Chapter 09

Her trip to LA was troubling. It was good to see family again, and she'd enjoyed the cooler weather going from Las Vegas' triple digits to Southern California's high 80's. But she was concerned. She had to leave later than she had planned. The "trainer" her mistress arrived early. She didn't want to deal with the ramifications of that, so she tried to dismiss it; she now had a master and mistress. She pretended that it didn't happen, and there were lingering effects from their encounter.

For one thing, her sex drive went from needing a good fuck at least once a month to being continuously aroused. It probably had something to do with the anal plug she was forced to wear until her master relieved her of the burden. Worse was that she couldn't tell anyone about it, and she was aroused by both men and women. She found herself undressing them with her imagination, especially the women as she and her sisters mercilessly critiqued most of the styles many of them wore. "Why is it that every woman thinks they look good in yoga pants?" One of her sisters said. The other would say. "Look at that! I heard they call that Scrunch Butt Leggings in some of the ads I've seen. I'm sorry sweetheart you don't have the body for that." The other said and they all would join in, but all the time she was imagining what the woman looked like without the tight form fitting pants, naked and playing with her ass and pussy.

That Saturday evening as they shared the bathroom preparing for their evening out she watched her sisters groom their pubic area. She found her heart beating faster as she found it almost impossible to keep from jumping her youngest sister.

When the weekend was over and she'd returned to Las Vegas, she was in worst shape. UNLV's campus was predominately female, so were her classes. Many of the girls were outwardly gay, she was becoming paranoid, she thought a few sensed something was different about her. She worked hard to hide her new interest, failing miserably. On more than one occasion she was sure she'd been caught lustfully staring at them and other coeds.

During her free periods Ateef went looking for Sarah Riley but she'd called in sick, and they couldn't say if she'd be in tomorrow.

It was torture, she couldn't concentrate and even her trusty rabbit was no longer able to relieve the itch. It was later in the day; she'd remove her panties hoping the cool air blowing through her office would cool her arousal as she read and graded papers making it easier for her to attempt to find some relief. She had been forced to replace the original butt plug with the larger one, on instructions she was given by her mistress. It was designed to further stretch her anal tunnel. It only made her arousal worse.

Finally, she removed her bra, thinking with her tiny tits no one would notice, and she could manipulate a nipple extending her relief a few more minutes. It didn't. At the end of the day, she was a wreck and couldn't wait to get home to use some of her more powerful devices.

Upon arriving home, she did something she had never done before, stripping naked as soon as she closed the door. She showered and masturbated, replacing the butt plug with the largest of the three. The problem wasn't that she couldn't get herself off; it was that after a few minutes she'd be twice as aroused as before. She remembered that her last boyfriend had left some porn; she found it buried in a dresser drawer and put it in the DVD player; she was surprised that to see it was mostly about lesbians. "Why do men like to watch women fucking women," she asked as she rubbed her pussy and pulled on a nipple. It helped her to get off, but as she worried it only made her arousal stronger.

The next morning, she didn't look like herself, there were dark circles under her eyes, she didn't sleep very well. Fortunately, she only had one class today, later in the afternoon. She could have come in later, but she would only have spent the time rubbing her pussy and watching more porn, she learned that she could order it on demand. She spent the night and early morning watching: Yoga Girls, Pussy Party, Evil Lesbian Stepmother, Charm School and more. She was going insane and didn't know what she'd do next. Perhaps one of her gay students would take pity on her.

It was then that her cell phone rang startling her from her replaying the collage of different faces and pussies tormenting her.


"I expect right now you are crawling the walls, am I right,"
the voice on the other end asked.

"Sarah, Sarah is that you? Sarah, you have to help me." Ateef was frantic.

"Master hadn't gotten around to visiting her yet," she thought. "She's been prepped and likely as horny as a hooker when the fleet returns."

"Wait, my mistress? Send my mistress. "I'll do anything, I can't go on like this,"
she pleaded with Sarah. "You have to help me."

"I'm sorry; she's my mistress, too. I can't order her about. I will make calls and learn what can be done."
She paused. "What's your address? Perhaps I can get her to stop by tomorrow."

