Chapter 03.1
Pleased that my mother had agreed to yet another walk along the moonlit beach, I slowly stood up, never releasing my mother's hand and helped her rise from her seat. Not saying a word, she slipped her arm through my mine and we slowly walked into the hallway and down the stairs, not sparing Father's office where we could hear him talking to himself, any attention at all. Neither of us spoke as we left the house and walked down the dimly lit path to the beach. In the sand, we both kicked off our shoes and made our way north, trudging along at the edge of the surf, letting the spray soak the cuffs of my pants and the hem of Mother's dress.
We walked quite a ways...maybe a mile or more, far from house. At some point, I slipped my arm around Mother's waist and she leaned into me as we walked, resting her head against my chest, her body feeling warm, almost feverish against me. The full moon seemed to follow us and a small thought flickered through my mind that surely since our first walk on the beach, the Moon should have begun to wane, but it still looked as full and as brilliant as that first night. That thought was soon lost as more pressing matters weighed on my mind, all regarding the woman I was holding so intimately.
We stopped at the surf's edge, the waves gently rolling in and Mother stared up at the gibbous moon and murmured, "It is so lovely."
I gently reached out and took Mother's arm and turned her so she was facing me. Slowly, I ran a hand up her arm, fingers trailing over her soft skin...her bare shoulder and finally stroking her cheek. "You're beautiful, Mother," I said in a gentle, but stern voice. "You are the loveliest woman I've ever seen."
I felt Mother shiver again as her arms rose up and slipped around my waist. She slowly leaned into me as if she needed me to support herself. I could feel her heart beating very fast within her breast and she almost seemed to vibrate with expectant energy as she whispered, "Oh, son."
We stood embracing for what seemed hours, not speaking as we looked into each other's eyes, until finally our mouths seemed to move closer together as if drawn together by some irresistible force. Mother's lips pressed against mine, soft and warm and open. Instinctively I slipped my tongue into her mouth only to have it greeted by hers...a muffled moan escaping from her as we kissed as we had both longed to kiss.
Mother tasted sweet, almost citrus-like as our tongues curled around each other, slowly sliding their wet, soft flesh against each other. I pulled her tighter against me even as she tightened her grip around my waist, her left leg rising up alongside mine until the sole of her foot was resting high on the back of my calf. Like starving beings, we feasted on each other's lips, kissing hungrily, passionately as our tongues kept us linked, neither of us closing our eyes, our gazes as tightly locked as were our lips.
I felt Mother shiver in my arms...from fear or passion or both, I did not know. She began to sag, her legs unable to support her and I slowly lowered us both to our knees so that we knelt in the gentle surf, our kiss never ending. Mom brought one arm up and stroked my face, then ran fingers through my hair before curling her arm around my neck, making little contented sighs as we continued to kiss. For my part, my hands worked circles in her back, feeling the tension there. Slowly, I slid them down to her lower back and then back up and then down again, this time not pausing until my hands were cupping her buttocks, now wet from the water that swirled around us.
The kiss continued on with a life of its own, our frantic tongues in sharp contrast with our gentle loving caresses of each other's body. I brought my hands back up Mother's back to caress her bare shoulders and then the exposed curve of her neck and then into her pinned up hair. I plucked the jeweled comb from her hair, momentarily recalling it as an anniversary present from Father several years ago. Impulsively, I tossed it over my shoulder into the sand and ran my fingers through Mother's silky, blonde hair, letting it fall out and down.
Mother's fingers plucked at my shirt, unbuttoning it and then pulling it out of my slacks and spreading it wide to expose my chest, her fingers caressing my chest, now showing muscular definition from weeks of work. Mother broke the kiss, nipping at my lips with her mouth and then ducked her head and began planting kisses on my chest, her tongue teasing me as she took little licks as she moved her lips over my skin.
"Oh, Mother," I breathed. "I love you so much!" As I felt my mother's lips brush over my small but hard nipples, my hands slipped upwards over her shoulders to the back of her neck to find the ties of her halter dress and begin to fumble at the knot there. I'm sure it wasn't a difficult thing to untie, but one must consider how distracted I was as I felt Mother's mouth sucking at my pebbled nipple.
Finally, I felt the strings of her halter slip free and taking hold of Mother's shoulders I leaned her back as she stared lustily at me, looking down with surprise as she watched me peel down her top, revealing her firm and large rounded breasts, so much like large melons and capped by dark, thick nipples that stood out against her milky pale flesh. Now half naked, Mother looked back up at my face, an expression of arousal mixed with apprehension on her face.
"Mother," I whispered again as my hands came up again, pausing just short of cupping her fleshy breasts, so anxious to touch her, yet not sure if I should. Mother resolved my dilemma by bringing her hands up and guiding mine onto her breasts, softly moaning as my fingers dug into her meaty flesh, her nipples hard and pulsating with her desire.
