Chapter 12.1
All Hallows Eve
When the picture demon manifested itself as a ten foot earth worm and proceeded to crawl on top of Jennifer and Ra*e her, she came the closest she had yet to losing her sanity. She felt its slimy belly rubbing on her big soft breasts, while the thing grew cocks and plunged them into every hole she had. Who wouldn't lose it just a bit if they looked up to see this obscenity on top of them, a huge cock pistoning into their mouth while equally large members stabbed into your ass and pussy?
For it's part, the picture demon had waited a long time for this night and it was not going to just cum and let her crawl away. The great thing about being a demon thought the picture demon as it fucked Jennifer relentlessly was that you could cum as many times as you wanted and still be hard. The demon felt Jennifer's body thrashing around underneath it and sensed the woman's horror and revulsion and being a demon it liked what it felt. With a cry, the worm shot blasted a huge load into the human's mouth. Cum bubbled out of the woman's lips and ran down her chin. This puny human had taunted it, and that was something demons tended not to like very much. With a little concentration, the demon made the cock in her mouth rock hard again and once more began to Ra*e her mouth. My oh my this was fun thought the demon as it sent another load into the human whore's pussy. The demon was actually a bit surprised and even impressed that the slut was still conscious.
Most humans went into hysterics and often fainted dead away before it could Ra*e them. Sometimes, they just plain died of horror. That fainting and dying thing often put a damper on things thought the demon. On the whole, it is so much more fun to Ra*e someone who is alive and / or awake and struggling than someone who is unconscious and / or dead. It is hard to stay motivated when your victim is not whimpering and moaning. The last time it had gotten a human woman, the demon had only managed to cum fourteen times before having to slither off to the netherhell it spent the day in. With any luck, if this human slut stayed awake and relatively sane, the demon figures she should be good for at least twice that number of climaxes, maybe more. Pleased with the sensations it was receiving, the demon found itself humming a tune it had heard on that thing humans called a radio under its breath as it drove its cocks in and out of Jennifer.
If I said you had a beautiful body, would you hold it against me.
If I swore you liked an angel, would you treat me like a devil tonight....
When dawn finally came, the demon had just finished pumping its thirty seventh load into Jennifer's mouth. A new world record thought the demon as it faded away back into the picture .... maybe I should send it in to those Guinness people or maybe that Dean Cain fellow would be willing to come tape a show at the house....I wonder if he could bring Terry Hatcher with him?
Jennifer staggered to her feet and dripping cum all the way, got to the kitchen with her precious thirteenth mouthful of demon cum. The loathsome mixture started to swell up when she spit the picture demon's seed into it and she quickly had to find a bigger container to put it in. The only thing big enough was a big stock pot. Yuck thought Jennifer as she put the lid on the roiling mixture of demon cum and headed for the shower.
"Hlar, Hlox? Are you here?" I sure could use some help cleaning up, moaned Jennifer as she stepped under the warm water.
"We are here Jennifer," whispered Hlar and Jennifer felt the female water sprite's soft hands running over her breasts.
I sure hope this escape plan works, said Jennifer as she sagged back against the shower wall. She felt something hard poking against her leg and reached down to give Hlox a hand job as the water rushed over her body and cleaned the cum away. "Mmmmmmm, not that I am complaining or anything, bu t how is that you two can manifest yourselves like this during the day when the others can't?"
" That is because we are not true demons, but water sprites, explained Hlox who continued to clean Jennifer off while enjoying her hand wrapped around his cock.
"Hmmm, is that going to affect the recipe?" worried Jennifer as she thought that over.
"No, mon cheri," whispered Hlar. "Demon cum is a rather loose translation of the recipe. It only has to be cum from thirteen magical creatures so you have nothing to worry about. As that fat female cook on television might say, water sprite cum is a very acceptable substitute when real demon cum is hard to find."
"Mmmmm that is good," sighed Jennifer and she relaxed and let Hlar and Hlox bring her to a nice climax before slipping off to her bed.
When Jennifer woke up, she was immediately beset by anxiety. She had the ingredients for the recipe including the petals from the black daisy but how exactly was she to use the recipe to escape? In her rush to get back to the house, she had not gotten that critical information from Samantha who certainly possessed it. Would Samantha's diary have the answer? Jennifer hurried down to the front room and keeping a wary eye on the picture demon she quickly scanned Samantha's last entry.
My darling Jennifer, this will be the last entry in my diary. Since my visions of the future show only you in the house, I will either escape tonight or perish for I doubt I can last another year in this house without losing my soul to the demons and becoming one of them.
Jennifer paused after reading the last sentence. What if Samantha had not escaped the house but had indeed remained trapped in the house and lost her soul to the demons. If that was true then everything Samantha had told her was suspect and this might be nothing than an elaborate trap on the part of the demons to capture her also forever. With this doubt eating at her, Jennifer turned back to the diary and felt her doubts mount as she continued to read the hundred year old words.
