I have implemented my plan. Alas, I fear my plan has gone horribly awry and I write this journal as a record of my actions and mistakes. Since the tragic death of my husband Charles, I have sought out any and all occult methods to try and contact him. A book of magic I found in New Orleans led me to this house and my plan. This house stands on the site of an ancient massacre and the book says that such a place will have a weakening of the wall between this world and the netherworld. The spell in the book promised to allow me to peer beyond that wall and once again make contact with my beloved Charles but it was all a lie. The spell did indeed help bridge the gulf between this world and another world, but it was a world of demons and other vile creatures. The spell allowed them to come through the void between the worlds. They are confined to this house and can manifest only after midnight, but they have possessed all manner of inanimate objects and employ them to vile and degrading uses. They hunger for sex and god help me, I have been raped every night by some perverse thing. But can I truly call it Ra*e? When it happens a horrible lust overtakes me and I find myself participating in the act and enjoying it. I think perhaps it is part of the spell that forces me to stay and to even enjoy the degrading things that are being done to me.

One side effect of the spell is that sometimes I am blessed, or perhaps it should be cursed with glimpses of the future. In one such vision, I saw another woman who looks very much like myself coming to this house in what I believe to be over a 100 years from now. The vision was so clear that I could see her name on the letters she was opening. I will be long gone by then, but I fear that the house with its inhabitants will remain and are waiting for her. If you are reading this Jennifer, I am truly sorry. I do not know if there is an escape from what has happened to me and what will happen to you.

On my first night in the house, I was raped by my teddy bear and on the second I was taken by a tree in the garden and the statue of the horse that came to life and forced me to suck its huge organ before taking me on a midnight ride naked through the town. I am sure I was seen and the shame is horrible to live with. On the third night, it was. . . . . oh I find it hard to write of it and I think the spell is trying to prevent me from warning you. Beware the things under the stairs Jennifer!

The writing stopped abruptly at that point and a puzzled Jennifer noted that the rest of the pages were blank. A diary with only one entry? How strange. The chill words, however, reinforced her fear and she stood and headed quickly for the front door, determined to get in her car and never to return to this house. The front door, however, would not open and neither would the back. Desperate, Jennifer snatched up a chair and tossed it at the plate glass window in the front room only to see the chair bounce off and leave the window unscathed. All her attempts over the next hours resulted in failure. She was trapped in this house.

As midnight approached, Jennifer vowed that this time at least she would not go half naked to some midnight tryst and sat in her easy chair watching the clock. She suddenly woke with a start not having meant to sleep. The sound of the clock striking midnight had been what had roused her and now Jennifer could again hear the whispered voices and the creaking noises in the house. I am not going anywhere near the basement Jennifer told herself as she went to the kitchen for a glass of milk to steady her nerves. It was only when she had taken her first step down into the cellar that she realized that she could not control where she was going and that she was headed down into the dark dirt floored cellar that Samantha had tried to warn her about in the diary. Heart thudding with fear, Jennifer took another step and another until she was halfway down the stairs. When she was two thirds of the way down, she felt something touch her ankle and she looked down with a scream frozen in her throat. A pair of hands was thrusting up between the stairs and touching her ankles. They were green and scaly looking and as she watched they seemed to stretch to impossible length finger walking higher up her legs. To her knees then to her thighs the fingers walked. The hands reached her hips and then with the ripping sound of fabric, her dress was torn from her body leaving her in her bra and panties.

Jennifer stood there frozen, unable to move either up or down as the hands started to caress her body, running over her legs and ass and up to her breasts. Then a second pair of hands emerged and stretched up to her breasts and unclasped her bra to let her large boobs swing free. Those hands cupped her breasts and rubbed the nipples until they were hard leaving Jennifer feeling weak in the knees and moaning. That was when a third set of hands rose up and slid her panties down so the busty blonde stood naked on the stairs. First one finger and then two from this third set of hands slipped into her pussy and began to finger fuck her. Jennifer felt herself getting wet as she stood there with the three sets of hands running over her body and exploring every part of it.

Then suddenly the three sets of hands tightened on Jennifer and dragged her down under the stairs. It was impossible she knew, there was not a large enough opening between the risers, but it seemed to yawn open and the hands pulled her down and under the stairs. She found herself naked and confronting the owners of the three pairs of hands. The creatures were about four feet tall. Their skins were scaly looking and one was green, one gold and one blue. Between their legs were three of the biggest cocks Jennifer had ever seen.