"I love you, John," Mother whispered as I fondled her breasts, again moving against me so we could kiss, her lips hungrily pressing against mine as she kissed me passionately. My sense of the world faded, leaving only my mother and me, with only the brilliant light of the full moon and the strangely warm waters of the surf seeming to intrude on us and truthfully, both serving to enhance the beauty of the moment.
After an eternity of kissing and caressing each other's upper body, I felt Mother's right hand slid downwards, over my flat stomach to press against my crotch. "Oh my, John," Mother moaned, breaking our kiss again, delight evident in her voice as my desire for her was confirmed as she pressed her hand against the erection in my pants. "'re hard for me?"
"For you, Mother," I gasped as she rubbed my erect penis through my pants. "All my desires...all my love is for you, Mother!"
Mother half laughed and half sobbed as she kissed me again, her hand still caressing my erection as I continued to fondle her breasts. A few minutes later or maybe it was a lifetime, I found the courage to drop my right hand downwards, gathering the folds of her dress together, pulling the material together in search of the hem. Finally, I found it, now sopping wet from the ocean surf and slipped my hand under, coming to rest on Mother's bare thigh.
At my touch, Mother shivered and then moaned softly against my lips. Slowly, I worked my hand up her thigh, feeling the silky softness as my fingertips slipped across her inner thigh and then encountered her silky and wet pelt of pubic hair. Mother stiffened against me as she felt her son's fingers slip between the hot, slick lips of her labia.
This time it was my turn to break the kiss as I leaned back, feeling saliva from Mother's mouth splatter against my chin. I gazed on my mother in all her aroused glory, looking like something from an erotic painting, her heavy breasts illuminated in the moonlight – heaving heavily as she gasped for breath as she watched me gazing at lovely with her halter dress fallen to her waist and her blonde hair hanging down over her shoulders. I looked at her with love and amazement as it slowly dawned on me that Mother had left the house sans panties...something that seemed lewd and exciting at the same time.
I leaned in, moving my head downwards and latched my lips around a swollen nipple, feeling Mother moan, "Yesssss!" as I rolled my tongue over the swollen, turgid member, feeling her blood pulsing through her body...her heart, her life so intensely evident.
Mother stiffened again and she gasped, "Oh, John...I'm your mother!" as I slipped two of my fingers inside her...the first time I had actually touched a woman's aroused pussy...delighting in the sticky, wet warmth that tightened around my probing digits and delighting in the wicked knowledge that it was my mother's most secret place that I was touching. As I suckled at my mother's breast for the first time in nearly two decades, almost primal memories suffused with pleasure wafted close to the surface of my mind and I felt a contentment swelling within me that I had never known before, reconnecting with my mother at an intimate level that only a mother and child could achieve, now sweetened with the sexual pleasure that it produced. All my worries and concerns seemed to vanish as I sucked Mother's breast and fingered her wet pussy.
New sensation awoke inside me as I felt movement around my crotch and realized with delighted shock that Mother had unzipped my pants and had slipped her fingers inside and had found my erection while her other hand undid the button and tugged my pants and underwear off, freeing my penis which she slowly stroked as she whispered in frightened awe, ", your penis, is lovely and so big!"
With awkward knowledge, Mother slowly ran her hand back and forth along the shaft of my erect penis and I could sense growing confidence with each stroke. I groaned with pleasure at how her hand felt on my swollen member. Mother cried out in surprise as I playfully bit her nipple before letting it slip from my mouth and then I took advantage of her open-mouthed cry and kissed her again as I began to finger her pussy more vigorously, savoring the sudden gush of her juices pouring around my fingers.
Frantically, we masturbated each other, suddenly filled with the desire to pleasure the other – my fingers exploring the inner walls of her vagina, eagerly seeking to discover Mother's most special and sensitive places as each time she moaned appreciatively into my mouth, I felt an never before experienced thrill of pleasure ripple through me, intensifying the pleasure her hand was bringing me as it moved up and down my throbbing penis.
Suddenly, Mother cried out, ending the kiss even as her free hand clawed at my chest. Mother began to shake and quiver and she fell against me, moaning against my skin as her pussy tightened around my plunging fingers, nearly holding them captive as her juices poured in a torrent over and around them while she stopped stroking me and just held me, occasionally giving my erection a gentle and loving squeeze. I was momentarily alarmed until I realized that Mother was in the throes of orgasmic delight.
Still clawing at my chest, Mother raised her head and with tears running down her face, sobbed, "God help me, but I love you so!" Her face was contorted by the ecstasy my fingers had brought her, giving her a wild and erotic look that quickly brought me to the brink of orgasm myself.
