Chapter 10

The Town Square

The four elements made Jennifer cum a dozen times that night. The thought of being fucked by a huge hairy beast like the Yeti should have sent her screaming in terror, but instead she spread her legs for it and wrapped them around it to draw the massive cock deeper into her pussy. Jennifer's large ripe breasts bounced up and down as it took her and she loved it. When dawn finally came and the elements vanished back through their arches, Jennifer lay exhausted on the floor of the room. At that moment if she had been asked if she wanted to leave the house, she would have begged to stay. She would have begged to be ravished again over and over in every hole.

Finally, Jennifer staggered to her feet and made her way to the shower where the gentle hands of Hlar and Hlox cleaned the cum from her body and brought her to two more orgasms in the process. Jennifer giggled as she climaxed yet again, wondering what the Guinness World Book of Records would say if she claimed to hold the record for the most orgasms in one day. Still laughing, Jennifer collapsed into her bed and fell asleep.

As usual it was late when Jennifer awoke. After lunch, Jennifer returned to the front room to look at the day's entry in Samantha's diary.

Good morning Jennifer. I trust you felt the earth move under you last night? It was terrifying to find myself being fucked in a lake of lava but I am not sure when I ever came so much. At times like that I almost think that I should remain in the house and not try to escape. It is the influence of the demons and I must fight it as must you.

I have some news that you will find disturbing. The librarian has told me the missing ingredient for the recipe, but she has made me promise not to put it in my diary. She says that in order for the cosmic cycle to align properly, you must also learn the ingredient by going to see the librarian in your time. It may be that she is deceiving me in this with mystic nonsense, but i cannot take the chance. You will have to endure one more ritual and ride with the statue in order to gain your freedom.

Jennifer sat there stunned. She was not sure whether to scream with frustration or to break down into sobbing. She had desperately hoped to avoid another visit to the smarmy horse demon / statue in the garden and the midnight ride that would follow. She knew that the horse demon hoped she would fail to return by sundown one of these days and that then it would claim her body in the town square. She had so hoped that the diary would tell her what she needed to know, but now that hope was dashed and she would have to debase herself one more time in order to go into town and meet with the old librarian. Jennifer shuddered and got to her feet.

"He is waiting for you babe," laughed the picture demon. "He and I have a bet going to see who will get you first. Who do you want to win?"

Angered, Jennifer decided to try and teach the picture demon a little lesson. She removed her clothes, knowing the demon could see her stripping even if it was powerless to do anything with her in the daylight. Then naked, she bounced over to the painting on the wall and standing on the couch rubbed her large breasts against it. Jennifer could sense the demon's frustration as her hard nipples rubbed against it. Finally satisfied with the results of her teasing in the forms of low muttered curses and moans from the picture, Jennifer stood back smiling. Next she dipped a finger into her wet pussy and taking it out, licked it clean in front of the impotent creature. Finally, she blew the creature a kiss and walked out the room. At the door she stopped, panties in hand and looked back at the picture.

"Well sugar, I am off to blow the statue. Neither of you has got to fuck me yet, but he has at least felt my lips wrapped around his big dick and shot his load down my throat!"

Out in the garden, Jennifer wondered what had possessed her to do and say those things! Possessed certainly was the right verb she thought sadly as she walked down the path towards the statue. She also knew it had not been a smart thing to taunt the picture demon and that it would probably find some way to take a perverted revenge on her, but at the moment she didn't care. She rather suspected that she had left the demon with at least a metaphorical hard on and no one to use it on which was a small bit of satisfaction.

When Jennifer stepped into the clearing, the horse statue greeted her with its usual crudity. "Couldn't stay away huh babe? You just had to come back for another dose of my cock cream? So anxious, you are already naked you little whore! Why don't you just give in to the inevitable and let me mount you? I am going to get to fuck you one of these nights and I know you want it. You want to be fucked by my demon cock don't you sugar?"

