Chapter 03
Carl's control grows!
It was Sunday morning, something was different, something wasn't quite right. Carl greeted his wife of more than thirty-seven years with a kiss as he handed her a cup of coffee. She often needed the beverage to get going in the morning.
She took the mug in her dainty hands and took a sip, it was hot, but not too hot. "How does he do that," she thought. "Carl always makes my coffee perfectly, even the temperature." Suddenly she remembered, "Joy and Sarah, they were here yesterday and we all fucked like there was no tomorrow. I don't remember them leaving." She looked up at Carl who seemed to be waiting for the black drink to work its magic.
"They left hours ago, you were still asleep. They asked that I tell you that they had a marvelous time and look forward to doing it again." Carl stated as he sat on the bed and pulled his socks on. He was dressed for church, Mass began at nine thirty, Dee had ninety minutes to get ready. She got up, setting the mug on the end table and stretched, she wasn't surprised to find that she was naked. She never slept naked before, but this last week she'd begun to prefer it to her nightgowns.
Carl watched his sexy wife stretch, she now had the body of a woman half her age and even after all the sex he had last night, he was becoming aroused. Dee knew that look and said, "Oh no you don't, cowboy. Not unless you want to miss church." Carl backed off and asked if she wanted her usual toast, bacon, and eggs. She agreed and the Carl was off to prepare a light breakfast before Mass.
As Dee showered her memories of the previous day and night were vivid and she couldn't help but finger herself to a mild conclusion as she thought of her pussy being eating by Joy and Sarah and being thoroughly fucked by Carl.
At church, though she tried not to Dee had a hard time concentrating, each woman she saw she imagined as a sex partner. She blushed as she couldn't help but undressing some with her eyes. She was being wicked and sinful in of all places. With an effort, she was able to repress those thoughts and concentrate on the reason she was there, at least for the important moments.
After Mass had ended, they gathered in the large hall for the customary fellowship and once again Dee's mind scanned those present for potential sex partners. She knew this was wrong and finally pulled on Carl's arm and he knew she was ready to go.
"Let's go out for brunch," she suggested. "I heard the Americana Las Vegas had a great brunch, do you know where it is?"
Carl said he did and within minutes had diverted the car to head for the location.
Sarah awoke suddenly, she was panting, her pulse racing, she was wet and very aroused her nipples were hard. The only thing missing was her face covered in pussy juice, as she realized that she'd just cum in her sleep while reliving the previous evening with Carl, Dee, and Joy.
In her dream, she was eating Dee's pussy and loving every moment, while Carl was fucking her from behind using long slow strokes. Joy was playfully sucking on her tits as she fingered her lover's pussies.
She sat up in bed, her tits falling forward she was amazed to see she had gone to bed naked. That was something she never did. She rubbed her breasts and pulled on her nipples, they were as hard as they've ever been. She was still horny she could smell herself, she reached down and found herself very wet and easily coated her fingers. She pulled them into her mouth and tasted herself, another first. She smiled. It was Sunday and she had nothing planned, so she reached into the end table and pulled out her favorite toy, it was a large dildo she named Carl. She realized that she'd have to either rename it or buy a bigger one, as it was only about half the size of the real thing.
She began rubbing it alongside her wet pussy and when she touched her clit, she turned it on to the vibration mode, sighing loudly as she realized that this might take a while. She had plenty of time. As she began to enjoy the toy, she thought of visiting some of her girlfriends. Perhaps she'd see if they would be interested in a little girl on girl play. "Who knows, if any of them were any good, maybe she'd bring them over to meet Carl and Dee? I know that Carl would like to have another pussy to fuck. I know that he and Dee have been married forever, but a man needs variety. I think I'll make it my mission to find different and exotic pussies for us all to enjoy."
With that thought complete, Sarah came.
Getting ready for her morning run was usually a pretty easy task. But this morning wasn't like all the others, this morning Joy found that her normally small breasts had somehow grown overnight. She couldn't explain it, but she did feel a weight pulling on her chest the other day but didn't think much of it at the time.
Her once B cup breasts had more than doubled in size overnight, although she wasn't sure, they were easily a C cup or larger. She cupped them in her hands again. Much more than before. She squeezed and almost dropped to her knees, her nipples were sensitive, she learned as she continued to caress her new tits. Yes, they were no officially "tits" she thought. They did look much the same, no longer cone-shaped, twice the size, firm wider and rounder. Pulling in a nipple again, she sighed and felt her pussy moisten. Her run was going to wait, as she put her right hand in her shorts and quickly found her pussy dripping wet as she pulled on her nipples. "Mmmmm..." She cried aloud as the feeling just got better and better. She thought of her boss, Dee and how larger her breasts are, "These girls aren't nearly as big, but on my tiny frame they look huge." She squirmed as she continued to masturbate, "I'm going to have to go shopping for new tops and bras, or I can't go to work." Her hands were a blur as she jiggled her clit and fondled her breasts. She came hard and much faster than she thought possible and collapsed on her bed. "I need a shower," she realized as she smelled of sex. In the shower, she couldn't keep her hands focused on the task and played with herself until she'd had three more good orgasms and the hot water ran out.
