Chapter 02.1

"Mother!" I sobbed, sitting straight up in my bed, my body convulsing with waves of pleasure. Sunlight streamed through my open windows as I came into myself again, first registering that my hand was wrapped around my aching and still erect penis, my fingers and wrist coated with semen. My member was dark and angry, jutting through the fly of my pajamas. I slowly unwound my fingers which ached with effort and marveled at the amount of semen that covered my hand and rested in sticky clumps all around the crotch of my pajamas.

I moaned softly as memories of the...was it really a dream that I had just had? Images of Mother's naked body raced through my mind, swiftly followed by the insane images of her being, willingly fucked by some nightmarish creature who looked like me...the very thought sending aftershocks of pleasure coursing through me. I wondered if I was going mad to be dreaming of such things. I heard the faint murmurs of voices below and glancing at the clock beside my bed was surprised to see that it was nearly ten in the morning. I had overslept...thankfully, it was Sunday and I owed Father no labor today.

Then I recalled Mother's sleepwalking last night and had a sudden and urgent need to check on her. I swung my legs out of bed, wincing at the sore muscles and then as I started to rise up, stopped in stunned amazement and stared at the knees of my pajamas. They were torn and dirty as if I had been kneeling on a rough, wooden floor, filthy with dust like I might have encountered in...a secret passage behind my parents' bedroom. "Oh, Lord!" I moaned. Had I had a nightmare or had last night actually happened?

With my heart racing and my body trembling, I staggered to the shower, running it hot to sooth my aching body and then running it icy cold to clear my head which spun with confusion as I tried to sort dream from reality -- an effort I failed at as in addition to whatever strangeness had occurred to me and mother, the images of Antonia and her son committing incest joined the bizarre thoughts already present in my mind.

It was with a heavy and confused heart that I emerged from my room, angling first towards Mother's bedroom where I found the door open and the room in perfect order, but empty. Both relieved and yet disappointed, I slowly made my way downstairs and hearing laughter and talk coming from the kitchen, cautiously emerged through the swinging doors.

Mother and Hector were sitting at the plain kitchen table...a plate full of fruit in front of my mother and a heaping plate of eggs and bacon in front of Hector. Antonia was standing behind him and all three had been talking only to stop at my arrival to turn and smile at me.

" sleepyhead, finally awake!" Mother said laughingly as she rose from her seat. I was struck by her cheerfulness -- there being none of the almost always ever present sadness in her face or demeanor. I was also struck by her casual appearance -- Mother who usually wore long, billowy dresses was dressed more like a teenaged girl, having donned a pair of what I believe are called capris -- tight fitting slacks that tapered off at mid-ankle. With it, she was wearing what I believed was one of my older blue chambray work shirts, knotted and tied just below her breasts, exposing the alabaster white of her slender stomach. Her hair had been pulled up and coiled into some sort of bun and even without a sign of makeup, she looked more beautiful than a motion picture star at a premiere.

She took three strides to me and gave me a quick hug, pressing herself against me for a moment, the feel of her large, pert breasts giving evidence that she was without a bra. She pecked me on the cheek and then began tugging me by the arm to come to the table. "I was thinking I'd have to come up there and wake you up myself," Mother chortled, sitting me next to her.

"And I told her that you needed your rest," added Antonia, leaning over me to set a plate laden with eggs and bacon before me, her huge breast flattening against my arm as she moved in, lingering as she turned her head and smiled at me, saying, "Young men need their rest as they often exert themselves more than they realized." I felt my face begin to burn as I detected a tone of amused accusation in her voice. Had she or her son noticed me peeping at their lovemaking the night before?

"Dig in, John," Mother urged me, placing a hand on my arm in a gesture of easy familiarity. "I know you and Hector plan to continue your work on the pool today and it's such a lovely day, I thought I might help!"

I stared at her in surprise...stunned by her offer and still mulling over her change of demeanor. Although still a virgin, I had heard the comments, albeit mostly in the gym locker room made by mostly boy-men who were virgins themselves, about the change in a woman that a good night's sex could induce. My dreams echoed in my head...Mother in the throes of a fantastical orgasm and again I wondered if my dreams had basis in fact somehow. Finally, I composed myself enough to say, "That's wonderful, Mother...just, please don't overtax yourself."

Hector swallowed a mouthful of breakfast and gave Mother a smile that bordered on the lewd and said, "Yes, Missus Halloran, it will be our pleasure to have you with us." Even in my state of advance shock, I could see Hector's eyes roaming lasciviously over Mother's shapely figure and while I wasn't surprised to feel a flame of jealousy in my heart, I was disconcerted to feel a sense of pride in his admiration of my mother.