"You really do know how to sweet talk a girl don't you?" laughed Jennifer. "Well, you are never going to have me demon. It is bad enough that I have to suck you off in order to escape for even a short period of time, but I will never ever let you mount me."

"He he, we will see," came the gravelly voice. "But for now, you must pay the price for your day of freedom. Crawl under me girl and start sucking my big dripping dick!"

Jennifer didn't say anything more. She knew what she had to do and she slid under the statue and wrapped her lips about the huge cock head. A drop of precum dripped into her mouth and Jennifer swallowed it without hesitation when once she would have been totally disgusted by the thought of swallowing statue's cum. The thought that maybe being fucked by this huge cock would not be so bad briefly crossed her mind, but Jennifer quickly squashed the thought and turned all her attention to blowing the statue. Her tongue licked around the swollen head and then she licked the shaft as she bobbed her head up and down on the cock. With every inch of the massive dick down her throat, Jennifer continued to use her tongue on it and she was rewarded by the loud moans she heard coming from the statue.

"Oh yeah baby, you are much better at sucking cock than when you first came to the house. Oh fuck, your mouth is so wet on my dick and that tongue of yours is driving me crazy. Just wrap those lips tighter around my cock and keep on sucking. You know you love it, and I love watching my cock slide in and out of your mouth while your big jugs bounce up and down. "

Jennifer tried to shut out the words but they burned into her mind like fire and made her more ashamed of herself than she had been at any time yet since coming to he house. It was not just the words, but the truth that underlay them. She was starting to enjoy sucking cock. She was starting to enjoy being fucked night after night in every hole by the weirdest and grossest of creatures. She was starting to enjoy cum splattering in her mouth and over her face and breasts. She was actually trying her best to give the horse statue pleasure with her mouth as she worked the cock deep into her throat and used her tongue and lips to stimulate it even more. She knew her pussy was dripping wet with sexual excitement as she lay under the statue sucking on its mammoth cock, taking every inch into her mouth. Now she reached out to fondle the huge balls and felt them quiver in anticipation. A load of cum was boiling up inside of them and Jennifer sucked harder in order to release that tasty treasure. Licking and sucking and moaning, Jennifer put everything she had into the blowjob and finally the statue could not hold back any longer and pumped its load of cum into her waiting mouth. When Jennifer draped her panties over the cock of the demon statue and left, it was for once speechless.

When Jennifer reached town, she couldn't help but notice the increased attention she was getting. People pointed at her and now and then she couldn't help but overhear snippets of comments.

"Of course i am sure it was her. She was blonde and had huge tits and look at the size of the melons on her!"

"I heard she had an orgy up at that house and seduced the whole football team."

"The delivery man told my husband that the bimbo gave him a blow job when he was there the other day. She was out sun tanning in the nude when he came and just dropped to her knees like a slut."

Ears and face burning with shame, Jennifer slipped into the library. The old woman seemed to be expecting Jennifer and quickly ushered her into the back room.

"Samantha said that I had to come and ask you the missing ingredient in that horrid recipe," blurted out Jennifer as soon as the door closed. "Please, you must tell me!"

"My my, you are desperate," smiled Miss Sherman. "I do think you might be willing to do anything for that last ingredient?"

Jennifer gulped and stared at her wildly before finally managing a whispered "Yes".

"What was that my dear?" asked Miss Sherman, "I didn't quite hear you."

Resigned and beaten, Jennifer met the old woman's gaze briefly before hanging her head and saying in a clear voice "I will do anything you ask me to for that last ingredient."

"Would you even be willing to make love to me?" asked Miss Sherman with a leer.

"Yes," admitted Jennifer. "Anything."

"My that sounds like fun," laughed the old woman. "I will close the library and we will go for a ride out into the country where I can ravish you properly."

Jennifer gulped. "We can't go too far. I have to be back to the house by Sundown or ....."

"Or the horse statue will mount you in the town square," interrupted Miss Sherman impatiently. "Trust me my dear, I know all about the price for being late but you will have to risk it. We must go out into the countryside to the only place where the last ingredient grows."

