Chapter 06
Cooking with Jennifer
It was starting to become a familiar pattern for Jennifer and she was not sure she liked it. What she liked even less was that she was not sure about not liking it. The pattern of course was the fact that every midnight she was getting her brains fucked out by someone or make that something. Then she would sleep until near noon and wait around the whole day wondering what would happen next while puzzling over the cryptic entries left by Samantha Lee in her diary one hundred years before. Not that it had been all bad, she reflected as she was relaxing in the tub the next day after being raped by her own mirror reflection. There were of course Hlar and Hlox, whose gentle ministrations in the tub were already close to coaxing a climax from her as she lay in the warm water moaning softly.
It was hard to think to clearly when one was having an orgasm, so Jennifer gave it up until the water began to cool along with her passion and she climbed out of the tub to once more quest vainly for the answers she so desperately needed. Again it was part of the same routine, she dressed and ate and then sat down to peruse Samantha's diary in hopes of finding a way out of her demonic prison.
Good morning Jennifer. I would guess that you met your mirror duplicate last night even as I did. It was appalling to be raped by yourself and the ultimate manifestation of incest, but it also felt so good when she was doing it. That is the chief danger of this house. The longer you stay, the more you begin to like the degradations and start to look forward to them. I have started to have thoughts about revisiting some of the places in the house when I wake at midnight. I would dearly love to be ravished by my teddy bear again, but I must be strong or I will be lost...though I am starting to fear that my redemption may be impossible. It is just over a week until All Hallows Eve and I think if I have not escaped by then that I never shall. I fear the same may also be true for you my dear Jennifer.
Jennifer paused in alarm at these words and glanced at the calendar on the wall. October 23 today. She must have moved into the house on the same day that Samantha Lee took possession of it, or more accurately, the same day that the house took possession of Samantha Lee.
There are other strange events taking place that I am not sure how they fit into the schemes of the house and the demons. The librarian in town is an old woman and every time that I go into town, she manages to run into me and has some comment to make. She never comes out and says it, but I think somehow she knows what is going on here. How she fits into what is happening, I do not know but I am certain she is somehow involved.
If you can, avoid the kitchen tonight. Alas, I fear that my warning will be for naught as the house seems to have ways of luring you to where it wants you. Good luck my dear sweet beautiful Jennifer.
Jennifer put down the diary and sat on the couch thinking for some time. If Samantha was right then Jennifer had only a week or so to find an escape from this house or what? What had happened to Samantha Lee finally? What would happen to her if she did not escape? Her desperate musing were interrupted by the most unexpected of things, the doorbell ringing!
Puzzled and rather surprised, Jennifer went to answer the door. Again to her surprise, the door opened without any sign that it had remained steadfastly closed for all her tugging on it the last few days. On the step was a tall man in a somber black suit with a long somber face and the white collar of a minister.
A minister thought Jennifer with elation and she was about to ask him for his help in escaping the house when she remembered what the statue had said would happen if she asked anyone for help. She shuddered at the thought of being mounted by the beast in public and almost cringed back into the house, but his voice stopped her retreat.
"Are you Miss Jennifer Marlowe?" asked the reverend in a somber voice that matched his face and dress.
"Yes, I am," she admitted still holding the door half closed.
"May I come in and talk with you please?" asked the minister.
"I....I am not sure that is a good idea," stuttered Jennifer. "It is hard to explain, but it really might not be such a good idea."
The minister frowned at her severely. "Perhaps if you knew the nature of my business, it might convince you otherwise. I was out for a walk late at night a few days ago with the librarian and we saw.....we saw shall we say a very interesting equine event."
Jennifer gulped and flushed at his words and looked around the house nervously. It seemed very quiet at the moment and it looked like she was going to have to talk to the reverend about what he had seen. Reluctantly, Jennifer held the door open and said "Perhaps you should come in to discuss this." The reverend nodded and stepped into the house and followed Jennifer back to the front room where she gestured for him to take a seat.
"Er, what exactly did you see reverend, and why have you come to me?" asked Jennifer weakly when he had sat down in the big lazy boy chair.
"What I saw was you my dear, riding stark naked through the center of town on a horse. It gave myself and the dear librarian quite a shock."
"I....I am sure you must be mistaken sir," said Jennifer and she tried to keep her voice from shaking. "I don't even own a horse and I certainly would not go riding naked through the town."
"Ahhh a nice try Miss Marlowe," said the reverend and now the somber expression on his face seemed to have been replaced by a slight smirk. "But not good enough in the face of the evidence." He reached into his shirt pocket and took out a photograph and handed it over to Jennifer with a wink and a leer. Jennifer took the photograph with a pounding heart and saw that it was her, stark naked, and riding on the back of a horse.
