Page 02

When our kisses are done, a string of saliva hanging between Mom's lips and Eve's splattering upon Eve's huge breasts, she gazes at us both with such love and says, "So at last, Cora – united with your mate. Is there anything more wondrous?"

Mom smiles in response. "Nothing in Heaven or on Earth."

Eve laughs, her breasts heaving up and down as her earthy voice touches me deep inside. "Yes, it is true – you have discovered the secret so many are blind to." I think I looked puzzled because she laughs again and says, "You know it too, John, son of Cora – you just don't know you know." She steps up, pressing her lush body against mine, trapping my erection against her soft stomach.

"The forbidden fruit was not an apple or other fruit, son and it was not sin, no matter what the priests and shamans claim," she whispers into my ear, her tongue flickering out to tease my lobe. "It was carnality," she says softly as she rubs herself against me. "It was physical desire, lust, sex, fucking and in the end, the ultimate physical expression of LOVE." I tremble with desire in her arms as she wraps them around me and holds me close, her heavy, enormous breasts dragging across my chest. "And as I later would teach my sons, the sweetest form of the forbidden fruit was family love."

Eve kisses me then, deeper and more passionately than before and somehow seems to open herself up to me, sharing with me her memories and experiences, making me a witness to the beginnings. I kiss her back, holding her now in my arms too and I see...

Eve unchanged, yet young as the world was young, in the garden, enraptured and encircled by something that was both serpent and angel – a flickering forked tongue dancing about, tasting, teasing over hardening nipples and moist lips both above and below, firm and dry scaly skin crawling, rubbing, stroking and squeezing her voluptuous flesh and Eve begging for more and then the serpent's head becoming more, reshaping itself into a mighty phallus and then as its coils spread her legs on the soft mossy grass, piercing her, spilling virginal blood for the first time upon the Earth, driving deep, drawing forth screams of orgasm that echo for the first time across the planet...

Eve lying with her son Abel, sharing with him her knowledge and bringing incest into the world, both discovering together the most intimate form of love is that shared by mother and son, her realization of that culminating in her screams of incestuous orgasm – orgasm that dwarfs anything she has known before...

Eve guiding hers and Abel's daughter, Lilith as the young woman offers herself as Abel's life mate, holding the cock of her son, guiding him to their daughter's maidenhead as Angels proclaim the glory of love honoring the CREATOR as Lilith orgasms for the first time. Eve adding her own voice to the chorus as Lilith tongues her, tasting the seed of her brother and father and that of Adam as well...

Eve presiding over her ever growing brood – generation after generation of children all celebrating the wondrous joy that is family love – revering and keeping sacred the sweet knowledge of incestuous love, ever expanding as does the human race with all its potential, blind only to the sin of jealousy that lurks in her other son who craved her only for himself and who in time will cloud men's judgment and make that which is holiest, taboo for untold generations to come...

I see Eve, her time on Earth done called home by HIM, but a part of her – her spirit and her love, HE leaves behind to dwell within her children for all time, passing from generation to generation – sometimes, alas, not often, but sometimes, finding purchase in the hearts of her descendants as mother and son, father and daughter, brother and sister and so many others discover for themselves the sweetest forbidden fruit of all and its rewards...

I see Eve or at least a part of her hovering over a young man, hopelessly in love with his mother and Eve's spirit opening the eyes of his mother and her heart so that she might recognize her true soul-mate. It is the spirit of Eve that guides her to find the strength to take herself naked to her son's bed and await his arrival, holding up her arms in supplication and waggling her fingers in an invitation to join her forever in holy, incestuous bliss...

Eve is on her back, lying in the soft, mossy grass much as she was the first time, her legs are thrown wide as I thrust into her, my cock throbbing with such need and desire, hungering for her as much as my lips hunger for her taste, wrapped around a thick nipple and drinking the milk of life from her bountiful breasts. Her voice is raised in wordless praise to HIM as I fuck the Mother of us all, my heart aching to please her as a gift of thanks for beginning this...for Mom and me and for all that came before and all that will come after. She is steaming silk flesh, massaging and caressing my cock within her womb and her hands touch and urge me on, making me take her harder, faster until we are fucking like animals, lost in the glory of orgasmic bliss until together we cum, me offering my seed to the first Mother as she writhes below me, an expression of perfect Heavenly bliss on her face as she moans and sobs her pleasure.

