Page 02
"Do you want to keep helping me?"
I nodded again. "That's great," she said. She lowered her face to mine once more, pressing her lips against mine for another kiss. After a minute, her tongue slipped between my lips into my mouth. We necked, sitting there in the kitchen, french kissing for several more minutes. Her pussy pressed on my cock and my hands began massaging her tits again. But a moment later, she stood up. "I won't be able to sleep if you do keep doing that. Wait until our next practice, honey."
Before she could turn away I blurted out, my eagerness obvious, "When?"
Mom laughed, a low laugh. "We'll see. We'll have to wait at least a few days." She paused briefly, looking pensive, then said "I can't do more than this, you know." Looking down into my lap, she smiled and added, "But don't wear jeans next time." She turned in the doorway to give me a big smile.
Three days came and went, each one seeming longer. Mom didn't give any sign that things were different between us which was frustrating. Then, on the evening of the fourth day, I noticed Mom flashing me sympathetic smiles. Whenever Dad stuck his nose in his newspaper during commercials, she would tease me, crossing and uncrossing her legs while smiling pointedly at me, absently fiddling with the buttons on her blouse and then flashing her eyes up at me. I grew hard in my jeans.
I waited impatiently for Dad to go to bed. Finally, at long last, he got up and said to Mom, "You coming?" he asked Mom.
"No, dear. Calvin's going to help me practice again."
"You're going to go through with this then, are you?" Dad asked in a disgruntled tone.
"Yes. You know I want to," she insisted, getting her back up. Her anger made her look even more sexy to me. I tried not to let my erection show, covering my lap with a sudden interest in the TV guide.
"Alright, alright. I was just asking." Dad started up the upstairs.
"I want to wash your hair with a special shampoo before I cut it this time, Calvin," Mom said, a little louder than normal as she was ensuring that Dad could hear. "You may want to change out of your jeans in case it spills," she suggested, smiling that funny little smile again.
"Uh, sure, Mom" I answered, heading upstairs behind Dad.
"Don't be too long," she instructed, "It's getting late."
I ran up the stairs and into my room, frantically kicking off my jeans and rummaging through my drawers for a pair of pajamas with an open fly in front. Whipping downstairs, I slowed down and entered the kitchen in a casual manner. Mom was waiting beside the chair. I took my seat, expecting her to start right away, not bothered by the coming wait for the frontal work since I knew what was coming.
But she didn't start. She stepped around and stood in front of me right away. She looked down approvingly at my pajamas, or at least my lack of jeans.
"Did your father go to bed?" she asked.
"I think so," I replied, "His door was shut and the light was out."
"Are you sure?" she asked, looking out the kitchen door toward the stairs. "You need to be sure," she cautioned, turning back to look at me seriously, her eyes steady. She was tense. Why, I wondered. Was she more afraid of getting caught because she knew what we were going to do? I nodded a definite yes.
She nodded, then, slowly, she moved her hands to the top of her blouse and began to undo the buttons. My cock instantly started growing. It was one thing to see with her with a few buttons undone on her blouse but an order of magnitude better to watch her undo them in front of me. I watched eagerly, my appreciation obvious as Mom slowly bared her chest to me. She kept her eyes on me, watching me watch her, her funny smile never leaving her face.
This time, she undid all her buttons, then pulled her blouse out from under her skirt. Then, with a raise of her eyebrow, and a crook to her smile, she pulled the blouse shirt wide, baring her tits topped by stiff nipples to my adoring gaze. Seemingly pleased at my sharp intake of breath, she thrust her chest forward and from side to side, presenting her breasts in a wondrous display. She leaned forward, teasing me with the closeness of her nipples, waving them across my face, only inches away.
She laughed. "You really do appreciate your mom, don't you?"
I simply nodded, my throat too dry for speech. Mom pulled one arm out of the blouse, then the other. She stood there in front of me, naked to the waist, wearing only a pleated skirt, no nylons and barefoot. No wonder she wanted to know if Dad had gone to bed. She wouldn't be able to cover herself in time if he came downstairs. She was really on the edge.
She arched her back, twisting again in front of me, proudly displaying her tits, her nipples standing up, no jutting up, stiffly, on top of her tits. She was so fucking hot!
