Chapter 11
Jennifer slid from the back of the horse demon the instant it touched down after clearing the fence on its return to the garden. Sobbing, Jennifer raced into the house, the laughter and crude comments of the horse chasing her inside.
"Well that was well worth the wait Jennifer. I really liked having my big cock inside that tight wet pussy of yours. I think you enjoyed it too, and I bet you can't wait to do it again and again and again! It was especially nice because the town folk got to see you getting fucked! My, my, whatever will they think about you now? Will they believe what they saw? Did they really see a busty blonde whore being fucked in public by a centaur? Half man and half horse, but you know first hand now which half was horse like!"
Jennifer practically threw herself into the shower, frantically turning on the taps to try and wash the filth from her body. The cum from the centaur had dried all the way down her legs and she was desperate to wash it from her body. Jennifer only wished she could wash the memory and the shame from her mind as she could the dried semen from her body.
Jennifer felt the first blast of water strike her and she started to scrub herself clean. She could also feel suddenly the presence of Hlar and Hlax as they materialized in the shower with her. For once, Jennifer shrank from their touch having just been degraded by another demon.
"Do not be afraid of us," whispered the soft voice of Hlar. "My brother and I will never hurt you Jennifer. We are not like the others in this house. We are mere water spirits. When the boundary between reality and unreality was broken and the demons poured through to this house, we came along because we were bored. We mean no harm to anyone and we will leave you alone if you ask us to. We only meant to bring you pleasure with our caresses and never pain of any sort."
Jennifer heard Hlox murmuring assent and she felt her body relax. There was a definite difference between the two water spirits and the others in this house. Hlar and Hlox were never crude, only gentle and loving. "No, don't go. Please stay," whispered Jennifer. "I have really enjoyed your company and would miss you if you were not here. It is just...the others are so crude and demeaning in the things they make me do. They are never gentle and loving like you two are."
"We hope you will escape Jennifer, even if it means losing you," whispered Hlox. "Can we help you clean up?"
"Please," replied Jennifer. The bar of soap and washcloth hovered in the air then the soapy washcloth began to run over Jennifer's full breasts and all over the blonde's body. Jennifer felt another pair of hands running over her back and ass and knew that Hlox was at work on the other side. Jennifer closed her eyes in contentment and let the water and the soft hands caress her body and clean the slime from it. Fingers caressed her pussy and brought her to an orgasm.
"I must warn you about something," whispered Hlox into her ear. "The demons know about your escape plan but it amuses them to have you try and collect the thirteen mouthfuls of cum from them. You have one more day to get the last two samples and they intend to let you only have one. The picture demon who contends with the statue for mastery will take you tonight. It is very angry that the statue got you first and about how you taunted it the other day."
Jennifer trembled at these words but then she remembered. "I have eleven samples Hlox, but I did not get one from you as I didn't know about the recipe when we first met. Will you give me a sample now?"
Jennifer felt the water spirit hesitate. "Are you sure you want this Jennifer? Hlar and I both love you deeply and I would not want to take advantage of you."
"I am sure," assured Jennifer and she slid to her knees in the shower and opened her mouth to show her willingness. "Please Hlox, fuck my mouth and give me a sample of cum." There was no verbal response from the water sprit, but Jennifer felt something warm and hard slide into her mouth and she eagerly wrapped her lips around it and began to suck on the invisible cock. Jennifer swirled her tongue around the head of the cock, licking it and sucking it with all the passion she had. This was not a violent oral Ra*e as most or forced coercion as the other blowjobs she had given were. She wanted Hlox to enjoy this and put all her new found expertise in sucking cock into blowing the water spirit. From the moaning she could hear, she was being very successful and as she continued to lick and suck Hlox, she felt Hlar start to lick her pussy from behind. Soon Jennifer was moaning as loudly as Hlox as his sister matched Jennifer lick for lick. With her large full breasts dangling and the warm water of the shower running over her naked body, Jennifer took the full length of the invisible cock down her throat until she felt the water spirit's balls banging on her chin. Moaning with lust, Jennifer bobbed her head up and down on the unseen cock as Hlar's tongue sped her towards her own orgasm. Jennifer and Hlox came at the same time, pleasure flowing through Jennifer's body even as she felt the warm jet of liquid spurt into her mouth. An instant later and dawn broke leaving Jennifer alone in the shower with her mouthful of cum.