"I am glad you decided to cum play with us my dear," cackled Blue as he stroked his meat and leered at her.

"Yes, yes. ," nodded Green. "We are glad you decide to cum under the stairs so we can fuck you!"He too was jerking his cock while he spoke and leered.

"Jennifer is a whore. She will suck me off," laughed Gold as he too ran his hands over his hard cock and gestured for Jennifer to get on her knees in front of him and start her duties.

Freed at last of her paralyzing terror, Jennifer turned to try and run, but the hands reached out for her again and she was grabbed and forced to her knees on the dirt floor. Gold roughly grabbed her head and shoved it down onto his cock, forcing her mouth open to take it. Jennifer gagged as Gold shoved his hard cock down her throat and began to face fuck her hard. His hands pulled her head up and down on his cock and he began to moan.

"Mmmm, that feels so good you cock sucking bitch," moaned Gold as he pulled her mouth up and down on his cock pleasuring himself at her expense. He laughed at the disgust on her face as he raped her mouth violently, making her big tits jiggle up and down. "Oooo Jennifer whore, I am going to cum in your mouth soon," cackled Gold and he watched Jennifer's eyes widen in horror. "Yessssssssss slut, here it comes!" he cried and suddenly his cock began to pump its sticky load into her mouth. Wad after wad splattered into her mouth and she had no choice but to swallow it as he kept sliding his spurting cock between her lips into her cum filled mouth. At the end, he pulled out and let her have a load of his cum on her face which made the other two cackle with delight.

"Our turn," wheezed Green nearly doubled over with laughter at the sight of the human woman with demon cum running down her face and tears in her eyes. Green pulled her down on top of him on the floor and she felt his dripping cock rubbing against her leg. He spread her knees apart and suddenly he thrust into her, burying his ten inches insider her in one movement. Even as Green began to fuck her pussy hard, Jennifer felt another cock rub against her ass and she look back to see Blue leering at her.

"No, please," she whispered but Blue simply laughed and with a deft movement slid his cock up into her ass. Jennifer was now the meat in their hard cock sandwich as the two demons began to driver her body between them. When Green thrust he pushed her back onto Blue's cock and when he thrust he shoved her forward onto Green's dick. Back and forth they thrust taking her hard and rough.

Blue and Green were relentless in their raping of her ass and pussy and Jennifer felt herself getting more and more excited as the two cocks drove so deep insider her that she was sure they would meet. As with the two previous nights, however, she was brought always so close to climaxing but never reaching it.

"You can cum when beg us to fuck you," said Green with a grin on his face.

Never was what Jennifer wanted to scream, but the only words that escaped her mouth were "fuck me . . . . . oh god fuck me harder. Drive those hard cocks into me. . . . I need to cum so bad. Please fuck me, please!"

Over and over she begged them to take her and they did. Finally with a howl, both demons emptied their loads into she came herself to a rushing orgasm. The demons then made her lick their cocks clean which she did gladly. Gold then stepped in front of her face again, wiping his cock on it casually. "Do you want more slut?" he leered at her.

"Yes," she whispered softly. Then more loudly when he demanded that she speak up, "Yes I want more cock!"

"Then you shall have it my slut," said Gold and he gestured to the dark patch under the stairs and out of it emerged other demons to complete the rainbow:Yellow, Orange, Red and Violet came out. Then White and Black and Gray and more and more. Jennifer howled in despair at the sight of all the demons and their hard cocks but her protests were soon stifled by Red's cock being shoved into her mouth. His cock was a thick 12 inches and he took great delight in taking her mouth, shoving every thick hard inch down her throat. Red's clawed hands stroked her blonde hair and he called her all kinds of vile names as he fucked her mouth, thrusting his hips hard and forcing his cock deeper in her mouth. When he told Jennifer to use her tongue to pleasure him, heaven help her, she did as she was told. Her tongue licked the underside of his huge red shaft as the demon howled and fucked her face even harder. Red finally came by pulling his cock from her mouth and blasting a huge thick mess of cum over her tits that he ordered her to hold up for him to cum on.

The rest of the night passed in a blur for the blonde as demon after demon took her in every hole over and over and over again. At one point she found herself with a cock in her pussy, another in her ass, a third in her mouth and one in each hand. The last sight she had before passing out was of a dozen or more demons gathered in a circle around her prone naked body and jerking their cocks. Like one they came and cum showered down on her leaving her skin covered in sticky white goo that made it glisten in the wan basement light.​
Next page: Chapter 04
Previous page: Chapter 02