She leaned in and started playing around with my hair with just her bare hands. She didn't have any scissors or a comb. They were still laying on the table. She tousled my hair, leaned down and kissed me on the lips. Pulling back a bit, she pushed her tongue out and dragged it across my mouth before pushing it in. We kissed furiously. I reached up to grasp her tits, kneading them, a little roughly in my eagerness, I must admit. But she didn't seem to mind. When the kiss ended, we were both breathing hard.
She moved closer to me. "Suck them," she commanded. I dutifully complied, taking a tit into my mouth and sucking hard the way I now knew she liked. I mauled her other tit. After a few minutes, I swapped tits. Then she pulled away. She looked down at my lap.
"Look, your little man is trying to come out," she said, looking at my cock straining against my pajamas. "He's straining so hard." She laughed, a hoarse, throaty laugh. She moved closer to me, straddling my legs. Reaching down, she grasped the hem of her skirt and pulled it up a little. Bending her knees, she lowered herself, slowly, slowly, until I felt her warm pussy pressing my cock once again, bending it against my stomach. She wiggled until her pussy lips fit around my shaft, enveloping it, grasping my rod as she sunk more weight on me. She put her arms around me and kissed me, forcing her tongue deep into my mouth. A moment later, she her hips started moving, slowly rocking her pussy along the length of my cock. She felt much hotter than she had a few days before. I could feel her damp heat as her soft meat enveloped my shaft.
She whispered in my ear, "Do you like it, honey?" I nodded vigorously. "We'll skip the haircut tonight. Tonight is just for you. Would you like that?" Her whispers were excited and throaty in my ear.
"Yes, Mom, yes," I hissed back, pressing up as she rubbed herself on me.
Her throaty laugh echoed in my ear again. "Cal, you nasty boy. You want to fuck me, don't you?"
I didn't answer. Please don't stop, I screamed to myself.
"You know I can't do that, don't you?" It was a statement, not a question.
I nodded, but I couldn't stop my cock from pressing up even harder against her.
She growled softly in my ear, "It's OK, Cal. You can want to, you just can't do it." She kissed my ear, dipping her tongue inside, circling it around and then nibbling the lobe. Once more the throaty whisper penetrated my ear, "You do, don't you. You want to fuck your own mother. With your father right upstairs!"
I nodded this time, thrusting my cock up hard against her. She laughed, increasing the intensity of her fucking motions, pushing down hard, forcing my cock between her soaking pussy lips as she dragged them along its pajama clad length. On one forward shove, the gods aligned on my side, for as she pulled back, scraping along my rod, my cock popped through the fly hole in my pajamas.
On the next push forward her pussy lips split over my bare cock. She groaned as she dragged back along its length, as did I, realizing my cock was sliding through the wet canyon of her bare pussy lips. She returned and withdrew more quickly and I pushed up even harder, lifting myself and her from the chair. Our movements quickly became more frantic. We lunged at each other for the next few minutes, gasping erratically, until she came again, slumping and draping herself over me as my cock began spurting all over me and her, jerking against her pussy until I had nothing left.
I kissed her, a gentle, tender and long kiss, without putting my tongue in her mouth.
"We really got carried away this time, didn't we," she stated after I pulled my mouth off hers.
I hugged her. "I guess so," I answered, "but I liked it and I want to practice even more."
"No," she replied, "I think we've gone too far. We need to stop."
I was taken aback. "No. Mom please. I don't want to stop." My face twisted with disappointment.
"Sweetie, you have to realize this is wrong. I can't go any further, I can't even keep doing this."
"OK, Mom. We won't go so far. But we can still do some. Please, Mom."
"Well," she stood up, her skirt falling into place, "maybe, but not much. We'll talk about it tomorrow."
She smiled down at me, searching for common ground, for agreement. My eyes focused on her tits swaying before me, her nipples still quite stiff. She laughed, "Oh god. It's no use talking to you right now. I'll tell you what. Tomorrow morning, as soon as Dad's gone, bring some coffee up and we'll talk about it."
"OK," I agreed, a little sullen.
"But don't wake me if I'm sleeping," she went on.
"I won't," I said, still sullen.
Mom turned and went out.
Well friends, I won't tell you more unless you ask. I know this happened over just a few short weeks, but that's the way it was.
Maybe in another letter. Please keep sending me yours.
Hi group. I know I was going to tell you more about me and mom next time but I just had to open the letter before I mailed it to add this postscript. I couldn't wait.
Remember Mom asked me to bring her coffee up the next morning right after Dad left so we could talk about our situation? Well, I did. I was up early, and was coming downstairs just when Dad finished his breakfast. He was pleased to see me up.