After an uneventful brunch in which Carl and Dee "people watched" with the intent of finding a new playmate, they were disappointed that none of the women there appealed to either of them. Although a lovely restaurant, with very fine food, it seemed to cater to an older clientele and since Carl and Dee's rejuvenation, they were more interested in young playmates. They had a league tennis match later that afternoon and were certain that they'd agree on one or two of their tennis friends to seduce, so they returned home happy to relax and prepare both mentally and physically for the match.
As Carl pulled into the driveway he saw their neighbor working in the garden, both he and Dee waved, upon pulling into the garage Dee hurried into the house as if she had a remembered something she had to do. As Carl got out the car he had a thought, instead of closing the garage door, he strolled out to talk with his neighbor.
"Hey Sandy, getting a little early spring gardening in?" Carl said as soon as he got close enough to his young neighbor who was now on her knees tending to her plants.
Without looking up, moving the earth around with her bare hands, she replied, "Hey Carl. Yeah, trying to get a jump on things, we're supposed to get a little rain, wanted to take advantage." She moved quickly back and forth, wiggling from side to side as she tended to two plants, her large breasts jiggled delightfully.
Carl couldn't help but notice the amount of cleavage she was showing, her large breasts seemed to be unholstered. Sandy was a real honest to GOD showgirl, dancing at the Flamingo Hotel and Casino in the "X Burlesque" topless revue. So, she was always home during the days although she did rise rather late.
Her task complete, she leaned back and sat on her heels regarding her neighbor. She was a little stunned to see a much younger version or Carl. He appeared to be much more muscular, looking rested and years younger. She didn't realize she'd been staring, so she quickly said the first thing that came into her head, "Damn Carl, have you been working out?"
"Oh, yeah," forgetting that his appearance had changed since finding the gem. "Just a little, mostly just playing a lot of tennis."
"Well, don't stop. You look awesome." Sandy blushed a little, she didn't want to appear to be coming on to her neighbor, but he looked really good and was her type. She had to admit years ago she had a bit of a daddy issue. She was smiling broadly as she got to her feet and made a big deal of shaking the dirt off her blouse and from her hands, without thinking she slid into "full pickup" mode.
Her attentiveness to Carl didn't go unnoticed. "Sandy, perhaps you'd be interested in seeing this unusual gem I found in one of the caves I explored."
"Really? You explore caves here in Las Vegas?" Sandy said, her interest peaked.
"Sure, you remember me telling you that I'm a geologist. I'm a professor at UNLV." Carl reminded his dizzy neighbor. Sandy was gorgeous, but not very bright, not quite a bimbo, Carl thought, but definitely in the neighborhood. He didn't know her very well. What he did know was that she was divorced. Her ex-husband was an attorney, one of those that advertised on the billboards around town, they used to call them "ambulance chasers". Sandy got the house in the settlement, and a significant amount of alimony but she decided to continue to work.
Both Carl and Dee were cordial towards Sandy, but they never socialized, they just didn't have much in common. They never met her ex-husband, although they'd seen him from a window on occasion. They'd gotten most of their information from the gossiping neighbors.
Pulling the gem from his pocket, he held his closed fist out to Sandy until she was close enough and opened it. Sandy stared at the gem and soon saw the dark blue clouds begin to move and bolts of lightning shooting from out of the clouds. She opened her mouth to say something, but no words came out. She stared into Carl's hand for several minutes until Carl decided that enough time had passed and closed his fist and put the jewel back into his pocket. Slowly Sandy began to come out of her gem induced trance.
"So, Sandy are you working tonight?" Carl asked as the twentysomething dancer.
"No, tonight is my night off, I need it too. It's been pretty busy with all the conventions in town this week. We had to add extra shows."
"That's great. Show me your tits."
Without so much as a blink, Sandy unbuttoned her blouse and exposed a set of beautiful twin breasts. They were as large as one would expect of a showgirl, round and pointy. Her areoles were puffy and her nipples hard.
"Looks like their glad to see me." Carl said, as he fought the urge to feel them and test their weight.
"Oh, whenever the girls are exposed my nipples are hard, it's part of the conditioning. It's either that or the ice cubes." She smiled and then said already knowing what he was thinking, "Yes, just like in the movie."
She left her blouse open, her large breasts forcing the blouse to hang open, her breasts on display for all to see, Sandy's magnificent rack.