I must now tell you how the recipe works and I hope your courage does not falter at the horridness of it. You must add the petal from the black daisy to the mixture of cum from thirteen demons and then drink it as the clock tolls midnight. This will give you a sexual energy and stamina far beyond anything a mortal could possess. You must then have sex with every demon in the house who has previously taken you until they are exhausted. At the first light o f dawn, the front door will open and you will then be able to walk through it and be free of the house forever. Good fortune to you my sweet Jennifer and freedom.
Jennifer read and reread the entry in the diary trying to decide what to do. Part of what Samantha said matched with the rhyme on the scrap of paper she had found in the library though there were still some missing pieces. Jennifer felt revulsion in the pit of her stomach at the thought of having to drink the vile mixture of demon cum which roiled around in the huge stock pot in the kitchen. It looked even worse than some of those diet milkshakes that she had tried. And even worse, she would have to fuck all the demons again for the entire night until she exhausted them! How many times would she have to fuck the horse statue or the picture demon / worm to exhaust them? Was it even possible? Was the whole thing a setup by the demons to degrade her once more. She could imagine the statue laughing as she got down on her knees in front of it and begged it to fuck her. it was the kind of sadistic little joke they would enjoy and then after she debased herself totally, she would still be a prisoner in the house and their fuck toy for another year.
Was Samantha a part of some elaborate joke by the demons or was she sincere in her love and desire to help me escape? In a previous entry, Samantha had claimed that Jennifer would have to go to town to learn how to use the recipe from the librarian who had turned out to be Samantha. Samantha had then contrived to make Jennifer late in returning so that she had had to endure the fucking by the centaur in the town square. Was that the act of a friend? Why could Samantha all of a sudden tell Jennifer the secret of the recipe when earlier she had claimed she could not write it down? Head spinning, Jennifer decided that more than anything she needed to talk to Samantha and get some straight answers. She picked up the phone and dialed the number of the library.
"The number you have dialed is no longer in service," came the computer voice. Jennifer redialed the number, sure she must have dialed it wrong for why would the library phone no longer be in service? When she got the same nasal voice, she hung up and sat back puzzled. It must be some type of glitch with the phone company, but that didn't help her now. Jennifer had to find and talk to Samantha before midnight tonight and the only way she could do that it looked like, was by driving into town which meant a visit to the statue in the garden. Sighing, Jennifer got up and headed for the back door. When she reached the statue it was smirking at her as if expecting her.
"He he, I see my rival got you last night," snickered the statue. "Did you prefer getting fucked by a centaur or a worm? Hmmmm? Did you come back for another taste of my warm cum so you could compare the two while he is still fresh in your mind? And why do you want to go to town my little slut? Do you need to buy some candy for the kids when they cum trick or treating? You don't need could be the treat and turn tricks to make all your visitors happy. Mmm, I can just picture you giving blow jobs instead of candy apples!"
"Why don't you just go fuck yourself?" asked Jennifer as she began to undo the buttons on her blouse. "Let me get this over with so I can go to town."
"Ahhh, you want to talk to Samantha do you?" jeered the statue. "You place too much faith in her. She is using you. The recipe will not do what she says it will. Instead it will transfer all your youth to her and she will both be free and have her youth back. Give up this foolish plan. If you stay with us, you will have your youth for eternity and we will spend that eternity fucking. There are rooms in the house you have never even seen yet and a million delights awaiting you."
"I don't want to see them," replied Jennifer trying to qualm her doubts as she finished removing her clothes. "It is a well known fact that demons lie, so why should I believe you? With that, Jennifer crawled under the statue and began to lick its huge erect cock. The statue demon gave up its' attempts at speech and contented itself with moans of pleasure as Jennifer's tongue licked up and down its throbbing cock. Jennifer licked the drop of precum from the hole at the end and wrapped her lips tightly around the cock head to suck out more precum before beginning to slide more and more of the big meat into her mouth. She drooled as much saliva on the demon cock as she could and began to pump it with her hands as she continued to bob her head up and down on the slippery boner. The mixture of precum and saliva made a great lubricant and Jennifer soon was taking every inch down her throat. For its part, the statue bucked its hips and thrust its cock into her face. Finally, it could hold back no longer and keeping its cock buried down her throat with its huge balls resting on Jennifer's chin, it shot its hot scalding load of cum into Jennifer.
Jennifer, stood up, wiped the cum from her lips and put some on her panties which she hung on the horse cock and began to walk away.
"Don't trust Samantha," called out the statue. "Stay with us and you can taste my sweet cum every day for the rest of eternity. You know you want to do that. You know you want to be our slut forever! Jennifer's steps faltered slightly, but she stiffened her resolve and ran back into the house to dress for town.
It was only when Jennifer reached her room that she remembered the second parcel that Samantha had sent her and the instructions not to open it until today. Curious, Jennifer took out the parcel and with trembling hands opened it. What she found inside was apparently meant to be a Halloween costume. It was a witches costume, but a la Elvira. There was a long black dress, slit up to the thigh on both sides and cut so low in the front that little was left to the imagination of any viewer about the bust size of the wearer. There was a tall black pointed hat, a black lacy pair of panties and a pair of six inch high spiked heels. Hmm, no bra thought Jennifer as she inspected the costume, but with that low cut dress a bra would not be much good. At the bottom of the package were a pair of silver earrings in the shape of bats and a plain silver chain that went around her neck.
what the hell, thought Jennifer. I might as well wear this for the trip to town and put it on. On the way out the door, she caught a glimpse of herself in her mirror and decided she looked very much the slut in this outfit.