"Well, that's a change," he grumped. "So you're going to make an effort to look for a summer job before you go to school?"
"Uh, yeah, Dad," I replied, "Like you said, the early bird gets the worm, right?"
"That's right, son." He slapped me on the back as he headed out the door, "Good luck."
I rushed to make coffee. The stupid coffee maker was so slow I thought it was broken. Eventually, I made my way upstairs carrying a mug of coffee for Mom, thinking hard about how I could convince her to let me keep looking at, touching and sucking her tits, even if she didn't rub herself on me anymore. I was careful to go in her room very quietly and though I set the mug down gently on the bedside table on Dad's side, next to an open box of rubbers, I still disturbed her. She turned over onto her tummy, clutching her pillow lengthways to her body as she rolled on top of it. As I stood watching her, waiting for her breathing to deepen, indicating sleep, before sitting on her bed, she mumbled to herself and kicked at her covers as she tried to get comfortable.
My attention was riveted on Mom's back as the sheet was dragged down by her restless feet. Down from her shoulders, to her waist and on the next kick, over her rump to the backs of her thighs. Another rustle and the sheet was only up to her mid thigh, the hem of her nightie stretched across the halfway mark of her cheeks. Half her ass was bare!
Now seeing and sucking Mom's tits was great, don't get me wrong. But you can't believe how hard my boner got when the bottom of her ass came into view. Mom was making quiet little sounds. As far as I could make out, she was dreaming. She moved her feet around again, kicking the sheet lower still. It was now across her knees and stayed there, held down by her left foot as she bent her other knee and lifted that foot higher in the bed to her side.
Now I had a clear view of her entire ass and pussy. I knelt down at the foot of the bed to improve my view. Her pussy lips, I could see from this vantage point, were parted. This I could tell even through the thick pubic covering her puffy lips, a glistening pink line clearly discernible running from the point her ass gave way to her pussy, and out of sight as it pressed against the mattress.
As I watched, Mom shifted yet again. The sheet was kicked right offer feet. She hunched her bottom up and opened her legs even wider as she bent her left knee as well. Mom was now lying on her tummy, her ass slightly lifted from the mattress, legs bent and opened wide. Her pussy was now clearly parted, marked by a wet pink slash.
I couldn't take any more. I stood, pushed my pajamas down my legs and off my feet. Grasping my engorged cock, I began to stroke myself. What would I do if she awoke and saw me? I didn't care. She looked so hot, like she was inviting me to fuck her. That thought rolled around in my head like a cannonball. What if she was asking me to have her? What if she wanted to be taken? She was the one that insisted I come up to her bedroom even if she was sleeping. And only after Dad left. She let me touch her tits, checking to make sure Dad wasn't near, and she rubbed her pussy on me, and told me not to wear jeans next time. Maybe she wanted to but couldn't cope with it. If I took her while she was 'sleeping', she could pretend we hadn't. God, I hoped I was right because if I was wrong and she told Dad ...
Gingerly, I placed my knee on the bed. Carefully I let it take my weight and then lifted my other knee onto the bed. Slowly, I moved ahead. I froze when she stirred, mumbling something unintelligible. Her legs moved apart even wider and her ass lifted higher. God, my cock was so hard! I was careful not to touch her legs, which wasn't hard, they were so wide apart.
Suddenly, her ass dropped to the mattress and her legs closed together on my knees. She was moaning into her pillow. Frantic, I lifted my knees one by one and placed them on the outside of hers as she moved to close the gap between her legs once mine were out of the way. I stayed still, panicked that she would turn and see me kneeling above her, naked, with my cock jutting out over her thighs. When she didn't move, or give any other indication that she was waking up, I walked my knees up outside her thighs and stopped.
My errant cock wobbled within an inch of her ass. It felt as if it was already touching, the feeling of being so close to her bare pussy was so intense it was almost unbearable. I lowered myself, bracing with one arm while I used the other hand to push my cock into the heart shaped juncture of her thighs under her ass.
I pushed, shoving the head of my tool between her legs, into her warm and moist flesh. My cock pushed deeper, searching for the hot slippery lips I had found the night before. Mother never made a sound. Bracing myself now with both hands at her sides, I pushed my hips down, shoving my cock deeper between her tight thighs. Her ass tilted up against my intrusion, making it easier for me to push forward.