"That's an unusual looking mole," Carl said referring to the beauty mark on her left tit.
Sandy smiled and giggled, "That's not a mole. Do you have a magnifying glass?"
"Yes, in the house." Sandy followed Carl into the house and into the kitchen where he retrieved a large magnifying glass.
"Take a closer look," she said.
Carl did as she suggested and swore, "Well I'll be damned!"
"Uh huh!" Sandy said.
"I would have never have guessed it was a signature. It's the plastic surgeon who did the work, a Dr. Greg Casey?" Carl said still shocked that Sandy would let him autograph her tit.
Anticipating his next question, Sandy said, "Many of the girls do it," she said. "Letting him sign his work like a master painter. He gives those who do twenty percent off and it is pretty discrete, don't you think."
Carl had to agree it was not only discrete, but the doctor did great work. With the exception of the size, the breasts looked completely natural although he wondered if they felt natural, too.
Again, as if reading his mind, Sandy encouraged him to feel them. Carl was beginning to wonder if he was controlling Sandy or was she just willing to do any and everything on all on her own. Trying to be nonchalant, Carl agreed and lifted his hands and began to manipulate the fleshy globes. They were a little firmer than he expected, and her nipples seemed to feel natural, she sighed when he pulled on them.
"Mmmm... what do you think professor?" She asked as he continued to fondle her assets.
"I think the doctor does good work. Your nipples seem to still be pretty sensitive, contradicts what I heard about implants." He said this while paying more attention to them.
"Ohhh...professor...I've been known to come from breasts manipulation alone. Mmm... you're making me so wet and horny. My nipples have always been very responsive to touch."
Without waiting for an invitation, Carl reached his left hand into Sandy's loose shorts and wasn't surprised to learn that she'd gone commando. He slipped his finger into her smooth nude pussy and found that she indeed was very wet. He wiggled his finger around inside before finding her clitoris and squeezed it between two fingers causing Sandy to moan loudly. She was very close to climaxing. Carl didn't know that she'd always had a quick trigger, but this was record time even for her.
It wasn't long before she was dancing on Carl's palm as he sucked on her nipples and she squealed as she came. It was a sound of surrender. She somehow knew that she'd do anything Carl asked of her. She'd had mind-altering orgasms before, like the time when she and a few of her girlfriends from work helped one of the visiting men's college teams here for the NCAA March tournament celebrate a big win. There was so much cock, she was fucked silly and couldn't walk straight for two weeks.
But this was different. It was if she was giving up her soul and would do anything for her neighbor whom she was only now getting to know. As she began to quiet herself, the orgasm lasting what seemed like five minutes, as she held on to Carl tightly she heard a female voice from behind her.
"I hope there's room for one more."
Carl smiled as he eyed his wife, naked and slightly damp from just stepping out of the shower.
Sandy was relieved to hear Dee's question, she was a little worried that she was too loud and that she would be caught. She was a little taken off guard learning her neighbors so open-minded and into sharing. After all, they were an older couple, she thought as Dee came into her view.
Sandy had seen Dee from time to time, she knew that the older woman was active and kept herself in shape, but she was again stunned to see what that really meant as the naked woman, supposed to be in her sixties approached. Not only did she appear to be in excellent shape, displaying tight slightly muscular abdominals, but her breasts appeared to be springy y sitting high on her chest.
Dee looked to be closer to her twenties than her sixties. Sandy could tell that her breasts were natural, having seen more than her share of both natural and enhanced tits.
Hoping not to be seen as staring, she gazed down to see Dee's shaved pussy, her lips slightly parted and damp, probably from the shower she'd just taken.
"Sandy, so good to see you. It's been a while. We don't see much of you. It could be our conflicting hours or the clothes." Dee joked as she closed in on the naked women, Carl's hand still in her pussy.
Sandy smiled brightly and cooed, " nice to see you too, all of you, as Carl wiggled his fingers and rubbed her clit just right.
Before Sandy could invite her neighbor to join them, Dee had taken the showgirl's face in her hands and smothered her lips with her own.
Carl took that moment to replace his finger with his very hard cock and Sandy swooned as she has a small climax. Sandy fell forward as grabbing the kitchen counter for support breaking the sensuous kiss as Dee curled around her neighbor's long legs and began lapping at her naked pussy as her husband slowly slid in and out from behind. Dee licked the hard nubbin and occasionally Carl's cock as they began to get into a nice rhythm as Sandy's moans filled the kitchen.
It wasn't long before Sandy was swearing as she came hard from both Dee's tongue and Carl's cock. Gripping his cock hard, Carl decided he'd better finish as time was growing short. He let loose several ropes of cum deep into Sandy pussy, reluctantly he pulled out only to be captured by Dee's mouth. Dee savored the new combined taste. She quickly cleaned him up, all too aware of the time. She sucked Carl's cum from her neighbor's pussy regretting that she'd have to wait for her to return the favor.
