Chapter 14.1

Joyce Lee, known to her friends and colleagues as Joy, had been a paralegal for almost seven years. She'd been fortunate to be working for a law firm on the rise. It had been languishing for the last six years under their founder and CEO Eric Blumenthal. Once he made his first million dollars, he seemed content to sit back and enjoy the good life. Once a ferocious defender of the weak and underrepresented, he was corrupted by the millions of dollars he could earn by turning a blind eye to certain matters. Eventually turning to service multinational corporations who paid much more money for half the work and court time. While his junior partners and associates worked on cases that kept the firm solvent.

It wasn't until one of the partners, who'd been expected to retire at the end of the year, caught fire and became the firm's "rainmaker" did the firm turn out of their death spiral and become one of Las Vegas' hottest law firms.

Being that partners paralegal, Joy not only reaped the benefits but was profoundly changed in many ways, too. Having been bisexual most of her life, Joy was hesitant to engage with her boss, Dolores Newman when she became curious about sex with women. She didn't know what to think when asked. Her first thoughts were that the old girl had marriage problems and was looking to spice things up. But for some reason she was convinced to help her boss through this crisis. When they became lovers she believed it was going to be short-lived to help her get to the other side. She was stunned to learn that her hot husband was into sharing and soon she was fucking women exclusively, and her boss' husband whenever he was around.

That's when her tiny titties began to grow from "A" cups to double "D" cups. At first she was concerned, had anyone heard of something like this happening? It had been dubbed the "Carl Effect" or something stupid like that. It was damn inconvenient and expensive as her tits continued to grow. At least now it had slowed. Her boss, mistress Dee was kind enough to compensate her with a clothing allowance. Fortunately, it was only her breasts the grew, while her abs tightened, and her body compensated for the changes. Her back muscles grew stronger, and her gym workouts seemed to provide three times the benefits than before. She had begun law school, since things settled down a bit and the new wealthy clients allowed the firm to hire more paralegals and junior attorneys. Her role became more administrative. She did miss the occasional hard cock; she'd relish before all this happened. Now she considered herself a lesbian unless her master wanted to fuck her. But there was plenty of pussy and she didn't want for playmates. Life was good, she thought as the firm's newest paralegal licked her pussy from her place under her desk as she reviewed the brief she'd prepared.

Her mistress Dee Newman said she'd be in early and there'd be some major changes before the end of the day. She gave her a list of documents to prepare. Joy had to say that she was excited and eager for the much-needed changes.

Rising from her chair, as her last climax faded she helped her naked paralegal up. The perky blonde with "A" cup tits kissed her superior as Joy fingered her pussy, then wiped her fingers on her close-cropped landing strip. Sometimes she missed her pubic hair, too.

"Good work on the brief and eating my pussy. You're becoming very good at cunglingus. Are you sure you're new at this? I'm sorry I don't have time to reciprocate, raincheck?"

"You know it!"

"Good. It's going to be a busy day. We'll likely have to meet at home, it depends on how the day goes. Get dressed and scoot."
She kissed the tall blonde and slapped her on her cute narrow ass.

It wasn't easy, and he didn't like it, but he needed to learn from Sandy and Kim what led to their mental kidnapping. Although they didn't know all the names, the girls knew enough that even a novice detective like him could track the culprits back to their origins. He'd learned to use his power to quickly get the information he needed, then remove their knowledge of their meeting and disclosure of information.

It was a large operation, much larger than he suspected. He didn't need the top guy, just the lieutenant that made the decision to grab his girls. Was it a coincidence that the home of the culprit was not far from Gail's uncle Joe Tyson's home in Lake Las Vegas? Was he involved? He didn't want to know. He made the call to the security company, not remembering the name, "water-something".

"Yeah, I've found the birthday boy and texted the name and photo. He's to have an accident, make it good. The fewer witnesses the better."


The call disconnected and as far as Carl was concerned the deed was done.

The next day a boating accident was reported in the Review Journal, the victim a wealthy tycoon with ties to a food manufacturer.

