Chapter 04
Midnight Shower
Jennifer woke just after dawn, lying naked on the dirt cellar floor, her body covered in the sticky demon cum. She crawled out from under the stairs and up to her bathroom where she soaked the dirt and cum from her body in the bath tub and then she fell into bed exhausted. It was early afternoon when she woke ravenous swith hunger and full of dread.
After eating, Jennifer sat down to take another look at the diary left to her by Samantha Lee, hoping for some clue that might let her escape this cursed house and the fate that seemed to wait for her every night at midnight.Before picking up the book, Jennifer had tried all the doors and windows on the main floor and had been unable to open any of them. How will I survive if I can not leave this house? she wondered in despair as she opened the book. To her surprise, there was a second entry that she had somehow missed the day before.
I am sorry Jennifer, but the spell the demons have on me prevents me from telling you too much at once. They fear you might be able to use the knowledge to escape them. The best I have managed is to create a spell of my own that hides the entries in my diary from them. They will appear to you each day when the sun is highest in the sky. I hope that I may give you enough information to help you escape in time.
The demons keep me prisoner in this house, but even they realize I can not live without food or sometimes other human company to keep me relatively sane. To that end, they allow me to go into town but only after a ritual that ensures I will return to them every night. If you go out to see the statue in the garden, it will tell you what to do. Tonight, beware of the bathroom.....they will wait for you in there.
Jennifer shuddered when she read the warning. She had to get out of this house, even if only for a few hours to keep her sanity. With trembling heart, she went to the back door which this time opened to let her out into the garden. She followed the path to the clearing and the statue of the erect horse.
As Jennifer stood there, she heard the grating voice in her head. It was weaker than it had been the other night, presumably the daylight weakened the powers of evil or some such thing. "Yes, my dear little Jennifer, our powers are less in the day, but they are strong enough to prevent you from leaving the house without our permission. If you wish to go into town, you must perform a special ritual here in the garden. You will then be allowed to go into town, but if you ask for help in anyway, or fail to return by sunset, there will be a price to pay."
"What do you mean? What type of ritual? What price?"
The horse / statue laughed maliciously. "The ritual my dear is quite simple. You must present yourself to me naked and suck on my member until I cum. You will then place some of the cum on your panties and leave them on my cock. This creates a powerful returning spell on you that will compel you to come back. If you have very strong will power or are distracted, you may be able to resist returning longer, but do not tarry past sunset or the price will be exacted. For your freedom, regardless of when you return, you must come to me after your midnight dalliance and go for a ride naked through the town. If you are late in returning, not only will you go for a ride in the town, but I will mount you in the town square so that all might see."
Jennifer stepped back in shock. To win even temporary freedom she was going to have to blow the horse statue again and play Lady Godiva where anyone might see her. How many times had Samantha made this deal and performed this unholy ritual to gain a little freedom? How many times would she do it? Jennifer tried to be strong, but the need to get away from the house was so overwhelming that she found her fingers undoing the buttons on her blouse before she even realized it. She slipped it off while the horse chuckled. "Mmm Jennifer, you do have such nice tits," said the gravelly voice, "and your mouth will feel so good around my cock again!"
The crudeness of his words gave her pause, but Jennifer steeled herself and removed the rest of her clothes to stand naked in the garden once more. Feeling very much like a slut, she slipped underneath the statue and raised her lips to the huge erection and took the head into her mouth. She expected to taste stone, but the cock was very much warm and alive as it throbbed in her mouth. "During the day, our powers are weakened so that I can not fully activate this body, but I can make the most important part of me flesh and blood," came the voice answering her unspoken question. Now suck me whore, suck me for your freedom!"
>Inch by inch Jennifer eased her mouth over the huge cock until it was down her throat and then she began to bob her head up and down on it. Her tongue licked around the huge swollen shaft and she heard the voice moaning inside her head."Ahhhhhhh yes Jennifer, you are so good with your mouth, that feels so good. Mmmmm, don't you feel like a real slut sucking off a horse cock. He he, what if someone came bye to visit and found you lying there lying naked under a statue, sucking its cock? Maybe we can arrange that to happen some day." Jennifer tried to ignore the voice and concentrate on winning her freedom and after a few more minutes of licking and sucking, she was rewarded by the surge of cum through the cock that gushed into her mouth. After the flow stopped, Jennifer picked up her panties and wiped some of the cum from her tits onto them and hung the trophy over the hard member of the statue which was now lifeless and silent again.