After long minutes of rest, savoring the feel of her furnace like cunt around my cock, I kiss her and ease off of her as she says, "Truly, John, you are the son of my flesh – a true child of is your mother."

I follow her glance to see Mom sitting against an immense tree, her legs spread wide and a hand firmly shoved up inside her. Her breasts heave and glisten with sweat, her face glowing in the aftermath of self-pleasure, smiling and aroused at the carnal scene of Eve and myself. In a voice thick with lust, Eve murmurs, "Come daughter, feed upon the seed of life to HIS glory," spreading open her legs, her furry cunt dripping with my semen.

With a cry of joy, Mom crawls on hands and knees across the grass and buries her face in Eve's cunt, making the first woman quiver with pleasure as her freshly fucked pussy receives a tongue lashing from an expert. Eve's hands run through Mom's hair as Mom rolls her tongue over her pink, sperm coated flesh, lapping of thick strands of my seed before pausing to swallow and then tease Eve's clitoris as she bucks and twists under Mom's oral love. Again she sends up cries of pleasure to honor HIM as Mom eats her clean of my semen and makes her cum again and again.

Almost reluctantly we come to find its time to leave, sensing others approaching. A young black man and woman, faces sharing distinct traits approach, seeming awed and delighted at the sight of the gloriously naked Eve. Eve gives us farewell hugs and kisses and says, "Come to me again, John and Cora. It makes my heart glad to have you here, to know my love has survived and triumphed and continues even now in the hearts of your children."

It is with some subdued awe that we leave Eve, pausing only deep in the leafy tunnel while Mom drops to her knees and licks my cum covered cock clean. I look at my mother, thinking not for the first time how lucky and privileged I am to have her as my lover and wife. After Mom rises and kisses me, sharing the taste of my own seed and that of Eve's motherly pussy, we continue on our way, silent for a bit – both of us simply savoring the glory of being together.

We stroll again towards the palace of GOD, smiling at others we encounter. Most are naked and we all unashamedly stare at each other, garnering smiles of interest and sometimes meaningful nods promising a rendezvous someday. I see people make love, read books, throw a Frisbee around, have picnics, debate and so much more. Everyone is happy including myself, although a million questions race through my mind.

I decide to ask Mom the hardest question first. "Mom, is Dad here?" I'm not sure how she'll take it since he left us when I was just a little kid. We'd gotten word many years into our marriage that he'd died in an apartment house fire on the other side of the country.

Mom smiles at me gently, squeezing my hand as we walk along. "No – he didn't make it." "But all your grandparents are here! I know they are looking forward to seeing you."

"Really?" I reply. "And they know about us?"

"Oh yes, and they approve, son." Mom smiles upwards into the heavenly light that shines down on us and says, "There's something about Heaven...about HIM, that all our prejudices and misgivings are washed away. Love is always the way and here we celebrate it in all forms."

Mom gave me another naughty wink, "And here, we are free to discover the glory of all its forms with whoever wishes it."

Raising an eyebrow, I asked, "Mom, have you and Grandpa..."

"Oh, praise HIM, yes...fuck yes," Mom gushes back at me. "Now I know where you get some of your um, attributes. Daddy's a wonderful, tender lover and..." Mom licked her lips. "So is your Grandmother!"

I stop, looking at Mom in amazement. "You fucked Grandpa and Grandma!" I say, a big goofy grin on my face, trying to imagine that as well enjoying the throbbing the thoughts produce in my erect penis.

"Oh yeah. In fact, Daddy spends most of his time with his Mom now, your great-granny Sally and Mom, well...Mom has spent the last years exploring her lesbian side!"

As we resume walking, I try and assimilate this new knowledge. As I do, I realize another person has fallen into step with us. I glance over and smile. "Jesus! Good to see you."