" I can't wait until tomorrow. I'm going crazy. I want..."
She hesitated. "...I need pussy. I don't know anyone I can ask. A few of my students, perhaps...I don't know. I'm ruined. I'll try to hold on, but..." She began to weep. "Sarah, can you come, can you let me eat your pussy?"

"Damn it,"
Sarah swore. "I'm not in town. I'm in Phoenix. I won't be back for a couple more days."

"Sarah, I don't know what I'm going to do. I might attack someone, I have to...I need it. Why is this happening?"

The problem was that being one of the first ones Sarah had only a little bit of mind control abilities, Dee's abilities were twice her strength perhaps she could do more than let her eat her pussy, perhaps she could remove the prep-work allowing Ateef some relief. If not only her master could bring back Ateef from the precipice.

It was Sarah's fault, she needed to fix this. It was careless of her to begin this process and then go out of town. She tried Carl. It went to voicemail. She listened to his voice on the recording, and it made her wet. "Damn, even his recorded voice gets me aroused," she waited for the tone.

"Master, I fucked up. I need your help. She was supposed to be my gift to you, but now she's unstable. If you are at UNLV find Dr. Ateef Jadoon she's in the Archeology department. I don't know how much longer she'll be able to hold on in her current condition. As you know I'm in Phoenix and I won't be back for a couple more days. I'll try mistress, but I think she's beyond what she can do for her." She paused. "I'm sorry."

Sarah tried Dee's phone and she answered on the third ring. "Sarah, what is it. I'm being called back into court, please be quick."

Sarah quickly explained what had happened; Dee remembered that Dr. Ateef Jadoon she was a lot of fun, but she was surprised that Carl hadn't made time to see her. "Sarah, I'm going to be tied up in court all day. Text me her address and I'll go to her home when I'm done here. That's the best I can do. I'm sorry but I've got to go."

Hanging up the phone Sarah realized that it would have to do. Perhaps Master will be able to get to her first. She had other things to attend to.

He'd just finished his lecture and had dismissed his students, most of them left but many remained behind full of questions. Many of them were female, unable to fight off the pheromones he now naturally produced. He loved the attention and made a mental note of those he planned to fuck. There was nothing like the body of a twenty-year-old, too bad their minds lagged behind. Nevertheless, he answered all their questions, until only a few remained. Coincidently, these were the top three girls on his list. He brought them back to his office and looked deeply into each of their eyes, they never had a chance. His powers were growing. It didn't take long for him to program them to meet him at his new apartment. Discretion was important and they remained quiet, although mentally they were dancing inside, excited that they'd been chosen by Professor Newman to meet at his condo. What they didn't know was that the others too had received the same invitation. When they parted, he was relieved. This was the first time he'd turned a student, actually three students. But the jewel wanted more. This was risky.

He was looking forward to fucking these three students. They came from wealthy local families and would provide him access to their influential parents. But mostly because it is what the jewel wanted and he was becoming addicted to the power he had over women, especially women young like his students. Taking a moment, Carl checked his messages. He'd felt his phone vibrate during his lecture, he saw it was from Sarah, he imagined her naked in his mind. She was his first, they had a special connection. He learned later that she'd fallen for him early but kept her feelings in check.

She was out of town on business for him; perhaps she'd been successful already. He listened to her message. He frowned and secured his phone and pulled out his school directory. He'd been keeping pretty busy and had forgotten all about Dr. Ateef Jadoon, she couldn't be too far away, the Archeology building was the next building over. He noted her office and classroom number.

Ateef was barely holding it together; her hand was in her pussy as she pulled on her nipple. She came again, squealing softly knowing the pleasure she felt would fade quickly as she stopped and in less than thirty minutes her arousal would return with twice the fury. There was a knock on the door. She sat up and put her clothes back in order and use a little hand sanitizer. "Just a minute..." she called out.

"Dr. Ateef Jadoon?" Carl asked. "I'm Dr. Carl Newman, from the geology department, may I come in?"

"I don't know I'm in the middle of grading some papers. I locked the door for privacy..."

"This will only take a minute."

"Okay, but only a minute,"
Ateef was really happy for the distraction, perhaps it would hold off her arousal a while longer.

She ushered Carl to a small table with two chairs, "What can I do for you?"

