Chapter 02.2
I gasped, feeling as if he'd hit me in the stomach, driving all the air out of me. I felt my face begin to burn and my voice was a harsh grate when I finally managed to answer him. "You know that I've watched you and...your mother?"
He shook his head and laughed, "Truthfully, I did not. Making love to a woman like my mother consumes all my effort and attention, but...Mama is different." He licked his lips and grinned wolfishly. "Even at the height of orgasm, when Mama's cunt tightens around my cock, she is still aware. She is what our people might call a Brujiho...a sort of witch. She perceived you watching us as we lost ourselves in our passion for each other...both at the mossy pond and last night in our bedroom."
I could not look him in the eye, staring down at the torn up ground as I muttered, "I am sorry. I can offer no reasonable explanation."
Hector waved his hand in dismissal. "Make no apologies, John. Mama and I take no offense. In our culture, to watch two people express their love in such a way is not wrong, but a celebration." Hector crossed to me and roughly squeezed my shoulder, making me look up to see the brilliant gleam in his eyes. "To be able to share our love for each other with another does nothing but enhance it, John. Mama told me that knowing you watched me fuck her hard last night made her climax all the more wonderful!"
I felt my jaw drop in disbelief as I listened to his words. My head seemed to swim with this sudden scandalous and strange news and I shook it to try and clear the cobwebs from my brain. "Your people approve of incest. My god...who are your people? Incest is unacceptable everywhere!"
Hector smiled and patted me on the back. "Not true, my friend, not true. Yes, most of your so called Christians find it immoral or evil, but even amongst them, there are enlightened ones who understand that incest is simply another expression of love. To my people, it is one of the higher, more advanced forms of human love with power beyond most human ken."
Again, I pressed the question. "Who are "your people?"
Hector smiled and said, "Mama and I are of the Jahndi." I shook my head in confusion. "Many people call us gypsies and there is truth there in that we are related to those lost people who are properly called the "Rom" or "Romany." But the truth is, we are only distantly related to them...tracing our ancestry back to a people who lived somewhere between Arabia and India in a land now lost beneath the waves of the sea. Like the Romany, we have been nomads, some searching for a new home and others roaming the world and trying to find our place in it or safeguarding against that which made us wanderers."
"What on Earth might that be?" I asked, spellbound as if caught up in a child's fairy-tale.
Hector shook his head and replied, "That is not for me to speak of. Someday, perhaps, Mama would tell you more. It is her place as a Bruhijo to speak of such things."
I took a bit of time to digest this strangeness and we both wordlessly resumed work, tearing away the brush and vines, clearing yet another stone slab covered with runic markings.
Finally, after forlornly glancing up at the still empty veranda, I said to Hector, "How long have you and your mother been...lovers?"
Hector smiled widely at me and said, "Since I was your age, my friend...I happily took my father's place between Mama's legs when he died pursuing his obsession. I had dreamed of being Mama's man for a long time, but only after Papa's...end, did Mama invite me into her bed."
I stopped working, a cold chill running down my spine. "How did your father die, Hector?"
He paused in his work, a frown passing over his face. "It was in Mombasa...he delved too far into things that were beyond him."
"What happened?"
Hector began to speak, but then shook his head. "No, it is not my place to speak of such things...not yet. I will speak to Mama and if she deems it proper, she will tell you herself."
I nodded, sensing that I was intruding somehow. I changed the topic, saying, "Are you...are you happy with your mother?"
"Hector gave me an angelic smile. "It is the greatest joy one can know, one I pray that you will soon enjoy yourself."
My stomach felt like butterflies were rampaging inside as I contemplated his words. "Surely not. Neither my mother or I would ever consider such a...a thing."
Hector laughed and said, "You try and delude yourself, John. I have seen how you look at your with such longing you gaze at her since the moment you and she stepped off that smelly troll's boat." He leaned in to me and said in a confidential whisper, "And she looks at you too, you know, with passion and desire that grows with each passing day."
I stepped back, feeling a thrill deep in my guts, yet also appalled. "You lie! Take it back!" I snapped defensively.
Hector pursued me, a knowing grin on his face. "I speak the truth. Yesterday proved it. Have you ever known your mother to ever dress like she did yesterday...revealing so much of her lovely body?"
In my mind, I could see Mother again -- dressed in those tight capri pants and braless under my old work shirt. "No," I said, replying barely above a whisper.
Hector pressed his argument. "For two nights running, she and you took a private walk along the beach. Did you both act the whole time in such a way that was simply and innocently what you would consider the conduct of a proper mother and son?"
I shivered as I recalled the feel of Mother's large, firm breast under my hand and the hardness of her throbbing nipple. "No" I replied again, barely audible. I heaved a great sigh and added more loudly, "But now she sequesters herself in her room, no doubt offended by my illicit attentions. What I might lust for will never be." I could barely keep a sob out of my voice, my pain at letting my mother slip from my embrace breaking through my resoluteness.
