Chapter 06.2

Tying her robe, something else was bothering her; Wilbur hadn't been disturbed by her passionate cries. Returning to their bedroom she saw his side hadn't been disturbed. Had he even come home last night? She had been a bit cruel to him, he did deserve it. Stepping into the hall she heard snoring coming from the guest bedroom and decided to check on him. Sure enough, he was there. She could tell he was naked under the sheets. His clothes were strewn on the floor.

She figured he didn't feel welcomed in her bed, good thinking she thought. He turned over and she saw his tiny cock hard, morning wood, even tiny cocks weren't immune. She was about to leave when she saw the pink nail polish on his left hand. Then she noticed his right hand moving beneath the sheets. He was jerking off! She pulled back the sheet to discover that he was wearing a bra and crotchless panties which his cock poked through. His right-hand nails were also painted the same pink. Something else was different, she didn't notice it at first, but his once hairy chest was void of any hair, she looked closer and saw that his pale body was completely absent of any hair and his toenails were also painted the same pink.

She was about to wake him but decided to take a few pictures as he continued to leisurely stroke his cock. It didn't take her long to retrieve her phone and snap off a dozen compromising pictures. He was beginning to stir; she didn't know if she should confront him or wait. She decided to let him approach her. There was a lot to discuss, and he'd likely feel justified since he did catch her fucking Carl. The thought of the two of them together made her wet, she needed a shower. Leaving him she looked forward to the shower and the play that was bound to happen.

Reluctantly, she threw on some casual clothes and went downstairs for something to eat. Climbing down the stairs she smelled the freshly brewed coffee. Wilbur was reading the morning paper, the pink nail polish now absent. "Good Morning," he said and pointed to the place setting and her favorite coffee mug. Gail greeted him pleasantly and took her seat. He poured the morning beverage into her cup. She thanked him and added cream and a few teaspoons of sugar.

"You look refreshed, slept well, I gather," Wilbur asked.

Smiling, Gail agreed, waiting to see what would come next.

"Gail, I guess I deserved being treated harshly yesterday. I won't pretend that I haven't cheated on you, too. But with a colleague and Carl Newman of all people!" He caught himself, his anger sharpening and his tone growing louder. In his mind he saw them fucking. However, he found himself focused more on Carl's physique. Of course he was. That gave Gail the opportunity to counter.

"I don't tell you who you can fuck, don't start telling me," she paused and saw a strange look in his eyes.

"No... you're right... your right. I'm sorry," he paused as the vision of the two returned and Wilbur focused on the size of Carl's manhood. His mouth opened, then closed and he began to drool.

"What's up with you," Gail asked thinking that he may have taken some drugs to have him return home in the state she'd found him.

Startled from his fantasy, he denied that anything was amiss, so Gail decided to press him. "So, you're good sleeping in the guest bedroom until you find yourself a place to live?"

"That sounds acceptable, do you want to divorce or give it some time?"

Gail tried to hide her surprise; she was expecting a fight. "Did he forget that everything was in her name?" She appeared to be thinking about it, but she was tired of all the cheating and lies. "I think it's time to get the lawyers involved," she was about to let loose with a tirade of pent-up frustrations, but he surprised her again.

"I'll agree to anything you want. If I could have the rest of the month to clear out, that would be great."

That was too much, he was just giving up. That was not at all like him. "Okay Wilbur, what the fuck is wrong with you. You are giving up on thirty-five years of marriage just like that. And what the fuck is up with the nail polish, shaving all your body hair and the women's lingerie?"

"Saw that did you?"
He took a deep breath and then let it all out. "I think that I'm gay. I think I've always been gay; I was just overcompensating. It took you fucking Carl for me to see it. Handsome man, too. I think I'd like to suck that cock of his."

Gail thought something like this may have been coming, but she suspected it was just alcohol or drugs. "So now suddenly you're gay?" She asked no longer really caring. "Fine, you have until the end of the month, and stay out of my closet and lingerie. If you're going to be gay don't do it here."

"I hurt you, I know, I'm sorry. But at least now I know why I've been overcompensating. Thanks Gail."
He stood and left.

"Un-fucking-believable," Gail said to no one. Then she remembered that Carl mentioned something about a get-together. She hadn't seen Dee in ages. "Did he say something about them being swingers or that they opened their marriage?" She asked herself, trying to remember if he said that or was that just wishful thinking. Her thoughts took on a life of their own. "I wonder if they are into sharing." Then Gail surprised herself, she imagined what Dee might look like naked and if she were into pussy. Most men who share, have wives that are bisexual, she heard her tennis girlfriends talk about such things. She didn't know if she could do it, but if it meant getting to fuck Carl and his amazing cock, she was sure she'd give it a try.