Her beauty wasn't lost on Carl; she was lovely even in her disheveled state. He mentally kicked himself, she was a knockout. Leaning forward he looked deeply into her eyes. She thought she saw something odd, and she stared. His pupils changed! They soon took up the entirety of both eyes. Then they became blue storm clouds, with lightning bolts flashing and...then everything went blank.

Carl spent several minutes programing her much like the others, he might need to make more alterations, and he'd know more once she was awake. He took her hand in his and gently patted, breaking the trance.

"Ateef, are you alright?"

She batted her large eyes and smiled. "Master, it's you. Oh Master." She leaped forward and began kissing him with small pecks then finding his mouth passionately kissed wrestling his tongue and surrendering herself. She broke the kiss and ran to the door, locking and running back leaping into her now standing Master.

She kissed him again as he held her, then she slid down his body finding his erect cock pulling from his pants. "Master, you're huge." She said in a sultry voice and then tried to get all of him into her mouth. Carl let her play for a few minutes then asked her to remove her clothes. "Of course, Master," she said joyfully and was out of her dress in a flash, she'd neglected to wear a bra or panties for obvious reasons. Looking her over, he had to agree that Sarah had chosen well, she was a natural beauty, and her lean body was even lovelier than he expected. Noticing the butt plug he had her remove it. It took her a little bit of time, while she fiddled with it Carl texted Sarah and Dee alerting them that he was with Ateef. He'd have to make the standard changes. He imagined her pubic area nude and how she'd look with larger tits, "Yes, she'll be perfect."

When she returned she eagerly modeled her naked body for him. She'd been a little sore from all the work she'd been putting her ass and pussy through, but that no longer mattered. She was aroused and very wet, different than before. She knew that the sexual hunger she'd been experiencing would be sedated once he fucked her. She moved to the couch, reclined and spread her legs, and opened her very wet pussy. "Master, please fuck me. I've been waiting so long; I really need it." She imitated some of the actress she'd seen in the porn videos she'd binge-watched.

Tossing his clothes aside he walked the sort distance to the couch. Ateef was delighted by his physique, as he approached with his large cock pointing to the ceiling. Normally he would have played with her a bit more, but because of where they were, in her office on campus and could be discovered even though she locked the door, he thought it best that he proceed swiftly. Besides she was right she really did need a good fucking.

Lining up his cock, and rubbing the head against her opening, she yielded as he pushed forward. She was tight and wet. He loved this part the most, entering a new pussy for the first time. He pushed until he was in as deep as he could go, she wasn't very deep yet, she was young. That too would change. As he hit bottom, she grit her teeth and squealed softly. Her eyes wide open with the look of pure ecstasy on her face. As he pulled back and forth, her pleasure doubled. She contorted her face looking like she was in pain, but it was just the opposite. When he found a good rhythm, she lifted her feet in the air, and he fucked her faster as she put her feet on his shoulders. She squealed louder and stuffed her hand in her mouth attempting to stifle her passion. Shaking her head back and forth, her long hair sticking to her sweating face, she was continuing to come. She squeezed him harder causing him pleasure that he didn't often feel this soon. "Twentysomethings," Carl thought and decided that she earned his cum. He pulled out, she sighed until she realized that he was going to spray her face with his juices. When he did it was massive, and she came again.

They both were panting when he was done. He sat back as she used her hand to capture the cum that missed her mouth. When she had consumed all of it, she felt better than she had since all this began. Nevertheless, she grabbed his deflating cock, and sucked it into her mouth where she found another ounce of his tasty cum.

"Why don't you get cleaned up, are you done for the day, or do you have more classes?"

She finally felt her lust sedated, the first time in days. She had her final of the day in a few hours and that she felt amazing. To thank him, she showered his cock with more kisses before he gently pulled away to get dressed.

"I've got some business to attend to, but I will drop in to check on you at your place this evening," he said as he pulled up his pants and looked for his polo shirt. "I'd like that Master." She giggled aloud. She loved the sound of her voice when she uttered that phrase. Still naked she walked him to the door, feeling the slickness of her pussy as she moved. Unlocking the door, she opened it and watched as her master walked away into the empty corridor. Forgetting temporarily that she was naked, her wit quickly returned, and she hurriedly shut and locked her office door. She was back to normal, she thought, smiling; no, she was better than normal. She felt good, she wanted to stay naked, but she couldn't. Reluctantly, she pulled her lingerie from her purse, her panties felt great as they covered her ass and pussy, but her bra felt a little tight.