Local law enforcement consulted with the private firm's representative. What wasn't reported was the accidental death was a key witness in the investigation of international sex trafficking. With the untimely demise of the asset the investigation would be setback months. Carmen had been working with her partner Maria for over a year in the Las Vegas area. They were certain that their man's identity was safe. No one knew of his cooperation including himself. As agents of "JSI" also known as John Smith Inc. they had a few special gifts and skills few others could match.

"Does he know?"


"Did you tell him?"

"I'm not going to tell him, it happened on your end."

"You're the lead."

"Like that means anything, as if you'd follow my instructions."

"Well, someone's got to tell him."

"I'm telling you; he already knows."

Just then both of their phones chimed. It was him.

"See I told you..." Carmen said as they picked up their phone and answered simultaneously.

"Yes We're here."

"We don't know how he was discovered. It may have been something else. As you know he was into all kinds of kinky stuff. It could have been a jealous husband or wife. Yes, sir. Thank you, sir. On it!"

"Well, you heard him. It's time to get up and do some serious investigating."

"I know but it was my turn to come!"

Maria, I swear...sometimes working with you is like working with a child."

"A child who's a consenting adult."

Laughing Carmen acquiesced. She did enjoy making Maria cum. She gently pulled her legs open and ran her tongue between her glistening labia lips. Circling she traced the area separating the minor and major carefully avoiding the piercing and finally arriving at her enlarged clit. Maria was panting. Carmen was so good at eating her pussy. She began flicking her tongue against the swollen nubbin and it was just what Maria needed. She squealed as she came to a very satisfying conclusion. She played with Carmen's nipples and let her hand fall to her wet pussy. "No, we have orders." Carmen cautioned her. "He's going to know, and he'll be annoyed. We can play some more once we've solved this small mystery." The diamond jewel in her labia glowed as brightly as did Maria's, collecting the sexual energy they released and was absorbed, ready for transfer back to their master. They showered together, keeping their hands to themselves. Dressing in complimenting white outfits and dark sunglasses, they drove out to the Lake Las Vegas community.

With their unique set of skills, mind reading and persuasion, what vampire enthusiasts would know as "glamouring". Getting to the bottom of this mystery would be the easy part. Carmen and Maria weren't vampires. They came up through the ranks of JSI and became two of John Smith's most reliable agents. Also, they were drop-dead gorgeous tall Latinas who spoke six languages. (Learn more by reading "A Gift from My Father" & "John Smith Inc.")

Despite the local police already on the scene, they pretended to also be investigators. No one asked to see badges or the agency they represented. They watched the security video from the marina, talk to the employees who were on duty at the time, and probing their minds obtained many details the police hadn't discovered. They learned of a suspicious man who boarded the vessel just before it pulled from the dock. The police weren't able to verify such a man existed. But it wasn't long before the pair had a name to go with the face.

Leaving with a copy of the video and using facial recognition software, they learned the man in question worked for a security company named "Whitewater". A quick trip to downtown Las Vegas they were able to meet the man. Introducing themselves as HR executives on assignment he was quickly captivated by their charms and beauty. While asking HR questions like if he'd completed the annual sexual harassment training and other typical questions, they probed his mind. They learn everything they needed to know. The identity of the billionaire he worked for, the job he'd done on behalf of their boss's friends and his identity.

At first glance, there seemed to be nothing special about Carl Newman. He was a tenured professor of Geology at the University of Las Vegas, (UNLV). He was nearing retirement. Married to Dolores Newman for over forty years. She's a partner at an up-and-coming Las Vegas law firm, she too was nearing retirement. They both were avid tennis players and club champions. They were pillars in their community, church members and solid citizens.

"So why would a geology professor want to kill a lieutenant in the international sex trafficking organization?" Carmen asked out loud.

Maria downloaded a photo from the university website.

"Hey, I remember this guy." Carmen said. "Remember that orgy we did a few weeks ago for that guy Tyson. This guy was there with his wife and Tyson's niece."

Maria acknowledged seeing a guy that looked like him but was much younger. "Interesting what about his wife...Dolores?"

