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This is a collaboration - my partner in crime preferring to remain in the shadows. This is primarily her fantasy with some additions and restructuring by me. I think it's a lovely story and I hope you like it as well. Let us know what you think. Enjoy!
From the journal of Richard Hamilton:
Today I had what many would consider an epiphany -- a moment of clarity and understanding of the universe around me that I think in the end will be my greatest greatest gift to the two people I love the most -- my wife and my son.
I was taking the sun today outside by the pool. It was a pretty day and I felt better than most days and I enjoyed watching my wife, Claire and our son, Johnny swimming and cutting up in the pool. Even though my days are numbered, I thank God for each and every day that I've been blessed to be with Claire. I sometimes wonder how I ever became so lucky to have such a beautiful woman as my wife.
I know what Claire would say, She'd roll her eyes and said, "Because you knocked me up, you dirty old man!" That's true -- it had been a bit of a scandal...she was working in my office as a receptionist, fresh out of high school and barely eighteen and so damned sexy and even though I was ten years her senior, I pursued her, landed her in bed and got her pregnant. We loved each other, so that didn't matter much, even though her parents weren't all that happy about it, but we got married while she was barely showing and we've had a bit over eighteen years of sheer happiness.
Still as I watched her climb from the pool, I'm still amazed that I'm married to such a gorgeous creature. Wearing only a tiny, red bikini, her sexy body was almost completely on display -- tall, with long blonde hair and green eyes, Claire is blessed with huge breasts that seem even bigger when contrasted with her slender waist. Her motherly and toned hips help accentuate her delicious figure...she is a sex goddess brought to life. Even from across the pool, her breasts drew the eye and her nipples, thick and hard, stood out against the wet material of her bikini top.
She said something to our son and I turned my attention to him and again felt blessed. Johnny is a wonderful young man and I'm proud to be his father. Bright and athletic, he's already breaking school girls' hearts with a strong, muscular body -- I was never as good looking as he is -- try as I might, I never had six-pack abs like he does. Claire refers to his athletic body as ripped.
As Claire turned to reach down for something near her pool towel, she showed off her luscious ass cheeks, the thong of her bikini bottom disappearing up the crack of her ass, leaving only the small covering stretched across her mound. I felt a twitch in my own shorts as her sexy body called to me. Then I glanced at my son and smiled as I see him staring at his mother too -- eyes almost gleaming with lust and appreciation for Claire's sexy shape. As she rose up and walked around to the deepest end of the pool, Johnny's eyes followed her swaying ass and jiggling breasts and a glance at my son's lap as he sat on the edge of the pool, legs dangling into the water, I could see more than a hint that he was responding physically to her. My cock got a little harder as I comprehended that my son had an erection over his own mother.
Claire dove into the pool and Johnny was quick to follow. Quickly, they came together, horsing around, grabbing at each other, trying to dunk each other's head. No doubt, my son was copping a few not so innocent feels of his mother's lush body and as she squealed with laughter, I wonder if she noticed the bulge in his trunks or if she felt it against her as they played and wrestled in the water. I shivered with excitement and think back to my own mother and my own fantasies.
The summers of my youth were spent on the lake on an old ratty houseboat my dad bought at a police auction. Mom was a school teacher and had most of two months free as did I while Dad worked as supervisor of a construction firm -- mostly out of town for weeks at a time. During summer, Mom and I would virtually live on the houseboat, Dad joining us most weekends.
Other than the years I've had with Claire, it was the best time of my life. For days at a time, Mom and I would be anchored in some small cove of the lake, spending our time swimming, fishing, reading and in general, taking it easy. In the warm humid weather, clothing was always at a minimum -- me going mostly in swim trunks or jean cutoffs, rarely wearing a shirt. Mom liked jean cutoffs and halter tops -- usually in the evenings or if we were going to the docks for groceries, but when we were out alone, Mom was rarely dressed in more than a bikini -- spending a lot of time working on her tan or just lounging about.
Oh yeah, I had it good...I have what seems like years of erotic memories of Mom -- her short, full figured body a dark tan -- 36D breasts looking huge on a woman who only stood an even five feet tall, stretched out on the deck of our houseboat, letting the sun soak into her, removing her top to tan those heavy beauties while I was banished below deck -- even though we both knew I would constantly be peeking at her.