Soon enough we found ourselves at the bottom of the pool -- all three of us working hard scrubbing the slime and crud from the walls of the pool, our bodies all growing hot and sweaty. Hector and I had the luxury of doffing our shirts, allowing our now deeply tanned upper bodies to gleam with perspiration while Mother resolutely soldiered on, my old work shirt darkening and molding itself to her body -- her nipples becoming nearly visible as they seemed to be constantly hard, outlined by the wet chambray. I could see the scratch marks on Hector's back, but Mother either didn't notice or chose not to comment on them.

As often as my own attention become distracted by the sight of Mother's shapely body bent over, her breasts swaying underneath her shirt, I also caught Hector's lusty gaze on her as well. Realizing that he had been discovered, he would grin and shrug his shoulders and resume his own work. Part of me wanted to slug him and part of me ached to be able to confer with him...curious about how he and his mother became lovers and to have a confidant to discuss my own unnatural feelings with.

To complicate matters, Antonia, finished with her own chores, showed up with an extra pail and bucket and she joined mother in the beginnings of scrubbing clean the tiled floor of the pool. She came dressed in what appeared to be men's Bermuda shorts, the material tight around her full but shapely thighs and what looked like a skin-tight wife-beater T-shirt that Clark Gable had made famous, the white cotton molding itself around her immense breasts which seemed almost visible, her darker skin almost bleeding through the thin cotton.

For a moment, Mother looked taken aback at Antonia's scandalous appearance, glancing back at me with concern and perhaps a tinge of jealousy that seemed to be quickly dampened as I smiled back at her, trying to convey my love for her in my expression. Mother joined Hector's mother, both kneeling on the pool floor and creating intentionally or inadvertently an erotic spectacle for we two young men.

Mother and Antonia pursue their work with a vengeance, scrubbing away with their brushes, their buttocks waving high in the air while their breasts swung freely below, betraying the effort they were making. I felt my penis harden quickly, throbbing uncomfortably in my stained and worn khakis. A quick glance at Hector confirmed that he too had grown erect at the sight of our mothers...a definite contrast of motherly beauty displayed so boldly before us.

I assumed Mother's display of her attributes to be an accident, but had my suspicions about Antonia who would often glance at her son with an air of what seemed to me to be absolute lust, sparing me similar looks from time to time. When Antonia looked at me with her dark eyes, I felt if she was seeing me naked, both in body and in thought. Further, she conveyed somehow an air of approval in her dark glances.

Still, before the afternoon began to wane, we had made tremendous progress towards rehabilitating the pool and when Hector and I could tear our attentions away from our enchanting mothers, we discussed our intentions to devote some time to getting the water pump and the heaters operational again.

Overhearing our plans to get together after supper, Antonia rose up, her breasts almost visible underneath the now sweat soaked cotton and sighed. "Not tonight, Hector. You've worked hard today and you should relax a little." She didn't say, "relax a little with me," but it was in her tone least that was my perception.

Mother climbed to her feet. "She's right." She looked down at me, smiling, her face shiny with sweat, beads of it clinging to her upper lip, looking so enticing that I ached to take her in my arms and lick it off her. "John, I was thinking of another long walk on the beach...perhaps we can make a picnic of it." She glanced at Antonia, her face registering momentary disapproval at the woman's wanton appearance, but then saying, "Antonia, would you and Hector care to join us?"

The voluptuous woman shook her head and replied, "Thank you...not tonight." She licked her lips and said, "Tonight, I think a long, hot bath is in order and then just a quiet evening with my son." Her answer was innocent enough, but to my mind, it was redolent with sexual promise and I felt my penis throb with her every word.

Still, her frank sexuality vanished from my sight as Mother came up to me, touching me on the shoulder as she said softly, "Are you up for another stroll, son?"

I trembled a little, the slightest touch of her fingers on my bare skin threatening to make me climax and I said in a whispery voice, "I'd love to, Mother."

She smiled, the pleased expression of a woman who knew she had what she wanted and said, "Lovely, get cleaned up and meet me in the kitchen in half an hour." She strolled away from me up the rising floor of the pool, her buttocks swaying delightfully in her now sweaty capris which clung tightly to her behind.

"Lovely, isn't she?" I heard Hector breath from slightly behind me. As Mother vanished into the house, I turned to glare at him, but was surprised to see both he and his mother standing there...sharing the same appreciative and lusty smile on their faces. Antonia had her arm through Hector's and was leaning into him, making her right breast seemed to burgeon almost beyond the T-shirt's capacity to restrain it.

"Your mother is indeed a rare and beautiful woman, John," Antonia said with a husky hiss. "You are a lucky son."

"Thank you," I replied hoarsely.

