Chapter 01.2
I let him shake my hand and then began to laugh as I began to get untangled from him, saying, "You, sir, are mad!"
"Perhaps so, but far better to know the madness of love than to dwell in the cold, loneliness of the sane," he replied as he stood up. As we made out way back to the thorny brush, Hector looked aside at me and said, "Now, were you lucky enough to look with your new eyes upon your mother in her lovely nakedness?"
"Good God, no!" I blurted out...the notion both shocking me and stirring up emotions of arousal that returned me to my lust of the night before.
Hector winked at me and said before returning to our labors, "Ah...then the new love you feel for your mother is but a trickle before the dam breaks. Seize the opportunities as they present themselves, John and have faith...there are always opportunities."
I felt my face blushing and said nothing as we began to cut and hack away at the undergrowth. Only as the noon hour approached did I summon the courage to say, "How did you manage to see your mother naked, Hector?"
My friend paused and leaned on the shovel he'd been using to uproot a thorn bush. "Ah, well, I am fortunate. My mother and I...our people have never had the modesty that your people have. Our faith and traditions make little fuss over nudity." He paused and grinned before adding, "For which I am forever grateful. I honestly cannot recall the first time I saw Mama naked."
He paused and wrinkled his brow before grinning again, "I do recall the first time I was moved as a man by Mama's lovely body." He gave a soft, happy sigh and continued. "We were living in Athens and I was lying on a divan reading and Mama had been in the bath and I suppose I had been too engrossed to hear her calling for a towel and so she strode by me, proud and lovely and naked as the day she was born, her skin wet and shiny, breasts bouncing womanly and between her legs...a thick carpet of hair darker than even that on her head."
Hector grabbed his crotch and made a stroking gesture. "I have been practically always erect since that time!"
I scowled and replied, "You are absolutely sick. Next thing you'll tell me is you dream of making love to her"
He made the lewd gesture with his hand again and said, "Dreams are what we all live for...the dream and the realization of said dream!" He grinned broadly at me and added, "You doubt what your ears hear, friend John. Be watchful and decide for yourself!" He winked at me and returned to our sweaty work, saying nothing more, but smiling at my obvious shock.
I could barely focus on my work as my mind tried to sort through his words -- to separate truth and lies. Hector had all but stated that he had sex with his mother and while on the surface of it, I was nearly a hundred percent certain he was lying to me, I could not ignore the fact that the previous evening had ended with me lying in bed thinking evil, incestuous thoughts about my own mother.
We said little as our work day ended with Antonia calling us to lunch, but his nasty insinuations continued to echo in my mind as his mother hurried around us, serving us our meal. My head felt strange, filled with some strange gas that made me dizzy and intensified my rapidly growing sexual thoughts. Hector's mother seemed more voluptuous than ever -- her modest housekeeper's outfit somehow enhancing her carnal nature. For the first time I really seemed to notice how her body seemed to quiver inside the uniform, barely contained by it.
I also seemed to notice more than ever how close mother and son were, beginning with seemingly innocent kisses on each other's cheeks that seemed to linger while both seemed to press their bodies against each other. Then there were Antonia's little caresses across his shoulder or neck and the loving smiles that passed between them. Again, as it had been the previous evening, I felt as if I was watching something more intimate than simply a mother and son...I felt like I was watching lovers, their passions restrained because they had not the privacy to fully express themselves. It was both arousing and embarrassing.
After lunch, Hector and I repaired to the defunct swimming pool, having managed to drain it of its fetid water and liberated its rather large amphibian population, laughing as many of the frogs thrown into the woods around us, returned to perch on the edges of the pool, seemingly to watch us work and croak their disapproval. We scrubbed and scrapped the algae and filth from the walls, becoming thoroughly filthy in the process.
We worked nearly till dark, stopping only when Antonia appeared, looking a little tensed and said in a scolding tone, "You work too much. You need time to play and relax." When we looked up, I found myself almost able to see all the way up her housekeeper's dress. She tapped one foot impatiently. "Time enough for this later. Hector, there is a full moon tonight -- a lovely night for a...walk through the woods."
Hector grinned up at his mother and passed me a sly wink. "Mama, that sounds lovely. I would love, take a walk with you." He sat his scrubbing brush down and nodded before hurrying to the far side of the pool which sloped upwards until one could step easily onto the surrounding surface. "Allow me fifteen minutes, Mama, to get cleaned up."