Yes, Mom knew she had a special admirer and was a constant flirt with me, being casual and even lewd sometimes in how she showed off her body to me, knowing it made me almost crazy with lust. She never seemed to mind being my number one masturbatory fantasy and had to know I was jacking off several times a day over her lovely body, often into her soiled panties and bikini bottoms.
At night, with no television, we'd listen to the radio and sometimes dance -- fast dances with which I'd get an exciting show of Mom's huge tits bouncing about -- sometimes bouncing right out of her tops. I would laugh and goggle at her breasts while she just giggled and scooped them back into the halter or bikini top. Other times, we dance cheek to cheek to slow tunes, our both half naked bodies pressed together, me aware of Mom's hard nipples poking through her top against my usually shirtless chest and Mom aware of my swollen erection pressing insistently against her stomach.
I'd like to say that Mom and I yielded to our urges, but in truth, it never happened. We were close -- probably more intimate than most married couples, but nothing beyond some less than innocent touching occurred. I lost Mom and Dad to a car accident when I was twenty-one and over the years since, I've come to the conclusion that Mom was waiting on me to make the first move -- to let me make the truly momentous decision that we'd be lovers. I confess that it feels me with regret that I never knew the wonder of making love to my mother.
Somewhere along the line as I recalled those wonderful days, I slipped off into sleep -- something I do more and more as the tumor progresses and I suddenly am back on that old houseboat, dancing slowly with Mom, her arms around my neck and her breasts pressed against my chest, her dark brown eyes staring soulfully up at mine. The intensity of the dream is almost overwhelming. I am aware of my erect penis -- trapped inside my swim trunks and pressing against Mom's bare stomach and so hard, it hurts. Mom is wearing a skimpy string bikini, its white fabric standing out so clearly in contrast to Mom's dark skin.
"Oh, Mom," I whisper. "It's been so long!" In the dream I seem to be young again, but with a lifetime of memories and regret.
Mom smiles up at me, one hand moving to toy with my now again long hair. "I've missed you too, son." She wriggles against me a little, making it clear that she feels and likes my cock hard against her. "I've missed this thing too."
Mom stands up on tip-toe and gives me a gentle kiss on the mouth, her tongue brushing lewdly over my lips. "Soon, we'll back together for all time and maybe, Richard, this time you won't be so afraid to realize your fantasies." Mom grinds herself against me again.
I moan with delight as I comprehend what she's saying and then I moan again -- this time in dismay, as I hear the true ramifications of what she's saying. "You mean...Mom, I'm going to..."
Mom gives me a sad little smile and replies, "Yes, son. The tumor is almost big enough to kill you now...but don't be sad. You'll be coming back to me."
I feel strangely unafraid hearing my mother predicting my coming death and I say, "So, is this heaven?"
Mom gives me a smile full of secret knowledge and promise. "Heaven is where you go when you were the happiest. When the time comes, I'll be here waiting for you and we can be what we were both too timid to be in the last life." Mom raises up on her toes to kiss me again -- this time, offering me her tongue and kissing me as she would a lover.
"I can hardly wait, Mom...if only..." I left the rest unsaid, torn between the possibility of becoming Mom's lover and the certain eventuality of leaving my beloved Claire and my son behind."
Mom nodded and said, "I know, it's painful, but Claire and Johnny will still have each other. They are so close close as you and I were all those years ago." Mom looked up at me and with eyes full of mischief said, "And they could be even happier if maybe, maybe they had a little push."
I felt my mouth open in surprise and said, "You mean..."
Mom kissed me one more time and then as my dream world began to gray out, she said, "Imagine what might have happened if we'd had a little encouragement..."
Suddenly I was awake -- feeling hot, sweaty and very horny -- my cock fully erect in my shorts. I looked around the back yard -- spotting Johnny and Claire sitting next to each other on the far edge of the pool, both slightly turned to face each other -- Claire grinning and laughing at something our son was saying, reaching out to flick away some bug on his shoulder, her fingers slightly caressing his tanned and muscular arm, seeming oblivious to Johnny's stares at her mostly exposed breasts.
For a long moment I watched my son and wife and recognized from their postures, their hesitant gestures and brief contacts -- skin brushing skin, I recognized them from my own long ago days with my mother. It was at the moment that I had my epiphany. My affairs were all in order -- Claire and Johnny would be fine after my death, financially, but I suddenly comprehended that I had something even more important I could leave them...
