Chapter 03.2

Mother stared at Father for a long moment, her face paling as the implications of his words sank in. She turned to look at me, both horror and guilt on her face and perhaps it was my imagination, but perhaps a little yearning was in her eyes as well...almost as if Father's mad ideas gave her a small window of opportunity to explore further the feelings she had come to have for me. She rose from the table and facing Father again, shouted, "This is madness, Thomas and I'll have nothing to do with it. To even suggest that John and I could..."

She stopped speaking and almost seemed to stagger as she stepped away from the table. "I...we will leave this damned place as soon as the next ship arrives."

Father laughed and shook his head. "No, you won't, darling. I regret that you and John are the price for what must be done, but...mayhap when I have the powers of a God, I will be able to bring you back...if the Other hasn't consumed your souls."

I stood up, the implication of his words very clear. "You'll do nothing to Mother!" I snarled, my heart beating in my chest even as a clammy sweat broke out on my face.

Father laughed at me mockingly. "Ah, son...always there to protect his mother." He shook a finger at me. "I am not an absent minded fool. I know how you feel about her and I know she harbors desires for you as well. It is destiny, don't you see? Destiny that you both shall serve my purpose." He glanced at Antonia and Hector, both sitting silently, a slight frown on their faces and both blushing with embarrassment. "I made sure that you both had an example to inspire you. Even if you hadn't harbored any incestuous feelings for your mother, son, I was sure that the presence of the Jahndi would steer you to it. Incest runs deep in their blood."

"I'm leaving," Mother gasped and turned to flee the room, but then she halted and looked at me as sweat ran down her face and she whispered, "John, I love..." and fainted, collapsing into a heap on the floor.

"Mother!" I cried out and rushed to her, only to be overwhelmed by dizziness as I began to stumble. I fell, not feeling any of the pain of impact, reaching out to her as I went down, my last memory being my hand just brushing hers before all became blackness.

"Never lose faith in the love you share with your mother, John. The love you two share will keep you from harm." Antonia's voice, soft and warm echoed through the darkness that was my existence, offering me a lifeline...a tether back to consciousness even though the journey was long and strange. In the absence of visual data, my mind created for me a raft of infinite warmth and softness to ride back to awareness as a variety of sensations rippled through me...soft, pillow-like comfort and silky heat, both hairy and wet. "Your love for your mother is your anchor to life. Never surrender it, never let your mother go!"

Again, Antonia's voice seemed to echo on my ear, so close I thought I could feel her lips brushing my ear. Beyond her strange, soothing voice, I began to hear other noise...the rumble of thunder alternating with a steady drumbeat. A voice speaking something ancient...even alien with a wrongness throughout each strangely phrased syllable. Then a murmuring moan began that I instantly recognized as being made by my mother.

I was suddenly awake, but found myself strangely immobile. A warm, wet wind blew over me and I suddenly perceived that I was naked and I was resting on a bed of incredible softness and then I opened my eyes and found myself staring into Mother's brilliant blue orbs, wide with panic and confusion. With sudden clarity, I realized that I lying on top of my mother, her as naked as I was.

"Mother!" I gasped as I tried to rise up, but found myself strapped into place, immobile and unable to move.

"S-son, what's happening?" Mother gasped, struggling under me.

I was unable to answer as I gazed wildly about. Looking above Mother's head, I saw that my arms were tied down across her shoulders, silken ropes running through holes at the corners of what I suddenly recognized as the altar Hector and I had uncovered earlier in the day. Mother's arms were around my back and I quickly surmised that they were bound into place there just as my legs were strapped down at the other end of the altar.

It was painful to turn my head, but I confirmed that I lay atop Mother, her legs lifted up by the odd structure on the altar. A picture of a gynecologist's examination room rose in my mind. Then Mother's struggles drew attention that my penis...quite erect and throbbing was nestled between her labia. I was erect and Mother...Mother was quite wet.

Suddenly, Father's face loomed up close, a maniacal and eager grin etched there as he said, "Apologies for any discomfort. I'm sure it won't last long and if you cooperate, the end will come amidst pleasure. I have been told that there is nothing quite like the pleasure a mother and son derive from sex."