"Then lets hurry please," begged Jennifer. "I can't bear the thought of having to let that demon beast have his foul way with me."

Miss Sherman locked up the library and followed Jennifer out to her car. Once inside, the librarian ordered Jennifer to drive north. Jennifer felt a hand on her leg and looked down to see the old woman's fingers starting to creep up her leg. Jennifer tried not to shudder as the old woman's hand slid under her skirt and into her panties.

"Ooo nice and wet," laughed the old woman. "I can hardly wait to slurp that pussy of yours dear. It has been a long time since I had another woman." Jennifer tried to ignore the touch of the old woman as they drove on into the countryside. Miss Sherman gave directions as they drove and Jennifer turned off into a country road that wound among the hills. Finally, she told Jennifer to stop and getting out of the car, she led Jennifer into the woods and finally to a clearing.

It took Jennifer's eyes a little while to adjust as she looked around at the dimly lit clearing far under the eaves of the trees where little sunlight reached. At one side of the clearing was a rocky shelter with moss covered steps leading up to it. On either side of the steps were strange shaped rocks that looked like they had been carved by more than weather though they were so old that the original shape was lost in time.

"What is this place?" asked Jennifer looking around. Miss Sherman didn't answer, but walked up the steps until she stood between the two stones. She raised her hands above her head and a beam of sunlight suddenly cut through the leaves and struck her. Jennifer gaped as she saw the wrinkled old librarian transform before her eyes. The shaft of golden sunlight seemed to color the hair from its white to a rich black. Lines of age vanished from her face. Her back straightened and her chest swelled and turned back the law of gravity with a vengeance. Even her clothes changed and when the transformation was done, a stunning full breasted raved haired woman in a high slit, low cut black gown stood there in place of the old wrinkled librarian in her dumpy clothes.

"What? How?" was the best that the astonished Jennifer could manage as she gazed at the other woman.

"Hello my dear Jennifer," said the sultry looking woman stepping down off the steps and coming towards Jennifer. "Surely you can guess who I really am!"

"Samantha?" asked Jennifer in an uncertain voice that grew stronger with conviction. "You are Samantha Lee!"

"Yes," smiled the woman. "Samantha Lee became Miss Sherman the librarian. You didn't find the last name a giveaway? Two old dead civil war generals?"

"I don't understand though," protested Jennifer. "You escaped the house and became the town librarian, but why? And how is that you look so young now?"

"Yin and Yang. There is a balance to the cosmos," said Samantha. "The demons in the house are creatures of night and darkness, but this is a long deserted temple of the Sun Goddess Solquarai. Here the results of the demon's depredations can at least momentarily be undone."

"I still don't understand," said Jennifer. "Stop talking in riddles and hints. I need to know what happened to you and how I can escape that horrible house before it claims my soul forever!"

Samantha sighed. "I did get the last ingredient, but it was flawed. It did allow me to escape the demons, but as I stepped out of the house, I aged a year in appearance for every orgasm I had while in that house. I went from the young beautiful woman you see before you to the wizened old crone in a blink of an eye! I had my freedom, but the price was my youth! No one recognized me when I reached the town. I found that the previous librarian had vanished. It is part of some cycle. You go from prisoner to being the librarian to .....I don't know where you go after that. It is a cycle where there is a hundred years of waiting by the demons for their next victim. That is one reason they are so lustful....waiting a full century between fucks builds up a lot of enthusiasm!"

"Is there no way to break the cycle?" wailed Jennifer. "Am I doomed either to remain in the house, forever young and ravaged every night or to go free but as an old crone with all my beauty stripped from me?"

Samantha put out a hand and wiped the tears from Jennifer's cheek. "I am not sure. I said there was a flaw in the final ingredient that I gathered. It was, I think that imperfection that caused the aging. If we can remove the flaw, then you might be able to escape and retain your youth."

"Please tell me what the ingredient is and what the flaw was," begged Jennifer.