The ring of her doorbell caught her off guard, while it was true that she was expecting company, she became so distracted by the changes to her body that she'd forgotten until she heard the bell. She pulled her robe back on as it seemed to be the only thing that fit. She didn't know what she'd wear to work or if she'd even go into work. It was one of the advantages of being the boss and working in IT.

She was halfway to the door when she remembered it was her master, Mr. Carl Newman, and she became very excited. She giggled. She hadn't done since her teenage years. Trying to contain herself she opened the door modestly hiding behind it as she let him in.

"Hello Master, I'm sorry I forgot you were coming," she giggled uncontrollably at the joke she didn't share. Immediately Carl knew that something wasn't right. As he entered the house he could see the problem. Gloria's tits had grown to an F-cup and were barely contained within her robe, her ass had also grown into a large "bubble butt" while her abs were tight, and her waist remained an impossible 26-inches. Her sharp mind which had attracted Carl to her in the first place seemed to be starved of oxygen due to her enhancements. She had unintentionally been turned into a real live Bimbo.

"Gloria, let me see that killer body of yours, you can lose the robe," Carl said capturing her attention once again. "Oh...Sure.... Master!" Letting go of the robe; her enormous tits sprang free. She uncinched the ties and the robe fell away. What he saw was a caricature of the IT Director he'd fucked only two days before. It was like Kim Kardashian with bigger tits on steroids. She had a body built for sex, a male fantasy, a play toy. Carl shamed himself. What had he done? It was okay...he could fix this. But since she was already bimbofied, he might as well get it completely out of his system.

Looking her over, he turned her this way and that. If he left her like this she'd only be good for fucking or starring in adult movies. Nevertheless, he had to admit, he'd be able to cross this one off his bucket list. "Hey Sugar, why don't you come over here and show me you know how to treat a man." He began removing his shirt. She Jiggled near, fell to her knees and opened his pants. His hard cock sprang forward slapping her in the face before his pants hit the floor. Taking his cock in her hands she swallowed his it, taking his entire length. Then began making those gurgling sounds like the women in the porn videos made when blowing their partners. She rubbed her wet pussy on his leg, eager for his cock to be sliding in and out. Carl fondled her impossibly huge tits, manipulating them and pulling on her nipples. She squealed around his cock, shuttering as she came. Spitting out his cock, she laid on her back and tried to pull it into her pussy. He pushed her legs apart and she giggled. Then he pushed it in. She couldn't take it all, he was surprised at how shallow her cunt was. Nevertheless, he fucked her. He fucked her hard and fast. She screamed as she came. He didn't stop, he thought he could get a little more of his cock inside.

She continued squealing, coming continuously, then she began to squirt again and again. When she woke he was fucking her tits, which was more difficult than he imagined, until she naturally helped by holding her golden globes together and he could concentrate on sliding his cock between the tunnel they'd created. When he was done the poor bimbo had cum leaking out of every orifice, and she was drunk on his cum, almost comatose. It wasn't as much fun as he thought it would be. He felt badly that Gloria's transformation had gone so horribly wrong. Retrieving the jewel, he held it before her and as before she watched as the storm clouds began to move. Concentrating he made his wishes clear. Gloria was to have C-cup size tits and her ass would return to its original size. Her abs and waist would remain their current size and she'd become interested in learning more about tennis.

Most importantly her sharp mind would be sharper, and her memory clearer. He'd check on her tomorrow. As she came out of her trance, he told her that she'd worn him out but would be back tomorrow for round two. He watched as Gloria slept and her bimbo body began to revert back into what Carl had really intended in the first place. How did that happen? Was he becoming too careless? He was a bit depressed by the way things turned out and needed cheering up. He remembered how much fun Gail Summer had been. It had been only a day since they'd fucked. She was much more fun than he'd thought she'd be. I guess you'd have to have a good sense of humor to have married Dean Summer.

Not recognizing the phone number, she hoped that it would be Carl. She'd not given him her cell number, but a girl could hope. It was a tennis girlfriend asking if Gail could fill in. Looking at her calendar she saw she was free and agreed. She hung up after taking down all the information. It was at the Darling Center. Although she loved playing there, it could sometimes be a long hike to get to the far courts. She hung up and was about to put her phone down when it rang again. Thinking it was her friend with last-minute information, she was surprised to hear Carl's deep baritone voice on the other end, and she melted.