"Hector, inside, my dear. Draw me a hot bath." Hector grinned at me and gave me another sly wink, moving away from his mother quickly. Antonia remained behind, studying me from behind a serious smile. "I am glad you heeded my words, John. You made your mother very happy." She stepped up closer to close her huge breasts seemed to just brush my bare chest. My nostrils flared, picking up her scent...something almost spicy, yet mixed with something that was purely feminine. "I've never seen her as happy as she was today."

Hector's mother gave me a coy smile. "A good and loving son can be a wonderful curative for a lonely mother, no?" She reached out and slowly ran her hand over my sweaty chest. "Be your mother's good and loving son, John. Make her happy." She finished her words just as her fingernails reached the waistband of my khakis. Antonia looked down below my waist and smiled as I blushed more knowing she could easily see my erection bulging there. "You can do that, can't you, John?"

I slowly nodded and replied in a whispery voice, "Yes, ma'am."

Antonia smiled and stood up on tip-toe, her massive breasts mashing into my chest as she kissed me on the cheek. "That's a good get along...go to your mother!" She moved past me, her breasts slowly dragging across my skin, her thick nipples hard and pointed, leaving me to watch her move slowly and sensually up the sloped floor...the ugliness of her Bermuda shorts vanquished by the way they clung to her backside.

I hurried inside myself, slipping quietly up the stairs, only to come to a complete stop outside my parents' door as I heard Mother singing brightly to herself. It brought a grin to my being a long time since Mother seemed happy enough to sing to herself. The door itself was slightly open and before I could move on or look away, Mother passed by, naked and holding a dress in front of her. I got a quick glimpse of her full and upright breasts from the side and of her long, lovely legs and her heart-shaped behind..."Call it, her lovely ass," Antonia's voice echoed through my head. I barely was able to keep myself from groaning.

I knew I should move on...that it was wrong to peek at my mother so, but I was rooted to the floor, unable to look away, anxious to see another glimpse of her. I was not bothered by the sudden thought that Hector would approve...after all, he said there would be opportunities. Suddenly, I was rewarded as Mother passed by the door again, this time carrying only a pair of sandals that could be tied around her ankles. In her nakedness, she was beyond glorious...her breasts rolling gently, so heavy and round and firm and below her flat belly lay a triangular patch of dark, golden curls pointing downward and drawing attention to her slightly parted labia, moisture clearly evident in the bright lights of her bedroom.

Finally, when Mother had passed out of my line of sight again, I found the strength to move, hurrying to my room and my shower where I was torn between the need to masturbate, savoring my nasty thoughts about Mother as I stroked my penis and the realization that Mother herself would be waiting for me. It was the prospect of being in her company again that in the end forestalled my masturbation and I quickly showered, barely touching my erection before I tucked it uncomfortably in my shorts and dressed for my evening with my mother.

I found Mother in the kitchen, packing some fruit and cheese in a small wicker basket along with a small bottle of wine. She looked up from her work and giggled at me. "I'm not sure you're legally old enough to drink, but it can be our little secret, son."

I smiled at my mother, her loveliness nearly taking my breath away. "For you, Mother...I can keep many secrets," I replied as I ran my eyes over her beautiful body. Mother had exchanged her usual long, billowy dresses for a shorter hemmed summer dress -- a pale green color with thin spaghetti straps over her shoulders and a modest 'V' for a neckline that somehow with its limited exposure of her voluptuous cleavage seemed more erotic than if she'd gone topless. The hem of her dress rose just a few inches above her knees and allowed a more constant view of her shapely legs. Mother had tied her hair up into a French twist that hung over her left shoulder, giving her a more youngish appearance. She was a dream come to life.

We quickly made our way to the beach, walking through the sands at the edge of the surf, Mother playfully splashing her feet in the little pools and puddles as we journeyed away from the house, she becoming more relaxed and open as we drew further away. Sometimes we held hands silently as we walked, other times, Mother would teasingly skip away from me, letting herself get splashed by the gentle waves rolling in until her dress was finely damp with moisture.

With lewd curiosity, I waited to see what would happen when her light dress grew wet, but quickly discovered that it would not grow transparent as it grew wetter. However, it did mold itself more precisely against her skin, revealing to me that like earlier today, Mother was without a bra...the cooling water hardening her nipples and making them stand out against the darkening green fabric more clearly. The swollen nubs were hard not to look at and I think even Mother was aware of how they stood out, glancing down at them from time to time, but she did not seem to care, her mood so much brighter than it had been for some time.