He hurried towards the kitchen door while his mother watched him with a mysterious smile, a finger toying with a strand of her dark hair. She noticed me still looking up at her and her smile broadened. "Hector is a good boy -- always wanting to please his mother. You should stop too, John. Get yourself cleaned up, spend time with your mother. It would please her." As she spoke, she shifted her legs, standing with them wider apart and I felt my jaw drop open in surprise as in the waning moments of daylight, I was able to see all the way up her stocky, but shapely legs to see a dark mat of dark hair, something wet or shiny glistening from within it.
"You might find, young man, that pleasing one's mother can lead to being pleased oneself." She smiled again at me, a little coyly and perhaps a little lewdly as she allowed me a long look between her thighs before putting her free hand to her lips and blowing me a little kiss, strolled away.
It was a few minutes before I had the presence of mind to put down my tools and leave, walking somewhat stupefied back into the house and into my bedroom. I stripped and showered, amazed that I was erect, my hand feeling fine as I soaped my penis up and stroked it, but somehow unable to take myself to orgasm, feeling as if it wasn't appropriate.
I came out of my room dressed in clean slacks and a clean button down shirt to find Mother at the head of the stairs, looking stunning herself in a billowy red dress that clung to her waist and upper body tightly -- the bodice showing off her trim waist and her prominent bosom, ending in a halter strap that left her shoulders bare and tied behind her neck, the knot hidden by her blonde tresses that cascaded down her back.
She was a little startled by my sudden appearance, but smiled and said, "Antonia has left us supper -- I asked her for something simple -- cheese and bread and some fruit. It's in our parlor. Please help yourself, son. I think I'll take a stroll on the beach."
I nodded and started to turn away towards the parlor, but stopped, my face turning red at the nervousness in my voice as I said, "Mother, would you like some company? A walk in the moonlight sounds...lovely."
Mother's eyes widened slightly in surprise, but her smile told me that she was delighted at my offer. "Are you sure, son? I imagine you have more interesting things to do."
I hurried to her and offered her my arm. "I'm sure I don't, Mother. What could be better than to escort a beautiful woman along a moonlit beach?"
Mother giggled and slipped her arm through mine and we went down the staircase together. I glanced back at the door of Father's study. "Should we let Father know?" I asked and immediately regretted it as the very mention of him cast a shadow over Mother's face.
She sighed and shook her head. "Your father will never know we've gone. He is deep in his studies and you know how he is. The very idea of a romantic walk along a moonlit beach would simply puzzle him."
I nodded and said, "Fair enough...Father's loss is my gain." I leaned over and kissed Mother on the cheek, making it her turn to blush. "I'm sorry I haven't asked you before, Mother. I know how lonely it is here for you...even more than for me. Consider me at your beck and call."
Mother actually tittered at that, her laughter allowing me a glimpse of her as a young girl, happy and gay growing up along the Hudson. "I do rather like that, John. I will certainly take advantage of having a handsome young man at hand." She smiled at me and then put her free hand to her mouth. "My Lord, that sounded awful, the way I put it."
I laughed and said, "Not at all, Mother. I am and always will be yours."
Mother's blush deepened, almost matching the shade of red of her dress and neither of us spoke again until we were out of the house and strolling down the path towards the beach. Looking back, I thought I caught a flash of yellow from beyond the house at the edge of the woods...thinking I recognized the color as being from one of Antonia's dresses. I smiled at the thought of both Hector and I were squiring our mothers thoughts faltering as I realized that perhaps Hector's and Antonia's evening might be radically different than ours.
Dismissing such awful thoughts from my mind, I led Mother onto the beach, the path clearly visible as the moon hung huge and bright just above the horizon, giving everything a shadow illumination reminiscent of the early moments of dusk. We reached the beach and I kicked off my shoes to lie next to Mother's sandals and we proceeded barefoot across the cooling sands, away from the outbuildings and the dock.
The beach was sandy and wide and we walked slowly along, looking at the moonlit waves as they rolled placidly in, pausing along the way to examine shells now and then, collecting a few that we put inside my shirt after I had doffed it. Mother seemed a little restive as we continued to walk, now glancing at me bare-chested from time to time.
"Are you happy, John?" Mother finally asked, her voice uncertain. "Do you regret that we forced you to come along on this trip?"
"No, I'm glad to have this time to spend with you, Mother and "we" didn't force me to come along...Father was very insistent."
Mother didn't reply for a long moment and then tightening her grip on my arm, replied, "That's not quite how it was, son. I confess that I implored your father to bring you rather than some common worker. I wanted to have this last summer with you, especially once I knew he and I were coming to this desolate rock." She paused and looked up at me, her face anxious as if expecting me to burst into anger.