Careful not to swallow, Jennifer wrapped a towel around herself and found the jar in the kitchen. The jar was almost bursting with the amount of cum inside it and Jennifer realized that the stuff was alive in a sense because it was growing in volume. Jennifer transferred the slimy mess to a larger jar and added Hlox's mouthful to it. Twelve samples down and one to go. She was sure that Hlox was right and that the painting demon would take her tonight. Even if the demon knew she had gotten the sample from Hlox, she doubted it could resist coming for her tonight. Jennifer shuddered but knew that she would have to endure one more degradation in order to escape. It could not be any worse that being fucked by the centaur / statue in public she thought bitterly. Jennifer also checked the small box she had put the three petals of the Black Daisy in. Both were safe. Jennifer knew that Samantha had said only one was needed, but something had made her pick the extra petals. Somehow she felt that it was important though how she didn't know at the moment. Finally to exhausted to stay awake any longer, Jennifer stumbled up the stairs to her bed and was soon fast asleep.
Jennifer was woken around noon by the sound of the phone ringing. "Hello?" she muttered blearily into the receiver when she finally got it on the sixth or seventh ring.
"Miss Marlowe?" asked the voice at the other end of the line. It sounded familiar, but Jennifer was not awake enough to concentrate and identify it.
"Yes, who is this?"
"This is Reverend Andrew Southerby. We met once before if you recall?"
Jennifer woke up in a hurry at the name. She remembered the blackmailing preacher all too well. He had forced her into sucking his cock in order to keep him quiet about her Lady Godiva rides and she doubted that he was phoning her to ask about her health. "What do you want Reverend?" she asked him warily.
"Why my dear Jennifer, I would love to have your tight wet pussy wrapped around my cock and fuck your little brains out," responded the Reverend. "However, that is not why I am calling. Some of the people in the town have become concerned about you and your slutty actions. There are rumors going around about a party you had with some of their children. One girl even claims that she was raped by some demons in your house. A ridiculous story of course, but there are a number of people who are sure it was you riding naked through the town on a horse. In fact I heard a few people this morning claiming that they saw you being fucked some kind of half human, half horse last night in the town square. You should have told me about that...I would love to have seen that."
"I see," broke in Jennifer with a catch in her voice. "But how do these stories relate to this phone call?"
"Well, some of the concerned citizens have come to me as the spiritual leader of the community. I have assured them that the stories are total fabrications from the overactive imaginations of hormone driven teenagers. And as for the centaur, I mean who would believe in a story about a woman having public sex with some type of mythical creature? Sill, they are not convinced. They would like to have a meeting with you to discuss things and I said I would arrange it."
Jennifer did her best not to laugh when the good reverend made his "spiritual leader" comment and asked the preacher what he expected to get out of this.
"Well my dear, I am sure I can convince the parents that they are mistaken and in return, I expect to fuck that nice cunt of yours and your big tits whenever I want. I think it will become necessary for me to make pastoral visits to you on a weekly basis. When I come, I expect you to strip naked for me and get on your knees and suck me like the cheap little whore that you are."
Jennifer was about to tell the good reverend to go fuck himself when the air suddenly became thick as if it had turned to liquid. Everything seemed to slow down as if time halted for a few seconds. A voice that sounded like that of the picture demon whispered in Jennifer's ear. "Tell him you would be glad to meet with him and the ladies at three this afternoon."
Time returned to normal and Jennifer found herself telling the reverend that she would be happy to meet him and delegation of parents at three and that she was looking forward to the preacher's first pastoral visit.
After hanging up, Jennifer got out of bed and padded into the front room to look at the painting. "What exactly are you up to?" she asked it, but the painting remained silent like the inanimate object it was supposed to be.
After lunch, Jennifer returned to the front room to look at the day's entry in Samantha's diary.
Good morning my darling Jennifer. Our love making yesterday (though a hundred years in the future for me) was like nothing I had ever experienced before. I am sorry I had to trick you, but I could not let the demons know about our escape plans. I am so sorry about what you went through last night. It was the one degradation I avoided through my cowardice. I picked the petal too soon and though I made it back to the house on time and escaped the price, I paid a greater price upon leaving the house. I could not let that happen to you, so I hope you will forgive me for delaying you in the woods until it was too late.
Your deliverance is close at hand, however. The recipe will set you free. As for today, expect two midnights. Until we meet again Jennifer, be of stout heart for our deliverance is near at hand if we have the courage to seize it.
Two midnights pondered Jennifer, what does that mean? More importantly, Jennifer realized that she didn't know how to use the recipe or what exactly it would do. Jennifer recalled the large number of books in the library on the occult and witchcraft. Perhaps she might find an answer to her questions there as the books had belonged to Samantha. As for the meeting with the reverend and the parents, Jennifer shrugged her shoulders. Obviously the house wanted the meeting to take place and Jennifer was certain she would not like the reason or the outcome, but it was not like she had any choice in the matter.