Hector dropped his blade and draped an arm around my shoulders and said in a rush, "Do not despair, John...this is a difficult thing to do. Surpassing the narrow-mindedness of your upbringing to embrace such a different way of life takes a great deal of courage. You have this does your mother. I see it. Mama sees it. You have come a long way on your is harder for your mother."
His words provided something I had not realized I hungered for and also made suddenly and brilliantly clear about the travails Mother was enduring. "You mean...Father."
Hector nodded and replied, "Yes. Mama feels that your father is lost to your mother now...that he travels his own way, ensorcelled by his own quest for knowledge. Your mother, may the Gods love her, tries to do right by him, but I think she begins to perceive that her love belongs to you, John. Be patient and she will find her way into your arms."
I confess then, I wept as Hector embraced me as a friend and brother, waiting patiently until I was spent and then clapping me on the back. "Enough, my friend. The day has been long and hard. Your father will not notice if we break off a little early." And so we did, slipping off to swim in the ocean, laughing and cavorting in the water until Antonia called us for dinner.
Mother came down for our meal, but sat silent and unresponsive the entire time, making monosyllabic remarks to any questions or comments I had. Antonia gave me encouraging smiles as she brought in the various dishes, but Mother would barely meet my gaze as we dined and declined my offer to escort her on another walk.
Mother's pale face darkened as she looked down towards my feet and murmured, " not myself tonight, son. I believe I will simply turn in early."
"Another time, perhaps," I said meekly, hoping for some positive comment, but Mother merely nodded and slipped away. I pushed my plate away and stared at the old, lace tablecloth until I realized Antonia was standing next to me...heat radiating from her body...from her bosom that hovered so close to my face.
"Patience, boy...your mother is strong and wise, but much must be unlearned. New knowledge is like birth itself...never easy and often painful," she whispered softly, stroking my hair with her fingers.
I looked up into her dark eyes, wanting to say so much, to ask so many questions but hadn't a clue how to begin. Antonia nodded and leaned down and kissed me on the forehead. "Hector says you two had a very good talk this afternoon...that your eyes are beginning to see many new things."
I felt my skin begin to burn and knew I was turning red. "Yes, Ma'am," I replied meekly.
Antonia laughed and hugged me to her, pressing my face into her soft, pillow-like bosom. I could smell her...a powerful, earthy scent mixed with cinnamon. I felt my, my cock, throb in response. "Soon your mother will see with such eyes and you and she will know the love, the joy," her voice suddenly grew huskier as she finished, "The pleasure that a mother and son can share. I look forward to the day that Hector and I might display our union to you both and who's to say who will take the most pleasure from it, your and your mother...or us."
The voluptuous woman released me only to duck down and kiss me on the lips. "I liked you watching made me feel more like a a mother than ever before. You need not hide and watch us, John Halloran. Our door will never be locked for you." She grinned lustily at me and winked once and then picked my plate up and walked off into the kitchen while I sat there in stunned silence and pondered her words.
My evening passed slowly. I paced restlessly around my room and then in the study...hoping Mother might emerge from her self-imposed exile and at least be in the same room with me, both of us quietly reading as we had often done, but she never emerged. Walking the hall of the upstairs, I thought I heard Father laughing or talking to himself and I wondered if he would forgive an intrusion to talk with his son, but somehow I knew that that particular path would lead nowhere.
I went downstairs and prowled around the grounds. I considered working on the pool, but the hour was growing late and I'd lost the light...peering down into the messy concrete, it took on a menacing quality, the bottom lost in shadow. I returned to the house and ambled around the kitchen, searching vainly for something that would satisfy the hunger that welled inside me, but I discovered no food that I coveted...instead, finding my attention drawn to the door leading to the servants' quarters.
Antonia's words came back to, truthfully they had echoed in my ears since she had spoken them to me after her soft kiss -- "Our door will never be locked for you." I sat at the kitchen table and toyed with the salt and pepper shakers resting there, unfolding and refolding a linen napkin a dozen times over, my eyes constantly wandering towards that door.
Suddenly, I found myself standing before the door, my hand on the knob. My mouth was dry and my knees felt rubbery and weak. Part of me knew that this was wrong...immoral and sinful to even consider such actions. Still, at a loss over all that seemed out of reach in my life, I found myself opening the door and passing through. The hallway beyond and the rooms there seemed no different than those upstairs, save that it was narrower and peering into a servant's room, that they were much smaller.