"Then I am glad you insisted, Mother...for both our sakes. I have enjoyed our quiet evenings together and I am happier walking here with you than anything else I could be doing."
Her anxiousness melted away, leaving a pleased smile and we resumed our stroll, not speaking for a while until I could no longer restrain myself and I asked, "Mother, are you happy?"
She took a moment to answer, not looking at me as she replied, "I am happy at this moment." She tightened her grip on my arm.
"Me too, Mother, but are you happy? Life with Father is a challenge in the best of times and it angers me to see him ignore you as he does now." We had paused again and I had turned towards her, my hands coming up to lightly grip her upper arms. "Are you happy, Mother?"
She looked at me somewhat distraught, her face a struggle of emotions before she turned her face down and leaned into me, her hair brushing my bare shoulder. "There are things we have no control over, John. I love your father although I'm not sure he still loves me or even remembers the love we once shared." I felt something warm and wet against my chest and I suddenly realized that she was crying. "I try to make the best of things. I am happy to have you here with us...with me and when you are gone, I will make the best of what I have. Do not forget your mother...write me often, visit me when you can and I will be as happy as I can possibly be.
I felt my arms go around my mother and I pulled her tight against me even as I felt her arms slip around my waist. For a long time, we stood there on the beach, not saying a word. For my part, while I felt sad for Mother's pain, I was discovering a new sensation, the sinfully delightful feel of my mother's body pressed tightly against mine. It was a sensation I could have endured for all time. Still, finally, I said in a husky voice. "I apologize, Mother. I did not mean to make you cry."
Mother sniffled and raised her head. "Apologize for nothing. It does my heart so much good to know I have a son who cares for me."
"And who intends to do better by her in the time we have." I gently brushed her cheeks clean of her tears, unable to stop myself from bringing my fingers to my lips to taste the salty remnants of her weeping. "I do love you, Mother, more than anything in the world."
Mother smiled sadly up at me and replied, "I know, son. A mother always knows." She raised herself up, a little off balanced in the sand and in her bare feet, to kiss me on the corner of my mouth, but being off balanced, pressed her lips demurely against my own for an indescribable moment. Realizing that she had kissed me the way she had, Mother looked shyly away and said, "Let us continue," slipping her arm through mine again and guiding us down the beach again.
Her kiss had electrified me, chaste though it had been. I had to restrain myself from looking down at my pants, knowing that there was a prominent bulge there and hoping that the brilliant moon would not betray my condition to my mother although it had been her sweet and unintentional actions that had spurred the growth of my penis.
We had traveled far from the house, the beach now fronting the thick woods that covered most of the island. It was quiet for the most part -- the silence broken only by the soft sound of the waves kissing the shore and the occasional accompaniment of birds or small animals in the forest.
The moon hung high in the sky now, its great light reflected back by the ocean which itself seemed to have been calmed by the great orb above. "So beautiful," murmured Mother, halting us to turn and enjoy the view.
"Would you like to sit for awhile, Mother?" I said. I undid my shirt, setting the shells aside and unfurled the wrinkled cloth, laying it on the sand. I knelt down behind it and offered my mother my hand.
She smiled and knelt down, moving her legs out in front of her and then as I sat down in the sand, leaning back against me, my legs spread out in a 'V' with Mother between them. Mother let out a loud and shuddering sigh as she relaxed against me, as if with that sigh, she released so much pent up tension. She eased her head back to rest on my shoulder, her soft hair brushing my cheek. As her tension eased, mine rose as Mother took my hands and drew them around her upper chest, hugging her to me as the upper swells of her breasts resting under her dress brushed my forearms.
I was astonished by how easy we slipped into such an intimate embrace, words unnecessary or maybe if the utterance of a single syllable would shatter the exquisiteness of the moment. I felt my penis pulse in my pants, wondering if Mother could feel its insistent throbbing in the small of her back. Time passed by us unheeded as I held her and we savored the beauty of the moonlit ocean.
My imagination ran wild as we sat, allowing me to pretend that we were all alone...not just on the island, but in the world -- that only Mother and I existed and that freed from all of civilization's mores and taboos, I might act upon my newly discovered desires. My fantasy was fueled by accident as Mother would occasionally rub her cheek along my arm and without thinking, would sometimes pluck up my hand and give it a loving kiss before returning it to continue its work of holding her tight.