Anxious, Jennifer drove into town and stopped in front of the library and gaped. She was gaping because there was no library. The lot where the library had stood was overgrown with weeds and here and there a few tumbled rocks lay tracing what might have once been a wall. Jennifer got out of the car and stood staring at the "library" unable to know what to do next. A woman Jennifer didn't know walked by and Jennifer grabbed her arm and demanded to know that had happened to the library.
"Library?" echoed the woman in surprise. "We don't have a library or at least we haven't had one for a 100 years when it burnt down. They tried rebuilding it a few times, but there were always accidents and strange things happening on the construction site and they finally just gave up. We drive over to Hooterville and use their library." The woman snatched her arm back from Jennifer, gave a slight sniff of disapproval at Jennifer's revealing dress and walked away.
Jennifer returned to the car and sat in it shaking. What was the truth and who was telling it? Finally, Jennifer put her car into gear and roared off. There was only one other place that she could think of to look for Samantha. As Jennifer sped out of town, in search of Samantha, her search was cut short by the sound of a police siren. I don't believe this, thought Jennifer, on the day that might decide the fate of my eternal soul, I get stopped for speeding! Jennifer pulled over to the side of the road and waited in her car for the cop to get out and walk up to her. She was mildly surprised that their were two cops, a man and a woman. The male cop was middle aged with a bit of a pot belly and a swagger in his walk. The woman was young and strikingly good looking with long dark hair, big blue eyes, tanned skin and a bust that threatened to explode out of her uniform.
Jennifer rolled down her window and the male cop leaned in, which gave him a good look down her dress. " You was going a might over the speed limit there missy," drawled the Sheriff. "Can I see your drivers license please?
"i am real sorry Sheriff," replied Jennifer. "I am in a real hurry and I wasn't paying too much attention to how fast I was going. I don't suppose you could see your way clear to letting me go? I promise not to speed again," replied Jennifer as she handed over her license.
The Sheriff took her license and glanced at it before taking another long glance at her cleavage. "Miss Jennifer Marlowe huh? Well I have heard a thing or two about you from my buddy Sam in town."
Jennifer jumped a bit at the mention of Sam's name. Sam had been one of the husbands that Jennifer had entertained during the eclipse the previous day. "I don't know what you have heard Sheriff, but if you are going to give me a ticket then can we hurry up please? I really have to get someplace soon."
"Well now, drawled the Sheriff", I think I am going to have to take you back to town. Some people have claimed to have seen your riding naked through the town on a horse and maybe even doing other things. Public lewdness would be a good charge."
Jennifer's heart hammered in her chest. She glanced at the sky and saw the sun heading across the sky and she knew she didn't have much time left. She didn't much care about the price the statue demon might exact anymore, but she suspected that looking for Samantha at the sun god temple after sunset would be futile and that she needed to get there while the sun was still high in the sky. "Surely you don't believe all the silly stores people are spreading about do you Sheriff?" pleaded Jennifer.
"It is not a matter of whether I believe them or not, replied the Sheriff with a smile. "I have a sworn duty to uphold the law and investigate any charges made, but...." and he paused to look at Jennifer pointedly.
"But?" asked Jennifer.
"While you could pay he fine for speeding right here and as for the rest of the charges, I would be willing to wait until you came down to the station tomorrow to discuss them."
Jennifer breathed a sigh of relief and reached for her purse. "How much is the speeding ticket Sheriff?"
"Oh you don't need money to pay for the ticket," smiled the Sheriff. "You can just get out of that car and use that sweet little mouth of yours to pay off the ticket."
Jennifer gaped at the Sheriff. "You mean, you want me" sputtered Jennifer unable to believe what she was hearing.
"I sure do," replied the Sheriff. He rubbed his crotch and leered at Jennifer. "Suck me off and I forget the ticket! From everything I have heard, it is not like you haven't done it before. You have a reputation around town as being a regular whore." The sheriff gave a funny little laugh that sounded more like a woman's giggle and which made Jennifer's skin crawl. She looked over at the female deputy who was just standing beside the Sheriff and saying nothing.
"Hey honey," drawled the deputy. "You can either do what Sheriff Rosco here says or we can drag your ass back into town and throw you in jail. I hope you decide to do the former because I want to watch him fucking your face."
The Sheriff giggled again. "You tell her Daisy. Now missy, what will it be? Are you going to go down on me or do we take you in?"
Jennifer sighed. What did it really matter she thought. A blowjob here and there was nothing compared to what she had gone through in the last week and what was going to happen tonight. "Ok," Jennifer agreed. "Where do you want to do this?"
The Sheriff gave another giggle and pointed to the road in front of the car. "No need to go anywhere missy. You can get on your knees and blow me on the side of the road there."
"What? Are you crazy? On a pubic highway? What if people drive by?" protested Jennifer.