We were on the far side of the island before the moon began to slowly rise, looking fatter and more swollen than the night before. We paused then, spreading out a light blanket on the sand to have our picnic. We didn't speak much as Mother brought out the food and the wine, she laughing when she said, "I forgot the glasses!" No matter, we took turns drinking from the bottle itself...some dark wine, strong and sweet to my tongue. I enjoyed watching Mother drink...seeming so erotic as she put the bottle to her lips and took a sip and always afterwards, slowly licking her lips, glancing over at me with hooded eyes.

At one point, Mother said, "Son, are there any strawberries left?" I glanced into the now mostly empty basket and came up with two large, ripe berries. I sat one down on her napkin and impulsively held the other one out, raising one eyebrow in query. Mother laughed, her voice dying away as I slowly brought the red berry to her mouth. Her eyes were wide with something I didn't recognize as I brushed the tip of the strawberry to her mouth and ran it back and forth.

Mother's eyes never left mine as she slowly opened her lips and wrapped them around the strawberry, drawing it into her mouth without biting until my fingertips were touching her lips. Slowly she bit into the fruit, taking all but the leafy end and I trembled as I thought I felt the slightest brush of her tongue against my fingers. I became suddenly very aware of my penis throbbing angrily in my pants, already erect, but now dangerously close to climax from this innocent and yet so carnal an encounter.

A playful look grew on Mother's face as she picked up the other strawberry and held it close to her mouth. The tip of her tongue came out and licked the ripe, red berry and then she began to open her mouth wide, but then paused and held it out to me, bringing it to my lips. She smiled at me inquiringly and I wanted to scream, "YES, I WANT IT!" suddenly overwhelmed to touch and taste anything that had touched her tongue.

I opened my mouth and Mother brought the fruit closer only to pull it away as my lips closed around it. She giggled, the lusty timbre of her voice making my erection pound all the harder before again placing it in my mouth and allowing me to bite into it. I felt her fingertips brush my lips before she took the remainder and return it to her own lips where she again licked it subtly with her tongue and then popped it into her mouth.

We both laughed like naughty children, our hands somehow finding each other and we watched the moon rise higher over the ocean for a while until Mother said softly, "I'd like to walk a little more. Let's leave the basket and blanket and pick them up on our way back."

We left the detritus of our picnic behind and slowly walked further down the beach, Mother slipping her arm around my waist as we walked slowly through the surf. We didn't get far before Mother stumbled and I caught her before she fell, both of us gasping as my hands found large handfuls of her breasts as I pulled her back up. Mother sighed softly as I let my fingers slide free and then she leaned into me, her breasts pillowing against my chest.

She looked up at me with a mixture of confusion and what I saw as desire, smiling as she said, "Maybe I had a little too much wine."

"That's okay, Mother." I gestured back at the beach further away from the surf. "We can sit awhile, watch the Moon over the water."

Mother nodded and with her arms around my waist, allowed me to walk us away from the water's edge. At a safe distance, I helped Mother to sink to her knees, her looking up at me with large eyes, reminding me more than a little of Antonia and Hector last night. In the brilliant illumination of the Moon, I had little doubt that my erection stood out plainly against my pants. I quickly unbuttoned my shirt and laid it down for Mother to sit on, going to my knees and helping her slowly turn around and then sit between my outstretched legs as she had done last night.

Mother sighed happily as she wiggled herself into a comfortable position, her modestly covered bottom rubbing wonderfully against my crotch. As she had done the night before, Mother drew my arms around her upper chest and leaned back into me. As she rested her head on my shoulder, she said softly, "I like this, son."

She picked up my right hand and kissed my palm and then returned it to a place just above the swell of her left breast. With a hoarse whisper, I replied, "I like this too, Mother." I punctuated my statement by planting a gentle kiss on her bare shoulder.

After a long and comfortable silence watching the Moon rise up, its reflection lengthening out from the horizon to the shore, Mother said with a bit of wistfulness. "I'd forgotten how much I loved this."

"You used to do this with Father?" I replied softly.

Mother hesitated for a moment and said, "He wasn't always this way...when we met back in college, he had his playful, romantic side." She sighed again. "We'd walk on the beaches and watch the moon, sometimes staying out all night, making love as the sun rose up..." Her voice faded out and she was silent for some minutes before finally saying softly, "I'm sorry, John. I didn't mean to say such things and embarrass you. Not something I should be telling my son."

I leaned in and brushed my lips on the outer shell of her ear and whispered back. "I'm not embarrassed, Mother. It makes me happy to know that once you were so very happy." I paused, licking my dry lips before adding, "I would love to see you that happy again." I felt my heart beat as I wondered if she would understand what I truly meant.

Mother sighed and shook her head and said, "You're a good son to say so, but I fear your father is past such things now...he considers them...immature and childish."