Maria's fingers flew over the keyboard. She confirmed what they already knew, a partner at one of the city's top law firms according to the Nevada State Bar Association. "There she is. It says she sixty-five."

"Pull up the video we took at the orgy."
Carmen pulled it up on her laptop and gave a physical description of who they were looking for.

"There she is! Damn. She's hot, but she's not sixty-five. At least not now."

"Find Newman, the husband."

"There he is! Whoa! He's got the body of Michael Phelps in his prime!"

"I think we better get the boss on the phone."

It was the day she'd been looking forward to and dreading. Her husband, Dr. Amir Sharivar was a surgeon at Lenox Hill Hospital on the Upper East Side of Manhattan in New York City. He was getting his affairs in order before joining her in Las Vegas where he had accepted the job as Chief of Surgery at University Medical Center.

It had been months since she'd seen him in the flesh, they'd been married for just under five years. As much as she was looking forward to seeing him, she was dreading it. She'd been seduced and now owned. She had a wonderful master and mistress, whom she loved and worshiped. It wasn't something she planned. She'd been chosen and there was nothing she could do about it. Now she had to tell him, and it meant the end of their marriage and her dreams of raising a family. She wiped a tear from her eye.

The thing was, she was happy. Despite it not being her choice, she was no longer lonely. She had found many sisters in a similar position, and they fucked and made love all the time. She love her sapphic life and when she had time with her master nothing was better. Still there was sadness.

He called from the airport when his plane landed, he was renting a car and would be there directly. From the airport to her Mountain Edge home usually took no more than twenty minutes. She kissed her neighbor Mary Sue good-bye. They'd helped each other get through tough times. Mary Sue had fallen for Tarlan, but the feeling wasn't mutual. Tarlan hadn't told her about her situation, although she was tempted to tell her on many occasions. Mary Sue thought her friend was torn between admitting her lesbianism and her marriage. Being alone and discovering she like women, was scary enough. Coming out to your husband of five years was an entirely different matter. So, she promised to check on her afterwards to make sure she was okay.

Sitting in her living room, she watched as the rental car pulled up in front of Tarlan's home. A tall thin dark man climbed out in a business suit and jogged up to the house and waited for the door to open. She watched Tarlan open the door and embrace her husband. They kissed. When they broke the kiss she gently pulled him inside and closed the door.

With the messy business of putting a hit on a man and seeing the result of those actions on the nightly news was surreal, almost as if he'd been in a scene from a mob movie. The guy deserved it. Now he could go back to fucking and finding more people for the jewel. But, to what end? He was being controlled just like all the people he'd been controlling. He couldn't think about that now. One of his girls, Dr. Tarlan Sharivar needed his help. Her husband was arriving from New York in less than an hour. She needed his help in explaining why they needed to end their marriage. He was going to be late.

Mary Sue paced back and forth on her floor. She wished she could have stayed there to support her friend and lover. But this was a private matter between a husband and wife, Tarlan had insisted. She'd be there to pick up the pieces and offer a shoulder to cry on and a pussy to eat. She frowned. There she was thinking about herself, again. She was a horrible person.

It was awkward. They'd never been very handsy. It was an arranged marriage. They met the first time when they were children, only nine years old. It was the way things were done back home in Iran. She showed her husband around the home she'd purchased. It was different from when she used "Facetime". He seemed impressed by what she'd done in the short time they'd been separated. Reluctantly, she explained her plans for the second bedroom when asked. It was supposed to be the nursery. He too seemed a bit upset by that disclosure, but he didn't express it.

It was after the dinner hour and she didn't know if he would be hungry, nevertheless she'd prepared a small bowl of Borani, a traditional Iranian appetizer prepared with yogurt and spinach. It was one of his favorites. He smiled and sat at the small kitchen table as she dished up two small bowls. Something was bothering her. He didn't have any luggage or even a small gift for her. He seemed to be uneasy, he'd not even shed his coat, like he was going to stay. Did he know? Had she been found out?