As Mother's orgasm began to recede and her pussy muscles seemed to begin relaxing around my fingers, she resumed stroking my cock, gripping it perfectly as she ran her fist up and down my erection until it was my turn to orgasm and try as I might to delay my ejaculation, Mother's touch would brook no refusal and I cried out, "Mother, I love you!" and then sobbed with absolute delight as there was an explosion of pure ecstasy between my legs and I began shooting semen with such forceful intensity that it bordered on pain.
Still quivering from my fingers' ministrations, Mother gazed down and with some agility managed to catch most of my hot seed in her free hand...a few streamers splashing against her stomach as they flew above her cupped palm. I came and came, not ever remembering an orgasm so intense or so prolonged...amazing in retrospect when I realized how many times I had ejaculated in the last few days. But of course, this was special. For the first time in my young life, I was achieving sexual gratification at the hands of someone else and more importantly, I had reached orgasm via the ministrations of my own mother.
The sweet experience of orgasm seemed to hang with us nearly for an eternity, but finally it began to wane and we both slumped back, stunned and amazed at the experience. Mother smiled at me...a smile that conveyed both motherly love and incestuous lust, offering me one last loving moan as my fingers slipped free of her. With childlike wonder, I held my hand up in the moonlight, seeing Mother's pussy juices glistening in the brilliant light of the full orb overhead.
Like a child exploring the world about it with all its senses, I brought my fingers close to my face, smelling Mother's strong and wonderful scent before licking her wetness off my fingers, feeling my still semi-erect cock twitch as I savored her strong, sweet and salty flavor.
Even in the moonlight, I could see Mother's face burn with something between arousal and embarrassment at the sight of her only child lapping up the cream of her pussy like a tasty dessert. Then she smiled at me as she held up her cupped hand, a trickle of my semen rolling over the edge. Mirroring my actions, Mother brought it to her face and inhaled the scent of my seed. Looking at me coyly, Mother brought my pooled semen closer to her mouth and her tongue slipped out and dipped tentatively into the white, warm sperm and then retreated, a blob of my semen on the tip of her tongue.
Mother tasted me and seemed to find it pleasing because she began to lap at my sperm lick a thirsty dog at its water bowl, making happy, approving noises as she slurped the heavy, white fluids up. Suddenly, Mother paused and drew back as if she had suddenly awoke from a fevered sexual dream and realized what she was doing, She stared at me in something akin to shock and then unthinking, clapped her cum covered hand against her face, smearing my semen across her mouth and chin as her eyes widened in dismay.
In a swift and graceful motion, Mother climbed to her feet and spun to look out on the ocean. I rose behind her and stepped to close the distance, my still somewhat erect cock brushing her hips from behind, feeling the water soaked fabric as I placed my hands on her bare shoulders. "Mother, are you alright?"
Long, agonizing seconds passed before she said in a faint voice, "My god, son. What have we done?"
I wrapped my arms possessively around her, my forearms brushing against her naked breasts and I said softly into her ear, "Nothing that we shouldn't have, Mother. We shared our love for each other...a love that needed to be acknowledged."
Mother shivered at my words even as she leaned back into me. "Are we going mad, John? Is this island making us crazy? She turned and looked up into my eyes, my semen smeared over her lips, a thick, whitish blob of sperm hovering near the corner of her mouth. "I've dreamed of you, son...of doing things to you that a mother should never even think of..."
Her words sent a shiver through me as I recalled the erotic dreams I had had of her of late. "I've dreamed of you too, Mother. If there is something about this island that has guided us into each other's arms, I can only be grateful that it has allowed me to see you as the lovely woman you are...the woman that I need and want. I love you, Mother, with all my heart and soul!"
"Madness," Mother murmured, burying her face against my chest. "This is wrong, son. A mother and son are not meant to be...this way."
I hugged my mother to me in a tight embrace. As I tried to reply to her effort to deny the rightness of what we had done, I felt Hector's words come back to me and I tried to apply them to our situation. "I once thought as you do, Mother, but now...knowing you as I have, touching you, I see that there is nothing immoral or evil in what we have shared. We have simply expressed our love for each other in a more...advanced way...more personal and intimate. Tell me you've ever been this close to another's heart...even with Father. Yes, it is incest, but we've committed no sin, but rather have come to know each other on a truer and more honest level than most people will ever experience!"
I kissed my mother then, long and hard, pouring everything I felt for her into the kiss, gratified and thrilled at her response...relishing the taste and touch of her tongue against mine even as I recognized the taste of my own seed on my mother's lips.
When the kiss ended, I said, "Tell me that that was wrong, Mother. Tell me that the love you feel for me this very instant is wrong."