"Shoot, they will just see a whore doing what she does best," laughed the Sheriff. "Now either get out and start sucking or I run you in."
Jennifer knew she didn't have any choice in the matter and she got out of the car and walked to the front of the car where she sank slowly to her knees on the side of the road. Sheriff Rosco came up to her and she unbuckled his belt and pulled his cock out with trembling hands and slid it into her mouth. She had felt humiliation at the hands of the demons, but somehow this was almost worse. Forced to kneel and suck on this hard cock on a public road raised her shame to new levels. For his part, Sheriff Rosco was enjoying it immensely as he slid his cock in and out of Jennifer's lips. It was just when Jennifer had taken his entire cock into her mouth and felt his balls banging against her chin that she felt another set of hands on her. Panicked, Jennifer tried to get away, but the Sheriff held her head in place on his cock and the other pair of hands undid the zipper on Jennifer's dress so it fell and exposed her breasts to the warm afternoon air. Out of the corner of her eyes, Jennifer could see Deputy Daisy standing behind her and the dark hair woman reached around Jennifer to cup a breast in each hand. Unable to utter a word of protest around the big hunk of meat fucking her face, Jennifer could do nothing but kneel there as the female deputy began to play with her nipples and caress her breasts.
"I forgot to mention that Deputy Daisy, likes girls" panted Sheriff Rosco as he continued to shove his cock in and out of Jennifer's mouth.
"Mmmmmmmmmmmm, was all that Jennifer could muster as she felt Daisy running her hands all over her body and removing the rest of her clothes so that the busty blonde was soon naked on the side of the road. Jennifer felt two warm points on her back and realized that the deputy had undone her blouse and was rubbing her ample boobs on Jennifer's back. Even as Jennifer figured this could not get any worse, a car drove bye giving the driver an eyeful of the goings on at the side of the road. The distraction of the car caused Jennifer not to notice Daisy's fingers working their way between her legs until suddenly two fingers slipped into the wetness of Jennifer's snatch.
"The bitch is wet Sheriff," said Deputy Daisy as she took her fingers out and licked them off.
"Well that will make your usual fun a little easier, commented the Sheriff as he continue to bang his cock into Jennifer's gaping mouth. Jennifer wondered what that meant, but she didn't have long to wonder. Behind her, Deputy Daisy took out her rubber coated steel truncheon and with a smile rammed it home into Jennifer's pussy. Jennifer would have bitten down on the cock in her mouth at the sudden violation, but the Sheriff was apparently expecting such a reaction and held her jaws open until Jennifer got accustomed to the big stick in her ussy. "Just relax missy and enjoy it," ordered Sheriff Rosco as he continued his assault on Jennifer's mouth while Deputy Daisy used her night stick like a dildo to fuck Jennifer harder and faster. Soon, despite herself, Jennifer found herself moaning and groaning as her pussy and mouth were both fucked. A number of cars went bye on the highway, all slowing down to get a good long look at the bimbo sucking cock on the side of the road. Jennifer even imagined she heard cameras taking pictures and she wanted to wail.
"Ahhhhhhhhhh," moaned the Sheriff, "Here it cums girly. Get ready for my big creamy load!" Jennifer blinked back tears of pain and pleasure and suddenly her mouth was filled up with warm goo. The Sheriff pulled his dick out of her mouth and shot another wad on Jennifer's big tits just as the blonde was brought to her own climax by the cock n her pussy. Gasping and spent, Jennifer knelt on he side of the road as the Sheriff put his cock away. Deputy Daisy, her big well tanned tits hanging out of her blouse, walked in front of he stunned Jennifer and bent down to kiss her full on the lips. After a long kiss, the other woman stood up, buttoned up her blouse and got back in the police car with the Sheriff. The Sheriff tipped is hat to her as he pulled out and drove off leaving Jennifer to gather up her clothes and stagger back to her car.
Still wiping the Sheriff's cum off her face, Jennifer glanced at the sky and the position of the sun and headed at the fastest legal speed for the site where she had first met Samantha. Holding her high heels in one hand, Jennifer set off through the woods heading for the shrine. When she got there, however, the clearing was deserted with no sign of Samantha anywhere. Jennifer fell to the ground sobbing, her mind reeling from everything that had happened to it. Great wracking sobs shook her body as she knelt there on the grass crying. Suddenly, there was a soft voice and soft hands stroking her hair.
"Jennifer, please don't cry," said Samantha as she crouched over the prostrate blonde. "I am here, but you shouldn't be. You should be back at the house getting ready for tonight."
"Oh Samantha, I am so glad I found you," sobbed Jennifer as she clung to the other woman. "I think I have found a way for us both to be free and to be together!"
"Sshhhhh," whispered Samantha as she continued to softly stroke Jennifer's hair. "There is no hope for me my dear Jennifer. I can only have this illusion of youth for a few minutes when the sun is high. And when you escape from the house, I will finally be released and able to move on."
"Move on?" queried Jennifer. "You mean you will die when I leave the house?"
Samantha shrugged. "I don't know what will happen Jennifer, but I will welcome it. I have lived a hundred years as an old woman waiting for you to set me free. You will escape and set us both free."