"Son of a bitch," I hissed. "I'll kill you!" I struggled vainly to raise my head high enough to snap at him, wishing for little more than the opportunity to tear out his throat.

Father leaned back and laughed. "No, you will not, John. I am on the threshold of becoming a God on Earth and you...soon you will be just a memory and a faded one at that." He paced off and I suddenly realized he was wearing a robe covered with bizarre runes. I looked around wildly. Hector knelt beyond Father, steadily pounding out a beat on an odd, triangular drum. As near as I could tell, Hector was naked.

I felt fingers slowly trace their way down my back and I turned to see Antonia beside us. She too was naked except for her now familiar pendant hanging between her pendulous breasts. She looked down at me, her face tense, but smiling. She leaned in and kissed me, her tongue caressing my lips and then did the same to Mother, a sight that I found disturbing, yet arousing, making my cock throb between Mother's nether lips.

"Forgive me for deceptions I have done," she whispered, "But remember what I have said, John. Love your mother with all your might and whatever may come, do not let her out of your embrace."

"I trusted you!" I sobbed, tears suddenly running down my face. " and Hector deceived me, made me think terrible things. You made me think unnatural thoughts about Mother!"

Antonia stroked my face, brushing tears off my cheeks. "I have done wrong to you, yes, John, but your thoughts...your love for your mother was born of your own soul." She looked at both of us with tender love and said, "This love you two were destined to share would have been realized one way or another. I have seen the truth of your lives and I have seen your destiny!"

"Oh, Antonia, please...don't let Thomas do this. Free us, please. Save us, Antonia!" Mother sobbed, her struggles beneath me availing no profit except to arouse my already turgid penis. Mother's pussy was hot and wet, her velvet flesh slick with her arousal.

Antonia shook her head and again kissed us, first Mother, her tongue pressing into my mother's mouth and Mother responding to it, her eyes wide with bewilderment. "Listen when I tell you that no harm can come to mother and son if they armor themselves in the protection of their love." She kissed me and said with heavy emphasis, "Whatever may come, John, do not let your mother out of your loving embrace!"

"It is time!" bellowed Father approaching again. "It is time for the Summoning." He gestured to Antonia. "Take your place, Jahndi witch!"

My eyes followed Antonia as she gracefully walked to her son, taking the drumstick from his hand and never missing a beat as he stepped back and she knelt behind the drum. She continued to beat out the weird rhythm as Hector knelt behind her and then I saw his hands spread her buttocks and when her eyes widened and then closed in utter pleasure, I knew that he was fucking her.

Father raised his hands to the sky and began uttering strange words, alien mutterings that hurt to hear, but which with each phrase became understood. Overhead, lightning played across a clear sky and the moon, full and blood red showered us with an obscene light as he chanted, "ITHING'VAL HAMG, COME FORTH! YOU ARE SUMMONED AND YOUR FREEDOM IS AT HAND!" He turned to face Antonia and Hector and continued, "WITNESS THE UNHOLY ACT OFFERED UP TO YOU BY YOUR SERVANTS...PERFORMED FOR YOUR BENEFIT!" He turned and faced us. "WITNESS MY OFFERING – A VIRGINAL PERFORMANCE OF UNHOLY INCEST – MOTHER AND SON ON THE VERGE OF SUCCUMBING TO DARK LUST. EVEN IN THE FACE OF THEIR SOULS' DESTRUCTION, THEY ARE BURNING WITH THE LUST OF UNHOLY DESIRE. MAY THEY NOURISH YOUR HUNGERS, LORD ITHING'VAL HAMG!"

The strange, cloudless storm intensified as lightning strikes buffeted the grounds around us, striking the stone slabs we had uncovered over the last few weeks. Mother moaned below me even as we both now squirmed in our bonds, not seeking freedom, but suddenly overwhelmed by the sudden need to be joined cock to pussy. Something incredibly carnal seemed to suffuse the very air, overwhelming nearly all thought.