Jennifer spent a couple of hours in the library poring over the dusty old books. She was close to giving up her search when she finally found something. She had found countless potions with bizarre ingredients but no mention of demon cum or black daisy petals until she found a hand written note on the back cover of a book on magical potions. It looked more like a poem than a recipe and Jennifer had a tough time making out the writing let alone understanding what it meant.
Black Daisy picked in full bloom
Though horror apon horror doest loom
One shall set thee free
Two for the ones who loves thee
To the demon numbered concoction you must add
Then once more to have all the demons you have had
Until exhausted they shall be
And one final kiss shall set thee free
Jennifer sighed. Did everyone have to speak in riddles? Glancing at her watch she saw it was a quarter to three, so she had to leave the pondering of the riddle until later and get ready for her meeting. When she got to her room, Jennifer had a surprise waiting for her. The house had apparently decided on her outfit for the meeting and it was laid out neatly on the bed. Jennifer was rather surprised at the nature of the outfit. She had half expected something whorish in an attempt to humiliate her, but instead it was a very prim and proper outfit. There was a white cotton blouse and a black knee length skirt. The bra and panties were a bit frilly but not overly so and the shoes were a sensible pair of low healed black loafers. When Jennifer dressed and looked at herself in the mirror, she appeared to be the very model of a prim and prude schoolteacher or maybe a librarian. There was even a pair of glasses on her dresser and a tie to put her hair up in a proper school marm fashion. The lenses in the glasses were apparently of plain glass as they did nothing to affect her vision when she put them on. Still suspicious of the ulterior motives of the house and the demons, Jennifer went downstairs to await her meeting.
Promptly at three, the doorbell rang and of course the damn thing opened just fine to let in the delegation. Besides the "good" Reverend Southerby, there were four couples. Once seated in the front room, the preacher performed introductions.
Jennifer was a bit surprised at the relative youth of the couples as none of them looked over 40. Palmerville she reflected, however, was the sort of small town where the girls married young and raised kids. Married at 18 or 19 they had kids who were that age now and they were still in their 30s.
One of the couples was black, Harold's and Heather's parents Jennifer found out as the reverend introduced Sam and Barbara Williams to her. Idly, Jennifer wondered if Harold had got his big cock from his dad and hurriedly tried to banish such lewd thoughts from her mind. Sally's parent, Sara and Jim were there as well. Sally had obviously got her red hair and her bust from her mother who had a set of knockers that almost rivaled Jennifer's pair. Tom's parents were there as well, Tom Sr. and Mary, a petite dark haired woman. The final couple were introduced as Boris and Natasha. Jennifer stifled a giggle wondering if they had named their kids Rocky and Bullwinkle and how in the heck the two ended up in Palmerville with names like that! Natasha was a very nice looking woman whose long raven colored hair reached well down her back. Jennifer found herself starting to undress the woman in her mind before catching herself and tuned back in to what Reverend Southerby was saying.
"Ladies and Gentlemen, I know you are all concerned about your children and ensuring that they are being given a proper moral upbringing, but I can personally assure you that Miss Marlowe here is a fine upstanding woman..."
"Fine upstanding women don't go riding around town stark naked on a horse after dark and seducing our children," sniffed Barbara Williams. "My only interest in coming here is to get this tramp run out of town." She turned to sneer at Jennifer. "You can either agree to go voluntarily dear or we will have you charged with public nudity and anything else we can think of. I think a judge would agree that your actions even constituted Ra*e."
"I don't know what you are talking about," Jennifer protested. "A horse? I don't own a horse so how could I be seen riding one let alone naked?"
"Listen you blonde bimbo," broke in Sara. "I saw you standing naked at the window the other day. You have no shame. You smiled and waved at us while you stood there with no clothes on for the world to see."
Jennifer blushed, but tried to rally. "I'm real sorry about that. I had just gotten up and I forgot for a second that I hadn't dressed when I went to look out the window."
"It was well after noon and you were just getting up," snorted Mary derisively. "We all know what kind of woman gets up that late and what they were doing the night before so that they slept so late."
"Yes, two bit whores," chimed in Natasha with a nasty edge in her voice. "And women who fuck animals in the town square if the reports from last night are to be believed!"
"Look, I don't have to sit here in my own house and take this," snapped Jennifer. "Unless you have some proof to back up these silly allegations, I suggest you leave! The good reverend told me about the things reported in the town square last night. Surely, you don't believe in centaurs and other mythical creatures?"