Suddenly and nearly without any conscious thought, I took a hand and stroked Mother's hair, brushing it with my fingers and sweeping it across one shoulder where the tips of her mane brushed across my arm. I stared at the flawless skin of the back of Mother's neck until without thinking about it, I shifted my head just enough to dip down and gently kiss Mother's exposed skin, my lips barely brushing her skin. In the bright, revealing light of the moon, I saw gooseflesh rise and fall on her neck even as Mother let a quiet moan slip from between her lips.
An unfamiliar thrill of delight shot through me and I knew I had moved into an area of intimacy that far transcended any proper mother and son relationship. An odd little dance of kisses ensued as Mother would occasionally kiss my hand or forearm only to have her gesture returned by me as I would gently kiss the nape of her neck...each light kiss producing a slight murmur of pleasure from her.
Mother took my hand and turned it over and planted a lingering kiss in the palm of my hand and then I responded with another kiss on her soft neck, pushing boundaries as I extended the tip of my tongue and carefully brushed it over her skin, tasting salt and something else...unknown but definable as Mother.
My mother groaned with unfeigned delight, pressing herself more firmly against me, her body squirming slightly as she did so, her upper buttocks sweeping across the large bulge in my pants. Suddenly, Mother stiffened as if awakening from a dream to find herself in a place she was not familiar with.
She broke free from my embrace, coming up onto her knees and then standing up awkwardly in the sand. Mother gazed down at me with an expression I felt was something akin both to desire and fear, her breasts heaving under her dress. A shiver seemed to race through her and she hugged herself, turning to face the moonlit ocean and after a long moment, said just above a whisper. "It's getting late. We should go home, son." The last word had a strange timbre to it as if Mother was reminding herself of who I was.
I clambered to my feet and came to her, reaching out to place my hands on her upper arms. "Mother, I..." There was so much I wanted to say, but I didn't know how. I didn't want the moment to end -- in truth, I wanted it to grow and to become so much more. "Mother," I began again, but Mother smiled and put her fingers to my lips.
"It has been a lovely evening, John...the best I can remember in quite some time, but..." Mother sighed and finished. "It's time we returned home."
I slowly nodded and found myself suddenly marshalling myself to not cry, thinking to myself that a rare moment had passed beyond me. Mother reached out and stroked my face and then stepped into me, her arms going around my neck as she lifted herself up on tiptoe and kissed me on the lips...chaste yet warm and loving and unless I deluded myself, passionate.
When the kiss ended, Mother slipped one arm around my waist and we slowly returned up the beach, following our own footsteps back...each step painful to me as it seemed to say to me that my mother and I were moving backwards away from the sweet moments of intimacy that were closer to that of lovers than of mother and child.
We said nothing to each other until we heard a shriek echoing up out of the trees that made us both jump. We both laughed at our timidity and I said, "I wander what on Earth that was?"
Mother shrugged and said, "A night bird calling to its mate...or searching for one."
I shook my head and said, "I'm not sounded more like an animal, but I don't think there is anything big enough to make a noise like that."
Mother said, "I don't know...I've heard some beasts making noise in the brush on my walks...deer perhaps or a wild pig." She shivered again. "Perhaps it is their time for rutting." Again I could hear the young girl that Mother had once been as she tittered at her suggestion.
Before I could reply, another shrill cry echoed across the woods to fade away in the never ceasing waves. Mother shivered again, against me...something in the primal noise triggering some sort of recognition in her. Trying to alleviate the tension of the moment, I said with a laugh, "Maybe monsters walk the woods, Mother."
My attempt at humor feel flat as Mother abruptly turned to face me and said with fearful earnest, "Don't make jokes like that, John, Not here...not on this terrible island." She pushed herself against me and I put an arm around her bare shoulders. "It's getting cold, son. It's time we were home."
We pushed on, not hearing the strange animal or bird cries again, silence walking with us until we were back into the house and upstairs. Inside the lighted house, Mother seemed to recover and managed a smile as we came to her and Father's bedroom door. "Thank you, again, John," Mother said softly, almost shyly. "I had forgotten how nice a night time walk on the beach could be when you're with someone you love." She reached out and held my hand for a moment, running her hands over it as if contemplating all the possible uses she could put it to.
In the awkward silence, I said, "Then we shall do it again and again, Mother...every night we are here if you like."
Mother smiled and nodded. "Perhaps we shall." She looked down and seemed to blush for a moment and then in a rush, blurted, "I love you, John. Goodnight, son!" She let go of my hand and quickly retreated into her room, closing the door behind her without a backward glance.