Jennifer swallowed hard. "I didn't get you nave reverend or exactly why you came here today."
"Reverend Andrew Southerby at your service ma'am," said the minister, "and as for what I came here for, well my dear that would be you. I told the librarian that I was sure she was mistaken about it being you on that horse, but if you choose not to provide me with sufficient entertainment....well, I have several more photographs of you that I would share with the good people of Palmerville. Of course I would only be doing my duty as a man of god in exposing such an obvious slut and witch."
"I see," said Jennifer with a sinking heart. "What exactly would you consider sufficient?"
The reverend smiled at her. "Well my dear, you can start by taking off those clothes. I got such a short glimpse of your naked body last night and I want to see more." Jennifer sighed and stood up. She was probably only delaying the inevitable, but she still entertained some vague notion of not being exposed to the town as the midnight Lady Godiva of Palmerville. To keep that illusion, it looked like she was going to have to do whatever this scumball preacher wanted her to do. As Rev. Southerby sat there watching with a visibly growing bulge in his pants, Jennifer began to unbutton her blouse.
"Mmmm those are very large tits you have Miss Marlowe," said the minister watching her cleavage intently. "Do you mind if I call you Jennifer? I didn't think so," he hurried on without waiting for her reply. "What size is your bust Jennifer?"
"44DD," said Jennifer as she slipped her blouse off and undid her skirt to stand there in her black satin bra and panties. The bulge in the good (hah!) reverend's pants was looking like a tent pole now and he was rubbing it as he watched her undress. Jennifer unhooked her bra and let her tits tumble into view and she heard the minister gasp with excitement. Finally, Jennifer slipped off her panties and stood there naked for his lusting inspection.
"You are best looking slut I have ever seen," whispered the reverend as he continued to rub his erection through his pants. "You don't mind being called a slut do you my dear?"
He paused to let her answer and Jennifer could only whisper a shameful "No, I don't mind being called a slut."
"No, I expect not," said the reverend. "I suspect you even rather like being called a slut. After all, who but a slut would ride naked through the town?"
"Yes, only a slut," Jennifer agreed sadly.
"Good, I am glad we agree on you being a slut," said reverend Southerby and he relaxed in the chair. "Now my dear, I want you to run your hands over those big titties of yours and then lift them to your mouth and kiss them. Jennifer blushed but started to do what he commanded. "By the way my dear little slut, I took that picture of you with the camera hidden in this flower" and he indicated the rose on his lapel. "I also have been using it to take pictures of your little strip. I am looking so forward to having them developed."
Jennifer wanted to bristle in outrage, but there was nothing she could do but run her hands over her rounded melons and down her stomach to her hips and back up again. Then she took each of her large breasts one at a time and raised them to her mouth where she kissed and licked them."
"Now lie on the floor and play with your pussy," ordered the reverend and Jennifer meekly complied. She stretched out on the rug and began to slip two fingers into her pussy and finger herself while he leered at her. Her clit was hard and she could not help but let out a soft moan of pleasure as she diddled herself in front of the minister.
"Ahhh, you are such a fine little whore," murmured the reverend. "Now crawl over here on your hands and knees and tell me how much you want to suck my cock."
Disgusted, but unable to do anything about it, Jennifer crawled across the rug to the chair, her big tits hanging down invitingly. When she reached the reverend, she put one hand on his bulge and began to rub it. He gave out a moan and pulled her head down to kiss the erection through his pants.
"Now beg for it," he ordered her.
Jennifer swallowed her pride along with her disgust and looking up into his eyes began to ask to suck his cock, telling him how much she wanted his manhood in her mouth. Finally, as if doing her a great favor, he nodded his head and told her she could unzip him. Trying not to let her true feelings show, Jennifer undid his belt and button and pulled down the zipper so she could reach inside his pants and pull out his throbbing cock into view. A drop of precum oozed out the end and onto her hand. Jennifer shuddered as she felt the sticky liquid on her fingers."
"Mmmm your hands feel so nice wrapped around my cock," said the minister with another leer that made Jennifer feel like a two dollar whore which was just about what she was she thought. "Now suck on it slut. I want to see those pretty lips of yours stretched around my cock!"
Jennifer meekly bowed her head as if in prayer and slipped the dribbling cock into her mouth and began to blow him. His cock was already leaking large amounts of precum and it lubricated it so well that it easily slid down her throat and she began to bob her head up and down on his shaft.