He reaches out his hand and shakes mine, smiling at me. "So, getting used to Heaven, John? Your mom showing you the ropes?" Jesus winks at Mom and says, "Forgive me for going along with your mother's little joke?"

I shrug and grin. "I'm just glad I'm with her again." I reply.

He laughs and says, "I'll say...we could hear her screaming all over Heaven!" He nudges me and says, "You have no idea how much that pleases HIM."

Together, Mom and I reply, "It's our pleasure," before we all bust out laughing.

Finally, Jesus says, "Look, I was going over to have dinner with Mother. I know she'd love to see you both. Why don't you both come with me?"

I look at Mom and when she nods, I reply, "We'd love to...if she doesn't mind intruders."

Jesus gives a barking laugh and says, "Mind? The blessed, Saint of all Saints, Mary, mother of GOD on Earth with a heart as big as all outdoors? Please and I know she's going to love you, John."

As we approach an entrance to the glorious mansion a thought occurs to me. "So do we need food in Heaven, Jesus?"

"Oh no, of course not. Here in Heaven you never need physical sustenance again if you so choose, but..." Jesus waggles his eyebrows at us and says, "Wouldn't life be boring without a little bit of good wine and good food now and again!" He nudges me in the elbow and adds, "My mother makes the best curried lamb and rice dish you'll ever eat!"

With that we reach the palace of GOD and enter and Jesus swings open a door and we step into a dimly lit dwelling from another age – a pot stewing over an open fire with something delicious smelling inside it. "Mother, I'm home," calls out Jesus. "I've brought friends!" I feel a tingle of excitement in my belly as I realize I'm about to meet the mother of Jesus...the revered Virgin Mary.

From another room appears a small woman, appearing scarcely old enough to bear children, olive skinned and with long, dark hair. I see a resemblance, especially as she smiles and holds out her arms. "Jesus, my love and friends, be welcomed to our home!" She approaches and I realize with a bit of surprise that she is clothed in a simple shift that leaves one dusky shoulder bare and sandals on her feet that strap up to her ankles.

Mary kisses her son first – a loving kiss on the lips and I feel a strange tingle within my cock as I am sure I see them touch tongues. Then she turns and embraces Mom, saying, "Cora! It has been too long! You must come by more often!" They kiss as well, Mary pulling Mom to her in a tight embrace as they kiss deeply and lovingly.

Jesus' mother then turns to me, her eyes big and brown and so kind and I easily surrender to her embrace as she rises up on tip toe to hug me and kiss me, her tongue sliding inside my mouth to greet my tongue. She takes her time as if somehow assessing me as our tongues dance and play. When she is done, her eyes have a lusty sheen overlying the love I can see there and she says, "Cora missed you so much. It is good you are here with us now, John. It is good you are with your mother." Mary strokes my cheek much like Mom has done a million times. "You two are a blessing to HIM and to us all."

I fumble awkwardly for something to say and settle for a softly spoken, "Thank you," before she shoos us out of her kitchen and into the next room, directing us to a low sitting wooden table, beautiful in its intricate craftsmanship where we settle on lush pillows strewn along the floor. "This is lovely," I say, stroking the finely polished wood.

Jesus beams and says, "We'll pass your compliments on to Joseph. He lives for his can barely pry him loose from his shop."

I nod until I realize that he's talking about his mother's husband...his stepfather? The 'Joseph'! I shake my head in wonder and speculate if I will ever get used to Heaven. My reverie is interrupted by the arrival of dinner and Jesus did not exaggerate – his mother's curried lamb and rice is, forgive me, heavenly. The four of us sit around and eat until we are stuffed and then we sit back and talk like any two couples sitting down to a good meal.

We talk a great deal about our visit with Eve and Jesus looking just a bit sad laments again on how badly we screwed up the concepts of love on Earth with narrow minded folk down through the ages sealing away the truth and hiding the evidence of a belief that love between any two folks was a wondrous thing, but that love between two family members is a singularly precious experience.

"You know how there's this huge gap in my life according to the scriptures and you're missing all my teenage and early years of manhood?" said Jesus. "Well, mostly it's because I spent a lot of time fucking my mother – blessed be HIS name. I ask you, spending long hours with your cock inside your there a better way to commune with GOD?"