The tip of my cock felt suddenly wet, and very hot. Ecstasy! I pushed harder an my prick slipped further ahead, wetting my shaft. Shove. Shove. Shove. I was in her, my cock was inside my Mom!
I pulled out, slowly, relishing the exquisite feel of her cunt gripping my cock. Slowly, I pushed back in, my hips and back bending to the task. Out again, then back in, still slow but faster than before. Several more times, then several more again. I was fucking her. Her ass lifted even higher giving me better and deeper access. I hunched my buttocks, digging my cock in her. Then she spoke, shocking the hell out of me.
"Take me ... take me ... unnngghhhhh!"
I began fucking wildly. There was no rhythm to my movement, I was just banging her frantically, driven by her moans and my grunts. I slammed repeatedly into the mattress, over and over, until at last I came, pushing her whole body flat to the mattress as I dug my bone into her as deep as I could, gasping and yelling, "Mommmm!"
After a few minutes, I got up, pulled on my pajamas and covered Mom with the sheet. I went to the bathroom to clean up. When I returned, Mom 'woke up' and, turning to see me, smiled and said good morning. I fetched the mug of coffee from Dad's table and handed it to her.
"Oh, you remembered to bring me coffee. How sweet." Mom gave me a huge smile. There was no mention of what we'd just done. It was as if it never happened. "Are you going to let me practice on your hair again on Monday?" she asked as she plumped her pillow and Dad's, leaning back into them while holding her coffee.
"Yeah, Mom. Sure."
"You're so generous, Cal. Come sit beside me while I drink my coffee. ... No, no ... under the covers. That's it," she cooed as I slipped in next to her. "You deserve a little reward, I think." Mom looked down at her chest, then at me. "Do you think you can play with them without spilling my coffee?"
"Oh, yeah. I'll be careful," I assured her.
"Good," she said, "Hold this." She handed me her coffee and then pulled her nightie over her head and tossed it to the floor. She was naked in bed beside me. "Go ahead, play with them if you like."
Several minutes after I started fondling her tits, she whispered, "You can kiss them, too, honey."
As I really got into sucking them, I slipped my right arm under her back and let my left hand stray down between her legs. I cupped her pussy mound, slipping my fingers along her crevice and was about to slip my fingers inside when she stopped me with her hand.
"I can't let you in there, Cal. I can feel your little man against my leg, but I can't let you go that far, honey. I'm sorry."
I stopped sucking her tit.
"All boys want to fuck their mother. It's OK for us to play a little, even talk about like I did last night, but we can't actually do it. Understand?"
I nodded.
"Keep sucking me, honey," she pulled my mouth back to her tit, her breath sucking in as my mouth enveloped her nipple once more. As I sucked her nipple I let my fingers move, ever so slightly, on her pussy. I sucked and sucked, all the while barely moving my fingers on her quim, alternating between lightly stroking up and down and gently tugging her lips apart. She never objected, even though a few minutes earlier she had stopped me and held my hand still. Her hand had now fallen away from mine. Only her breathing had changed, becoming raspier, and the quick intakes and soft little gasps more frequent.
It wasn't due to my tit sucking. I had become negligent in this regard, simply licking her nipple, concentrating heavily on her cunt. As I pulled her lips wider, starting to dip the tips of my fingers in between, she moved her hand back to grasp mine once more. She spoke in a harsh, hoarse whisper, "Maybe its OK if you just touch me there."
Her grip loosened, and her hand fell away. I pushed my fingers inside and up into her wet cunt, wet with her juice and my spunk. Mom spilled her coffee, what was left of it, but she just let the mug roll off her onto the floor. I used my right arm across the small of her back to push her pelvis out as I dug my fingers into her. Her hips began to rock of their own accord as I fucked my fingers into her. I let my right hand slip down to her ass, my long finger nestling into the crack, pressing on her little hole, but not in. She was gasping unabashedly now, her legs opening wide, her knees bent so her heels could dig into the mattress, helping her fuck my hand in earnest. Only a moment later, her hips were bucking wildly and she was yelling, "Finger me, Cal. Finger your mother!"
Afterward, when she was still gasping for breath, she looked at me, her face flushed. "You're good at letting me get carried away, aren't you?" She smiled that crooked little smile. She looked very satisfied, still propped up on the pillows, her arms hanging limply at her sides.