I watched as my son climbed to his feet, awkwardly trying to face away from me in an attempt to hide the obvious bulge in his swim trunks. I felt a flush spread over my face and chest as I made no attempt to look away -- instead, studying his erection as best I could -- trying to envision its size. Johnny's face was bright red as well it should have been after constantly staring at my breasts and butt all afternoon long and I very much doubt some of those accidental touches of his hands were really accidental.
Part of me is shocked and ashamed that I am actually aroused by my son's frank and hungry looks. And to be honest, that's just the tip of the iceberg. I feel a delicious, yet shameful shiver course through me every time I close my eyes and recall finding a fresh, still warm pool of semen in my black French cut bikini panties when I went to do a load of laundry just a few days ago and literally going to my knees as I was suddenly so turned on, I had to plunge my fingers into my suddenly hot and wet pussy and masturbate on the spot, cumming with one hand while the other slipped in and through his thick load of sperm.
I know that for a while now, Johnny had been looking at me differently -- that when his friends were over, their favorite activity was hanging out eyeing me. I could have dressed like an old Amish woman and I don't think it would've mattered. Not much I can do to disguise these huge tits of mine -- I'm just proud that these huge DD breasts are still pretty firm at the age of thirty-six. I don't wave them in the boys' faces, but I'm not really conservative either -- favoring low cut sweaters that fit tightly and show off my best features. Same with my ass -- it's not tiny, but is a motherly, heart shaped butt -- still firm if a bit full. It excited me that my son was staring at me like any other man...maybe even more so because was my son. It scared me too. Sometimes the looks he gives me are those of a man starving and about to take what he wants no matter the consequences.
Looking up, I saw Johnny talking to his father -- Richard smiling and Johnny with a bit of a confused look on his face. My heart ached when I thought that my beloved husband won't be here much longer, but the anger and frustration are behind me now...mostly, leaving this heartache and acceptance. For four years, we've battled his brain tumor -- halting its progress for a while, but he's been given his final prognosis. Barring spontaneous remission, sometime in the next few months, it will grow and destroy a key blood vessel in Richard's brain, triggering a stroke or embolism that will be fatal. It's been no real consolation that this thing isn't causing any direct pain or suffering -- Richard is mostly normal, only tiring more quickly than he used to.
Richard and our son turned and looked at me and for a moment, I sensed that both were giving me a lusty once over. It made my nipples stiffen in delight and I wondered what Richard was saying while Johnny nodded in agreement. I waved and lifted myself onto my feet, wondering what their reaction was to see my huge breasts hanging down, threatening to snap the strings of my bikini top. As I walked towards them, Johnny gave me a wave and then beat a retreat through the patio door. It might have been my imagination, but I thought there was still a bulge in his swim trunks.
Richard scooted over on the oversize lounger -- its strong redwood capable of supporting a small town atop its cushions. "Now what were you two chattering on about?" I asked my husband as I curled up into him -- his sun baked skin feeling warm against mine. While not as ripped as our son and fighting the middle-aged paunch, Richard was still a good looking man.
"Well..." Richard began, his voice full of amusement, "Your son was telling me how all his friends are in love with his mother."
"Omigod!" I groaned, burying my face against his arm. "He didn't." I tried to sound embarrassed, but I was secretly more than pleased and I felt the heat between my legs increase a hundred fold.
Richard laughed and replied, "I told him that it was okay, I mean, who wouldn't be struck by your mom's beauty and her mature, voluptuous body. It isn't every day that you see such lovely wide hips and massive breasts on a woman with a slender waist and a tight stomach."
I punched my husband playfully on the chest and said, "Richard, you didn't talk like that to our son!"
Richard grinned and leaned over and kissed me on the lips. "Sure I did, Claire. You're a gorgeous woman -- even your son appreciates that and besides -- you're so full of life and love, who wouldn't feel happy and grateful just to spend time with you?"
I felt a fresh wave of love for my man and also a little husband and my son talking about me! Feeling a bit like teasing him, I replied, "So two were both checking me out?"
"You damn betcha, honey. Wearing that sinful little bikini on a body like yours, any man would have to check you out, even if are his mom. Johnny's not blind -- he knows his mom is the hottest, sexiest woman in town."