Although the country club wasn't too far away, she needed to put her desire on hold until she'd returned from the match.
Sandy slumped to the floor exhausted and content. Dee stood giving her husband the familiar look, which he fully understood. She trotted out of the kitchen, her tight naked ass flexing beautifully as her tits bounced much to Carl and Sandy's delight.
Looking down he saw his spent neighbor on her hands and knees as she was attempting to get back to her feet. Carl leaned down, helping her to her feet admiring her naked form.
"That was something," she said as she saw Carl's amazing cock getting hard once again. "Where's Dee?"
"I'm afraid that we have a prior commitment, she's a tennis match against an old rival," Carl informed Sandy, then he got an idea. "It's ashamed too. She wanted to continue to play. We'll be gone for about three to four hours. Are you busy this evening?"
Sandy smiled. "I was planning to go shopping with one of my girlfriends, we work the same shifts."
"Is she a 'showgirl' too?" Carl asked hoping the answer would be yes.
Sandy smiled broadly, "Yes she is, and she loves to party."
"Why don't you two go on your shopping trip but return early so that we can pick up where we left off. Dee didn't get to cum, so she's going to be pretty horny when we return."
Sandy didn't have to think about it and eagerly agreed. Carl helped her find her clothes and once dressed she stood on her tiptoes to give him a kiss that said she'd be back for more real soon.
At the courts, Sandy and her team greeted their opponents. Both teams consisted of middle-aged ladies, but Dee's team had never beaten today's opponents. It was mostly because of their best player, Julie Betts. Julie was one of the youngest members, in her late forties and a very solid player. Like Dee, she was an attorney and whenever they'd meet, it was Julie that won. Few people liked Julie. She was a real bitch and took no mercy on her opponents even when the match was far out of her opponent's reach. In fact, she was known to taunt them. Furthermore, she had beaten Dee badly every time they met and loved throwing it back into Dee's face. Of course, all of that was before Dee's miraculous rejuvenation.
"Are you sure that you just don't want to withdraw and save yourself the humiliation?" she asked Dee as she walked up to her as she was stretching outside of the courts waiting for their match to be assigned a court.
"Do you always have to be such a bitch, Julie?" Dee said. It was so out of character for her to reply to one of Julie's taunts that it caught the woman off guard.
Dee was confident that she could now beat her nemesis. "Tennis is supposed to be fun, why do you always feel necessary to ruin the experience?"
"Well, well. Look who's grown a spine." Julie said. "It is fun. Fun when I beat your sweet ass like it belongs to me."
Before she could stop herself, Dee said, "You want to bet?" Shrinking back into the timid opponent she'd always been when facing Julie.
"Yeah, I want to bet. Too bad you don't have anything that I want, except that husband of yours. Tell you what, If I beat your ass again like I always do, you have that hunk you're married to come to my place and I get to fuck his brains out."
Dee was slightly taken back by the terms of Julie's bet. This woman was really trying to get into her head. But then she thought, perhaps she could turn the tables. "Okay," Dee said surprising her opponent, "and if I win you eat my pussy until I say stop."
If it were simply a game of who could fuck with the other's head the most, Dee would have won. Julie knew that Dee was as straight as they came for her to even suggest something like that meant that something had radically changed between Dee and her husband Carl. Perhaps they broke up and Dee found her inner lesbian? But seated behind Dee in the bleachers was the "hunkahunka of burning love", looking better than ever. She licked her lips and accepted the bet.
It was a cool Spring afternoon, Dee had her purple warmup suit on even through the five-minute warm up. When time was called by the chair umpire, both women returned to their bench and Julie sipped her water while she talked quietly with her team captain.
Stuffing her folded warm-up suit into her tennis bag, Dee grabbed a quick swallow of water, both women stopped talking and stared in awe at Dee, not only did she look amazing in her matching tennis top and tennis skirt but she looked decades younger. She smiled and put down her water bottle grabbed her racquet and trotted off to take her position.
The chair official announced the players, informing all that this would be the best two out of three tie-break sets and Dee had won the toss and decided to receive.
That was different, too. Dee always insisted on severing first. Putting it out of her mind, Julie bounced the ball, several times preparing to serve, still unable to believe how young and fit her opponent had become. She shrugged it off, knowing that she'd still easily beat Dee. Her skills were superior and Dee always had trouble with her serve.
Bouncing the ball a few more times, she tossed it into the air and smashed a hard serve up the "T" to Dee's backhand. Effortlessly Dee took a few short steps and hit the ball just as it was rising crushed a cross-court shot just inside the baseline for a winner.