Glancing about, I suddenly perceived shadowy, almost inconceivable specters manifesting on the stone slabs...things that my vision seemed to simply slide away from, not quite able or willing to accept in my conscious thought. Amidst my incestuous lusts for mother, a palpable wrongness filled the clearing.


Father slowly walked around us even as Antonia began chanting as her son pounded his erection into her pussy – her song weaving in and around the bizarre beats of the drum. Antonia's face was a rictus of pleasure as she screamed, "MATRE TIAMBO UN UMANO UN ESTASIUM VICTRE DIABLAS!" again and again.

I felt a hand on my genitals, Father's fingers around my cock and despite the repulsive feel of his touch, I throbbed as I perceived he was placing my swollen crown between Mother's aroused labia which clasped hungrily for my flesh. "AS HUSBAND AND FATHER, I BLESS THIS UNHOLY UNION OF MY SON AND HIS MOTHER. LET THEIR LUST BE THE FUEL THAT BURNS YOUR CHAINS AWAY, ITHING'VAL HAMG. LET THEIR INCESTOUS LUST MAKE YOU FREE TO DO YOUR WILL UPON THE EARTH!"

All the world seemed to fall into place then as suddenly I was free to thrust deep into Mother's wet pussy. With a loud howl of lust, I did just that, triggering a soulful cry in my mother as she flung her hips up to meet my cock. "I love you, Mother!" I sobbed as I felt my cock descend into her liquid heat, understanding completely for the first time why Antonia and Hector were so devoted to each other. I had dreamt of the moment, but had barely conceived of the sheer rightness of joining with my mother sexually!

Our mouths found each other in the storm that was our lust and love, our tongues writhing about each other, making love even as I hunched into her marvelous pussy again. "I LOVE YOU, SON!" Mother screamed, saliva splattering from her mouth as she broke the kiss. She bucked upwards into me again and again, grinding herself against my crotch, attempting to swallow more deeply my cock into her furnace like womb.

As we fucked passionately within our restraints, a part of me seemed to step apart, admiring the lewd and wanton sight of myself and Mother rutting like wild beasts, but also perceiving the equally passionate coupling of Antonia and her son and the growing power around us...a tangible, yet elusive force gathering in the clearing. Between the rampant burst of lightning, the blood-like glow of the Moon exposed tantalizing and disturbing glimpses of something forming above us and around us – taking form one moment and becoming invisible the next. There were tentacle-like extensions and unnerving apertures reminiscent of the labia like appearance of certain exotic lilies. My recent dreams echoed vaguely in my head and I suddenly knew I was already acquainted with Ithing'val Hamg.

Mother's gaze started to turn away from me and her eyes widened in horror as she looked upon the grotesque specter of the Other and I hissed, "Look at me, Mother. Look at the love in my eyes," and I kissed her passionately, fixing her gaze with my eyes so much like her own, feeling relieved when the aura of insanity faded from her blue orbs.

Father trembled as he again raised his arms, bringing out of the folds of his rune covered robes, a long, wicked knife, gleaming with a reddish tint in the light of the moon's rays. Even as I kissed Mother again, my hips working feverishly to please her with quick, hard thrusts, her pussy walls clinging tightly to my erection, massaging my shaft and kissing at the head of my cock, I kept a watchful eye on my father, resenting ever iota of attention I was unable to spend focused on my mother.

A part of me knew that the end of my life was at hand. Flecks of fear were floating amidst the lust and love in Mother's eyes as well and she moaned, "Sweet son, forgive me for not letting you in me earlier. My love for you was so intense, so strangely powerful, I was afraid it would consume us both."

As Father again approached, raising the sacrificial dagger high above his head, I replied to my mother, "No apologies...a moment or a lifetime joined body and soul with you, Mother fulfills all my hopes and dreams."


"I love you, Mother," I whispered while I thrust deep inside her, feeling her wrapping around me even as she whispered her love to me and Father's dagger swept down to pierce both our bodies. I could feel the slight rush of pressure as the wicked knife approached and then there was light and heat as Father's knife thrust was blunted, the force of his halted stroke throwing him off balance to stumble into the dirt beside us.