All seemed quiet as I moved further in and then I heard a soft, mewling sound from the far end of the hallway. The door to that room was closed, but I could see lights flickering from under the door and I cautiously made my way there -- passing a room which I presumed they used as their living area or study...books scattered about and an old record player with albums stacked neatly beside it.
The sound became stronger and more pronounced. I perceived that it was Antonia's voice, although she spoke no words, but rather was simply making noise that was clearly an expression of pleasure. I paused for a moment at the door, nervous and scared although already I could feel my penis swelling in my pants. I tried the knob and it was unlocked and the door swung open easily,
Antonia's moans smothered my own gasp as I gazed upon mother and son engaged in activity I had only heard of. Antonia was stretched out upon their large brass bed, her fingers wrapped around the brass rails of the head board, her naked body flexing and straining as she flung her hips upwards to more fully press her son's face into her wet and wide open pussy. Her immense breasts rolled about her chest, capped by hard swollen points of thick, rubbery flesh, darkened in her arousal.
Hector was oblivious to my entry, so busy was he in swirling his tongue over and about his mother's sex, her slick, pink flesh almost pulsating with sexual energy while her thick bush scratched his cheeks, turning them an angry red. As his tongue slathered over a swollen appendage of flesh that I perceived was that almost mystical feminine organ called a clitoris, he was simultaneously thrusting two fingers in and out of her wet flesh, fingers gleaming with the juices of her arousal.
His mother, deep in the throes of incestuous pleasure, still somehow managed to sense that they were not alone and she turned her dark, glazed over eyes towards me, offering up a leering smile of greeting. Antonia gradually managed to force free words from her sweetly tortured body, "Ohhhh yes, pleasure me well my son -- show our guest how a son properly treats his mother -- MMMMMMM -- his mother."
Hector rolled slightly onto his side, his mouth never leaving his mother's pussy, his actions freeing his swollen erection, his penis long and thick and hard, throbbing with desire for his mother. He gave me an odd smile, his tongue never ceasing its loving caresses of Antonia's wet flesh, and after winking slyly at me, returned to focus on pleasuring his mother.
Antonia's body shook with tremors of ecstasy as her son's mouth brought her closer and closer to heaven, but somehow she managed to gesture towards a chair pulled up close to their bed...awaiting a visitor...awaiting me and affording me a bird's eye view of their taboo lovemaking.
I suddenly found myself sitting in that chair, close enough that I could see and smell the sweat pouring from their bodies which were emanating great heat and from between Antonia's thighs, a strong, arousing scent that made my member throb with terrible need. I had no recollection on opening my fly and freeing my erect penis, but suddenly I had it in my hand, stroking it feverishly as Antonia writhed on the bed in utter pleasure.
I stroked my hard member, shivering with delight as I was enthralled at the sight of Antonia's pussy being so wet, gushes of her arousal flowing over her son's face as she bucked her pelvis against his face, her expression growing more frantic as his tongue worked busily over her pink, quivering flesh.
"S-see, John...s-s-see how wonderful it can be buh-between mother and son?" Antonia moaned as one hand clawed the sheets while the other busily mauled her own breast, fingers pinching and tugging at her swollen nipple more brutally with each stroke of Hector's tongue.
Antonia suddenly let out a tremendous cry as her body stiffened and then arched, her orgasm nearly bringing me to tears as she lifted her voluptuous behind off the bed, mashing her pussy against her son's face as he continued to lick her and thrust now three fingers deep inside her. Deftly he pulled his hand back and then reformed all his fingers into a long, blunt object and plunged his entire hand inside his mother's aroused vagina.
Hector's mother's cries became a shriek and despite her sudden bucking and convulsing, his mouth somehow remained latched to Antonia's pussy even as he buried his hand inside her to the wrist. His mother sobbed and cried wordlessly, but even in the height of her incestuous climax, the noise that came from her puckered mouth still conveyed absolute love for her son.
I felt my shame at being such an intrusive voyeur of such an intimate moment melt away as I became enthralled at such an exhibit of lust and love. I lost control myself and cried out as I too began to climax, barely moving fast enough to catch my sudden ejaculations in my free hand as I furiously stroked my spewing cock.
I gasped right along with Antonia as she finally regained some semblance of control and she groaned, "I love you, Hector, my sweet beloved son." He murmured something unintelligible in reply, busy as he was lapping up his mother's copiously running juices of arousal, making her moan further in utter pleasure until she drew back one muscular and shapely leg and placing her foot on his shoulder, pushed him away.
Hector laughed as he rolled over onto his back, his tongue rolling around his lips to scoop up her juices, his erection now towering in the air above him. Antonia gave me an odd, leering grin as she struggled up and threw her leg over her son's midsection, straddling him, his hard penis suddenly cushioned against her thick pelt of pubic hair. She took it in her hand and stroked it, rising up on her knees to run the swollen crown between her broadly parted labia and although I could no longer see my friend's face as his mother sat astride him facing me, I knew from his groans that he was enjoying her wetness and warmth.