Remember Mom asked me to bring her coffee up the next morning right after Dad left so we could talk about our situation? Well, I did. I was up early, and was coming downstairs just when Dad finished his breakfast. He was pleased to see me up.
"Well, that's a change," he grumped. "So you're going to make an effort to look for a summer job before you go to school?"
"Uh, yeah, Dad," I replied, "Like you said, the early bird gets the worm, right?"
"That's right, son." He slapped me on the back as he headed out the door, "Good luck."
I rushed to make coffee. The stupid coffee maker was so slow I thought it was broken. Eventually, I made my way upstairs carrying a mug of coffee for Mom, thinking hard about how I could convince her to let me keep looking at, touching and sucking her tits, even if she didn't rub herself on me anymore. I was careful to go in her room very quietly and though I set the mug down gently on the bedside table on Dad's side, next to an open box of rubbers, I still disturbed her. She turned over onto her tummy, clutching her pillow lengthways to her body as she rolled on top of it. As I stood watching her, waiting for her breathing to deepen, indicating sleep, before sitting on her bed, she mumbled to herself and kicked at her covers as she tried to get comfortable.
My attention was riveted on Mom's back as the sheet was dragged down by her restless feet. Down from her shoulders, to her waist and on the next kick, over her rump to the backs of her thighs. Another rustle and the sheet was only up to her mid thigh, the hem of her nightie stretched across the halfway mark of her cheeks. Half her ass was bare!
Now seeing and sucking Mom's tits was great, don't get me wrong. But you can't believe how hard my boner got when the bottom of her ass came into view. Mom was making quiet little sounds. As far as I could make out, she was dreaming. She moved her feet around again, kicking the sheet lower still. It was now across her knees and stayed there, held down by her left foot as she bent her other knee and lifted that foot higher in the bed to her side.
Now I had a clear view of her entire ass and pussy. I knelt down at the foot of the bed to improve my view. Her pussy lips, I could see from this vantage point, were parted. This I could tell even through the thick pubic covering her puffy lips, a glistening pink line clearly discernible running from the point her ass gave way to her pussy, and out of sight as it pressed against the mattress.
As I watched, Mom shifted yet again. The sheet was kicked right offer feet. She hunched her bottom up and opened her legs even wider as she bent her left knee as well. Mom was now lying on her tummy, her ass slightly lifted from the mattress, legs bent and opened wide. Her pussy was now clearly parted, marked by a wet pink slash.
I couldn't take any more. I stood, pushed my pajamas down my legs and off my feet. Grasping my engorged cock, I began to stroke myself. What would I do if she awoke and saw me? I didn't care. She looked so hot, like she was inviting me to fuck her. That thought rolled around in my head like a cannonball. What if she was asking me to have her? What if she wanted to be taken? She was the one that insisted I come up to her bedroom even if she was sleeping. And only after Dad left. She let me touch her tits, checking to make sure Dad wasn't near, and she rubbed her pussy on me, and told me not to wear jeans next time. Maybe she wanted to but couldn't cope with it. If I took her while she was 'sleeping', she could pretend we hadn't. God, I hoped I was right because if I was wrong and she told Dad ...
Gingerly, I placed my knee on the bed. Carefully I let it take my weight and then lifted my other knee onto the bed. Slowly, I moved ahead. I froze when she stirred, mumbling something unintelligible. Her legs moved apart even wider and her ass lifted higher. God, my cock was so hard! I was careful not to touch her legs, which wasn't hard, they were so wide apart.
Suddenly, her ass dropped to the mattress and her legs closed together on my knees. She was moaning into her pillow. Frantic, I lifted my knees one by one and placed them on the outside of hers as she moved to close the gap between her legs once mine were out of the way. I stayed still, panicked that she would turn and see me kneeling above her, naked, with my cock jutting out over her thighs. When she didn't move, or give any other indication that she was waking up, I walked my knees up outside her thighs and stopped.
My errant cock wobbled within an inch of her ass. It felt as if it was already touching, the feeling of being so close to her bare pussy was so intense it was almost unbearable. I lowered myself, bracing with one arm while I used the other hand to push my cock into the heart shaped juncture of her thighs under her ass.
I pushed, shoving the head of my tool between her legs, into her warm and moist flesh. My cock pushed deeper, searching for the hot slippery lips I had found the night before. Mother never made a sound. Bracing myself now with both hands at her sides, I pushed my hips down, shoving my cock deeper between her tight thighs. Her ass tilted up against my intrusion, making it easier for me to push forward.