I felt my face burning as I suddenly wondered, did Richard notice Johnny checking me out earlier. Did he, God forbid, notice Johnny's not so accidental groping my tits while we were in the water? Lamely, I tried to deflect Richard's words. "Oh, that's just sick, honey! I'm Johnny's mom -- he doesn't notice me like that!"
Richard laughed and said, "Sure he does -- he's a man now. It's not sick, it's normal -- I'd be worried if he didn't notice how sexy his big titty Mom was. It's just normal for a boy." He paused, glancing off towards the pool where Johnny and I had been cavorting. "All boys think about their mother like that at one point or another," he said in a quieter voice.
I shivered and climbed out of the lounger. I held out my hand and said, "And maybe husbands think about their wives too, huh?"
Richard was still staring off at the pool blankly and said, "Do you think Johnny's up to being the man of the house once I'm gone?"
I felt a splinter of pain tear through my heart. "You're not going anywhere, Richard Hamilton."
The anguish in my voice pulled Richard's attention back to me. He smiled up at me. "I plan on staying as long as I can, Claire, but there'll be a day soon when it'll be just you and Johnny. Do you think he's ready to be the man of the house?"
I bit my lower lip and shivered, wondering how my husband truly meant that question or if he knew how loaded it was. "We both know Johnny's grown up to be a fine young man."
"Do you find him handsome, Claire? I mean, from a woman's point of view, do you think our son is handsome?"
Again, I wondered what Richard was driving at...was he trying to make an accusation in a roundabout way? I reached down and took his hand and began tugging. "He's my son, you perv!" I giggled nervously. "You've really got to clean up that dirty mind of yours!" I pulled Richard to his feet and led him inside. "Let's get cleaned up and start thinking about dinner."
Hand in hand, we walked inside and headed for the stairs. Halfway up, we met Johnny coming down, looking handsome in his tight jeans and a dress shirt, still partly unbuttoned, offering a hint of his mature and muscular chest. My eyes roamed appreciatively over his body even as I felt my son's eyes on mine. I felt a wave of self-consciousness sweep over me as I suddenly felt almost naked in my tiny bikini.
I fell back behind Richard as we met to give him room to get by. Richard slapped him on the shoulder and said, "Going out, son?"
Johnny paused, causing his father to stop as well and his gaze moves back and forth between Richard and myself -- quick glances at his father and more lingering ones at me, his eyes constantly drawn down to my barely concealed breasts. My nipples, already hard, pulsed excitedly, betraying at least to myself the arousal I felt at being looked at frankly. "Gonna head out with the guys, Dad...just go cruising."
Richard grinned and said, "Uh huh. We know what you horn dogs are cruising for, don't we, Claire?" He turned and shot me a knowing wink.
I cast my eyes down, unable to bear both men looking at me. I felt my skin burning with the return of a sexual flush. "Try not to stay out too late, son," I murmured.
I chanced a glance up only to see Johnny staring at me with something akin to naked lust. "Sure, Mom," he replied, something almost frightening in his tone. He moved on down the steps, his hand brushing against my thigh even as his upper arm somehow brushed the edge of my breast -- bare skin gently kissing the bared area of my breast spilling out of the bikini top. I stifled a moan even as he paused below me, feeling his eyes now roaming over my near naked ass cheeks.
"So what're you guys up tonight?" He asked, watching us move on up the steps. "Playing horsey?"
I gasped and turned around quickly, making my breasts inadvertently roll about wildly as I snapped, "Johnny Hamilton, shame on you!" 'Playing horsey' is an old and I had thought forgotten joke in our house from when Johnny as a five year old had burst into our bedroom one evening while Richard and I were fucking after we'd thought he'd gone to sleep. The lights were on and Richard was fucking me doggy style and suddenly there was our son looking at us with confusion for a moment and then before we could stop, he grinned with amusement and cried out, "Daddy -- you're playing horsey with Mommy!"
It became a running joke for a few days. Johnny would ask us when we'd tuck him in if we were playing horsey tonight. We'd laughed it off at the time and he soon stopped. Now after all these years, to hear him say that, especially now with all these wicked thoughts running in my head, was a bit of a shock!