I slowly retreated to my room, my erection lingering while my testicles ached for release...the words "blue balls" rising up from my memories from detested high school gym classes. I started to undress, the thought of masturbating keen in my mind, but I felt restless and confined and found myself downstairs and standing on the broad porch that wrapped itself around the house. I prowled along the rails until I was facing the woods...silhouetted and shadowy under the now high and bright moon.
Without conscious thought, I found myself moving across the back lawn, skirting the empty pool and slipping into the trees on one of the footpaths -- the sandy soil light, reflecting the cold light of the moon. I moved slowly and cautiously, starting now and again at noise in the brush, recognizing some as bird noises and others as the cacophony of the frogs we liberated from the pool.
After a short while, I heard something different, identifying it quickly as laughter...human laughter. The path suddenly diverged away from the noise and I hesitated for a moment before quietly pressing into the undergrowth -- trying to remain silent myself. I recognized that I was intruding on the privacy of others -- of Hector and Antonia, but I felt compelled to find them and see the source of what I now clearly recognized as the laughing voice of our housekeeper.
I sensed movement directly ahead and stealthily parted the leaves of a bush, trying not to gasp at what I found. In the middle of what appeared to be a blanket of thick green moss was a spring fed pool and in it bobbed the heads of Hector and his mother -- hands appearing now and then to move them or to splash water at each other. Mother and son swam warily around each other, Antonia laughing joyously every time she managed to splash water into her son's face or when Hector swept water over her. Both were lit with an almost supernatural light from the moon which appeared to stand overhead, the tree branches opening to provide them with illumination.
Abruptly, Antonia moved away from her son towards the shore and then in a sparkling display of water cascading around her, she emerged, a dusky and voluptuous Venus rising from the dark waters and I gasped at her nakedness, so sudden and powerful was the sexuality she seemed to radiate. Hector's words of "Mama is a man's woman," rang again in my ears as I beheld his mother in all her glory.
Water fell away from her olive tinged skin, smooth and without flaw, her huge, meaty breasts rolling with her easy gait as she climbed onto the thick carpet of moss, her black, curly hair hanging wet and limp about her face, brushing her shoulders and back. She turned back to face her son, allowing me a good view of her voluptuous body, a prominent round belly which bid one to look lower down to a wild and massive thatch of black pubic hair, now glittering in the moonlight. Her legs were full and muscular, not ungainly, but shapely.
Gracefully, Antonia went to her knees and gestured to Hector with a 'come hither' motion. Hector, obedient son that he was, moved quickly, rising from the pool, his wiry body as naked as his mother and to my astonishment, sporting an erection of surprising size, long and thick for such a lean body, his penis so hard it seemed to be slapping up against his belly.
Hector came to stand before his mother who knelt before him as a supplicant before an altar. Her dark eyes burned with fierce love and desire as she stared up at her son's face, her right hand coming up slowly as if haltingly touching God. As I watched all agog, Antonia wrapped her fingers around her son's penis, stroking its length and bringing the shaft downwards to meet her rising face. She whispered something to him, me managing only to hear his name, "Hector" spoken reverently. I felt myself harden as she suddenly buried her face in her son's crotch, rubbing her cheeks and lips against his wiry pubic hair and then along his lengthy shaft before opening her mouth and taking him inside herself.
Unbidden, my hand made its way to my crotch and rubbed my aching erection as I watched mother sucking her son's penis...stories again from high school gym lockers and occasional grainy and lewd black and white photographs passed around were recalled as I watched Antonia suck Hector's cock. I was filled with fearful awe as the fact that not only was I actually seeing a woman pleasuring a man orally, but that they were mother and son, crashed down upon me.
Hector smiled down at his mother, his fingers combing through Antonia's wet and tangled hair as she ran her lips over his length, taking his penis into her mouth, somehow able to slide her lips downward until they were brushing his dark, curly hair. I heard him moan, " right." He rolled his head back, closing his eyes and groaning like an animal in rut as his mother sucked him and sucked him and sucked him.
Finally, Antonia let her son's member slip from her mouth, a streamer of something...saliva perhaps or his seed, extending from the head of his swollen penis to her lushly full lower lip, finally snapping to splatter against her heaving breasts. The mammoth gourds of breast flesh rose up and down with her aroused breath, her nipples larger than I would have imagined possible, seemingly like quarters in diameter and extended in arousal nearly half an inch.
Antonia fell back into the bed of moss and held out her arms even as she spread her legs, revealing pink, glistening flesh splitting her lush, black pelt between her thighs. "It is time again, your mother," she hissed with hunger in her husky voice. "Fuck me, son. Fuck your me and protect me!"