"I shall my dear," whispered Samantha, "but first you must keep your promise to Miss Sherman and let me make love to you." With that, Samantha slipped her gown off to stand there in the clearing totally naked.

"But, but..." protested Jennifer feebly. She tore her eyes off the large soft breasts of Samantha and looked her in the eyes. The eyes were green and glowing like two living emeralds.

"Do you not find me attractive?" asked Samantha as she ran her hands over her large globular breasts and down her thighs. Her nipples were already hard and pointing straight at Jennifer.

"Yes," admitted Jennifer, "I think you are beautiful!" With that Jennifer was lost. Making love to another woman had at one time seemed a terrible perversion, but now she could feel the lust building in her for this other woman. The curve of her breasts tantalized Jennifer and she reached out to Samantha and took her in her arms, their lips crushing together as they embraced. Jennifer could feel Samantha's breasts rubbing against her own like two white hot points. She felt Samantha's hands stroking her hair, running down her back and cupping her ass as they kissed, lips parting to let tongues entwine.

Jennifer sank slowly to her knees in front of Samantha, kissing her way down the other woman's body. Running her tongue over the large breasts and then down her stomach until it stabbed between Samantha's legs and into her pussy. Jennifer thrust her tongue deep inside the other woman, tasting the juices there. She had never tasted anything so sweet and Samantha moaned as stroked Jennifer's face as she pressed her face against her pussy. Jennifer found the hard nib of Samantha's clit with her tongue and licked it which sent Samantha into new heights of pleasure.

"Oh yes Jennifer," moaned Samantha loudly, "lick my pussy and my clit. Ooo, that feels so fucking good. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" After several long minutes, Samantha finally pushed Jennifer back onto the mossy ground and crawled on top of her, once more kissing the busty blonde on the lips. Then Samantha began to undress the trembling Jennifer and soon the two women lay naked on the soft ground running their hands over each other, savoring the feel of the other's naked flesh. Over and over they rolled until Jennifer found herself on top looking down at Samantha. The other woman smiled up at Jennifer and once more drew her head down for a long passionate kiss on the lips. With their full breasts rubbing on each other and their pussies grinding into each other the two women kissed. It was the most erotic lovemaking Jennifer had ever known. There was none of the crudity or lust of the demons, only the tenderness that comes from a shared experience. Samantha had waited a hundred years for this moment and every touch of Jennifer's sent a thrill running through her body like electricity. Gaping for breath, she climaxed for the first time in a century and felt Jennifer's own body tense as the younger woman reached orgasm.

After that first climax, the two women lay there in each other's arms for some time, content to stroke each other's body and bask in the warm glow of their orgasms. After a while, Samantha stirred and began to lick her way down Jennifer's body. Jennifer was happy to lie there as the other woman licked and sucked on her large tits, soon bringing new moans of pleasure from Jennifer. Then Samantha continued her exploration of Jennifer's body, working lower and lower. "I did tell you in the car that I wanted to lick that sweet pussy of yours!" whispered Samantha as she dipped her tongue into Jennifer's juices and began to lap them up like a kitten laps up milk. Jennifer could do nothing but moan and writhe on the ground in pleasure as Samantha's tongue in her pussy brought her to another earth shattering climax.

It was only after her fifth orgasm that Jennifer noticed the light starting to dim and she glanced up in panic. The sun was setting! She had become so lost in her lovemaking with Samantha that she had lost track of the time and if she didn't hurry then she was going to have to pay the price demanded by the statue. How could she have let this happen? "I've got to go," cried Jennifer reaching for her discarded clothes.

"You can't or the last ingredient will be flawed," insisted Samantha holding fast to Jennifer's arm. "Look over there!" Samantha pointed to a spot just below the steps and saw a flower beginning to open. It had pure black petals with a even darker center like a black hole that all light dropped into. "The last ingredient is one petal from the Black Daisy, picked as you climax. When you add that petal to the cum from thirteen demons you will have the means to escape the house. I knew this but I panicked at the thought of the horse statue. I picked a petal as soon as it started to open and ran for the house like a coward. The flower achieves its full potency only when it has fully opened and only when the picker is in the midst of an orgasm. Now Jennifer my dear, lie down and let me lick that sweet pussy of yours one more time until you cum."