Mary sighs, a pleased and loving expression on her face as she looks at her son. She looks bashfully at us and shyly says, "And my son liked to commune with HIM a lot." She leans into him and rises up off the cushions to say, "And I think he just likes fucking his mother too!" Suddenly she stands up and with a quick motion, undoes her shift and it falls away, revealing her lovely nakedness. Her skin has a flawless olive complexion, slightly darker than her sons with small, upright breasts more at home on a teenage girl than on a mother with a grown son – such are the blessings of Heaven. Between her thighs is nestled a small, unruly bush of black hair that she runs a hand through quickly, revealing long thin labia parting eagerly to reveal her glistening arousal.

"And in truth, his mother loves fucking him too!" she says softly as she climbs into his lap, still facing us, her short legs dangling on either side of him, Jesus' hands coming up to cup her smallish breasts as she leans back into him and lowers herself onto his now turgid cock. Mother Mary groans as she takes him inside herself. "To fuck my son is to fuck GOD!" she moans. The small woman slides all the way down his lengthy erection until she has him all and she throes her head back against his shoulder, allowing him to nuzzle her neck as she quivers in the grasp of a small orgasm.

Jesus groans as his mother grinds herself down on him, her arms clawing at thin air. After nibbling on Mary's ear, he glances over at us and smiles and says, "Please, join us in our prayers to FATHER."

Mom is already on the move, settling herself into my lap, her hand guiding my cock into her pussy and I feel a thrill as Mom's hot, soaking wet cunt slides down, engulfing my erect penis with her wonderful, insatiable flesh. "I love you, son," Mom cries softly, guiding my hands to her bountiful breasts, pressing my fingers deep into her pillow like flesh and leaning back to turn her head, mouth open and tongue at the ready. I kiss Mom as she impales herself on my cock, steadily descending until I am completely buried in her womb.

Sighs, cries, moans and sobs fill the room as mothers and sons celebrate their love, the scent of pussy spreading, making both Jesus and I breathe deep at the most wonderful fragrance in the universe. I lock eyes with Jesus and we share a moment – an understanding that few are privileged to know – the knowledge that they have the complete and unreserved love of their mother.

I see Mary rouse herself from her orgasmic bliss – her eyes opening and a carnal grin spreading across her face as she sees Mom astride my cock. "It is a good thing and always has been. Since the beginning with Eve, mother and son have understood. So it is with you, Cora and your child." Mary works herself up and down her son's cock, showing Jesus' shaft thickly coated with her juices. "So it has been with Jesus since the beginning. The night HE sent Jesus to me and placed him in my belly – I came so hard, I screamed and sobbed with pleasure for hours parents did not understand."

Mary lets out a guttural laugh, fueled by her next impending orgasm. "They thought their little girl had lost her mind – I was in a constant state of bliss bordering rapture as my son grew inside me and even the pain of childbirth was overshadowed by Heavenly ecstasy."

"My pleasure, Mother," sighs Jesus as he levers Mary up and down on his cock.

"Nooooo, my pleasure," croons Mary, her voice getting higher as her pleasure builds. "I lived my life in constant pleasure as he grew up and even though we never spoke of it – we both knew, we could see it in each others eyes that we could not long be parted. Our flesh was one and could not be denied and when the time was right. OHHHHH praise HIM!"

"And when the time was right, I came to my mother and claimed her and our flesh was made one again!" Jesus says through clenched teeth as Mary bounces on his cock, her long, dark hair flying and whipping about his shoulders.

"OOOHHHH YESSSS, AS WE ARE NOWWWWW! PRAISE GOD, PRAISE HIM!" Mary screams as she is swept away by orgasm, dropping her body downward, taking her son completely inside her – belly muscles fluttering as she is swept away in incestuous delight.

I feel Mom's cunt contracting and now she too is exploding and between the searing pleasure of Mom's pulsing pussy and the sight of Mary orgasming on her son's cock is too much. My hands dig deep into Mom's meaty tits for purchase and I slam her hard down on my cock, feeling my throbbing cockhead push against her cervix as I begin to shoot my seed in her and I cry out, "Cumming, MOM. Praise GOD, I'm cumming!"