Mother bit her lower lip again, the instinctive action so adorable and sexy that I felt my cock stir with arousal. Tears trickled down her face as she replied, "I cannot say that, much is many emotions like I am caught up in a flood of desire and love that makes madness seem so faint." Mother stroked my cheek and kissed me gently. "I...I need time to sort all this out." Mother again leaned her face into my chest and I could feel her tears, warm and thick, running down my chest. "We should be getting back, son. Please, take me home."
I nodded and bent down and kissed Mother again, a soft, gentle and chaste kiss, but when I tried to withdraw, Mother's hands flew up to hold my head in place and she opened the kiss up, making it deeper and more passionate, her tongue making its way inside my mouth to dance and caress mine. It was a kiss of desperate passion that said much in its silence...that promised so much. I could have died happy amidst that kiss and still dream of it today as we stood with our lips joined and our half naked bodies pressed together.
Silently, we walked back up the beach, pausing only to retrieve our shoes. Not a word was spoken between us, but I could see that Mother was in deep thought, her eyes distant as she tried to work out all that we were moving towards becoming in her mind. I had no doubts about how I felt and what I wanted with my concerns were primarily wrapped around my fears that our steadily growing incestuous relationship would prove too unconventional – too frightening for Mother and that she would flee from it rather than embrace it.
We approached the house from the side and made our way in past the pool into the kitchen. It was dimly lit, a lamp flickering with enough light to guide our way towards the stairway beyond the narrow hallway. We were just entering the hallway when an almost unearthly moan echoed from the direction of the servants' quarters.
My penis twitched and began to grow as I immediately recognized the now familiar sound of Antonia in orgasm. Mother stopped and turned her head, her eyes growing wide as she whispered, "My God...what was that?"
In a heartbeat, I mulled over a multitude of responses but I knew immediately that this was a moment that could change our lives forever. Gently, I took Mother by the elbow and said quietly, "Come with me."
We reversed course and made our way down the hall to Antonia's quarters. Twice more, Antonia's wordless sighs of incestuous pleasure washed over us as we approached the door. Standing behind Mother, I reached out for the door knob, Mother trying to stop me with her hand, looking up and back at me and shaking her head violently, fear of what lay behind the door evident on her face. I smiled and mouthed the words, "Watch, Mother," and silently opened the door enough to give us a view of what I knew would be going on.
Antonia was naked, her body gleaming in the flickering light of a dozen candles, her body spread out wide on the bed, hands clamped around the rails of her headboard, back arching and breasts rolling as Hector's dark haired head bobbed between her legs, his erection bobbing between his thighs as he knelt there and orally pleased his mother.
Mother gave a whispery gasp and tried to back away, but bumped against me, her hips pressing against my legs as I brought my hands up to her upper arms and held her there to gaze in shock and wonder at the sight of another mother and son in the throes of passion.
In her ear, I said in a barely audible voice. "Watch, Mother...see what they have...what they share." Mother clamped a hand over her mouth, not wanting a cry to betray our voyeurism. Antonia moaned again, one hand releasing the headboard to drop onto a massive breast, fingers plucking at her swollen nipple as she keened, "Oh, sweet!"
She rolled her hips, bucking her pussy against Hector's busy mouth. He noisily slurped at his mother's heavy flowing juices, making a chuckling, pleased sound as he licked and tongued his mother. Suddenly, Antonia's feet pushed upwards, making her whole body come up off the bed and she sobbed, "Making Mama CUMMMMM!" as an orgasm swept her away, opening her eyes to look with furious love at her son between her thighs.
Hector intensified his efforts, anxious to spur his mother's orgasm to new heights with his mouth and tongue, relenting only when Antonia's body collapsed back onto the mattress, making them both bounce, her hands clawing at his shoulders. Like a lithe jungle cat, Hector seemed to move upwards and pounce on his mother in a single fluid motion. Mother shivered in my arms as she saw his long, hard cock clearly for a brief moment before he expertly slipped it between her glistening lips and buried himself completely in Antonia's motherly pussy.
A small cry of shock escaped Mother's mouth, but was lost in the almost deafening shriek of Hector's mother as he filled her with his erect penis. I felt my mother sag back against me, only to stiffen as she felt my hardness pressing into her backside – only my slacks and the thin material of her dress separating our bodies. She shivered as we watched Hector begin to fuck Antonia with a series of rapid, brutal strokes, his mother grunting like a rutting beast each time his cock sank into her womb to the hilt.
Antonia threw her arms around Hector's back, nails slowly dragging across his skin, leaving light, bloody scratches while her legs rose up, spreading wide until they stood high in a 'V' before finally curling around his hips, heels digging into his buttocks to urge her son to fuck her harder and deeper. Mother's hand never left her mouth, stifling any moans she might make, although I could hear her breathing – ragged whistling through her nose.