Richard just laughed and tugged me on up the stairs. "Mind your mother and don't stay out too late," he called out. When we reached the top, Richard slipped an arm around my waist and in an obviously lascivious voice, added, "But don't be coming home too early!" I didn't have to look at my husband to know he was wiggling his eyebrows to accent his risqué suggestion.
Both he and our son laughed as I made a sound of exasperation and then we were walking away, hearing Johnny call out, "Love you guys," before the door slammed.
"Richard, I swear....sometimes you can act so-so awful." I exclaimed as he led me into our bedroom. "You practically told him we were going to make love."
Richard walked me to the bed, guiding us both into a reclining position, him looking down at me. "Well, he knows we fuck -- I imagine he's heard us enough times." My husband kissed me, his tongue slipping into my mouth as he stroked his fingers down my arms, making me shiver. When the kiss ended, Richard said softly, "Must be hard on him, imagining that...imagining his mother, naked and hot and sexy."
Richard nuzzled my neck as I playfully slapped him and said, "Lord, Richard -- you're such a pervert! Johnny would never think that way about his own mother." It sounded like a lie even as I said it.
Richard pulled the tie on my bikini top and it went flying off. My husband looked down at my bared breasts and smiled. "Goddamn, but your breasts are beautiful, Claire!" With that, he began massaging my large, meaty breasts. "I bet Johnny would love to do this," he sighed as he ran his hands over my tits, my nipples swelling more than ever before under his palms.
I felt a strong shiver of excitement and felt my pussy becoming wet in record time -- not just damp, but completely soaked -- the warmth spreading out from my pelvis. I began to wonder who was really the pervert here? Then Richard was kissing me again and I felt his erection rubbing against my thigh through his shorts. I kissed him back, my tongue aggressively pursuing his while his hand slid down my stomach and under my bikini bottoms.
I moaned as Richard's fingers touched my wetness and the heat spread further outward into my body. I pressed against him and then urged my husband onto his back. I slowly finished our kiss, sucking on his lower lip before I began kissing my way down his chest, hooking my fingers into his shorts and dragging them down and off as I moved. Richard's cock looked lovely, hard and proudly swaying in the air. I pressed my lips to the head of his erect penis and gave it a couple of gentle kisses.
As I ran my tongue up the shaft of Richard's cock, I turned my head and realized that we'd left the bedroom door standing ajar several inches. Richard must have sensed that I was going to get up and close it, but his hand, now intertwining in my long blonde locks, tightened as he said with need in his voice, "Don't worry, Claire. Johnny's out with his friends --he's liable to be out all night." I relaxed and returned to licking my husband's lovely cock until I couldn't stand it any more.
Straddling Richard, I guided his penis between my slick labia and slowly lowered myself down, sighing softly as his cock stretched my inner walls, feeling so damned wonderful as his dick seemed to touch all those special, hidden spots, offering up a glimpse of true nirvana to a mere mortal.
I began to ride Richard's cock, feeling so full of his long, thick cock, moaning with delight as I took all of him into me -- his swollen head pressing against my cervix. In the bureau mirror I could see myself in all my erotic splendor, the late afternoon sun's rays almost illuminating me -- my face transfixed with sexual delight and then behind my reflection I saw the bedroom door move slightly and beyond it a shadow becoming in the light, Johnny's face, eyes shiny with lust!
In the mirror, I saw my eyes widen in horror. Oh my God, Johnny came back. He was watching us have sex! For a moment, my head swam and my vision blurred while my body broke out into a sweat. This can't be happening, I thought as I thought my heart would burst out of my chest. Unlike the silly and maybe embarrassment of having our son catch us in the act when he was little, I was feeling something else at the shock and intensity of the moment. I knew I had to stop, to climb off my husband but Richard chose that moment to begin moving his hips upwards and around and a torrent of pleasure washed over me.
I cried out from the intensity of the ecstasy roaring through me at that moment -- my senses overloading with the pleasure of Richard's cock and the shocking knowledge that our son was watching us. I couldn't help myself -- my hips moved in response, allowing our bodies to engage in the old sweet dance that was fucking -- my massive breasts moving and rolling like waves in the ocean, my nipples, so erect that they hurt, drawing imaginary circles in the air while my stomach muscles tightened and relaxed as Richard flung his cock upwards into my pussy.