"This is pointless," said Barbara Williams and started to stand up. Just then a shudder ran through the house and the sky outside began to dim. Startled, Jennifer looked out the window and saw the sun starting to disappear. It was an eclipse, the second midnight in Samantha's diary. Jennifer felt her heart stop. The demons lost their power in daylight, but if the sun was lost in an eclipse then that might free the demons during the day! There was a startled shriek from behind Jennifer and Jennifer spun around to see her worst fears materializing. Barbara Williams had sat down in a big armchair and when she tried to get up, the armchair had literally grabbed her and held her in place. In fact, it looked like the arms on the chair had a set of hands that were busy groping the woman's large black jugs. The other women were being similarly fondled by arms that had materialized out of the other chairs and the sofa. The men looked on in shock as they saw their wives being fondled by the furniture.
"Ooops," said Jennifer. "I think the house has plans for you ladies. I suggest you relax and try and enjoy yourselves."
There was a wicked laugh coming from the painting and suddenly in a flash of light, the four women disappeared leaving Jennifer in the front room with the Reverend and the four husbands.
Barbara Williams suddenly found herself in another room of the house. It looked like it had been the children's room at one time as it was filled with stuffed animals of all types. There were cute cuddly teddy bears, dogs, monkeys, lions, tigers and other animals all over the place. Barbara looked around and found the door, but when she tried the knob, it wouldn't budge. As she fought with the door, her back to the room, she failed to notice the animals starting to stir and move. It was only when a crude voice spoke to her that she spun around to all the stuffed animals moving towards her with purpose.
"That is a nice looking ass you got there baby," said the teddy bear. "I can hardly wait to Ra*e it!" Barbara gazed down at the cute little bear in shock, and saw the huge cock between its' furry legs. In fact, all the animals were similarly endowed. There were toothy grins on their faces as they advanced on the shocked woman who turned and started to bang frantically on the door and screaming for help. She was still banging on the door when she felt furry hands seize her and drag her onto the floor where they began to tear at her clothes.
Sara found herself standing on the basement steps when the flash of light subsided. This can't be happening was all she could think. How could the sofa have come alive like that and start fondling her tits? How could she suddenly find herself on the basement stairs with no recollection of how she had got there? Sara turned to march up the stairs and quite failed to see the hands reaching for her. When the clawed hands seized her ankles and tugged it was far too late to do anything as she found herself under the stairs with a pack of evil looking creatures gathered around her.
"Ooo, this looks like the mother of the little bitch we were fucking the other night!" exclaimed Gold.
"I bet the mother is a better fuck," said Blue.
"Let's find out shall we?" asked Green and he reached down and ripped Sara's dress from her body.
"Look at the size of those boobs," giggled Yellow, "They will look nice with cum all over them don't you think?"
Sara began to scream at that point, but there was no one to hear her.
Mary found herself in the kitchen. Dazed she looked around wondering what the hell had happened to her. She tried to open the swinging door out of the kitchen but it refused to budge. She started to pound on it and holler for her husband, but to no avail. After a while she stopped and started looking for something that would help her get out of the kitchen. On the stove, a pot was burbling gently. When she lifted the lid, it smelled of chocolate. Curious despite the circumstances, she dipped her finger in the mixture and tasted it. Mmmm it was fudge.
"Well my dear," said a voice behind her. "Which would do you want in your pussy and which do you want in your ass?" Mary turned around to gawk at the tiny figure of Taz who was holding a stick of celery in one hand and large cucumber in the other. As Mary watched several dozen more small figures appeared around the kitchen and began to close in on her.
"Stay away from me!" screamed Mary and she grabbed for the frying pan intending to bash a few heads in.
"You know Mary, you look a lot like that Mary Tyler Moore on TV," grinned Taz. "You got spunk just like her. We like spunk. We like giving our spunk to women too! Now put down that frying pan Mary and start taking off your clothes. You tried our special recipe and as you are starting to find out, you don't have any choice but to do what we tell you!"
Mary gasped and put the fry pan down. Her hands went to the buttons on her blouse and she found herself starting to strip for the horrible little creatures.
Natasha found herself standing in the middle of a grove of trees in the overgrown garden behind the house. "What the fuck?" she began as she whirled around.