Almost without thinking, I slowly moved my right hand from her arm across her chest to cup her breast, thrilled to find her nipple swollen and throbbing with blood. She ground herself against me as I slowly and gently tugged and pinched her erect nub between my thumb and forefinger. As the scent of human sweat, infused with the aroma of pussy wafted through the partially open door, I felt Mother's backside begin to move in time with Antonia's and Hector's sensual dance of incestuous love, her covered buttocks rubbing against the bulge in my pants.
Hector drove his cock deep and moved forward, grinding his crotch against his mother's mound as he sought out Antonia's lips, smearing her face with her juices as he kissed her passionately, the wet noises of their joined mouths blending with the wet noises of their joined genitals to create erotic music as we watched.
Their bodies rolled and writhed together, a more subtle and carnal movement of making love interwoven with Antonia occasional gasps of "Fuck me, Hector...fuck your mother, Fuck me and love me as I love you!"
Then Antonia began to convulse underneath her son, almost throwing him off as orgasm suddenly and viciously swept over her. With sweat pouring off him, Hector rose up and began to rapidly thrust his cock in and out of his mother as she began to shriek those same strange words as she had on earlier occasions, "MATRE TIAMBO UN UMANO UN ESTASIUM VICTRE DIABLAS!" With the words came the sensation of powerful energy sweeping not only Antonia's body, but the entire room, washing over us and enhancing our own desires and emotions.
Antonia clawed at her son's back as her orgasm swelled inside her, her breasts bouncing violently about as her, sobbing as carnal ecstasy overwhelmed her, her screams becoming shriller as she cried out, "MATRE TIAMBO UN UMANO UN ESTASIUM VICTRE DIABLAS!" again and again. Hector's buttocks were a blur of motion as he frantically fucked his mother until he let out that now familiar bull's roar signaling climax and plunged deep into her wet, clasping pussy and began to ejaculate, his testicles rising with each burst of hot semen into her womb.
Mother was quivering violently against me, her hand falling away as she half whispered and half moaned, "Oh my god!" We watched as mother and son slowed down their convulsions and gasps of orgasmic delight, becoming a heavy breathing single entity of tangled limbs and joined bodies. Antonia rolled her hips one last time and Hector's still erect penis slipped partially out of her, displaying his seed mingled with her juices. His mother moaned happily as he adjusted his position and sank deep inside her once again.
The sight seemed to overwhelm Mother and with a nearly silent cry, she broke free of my embrace and stumbled back up the hallway. I quietly closed the door and followed, wanting to keep Mother in my arms and worried that it had all been too much for her. Mother moved quickly and quietly despite being unsteady on her feet, wobbling back and forth between the narrow walls of the hallway and the one leading to our staircase. It was only as she ascended the stairs that the sobs broke free and I rushed after her as I heard her crying, one hand at her mouth and one hand gripping the railing.
I caught up with Mother just shy of her door, reaching out to touch her shoulder as she fumbled at her bedroom door knob. She turned at my touch, a mad mixture of emotions on her face, tears running down her face. Words tumbled from her mouth in a chaotic jumble as if there was so much to say and she couldn't decide what to focus on. "That was...they god, is that what we would..." Mother paused and looked at me with both horror and longing. "John, my god, is that what you want us to become?"
Her hands were pressed against my chest as if she were claiming me while preparing to push me away. "They are lovers, Mother," I said in a rush, "Just as we are meant to be lovers!"
Mother shook her head, looking away from me as if to deny that we had such desires within ourselves. "Mother and son...that is incest, madness." She reached out to caress my face. "I love you, John, but this...what they were doing, we...its wrong."
"It's not wrong, Mother!" I said almost in anger. My hands were on her upper arms and I was squeezing them so hard, I probably left marks. "Antonia and Hector share love...a great love...a love that can exist between us as well if we're brave enough to seize it. I love you, Mother!"
"Mother trembled in my grip and shook her head even as she placed fingers over my mouth to shush me. "What you...we want – it's a love that demands too much. It would consume us, son. We would be burnt to a crisp if we yielded to it. We already have crossed too many lines. John, we cannot." Mother shook her head and whimpered, "I am your mother, John."
Passion, infused with anger swelled within my heart till I thought I might simply explode. "Then let us burn, Mother! I'd rather die in a carnal embrace with you, consumed by our love than live a thousand years without you in my arms!" I kissed Mother then, hard and violently, forcing my tongue into her mouth to find hers. She relented a little, kissing me back for long, sweet seconds, her tongue seeking out mine and returning my passion. Then she was pushing me back, her hand finding the door knob and opening it, her other hand pushing me back as she pleaded, "No...not now, John. I love you so much, but I cannot...I need to think."