The look on Julie's face spoke volumes, as the chair umpire announced "Love fifteen!".
Julie retrieved the ball, still shocked that Dee had easily returned her best serve for a winner. Calming herself she returned to the service line and sliced a beautiful serve angling off the court. Dee took three long strides and returned the serve easily right at Julie where her reactions were too slow and it hit the frame of her racquet and then into the net.
"Love Thirty!" the chair umpire announced.
"Damn, Julie thought. "She not only looks thirty years younger but is playing like it."
There were many good rallies, but Julie seemed to tire after the first set which she lost, 6-1. After that Dee played with her making her dash left than right several times before delivering a drop shot that bounced just over the net with tremendous backspin, bouncing back towards the net away from the racing Julie and her vain effort to reach it before it bounced twice. By the end of the match, Dee had not only crushed her longtime adversary and nemesis 6-1, 6-0 but her team won all three of their doubles matches by healthy margins.
Dee walked over to her defeated opponent as she toweled herself looking thoroughly beaten and handed her a card. "Make sure to be at my home at six sharp, you should have plenty of time to shower and you'll still haven't trimmed back that jungle that covers your pussy, shave it bare. All my sluts have bald pussies." Then she walked away leaving Julie stunned an unable to think of a smart comeback.
"Nice victory," Carl said as he squeezed his wife and kissed her as she walked towards him dressed once again in her purple warmup suit. "If you keep that up, you may have to turn pro." They both laughed as Carl took her bag and they headed back to the car.
About a minute after Carl and Dee entered the house, there was the ring of the doorbell. "I need a shower," she said and ran up the stairs. Still carrying Dee's tennis bag, Carl walked through the house opening the door for Sandy and her girlfriend.
"Come in," Carl said as Sandy stepped in and kissed Carl passionately for several moments. When she pulled away she was almost out of breath, she paused to regain her composure then introduced her girlfriend, Kimberly Dawson, who looked a little puzzled by her greeting, but couldn't help admire the man.
Carl appraised the tall thin bronzed woman. She had the body of an athlete, lean and slightly muscular, with, of course, large tits. Her hair was cropped into a short curls style that complimented her beautiful face. She couldn't have been more than twenty years old, Carl thought as he offered her his hand.
She took it tentatively as if his touch would turn her into the lusting woman in heat that Sandy had turned into. "Nice to meet you," she said then pushed on to the reason Sandy said they'd come stopped by. "Sandy said that you had a heated pool and we could swim for a while. We hardly get time to relax much with all the conventions in town. So, that would be very good."
"Certainly," Carl said. "Sandy you know where the pool is. Do you two want something to drink? I make a great margarita. "That sounds wonderful," Kimberly said as Sandy grabbed her hand and led her through the house and out to the pool. About ten minutes later Carl returned with the drinks and Kimberly and Sandy had taken their clothes off exposing their skimpy bikinis.
"Who's thirsty?" Carl said as he put the tray containing a large pitcher and four glasses. Picking up the pitcher he began pouring the potent drinks. He handed one to Kimberly and then to Sandy and they took a quick sip. Almost in unison the praised Carl as this was one of the best margaritas they'd ever had.
"My wife Dee is in the shower, she just finished a tennis match, but she should be down soon. So, Kimberly, how do you like being a showgirl?"
"Please call me Kim," she said. Then they all proceeded to small talk and drink Carl's potent mixture.
"So, Sandy told you I'm a professor of geology at UNLV, want to see one of my favorite gems?"
Sandy didn't seem to have remembered Carl using that line earlier in the day on her. Both women looked into Carl's hand as he showed them the gem. And just like all the rest of those Carl had shown it to, they froze as the storm within in the stone seemed to rage, flashing blue lightning and imprinting on their minds to obey Carl. After about three minutes Carl closed his hand and put the gem back into his pocket. Carl thought it was a good idea to provide both with specific instructions.
"Kim, can you hear me?"
"Yes, I hear you."
"Good, you will do whatever I tell you to do without hesitation. You will always tell me the truth, you feel like you can trust me completely. You find me irresistible attractive and want to please me. Pleasing me makes you happy. Have you ever had sex with another woman?"
"Yes," Kim said.
"How often?"
"Twice. I'm afraid that I might get hooked on pussy."
"Then you are bisexual, you love the taste of pussy? Have you ever tasted Sandy's pussy?
"I do love the taste of pussy, I'm not bisexual. I love cock, I haven't tasted Sandy's pussy, she doesn't' know that I like pussy."
"Do you have a boyfriend?"
"No. Not currently."
"Good. My wife Dolores will be here soon. You will be immediately infatuated with her and do anything she asks you to do. That will make me happy."