"Hey Gail, how are you doing, since I've seen you last?"

"Walking bowlegged,"
she said, "and how are you and the monster you call a cock. What do you feed that thing?"

Carl said accepting the setup. He loved quick witted people. "Are you free, I've a couple of hours, if you're available."

Not missing a beat, Gail replied. "I'm cheap, but not free. Come on over."

Morning came very early for Julie. She was accustomed to waking early, but to be at the private tennis court by 6 am meant that she'd have to rise at 4:30. She didn't complain, simply got out of bed and zombie marched into the bathroom, not turning on the light and used the toilet. When done she stood in front of the left sink of the double sink design and turned on the light. Staring back at her she saw her grumpy face, but poking out of her nightgown were two hard nipples mounted on a rack that one normally found on a twenty-year-old or a "pornstar". Pulling off her top she couldn't believe her eyes. She was aware that her breasts were growing, she and Dee had discussed it. She figured one or two cup sizes; she wasn't prepared for these. Her breasts were firm and at least three cup sizes larger, even when she was a teenager, she didn't have boobs like this. Her areoles were larger too, but the perfect size for tits as large as these. Her nipples were hard and about a quarter inch long. Grabbing them with her thumbs and forefingers produced the most pleasant feeling and she couldn't help but play with her new tits, until she realized that if she were late, Dee wouldn't be pleased. Reluctantly she pulled her hands away and managed to shower without fingering herself to a happy ending.

The home was in the northwestern part of Summerlin that allowed a stunning view of Downtown and the strip. Dee's car wasn't there yet and that pleased her. She was surprised that her new bras fit her young girls, seems like the volume and cup size remained the same. She wore a cute blue and white tennis skirt and matching top. She got out of her Mercedes convertible and opened the trunk to remove her tennis bag just as Dee pulled up and flashed her lights.

Dee popped out of the car and quickly had her tennis gear in tow. They greeted each other politely and then Julie followed Dee around the side of the house to the yard where the court and swimming pool were hidden. The owner had erected a tall wall and had planted several Emerald Green Arborvitaes assuring complete privacy, Dee smiled as she and Julie walked on to the immaculate court. Greeting her mistress more formally, Julie bowed and once again acknowledged Dee. Ignoring the second greeting Dee began stretching, so Julie followed. Dee wore a short tennis skirt and a tight top that showed off her toned arms and flat abs. As she twisted from side to side, and then bent to touch her toes, Julie was treated to Dee's naked ass. She smiled, her mistress decided to go commando, she knew that meant a little fooling around was on the agenda. When she was done, Dee told Julie to strip everything off except her tennis shoes, she would have to earn her clothing back by winning games. Normally Julie would have been put off, but this is exactly what she was hoping for. Not counting her socks and shoes, Julie had four pieces of clothing to earn back.

"Nice rack," Dee told Julie seeing that her breasts had firmed up and looked amazing. Dee anticipated getting better acquainted with them after a few sets. Julie blushed a bit which colored half her body crimson, much to Dee's delight. Popping open a new can of balls, Dee handed them to the naked tennis player letting her serve first. A bit unnerved and never having played tennis in the nude before, Julie grabbed her Babolat tennis racquet and jogged to the right side of the court. Her firmer breasts didn't flop about as she'd feared. No. But they did jiggle with every step. Running would still be a challenge and she knew Dee would make her chase several shots. When she realized she had no pockets to put the extra balls, she decided to serve more conservatively as not to require a second serve and rolled the two extra balls to the fence behind her. Readying herself and seeing her clothed mistress ready, Julie tossed the ball into the air high above her head.

Rocking back on her heels, she served a solid kick serve in the center of the service box. Dee took a step and returned it cross court and deep. Julie had to reverse herself and cover the left corner of the court. Getting there she threw up a high lob allowing herself time to get back to the center of the court and prepare for whatever Dee was going to do. Too late she realized Dee was in good position to chip a drop shot just over the net to her backhand. It was the first point of the practice match and somehow Dee had already figured out where Julie's weak points were. The sight of the naked woman serving only further aroused Dee. Since it was only practice, Dee didn't run Julie as hard as she could have, there were certainly many chances. She wanted to see how she'd move with the extra weight and swing her racquet around her newly enhanced assets. If they didn't get any bigger she'd probably be fine, but if larger that could change the way she approached the ball. After an hour Julie had earned her panties and shorts and was sweating heavily. Dee wasn't as winded, unlike the others Carl had recruited; both she and Carl had been rejuvenated. Physically their bodies were closer to their mid-twenties. While the others did look younger it was just cosmetic.