When a second car arrived and a young man looking to be very fit wearing a print shirt and kaki's jumped out the car trotting to the door, Mary Sue couldn't imagine who that was or why he was there. Perhaps it was Tarlan's attorney. She was smart, she'd need a good attorney to handle her divorce. He knocked on the door and Tarlan seemed surprised. She almost bowed as she let him in. "What the fuck?" Mary Sue said aloud.

She couldn't stand it any longer. She was going over there. She'd make an excuse. She needed to borrow a cup of sugar. "Did anyone still dot that?" It didn't matter she was going. As she was about to turn up the walkway she noticed the rental car was running. He hadn't turned it off. The A/C was running. She looked in the passenger seat and saw a blonde woman looking to be in her twenties. "That asshole. He had another woman. He wasn't planning to stay. He didn't bring any luggage, or flowers." Mary Sue was going to hurt him. Tarlan would be crushed.

"I'm sorry I'm late. Las Vegas traffic can be unpredictable," he stretched out his hand to Dr. Amir Sharivar, who respectfully accepted pumping it twice. "What have I missed?" Carl noticed the absence of any luggage, fresh flowers or box of candies.

Taking the lead, Amir explained that they'd only begun getting reacquainted and asked what his role was in this meeting, suspicious that Tarlan may have taken a lover in his absence. As if taken back, Carl feint surprise. "I'm sorry, aren't we here to discuss the property value and its suitability? Or perhaps one of the other homes we looked at would be more suitable? Perhaps one closer to the university?"

"So, you're a realtor?"

"Of course..."
he replied looking to Tarlan with a surprised look on his face.

"What's the current market value of this home?"

Before Carl could answer, Mary Sue barged in and asked. "Perhaps a better question would be whose the blonde woman waiting in your rental?"

Mary Sue caught everyone off guard. Her mere presence was intimidating.

"You remember the hot young thing in the white mustang you arrived in."

Offended and seeking time to think, Amir attacked. "Who is this...this person?" Unsure she was a woman or a transsexual.

"I get that a lot", she said as she approached Amir, with hostile intent.

He retreated putting the large couch between them. Putting the pieces together Tarlan spoke. "Just a minute Amir. This is my neighbor and friend Mary Sue." She turned to her and asked. "What are you talking about?"

"His car is still running, because the A/C is on. There's a blonde woman in the car. Who is that, Amir?"

He was trapped. "I didn't want to tell you like this, Tarlan. But I'm not moving here to Las Vegas. I'm staying in New York. I want a divorce. You can have this house. I don't want it. I don't want you anymore."

Her eyes grew wide, as she thought of all the things she'd done because he'd asked her to. She could have stayed in New York City; she was happy there. She had friends and a life there. She was trying to be a good wife. "Do you think I'm stupid? You're a coward. You've always been a coward. You could have told me months ago that you wanted out of our marriage. No. You let me believe you were coming here to continue our life together. But you brought your girlfriend here to this city. Las Vegas, sin city, for a little playtime. You didn't even try to pretend you were coming home to me. You didn't even bring in a suitcase. Fine, I'm better off without you anyway." She was angry and wanted to cry, but she wouldn't give him "the satisfaction".

That was all Mary Sue needed to hear. "Well, I've heard enough. Okay Amir, I think it's time you left." She lunged after him, catching his sports coat, which he quickly shed, leaving it hanging in Mary Sue's hand. With the pathway to the door clear he ran for it. "You want me to mess him up a bit, Tarlan?"

"'s okay."
She said.

"I'm going to make sure he leaves," Mary Sue said running out behind him.

"If you like I could turn him gay. He'd make a good gay man." Carl said smiling.

That made Tarlan laugh. She didn't say no. He opened his arms and Tarlan accepted her masters embrace. As he held her close and stroked her face, she was becoming more and more aroused.

When Mary Sue returned and saw them embracing, she assumed he was taking advantage of Tarlan and challenged him. "What the fuck is this?"