Her eyes held such pain and need that they stayed me from pushing into Mother's bedroom and taking her there and then. I looked at her, holding out my arms as I wordlessly implored her, but Mother shook her head, blew me a kiss and said, "I love you, son," before closing the door – the sound of the lock turning sending a stabbing pain through my heart.
I do not know how long I stood before her door, hoping and praying she would open it again. Finally, feeling defeat weighing me down, I retreated to my room, throwing myself on my bed, aching to find solace in sleep, wanting to exorcise the unfulfilled desire and love for my mother from my heart and soul and feeling that without her love, I could not survive.
Sleep was slow in coming and when it did, instead of the carnal dreams of the past nights, it was a tortured sleep – images of Mother reaching out to me yet always just beyond my grasp haunted me until I awoke to the sound of thunder and rain outside my window.
Until finally the grayness of the dawn rose, I sat and listened to the torrential rains fall, the island of the accursed Isprey illuminated often by terrible and jagged bolts of lightning. I brooded over my actions, cursing myself for taking Mother to see Antonia and Hector make love, castigating myself for likely having destroyed our relationship beyond repair.
My fears were not alleviated when I went down for breakfast and found only Antonia in her servant's uniform. She said that Hector was sleeping in – that with the rain and lightning, there would be no working to clear the brush. She also informed me that Mother was in seclusion, taking to her bed. "Missus Halloran informs me she is taken ill again and wishes to not be disturbed," Antonia told me solemnly as she sat breakfast down beside me.
I nodded and sighed before muttering in a defeated tone, "I understand."
Antonia hesitated and then slipped into a chair beside me, her massive, barely restrained breasts brushing my arm, sending a ripple of desire through me that reminding me of how much I wanted my mother.
"I am not sure you were wise in your actions last night, John...ah, such is the rashness of youth," she murmured, reaching out to run her fingers through my hair. "But, I am not sure that it wasn't the right thing to allow your mother to confront the beauty and enormity of the life you both are moving towards."
My face burned with embarrassment as I stared down at my lap and replied, "You knew we were there?"
Antonia chuckled. "Absolutely. I could sense your presence...your desire and lust for each other." She leaned over, her breasts mashing against my arm and whispered into my ear, "I could smell your mother's lust for you, John."
I turned and looked at her, almost startled at the fire burning in her eyes as she smiled at me. If sex could be incarnate, I knew that Antonia was the form that it would take. "Have I ruined things for Mother and me?" I asked plaintively.
Antonia took a deep breath and slowly let it out. "I don't know, John. I doubt it. There is a powerful love between you. The poets would name it true love and I believe that true love will never be denied. Perhaps it will be yours and her choice to make...perhaps the choice will be made for you, but in the end, I think you and your mother will know love.
The mysterious woman leaned in and pressed her lips against mine, gently kissing me before rising up to her feet again. Stroking my hair, Antonia said, "For now, be patient, young master. Give your mother time to sort things out." She glanced towards a window as thunder rumbled over us. "Today, rest...there can be no work in this storm. Rest and keep faith. Your mother will find her way to you."
And so the day passed. As the rain poured down in buckets, I whiled away the hours, spending what seemed an eternity on my bed, agonizing over my actions, worried that I had thrown away my chance to know Mother completely as a lover. I sat in the living quarters, reading my Spillane books without comprehending a word, one ear allowed focused on the slightest of sounds coming from my mother's bedroom and hoping she would emerge from her self-imposed isolation.
The rain seemed to be never ceasing – still raining heavily into the night as I took supper with Antonia and Hector and then beyond as they retired to their room and I to mine, envying what I knew would be a night of passionate lovemaking on their part. I started to travel downstairs twice that night to watch them, but could not bring myself to be further reminded of what they shared, but I was bereft of. I masturbated, but could not find release. Even sleep denied me the pleasure of the dark, incestuous dreams of late and I awoke early the next morning to the now constant sounds of thunder and torrential rain.
Again, Hector and I spent the day in idle frustration. We played chess several times, too evenly matched to gain decisive results. Mother again failed to make an appearance and several times I climbed the stairs intending to pound on her door until she opened and yielded herself to me, but always, Antonia's words echoed in my mind, counseling me to be patient and allow things to unfold as they were meant to be.
The highlight of that second rainy day was watching Antonia cow Father into retreat when he emerged in an agitated state, demanding that Hector and I venture into the storm to continue clearing the land. Despite his anxiousness to see his supposed altar unveiled, he retreated quickly when Antonia stormily came to our defense and sent him scurrying back to his study amidst a flurry of curses in English and her native language.