"You are suck a good little cock sucking slut," murmured Reverend Southerby and he rested his hand on the top of her head, pushing it down onto his cock even more. "I love watching those big boobs of yours jiggling up and down as you suck me!"
Jennifer tried to ignore his crude words and concentrate on sucking his cock so that he would cum and then maybe leave her in peace. She clamped her lips tight around his shaft and licked it with her tongue as he slid it in and out of her mouth, fucking her face.
"Ahhhhhhh my dear, I am going to cum," moaned the reverend. "I want to see my cum shoot all over you face." He pulled his dick out of her mouth with a popping sound and with just another stroke of his hand, his cock exploded and shot huge was of cum onto Jennifer's face where it ran down in rivulets fell onto her breasts. "What a good little cock sucking slut," he whispered and he wiped his cock on her face. "Say cheese my dear" he commanded and touched his flower one more time. Jennifer heard a click and knew he had just taken a close-up of her with his cum running down her face.
The reverend sighed mightily and put his cock away, leaving Jennifer kneeling on rug naked in front of him. "Well my dear, I will be sure and tell the librarian and anyone else who askes that I came to see you and I am certain that it was not you on that horse. No one will question my word of course. Though," and he paused significantly. "I will probably have to come back and pay you another visit to be sure."
"Of course," said Jennifer softly and she watched as the reverend got up and walked down the hall to the cursed door and out. After the door had closed behind him, she slipped to the door and tried it, only to find it as impossible to open as ever. Around her, she thought she could hear voices laughing. Apparently, the demons had liked her little show.
Jennifer retired early that night, hoping vainly to sleep through the midnight creaking and thunderstorms that came out of clear skies. She was, however, wakened just after midnight with the expected noises in far off places of the house. She tried for a while to block the noises with a pillow over her ears but the noises just got louder and louder and only subsided back into gentle creaking when she got out of bed and padded nude down the stairs to the main floor. Samantha had called it correctly, the noises were coming from the kitchen. Jennifer crept up to the swing doors that led into the kitchen then stepped boldly through them expecting to see some huge membered demon waiting for her. She saw nothing.
Jennifer blinked and looked again. Well not nothing, but nothing terribly alarming. On the stove there was a large pot with something simmering in it. It smelled sweet like chocolate and when she walked over and peered inside, she saw she was right. It was a fudgy looking chocolate sauce and very tasty too she thought as she dipped her finger cautiously into it. To her surprise it was just pleasantly warm to the touch despite the boiling glooping sounds it was making.
"Nice ass!"
"Nice tits!"
"Nice pussy!"
Jennifer heard the voices and whirled around, still unable to see anyone. Perhaps the comments came from another invisible demon like Hlar and Hlox?
"Nah, we ain't invisible," came a scornful voice. "We're just small and hiding." With that a small figure, about a foot and a half tall slipped out from behind her canisters. As Jennifer watched in astonishment, more and more of the small creatures slipped into view from where they had been hiding. Creatures was the right word. They had two arms and legs, but their skin was a warty looking green with big hooked noses and pointed ears and teeth.
"Who are you? What are you," said Jennifer as she crossed her arms over her breasts in a vain attempt to hide them from the leering creatures. The look they had on their faces reminded her unpleasantly of the Reverend Andrew Southerby though at least these things didn't pretend to be pious and holy whiledemanding that you suck their cocks. In fact, despite their leering at her naked body, she wondered what there was too worry about from such small creatures who could not possibly have cocks big enough to threaten her with.
"Oh you will be surprised girl," said the first creature who had appeared. "My name is Taz, and we are the Kitchen Goblins. We are related to the demons you met under the stairs, but we are much nicer than them!"
"Really?" said Jennifer. "You mean you don't want to fuck my brains out like them?"
"Oh sure, we are going to do that," nodded Taz, "but we will do it with much more style! It was real nice of you to try our special sauce there on the stove though. It makes things a not simpler."
"Simpler?" asked a puzzled Jennifer.
"A lot simpler," adreed Taz. "One taste of that stuff and you will do anything anyone tells you to for several hours which is long enough for us all to have a lot of fun with you."
"I don't think so," said an indignant Jennifer and she turned to walk out of the kitchen.
"Stop right there slut, and go lie down on the table," snapped Taz. To her total shock, Jennifer did exactly what she was told and stretched out naked on the kitchen table. She watched as the kitchen goblins scrambled up on the table and began to rub their tiny hands all over her body. They were not very big, but there were a lot of them and they caressed and prodded her all over. This is not that bad, she thought as she lay there, but then she saw Taz and several other of the goblins carrying the pot of warm chocolate sauce towards her.