"But, I think have found a way to restore your youth and to have us both go free," cried Jennifer pulling out the scrap of paper from her purse that she had found in the library. "I took two petals from the black daisy. I think if we both drink the potion at midnight and go through the ritual with the demons together then we can leave the house at dawn through the power of a kiss."
Samantha gaped at Jennifer and at the note. "I....I don't know," Samantha wailed full of uncertainty. "I am not sure I can go through with go back to that house and" she broke off unable to continue.
"You kept telling me in your diary to have courage," " countered Jennifer. "Now listen to your own advice and do the same." At that moment, Jennifer made her a decision. For better or for worse she was going to trust Samantha and not the demons. She was going to put all her faith in the other woman and trust that Samantha would not betray her. Somehow if you had a choice between trusting a beautiful woman and trusting demons, the beautiful woman seemed like the better bet.
"I..I will think about it. If I decide to try, I will come to the house before midnight," promised Samantha as she helped Jennifer to her feet. "Now you had better hurry back to the house. If I can, I will see you later."
Jennifer stayed a few minutes more to beg Samantha to come but had to leave alone with the other woman's promise to think it over. Back at the house, Jennifer retrieved her panties from the smirking horse statue and went back into the house to wash up and get ready for the trick or treaters. After everything that had happened and was yet to happen, it seemed ludicrous to do something as silly as handing out candy to kids but the simple ritual helped to calm Jennifer's nerves. Jennifer was not sure that she would have many kids after the rumors in the town, but the rumors seemed only to serve to ignite more interest in the haunted house and the "witch"; who lived there.
At first the kids were all young and they scampered up to the door and away again in regular intervals, but as the evening wore on, the kids got older and farther apart. Jennifer was quite surprised when she opened the door once to see the entire Williams family standing on her stoop. Barbara Williams was dressed in an outfit almost the exact opposite of Jennifer's in that it was a long white dress, white hat and white heels. The white material seemed to glow against her dark chocolate skin. Sam was dressed up in an ape costume and he banged his hands on his chest in a Tarzan impersonation. Heather was dressed in a Wonder Woman costume. Jennifer thought the KKK would throw a fit at the thought of a black Wonder Woman but the young girl's tits jiggled so nicely in the bustier that Jennifer thought that on the other hand they might just fuck her and not worry about it. Harold was dressed in a Star Fleet uniform, complete with pointed ears.
"Trick or Treat!" the four cried in unison.
Jennifer looked from one to the other and smiled. She said "Trick" and stepped back into the house to let the family enter. When the Williams stepped inside, Jennifer asked them what their trick was going to be.
"Well," purred Barbara as she stepped forward and ran her hands over Jennifer's body. "You fucked my husband, my son and my daughter and I have decided that I want you as well." The rest of the family decided they would not mind another crack at you either! With that, Barbara took Jennifer's chin in her hand and leaned forward to kiss the blonde woman on the mouth. Without hesitation, Jennifer returned the kiss and the two women stood there for some time embracing with their tongues exploring each other's mouth. After a while, Jennifer felt big hairy hands pick her and carry her into the front room and put her down on the couch. As Jennifer lay there blinking up at the "ape", Barbara slipped the straps of her gown over her shoulders and stepped out of the dress. She knelt beside Jennifer on the sofa and again began to run her hands up and down Jennifer's body while for her part, Jennifer took one of the large black nipples in her mouth and began to suck on it.
Jennifer felt hands removing her clothes and saw Sam, Harold and Heather stripping first her naked and then start to remove their own clothes. Jennifer broke off suckling Barbara's large tits long enough to tell Sam to keep the ape outfit on. "I want the ape to fuck me," she smiled at him. He grinned and did as she asked. Watching "Wonder Woman" remove her costume was a breathtaking sight for Jennifer and even better when Heather joined Jennifer on the couch and began to lick at Jennifer's tits even as Jennifer licked her mother's tits.
The three women lay there caressing and stroking each other for several minutes before Barbara gestured towards her husband. "I want to see the ape fuck you too!" she whispered and they both giggled. Heather rolled off of Jennifer and Jennifer lay back spreading her legs wide to let the "ape" have ready access to her pussy. With a bit of chest pounding and a grunt, Sam slid his cock into Jennifer and began to fuck her. Barbara moved around so she was crouched over Jennifer's face and lowered herself onto Jennifer's willing mouth. Jennifer's tongue slid into Barbara's pussy and she began to eat out the wife as the husband fucked her. Not to be left out, the two kids took a tit each and began to suck on them. Jennifer slid a finger into Heather's pussy and grabbed Harold's hard cock with her other hand and soon all five of them were moaning loudly with pleasure. Finally with a great cry Sam shot his load into Jennifer's pussy. His climax was followed a short time later by his wife who was brought to an orgasm by Jennifer's mouth and Jennifer felt her face covered with the juices of the other woman. Jennifer was only slightly shocked when Heather bent down and began to lick her mother's juices from Jennifer's face.