With a feral growl, Hector fell to his knees, his penis again so erect that it slapped against his flat and muscled stomach. He eased himself down upon his mother, hunching his hips as she reached down between their wet bodies and then they both groaned as she guided him inside her. His toes dug into the soft, earthy moss as he thrust forward, making Antonia cried out as he buried his penis inside her vagina -- "Call it a pussy" a voice in my head whispered, sounding very much like my mother."
I instantly recognized her cry of pleasure as that which Mother and I had heard earlier and without chagrin, I realized that my mother had been closer to the truth than I. I rubbed the bulge in my pants harder as I watched almost trancelike as mother and son made, the proper term for what I was witnessing was the crude word, "fuck." Mother and son were fucking with guiltless abandon.
I watched as Antonia and Hector kissed, their tongues hungrily whirling around each other, licking and sucking at each other's mouths in a mad frenzy. Hector's hands stoked at his mother's body, one moment stroking her thigh as she drew it back, opening herself up more to him, the next squeezing and mauling her fleshy breast, finding the swollen nipple and making Antonia cry out in pleasure all the louder.
Antonia clawed her way down her son's back, leaving faint, bloody trails before her hands cupped his taut buttocks, her fingernails digging into his cheeks as she urged him to bury his erection in her all the more deeply and with more vigor. Her face, between wet and sloppy kisses, was screwed up into an intense display of what seemed to be a blur of ecstasy and pain.
Between kisses, mother and son called out to each other with vulgar demands and endearments, their cries and moans blurring together into a cacophony of "Fuck me son...fuck me harder with your bull cock...Love you, Mama, love your tight pussy -- you make me feel so bigger."
Gradually however, as they settled into an intense rhythm of thrusting into each other, Antonia's words changed into a steady chant, moderated only by the rising and lowering of her voice as her pleasure at being fucked by her son waxed and waned.
The chant was I thought at first, Latin, but I couldn't make it out. It seemed both familiar yet foreign. Her words seemed to fuel her son's lust and even enflamed my own powerful desires and I stroked my cock through my pants with absolute need.
The chant seemed to produce power, unseen, yet tangible, which washed over me in waves that grew steadily in power and intensity. I almost felt linked to the incestuous couple making love before me, sensing their impending orgasms -- Antonia's words turned to passionate and desperate screams arousing me almost as if it was my penis buried inside her, straining to be deeper in her womb before eruption and when their cries of pleasure rose fiercely as first Antonia's and then Hector's orgasm swept over them, I was carried along, driven to my knees by the intensity of my own seed flooding my underwear and creating a dark stain in my slacks.
The only thing that seemed to truly separate me from the fornicating mother and son before me was that as pleasure exploded between my legs, it was my own mother's face that I could see, her lovely red lips snarling with an orgasm of her own. When her image faded from my sight, I found myself gasping for breath and for a quick moment I feared that I might have betrayed myself with my own cries of pleasure, but I quickly saw that Antonia and Hector were oblivious to anything but each other, their arms wrapped tightly around each other, their bodies still joined, shiny with sweat from their impassioned coupling.
As I heard them softly murmuring, "I love you," to each other, I suddenly felt very much the intruder...that I was peeking at something that should be private and intimate despite its perversity. Feeling wicked and guilty, I tried to stealthily creep away, eventually staggering from the wood and hurrying to the house where I hoped to creep upstairs while praying that neither Mother or Father would encounter me in such a state.
Still, I was stopped in my tracks as I spied Mother standing at the railing of her veranda. The ocean breeze had picked up, becoming a fierce creature and it billowed her long nightgown about her. Mother stood stock still, the wind whipping about her as her hair danced wildly around her head. I did not know what troubled her, but I could sense deep inside me that she was distressed.
Unmindful of my soiled state, I raced inside and upstairs as quickly as I could. Her bedroom door was thankfully unlocked and I stepped inside, the room in some disarray as her veranda doors stood wide open. I stepped through fluttering sheets of parchment and stationary to go to her side, the wind whistling more fiercely with each passing second.
"Mother...what is wrong? Why are you standing out here like this?" My urgent questions and concerns for my mother fought for my full attention as Mother slowly turned to me and I gaped at her appearance. Mother was wearing a very sheer white nightgown through which her body was almost completely visible. My eyes were drawn quickly to the full and proud globes of her breasts, centered by wide and very dark aureoles, thick, nickel sized nipples pressing hard against the diaphanous silk of her nightgown. My eyes could not help themselves but to gaze lower, washing over her nearly visible belly button which thrilled and delighted me for some perverse reason and then lower between her legs where a dark, ordered patch of darkness appeared.