In late afternoon as the gray skies began to darken, Hector summoned me to venture out to the pool where to our amusement and dismay, it had begun to fill with rainwater, giving us a vision of what it might look like when we finally would get it operational. Having scoured nearly all the algae and scum, the rainwater was nearly clear and we both laughed that we might take our first dip into the pool in a day or two...assuming the rain finally ended.
Evening brought no sign of Mother and again, I spent a restless night, filled with lurid thoughts of how Antonia and Hector were spending their night and how badly I wanted the same with my mother. Alas, even my dreams were again bereft of the temporary illusion of Mother and I locked in intimate expressions of love and lust.
The next morning, the rain finally abated just as the sun rose above the ocean horizon. It was with some relief that I was able to walk through the sodden earth alongside Hector to resume our work clearing the brush. After days of bottled up frustration, I attacked the heavy foliage with a vengeance, Hector working silently alongside me, sensing my tense state and letting me take out my frustration on the thick plant growth.
We worked hard and quickly and the sun had not yet reached its zenith when my machete glanced off rock and with a bit of surprise, I realized we had reached Father's longed for altar. We spent less than an hour clearing it of the clinging vines and undergrowth to reveal the rectangular stone work, clearly man made and differing from the surrounding slabs, being comprised of an odd obsidian like and flat surface, raised up perhaps four feet from the ground and being perhaps four feet wide and seven feet in length. Round holes were chiseled through the rock at each corner. On one end were two raised runners, each an inverted 'V', both the same height of maybe a foot and a half.
The surface of the altar was covered in runes, similar to ones drawn on chalkboards in Father's office or sketched out on so many pieces of paper – mostly of them obviously Nordic, but others very much different and somehow disturbing...almost writhing when viewed despite being set in never changing stone.
I finished plucking various tendrils of thorny vines off the altar while Hector went to the house to retrieve Father. I watched with dour amusement as Father practically ran all the way back and then observed him with some concern as he cooed over our discovery, his hands tracing over the runes as he mumbled to himself, sometimes laughing quietly like a man amused by some insane secret. He caressed the raised end of the altar, leaning between them and nodding to himself as he muttered, "So obvious...allowing for better penetration.
Finally, he turned and clapped us both on the back. "Absolutely marvelous, lads!" he said jovially, wrapping an arm around my shoulders and hugging me. His face alight with happiness and I thought him close to tears as he said, "A lifetime of work, John...coming to fruition." He gazed up at the sky as if he could see the stars beyond the sun's illumination. "Tonight, I think...yes, tonight will be perfect for the ceremony."
He clapped me on the back again and said, "Take the rest of the day off, son. Go swimming or something." He turned to Hector and putting his arm around my friend's shoulders, led him off, saying, "There is much to do, my boy...much to do."
I wandered down onto the beach, walking idly along the edge of the surf, thinking of Mother and how so much had passed between us and how much I missed her mere presence. As I walked, a glint of something sparkled off the sun half buried in the sand. I reached down and pulled it out, discovering it was the jeweled comb last night. I fell to my knees with a moan, tears now running down my face as I recalled Mother's face...her expressions of love and desire as we had held each other and yes, touched each other as lovers in the soft light of the full moon. I confess that I wept, both for what we had shared and for all that was yet left undone.
I sat there in the sand, mourning for what I suspected were dashed hopes and dreams until the sun was setting behind me, the light growing dim. I listlessly began my way back to the house only to see Antonia emerge from the kitchen and call my name as I entered the yard.
Antonia looked somewhat grim and foreboding as she looked at me, her eyes dark and unreadable and said, "Time for dinner, John." I nodded forlornly and climbed the steps, stopping as I passed her and she reached out and clamped a hand around my wrist.
"Your mother has come down for dinner, John," she said softly. As hope suddenly swelled in my breast, she crushed it by quickly adding. "She comes at your father's insistence – a celebration in anticipation of his ceremony tonight."
"I...I understand," I muttered and I prepared to move on, but still Antonia held me in place.
"Do not despair, John. Your mother loves you as much as you love her. She...desires you as much as you desire her...maybe even more." She tightened her grip on my arm and made sure I was looking into her eyes as she quietly and seriously intoned, "No matter what happens, never forget your love for her. It is the love that you share that will make you both strong. It is your love that will save you both in the end."
Only then, did she let me go, turning and going inside with me following behind her, a bit mystified at her words, sensing that they were meant to be more than encouragement.
Inside, I found the dining room set up for a celebration. My nostrils were filled with the heavenly scent of many foods perfectly prepared. Father stood at the far end of the table, Mother at the other end. She looked lovely, but reserved, dark circles around her eyes and looking at me as I entered with something akin to both fear and longing. Father beckoned me to a chair beside her and I gave her a chaste kiss on an offered cheek as I slipped by her to sit down. She was dressed most conservatively in a dress of purest white with a puritan like high collar. Somehow, attempting to conceal her delightful attributes made her all the more desirable. I had a keen urge to tug down the collar and kiss the back of her neck below her pinned up hair.