Carnal desire overruled any sense of propriety. Part of my mind rationalized that it wasn't my fault that the door was open and that I wasn't doing anything wrong. If Johnny wanted to watch his mother have sex, then so be it. I wasn't going to jump off Richard's wonderful cock and start yelling at him -- maybe doing something that would hurt him forever.
And in truth, a greater part of me instinctively understood it felt amazing, knowing that my son was watching me get fucked -- watching my breasts bounce all over the place while his father's hands were firmly around my waist, urging me to ride him, to ride his long, big cock. Richard couldn't see him and Johnny didn't know I could see him in the mirror and it made the sex between my husband and I better than anything I had ever known.
I cried out as I felt an immense orgasm approaching. I ran my hands over my jumping, flopping breasts and on up over my face and through my hair, crying out, "Yes, baby, fuck me...fuck Momma good!" Richard's eyes widened and his face broke out in a leer as he worked his hips harder, bringing me even closer, making me crazier with lust. I screamed as I saw Johnny's cock now in his hand, stroking it fast as it jutted out of the fly in his jeans and my orgasm swept me away as I cried out, "Yes, give Momma that fine cock!"
Richard let out a noise somewhere between a moan and a bearish growl and thrusts up hard, putting his cock deep inside me as he began to shoot his seed inside my throbbing pussy. I felt my abdomen muscles flutter spastically as I was overwhelmed by orgasmic bliss as my husband filled my womb with hot semen, my breasts rolling about as I stiffened and shook violently from the intensity of my climax.
When I thought I had reached the peak of my orgasm, it suddenly shot higher as I watched Johnny whip a handkerchief out of his back pocket and wrap it around the head of his cock as he began to cum -- a look of utter bliss on his face as he shot his load. I sobbed as pleasure greater than anything I'd ever known began to swamp me while I suddenly recognized the handkerchief as one I gave my son a few weeks ago...a silk handkerchief with my first initial...a letter 'C' stitched on it.
Richard cried out as my cunt contracted as I began to orgasm, milking Richard's big cock of his sperm even as Johnny stroked the last of his load inside the now spunk laden piece of cloth. I could barely sit up as waves of pleasure continued to wash over me. My hands moved nervously, but deliberately over my meaty breasts, cupping, squeezing and kneading as if I was intentionally giving my son a naughty show, quivering as I pulled and pinched at my nipples, eyes hooded with pleasure as my orgasm ebbed away. I savored the look of the hunger in Johnny's expression before his face suddenly clouded with comprehension of the enormity of what he has done and he quietly moved away from the door.
Exhausted, I collapsed on top of Richard, gasping for breath while his arms came up and loosely held me to him while he said between gulps of air, "Wow...I guess my pervert talk got you really excited, hon! That, that was awesome. Guess my little Momma's got a bit of pervert in her too!"
I rested my head on my husband's chest, trying to calm my breathing and unable to look him in the face -- his words touching on more of the truth that I wanted to admit. I felt like I'd crossed a line...taking a step into a place I cannot return from. Lying naked atop Richard, his cock slowly shrinking and withdrawing from my pussy which was quivering from the best orgasm of my life, I knew that this wasn't the end of whatever was developing between Johnny and me, it was only the beginning.
From the journal of Richard Hamilton:
Something is happening between Claire and our son -- something that is growing right before my eyes. I can scarcely believe that my little hints and jokes have taken root so quickly and deeply. Everyday, Johnny looks at his mother with more obvious lust than the day before, unable to resist the erotic allure of his mother's sexy body. Like any normal man, my son cannot resist allowing his eyes to roam over her large, magnificent breasts and her round, apple-like buttocks. He seems to be orbiting around her constantly, a seemingly permanent erection betraying his desires even when he can control the looks of longing on his face.
I think Claire too is tempted to taste the forbidden fruit that is our son. She has been for the last few days, merciless in her deliberate teasing of Johnny -- wearing the scantiest of outfits from the time she gets up until we retire at night. Breakfast time finds her wearing only a silk robe that barely covers her crotch, rarely wearing anything but a g-string bikini bottom underneath and which even when firmly belted, cannot conceal her wonderfully immense breasts -- nipples standing out clearly against the silk material which is stretched so tight you can even see the little bumps of her aureoles.