"NO! WHAT STAYS MY HAND?" Father screeched as he climbed to his feet. Again, he raised his arm on high and brought it down on us and again, something flared bright and hot and my father shrieked as he fell away, his hand blackened and blistered while the dagger fell to the earth.

Mother cried out in disbelief, both from our momentary and unforeseen salvation and from what I perceived to be the first tremors of orgasm as her hips rolled and writhed beneath me, encouraging me to fuck her harder. Father again clambered to his feet. "What...I've followed the Summoning precisely..." he whimpered as he stared at his ravaged hand, the flesh already falling away to reveal gleaming bone.

"BETRAYED! YOU JANDHI BITCH!" Father snarled as he turned on Antonia and Hector, almost oblivious to us as they moved in perfect unison, slamming into each other wetly. Father snatched up the dagger in his remaining good hand and rushed the kneeling couple fucking on their hands and knees. Neither flinched as he brought down his knife, Antonia moaning lewdly as she began to orgasm on her son's cock, her hand still steadily beating the odd drum. There was again a flash of light, accompanied by intense heat and the knife fell to the ground again as Father sagged to his knees cradling his destroyed hands.

His wails of pain and despair were answered by angry, frustrated shrieks from the surrounding specters already fading from their insubstantial grasp on our world and I understood that the ceremony had failed. Laughing triumphantly, I renewed my thrusts with youthful vigor, triggering a massive orgasm in Mother – her screams of pleasure mixing with Father's shrieks of pain.

He suddenly jerked his head up, eyes now wide with fear as the air around us began to heat as if we were standing before an immense open fire. The growing heat spurred my arousal on as if the energy was born of, yet feeding on our incestuous lust. The near tangible Ithing'Val Hamg drifted and concentrated around Father and I felt the immense heat it was giving off in its anger and denial. It seemed to pick Father up and hold him suspended in the air. Father screamed in pain and fear even as his skin began to blister and blacken, writhing in the deadly grasp of the denied Other.

Mother and I both moaned with pleasure and with surprised discomfort as the hair on our head began to crisp in the unnatural heat. Our bonds suddenly seemed to fall away, cut or burned I was not sure. I glanced over at Antonia and Hector but they had vanished, but suddenly I heard Antonia's voice in my ear, "Now, flee for your lives. Do not let your mother go. Keep her in your loving embrace. GO NOW!"

I did not hesitate even a second, lunging backwards with Mother in my arms, sliding backwards off the altar to land on my feet, Mother still impaled on my cock, sobbing with undreamt of pleasure. The heat was now so intense that the surrounding brush and trees were smoldering. The foul stench of burning hair filled my nostrils as I moved, Father's death shrieks echoing in my ears.

I lumbered off, somehow finding the strength to carry Mother, supported by my hands on her taut buttocks and my throbbing cock spearing her cunt. I ran awkwardly towards the direction of the house as a raging inferno exploded behind me and gave chase. The race was so strange and surreal, the pleasure of our sexual joining contrasting with the terrible heat and fear of the moment.

I felt my feet slap onto concrete and cried, "Don't let go of me, Mother! I love you!" as I leaped and we fell into the chill, sweet rainwater that had partially filled the pool! The cold water of the pool was like a balm after the fire that had almost consumed us, but it seemed to have no detrimental effects on us in our incestuous coupling. Mother clung to me vigorously, her arms and legs wrapped around me both lovingly and possessively as our groins hunched together – never ceasing to generate the carnal pleasure that sustained us.

We sank to the bottom of the pool and I thanked the heavens that we'd been lucky enough to have jumped into the deep end. As my feet landed against the pebbled concrete flooring, we stared lovingly into each other's eyes, illuminated by great light overhead and then kissed as we almost hovered on the pool's bottom, sharing each other's last bits of oxygen.

Finally, the need to breath became too much and I kicked us off the bottom of the pool and we broke the surface as we broke our loving kiss, gasping for air amidst a great inferno. Everything about us seemed to be ablaze...the trees and nearby brush, the grass and the great house itself. Although it didn't seem possible, I thought I could hear Father's screams still echoing in the night as if somehow his torment continued long after his physical body should have been consumed.