"Mary Sue, this is Carl Newman. He's...he's...he's my master."
She said it aloud, for the first time. It didn't sound that bad. Mary Sue I have a master. She could understand that, right. Until you consider the ramifications. "I wanted to tell you...."

You had to give her credit; Mary Sue didn't go with her first reaction. She let the statement hang in the air for a bit, turning it over in her mind, being sure she didn't misunderstand.

"Your master, as in slave and master?" She paused and watched as Tarlan nodded. That's bullshit." She stomped up to Carl, flexing her upper body, fist balled about to do serious damage. "What the fuck is this about mister!" She looked at him eye to eye. Then gasped as both eyes became all blue, then a cloud appeared in each, and blue lightning bolts flashed. After a few minutes Carl woke his newest convert.

"Mary Sue...are you awake?

"Yes...master. I...I...Oh, fuck! You are my master, too."
She blushed. Her mind interpreting her instructions during her unconsciousness. She immediately began removing her clothes and tossing them aside. She must be naked in front of her master. It had been almost a decade since she'd gotten naked for a man.

"Master, I've been a lesbian for a long time, but I really would like to suck your cock and if it would please you, I offer my pussy and ass for you to fuck." She spoke sincerely and respectfully.

The big woman would be the first to admit she'd not taken the best care of her body. Nevertheless, Carl thought she had potential, and the jewel was delighted in his choice.

This was the first time that Tarlan had seen her master seduce anyone. She was in awe and surrendered to the feelings she felt for her master. Besides his pheromones were becoming too strong for her to resist. "We may all be more comfortable in my bed." She volunteered as she too pulled off her clothing.

"That won't be necessary." He stepped out of his shoes and beckoned Mary Sue to him. For such a big woman, she had such tiny tits, barely a "B" cup. He smiled knowing that wouldn't last. Gently Mary Sue handled the first cock and balls since high school. She fondled and kissed them before taking the rapidly growing cock into her mouth, sucking and worshiping it. As it grew to its maximum size, she took it down her throat until his pubic hairs began to tickle her nose. Then she displayed cock sucking skills one could only have known from experience. As she worked on refreshing her dormant skills, Tarlan crawled between her spread legs and began to eat Mary Sue's very wet pussy.

After a few minutes, and he'd learned how talented Mary Sue was at fellation he was ready for some serious fucking. He pushed the lesbian to the floor, and she offered him that which she'd denied to any man for over ten years. He approached her from the rear, and she guided him into her very wet cunt. He was much bigger than any real or plastic cock she'd ever experienced. She squealed with surprise at how good it felt, and it just kept feeling better. She screamed again. As she was cumming hard. "How was that possible, he'd only just entered me." He waited deep inside her as she'd calmed herself. Tarlan's pussy was just inches away, there for the taking. She began to reach for it until he began to pull slowly from the depths of her hole until he was almost out. "Noooo.... don't leave me master!" She screamed. Thinking she'd only thought it. She felt so empty, until he jammed it back into her pussy like he was angry, fucking her hard and violently. She shrieked. "Oh fuck! I'm coming again. I'm coming from being fucked by a man! My master! Fuck me, fuck me, master!"

He knew she liked it a little rough and fucked her to several satisfying conclusions then came in her growling loudly as Tarlan squealed. He had Mary Sue clean him of her juices as Tarlan sucked his cum from her well fucked pussy.

As Mary Sue and Tarlan recovered, he pulled his clothes back on, "Mary Sue, one of my women will be by to see you tomorrow and explain your new role." With that done he left the two women.

Arriving early, Dee went straight to her office, fired up her laptop and went back out to find her secretary sitting at her desk typing. Next to her was a cup of hot coffee, the files she'd requested and a small paper plate with an apple Danish cut in two. She never understood how she was able to do that, anticipating her needs like that. The small black woman was the most efficient secretary in the state.

"Thank you", she said lifting the cup to her lips. The temperature just right and the taste perfect. "Is the old man in yet?"

"No ma'am,"
she said turning to look at her boss, smiling as she continued to type. Anticipating her next question, she turned back the computer screen, her fingers still flying over the keyboard, then volunteered. "He said he'd be in by ten, but he suspects something is up. I think he'll be here within the next few minutes."