The rest of each day has been a delightful mix of tight T-shirts worn braless, too tight halter tops and a variety of skimpy bikinis. My wife has become an artiste in walking around, bending over and picking this and that up -- wiggling her ass like a hooker selling it on the street, completely aware of her son's eyes devouring the luscious full spheres of her mature ass. Claire's nipples are constantly hard and her eyes are shiny with the delight that her son is quite unable to resist her charms.
Claire too is caught up in his spell, both delighted and captivated by the now constant erection that Johnny sports around the house. I've lost count of how many times she's become distracted in the middle of talking to me or doing something because she cannot keep her eyes off the huge bulge in our son's pants or shorts or swim trunks. Poor Johnny -- as an eighteen year old, he's a walking, talking hormone, now made a hundred times worse by his mother's teasing.
I can see the struggle in both their eyes -- Johnny quivering with lust and the need to take his mother and claim her sexually, but held back by fear and shame of the incest taboo and by the slim chance of Claire rejecting him...not that she could. She is on the verge of making it happen, sometimes staring into his eyes with such longing that she might as well hold up a sign that screams, "FUCK ME, SON!" So far, I'm the beneficiary of her lust -- the last few days our sex life has been passionate beyond anything we've had in eighteen years of marriage.
Frankly, I was at first puzzled by why neither has moved forward, satisfying their mutual desires for each other, but then it dawned on me...lack of opportunity because I am always around. On permanent sick leave -- I rarely leave the house without one or the other accompanying me. In light of this self revelation, I decided to take matters into my own hands. I don't know what time is left to me, but there are some things I'd like to do at least once more before the end...
"Richard Hamilton, you haven't golfed in years!" I was a little surprised. Since Richard's battle with the brain tumor began, he'd stopped playing that irritating game. Now at the breakfast table he announced that Tim Willis would be picking him up for to go play eighteen holes at a new golf course fifty miles away at any minute.
My husband shrugged his shoulders and smiled as he replied, "I know, but I've had a yen lately to swing the clubs and was talking to Tim yesterday -- he put together a foursome. Hate to leave you home all alone, but..." he glanced over at Johnny who was eating his eggs and pretending not to be staring at the upper halves of my breasts bulging out of my silk robe, and then continued, "But, maybe Johnny can keep you company today?"
I felt a delicious shiver of wetness ripple across my pussy as my mind imagined all sorts of ways Johnny could keep me company. Images of him taking me bent over the breakfast table...that huge bulge he'd brought to breakfast with him in his pajamas unleashed and buried in me, leapt to mind. Another thrill of excitement swept over me as Johnny feigned boredom as he mumbled, "Whatever," while his eyes were focused on my breasts now heaving a bit with arousal -- my nipples swelling against the thin, slick fabric of my robe.
I tried to keep the excitement out of my voice as I said, "Sounds fine to me, darling. I just planned to take it easy today, maybe catch a bit of sun out by the pool." That made Johnny's eyes widen and he couldn't keep a hungry smile off his lips as he imagined my strutting around in another bikini. I felt my labia throb as blood swelled them, my arousal growing by the second.
Richard smiled lovingly at us both and said, "Fine -- it's settled then." A horn blew from our driveway and my husband was on his feet in a heartbeat. "There's Tim," he said, leaning over to kiss me, his hand stroking my cheek lovingly. He patted Johnny on the back as he passed and picked up his clubs leaning in a corner. Hefting them, he beamed at both of us happily and said, "I love you guys so much! Have fun today!"
Johnny waved rather nonchalantly from his chair as he downed the last of his juice while I said, "Love you too, darling!" A little twinge of guilt speared through my arousal, reminding me that I did love my husband despite all the naughty thoughts he'd help kindle in my mind. Then suddenly, I realized that for the first time in weeks, I was sitting alone with my son. He was brazenly staring back and for a moment I thought he might just stand up, throw me across the table and fuck me, but the moment passed and a look of what have been guilt played across his face and looking down he murmured, "I guess I'll go up stairs and change."
A part of me was mildly relieved that his simmering lust appeared to have settled down, but part of me felt extremely disappointed and I replied, "Me too!" I waved my arms at the dirty dishes and said, "I'll take care of this later, son. Let's get ready for some fun outside." I stood up with him and we walked to the stairs. I moved ahead so he could follow me up, knowing he would be looking up under the hem of my short robe and get more than a glimpse of my naked ass.