"Don't worry Jennifer," whispered Mrs. Williams hoarsely, "We are a family that likes to play together. She proceeded to demonstrate this by enfolding her daughter in a lesbian kiss that left both women breathless. The sight of mother and daughter kissing and rubbing their large black breasts together made Jennifer extremely horny and she reached out and grabbed Harold's cock in her hand and drew it down to her mouth. She wrapped her lips tight around it and began to suck on the thick black rod.
"Oh yeah, suck it you white bitch," moaned Harold as his cock slid in and out of Jennifer's soft full lips. "Geez, everyone look at this white whore sucking black cock," cried Harold as Jennifer ran her tongue up and down his shaft and rubbed his dribbling dick all over her face. Sam was getting hard again and he grinned at his son as Harold drove his cock deep into Jennifer's mouth.
"What do you say to double teaming this white slut son? I already had her pussy so you can have that and I will take her white ass."
"Ohhhhhhh yeah," sighed Harold pulling his cock out of Jennifer's mouth and pulling her up off the couch for a second. He then laid her back down on top of Sam who soon had Jennifer impaled on his big hard black cock and then Harold climbed on top to make an oreo cookie out of Jennifer's naked body. As father and son began to double fuck Jennifer between them, Jennifer could see Barbara laying back on the floor with her daughter's head between her legs. Still wearing her Wonder Woman boots and tiara, Heather was licking her mother to another orgasm. Sam and Harold continued to pound Jennifer between them, her large boobs heaving as she writhed between them, impaled on their massive poles. Jennifer felt like she was going to be ripped in two by the two black cocks who continued to fuck her for some time before she was pulled up by Harold who bent her over the couch, ass in the air.
"I want to see this white whore swallow my load," he told his dad. Sam high fived his son and sunk his cock back into Jennifer who suddenly found Harold's big black dong in her face and she quickly gobbled it up. It took only about dozen more deep strokes from Harold before he gave a cry and pulled his cock yes"> out of Jennifer's mouth just in time to splatter her in the face with is spunk.
He then rammed his still spitting cock back into her mouth and made Jennifer take the next few wads in her mouth which filled it to overflowing. A few seconds later Jennifer felt a warm spurt of liquid in her ass as Sam blew his load into her.
Jennifer lay there contented for a few minutes until the ringing of the doorbell startled her. Without thinking, she stepped over the writhing forms of Heather and Barbara who were locked into a 69 and answered the door stark naked. The teenaged boy, who Jennifer thought was a bit old to be trick or treating, stood in shocked delight looking at the naked woman in front of him.
"Trick or treat?" asked Jennifer laughing at the boy's stunned look.
"Umm, aren't I supposed to ask that?" he finally managed.
Jennifer shrugged and rubbed the hardening bulge in his pants. "Who cares?" asked Jennifer. "It actually doesn't matter which one you pick, your treat is a trick!" With that, Jennifer dropped to her knees and took the startled boy's cock out of his pants and began to blow him while kneeling in the open doorway. It was safe to say this was the first blowjob the boy had ever had and he didn't last long as Jennifer's talented mouth quickly brought him off and he deposited a load of sticky cum in her waiting mouth. Jennifer then calmly zipped him up, stood up and gave him a candy bar. Behind him on the stoop, three other older teenaged boys with bulges in their pants were lined up. For the next hour Jennifer knelt in the doorway of her house blowing all the boys that came by. When the last boy finally blew over her tits, she wandered back into the front room just in time to catch the conclusion of the Williams family act as both other and daughter sluts were kneeling on the rug being fucked. The twist was that it was Harold fucking his mom while Sam did his daughter Heather. The two men shot their loads deep into their partner's pussies just as Jennifer came in the room to see the inspiring sight. Even as they had their pussies filled, mother and daughter who were kneeling side by side finished things off with another long kiss on the lips.
After the Williams finally left, Jennifer glanced at the clock and saw it was close to eleven. Only an hour to go she thought as she slipped upstairs for quick shower with Hlar and Hlox and then back to the front room. As she watched the clock tick towards midnight, Jennifer began to worry that Samantha was not going to show. Nervously, Jennifer retrieved the large jar of demon cum from the kitchen along with two huge beer tankards and the two black daisy leaves. It was only a minute left until midnight when the doorbell rang. Jennifer ran to and flung it open to see Miss Sherman. yes"> Samantha standing on the doorstep.
"Come on in, hurry!" cried Jennifer tugging at her arm. Samantha hesitated and looked nervously around before with a sigh, allowing herself to be drawn into the house she swore she would never enter again a hundred years ago. Behind Samantha, the door banged shut and locked itself. "There isn't much time left," said Jennifer pushing a tankard into the old woman's hands and then unsealing the vat of oozing demon slime. Even as she did so, the clock struck the first bong of midnight. Jennifer poured the two tankards full of the demon cum and then dropped a black petal into each. At first nothing happened but then the petal began to wriggle like they were alive and tendrils of inky blackness flowed from them into the rest of the mess.