No sooner than she finished the statement, they heard the condescending comments he made in greeting of the receptionists, as he did every morning. Pretending to be interested in their lives but being too self-absorbed to even remember their names. She put down the coffee and picked up the file. She leafed through the few pages. It was all there. Thanking her secretary again she left the coffee and pastry and went to see the firm's CEO.

Walking past the secretary who knew better than to try and stop her, Dee stepped into the office and closed the door. It was a huge office, twice the size of hers and all the others. It was a corner unit and had the view of both South Casino Center Boulevard and East Bridge Avenue.

" what do I have the pleasure, so early this morning." He looked her over. She was extremely alluring, not seeming to have age a day since he'd hired her all those many years ago. Had his taste in sexual partners hadn't changed so much he'd have considered attempting to bed the younger woman.

He was seated at his desk, coffee and donut waiting for his attention. She put the file in front of him. He reluctantly pulled out his reading glasses from his shirt pocket and opened the file.

"I need you to sign these," she said as if he didn't have a choice.

He looked at one then the others quickly. "I'm not retiring. Who do you think you are? I founded this firm, and I'll retire when..." He didn't get a chance to finish the sentence. Dee closed on his position and looked into his eyes. He stared back at her defiantly. That's when he saw her eyes change into blue pools. Her pupils replaced by darker blue cloud shapes and bolts of lightning a lighter blue burst forth repeatedly.

"You will sign the documents; you will explain that you decided last night it was time to turn over the reins to me and you have complete confidence in the trajectory of the firm." The overweight man shuddered in his leather chair accepting his orders. "You will say your good-byes at the impromptu dinner held in your honor this evening and never return to this firm or office."

Taking her phone out and tapping the recording button, she said. "Now you will tell me all your secrets."

Sarah was surprised, honored and amazed that she'd been asked to take a leadership role in her master's harem, now turned into an enterprise, since Dee's role had too changed, and a vacancy had opened up. She wasn't told much. She surmised it had to do with the rejuvenation that he and Dee had experienced, the ability to increase a woman's breasts size and so much more. As a part of her new assignment her powers of persuasion would become much greater.

When she accepted the position, she felt the overwhelming feeling almost as if she was on the beginning of a powerful orgasm. Fortunately, she was at home. She couldn't stop herself. She rarely masturbated anymore. Between Max, Tarlan and Ateef she had plenty of partners. But this was something completely unknown. She'd just hung up the phone with her master when it hit her from out of the blue. She'd removed her bra as soon as she'd returned home, pulled on a pair of shorts and tee-shirt and was comfortable. When it first hit, she immediately began caressing her tits and that increased her desire but wasn't enough. She removed her shirt and worked both tits, but it still wasn't enough to bring her off. Desperately she ripped off her shorts and panties in one motion. Writhing on the living room floor with one hand pulling her nipple and the other divided between two fingers in her pussy the others squeezing her clit she exploded. She felt a huge release and the best she'd ever done alone and almost as good as with a partner. As she laid there panting and sucking on the nipple she'd given so much attention to, she tried to understand where that came from.

Then she felt more sure of herself. She'd felt as though she could convince anyone to do whatever she wanted. Few would be able to resist her. As she calmed down and crawled to her feet, she felt the overwhelming urge to remain naked. Something she rarely did, mostly because it kept her aroused. This evening, she didn't mind. Perhaps, she'd feel like getting off again.

Her first assignment was to indoctrinate one of Carl's newly seduced women. This one was special, not her master's typical. As an extra perk, she was provided a student teacher and a pay increase, as if the new assignment was part of her university duties. She wondered how her master was able to get that past Dean Summer, who in addition to wearing pastel colors, seemed to be more interested in his latest boytoy than running his department. Then she realized how easy that would be to do.

She arrived at the Mountain Edge home around 3pm, not realizing the house was next door to Tarlan's. Of course that wasn't a coincidence. She knocked on the door and waited in the unprotected blaze of the hot Las Vegas sun. Mary Sue opened the door wearing a robe that barely hid all of her massive size and let her mistress in.