"I want to make you happy, sir."
"Good. Your bikinis are lovely, but you both realize that they aren't necessary here and will remove them. Sandy do you want to make me happy?
"Yes, sir."
"Then you will follow your previous programming. You both may wake up, you will tell no one of our conversations?"
Both Sandy and Kim awoke from their trance with big smiles on their faces. Sandy began removing her skimpy bikini, while Kim walked up to Carl and planted a big wet kiss on his mouth.
"Thank you, Mr. Newman, for letting us use your pool, sir. It isn't often that we get a chance to swim and lounge around a pool."
"You're welcome," Carl said. "And please call me Carl," he said watching Sandy strip and rub her massive tits. Her nipples were hard and her pussy was wet.
Kim said, "You don't mind us skinny dipping do you, Carl? It feels so good to swim naked. Don't you agree?"
Carl watched as Kim began removing her bikini. Her brown tits were awesome, and she had an ass that Carl was dying to fuck.
"We have a no swimsuit rule here," Dee said as she walked out naked as her guest, carrying five towels. "Mmmm...don't you two look lovely? Sandy, who's your friend?"
Sandy took a few steps and greeted Dee with a hug and sensuous kiss that lasted several moments as the two pulled each other closer as their hands roamed over each other. When Dee broke the kiss, a breathless Sandy introduced Kim who imitated her friends greeting. Dee enjoyed the newness of the black woman and slid her hand between her wet pussy lips causing Kim to moan as her knees buckled.
Carl poured Dee a glass of his potent margarita and topped off the others, "I think we should toast to a fun evening." The women grabbed their glasses and touched them together and then took large swallows of the concoction. The doorbell rang and Dee turned to Carl. He was the only one still dressed, he wasn't expecting anyone. If Dee was she neglected to tell him, but she did have five towel sheets, that meant that she was up to something.
He was a little surprised to find the defeated tennis player at his door looking very pretty. He'd only seen her dressed for tennis, hot and sweaty, she cleaned up nicely.
"Good evening Julie, to what do we owe the pleasure?" Carl said as he stepped aside and let the tall blonde in. She looked Carl up and down, thinking she'd rather suck his cock than eat Dee's pussy like she agreed, having lost the bet.
"Hiya handsome," Julie said as she admired her tennis foe's husband. "Ah, Dee asked me to stop by," she lied, not sure how this was going to happen and not really sure why she was here.
Carl smiled broadly and looked at Julie like a lion looking at an antelope. "Awesome, she's out back by the pool, with some friends. Let me take you back there." Carl said and then he had a thought and reached into his pocket and pulled out the jewel. "Have you ever seen one of these?"
Julie stared at the gem for several minutes as Carl spoke to her. She told him about the bet she'd lost. Confessing that she much rather suck his cock and fuck her until she begged him to stop. He gave her some instructions and then brought her through the house and into the backyard.
When they arrived, Kim and Sandy were kissing like longtime lovers on the chase lounge as Dee watched sipping her margarita. If Julie was stunned by the scene in front of her she didn't show it. She hesitated as she watched the two beautiful showgirls move to more delicious licking and sucking, then approached Dee.
"Ah Julie, right on time. Good to see you again."
Julie frowned. "Let's get this over with so that I can get home. I have an early case in court tomorrow to prepare for."
"Not so fast bitch," Dee said. "You lost the bet. You take orders not make demands. Is that clear? Why don't we begin with you getting naked, strip bitch!"
It was like a slap across her face. Julie had never been spoken to like that before, but for some reason, it turned her on.
"I will not!" Julie said, as she put her purse down and began to peel off her jeans and sweatshirt. Her bra and panties quickly followed and when she completed the task she stood up stunned at what she'd done.
Carl and Dee had to admit that she looked pretty good for her age. She had a body of a forty-year-old woman who worked hard to stay in shape. She was lean and her small tits sagged a bit, her naked pussy was juicy, though she didn't know why.
"Okay, I guess that I will after all," she said trying to recover her dignity. "But you should know that I am not gay. I never even thought of having any kind of sex with a woman. In fact, I am surprised that you are. I would have never have guessed."
"You would have never have guessed what, bitch?"
Another verbal slap and Julie felt her pussy dripping down her leg. "What was that about?" Julie asked herself. "Why am I so turned on?"
That you are a lesbian, of course," She turned to see that Sandy and Kim had now slipped into a sixty-nine and were thoroughly enjoying each other and then looked back at Dee.
"You are a dumb bitch! I'm not a lesbian. You think I could be married to a hunk like Carl for almost forty years and be gay?" Dee paused for effect, "I've only just begun to appreciate the joys one woman can bring upon another." Dee said as if she just discovered the truth and smiled. "Carl and I have decided to open our marriage and bring in a few women to spice things up a bit. And if you are good, I might even let him fuck you, too."