Only when Mother moaned, "It's's coming," did I break free of my unnatural desires and return to helping her in her distress.
"Mother, what's wrong? What's coming?"
Mother's eyes were wide and unseeing and although she turned towards my voice, it suddenly occurred to me that my mother wasn't actually conscious, but rather sleep-walking! With a trembling tone in her voice that had echoes of fear and desire she moaned, "It's awake and it's hungry and it needs to feed."
I was unsure what to do. I seemed to recall that it could be traumatic or even dangerous to wake someone in such a condition. "Mother, it's late. Come, let us get you back in bed."
I took her by the arm and guided us towards the open French doors. Thankfully, Mother complied meekly with me, still moaning, "It is coming...its hunger aches to be quenched." She shuddered though whether from terror or longing, I did not know. My mind was a swirl, my emotions a churning morass of concern, fear and utter and complete lust. I got Mother back inside her bedroom, managing to close the doors and latch them and then guiding her back to the bed that she should have been sharing with Father. I felt a sudden flame of anger -- he should have been here...he shouldn't be neglecting my mother and his wife!
I untangled the wrecked blankets and helped Mother back into bed, her still murmuring that "It is here and it is so terribly hungry." I fluffed her pillows and drew her blankets up over her scarcely concealed body and I confess that I lingered a moment more than I should have, admiring her nearly naked form, knowing with almost one hundred percent certainty that like Antonia, my mother was indeed a 'man's woman."
The only other liberty that I took was to whisper, "Sleep mother, have good dreams," and then lean over and kiss her softly on the lips, only to be surprised as she gave a great, excited sigh and pressed her lips firmly against my mouth, her tongue lashing out to roll over my lips before I jerked back in surprise. Mother sighed once more and closed her sleeping eyes and seemed to return to a more normal slumber.
Minutes passed as I watched my mother sleep, studying her beautiful face, imagining the lovely body beneath her blankets, the breasts that rose and fell slowly and steadily. Finally I padded out of my parents' bedroom. I pondered whether to disturb Father about Mother's sleeping misadventure, but in the end, decided to keep it to myself. Perhaps I would discuss it with her at a later date...perhaps I would keep this strange occurrence to myself.
In my bedroom, I washed myself clean of the sticky, drying semen in my crotch on my penis and donned pajama bottoms -- the air having grown more humid as the evening progressed. I considered masturbating as my mind re-examined the night's strange and erotic events, but I was weary and I fell asleep as I was thinking about those perfect moments on the beach with my mother.
I awoke in shadow, kneeling in a dark, dusty, and narrow corridor, my heart filled with absolute terror and absolute lust. It took a moment to ascertain my surroundings -- I was in a hidden corridor that somehow I knew was adjacent to the bedroom of my parents. Directly before me was a panel that again, I instinctively understood would tilt slightly and allow me to peer into their bedroom. Despite being right handed, I realized my left hand was rising and rolling the panel upwards. I realized why I was using my left hand when I looked down and saw my right hand wrapped around my penis -- "Call it a cock, John!" murmured Antonia's voice...or was it my mother's? I was slowly stroking my enormously swelled member.
I peered through the peep hole and immediately a moan of pleasure escaped my lips. Mother stood in front of her bed and was stark naked, her nightgown rolling across the floor as the doors to her veranda again stood open. Mother looked both angelic and carnal in her nakedness, her golden blonde hair roiling around her head while she held her arms out wide as offering to embrace someone. Mother's large breasts -- two gourd-like mounds of flesh rode high on her chest, impervious to the laws of gravity and between her long and shapely legs was a trimmed 'V' of dark, golden hair above her spread labia, her nether lips swollen and shiny. Her lovely body seemed to be quivering with absolute need and hunger.
My hand raced up and down my erection as I marveled at the sheer sexual beauty that was my mother. There was a rumble of thunder and then the room grew suddenly warmer, evident to even me peering in from the secret corridor and my eyes were momentarily diverted to the open door and I gasped in amazement as something roiled into the room.
What it was, I had no idea. One moment it appeared to be a rapidly changing cloud of vapor or smoke, its color rolling through the spectrum. Parts seemed to become solid and then become mist again. It seemed to make noise, though whether I heard it in my ears or in my mind, I'm not sure. I could however feel its lust, ravenous in its intensity. It approached Mother and while I had no idea of its intentions, I found myself rooted to the spot I was standing in, my hand unable to stop pleasuring myself.