Putting the rest of her clothes back on, Jennifer went back through the house and found that indeed the front door would open and soon she was in her car and heading for town. Halfway there she realized she had not replaced the panties she had left in the garden, but there was no way she was going to go back for another pair. Once in town, Jennifer picked up groceries at the General Store and contemplated fleeing the town as fast as she could drive. Whenever she thought about leaving though, she felt a strong need to return to the house and that need seemed to grow the longer she was away and the further she went from the house. The returning spell seemed to be very real and the need to return becoming overpowering. Reluctantly Jennifer headed for her car to return to the house but just as she reached it, the librarian stopped her.
"Hello my dear," she cackled. "It is nice to see you out and about in the daytime."
Jennifer startled at her choice of words. Was the old woman implying she knew something about her nocturnal ride in the nude? Thank you, I think," was the best she could come up with as a reply. She turned to get in her car, but the old woman stopped her again.
"Some of the high school boys think Lady Godiva will ride again. They plan to wait and record her ride on video camera. Don't you think that would be exciting?"
"Very," was all Jennifer could manage and she scrambled into her car and drove away quickly. A video camera? Oh my god and she was going to have to go for a ride tonight stark naked into town. What could she do? She was trapped and soon everyone would know it was her playing Lady Godiva. How could she come into town then? She could imagine the stares and the comments. They would think her as perverted as the town had thought Samantha Lee had been. She could not even ask them for help without paying the price that made her soul shudder.
Back at the house, Jennifer grabbed her groceries and ran inside, almost glad to hear the door close behind her. Samantha had warned her not to go into the bathroom tonight, but if past experience was any guide, that would prove impossible to avoid. The horse certainly seemed confident of that fact in that it expected her after her midnight ordeal. Thinking of the horse made her remember her panties and she ran out to the garden to get them. The horse remained silent during her retrieval, but she felt that it was watching her from some remote location and smirking.
After supper and a failed attempt to concentrate on a book, Jennifer undressed and went to bed. It was only after she had been lying in bed for a while that she realized she had not replaced her ripped nightie yet and that she was sleeping in the nude, something she had never done before in her life. She shivered slightly then shrugged and drew the blankets up around her and slipped off to sleep. As she had expected, she was woken just after midnight and it took her a while to place the sound. No creaking tonight, instead she could hear the shower running in the bathroom. What a surprise she thought to herself as she got out of bed and stood naked the moonlight streaming in the window. Moonlight she thought, what no thunder and lightning tonight? She could not leave the water running all night, so she didn't seem to have much choice but to go turn it off. She started to put on her robe and then stopped and left in a pile on the floor and walked down the hall naked, moonlight shadows from the windows playing on her bare skin in intriguing patterns of light and dark.
As she approached the bathroom, she could see a sliver of light under the door and she opened it cautiously. There was no one in sight and she heaved a sigh of relief and stepped inside. Jennifer opened the curtain, intending to turn off the water but the warm water felt so nice on her skin that she started to step into the shower. Confused, she stopped and tried to think clearly. Samantha had warned her about the bathroom, so she should not linger, but the water felt so soothing and what could happen in a shower? She hesitated a second more and then gave in, stepping under the warm caress of the water.
Jennifer stood under the warm water with her eyes closed enjoying the feel and so she didn't see the shower curtain open as if someone was stepping into the shower. Then the curtain opened again as if a second person or thing had also gotten in at the other end. Lost in her reverie Jennifer took the bar of soap and wetting it, began to rub it all over her body. She was in the middle of soaping up her large breasts when she suddenly felt hands cupping her ass. She gave a shriek and turned around but could see nothing. Nothing at all. Jennifer backed away from that end of the shower and suddenly felt something else rubbing on her ass. It felt hard and warm just like a cock, but again when she looked, there was nothing to be seen. I am going crazy she thought. There was no one in the shower with her, it was all in her mind. She had almost convinced herself of this when she heard a giggle. It was a feminine giggle and it was originating from inside the shower.
Who's there? asked Jennifer looking around for the source of the giggle. There was no reply and then she felt a pair of hands on her boobs, first holding them and then starting to stroke them gently. Jennifer could still see nothing, but she sure could feel those hands on her tits and they felt very nice. She stood there in a trance for several minutes and then suddenly realized she felt something else. She could feel that cock rubbing on her ass again and when she reached back with a hand she found herself holding what sure felt like a long, thick cock but a glance showed her nothing visible. Reflexively, her hand started to stroke the throbbing cock and she heard a soft moan from behind her.
Finally a soft voice whispered in her ear "Mmmmm, that feels very good Jennifer. I like how you stroke my cock. Would you like me to fuck you with it? Jennifer felt a little sticky fluid on he hand and she held her finger up to her mouth and sucked it off. It tasted quite nice and all the while she felt the other pair of hands stroking her breasts. There were two of them she was sure and she felt herself getting excited and wet at their touch.