"Bottoms up!" giggled Jennifer and before her courage could desert her she started to gulp down the brew of demon cum and Samantha quickly followed suit Both women drained their glasses, the cum making moustaches like milk around their mouths, just as the clock finished chiming. The house went totally and deadly quiet. All Jennifer could hear was the sound of her heart pounding and then a tingling started in her toes and fingers and began to creep inwards and intensify. Lights began to go off in her eyes like fireworks. Green, blue, red, purple, yellow exploding lights tore through her brain while the tingling spread to her entire body. Jennifer collapsed onto the living room rug in convulsions that were somewhere between ecstasy and pain. She was not sure how long they lasted, but finally the lightshow subsided and Jennifer was left feeling like she was glowing. Her nerve ends all seemed hyper excited and she was as wet as she had ever been. In short she was incredibly horny, hornier than she had ever been in her life before. When she looked over at Samantha, Jennifer blinked. The old woman Miss Sherman was gone, replaced by the beautiful Samantha and judging by the smile on her face, Samantha was as horny as she was. Jennifer grinned and began to reach for the other woman but Samantha rolled away.
"Later Jennifer," first we have to take care of the demons. The effects of the recipe will diminish a bit with each orgasm, so we will need everything we have to exhaust them.
"Ok," giggled Jennifer standing up, "where should we start?
"Mmm, there is a certain teddy bear I want to fuck!" murmured Samantha and she led the way towards the nursery. When the two women got to the nursery and opened the door, it was pitch black except for dozens of red gleaming eyes glowing in the dark.
Jennifer just laughed at the sight and flipped on light and looked at all the stuffed toys. "You are going to have to do better than that boys," she laughed again and began to rip her clothes off. A few seconds later, the two naked women literally flung themselves at the carpet of stuffed toys and began grabbing every cock they could get their hands on to stuff them in their mouths, pussies and anywhere else that a cock could fit. At first the toys were happy to fuck yes"> the two women but after a while a sense of panic began to settle in among the plush animals as the two insatiable women began to drain them of every last drop of their demon cum. The teddy bear tried to make a break for it only to have Jennifer grab it by one paw and jam its cock back into her pussy and held it there as is struggled to get free. Samantha grabbed the stuffed ape and the lion and ground their dripping dicks onto her large breasts while her legs were locked around the fluffy little white bunny forcing it to fuck her. Sometimes one of the animals would escape, but the two women were relentless in tracking each one done and draining it. Jennifer found the purple fluffy dinosaur crouching behind a chair in the corner and pulled it out and shoved its cock down her throat while the thing whimpered. When the two women were done, the fluffy little fuckers all lay unmoving on the floor of the room, their cute little eyes lifeless and no longer glowing red with demon fire.
Next, the two women went to the basement stairs, there was no movement in the darkness. "Ready or not, here we cum," shouted Jennifer as she began to jiggle down the stairs. Demons being demons can't help their baser instincts and even though the demons under the stairs knew what had befallen their fluffy comrades, they could no more turn down a chance to fuck two big boobed naked women than could Bill Clinton. Both Jennifer and Samantha laughed and gave mock shrieks of fear as clawed hands reached out to grab them and pull them under the stairs.
Spread eagled and naked on the dirt floor, the two women grinned at the colored demons as they gathered around them. "Come on boys, we want our pussies and mouths and asses fucked!" cried Samantha and indeed the demons fell apon the two women with glee. In a lot of ways this was a war, a very strange war, but still a war. The stair demons loved gang banging human bimbos and even if this cost them their demonic energies, it would also weaken the two women and soften them up for the heavy hitters to follow.
Jennifer and Samantha knew this too, but they didn't care. The two women knelt side by side, their large tits dangling down as Gold fucked Jennifer from behind while Blue did Samantha. Both women had their mouths stuffed with a cock as Red banged away at Jennifer's face while Green shoved his ten inch thick meat into Samantha's wet and willing mouth. Each women had a tight grip on another pair of cocks as Jennifer jerked off Yellow and White while Samantha slid Orange and Pink's dicks slick dicks through her fingers.
In the end, the demons didn't have a chance. Every color in the rainbow took their turns with the two human sluts but could not wear them out. Load after load of cum splattered the two women, but they just opened their mouths and swallowed all they could with big smiles on their faces. When the two women climbed up out of the cellar, there was a deathly silence below.
"Payback is a bitch isn't it boys?" called Jennifer as they trooped up the stairs. "I think I need to clean up a bit though," she admitted to Samantha who nodded her head causing a big wad of cum to drip from her hair.
"To the pool," cried Samantha and the two nude women jumped in to wash the cum from their bodies. Hlar and Hlox joined them in the pool and helped them clean up. The inflatable turtle was not a very brave little demon and it retreated into the far corner of the pool trembling. Hlar and Hlox finally herded it into the center of the pool where Jennifer swam up into its embrace.
"Come on baby, I want you to fuck my tits with that hard cock of yours," she told it and unable to help itself, the demon grew a cock and slid it between Jennifer's ample breasts while another cock slid into her mouth. A third cock eased home into her pussy and Jennifer bobbed up and down in the water with the three cocks inside her. Samantha swum over and began to lick at the cock between Jennifer's tits, her tongue flicking out to touch the head. The turtle blew its three loads in rapid succession and then their was a loud popping noise as the thing deflated and lay floating on the surface of the water. Samantha laughed and helped Jennifer lick the things cum from her tits.