"Father is a fool," I responded, my voice harsher than I wanted it to sound. "A husband should consider his wife to be his most important priority -- not a pile of smelly, old books."

Mother laughed in response and I am sure I detected both amusement and bitterness in her voice. "My son, some day you will make a lucky woman a wonderful husband." She then again took hold of my right hand and gave me a gentle kiss on my palm. When she put my hand back down again, this time it rested plainly on the upper swell of her breast, partly covered by her dress and partly exposed, allowing me to feel the pillow like softness of her breasts. I wondered if I should discreetly withdraw my hand, but Mother solved that question by resting her hand atop mine.

A long period of silence was interrupted when Mother said in an odd voice. "Do you think Antonia is attractive?"

I opened my mouth, but could not think of a reply. I laughed uncomfortably and finally muttered, "Antonia is...Antonia. She certainly has certain...attributes."

Mother snorted and said, "She has big breasts, you mean?"

"They certainly um...stand out," I replied, wincing at the lameness of my answer.

"I saw you glancing at her today," Mother said frostily.

"Um, it was rather hard not to, Mother. I am a man after all." I hesitated, but then went ahead and blurted out, "And I'm sure Hector was looking at you just as much as I looked at Antonia. It made me very jealous."

Mother barked out a laugh, her hand on mine rising to cover her mouth. "Good you really think so? No, don't answer that. Do you think Antonia is beautiful, son?"

I chose my words carefully and replied, "I think Antonia is an attractive woman, yes, but she is not beautiful...not like you are, Mother."

Mother chuckled lowly and I knew she was pleased. "Do you really think I'm beautiful, John?"

"Oh yes, Mother. You are the most beautiful woman I know of." I took a chance and again kissed her softly on the shoulder before adding, "Father is so lucky...damn the fool for not seeing that."

I expected a mild to harsh rebuke for condemning Father so, but for once, Mother did not make apologies for her husband, but instead whispered in a teary voice, "Thank you, John. I...I think I needed to hear that." There was a pause and she added almost too soft to hear, "It's been too long since I heard such compliments."

I kissed her again on the shoulder and then bravely on the nape of her neck, making her shudder slightly. "Then I will remind you of how beautiful you are on a daily basis from now on...hourly or more if you prefer."

Mother sighed and wiggled slightly against me again, searching for a more comfortable position or perhaps seeking to better ascertain the physical response I was having in her being in my embrace. "You are a truly wonderful son," she said and again lifted my hand up. Mother planted a soft kiss on each of my fingertips before kissing my palm again. My heart then gave a lurch as Mother took my hand and planted it firmly over her breast, my thumb and forefinger resting on the naked swell of her breast while the rest of my hand rested on the fully rounded globe of flesh underneath her dress, my palm pressing now against her very hard nipple. Mother then compounded the action by placing her hand atop mine to keep it in place.

Silence reined again, punctuated only briefly by Mother's infrequent sighs and my needful gasps of breath. My cock seemed to throb in rhythm with her heart which I could feel pounding in her chest. The birds and other nightlife seemed to fade away and we were alone, accompanied only by the gentle wash of the surf for music. I could feel the sweat running down my back, not triggered by the humid air, but by nervousness as I wandered what to do next. I cursed my awkwardness, thinking that Mike Hammer would know what to do...or even Hector.

I wondered if Mother truly knew what she was doing and even if she did, where was the limit to my possible actions here. I continued to periodically kiss Mother's soft shoulders and the nape of her neck and her upper back, all which made her sigh happily until finally I worked up the courage as I was kissing her neck to slowly squeeze my fingers around her breast and very slowly, work my hand in a circle, gently massaging her large, firm breast.

As my palm slowly scraped over her cotton covered nipple, I could feel it swell even larger and Mother let out a very low, but happy purr. Her hand atop mine did nothing to stop me from caressing her breast and even seemed to tighten a little around my hand to keep it from suddenly flying off.

Suddenly, I was aware that Mother was beginning to perspire as well, her legs slowly moving and shifting in the sand -- her knees rising up and allowing the hem of her dress to slide back towards her crotch before digging her heels into the sand and straightening her legs to plow trowels in the sandy soil. I kissed her neck and then as a large rivulet of sweat slowly slid down her neck, I reached out and tongued it off her fair skin.

I could feel Mother's heart beating more strongly, paced by her pulse as blood pumped into her nipple and as I worked my hand on her breast. As I slowly and patiently planted a series of soft kisses on her neck and worked my way towards her shoulder, I was able to look over her shoulder and down, marveling that I could actually see my hand moving carefully in a circular fashion over her breast and then as she drew her knees back, the soft white of her inner thighs where the hem of her dress fell back, her free hand rubbing the inside of her leg, drawing closer to her crotch where her panties were now revealed and I could see in that almost magical moonlight that in the middle of her gusset was a growing dark spot! Mother's vagina was wet...she was aroused -- no, very aroused!