"He he he, did someone say fuck?" came a gravelly voice. It took Natasha several seconds to realize it was coming from a statue of a horse that was half concealed by the trees. The same trees whose vines were slithering across the ground towards the buxom dark haired woman. In her shock at being talked to by a statue, Natasha quite failed to notice the vines until they started to wrap themselves around her ankles. With a scream, Natasha tried to break free but quickly found herself spread eagled and suspended in mid air. As she watched in horror, the vines began to rip her clothing off and soon she was left stark naked. Her horror increased tenfold when she suddenly heard creaking as if stone were moving and the clip clopping of hooves and looked up to see the statue advancing on her. There was a huge erection hanging down from the thing and the tip glistened with a drop of precum,
"Mmm, I am going to enjoy mounting you whore," said the statue as it reached her. It rubbed its huge dick on her bare leg and grinned evilly at the naked woman. "You ever been fucked by a statue before?" Natasha started to scream, but it didn't do her any good.
Back in the front room, the Reverend and the four other men sat there blinking as the lights faded leaving them alone with Jennifer and wondering where their wives had gone.
"I demand to know what is going on here!" shouted Harold's dad starting to stand up. "What happened to my wife? Where is she?" His indignation was interrupted by another flash of light as the room transformed itself. Jennifer found herself standing on a stage, still dressed in her prim clothes, but holding onto a stripper pole. The rest of the front room was transformed into a smoky strip club with the Reverend and the other four men sitting at the table closest to the stage. As Jennifer gazed around in shock and horror, a voice came from nowhere.
"And now, appearing for the first time on stage, Miss Jennifer Marlowe. She wants to show you everything she has got because she is a real slut under those prim and proper clothes!" Rather than the bump and grind music that Jennifer expected, a soft melody began to play. Her heart pounding, Jennifer recognized the theme song from "To Sir With Love" and found her body starting to sway gently to the music. Jennifer undid the top two buttons on her blouse which showed a substantial amount of cleavage to the audience who began to call for her to take it all off.
Jennifer undid the band holding her hair back and shook her head while removing her glasses. Suddenly the prim school teacher look was being replaced by that of a sultry tigress as she continued to sway to the music. One by one she undid the buttons on her blouse, aware of the five men gazing at her body as she moved around the stage. Jennifer could sense people or things sitting at all the other tables in the bar, but she could not catch a glimpse of them in the darkened room. Only the table with the five men was close enough to the stage lights to make them out and their eyes were glued to her boobs as she undid the last button on her blouse and held it open for them to see her goodies. Jennifer smiled and dropped the blouse to the floor, kicking it towards the audience with her foot. It landed on the table and Jennifer saw Tom Sr. pick it up and smiled up at her as she jiggled about on the walkway.
Next to go was her skirt and Jennifer wiggled her ass as she strutted her stuff on the stage. Part of her mind was screaming at the other part asking it what the hell she was doing, while the other part stuck out its tongue and wiggled its ass. When Jennifer reached for the front clasp on her bra, she knew that the five pairs of eyes were focused on her heaving bosom and she teased them for several long seconds, hesitating as if she might change her mind, but then her hands fell and down fluttered the bra leaving her massive orbs exposed. Another minute of wiggling and off came the panties and Jennifer stood naked on the stage smiling at the five men.
"How about a lap dance sweetie?" called Tom Sr. and gestured towards his lap where there was a very noticeable bulge in his pants. In fact, all five men had large tents forming in their pants. Jennifer jiggled over and lowered herself onto Tom Sr's lap and began to grind her ass into the hard cock. As Jennifer sat their jiggling, Sam Williams reached out and cupped one of her large tits in each hand and began to squeeze and caress them. As Jennifer looked around she saw Jim, Boris and the Reverend all rubbing their cocks through their pants.
"Hey boys, why don't you take those things out before they poke a hole through your pants?" she asked them. The men looked a little startled at her sluttyness, but they didn't need to be asked twice and soon had their rigid cocks in their hands stroking them. Still watching her intently as she got up and knelt down in front of Tom Sr. Jennifer's nimble hands undid his belt and pulled down his zipper before pulling his swollen cock into view. Enraptured, they watched the nude blonde run her tongue around the head of Tom's cock, licking it like a lollypop. "Mmmm, tasty," murmered Jennifer as she licked a drop of precum from the tip.
Sam was kneeling behind her now, his hands still cupping her full breasts as she opened her lips and let Tom's cock head slide into her mouth. Jennifer felt Sam fumbling with his belt and then as her mouth engulfed Tom's dick and took it deep into her throat, she felt a huge slab of meat smack her in the ass. Jennifer glanced briefly over her shoulder and gasped when she saw the 15 inches that Sam had to offer. Harold certainly had gotten his cock from his dad thought Jennifer as she watched Sam rubbing his hardening cock over her ass. "Do you want me to fuck you with my big black snake?" laughed Sam as pressed himself against Jennifer, his hands roaming over her body as she continued to blow Tom. Jennifer couldn't talk with her mouth full, but she did nod and moan which he took for a yes. Sam reached down and slid a finger into Jennifer's pussy. "Mmmm you are wet and ready," he laughed again and slid just the huge tip of his cock head into Jennifer's pussy. Jennifer moaned as she felt the huge bulbous head enter her and she redoubled her sucking on Tom's dick. Inch by black inch, Sam slid his cock into Jennifer's well lubricated pussy and when he had every inch inside her, he began to pump his monster meat in and out of the moaning Jennifer.