By the time we were on the second floor, I could see that simmering lust emerging again and felt pleased and flattered. If my son had dragged me to his bed at that moment and fucked me, I wouldn't have minded a bit. As it was, I felt his eyes on me until I closed the door behind me in my bedroom. I had my robe off in a second, my hands quickly rubbing my already wet vulva -- aching for release. I was tempted to masturbate, but decided to not sate my hunger. Somehow, someway, I was determined to move things forward with my son and that whatever that something was, it was happening today.
It was time to push the limits of my relationship with my son. It was time to break all the rules. I closed my eyes and imagined my son naked -- his body that of Adonis -- an erection, hard as steel jutting out, erect for me, his mother. I could see his green eyes and that devilish smile of his...I had seen them so many times in my sleep, assaulted by erotic dream after erotic dream. Dreams where all he wanted to do was plant his young, fertile seed in me. I know it was crazy, but I couldn't help myself anymore.
When I've put on my bikini, I stood before the bureau mirror -- the very one I watched Johnny stroke off in before and I know he doesn't really stand a chance. I'm wearing a new bikini -- one more daring than anything I've ever worn before. I would almost be better off naked. It was little more than a few red strings and three miniscule patches of red cloth. I bought it on-line from an internet business specializing in risqué women's clothing and it was leaps and bounds beyond risqué!
Two triangular patches barely covered my nipples, leaving most of my aureolas exposed as well as all my immense breasts. A third red patch fitted snugly over my crotch, stretched to cover my labia and unable to cover all the soft, wispy blonde hair of my muff. Even as I stood here looking at this sluttish version of myself, the scant crotch of my panties was turning a darker red with the juices of my arousal. When I turned around, the G-string disappeared between the full, firm cheeks of my ass, somehow making me appear more than naked. I pinned up my hair and this too was somehow making me appear even more sluttish than normal. The last final touch was some backless high heels -- what we used to call 'fuck me' pumps when I was in school.
Johnny was sitting outside, a pensive look on his face as he studied the sun's glittering reflection in the water -- his body so tan and muscular. I felt a spurt of wetness between my legs and imagined my pussy creams were about to start running down my legs. An orgasmic tremor rocketed through me as he turned and gave me an expression somewhere between pure lust and utter shock. I felt my nipples swelling under their scant covering and I wondered if they'd get so hard that they alone would snap the straps holding my tiny top together.
"Mmmmmm, beautiful day, isn't it, sweetie?" I purred as I began to strut around the pool -- taking my time and allowing Johnny to feast his eyes on his sexy mother. My huge breasts, barely contained, bounced and rolled, forever threatening to burst free, especially when I would pause and bent straight down, pretending to pick up a stray twig or piece of debris, allowing my great tits to hang down like massive udders, swinging to their own rhythm. Once in a while, I'd toss a glance towards my son, appreciating the bulge in his swim trunks and imagining that he regretted not wearing a looser pair.
I circled the pool, feeling his eyes on me the whole time, barely able to keep myself from shaking with excitement. Johnny climbed to his feet as I approached and turned away from me, beginning his retreat, but he halted when I called out to him, "Johnny? Please wait, baby?"
My son halted in his tracks, still facing away from me and then he jumped just a bit as I wrapped my arms around him from behind, hugging him to me, letting my huge breasts press into his sun warmed back -- making him shudder as our flesh merged. I hugged him tight as I whispered in his ear. "Thanks for keeping me company today, son. I love you."
Johnny shivered a bit as he replied in a shaky, mumbling voice, "I love you too, Mom."
I eased up on my embrace and slowly turned him around -- my hands on his shoulders guiding him. I restrained myself from moaning as I felt his erection brush my thigh and as he faced me -- somehow sensing it hovering less than an inch away from my stomach even as my hard tipped nipples somehow just missed grazing his chest. "I know you do, Johnny -- you must, giving up this glorious day with your friends to stay here with me." I leaned into my son -- allowing my barely clad breasts to mash against his strong, muscular chest while his swim trunk clad erection throbbed against my stomach and kissed him on the corner of the mouth...a slow, measured yet chaste kiss, staring at him lovingly as I let him go.