She apologized. "I don't know why but I felt I needed to be naked and kneeling, with my hands on my neck. Which I was," she quickly stated, as if she'd done something to offend her mistress. "But then I realized you wouldn't be able to enter, I neglected to unlock the door. Apologies." She stepped aside and let Sarah enter her home.

In anticipation of the visit, she'd cleaned the place thoroughly. "Can I offer you anything to drink, perhaps a snack?"

"No, thank you for asking."

With that said Mary Sue pulled off the robe and took the position on the floor once again. Sarah felt extremely aroused as the giant woman knelt naked before her. She took a deep breath and removed her riding crop from her bag. She had planned on wearing the leather mistress outfit but decided against it. It was too hot. Feeling powerful as she walked around the large woman, assessing her qualities and flaws. She turned Mary Sue's face left and right, all the while a neutral expression pasted on her face.

Although on her knees Mary Sue was still taller than she. Sarah walked around her making notes of improvement she'd recommend and features that could be enhanced. She didn't bother to write these things down as part of her own upgrade came an almost photographic memory. With her riding crop, she poked and prodded. She noted the crooked teeth and other minor dental issues, facial blemishes and oily skin. She almost chuckled aloud as she considered her "A" cup tits knowing that would be one of the first changes she'd undergo. The massive beer belly and cellulite on her thighs and the odd assortment of tattoos and piercing led her to believe that none of them had been planned in advance. Stopping in front of her, she commanded that she spread her legs wider. There it was, she thought a hidden gem. She'd trimmed her pubic area into a close-cropped landing strip, but what she saw was a very pretty pussy. She would have to inspect much closer. Sarah didn't know for sure, but she'd bet that Mary Sue was in for a complete makeover.

Sitting in a nearby overstuffed chair facing the kneeling giant, Sarah lifted the hem of her floral printed summer dress, loosening the ties and opening it and exposing herself. She was completely naked beneath it. Spreading her legs she revealed her very lovely bald pussy. "Let's see if you are worthy of the gift you've been given and those you're about to receive. Come and pleasure your mistress."

Crawling on her knees the big girl quickly arrived and looked up at her pretty face. As if seeing her tits for the first time, she looked dazed. They looked big enough to be on any one of the showgirls Mary Sue would see at the grocery store when they were on personal time. She began to drool until she remembered she was there for pussy. Those beautiful globes with their coral nipples would have to wait.

Looking down through her cleavage and open legs, with her hand Sarah spread her labia lips. The moisture there was apparent, and she nodded to the submissive giant to continue. What Sarah had not been told, was that Mary Sue had been gay for years, and could give lessons on eating pussy. She gently moved her mistress' hand away, kissing it on the tips and then the palm before setting it on her thigh. She then spread her lips wide and licked the juices there. Ignoring her plump clit, she licked between the major and minor lips before covering her entire pussy with her mouth. Then using her educated tongue darted it in and out of her tunnel several times before pushing it deep into her as if it were a seven-inch cock. Sarah moaned.

Using her nose, she lightly brush against her growing clit, she wanted to see if she was ready for a tongue lashing. She wasn't quite ready. With her left hand she used her middle and index fingers to form a "V", placing it over her target, she licked and tunneled into her vulva, ignoring her clit.

After a few moments, she went for it. She flicked her tongue over it like a flipper on a spinning wheel of fortune. Sarah was creaming like a fountain now and screamed her release. As if to show the giant she was still in control, she pushed her away with her foot, once she been able to form thoughts again.

"You're very good at that." Out of breath, not expecting to cum so quickly. "I wasn't told you were a lesbian. That's good because you'll be eating a lot of pussy, too rarely does master fuck us. His harem is still growing. I will tell you this much. You're old life is over. Tomorrow morning you will begin a clerical job. Wear business clothing, nothing too formal, but appropriate to look nice. After work go to the nearest Macy's, I think the one on Arroyo Crossing is the closest and buy enough clothing combinations for a week." She paused, thinking she was talking too fast, her orgasm not completely finished with her. "An account has been opened in your name. Your body will begin to change, probably tonight. You'll understand tomorrow morning what I mean. You will begin classes the following week, more on that later. Any questions?"