I suddenly realized that Hector and his mother had joined us, sitting opposite of Mother and myself. They smiled at us and I felt Mother stiffen beside me and knew that if I glanced at her, her face would be a bright red as she recalled witnessing their incestuous appetites just days before. I ached to comfort hold her hand and know that through just my touch, I would be able to convey my love for her.
Father rose up from his seat, beaming at us all. "At last, loved ones and friends, we come to the end of the journey," he began, his voice full of smug good will. "I have spent most of my adult life tracking down the truth behind the story of William Isprey...separating myth from truth, discovering what truly happened on this island in 987 A.D." He then lifted his glass up, filled with a dark wine. "But first, a toast in celebration of my, no, our triumph!"
We all collected our glasses and copied Father as he drank deep from his glass. It was a rich, heady wine with a slightly bitter aftertaste. I had rarely drank wine in my eighteen years, but I cared not for this one. Father sat his down with a satisfied sigh and took a deep breath.
I shifted in my chair, sighing a little as I anticipated hearing yet another rendition of Isprey. In a way, I was correct, but at the same time, I listened as my father step into madness. "Before our world had cooled from its creation, came the Others," said Father solemnly. "Beings of unimaginable highly evolved beyond anything that came to exist here. The Others ruled for untold eons and were humankind's earliest masters. In time, some of us came to understand some of their powers and we threw off their yokes, banishing most to Outside our universe where they dwell even unto today, always seeking a way to return."
Father paused and smiled at us all. "Not all the Others were banished. Some were imprisoned, their existence tied to certain places in the world, only capable of freedom if certain rites were performed. For their freedom, these Others promise unlimited power. This island is one such place. Isprey's Island is the prison for the Other called...Ithinq'val Hamg."
Antonia hissed and I could barely hear her whisper, "Speak not evil's name."
Father ignored her and continued. "William Isprey spent his life in search of a way to free the Other imprisoned here. When he thought he was ready, he came here accompanied by a dozen fierce Viking warriors and a member of Antonia's of the Jahndi. He attempted the "Summoning" having prepared the ritual site that you fine lads have worked so hard to uncover. He believed he had found the proper way to release Ithinq'val Hamg." Father chuckled. "Of course, he did not and lost his life rather than becoming the most powerful man alive."
Father turned to face Mother and me as he continued. "I am sorry to have sacrificed so much of the time we were meant to be together in my research on how Isprey failed, but know that it was not time wasted. I know why he failed and I will not make the same mistake he did."
In a subdued voice, Mother replied, "You actually mean to attempt this "Summoning? You actually believe you can free this Other and gain great power, Thomas? My god, is this island making us all insane?'
"I am not insane!" Father nearly shouted back at her, making Mother flinch. I started to rise to her defense, but Father pressed on. "All my life I have been laughed at and mocked for my work. No more! I will make my so called colleagues crawl on their knees before me. I know that Isprey was not a myth. I know why he failed and how I will triumph over all!" He looked at us then, his son and wife and for the first time, I truly did see that he was mad...Father stared at us with eyes that had gazed into the abyss too long.
He confirmed it by saying, "I will triumph and you two are the key!" He turned and gazed about. "I have traveled the globe, seeking out the proper ritual of the Summoning." He turned and grinned at Hector. "Some of it I found with the aid of your father, lad. It took decades, but I know how Isprey failed."
Father reached into his vest pocket and pulled out a tattered piece of papyrus covered with hieroglyphics and other ancient writings. "I found this in Alexandria two years ago. It comes from the time of Ramses II. His chief demonologist understood how to unleash the Others. The Summoning demands an unholy sacrifice...Isprey didn't delve deep enough into the Other's perception of unholy...he didn't understand what it truly meant."
Father laughed again, almost giggling with glee as we all sat there in stunned silence. "Isprey sacrificed an innocent child he'd bought from the Moors of Northern Africa, thinking that was such a terrible act was of itself 'unholy.' He didn't perceive that what the Others viewed as unholy was love itself...the more intimate and perfect the love, the more unholy to them. And what is the ultimate, most intimate love?"
He paused and stared at all of us for a long, tantalizing minute. "The love that a mother and her child share...of course! Taken to its final end, it is known as incest...a concept that For'ishk, Wizard of Ramses and the ancient Egyptians were more than passing familiar with!" Father smiled affectionately at Mother and me. "And the most unholy moment of all is the first time that a mother and her child have intercourse!"