"Come over here and let me have a look at you!" Despite her will, Julie sashayed and turned herself around so that Dee could have a good look at her before stopping in front of Dee. Julie hoped that Dee didn't see her wet pussy and her hard nipples.
Julie was indeed in good shape, but she didn't look nearly as good as Dee and Julie felt ashamed. Dee was in her sixties but had the body of a woman a fraction of her age. How was that possible? As Julie contemplated that, she felt her arousal grow.
"I see you took my advice and deforested that jungle you had covering your pussy. Good girl."
Julie shuddered. It wasn't so much the compliment but the praise for being a good girl that gave Julie a thrill. She was sopping wet and turned on more than she'd ever been in her life.
Dee took a seat and spread her legs. Julie couldn't help notice how beautiful her pussy looked, it was like a flower blooming in the morning sun. This startled her, she'd only seen a few vaginas including her own, but Dee's looked amazing. She was practically drooling as she watched Dee fingers move towards her pussy and openly began rubbing her clit and moaning softly as she was getting herself ready. "Well, bitch a bet is a bet. Crawl over here and let see if you are worth training."
Even before Julie was able to process the sentence and question what Dee had meant by training, she was on her hands and knees crawling across the deck her tits hanging low swaying from side to side as she crawled quickly. Upon arriving between Dee's legs, she could smell the unmistakable scent of Dee's arousal. Dee's fingers now wet with her juices, had the straight woman eager to lick and learn what all the fuss was about.
"Well, bitch do I have to ask you twice?"
"Dee," she whined, "I've never done this before. I'm not sure that I can." Julie lied. She knew that she could and would. She was afraid that she may like it so much that she may become addicted.
"Bitch, I don't want to hear your excuses, you should have thought about that before you made the bet." Dee barked, causing Julie to shrink. She wasn't sure why she was behaving so timidly. Was it because she was so turned on? She had to admit she was going to do it, not because of the threats, but because she wanted to find out what it was like.
Watching Julie's reaction, Dee decided to be a little nicer. "Since it's your first time, why don't you begin with a small lick, I'm sure once you taste me, you're going to love it."
Hesitatingly, Julie closed her eyes, stuck out her tongue and licked from the bottom up to where Dee's fingers held herself open. Julie's mind tried to decipher the new flavors her taste buds were sensing. The essence was tart but not unpleasant, it was a little familiar, she remembered a taste similar to her husband's cock a few nights ago. She thought it was because he'd just come home after an afternoon run. As she was about to deal with that new fact, her mind told her to file it and deal with it later.
She did remember tasting herself on his cock once or twice, though she tried to avoid that as much as possible. She wasn't quite sure if she liked the taste and she licked again, savoring the taste trying to place it.
"Hmmm..." She thought, that actually taste pretty good, and went back for more. This time she put her mouth over Dee's pussy and suck her tongue in as deep as she could and moving it all about, trying to place the flavor. She didn't have enough and went back for more and was soon sucking in all the juices that Dee was secreting. Julie was on a mission, she could almost identify the taste. It was delicious. She needed more and went to work. She was close to placing the familiar taste, the closer she got to identify it, the more it eluded her.
Dee was moaning loudly now, as she climaxed again, as soon as it became too much she pushed Julie away. The poor woman cried out, she needed more juice.
"That was very good, Bitch. Are you sure you've never eaten pussy before because you're a natural? Julie was happy that she pleased Dee, but she wanted more. Sandy and Kim and Sandy had been watching the newbie get her first taste of pussy as they lazily fingered each other's cunt and saw the hungry on her face.
Sandy opened Kim's pussy, "Do you want some more? Come over here, Kim tastes pretty good too." She offered her wet fingers to Julie as a taste.
Julie looked at Dee and she nodded and Julie slipped Sandy's wet fingers into her mouth and savored the taste. Julie found the twentysomething tasted similar but different.
As if possessed Julie leaped from her knees and buried her face between Kim's legs which she held open while Sandy rubbed her clit. Julie licked enthusiastically and soon was rewarded with Kim's tangy juices as she quickly came from all the stimulation.
Returning to the mini-orgy Carl brought a tray of snacks and more drink including water, he intended this to last a few hours. He was naked as the women and had his choice of holes to fill. Although Kim's pussy was occupied at the moment, her mouth was free. That might be a good place to start as he watched Julie eat out the younger woman as if she'd been born to it.
Kim eagerly took his cock into her mouth and began to worship it as Dee squatted over Sandy's mouth, Kim no longer requiring clitoral stimulation. Julie was all over her pussy. Carl chuckled to himself at the change in Dee's nemesis. He looked her over more closely. She was a natural blonde, cute face, but had far too much makeup. She had small tits on a large frame, large hips and big ass. She had one of those bodies with a long torso and short legs. She wasn't beautiful but could be pretty, if not for her attitude. Well, that all was going to change.