Panting Julie met Dee at the net, calling it for the morning. There would be practice in the evening with their new coach.

"Do you have time for a shower; I've got the keys to the cabana," Dee asked.

Fortunately, Julie had a pretty quiet morning scheduled, nothing that couldn't wait. In truth only a court appearance would have made her pass on the opportunity, but she played it cool. "Hmm...that would be great, I'll have to move an appointment, but I can make the time," she lied.

Still topless, she couldn't hide her excitement as her nipples hardened. "Get your stuff and follow me."

What Dee referred to as the cabana was more like a small apartment. The rooms were large, and the shower was luxurious. It was huge and made for three or more people to enjoy, faucets sprayed water in every direction including a floor faucet. It didn't take long for the shower to turn into play. Dee took the lead and played with Julie's firm new tits as they kissed passionately. Julie's hands roamed lower finding Dee's pussy and clit. It wasn't long before Julie was on her knees her tongue and mouth finishing what her fingers began, bringing Dee to a very nice conclusion. Pulling Julie from the shower and on to the heated floor, she began returning the favor as she savored Julie's fresh tangy juices. Not being able to resist, Julie bent her body to pull them into a sixty-nine where they enjoyed several more climaxes. They cuddled and Julie laid back on Dee as she stroked and fondled the twins. "It's getting late, we better get moving," Dee said reluctantly. "Let's hope these girls don't grow too big to obstruct your swing, or you might have to retire and be my pussy-eater full time."

"I don't think I'll ever retire from playing tennis, but if the job is open, I'd like to apply."

"Look at you, and to think only a few weeks ago I hated your ass!"
Dee said as she slapped Julie on the ass as they gathered the clothes and pulled them on. "See you this evening," Dee said as she locked the cabana and the two parted ways.

He was like a criminal returning to the scene of the crime; Carl parked his car in the same spot as he did last time and jogged up to the front door. Waiting for him in a sexy short satin robe and matching high heels, Gail opened the door. Carl's eyes widened and she pulled him inside letting him take in her beauty for a moment before pressing her lips to his and kissing him passionately. Carl met her passion and let his hands roam her body, quickly learning she had nothing on beneath. Not to be out done, Gail found Carl's growing cock as it hardened and began unbuttoning his pants. Soon the kiss was forgotten, and she fell to her knees to worship the cock that had changed her life. Still unable to take it all down her throat, she did her best. Gail pulled on his shaft and began licking and sucking on his balls. Still in the foyer of the great house, reluctantly Carl suggested they move to a more comfortable room. Giggling Gail admitted that she may have gotten carried away; she rose and led him to her bedroom.

Once there, she spread open her legs, inviting Carl to put that fabulous cock into her wanton hole. Climbing into her bed, Carl decided to first pay homage to her sweet pussy. Using his fingers, tongue, and chin, he quickly had Gail gushing her sweet juices, squealing loudly. Having had too much she pulled him up and licked her juices from his face before kissing him sensuously. As they sucked face Carl played with her tits and slid his cock deep into her nether depths causing her to howl.

Knowing he had a reputation to uphold, he didn't waste any time and began fucking Gail fast and hard. It was just what she wanted and needed. It wasn't long before she began screaming and cursing, using all the vulgar words she could remember. When her screams subsided, she began to laugh uncontrollably for a time. It felt so good to be free and to be properly fucked.

Round two and three weren't as savage, and they both were exhausted and sweaty. On jellylike legs, she rose and excused herself. Jiggling joyfully for her lover, she left the room dancing as if she were a ballerina, swaying from side to side, arms over her head. Carl laughed and she loved being silly for someone who enjoyed her sense of humor. Wilbur used to appreciate her humor but hadn't for years. She returned a short time later with a tray of water, alcohol, cheese and wine. "I didn't know what you drank...," she said as she set the tray down on her nightstand. Carl looked at the liquor he used to drink, not a lot, but significantly when in a group, but since finding the jewel, he'd had less and less, not missing it until this very moment. He was about to grab the bottle and a glass when he heard the voice. "It would be better if you didn't." He looked around the room trying to find where the voice had come from. Gail fixed herself a drink and then took it with her as she left to use the bathroom. He was about to ask the obvious questions when he heard it again. "You are growing stronger; alcohol will erase all that we've accomplished. Have some water, instead."