Mom's orgasm is ignited by my gushing hot semen and she begins to flail mindlessly in my lap, convulsing as incestuous pleasure steals all bodily control from her. I see Jesus' eyes widen with excitement as he witnesses another son and mother locked in the throes of carnal ecstasy and he cries out, "Praise YOU, FATHER!" and Mary's screams of orgasm become something greater as he cums inside his mother's holy cunt.

The air is full of our praises as we voice our pleasure in both words and the babble and groans of people overwhelmed with carnal delight. This is followed by long minutes of heavy panting, a few sniffles and a few laughs as we all catch our breaths, mothers leaning back on sons and admiring each other's naked and sweaty bodies.

I felt myself blush as I felt Mother Mary's eyes roam over my and Mom's flesh, her eyes lingering at our joined crotches where my still erect and throbbing cock was buried inside Mom's pussy, the exposed parts of our flesh dripping with mixed cunt juice and sperm. Mary lifts her eyes and smiles at me, her eyes reflecting lusty merriment.

Mary leans back against her son and reclines her head so she can whisper in her son's ear. Jesus grins and then shakes his head and replies softly to her and I can barely make out a few of the words, "...can't do that, Mother. That's showing off." Mary whispers again into Jesus' ear, following it with a none too subtle sucking of his earlobe. Jesus answers with a just audible, "Oh, all right!"

There is a just noticeable burst of brilliant light and as my eyes clear, I feel a noticeable change in the weight on my lap and then I am looking into the dark brown eyes of Mary, mother of Jesus as I feel her small and tight cunt clamp down around my cock. Her pussy feels hot and slick and oh so wet and I realize I am experiencing Jesus' sperm freshly deposited inside his mother.

Mary gives a little "Ohhh," and her eyes roll back in her head for a moment and then she recovers, sighing, "You're longer than I thought, John!" She wriggles on my cock for a moment and then leans in to kiss me, saying softly in a sing-song voice, "I like your cock. You must make your mother so happy," and then we are kissing – her tongue sweet and agile.

Beyond her, I can see Mom sitting now facing Jesus, riding his cock, her labia spread wide by his cock and I am aroused to see her being pleasured by another man – even more knowing it is the son of God making her cream. Then I am devoting my attentions to Mary who guides me with her body to lay her down, my hands cupping her taut butt cheeks as she wraps her legs around my waist, her pelvis grinding against me, taking me as deep as I can possible get and trying for more. I am atop her small body, her skin feverish and slick against my sweaty flesh and I begin to fuck her, fuck Mary, mother of Jesus and she is like a dervish underneath me, her hips rolling madly, flexing and contracting as she demonstrates millennia of experience in making love...millennia of experience in carnality immersed fucking.

Mary's eyes gleam with desire and pleasure and something more – a love, a satisfaction, a knowledge that only a mother can know – a mother who has tasted and gloried in joys denied to the less brave and the less willing. Her nipples are like small, turgid rocks that scrape pleasingly against my chest as I press into her, using my legs to drive into her molten cunt hard. She flings her mound upwards to meet my thrusts, trying to keep me buried inside her at all times as her cunt flesh tries to cling to my shaft, massaging me, milking me, devouring me.

I spare a glance to see Mom and Jesus fucking madly. Mom is on her hands and knees, her mouth gaping open in absolute ecstasy as Jesus fucks her from behind. He has one hand wrapped around the tresses of her dark hair, pulling her head up and back, using her mane for leverage as he brutally fucks his cock into her again and again. Mom's tits, full, heavy udders swing wildly beneath her, nipples rigid like overripe berries about to burst. Jesus grins at me and gives me a lewd wink as we fuck each other's mothers.

As we all fuck, we seem to be scooting across the pillows towards each other. Between Mom's and Mary's moans of pleasure, I can even hear Jesus' body slap against Mom's meaty ass and the wet, sucking noise of a big cock working in and out of my mother's cum filled pussy.