"Yes," she moaned softly and moved her hips back so that the invisible cock was pressing tightly into her ass cheeks. Her response shocked her, but she found she did want to be fucked. "Who are you?" was all she could manage in a weak whisper as she felt hands part her cheeks and the cock rub against her hole demanding entrance.
"We are water demons," said the voice behind her. "My name is Hlox and that is my sister Hlar rubbing your titties."
Sister? Oh my god thought Jennifer. I have never done it with another woman before. Before her thoughts could go any farther though, she suddenly felt a body pressing against her from the front...a very female body as invisible boobs rubbed against her own chest and suddenly lips were pressed to her lips and she found herself kissing the invisible female water demon. Hlar's tongue demanded entrance and to her shame, Jennifer opened her mouth and let the sinuous tongue into her mouth. At that instant she felt Hlox thrust behind her and his cock slid into her ass and he began to fuck her. Impaled on his cock, Jennifer felt herself pressed into Hlar, their breasts rubbing together.
Hlox seemed in no hurry and kept up a steady rhythm, while his sister kissed Jennifer. After a while Hlar broke off the kiss and her mouth trailed down Jennifer's body and spent many pleasurable minutes suckling on Jennifer's massive tits until the nipples were rock hard. Then the water demoness's mouth went lower still and slipped between Jennifer's legs. Jennifer gasped in delight as the invisible tongue slipped into her pussy and began to lick at her now freely flowing juices.
"Don't stop, please. Ahhhhhhhh" moaned Jennifer loudly as Hlar ate out her pussy and licked at her clit with the tongue of an expert. Jennifer was again brought to the brink or orgasm but hung there for what seemed an eternity just short of cumming.
"You can only cum after you lick my pussy Jennifer," murmured Hlar. "You have to lick your first pussy in order to cum."
"Yes, yes, anything!" screamed Jennifer and she heard both the water demons laugh. Hlox slipped his cock out of Jennifer and pushed her down onto her knees in the shower, the water still falling warmly and running off Jennifer's large tits like a pair of waterfalls. Jennifer felt hands on the back of her head pulling her forward and then her lips made contact with Hlar's pussy. Jennifer felt her face pressed tight against the other woman and her tongue stabbed out for its first ever taste of pussy juices. I guess this makes me a lesbian now Jennifer found herself thinking as she began to lick and slurp at the invisible pussy in front of her and finding she enjoyed the taste. When her tongue found the invisible clit, Hlar let out a moan of pure ecstasy and pulled Jennifer's mouth tighter against her sex.
"Yes Jennifer, lick my pussy like a good little lesbian whore," moaned Hlar and Jennifer was happy to do so. As she kept licking, she felt Hlox behind her again and she stuck her ass up in the air for him. He wasted no time in reinserting his cock into her and began to fuck her once again. The lovemaking in the shower seemed to go on for hours but finally Jennifer felt Hlar's body stiffen in front of her and the demoness came to a shuddering climax that splashed female juices all over Jennifer's face. A few seconds later she felt a warm spurt of liquid in her ass as Hlox also came and then Jennifer was allowed her own release and climaxed with an intensity she had never felt before.
Jennifer lay on the floor of the shower for a few minutes after she felt Hlar and Hlox leave as silently has they had come. Then she stepped out of the shower, turned it off and dried herself. That had not been so bad she thought to herself. She had almost enjoyed this evening. Her thoughts were interrupted by the sound of a horse neighing and her blood ran cold. The horse! She was obligated to do another Lady Godiva ride through the town stark naked. A shiver of dread ran though her and she slowly descended the stairs and went out the garden door to where the horse stood waiting for her.
"My, my Jennifer, you look so lovely standing there naked in the moonlight," came the gravelly voice. "Let us go for a ride to see what we can see and maybe to see who can see you!"
Jennifer shivered again but she knew she had no choice and she climbed up on top of the mighty stallion who turned and lept the fence without any effort and thundered off towards town. The horse took her straight up main street and the moonlight flooded down on them revealing her naked body clearly. Suddenly Jennifer heard shouts and looked to her left to see half a dozen teen aged boys standing by a van. They gaped at her nude form and she found herself waving to them and smiling. One of the boys had a video camera and he was recording every inch of her lovely naked body and Jennifer could see bulges growing in the boy's pants.
"Perhaps I will let them fuck you some night," said the horse in a voice that only she could hear. Her heart stopped and the horse laughed, "but not tonight!" With that the horse sprang away again and raced through the streets of the town. There were several more cries as people saw her and Jennifer thought she saw the old librarian standing on one street corner with a smirk on her face as Jennifer raced past. Finally the horse headed back to the house and let her off at the back door. Jennifer quickly slipped inside, feeling suddenly horribly exposed in her nakedness and she heard the horse laughing at her as she fled back to the safety of her bed.