Mother sobbed and hugged me tighter as she whimpered, "My God, John, has the whole world gone insane?"

I hugged her back, treading water and replied, "Hush, Mother...think not of that, focus on the now...focus on you and me and what we have become." I kissed her then again as she again became fully aware of the fact that we were joined in incestuous sex.

Mother's eyes grew wide as she said, "John...son, you are fucking me! You're fucking your mother!" She began to laugh and for a brief moment I thought she might be succumbing to madness after all, but then she screamed with pleasure as she hunched against me and cried out, "You feel wonderful inside me, John! Fuck me, darling – fuck me and love me forever!"

Obedient son that I am, I persevered to obey my mother. We drifted into shallower water where I could find my footing as we stood neck high in the cool water, my hands cupping Mother's buttocks while her ankles crossed over my ass and her arms remained wrapped around my neck, fingers clawing into my skin as she came and came again. Overhead and all around us, a storm of fiery energy raged even as between our joined loins an even fiercer storm born of incestuous lust and love ran wild. Amidst the roar of the fire seemed to sound an ancient and triumphant cry, itself almost lost in the sound of great, beating wings.

All the madness of the evening...of the last weeks was forgotten as Mother and I made love, finally unleashing all our repressed desires, drowning ourselves in our love and hunger for each other, never becoming sated on the ecstasy that being joined cock and pussy produced.

We both should have collapsed from exhaustion and died that night, but somehow we became eternal...forever in the moment of perfect orgasm...Mother's cunt tightening around my erection again and again, bathing it in her steaming juices as she orgasmed while I came and came again, ejaculating impossible load after load of hot semen into her motherly womb, never seeming to lose the hardness that my mother inspired in me.

The night and the storm of fire seemed to both go on forever and neither of us wanted it to end as we fucked and made love, always conscious that we were mother and son and always aware that this was our destiny...that we were meant to be lovers. We made love amidst the fire until both seemed to merge, the flames of our desire and of the Other's ire becoming one until ecstatic fire consumed all.

I awoke to the singing of the gulls and opened my eyes to a brilliant blue morning sky, pure save a single column of black smoke. I was lying on my back and a pleasurable weight was atop me. Looking down, I saw the top of Mother's blonde tresses, smeared with soot and algae. Her bare shoulders shifted and as I reached out to stroke them, she shifted against me, her nose and lips nuzzling my chest as she slept.

It took a moment to sort out our surroundings, but I realized that we were lying at the edge of the shallow end of the pool, somehow having made our way here in the night to fall asleep in the sweet exhaustion that our lovemaking had wrought. Low to the ground around us was a smoky haze and the strong scent of burned wood. I craned my neck towards the direction of the house and found only smoking remnants of its bones...great wooden beams that charred and fumed amidst brick and mortar debris. A great column of smoke rose high into the sky

Looking out towards the work site, I could only see burned tree trunks through slowly swirling strands of smoke...the open grass gone leaving only blackish ground. As I moved, Mother came awake and lifted her head to look around, shifting slightly so that she was straddling me, one long leg on each side of me. Her magnificent breasts swung hypnotically as she sat up and stared at the destruction around us.

Finally, Mother's brilliant blue eyes found mine and she said, "We're alive. You saved us, son." She stated it as a fact, not a question.

I shook my head and replied, "We saved each other, Mother. Our love for each other is what preserved us, I think."

Mother nodded and a cloud passed over her face for a moment. "Thomas is dead, isn't he?"

"Yes, Mother. I think Father's obsessions killed him."

Mother was quiet for a moment although after a minute or so, she seemed to realize that she was sitting atop me naked, her loins pressed against my already hardening penis. An odd smile flitted across her face. "I cannot find it within me to say I will miss him." Mother straightened her posture, her hands slowly rising up from her stomach to cup and massage her breasts, her nipples stiffening from her fingers' attentions. She glanced around again and said in a perplexed tone, "Antonia and Hector?"

I shook my head in reply even as I joined my hands with hers, squeezing Mother's breasts, relishing their weight and volume. "I think it's just you and me, Mother."
Next page: Chapter 03.3
Previous page: Chapter 03.1