In my excitement, my hand covering Mother's breast clenched almost involuntarily, fingers digging into her soft flesh, separated only by the thin cotton of her dress. Mother let out a gasp, surprise, pleasure and shock in her voice and her body jerked and she let out a loud moan and sat up suddenly, breaking our embrace. With awkward swiftness, Mother scrambled to her feet, hands coming to her face, mouth open in an expression of amazement and dismay.

I came up to my knees, saying hoarsely, "Mother, are you alright?"

Mother looked down at me, her mouth moving for several seconds, but with nothing coming out. She spun and faced the moonlit ocean, wrapping her arms around herself as if suddenly chilled. I came to my feet and went to her, carefully placing my hands on her shoulders. "Mother, is something wrong?" My heart was pounding with fear as I wondered if I had done something terribly wrong.

Long, agonizing seconds passed before Mother shook her head and turned and smiled wanly up at me and said, "Nothing's wrong. It's...just getting late. We should get back home."

I knew I had to say something. My heart was breaking as I realized that the special and so romantic, was now over -- lost and irretrievable. "Mother...I..."

Mother raised her hand -- the same one that had just held my hand to her breast and touched two fingers to my lips. "I'm fine, son. Nothing is...wrong, but we need to get back. It's getting late."

I nodded, feeling sadness and regret that was only ameliorated by the fact that as we walked, Mother again slipped an arm around my waist and allowed me to wrap my arm around her shoulder. We took our time, silently strolling back along the edge of the surf, pausing only to pick up our picnic basket. Not a word passed between us along the way, Mother only speaking to me after I had walked her up the stairs to the door of hers and Father's bedroom.

We stared at each other for several seconds, an aura of awkwardness and embarrassment thick between us that was finally breached when Mother said softly, "I cannot tell you how much I enjoyed our walk, son."

I shook my head and said, "Not nearly as much as I did, Mother. I only..."

Again, Mother put her fingers to my lips to silence me as she slowly shook her head and said, "I know." She smiled at me and said in such a tender voice. "I love you so much, John." Then before I could reply, Mother leaned into me, her breasts flattening and dragging against my chest as she rose up and kissed me on the lips, chaste and yet passionate, her closed lips pressing urgently against mine for seconds that were far longer than what one would consider appropriate between a mother and son. I was entranced, wanting the kiss to never end and by the time I realized it had, Mother entered her bedroom and closed the door behind her, leaving me standing there, lost and forlorn like an abandoned puppy.

I reached out and touched the door with my fingers and whispered, "I love you too, Mother -- more than anything." I retreated to my room and as the night before, considered masturbating, but found myself too restless to stay in my room even though the evening grew late. I ventured to the kitchen, looking for a snack that would sate the hunger gnawing at my belly, but found nothing, knowing full well that it was not food I desired. I stepped out onto the back porch, my eyes seeking out in the moonlit night, the path that led into the woods... the path I had taken that had led to my discovery of Antonia's and Hector's incestuous relationship.

Part of me was sorely tempted to journey out there again in the hopes of spying on them once more, but I recalled that Hector's mother had intimated that they were staying in for the night. I retreated back into the kitchen and for long minutes stared down the hallway that led to the servant quarters, my imagination running wild, wondering if at this very moment, Antonia and her son were locked in carnal congress...making love, nay, fucking like lust filled animals.

Part of me wanted to try and slip into their private quarters and spy on them, but I was not ready to yield to such base and venal desires. At last, I pulled my attention from them and slowly made my way back up the stairs. Standing in the hallway of our quarters, I looked to the closed door of Father's office, wondering what ancient lore he might be lost in. I glanced over at my parents' bedroom and felt my penis throb as I imagined Mother in some erotic lingerie or stark naked, lying like a goddess upon her bed. My erection which had never fully waned began to throb and grow again and I began walking down the hall when I came to a halt between two aged portraits -- severe paintings of a former master of the house and his spinster daughter.

I had already discovered that between them was an access portal to an old passageway between the upper floor and the servant's quarters, no doubt place there so servants could move unseen by their so-called betters as they went back and forth on their many errands. I'm not sure how long I stood there debating my next action and I don't remember retrieving a small flashlight from my room, but suddenly I found myself inside the secret corridor, cautiously and quietly descending a narrow, spiral staircase of cast iron.

Below, it opened up into another narrow corridor and it suddenly struck me how similar it resembled the secret place from which I had spied on Mother in my dreams last night. Here and there light shone through slight cracks in the wall. I wasn't sure of my direction, but turned right on instinct and moved carefully along, extinguishing my light. I paused in front of a section of wall that had to my surprise a slide mechanism similar to the one in my dream. I raised my hand to quietly work it, somehow knowing what I would see.