Jennifer's thoughts swirled around in panic and confusion. She needed that final ingredient but if she delayed to pick it, the statue demon would claim her for stud. It was a choice between another horrible but finite moment of humiliation and a lifetime of freedom. In the end there was no other choice and Jennifer lay down and spread her legs to let Samantha's mouth have access to her pussy one more time. As the sun sank towards the horizon and her climax began to build the flower opened fully and then as a rush of pleasure flooded her, Jennifer picked three black petals from the flower.

After this final climax, Jennifer lay there with her eyes closed for several seconds enjoying the feelings coursing through her body. Suddenly her eyes flew open and she saw the sun dangerously close to the horizon. Still half naked she raced for her car. She climbed in drove off at breakneck speed leaving Samantha behind in her desperate rush to make it home by sundown. Jennifer sped down the road and through the town watching as the red orb of the sun slid inexorably towards the horizon. She turned into the driveway with just the merest sliver of the sun visible in t he sky, and leapt from the car rushing towards the house. She was going to make it! She was going to be saved the humiliation of being fucked in the town square by the demon! In her hurry she slipped and fell sprawling on the front lawn or did that vine reach up to trip her? Stunned and gasping for breath, Jennifer struggled to her knees and saw the sun sink totally below the horizon. In mute horror, she realized that she had lost and that the statue would claim her at midnight. Sobbing, she got to her feet and stumbled through the door. The entire house seemed to echo with laughter as all the demons relished the knowledge of what was to come in a few short hours and took delight in Jennifer's anguish. An anguish that only would grow as she waited numbly for the clock to strike midnight.

The next few hours were a daze for the terrified Jennifer. How could she have let this happen. The afternoon had been so wonderful, making love to Samantha had been the highlight of her life so far and now in a few short hours she would be subjected to the foulest debasement of her life. She remembered once when she had been young how she had misbehaved and her mother had told her that she would get a spanking when her dad came home. She had spent the whole night in terror and this was a thousand times worse! Jennifer lay in bed with the covers pulled up over her head shaking in fear as the clock continued to tick. She hard it ring nine o clock then ten then eleven. The final hour both crawled by and rushed like lemmings over the cliff. Finally the clock struck twelve and the whole house was totally silent as if the world was holding its breath. Jennifer remained under her covers like an ostrich with its head in the sand hoping that nothing bad could happen if she didn't see it.

After a few minutes, however, the creaking began. Branches rapped on the window and the sky began to cloud up. Thunder rolled and lightning crashed in great sheets in the sky. The wind howled like a million demented wolves baying at the unseen moon. Finally, Jennifer could stand it no longer and she rose out of her bed, dropping her gown to the floor and walked naked down the stairs with her heart thudding. She would have to go through with this final degradation she knew. Out in the garden she went naked, the lightning showing her form off in tantalizing flashes and shadows as she approached the horse that stood there waiting for her.

"Hello my sweet dear Jennifer. You failed to return in time and now you must pay the price. Mount up and we shall go for a ride and when we get to town, it will be my turn to mount you! I do hope there are some people there to see me claiming that sweet cunt of yours. What will they think of you? All those people watching you Jennifer. Think of people seeing you naked with your big cow tits hanging down. Imagine all those people watching you get fucked by my huge cock!"

Jennifer flushed but only nodded meekly and climbed onto the back of the beast and it cleared the fence in a mighty surge and thundered towards the town. Jennifer felt the muscles of the horse ripple under her thighs as it raced through the night. It didn't head for the town square immediately but raced up and down the streets as if trying to attract as much attention as it could. Jennifer her shouts now and then as she was spotted and then suddenly there they were in the town square. The moment she had dreaded was at hand.

"Please no, don't do this," she begged the horse.