Reaching for the liquor, he missed it and grabbed the cold bottle of water. Twisting the top off he swallowed all 12 ounces in a single pull. When he was done, he crushed it in his hands, compacting it into a fraction of its original size. It was good water and he felt refreshed. It wasn't anything special, nevertheless he was happy about his choice. He thought about the voice he was hearing. Gail couldn't hear it, because it was in his mind, telepathy. It must have come from the jewel. He was about to ask the obvious question, but the jewel anticipated it.

"I'm sentient. I'm the jewel, as you call it. We've bonded, so we can hear each other's thoughts, though, I can conceal mine better than you."

Carl was stunned as the voice or jewel answered every question before he could complete the formation in his mind. Realizing that it was frustrating its host, it allowed Carl to ask his questions.

"Where did you come from?" Carl asked, surprised he was able to complete the thought.

"That's an interesting question and not an easy one to answer." It was unsettling hearing this voice in his mind. "Originally from somewhere out there, among the stars. But I've been here on this rock you call earth for eons." Anticipating his questions again, it continued. "How I ended up in the cave where you found me, I have no idea" the jewel lied, knowing Carl wouldn't question it.

It knew where Carl's questions were leading, so it changed the subject. "The more people you convert, the stronger we'll become." Carl let that sink in for a while. It made sense. His sexual appetite had been increasing. "The people you convert are yours, whether they know it or not. Serving you is their primary concern, despite knowing why. I'll help you control them. I know your tastes and desires. The girl Gloria, that's what you wanted, a bimbo. It's okay to change your mind. I have to admit I didn't like the results much either. Gail is coming back; you can fuck her some more or get her to do whatever you like. She would give you all her money; introduce you to more powerful and influential people. Whatever you want, all you need do is ask."

Carl was stunned.. He had questions, but suddenly they didn't matter. He accepted what he was told. He and Dee were comfortable; they didn't need a lot of money. I would be fun, though, to not worry about what a thing cost, and to just buy it because you could. But that wasn't him. He needed to be careful not to lose himself. The Jewel didn't reply and simply let Carl figure things out on his own. The fact was he'd already lost. He'd changed. He used to care about teaching. Then he'd retire and write books. He had many stories wanted to tell. The Jewel would grow in power as long as Carl continued to convert more people. A little fame, knowing famous people, rubbing shoulders with the wealth, it could be fun. Carl thought.

Gail climbed into his lap and kissed him. She wiggled and his alert cock slid into her warm pussy. Neither were interested in fucking more, at the moment. Gail simply enjoyed having his cock inside her, and the feeling of being full. Carl loved how she grabbed and squeezed his cock. She certainly knew what she was doing. They kissed, swapping spit for a few minutes until Gail couldn't take it any longer. She began sliding back and forth on his cock. He reclined, getting more comfortable, letting her do the work as he played with her tits. Occasionally, she'd lean forward and slap him in the face with them while he attempted to suck her nipples into his mouth.

It wasn't long before her desire became more urgent, and she increased her pace. Leaning back, he met each of her strokes, helping her reach a good rhythm. She was fucking herself to a very good climax and when she erupted Carl decided to join her. She screamed, and he roared. Together they came for a full minute. And when Carl slid out, Gail took his softening cock in her mouth and cleaned off all their combined juices.

It was getting late, and he followed her into the bathroom and her fabulous shower. They played under the warm water. When they were done. Gail felt marvelous and energized. Carl felt he was on a mission. They talked about nothing in particular until Carl asked her questions about herself. He asked what she liked to do. Did she have any family in Las Vegas and who her friends were. She was eager to share, happy that he was interested in her as a person.

Gail's family was very well off and knew all the right people. Her uncle was a bit eccentric and threw small orgies for a groups of close-knit friends and acquaintances. Before Gail realized it she agreed to accompany Carl and Dee to one such party. She never thought she'd attend an orgy, particularly one organized by her mother's youngest brother. Thinking it would please Carl she climbed out on that limb. She squealed when Carl enthusiastically accepted her invitation. As Carl dressed, Gail lay against the headboard of her huge bed, legs spread playing with her well fucked pussy. She was hoping to get Carl to stay a bit longer. He didn't. She accompanied him to the door, still very much naked. They kissed and he fondled her ass and pussy. She squealed. He slapped her narrow ass, leaving a red handprint and left. That sent Gail back to her bed searching for her favorite toy to get her off again. Her thoughts were about the upcoming orgy and how it would please her master.

"She's quite a pistol, that one. I'll bet she's rubbing one out and planning ways to please you so that you'll stay longer the next time." Carl as he climbed into his car and sped off. He needed to talk to Dee. Maybe she could help him understand this partnership he'd unknowingly entered.​
Next page: Chapter 07.1
Previous page: Chapter 06.1