She went to her private restroom to clean up, she smiled at her reflection in the mirror, she looked good, and the dark circles below her eyes were fading. Ten minutes later she looked amazing, ready to attend to her class.

He arrived at his apartment twenty minutes before his first student arrived, the redhead with blue eyes. She had an athletic build narrow body, long legs and a cute face. He hadn't had time to shop and was pleased to learn that she'd thought a head and brought wine, cheese and a loaf of French bread. She followed him around the luxury condo like a little dog. He was tempted to begin before the others arrived, Red didn't know the other two would be here too. When the doorbell rang Carl excused himself to answer it while Red found wine glasses and cut the bread and cheese.

Next to arrive was the petite blond, she too brought wine and fresh strawberries. Carl ushered her into the kitchen where she saw her classmate. She frowned and mouthed to Red, her disappointment, thinking she'd have her professor all to herself. Just when she was about to complain to him the doorbell rang again, and he left them alone. While he was gone the two began to argue, demanding to know why the other was there.

He returned with the tall brunette, like the others she brought wine and food, croissants. Seeing the others she began to get suspicious and all three turned on him. Which was just what he'd planned. They all began talking at once. It was the first time he'd attempt to ensnare three minds at once. He'd given them a bit of freedom; now it was time to rein them in.

"Well don't you think we should get started, the snacks can wait, put the wine in the cooler and let get going." The girls stopped speaking. They blinked their youthful eyes until they each caught on. The wine was placed among the bottles of more expensive vintages, and the perishables placed in the refrigerator. Then the girls joined Carl in the living room. "Well, what are you waiting for, let get out of those clothes." The girls looked at each other and then Carl, the redhead said, "Duh..." and began undressing and the other two followed her lead. Soon they were all naked and Carl had removed just his shirt and shoes. "Well," he said as he looked at the naked college girls and they looked at each other.

They were a lovely sight to behold. Their young firm bodies were just what he'd imagined they'd look like. All three were small breasted and had sculpted their pubic bushes. He remembered that most coeds didn't like the bare look, because it made them look younger when they were trying to look older. But he didn't worry about that, knowing it was temporary.

"Don't tell me you've forgotten, or all you just being shy. You are lesbians and you've asked if I can show you what it's like to be with a man, remember? So, you start, and I'll join in a few minutes."

The girls smiled and began to kiss and embrace one another timidly. Neither had ever been with another girl before, but they believe they were lesbians, so they began to act the part. The petite blonde took the lead and spread Red's legs and began eating her pussy. She sneezed as Red's bush tickled her nose. The tall brunette squatted over Red's mouth and Red began eating her first pussy. It didn't take long for them to really get into their new roles; they were soon squealing as they came, then switched positions and sucked on nipples and played with each other's titties. They almost forgot about Carl they were having such fun.

When he joined, Red was being double teamed. The petite blonde's pussy was unoccupied so taking her from behind made sense. Stuffing his big cock into her open hole, was just what she needed. She was surprised she was able to take his entire length and squealed pushing back. When they got a good rhythm going she abandoned the pussy she was munching.

Red and the brunette spun into a sixty-nine and continued to learn what the other liked. The blonde was a tiger, and she took everything he gave her and was looking for more as she screamed out her passion. Red and the brunette explored every inch of each other kissing, sucking and licking, using tongue, lips, nose, fingers and hands. Once they came he was ready to switch. It had been a while since he had fucked a redhead, she was so pale compared to his tanned skin, and she gagged on his cock but made up for it when he entered her from behind. She came almost continuously. The brunette seemed to have tremendous stamina, but she was no match for Carl as he fucked her hard and fast. After he'd fucked all three, they stopped for some wine and snacks. Though they were all old enough to drink, all of them seemed to have a low tolerance to alcohol and quickly became giddy from the potent potion.