"Get off whore," said the horse in its gravelly voice. "I am going to fuck you here in the town square like the slut you are. Now get down and lean against that post and spread your legs for me."

Resigned to her fate, Jennifer dismounted and leaned against the lamp post in the middle of the town square and spread her legs far apart. The light from the lamp gave anyone who might be watching a good view of her naked body and Jennifer cringed at the thought.

Jennifer glanced over her shoulder and saw the body of the horse pulsing with a sick green light. The flesh of the beast writhed and seemed to be changing form. When the glow subsided, Jennifer saw a man's head and chest on top of the horse body. A centaur! Half man, half horse. Jennifer's gaze shifted downward and she saw all to clearly the horse like part of the mythical creature smirking at her naked body under the lamplight.

"I was going to do you in my full horse form," laughed the familiar gravelly voice, "but I just couldn't resist getting my hands on the big melons of yours Jennifer."

Suddenly the centaur / demon reared up and it towered over the cowering Jennifer. Jennifer felt a pair of huge hairy hands grab her breasts and begin to fondle them while something hard rubbed against her ass and she shuddered knowing it was the centaur's huge horse sized cock. Then she felt it rubbing at her pussy lips and she stifled a scream as the massive head slipped inside her.

"Mmmmmm baby you are a tight fit," panted the centaur as it slid another few inches of its cock into Jennifer. "This feels so good Jennifer. I hope you are enjoying it as much as I am and those boys over there who are watching me take you! Here let me slide a few more inches into your pussy. Ahhhhhhhhh you are nice and wet. I think you are excited by this Jennifer."

Jennifer hugged the pole, tears streaming down her face as she felt the centaur slide more and more of its huge cock inside her. There was no way it could all fit, but the centaur was determined to fit it in. Jennifer felt her breasts being squeezed and mauled by the hands of the thing fucking her as the centaur slid a few more inches insider her. Out of the corner of her eye Jennifer saw a couple who looked like a husband and wife out for a stroll. The two were standing there looking dumfounded as they watched the naked blonde being fucked by the centaur. Jennifer heard other voices and she knew that others were watching her defilement by this half man, half beast. She heard the click of cameras and the flash of bulbs as some of them snapped pictures of her leaning against the lamppost in the town square with a huge cock shoved into her pussy from behind. It was increasingly hard, however, to hold back the moans of pleasure she felt as the massive cock filled her up and rammed in and out of her. The realization that she was starting to enjoy the fucking sent waves of shame to mingle with the pleasure. How could she possibly be enjoying this? She was being raped in public by a demon beast that was half man and half horse. But she was starting to enjoy it, God help her she was!

"Oh yeah, baby. I got every inch of my cock inside you now," moaned the centaur as it started to slide in and out of her. The force made Jennifer's whole body rock back and forth and she held onto the post for dear life. "Beg me to fuck you," ordered the half man, half horse. "I want these people to know what a cheap little whore you are."

Sobbing, Jennifer complied. "Ahhhhhhhhh yes, fuck me. Fuck me you dirty beast," cried Jennifer and to her shock she really did want it. "Oh yes baby, shove that big demon cock into my pussy and fuck my brains out. Do me. Fuck me!" cried Jennifer and the centaur was happy to oblige. It began to piston its cock in and out of Jennifer who was now screaming for it to fuck her between moans of pleasure. Tits wildly bouncing up and down, Jennifer bucked her hips to the strokes of the centaur until finally she felt a huge gusher of cum boil into her pussy as it came. There was far too much for her to contain it all and it dribbled out of her cunt and down her legs. Jennifer continued to ride the still hard cock until she too climaxed and then she hung there spent.

When she heard the clapping and the whistles, Jennifer finally realized the full impact of what she had done and felt shame running through her like a red hot knife. She managed to slip herself off the huge pole in her pussy and climbed back on the centaur which had resumed its full horse form.

"Take me home, please" she asked it.

"He he, sure baby," growled the horse. "I think we have shown the people in this town what a slut you really are!"​
Next page: Chapter 11
Previous page: Chapter 09