I peered through the peephole and was shocked to see Antonia staring back at me. I stifled a gasp and nearly slammed into the dusty, cobwebby wall behind me before I recovered and summoning all my nerve peered again. Again, I was looking directly into Antonia's face, but quickly realized that she did not see me -- indeed, I doubted she could see at all, so glazed with lust and pleasure were her eyes.

As I took in all there was to see, everything became clear. Antonia was on a large brass bed on her hands and knees facing the wall from which I was peeking. She was naked -- her massively pendulous breasts swinging wildly about as Hector pumped his hard penis into her from behind. A multitude of lit candles were scattered about the room, illuminating it to create an atmosphere akin to that of a church or temple.

In the glow of that near holy light, I could see her olive skinned body was covered in a thick sheen of sweat and I wondered how long Hector and his mother had been carnally engaged. Gradually, I became aware of Antonia making a low moaning sound -- a continuous noise of pure, unrelenting pleasure of the lewdest kind. Simultaneously, I became aware of the scent of their sex...of her arousal and his seed..."Call it the smell of FUCKING," moaned my mother's voice inside my head.

I began to perceive other sounds...Hector's harsh gasps for breath as he labored to pleasure his mother, his face twisted in a rictus of incestuous delight. And then there was the sound of their bodies slapping together, sharp and constant, accompanied by the noise of wetness and in my mind's eye, I could see his cock and her pussy, joined, his length and girth filling her wet and hungry womb, becoming one, producing such ecstasy that I could only dream of.

My hand found my own erect penis and began to furiously stroke, aching for the release that I had denied or been denied all evening long. I was filled with jealousy of Antonia and Hector, envious of what they shared and what I realized now I wanted -- no, needed to have with my own mother.

As I masturbated, I saw myself alongside them, kneeling next to Hector with Mother on all fours in front of me, her lovely buttocks raised in sweet offering to me, me thrusting my erection deep into her...her...her pussy, relishing each savage stroke inside her as her wet, steaming hot flesh wrapped itself around hard cock! I could clearly see Mother looking over her shoulder at me, her face expressing more happiness and pleasure than I had ever imagined...eyes glowing with love for her son and what he was doing for her.

As I felt my orgasm racing closer, I could see Mother and Antonia looking at each other, giving each other a smile of understanding that only mother's who were the lovers of their sons, could comprehend. Each snaked a hand towards the other as their moans rose in intensity, fingers intertwining as incestuous ecstasy consumed them. Their heads moved closer together, lips opening as if anticipating a kiss as their sons fucked them harder and harder.

"MATRE TIAMBO UN UMANO UN ESTASIUM VICTRE DIABLAS!" My incestuous fantasy was broken as Antonia began to scream seemingly nonsense words in the grip of her orgasm -- her eyes now wide and unseeing in pure ecstasy. Her orgasm seemed to manifest in waves of pure energy that radiated outward, washing over me, allowing me somehow to tap into their lusty pleasure.

As she chanted the strange words over and over, my own pleasure became more than I could bear and with a mostly strangled sob, I began to climax, ejaculating massive amounts of semen into my hand and against the wall, almost collapsing to my knees from the intensity of my pleasure even as Hector growled loudly as with one last brutal thrust, he buried his cock inside his mother's womb and began to fill her with his seed.

The sensation of filling her son's hot semen inside her pussy sent Antonia over the edge and her chanting disintegrated into cries and sobs of pure carnal ecstasy as she threw her head back and through sneering lips howled as she came with animalistic intensity. My own climax brought me to tears as my desires momentarily overwhelmed me while I struggled to understand the incestuous desires that had so recently come to dominate my world.

I wiped my hand clean of my seed and then wiped tears from my momentarily blinded eyes. When I had composed myself, I again peered through the peephole and felt my momentarily sated penis twitch as I saw a scene of pure carnal lust. Antonia had somehow managed to turn around and crawl up to her son's sprawled body, his chest rising and falling rapidly as he struggled to catch his breath. Her full lips were wrapped around Hector's still semi-erect cock, her tongue gathering up and cleaning his penis of their mingled leavings.

Antonia's body still quivered in the aftershock of her no doubt numerous orgasms and her legs were sprawled apart, affording me a perfect view of her pussy, labia swollen and widespread with copious amounts of semen frosting her pink, wet flesh and oozing from her battered pussy. I could see her face from profile, hair and skin still gleaming with perspiration and even from my limited view, I could see her glancing lovingly up at her son's face and as I had the night before, suddenly and keenly felt like an intruder upon their intimacy.