The blonde suggested they lay on top of each other and spread their legs so that Carl could fuck each of them for a few strokes and easily reach the next. The brunette was on the bottom, red was next and the blonde on top. It was quite a sight and Carl immediately took advantage of it. He began with the brunette who was on the bottom after ten quick strokes she began to moan, Carl pulled out and right into Red, ten strokes later he pulled out and into the blonde. Stacked the way they were, they didn't have much they could do other than wait for Carl to fuck them. Then Red had an idea, the brunette would flip so that the two were facing each other and could kiss and play with each other's tits and the blonde would lie on her back on top of Red.

The girls were pretty hammered; they had downed two of the three bottles of wine they'd brought. Carl shrugged and continued fucking the three a few strokes at a time. Between his strokes and their play, they all came several more times, except for Carl. He now had the ability to control his orgasms, even to the point of how much he ejaculated. While the brunette and Red played and Carl slowly stroked inside of red, the petite blonde played with her clit and pinched her left nipple.

Never truly being into anal sex, there was something about the way her anus winked at him, and he began to apply the juices the other two produced as he played with the eye that continued to wink. The blonde had never before experienced anal play and it both excited and repulsed her. However, he was her master and she'd deny him nothing. As she pondered that thought and his probing with his wet finger increased her arousal, she thought about how this professor whom she adored and recently lusted after could have become a master she'd refuse nothing. She moaned louder as her clit reacted to her attention and her anus accepted now two fingers. He was so big; she'd never be able to accept his cock.

In one final stroke he pulled out of Red and bumped hard into the blonde's forbidden hole. The mushroom head pierced her opening, and she gasped in surprise. "Relax, relax..." she told herself. Beneath her, the brunette filled the void left by Carl's exiting cock with two fingers as Red squealed as she came again, her own hand in the brunette's pussy as she nursed on Red's bright pink nipples. The stack was becoming unstable, so Carl lifted the blonde onto his cock as it slid into her anus. She squealed and wrapped her short legs around his torso.

She was tight, Carl thought and pinning her to the couch he slowly pulled out and whispered in her ear that anal was her new favorite. He carefully pushed back in not wanting to injure the young coed and slowly worked up a good tempo. The blonde accepted his words as the truth and reacted in kind, yelling "Fuck my ass, oh fuck my mother fucking ass," as she came like she'd never before. He was ready and erupted violently, filling her rectum with his cum. When he pulled free, he left her asshole gaping wide, as his cum trickled out.

Both Red and the tall brunette witnessed the deflowering of their classmates' ass and watched his cum dribble out. Carl backed away as they drooled. "Are you going to let it go to waste?"

Needing no more encouragement, they rushed over and assaulted the blonde's ass with mouth and tongue, while Carl retreated to the shower. After thoroughly cleaning the last few hours of sex from his body, he returned to find the girls asleep resting heads on thighs as if they'd fallen asleep in the act of eating each other's pussy.

He went back to the master bedroom and selected fresh clothes, and sandals. The open shoes would be welcomed during the hot Las Vegas night. As he returned the girls began to stir, aware of his presence so he woke them. They looked like they could use a goodnight's sleep. "Girls how well do you know each other?" Still drunk from the wine and sex, the redhead answered. "After tonight, pretty damn good, if you know what I mean." They all began to giggle.

"So, you were practically strangers before tonight?"

the blonde said, "I don't even know their names."

"Well, I think that's all going to change, don't you agree. You three are best buddies now, almost inseparable lesbian sluts."
The girls giggled again and began fondling the nearest limb that wasn't their own, realizing that their master was right, they were lesbians now.

"Let yourselves out when you are done, help yourself to whatever there is to eat, I won't be back and remember your papers are due tomorrow."

The girls blinked, remembering their school obligations. Just because they had a small orgy with their professor didn't mean that he'd let them slide on their class work. Besides, what if Maxx was the one who ended up grading their papers, they'd be fucked.

Without further explanation, Carl found his wallet and keys and exited the luxury apartment. On the ride down the elevator, he found Dr. Ateef's address in his phone and activated his map app, she lived in Henderson near St. Rose Parkway. This time of evening the traffic would be light.
Next page: Chapter 10
Previous page: Chapter 08