"Stop! What are you doing with that?" she called out and tried to move but couldn't. Taz grinned at her and put the pot down beside her. He took a big ladle that was handed to him and spooned some onto Jennifer's tits. The liquid was just warm and it oozed and spread over Jennifer's boobs almost like it was alive. It tingled where it touched her skin and she gasped. Taz grinned some more and dolloped some more of the fudgy stuff on her tits then her stomach and legs and all over until she was pretty much covered in the stuff.
"Come and get her boys," Taz called out and the two dozen or more kitchen goblins swarmed over Jennifer and began to lick the fudge from her body. Jennifer gasped as several of them began to suck and lick on her big melons while another practically had his head buried in her pussy while he "ate" her out. Taz continued to splatter more of the warm sweet liquid on her naked body and Jennifer realized that the creatures were all now naked and rubbing themselves against her body. The sensation was quite electric as two dozen small hard cocks slid against her skin. Small? Jennifer blinked. For such small creatures, their cocks were bigger than she expected. Oh sure they were not 12 inch monsters like the demons under the stairs but they were disproportionably out of size with their small bodies and averaged three to four inches long.
When Jennifer blinked again, she found that Taz's cock was rubbing on her lips as he perched on her chest gazing down at her. "Open up Jenny pooh and take my cock in your slutty little mouth!" With the sauce still making her do whatever she was told, Jennifer opened her mouth wide and Taz slipped his not so little cock into her gaping mouth. "Hey boys, there is room for more than one in here" Taz called out and a humiliated Jennifer watched two more of the kitchen goblins crawl up to her face and slide their cocks inside her mouth so she was sucking three of them off at the same time.
While the rest of the pack rubbed their cocks all over her chocolate covered body, Taz and the other two goblins fucked her face. "What a nice mouth you have Jennifer," moaned Taz, "I am going to have to cum in it!" While appalled, Jennifer was not as frightened as she had been with some of her other attackers. These little cocks could not produce much cum she figured. She was shocked then when Taz exploded and what seemed like a gallon of warm sticky cum flooded her mouth and gurgled out the sides.
"We is magical sweety," shouted Taz with glee. "We may not have the biggest cocks, but we produce three times the cum of the stair demons!"
Three times? was all that Jennifer could process and she couldn't say anything because her mouth was filled with the thick cum that she tried to swallow. She was just starting to get her mouth empty enough to mount a decent scream when the next two goblins erupted in her mouth and she thought she might drown in their cum. Jennifer swallowed it hurriedly but huge gobs of it covered her face and hair and tits. It was then she recalled that there were at least two dozen of these things rubbing their cocks on her body and if they all came like these three......
"Oh don't worry," said Taz cheerfully deliberately misreading the look on Jennifer's face. "We can all cum four or five times easily. You won't run out of cum!"
Jennifer wailed in her mind as the creature's words struck home and then the goblins began to cum. In a few seconds she was literally swimming in a sea of goblin cum. Taz grinned wildly at her and began to spoon more of the fudge sauce onto her body. "Come on girl," he ordered her, "lick some of that cum and chocolate off your titties!" Totally disgusted, Jennifer had to do as she was told and found herself licking the weird mixture from her boobs while the goblins cackled and laughed...and got hard again.
"We might not be big enough to fuck your pussy Jennifer," said Taz as she slurped up the cum and chocolate mixture from her tits, "but you will do it for us!" With that he produced a large English cucumber and slid the thick vegetable into Jennifer's pussy. "Now fuck yourself with it dear," he ordered her, and Jennifer began to push and pull the long green thing in and out of her cunt. The goblins collapsed into convulsions of laughter as they watched the busty blonde lie spread eagled on the kitchen table and fucking herself with the cucumber.
"What a whore you are Jennifer" cried Taz and the other goblins took up the' chant of "whore whore whore" as she finally brought herself to a huge climax.
"Now put it in your mouth dear and taste your own juices," ordered Taz and Jennifer had no choice but to obey, sucking on the vegetable as if it was a cock, tasting her own pussy juices clinging to it.
That set the goblins to cackling again and it was time for round two of her fucking. Taz had not been idly boasting about the amount of cum and how many times that the kitchen goblins could cum. During the rest of the night they all dumped four or five loads of cum on her body so that in places the stuff was almost an inch thick. She had drunk down a gallon or two of their jizm and every time things threatened to flag, Taz would throw some more of the warm chocolate mixture onto her body and the goblins would go wild again in an orgy of activity, rubbing their cocks on her cum splattered body.
When the demons were finally done and slipping away as dawn lighted the sky, Taz stopped long enough to tell her what a good cum slut she had been and that he had left the recipe for the sauce on the counter.