The tip of my cock felt suddenly wet, and very hot. Ecstasy! I pushed harder an my prick slipped further ahead, wetting my shaft. Shove. Shove. Shove. I was in her, my cock was inside my Mom!
I pulled out, slowly, relishing the exquisite feel of her cunt gripping my cock. Slowly, I pushed back in, my hips and back bending to the task. Out again, then back in, still slow but faster than before. Several more times, then several more again. I was fucking her. Her ass lifted even higher giving me better and deeper access. I hunched my buttocks, digging my cock in her. Then she spoke, shocking the hell out of me.
"Take me ... take me ... unnngghhhhh!"
I began fucking wildly. There was no rhythm to my movement, I was just banging her frantically, driven by her moans and my grunts. I slammed repeatedly into the mattress, over and over, until at last I came, pushing her whole body flat to the mattress as I dug my bone into her as deep as I could, gasping and yelling, "Mommmm!"
After a few minutes, I got up, pulled on my pajamas and covered Mom with the sheet. I went to the bathroom to clean up. When I returned, Mom 'woke up' and, turning to see me, smiled and said good morning. I fetched the mug of coffee from Dad's table and handed it to her.
"Oh, you remembered to bring me coffee. How sweet." Mom gave me a huge smile. There was no mention of what we'd just done. It was as if it never happened. "Are you going to let me practice on your hair again on Monday?" she asked as she plumped her pillow and Dad's, leaning back into them while holding her coffee.
"Yeah, Mom. Sure."
"You're so generous, Cal. Come sit beside me while I drink my coffee. ... No, no ... under the covers. That's it," she cooed as I slipped in next to her. "You deserve a little reward, I think." Mom looked down at her chest, then at me. "Do you think you can play with them without spilling my coffee?"
"Oh, yeah. I'll be careful," I assured her.
"Good," she said, "Hold this." She handed me her coffee and then pulled her nightie over her head and tossed it to the floor. She was naked in bed beside me. "Go ahead, play with them if you like."
Several minutes after I started fondling her tits, she whispered, "You can kiss them, too, honey."
As I really got into sucking them, I slipped my right arm under her back and let my left hand stray down between her legs. I cupped her pussy mound, slipping my fingers along her crevice and was about to slip my fingers inside when she stopped me with her hand.
"I can't let you in there, Cal. I can feel your little man against my leg, but I can't let you go that far, honey. I'm sorry."
I stopped sucking her tit.
"All boys want to fuck their mother. It's OK for us to play a little, even talk about like I did last night, but we can't actually do it. Understand?"
I nodded.
"Keep sucking me, honey," she pulled my mouth back to her tit, her breath sucking in as my mouth enveloped her nipple once more. As I sucked her nipple I let my fingers move, ever so slightly, on her pussy. I sucked and sucked, all the while barely moving my fingers on her quim, alternating between lightly stroking up and down and gently tugging her lips apart. She never objected, even though a few minutes earlier she had stopped me and held my hand still. Her hand had now fallen away from mine. Only her breathing had changed, becoming raspier, and the quick intakes and soft little gasps more frequent.
It wasn't due to my tit sucking. I had become negligent in this regard, simply licking her nipple, concentrating heavily on her cunt. As I pulled her lips wider, starting to dip the tips of my fingers in between, she moved her hand back to grasp mine once more. She spoke in a harsh, hoarse whisper, "Maybe its OK if you just touch me there."
Her grip loosened, and her hand fell away. I pushed my fingers inside and up into her wet cunt, wet with her juice and my spunk. Mom spilled her coffee, what was left of it, but she just let the mug roll off her onto the floor. I used my right arm across the small of her back to push her pelvis out as I dug my fingers into her. Her hips began to rock of their own accord as I fucked my fingers into her. I let my right hand slip down to her ass, my long finger nestling into the crack, pressing on her little hole, but not in. She was gasping unabashedly now, her legs opening wide, her knees bent so her heels could dig into the mattress, helping her fuck my hand in earnest. Only a moment later, her hips were bucking wildly and she was yelling, "Finger me, Cal. Finger your mother!"
Afterward, when she was still gasping for breath, she looked at me, her face flushed. "You're good at letting me get carried away, aren't you?" She smiled that crooked little smile. She looked very satisfied, still propped up on the pillows, her arms hanging limply at her sides.