Quietly, I withdrew, creeping away somewhat shamefacedly, trying to control my emotions as I returned up the narrow staircase and emerged from the secret entrance into the upstairs hallway. Sighing with relief, I rushed to my room, locked my door and flung myself down onto my bed, sobbing finally as I released all the remaining pent up emotions that seemed to be welling up inside myself. It shames me somewhat to confess that as an eighteen year old man, I cried myself to sleep, both praying for and fearing what dreams might come in the night.

I awoke the next morning, somewhat astonished at feeling well rested and slightly disappointed as the closest I could recall of any erotic dreams was a faint memory of my mother's face, her voice calling out to me plaintively. Having showered and dressed for another day of sweaty labor, I hurried downstairs in anticipation of seeing Mother before I ventured off with Hector to clear the brush, but to my further disappointment, I found only Antonia with my breakfast at hand.

When I asked about my mother, Antonia only shook her head and said, "Missus Halloran is feeling unwell this morning and is still in bed."

This alarmed me and I started to rise from the breakfast table, my food and appetite forgotten. "Mother is ill?"

Before I could leave my seat and rush upstairs, Antonia had her hand on me and with surprising strength, pushed me back down into my chair. She smiled down at me, her great bosom brushing my back as she said softly, "Be not alarmed, young Master. Your mother is just somewhat out of sorts this morning." She sighed and shook her head before adding, "This island...this terrible loneliness here can sometimes take its toll on a person."

Antonia smiled and ran her hand through my scruffy hair as I had often seen her do with her own son. "Give her a little time, your mother. She will find her way and she knows that you will be there to help guide her." She leaned in and in almost a whisper, "In just a few days, your attentions have given her more happiness than she has ever known. I have seen this...a mother knows these things." She stroked my hair one more time and then gave me a playful slap on the head. "Now will be a busy day with much work and that smelly fisherman is due today too.

Alas, that much was very true. Hector and I worked hard and silently for most of the morning, stopping only when the horn of the Vulgar Harpy began to bleat as it approached the island. Father emerged from his study, looking weary and irritable to oversee our unloading and carrying to the house fresh provisions. Father only shook off his weariness when Captain Waltern's men unload a small crate with labels that indicated it originated in Calcutta by way of La Plata and Veracruz.

"My office, lads and hurry!" Father had exclaimed, nearly rubbing his hands together in what appeared to be demented happiness.

The box was heavy and despite the two of us, it was a struggle to carry up from the beach and wrestle up the stairs to the second floor. No doubt, it was weighted down with musty, moldy old books. We placed it on the floor of Father's office -- suddenly aware that this was the first time either of us had been inside since the day we'd arrived. It had been some sort of study before, but now books and scrolls covered most every surface with charts and papers tacked to the walls. Some writing appeared to be in English while others were in arcane runes and ideographs. A handmade map sketched out a surface with rectangular objects in a rough circle and seemed highly reminiscent of the site Hector and I had been working for so long to clear.

There was a faint smell of something fetid in the air -- possibly the remnants of a forgotten meal shoved into a nook or cranny, but seeming to be something worse. Hector looked around the room and with a frown, said quietly, "Your father travels a dark path, my friend."

I gave him a curious glance and was about to ask him what he meant when Father appeared and banished us, commanding us to bring the rest of the fresh provisions up from the docks to the house and closing the door to his office behind him...our last glimpse was of him hungrily staring at the small crate.

Captain Waltern was unpleasant but stayed only briefly after ascertaining that Mother would not emerge from the house. This was the only positive aspect of Mother secluding herself inside on what had proved to be a bright, sunny day.

After our break for lunch, Hector and I resumed work, speaking little although we both occasionally glanced towards the veranda in hopes of seeing my mother. Finally, Hector signaled me to halt for a water break and as we passed the jug of cool water back and forth, he said, "You are troubled, John, yes?"

I wasn't sure what to say and only nodded in response. "You are questioning your feelings for your mother?" Hector said with a sympathetic smile.

"You have..." I paused for a moment searching for the correct words. "You have infected me with your sick thoughts and desires, Hector." I did not sound as accusatory as my words.

Hector's smile broadened. " now see your mother as a a man perceives a woman." He shook his head and sighed. "This is not sick, John, it is simply acknowledging that you are now a man with a man's desires and feelings and that you recognize your mother as a woman...a beautiful and desirable woman."

My voice sounded thick as I muttered, "Like you feel for your mother."

Hector dipped his head in acknowledgment and replied, "Absolutely and she returns my feelings of love with equal passion as you now well know."​
Next page: Chapter 02.2
Previous page: Chapter 01.2