Mary Sue just stared not believing what she said. She'd been so lonely all these years, doing all kinds of drugs and alcohol. Now that life is over and she's going to work in an office and get to wear nice clothes.

Sarah looked at the large woman with a no-nonsense attitude. "These are not requests, but firm orders, failure to comply is not an option. You will do what is required, if not there will be consequences. You are also to refrain from all drugs and alcohols until further notice. Is that clear?"

"Yes mistress
," she replied her eyes wide as she nodded her head.

"Very good. Now come here so I can eat your pussy and complete my assignment." Mary Sue complied but instead of spreading her legs, picked Sarah up as though she were a child and carried her towards her bedroom. "Mistress, I think we'll be more comfortable in my bed."

It was very late when Sarah left Mary Sue's home. She ate the sweet large woman to several delightful conclusions, as she reciprocated. She was surprised to learn that as tough as she looked, she was tender, loving and happy to be a member of this new family.

It was one of her favorite restaurants in Las Vegas, just off the Strip on Sahara Avenue. The owner was happy to accommodate her schedule whenever she was back in town. Washington was where Cindy Miller spent more and more of her time. She often regretted being elected to the House representing Nevada's 3rd congressional district. Her party was becoming more conservative and a bit weird to use the scientific term. But she figured it was just part of the game, and in the very conservative 3rd congressional district she had to remain in the closet and keep her lesbian life a secret.

She did love a good steak. As she and her chief of staff Barbara Hill enjoyed their lunch, they discussed how she vote on the controversial GOP bill. She wanted to vote against it, but it was one of those partisan bills that would pass along party lines. The question was could she abstain or vote against it and the bill would still pass. While they were discussing it a beautiful large breasted woman took a seat in their booth. Before they could protest or ask her to leave they looked into her beautiful blue eyes, and they changed. In both eyes blue storm clouds began shooting lightning bolts. When they awoke from their trance, unaware they'd been seduced, they believed it in the best interest of their district to vote against the bill regardless of the consequences.

The stop took longer than she thought it would and had Dee running late. She was to meet Julie and their former tennis rivals Jill Vanderbilt and Kate Crawford for lunch at the Cheesecake Factory. Fortunately, it wasn't far away. Her brief encounter with the congresswoman and her chief of staff didn't take long, but waiting for the right moment did. She'd make time to properly welcome them into their organization later.

Jill, Kate and Julie were already seated and had ordered cocktails when Dee arrived. It had been over a week since the tennis tournament, both Kate and Jill had been having thoughts and dreams of what it would be like to be intimate with another woman. They had since the tournament. Though their husbands were attentive and made love regularly and had frequent spontaneous sex, they couldn't shake the urge to learn what it was like to play for the other team. Both Dee and Julie were taller women, Jill and Kate more on the petite size with lean athletic bodies and "A" cup breasts. Neither had to work, coming from wealthy families and both their husbands earned in the high six figures. They spent most of their time working for their favorite charities and hanging out at the country club, neither had children yet. The plan was to wait another couple of years.

"Hi ladies, sorry I'm late. You know how bad the Las Vegas traffic is becoming," Dee lied. The waitress saw that she'd arrived and brought Dee's favorite cocktail, Julie had ordered. "Are you ready to order or do you require more time?" The handsome waiter asked.

Dee announced that she knew what she wanted, and the others began ordering their meals. Once the waiter left they began to chat. Jill and Kate lived in the Red Rock community and shared stories of their boring lives. After their meals arrived they continued to talk as they ate. Dee and Julie traded stories of their own, the court cases and hearings that demanded so much of their time. When they finally made it back to the tennis tournament, Julie asked, "What happened to you at the end of that first set? It was very competitive until then."
Next page: Chapter 14.2
Previous page: Chapter 13