Next, the two women climbed over the fence and went looking for a little tentacle love. The two naked women walked across the hot sand until suddenly they felt it heave up under them and the tentacled demon seized them and held them suspended and spread eagled in midair.
"Fuck me baby," yelled Jennifer as it loomed over her.
"No, fuck me first!" called Samantha.
This was rather a first for the tentacled monster. Human females were supposed to scream for help, not beg to be fucked. Still, it rallied and did its best to act menacing. "I have plenty of tentacles to go around!" it roared with an intimidating glower and sprouted a dozen more tentacles just to prove its point. It inserted three tentacles into each of the women and began to drill them like it was used to doing. Muffled cries came from the mouths of the women as the tentacles fucked their faces. The creature blinked its huge eyes as it felt the women's lips close tighter over the phallic tentacles and felt their tongues licking at the tentacles in their mouths. Even Madonna hadn't acted this slutty the time he had slunk into her dressing room and raped her, though she had given him a backstage pass for the rest of the tour. It felt like these two humans were enjoying being fucked. Not knowing what else to do, the creature followed standard operating procedure and dumped three tentacle loads of cum into each woman simultaneously and withdrew the first three tentacles only to replace them with another three and another three and another three.
After a while the creature felt its energy slipping away from it and it could no longer hold the two women suspended in mid air. The creature lay gasping on the surface of the sand barely able to move while the two human bitches crawled all over it, taking tentacles and sliding their mouth or into their pussies and riding up and down on them, milking out every drop of demon cum. Finally the creature gave a great groan as it felt the last of its cum drained by the mouth of the blonde woman and it lay still on the sand.
"How are you feeling?" asked Jennifer as they climbed back over the fence into the garden.
"A little bit tired," admitted Samantha, "but I can keep going for a long time yet!
"Time to go down the rabbit hole then!" laughed Jennifer and the two women found the hole by the back steps and jumped in feet first. The two women frolicked through the woods until they reached the tea party clearing. By this time, Jennifer's dress was looking rather the worse for the wear and now and then her hard nipples peeked out of the dress as she strolled along. Once she would have tried to demurely cover herself, but now she no longer cared who saw her. If all the animals watching in the woods got woodies from watching her jiggle along then who cared? The two demons sitting at the table guzzling whisky looked up in surprise as the two women bounced into sight.
"Hello there, Mr. Demented Tailor and my fuzzy Off Color Rabbit," chirped Jennifer. "I came back to suck on that big purple headed cock of yours again!" Before you could say "copyright infringement," Jennifer and Samantha were kneeling in front of the two stunned creatures. Jennifer was licking the Demented Tailor's big throbbing cock all over like it was the best thing she had ever tasted while Samantha gobbled down the orange cock of the Off Color Rabbit.
"Oh fuck, I don't care if I am late for anything," moaned the rabbit as Samantha bobbed her mouth up and down on the shining carrot colored dick. The rabbit took another swig from the jug in its paw and put the other paw on the back of Samantha's head. "Oh yeah honey, suck my big carrot cuz what's up doc is my dick!"
Jennifer and Samantha knelt side by side on the grass sucking their respective cocks until both creatures blew their sticky warm loads into the women's waiting mouths. Without missing a beat, the two women switched partners and began to lick and suck the cocks hard again. In the middle of doing the off color rabbit, Jennifer felt a familiar cold nose on her ass and she glanced behind her. She smiled at the cartoon dog behin her and took the cock out of her mouth just long enough to say "Hi there boy, why don't you start fucking my pussy like a good boy?" then she put the rabbit's cock back in her mouth and kept on sucking. Rex gave a big goofy grin and wasted no time in mounting his bitch again, shoving its huge red cock deep into her cunt.
Between the whisky and the consecutive blowjobs, the Demented Tailor and the Off Color Rabbit subsided into motionless lumps not long after emptying their second load into the women's mouths. That left Rex the cartoon dog fucking Jennifer's pussy. "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh that's it Rex, fuck me like the bitch I am," moaned Jennifer as she felt her whole body rock back and forth from the impact of Rex's thrusts. "Shove that hard red cock into my pussy boy!" As Rex continued to fuck the blonde, Samantha moved around in front of her friend and began to lick at the heaving tits. When Rex finally came, he gave a howl that would have made his wolf ancestors proud as he emptied his load into Jennifer.
It was only when Rex pulled out of Jennifer and she got a better look at the cartoon dog that she realized that his appearance had changed. The big brown dog looked vaguely familiar. "What's with the new look Rex?" asked Jennifer as she licked her lips and crawled toward the dog on hands and knees.
"I got offered a part in a movie, panted the CGI looking dog. "It is about these four stupid looking teenagers and their brave dog who go around hunting ghosts. The pay wasn't great.....only dog biscuits, but I got to fuck the two chicks in the movie. The one is a real slayer man. And the other? Wowsa, I get turned on by babes with thick glasses."
"Well I want a S......" began Jennifer.
"A Rex Snack," broke in Rex. I don't want to be tied up in court over some copyright issue!