It wasn't long before Kim was screaming around Carl's hard cock as Julie got Kim off in record time, leaving her panting as she tried to suck on the hard cock still in her mouth. There was only one pussy left that she hadn't eaten and Sandy was only inches away. She didn't wait for an invitation but straddled the chaise lounge and began lapping as Dee rode Sandy's mouth.
Working her tongue into her Sandy's pussy was easy. She was wet and ready. Julie found her taste to be still different yet the same. Using her fingers, she began to do the things she wished her husband would do to her. He was a lousy lover, getting what he wanted and then falling asleep. Perhaps before the evening was over she'd get her pussy eaten too, she wondered. Just as she finished the thought she felt the unmistakable feeling of a large cock entering her pussy and she shuddered.
It felt several times larger than her husband's cock, thicker and longer and it was still being pushed in. When it finally stopped she felt stuffed and could barely focus on the juicy pussy before her.
Carl resisted the urge to rapidly fuck Julie. She was much tighter than he thought she'd be. Her big ass, he was ready to grip and ravage. She was making soft noises as she continued to lap at Sandy's pussy as Dee slowly rode her face and pulled on her own nipples as she rubbed her clit.
By now Kim had recovered and slid herself under Julie between her and Sandy so that she could suck on Julie's tits. As if waiting for Kim to get into place, Carl pulled back slowly watching as Julie's pussy seemed reluctant to let him go. When he had only the tip still in her pussy, he pushed back in hard causing Julie to moan into the pussy her face now mashed completely in it. Then he pulled out quickly and repeated the process only faster.
"Ohhh!" Julie yelled in delight. She was finally getting fucked and was loving every second of it. Sandy's clit was protruding from her pussy. Julie saw it and realized that if she didn't get to it now she'd never have another chance as she was quickly losing herself as she was understanding what it felt like to be fucked.
Using her teeth shield by her lips she pulled on Sandy's clit. It was like a tsunami of pussy juices that flooded Julie, almost drowning the newbie. She tried to keep up but it was too much.
Sandy was climaxing like never before, passing out in total exhaustion when she was done.
Putting off her run, Joy spent several hours shopping and trying on lingerie. It was embarrassing showing up without a bra and not know what cup size her tits had grown. She wasn't surprised that she was now sporting D cups breasts. She didn't like the extra weight at first, but then she noticed the extra looks that men were giving her and she realized that she did enjoy the added attention.
She'd planned on dropping by seeing Dee and Carl, she hoped that it would alright. She was horny and her new tits need more attention than she could offer.
"So, you finally got tired of waiting on your married professor and joined the other team," Wendy said after catching her breath and wiping her face clear of the pussy juices her tongue couldn't capture.
Sarah smiled and found a towel and did the same, "Not exactly," she giggled out of breath and tingling all over from the climax she'd just experience. "Actually, I like you to meet him and his wife. I think you'd like them both."
"Does he have a big cock and know how to use it?" Wendy asked.
"Bigger than you can imagine," Sarah said.
"Really?" Wendy questioned, "Because I have a pretty vivid imagination. What about this wife? Does she have big tits and a sweet pussy?"
"Wendy! Seriously, is that how shallow you are? But, she does have very nice large tits and a very sweet pussy. You'll like her."
"Tell you what, why don't we shower and see if they're open to a little company this lazy afternoon?"
"Okay, but we can't play around or it will be too late when we arrive and risk being turned away," Sarah said as she tried to roll out of bed and fell on her butt laughing, as she grabbed Wendy and pulled her on top of her as she tried to prevent the fall.
This started them playing and cuddling like lovers do. Sarah scolded her trying to get up to shower when Wendy began to tickle her. It turned out that Sarah was very ticklish. Which led to more play and later more lovemaking. It was later than Sarah hoped when they finally made it out of the shower, only because the hot water ran out.
Almost like a reply of a few days earlier, Joy arrived at the Newman's home at the same time as Sarah and Wendy. Both bringing beer and wine to share. As they waited for someone to answer the door, Sarah introduced Wendy to Joy.
It was on the third ring that Carl heard the doorbell. Fortunately, he'd just finished fucking Kim leaving a large deposit that Sandy and Dee shared much to Kim's delight.
Carl found his pants and pulled them on as he hopped to the door.
A broad smile stretched across his face as he opened the door to find three gorgeous women looking at his bare chest.
"We come bearing gifts," Sarah said.
Despite having come hard only minutes ago, Carl was growing hard again, just thinking of the possibilities and having a new woman to possess.