The entity had no up or down that I could see -- no discernible head or brain, yet I knew when it suddenly took notice of me, turning in roils of mist to study me. For a moment, its appearance seemed to solidify in my mind, but only for a moment and for that I was grateful. I discerned a singular, unnatural eye amidst writhing coils of tentacles -- each ending with mouths with long snake-like tongues, its skin both scaly and slick, oozing blood and fluid. Then the image was gone with only a terrible and rapidly fading memory left behind. My mind gibbered for a moment and then refocused on the pleasure that my hand was producing as I masturbated frantically.
The entity moved towards Mother and I was faintly amazed to not be alarmed. I watched as it swirled around my mother and over her and between her legs before it reformed in front of her -- taking another discernible shape. With a start, I realized it was taking the form of a human and that it gradually took on the appearance of myself -- a smoky apparition of me, my dark doppelganger naked and erect...monstrously erect.
Mother cried out happily at the appearance of my ghostly double, spreading her arms wide as it floated to her, embracing it passionately. Mom cried out, "My John!" as she pressed her lips to its smoky mouth. It wrapped arms around Mother, fingertips becoming elongated and spreading unnaturally over her body -- one hand completely covering her large, meaty breast while another smoky tendril slipped down between her legs, sawing back and forth, making my mother moan lowly and lewdly in a way that nearly made me orgasm.
The entity rose into the air, taking Mother with it, tendrils and wispy hands opening her legs, spreading them widely as its opaque, cloudy penis expanded and rose, reaching out to probe at my mother's sex. Antonia's voice again echoed in my ears, becoming Mother's voice and then the housekeeper's again -- "Call it a is what a woman fucks with...cock and pussy...what is more natural?"
The entity's penis-like appendage thrust forward and Mother screamed -- her voice betraying pain and pleasure blended together as her body stiffened in the misty creature's embrace, her nipples swelling as the barely tangible cock disappeared inside her. Her eyes were wide with excitement, her lip curled in a sexual sneer as smoky tendrils caressed her flesh. The tips of tendrils materialized again into clasping mouths, clamping down on Mother's engorged nipples, pulsating as they seemed to bite and suck.
Mother writhed and cried out, "Yes, John!" as the thing carnally assaulted her while my hand fairly flew up and down the shaft of my throbbing cock. More smoky tendrils uncoiled from the entity's body, the central shaft or penis pulsating with movement, pumping in and out of her wet mother's pussy, her labia spread wide.
Lips at the end of tendrils reached out and kissed Mother's undulating body, snake-like tongues licking at her flawless flesh while others seemed to be exploring her for other openings. Ghostly hands spread Mother's buttocks and another penis like offshoot emerged what still partly resembled me, changing shape as it moved and Mother cried out again as the appendage grew long and narrow and inserted itself up her anus and although I couldn't see, I somehow knew that once inside Mother's anal passage, the cock like tentacle began to expand and grow.
Mother was lost now in the throes of a tremendous orgasm, any reserved part of her character forgotten as she shrilly screamed, "Fuck me, son! Fuck Mother hard! Fuck all of Mother's holes and make me cum...cuM...cUM...CUM!"
I groaned as my own pleasure overwhelmed me, making me cry out as I began to ejaculate, spewing immense quantities of semen over my hand and onto the wall where I knelt. Black spots swam in front of my eyes and I had several bad moments where I couldn't breathe and thought I might black world winnowing down to the sight of my mother being molested, assaulted, raped, fucked by a monstrous creature beyond comprehension and that she was lost in the throes of carnal ecstasy as it did so.
Mother's cries of passionate pleasure were cut off as the creature's face moved to kiss her, its smoky lips pressing against hers. I could still hear Mother's garbled moans and her eyes grew wild with lewd delight while her lips hollowed, reminding me of Antonia's fevered sucking of her son's penis earlier. I suddenly perceived that the entity was somehow fucking Mother with a third penis-like tentacle via her mouth and that it was giving her as much pleasure as it was receiving.
My orgasm escalated and I sobbed with painful pleasure as my cock bucked and jerked, impossibly ejaculating with so much force that it hurt. I couldn't take my eyes off Mother lost in her own ghostly rapture and the world seemed to burn away leaving only us and the monstrous deity and as the world filled with the brilliant and beautiful light that was pure sexual ecstasy, it seemed that Mother's eyes turned towards me, acknowledging that somehow we were joined in this terrible, wonderful moment. Despite a mouth of misty cock, Mother's cries of sexual delight surrounded me and embraced me and took me beyond comprehension itself, obliterating me in the depths of her lust and carnal satisfaction...