Impaled on one end by Tom's cock in her mouth and at the other with Sam's big black dick in her pussy, Jennifer was thrust from pillar to post or make that cock to cock as the two men began to rock her back and forward between them. There were loud slapping sounds as Sam's big balls smacked into Jennifer with each stroke and there were muffled gagging sounds as Jennifer had her face fucked by Tom. Tits bouncing up and down, Jennifer felt Tom's cock tighten in her mouth and she knew what that meant. She was right and a few seconds later a huge wad of cum exploded into her mouth. Tom continued to slide his cock into Jennifer's cum filled mouth and she was forced to swallow his load. A few minutes later, Sam gave a great cry and he dumped his load of cum into her pussy. The two men pulled their dripping cocks out of Jennifer and only then did she become aware of the other three man standing over her naked body and jerking their cocks. One by one, Jim, Boris and the Reverend began to shoot their loads onto her face and tits until huge wads of cum trailed down Jennifer's face. Unheard by the men, Jennifer could hear the painting demon laugh as it watched the men shoot their loads over the busty blonde slut.
Out in the kitchen, things were also heating up. Sweet, petite little Mary was on her back on the kitchen table with her legs spread wide as one of the kitchen gnomes shoved a huge dildo made of lime jello into her pussy. The mold was a custom made job, smirked Taz as he rubbed his cock over her cheek. Mary sobbed as she looked down and saw the green wobbly dick bringing her closer and closer to a climax. "That's it my dear," cum real good and soak that thing with your juices. When you do, we will put it in your mouth next" said Taz conversationally as if he was discussing the weather.
"Please no, don't!" begged Mary in horror but then she couldn't keep it back any longer and she climaxed in a magnificent burst of pleasure. Then while she was still basking in the glow, the kitchen gnomes lived up to their promised and shoved the pussy juice drenched jello dildo into her mouth and began to fuck it as she gagged and squealed.
There was also gagging and squealing going on under the stairs as the stair demons gang raped Sara. Tears were streaming from her eyes as she knelt naked on the dirt floor with her big tits hanging down heavily. Gold has his cock in her mouth and was pulling her head up and down on it. Green was under her with his cock in her pussy and his hands holding her big tits while Blue had his huge cock in her ass, thrusting deep into her with every stroke. Sara's mind reeled and threatened to snap as she tried to cope with what was happening to her. One second she was talking to the bimbo in the front room then the chair came alive and grabbed her tits and then poof she was here being raped by these...these things. She could see the gold cock slamming in and out of her mouth and feel the other two cocks taking her pussy and ass hard. This can't be happening she wanted to wail, but no sound other than a gagging sucking sound escaped her mouth and then she felt the dick in her mouth tense. Oh no! The things was going to cum in her mouth where she had never let anyone, including her husband cum. Sara only had a few seconds to come to grips with what was going to happen to her and then she felt a warm spurt of cum splash into her mouth. More and more of the sticky fluid poured into her mouth and Sara was forced to swallow her first taste of cum or else be suffocated by the huge amount of liquid pouring into her mouth. When Gold finished and pulled his cock out of her mouth, Sara took in deep gulping breaths of fresh air and only then did she recall the two other dicks fucking her. With a cackling laugh, Green and Blue shot their loads inside her pussy and ass leaving her pretty much drenched in their cum.
When the three demons pulled out Sara felt a slight shiver of hope run through her that she would be allowed to leave. When she wiped the tears from her eyes though, all she saw were demons of every color and hue gathering around her. With all their multitude of colors, the demons shared one thing in common. They all had hard cocks that they were stroking and they were all looking at Sara like she was a fuck toy for their use. Sara started to wail but a huge Red cock was shoved into her mouth and the gang Ra*e continued.
In the children's room, Barbara Williams' chocolate brown body was buried underneath a mass of roiling stuffed toys. Stuffed toys with hard pulsing cocks that is. She tried to push them off her, but the held her down. The horrible grinning teddy bear was rubbing its cock all around her lips as it clung to her face by her hair. It pressed its hardness against her lips demanding entrance and she clenched her teeth shut. Suddenly the bear gave her hair a powerful tug that made her open her mouth in reflex to scream in pain and its cock slid inside. Barbara's eyes bulged out in horror and fear as she felt the hard cock slide deeper into her mouth. She bit down as hard as she could on it, but the creature just laughed. "Ooo that feels good bitch, use your teeth some more!"