They get close enough so that I can feel Mom's hot breath on my face as she pants wildly with each thrust of Jesus' cock. I end a tongue wrenching kiss with Mary and raise up to see Mom's lust stricken face scant inches from my own and as I thrust deep inside Mary's creamy pussy, I lean forward and kiss my mother, feeling the impact and following tremors that rip through Mom each time Jesus plunges his erection into her cunt.

Nails claw down my back as I feel Mary begin to quiver and rock beneath me, her pussy juices flooding around my dick as she begins to cum. I end the kiss with Mom, stringers of spit drooling from her mouth as she sobs with pleasure and then Jesus releases Mom's long hair and she drops to press her lips against Mary's mouth and they begin to kiss.

Jesus and I share a lusty grin and we begin to match our thrusts into each other's mother, making them quiver and shake with ecstasy at the same time. By unspoken agreement, we begin to fuck Mary and Mom harder, still matching pace and rhythm until we mutually begin roaring like two old bulls and drive deep one last time and as one begin cumming into the wombs of each other's mother.

Mom and Mary break their kiss as they raise their voices to GOD in screams of heavenly erotic bliss, praising HIM in wordless, but undeniably ecstatic pleasure as Jesus and I hold them tight and continue to empty our seed into their motherly cunts.

The afterglow of orgasm seems to go on for an eternity and perhaps it does. It is a long time before I slip reluctantly from the loving grasp of Mary's cunt, my still hard cock slipping free with a wet plop. My penis is covered in thick coats of semen and pussy cream and while I'm still gasping for air, Mary, her face darkened by sexual flush somehow finds the strength to go to her knees even as she pushes me onto my back and dives between my legs and I groan as my sensitive cock head is tongue lashed before Mary sucks all of me into her mouth, her eyes conveying her delight in eating the mixed sperm of Jesus and me and the taste of her own juices and Mom's underneath everything else.

I feel her tense up and look to see Mom, still on her hand and knees, press her face into Mary's pussy from behind, moans of contentment emerging between long licks of her tongue into Mary's sperm filled cunt. Behind Mom, still buried deep inside her always hungry pussy, Jesus smiles approvingly at the carnal scene before him – occasionally giving Mom a naughty thrust to make her sob with pleasure against his mother's pussy.

Finally, Mary lets me slip from her mouth, moaning in the throes of another orgasm born from my mother's tongue and she turns to kiss Mom who's face is smeared with juices from Mary's well fucked cunt. Then it is Jesus' turn as he slips free from Mom and he and I watch Mom spin and go down on his sloppy, cum covered cock and Mary spins as well, mashing her face against Mom's swollen, semen filled pussy and I watch in awe and amazement and Jesus, my mother and Mother Mary are locked in an erotic display of carnality that could only be realized in heaven. As if he can read my mind and no doubt he can, Jesus grins at me and nods before saying over the slurping noises of our mothers, "Oh yeah, it doesn't get better than this, John – you are definitely in HEAVEN.

Afterwards, Mom crawls back into my arms, kissing me passionately and sharing the taste of pussy and cock while Mary and her son do the same. We are all still aroused, but succumb to the sweet sleep that comes with mind-blowing sex, my last memories being of Mom as she nuzzles my chest, her eyes closed, looking as peaceful and as happy as a person can be.

We wake up back in our own room, Heavenly light streaming through windows, Mom's body warm and soft, intertwined with mine. For a while I watch Mom sleep, my heart swelling with the love I hold for the woman who gave birth to me until I think I might explode. I think about the scant time I have spent in Heaven and the wonders I have already witnessed and experienced – my mind boggling at what might be in store for us today and tomorrow and on and on.

Mom begins to move and then I am looking into her loving eyes, feeling her cuddle closer against me. "Good morning, Son," Mom murmurs, reaching up to kiss me, her tongue tasting fresh and sweet.

"Good morning, Mom," I reply once her lips release my tongue. "What would you like to do today?"

Mom grins at me – a deadly sexy grin that promises all sorts of carnal delights and before she kisses me again, her already wet pussy sliding lewdly against my stiff cock, replied, "All that Heaven allows."
The End

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