Antonia's breasts rose and fell entrancingly as she still struggled to regain her breath and her words were measured and clipped and so full of hungry desire as she spoke. "You see the beauty, the wonder that is a mother and a son fucking, yes, John?" She inserted the head of his penis inside her, moving his shaft around in a circular motion as if stirring up her flowing juices.
"Let yourself go, sweet boy...know that a mother and a son are also man and woman and that lust coupled with love is POWER!" she cried out, screaming the last word." She lowered herself slowly onto his swollen shaft, sobbing as she became impaled on her son's erection. Antonia already lingered close to orgasm from Hector's oral attentions and now filled with his swollen penis, she wriggled atop him, barely able to control herself as ecstasy raced through her body.
She ran fingers over her swollen lips -- mouth hanging open in utter bliss and I watched as her nipples swelled to the point of bursting and then she had all of her son inside her and was arching her back, thrusting her immense breasts up and outward and she began to wail from all the pure and unadulterated pleasure that fucking her son could bring. Her scent -- already thick in their bedroom, grew stronger, inflaming my senses as I inhaled her powerful musk, making my aching cock throb all the harder.
Antonia came slowly out of the mindless bliss of her incestuous orgasm and began to ride Hector, sighing and crying as she moved up and down on him -- his long shaft glistening with her wetness. In between moans of "I love you, son," came those unrecognizable words I had on previous nights, "MATRE TIAMBO UN UMANO UN ESTASIUM VICTRE DIABLAS!"
Over and over, Hector's mother chanted those words when she could manage to do more than moan at the pleasure her son's cock was providing. Each time, the chant seemed to emerge from her mouth more loudly and possessing more energy -- more power...power that washed over me and like the scent of her pussy, seemed to fuel my own lust. Antonia rode her son harder, sliding up and down on his cock with growing passion and need -- her breasts bouncing wildly, her groping, teasing fingers unable to control them. Her face became something between a snarl and a wail as orgasm took her higher and higher until she began screaming shrilly and in her glorious climax, sank weakly down on his cock which seemed to heighten her orgasm and make her loose control as she flopped weakly about atop her son.
In the beauty of such sexual abandon, I groaned almost in time with Hector and knew that we were both climaxing at the same time, inspired by his mother's incredible display of sexual delight. Again, I cupped my already semen filled hand and ejaculated torrent after torrent of hot seed, my orgasm so violent and hard that my cock ached pleasurably. I glanced down at the semen overflowing my hand from having climaxed twice and then looked up again just in time to see Antonia slide off her son, a nearly obscene and wet noise coming from their joined crotches as her son's still mostly erect cock slid free of her sperm filled cunt and she pitched forward and fell face down between his legs.
Mother and son lay motionless for several minutes, catching their breath. Hector spared me a glance and grinned proudly as he eyed his mother's voluptuous behind resting below his crotch. Antonia turned her head to look sleepily at me, not speaking, but telling me with her smile how much she had enjoyed having sex with her son.
My desire to see Hector and his mother make, fuck, slowly became overpowered by my sense that I was again an intruder, viewing the aftermath of a very intimate scene. On shaky legs, I rose to my feet. I awkwardly tried to put my semi-hard penis back into my pants, but found it difficult with one hand holding a great quantity of my slowly cooling semen. My efforts came to a complete stop when Antonia said in a lust thickened voice, "John, come here."
I looked at her with panic in my eyes and then glanced around for something...a towel or tissue to wipe my hand off. "Don't you dare, boy!" Antonia intoned, her eyes filled with a dangerous fire. "Come here!" she repeated.
Antonia rose up slightly - her immense breasts flattening against the mattress, resembling huge pillows upon which she rested. "I presume much in this," she said as she reached out and gently tucked me back inside my pants, carefully zipping up my fly.
"I would prefer to have your mother's permission before handling your lovely cock, John," she said softly as she reached and took hold of my wrist, drawing my cum filled hand towards her face. "But, I will not allow such nectar of the gods to go to waste." She smiled up at me and I could feel the mother's love that Hector had known all his life. She bent her head over my cupped palm, straightening out my fingers before she began to lap my semen up with her tongue, slowly lowering her lips to my palm and smearing my seed over her mouth as her tongue swirled and scooped up the thick pool of sperm. I felt my cock twitch in arousal as Antonia made appreciative noises about the taste of my seed.
Antonia licked my hand clean, giving it one final, loving lick before releasing me. "Thank you, John Halloran," she said thickly, streamers of my semen still thick in her mouth.
"T-thank you, Missus Antonia," I gasped, my head swimming so much, I could barely keep to my feet.