That was nearly the last coherent thought that Barbara had as she felt her legs being parted and something slid a cock into her pussy. She felt dozens of furry bodies rubbing themselves all over her naked form and felt a dozen hard cocks slither over her flesh. A cock was placed in each of her hands and Barbara surrendered totally and began to jerk the throbbing pieces of cock meat as her face and pussy were fucked.
Out in the garden Natasha lay spread eagled by the plants. She watched the stone statue of a horse walk towards her. This was just not possible! Statues did not move, but this was walking towards her. In every aspect but one it looked like stone. The one incongruent part was the all to real fleshy looking horse sized cock dripping precum as the thing lumbered forward, humming to itself in happy anticipation. It moved between her legs leering down at the helpless woman. Natasha whimpered as the statue rubbed its huge cock against her bare thigh.
"No.....please don't!" she begged it.
The statue just gave a gravelly laugh and stepped forward so the head of its massive cock rubbed against her pussy lips. Natasha looked down and saw the massive piece of meat poised to enter her most sacred place. She whimpered one more time and closed her eyes. They popped open a second later as she screamed as the huge thick cock thrust deep insider her. Held suspended by the vines there was nothing she could do as the huge cock sunk deep into her cunt. It felt like it was going to split her in two as the statue held it insider her as deep as he could go then oh so slowly pulled it back out....only to jam back in a hard swift stroke. Natasha started to scream as it continued to do this over and over again.....besides her screams all that could be heard was the laughing of the trees as they watched her get fucked hard and deep and waited for their turn.
While an eclipse only lasts a few minutes, the house had a very strong magical field and minutes outside became hours inside. The magic also sustained the five men were enjoying their session with Jennifer in the transformed front room. Jennifer was now on her hands and knees on the stage while the unseen crowd laughed as they watched her being fucked by the five men. Reverend Southerby was happily fucking her mouth while Jim was laying under her with his prick in her pussy and his hands caressing her large boobs. Boris had his cock buried to the hilt in her ass while she gave Tom and Sam hand jobs. Every now and then the men would switch positions and continue to fuck her as hard as they could. At one point while the Reverend was sliding his cock between Jennifer's lips, Sam walked around in front of Jennifer and gestured for the Rev to keep his cock in her mouth and for Jennifer to open up wider. Jennifer's eyes bulged wide as she opened her jaws as much as she could to take the second cock into her mouth. To say her mouth was stuffed full was an understatement as the two men pushed their cocks into her mouth in unison. Synchronized cock sucking thought Jennifer....the next demonstration sport at the Olympics. If it was she was sure to win a gold medal she figured as the two big cock heads slid in and out of her mouth until they came simultaneously giving her a double dose of sperm.
When the eclipse finally ended and the front room shimmered back into place, the five men stood there looking down at the naked and cum covered Jennifer laying on the rug.
"Man, you are a good fuck baby," said Sam appreciatively and the others nodded their agreement.
"Hey where are our wives?" asked Tom. As they started to look around, Mary staggered in from the kitchen, her body dripping with the cum of the kitchen gnomes. Tom hurried over to her and started to put his arms around her and then stopped when he saw the gooey mess her body was. "Umm, is there someplace we can clean this stuff off her?" he asked Jennifer.'
"There is a pool out back," said Jennifer getting up off the floor and leading the way to the back of the house. As they got to the back stairs, Sara staggered up them, also covered in cum and dirt from her gang bang in the basement. They gathered her up and went outside where they found a hysterical and naked Natasha sobbing as she lay on the ground.
"It came alive!" she screamed and pointed to the motionless statue. "It came alive and that beast fucked me!" she wailed.
Not sure what else to do the men herded their wives to the pool and pushed them in to wash the cum off them. Jennifer jumped in to clean up also and as she backstroked across the pool showing off her tits to the men, Barbara Williams finally burst out of the house and like the others she had big wads of cum dripping from her body. She flung herself into the pool burbling something about being raped by a bunch of stuffed toys. After the women had all cleaned up and started to calm down, their husbands took them home. Most of them had to borrow some clothes from Jennifer has theirs were in various states of shredding. As they left, Jennifer felt a slight pang of guilt for letting them get treated like that, but she also was hoping that maybe they would come back for another visit. She had gotten to know the husbands, but Jennifer had experienced a few twinges of desire when she saw the four naked women. In particular she found Mary very sexy, especially because of her uncanny resemblance to a young Mary Tyler Moore. I bet she can turn my world on with her smile, thought Jennifer when she saw woman. I would have loved to have licked her tits clean of all that nasty cum.
After everyone had gone, Jennifer looked at her watch and was quite surprised to see it was barely past four and they had spent at least a half hour out in the pool. She still had a long time to wait until Midnight and this night she knew the picture demon was coming for her. The thought sent a thrill up her spine of fear and excitement. He would provide the last sample of cum she needed, but what form would it take? The picture was at best a very abstract rendering of something hard to identify.
When midnight finally approached, Jennifer decided she was not going to wait cowering in bed for the demon to come take her. Instead she put on her robe and walked down to the front room and sat there waiting for the clock to strike midnight. With any luck this would be the last degradation she would have to endure. When the clock finished tolling, the whole house went quiet as if in anticipation of what was to cum. Seconds ticked by and finally the painting start to swell and distort as the demon came through into the real world. When Jennifer saw what was emerging, she thought her sanity might leave her right there and then. She would have run but what good would it have done and frankly she was too terrified to move. She had thought the horse had been bad, but this was worse. What finally slithered from the painting was a ten foot long worm. It was twice as thick around as a human with a white pulsing stomach and a ribbed and jointed exoskeleton that flexed as it crawled towards her. When it spoke, Jennifer knew with horrible certainty what was going to happen to her.
"It is payback time bitch," said the worm. "You thought it was fun to tease me the other day? While I spent a lot of time deciding on what form I would take for my revenge and this is it. I am going to Ra*e you my dear Jennifer. Your sweet luscious body is going to be defiled by this slimy worm. I am going to crawl up on top of you and fuck your poor little slut brains out. You can scream if you want. I would enjoy that. Maybe you would rather beg me to fuck you and prove once and for all what a cheap slut you are?"
When Jennifer didn't respond but just stood thee gaping in mute horror, the worm reared up so it towered over the petrified woman and pushed her back onto the rug. Jennifer's gown fell off leaving her naked and the worm slithered on top of her. Jennifer could feel the slime encrusted stomach of the thing moving over her body, pressing against her tits.
"The nice thing about having magic is the nifty things you can do with it," said the worm as it rubbed itself against Jennifer's nude body. "Like this!" and suddenly the worm grew three large cocks out of its underside, and each stabbed down to find a target. One smashed into Jennifer's pussy, the second between her slack lips and the third settled between her massive boobs and began to slide in and out. "I told you I was going to get you girl," said the worm. "The statue may have got you first, but I am going to get you better! Are you enjoying this my dear?"
Jennifer felt her sanity slipping away as she lay pinned under the slimy obscene creature that was fucking her. Over and over she kept thinking that this could not be happening to her. This could not be happening to her! She was not being fucked by what amounted to a ten foot earth worm. The cocks in her mouth and pussy were hard to deny as they thrust deep and hard into her. Gagging and sucking sounds were all that came from her mouth and the cock in her cunt made horrible squishing noises as it slid in and out. Suddenly there was a warm spurt of liquid on her tits and she realized that the cock between her breasts had cum and was pouring semen all over her jugs.
"That is one baby," said the worm as the other two cocks continued to drive into her. The cock in her mouth was a brute. It was ridged and coated with slime that helped it slide deeper into Jennifer's throat. When it finally came, a great gusher of cum poured into Jennifer's mouth and down into her stomach.
"Two down slut," cackled the worm. "One to go. Hmmm I wonder if I can get you pregnant when I let my load go in your tight little cunt?" That possibility had never occurred to Jennifer and she would have screamed at that point, but the worm still had its cock inside her mouth and she had trouble finding enough air to breath let alone enough breath to scream with. "Oh baby, here it cums," cried the worm with glee and a stunned Jennifer felt the worm shoot a load deep inside her pussy. "Ahhhhhh," said the worm "that felt good. Now roll over you whore and let me fuck that ass of yours next!"
Numbly, Jennifer rolled over onto her stomach, feeling the worm's cum trickling from her raped pussy onto the rug. The deep soft rug caressed her nipples as Jennifer lay there and hard the worm slithering behind her. Her sanity hung by a thread as she felt its weight settle onto her back and the head of one of it's huge cocks rub over her bare ass. Jennifer screamed and screamed and screamed as she felt the head of the thick cock penetrate her ass. A slimy cock, as thick as her forearm began to pound in and out of her ass and Jennifer knew the worm was just getting started.