Page 06

Gramps paused, his eyes still holding mine, for a least a minute, his hand reaching across the table to grip mine.

"But in those short years," he continued, his voice cracking with emotion, "I gave more happiness to that sad woman than she got from my father in all the years he was with her." Gramps stopped again, his face quivering with emotion. "Now, I can see that my girl is the happiest that I've seen her in years, and I know what you're been doing." Gramps nodded his head as I started to shake mine. "I know," he went on, "and you have my blessing if you do one thing."

I couldn't speak but my eyes were questioning. Gramps' head was nodding.

"You keep her happy for as long as she needs you. It's not your choice to stop. Promise me."

It was my turn to nod. "I promise Gramps."

"Good boy," he said. Standing, he said, "Why don't you get dressed and we'll go look at some boats.

Gramps never spoke about that again. He'd said his piece, and he was done.

That night I slid down between Mom's legs and showed her how much I appreciated her. I doubt there are many men who have licked a pussy as long, with as much enthusiasm, and as much variation as I did that night. I know it was the best effort of my life and by the sounds from my mother, it was much enjoyed.

The next morning, I delayed our outing for the day until the time we had left two days prior, hoping to encounter that other boy and his mother. In the elevator, Mom didn't make a move to remove her bra, which had become a ritual for us. The elevator stopped and the boy and his mother entered. Mom stepped in front of me to give them room on the other side of the elevator. Though the woman had entered first, she left room for her son to step behind her, her eyes remaining fixed ahead when his hand cupped around her hip to pull her back toward him. The elevator door closed. No one moved so I reached past Mom and flicked the switch sideways, turning the elevator off.

"Do you mind," I asked, speaking to other son. "It's so hot out there but staying with my grandparents, well, there's a little ritual we have to do before going out but after we leave the apartment."

The boy looked confused. Neither Mom or the other lady turned to look at me.

"Your bra, Mom," I spoke quietly.

Mom didn't move.

"Your bra," I repeated. "You know how hot it is outside."

I slipped my hands around to Mom's front and started undoing the top button of her blouse. I could feel her shoulders stiffen but she didn't try to stop me even though her face reddened as I continued to the second button. The other son's eyes were glued to my hands but his mother stared straight ahead, her own face flushing like Mom's. I finished the second button and moved on to the third. When it was done, I reached in to twist Mom's bra undone, then pulled my hands away.

"You know I have trouble with that. Can you do it please?"

Slowly, like it was the last thing she wanted to do, Mom's hands rose until she reached the bra. A few short hands movements and she pulled the bra out of her blouse, hands falling to her side, one holding the bra.

"Thanks Mom," I said, reaching around to do up her blouse. When I finished, I took the bra and stuffed it into Mom's bag. She was still standing rigid, looking straight ahead.

"That's a good idea, isn't it Mom" the boy spoke.

Turning at the sound of his voice, I saw his hands already fumbling with the buttons on his mother's blouse. A few minutes later, she pulled her own bra out and handed it to her son, doing her own buttons up as he pushed it into her bag. He had undone more of her buttons and she was less adept than Mom at extracting the bra which provided me with a quick glimpse of her tits. I switched the elevator back on and pressed the button for the ground floor. Nobody spoke and they left first for the cab like they had the other day.

After his mother slid into the cab and Mom had passed on the way to the taxi behind theirs, I asked the boy what time he thought they might be coming home. Mom wasn't surprised when I urged her to come home early, and though it was only just after one she said she was a little tired of shopping too and wouldn't mind having a restful afternoon at home. We arrived at the front of the building at two right on the nose, just behind a cab that disgorged guess who. Both women looked surprised and, despite the way they have ignored each other that morning, greeted each other warmly. We walked behind the women, enjoying and sharing our own warm feelings in silence. We chose the elevator on the left again, which seemed to be the one least used.

I pressed the button for the floor just below theirs. Nobody corrected my error. When the door opened, we all stood quietly until is closed, then I leaned forward and flicked the switch to turn the elevator off. Nobody spoke. Calmly, I reached around to undo Mom's blouse and noticed my partner do the same almost as quickly. The women looked straight ahead, as before, but I noticed that Mom's shoulders weren't stiff and tense. I undid all of Mom's buttons until I reached the waistband of her skirt and then, on impulse, I pulled her blouse apart, exposing her breasts completely.

I felt a strangely proud sensation as I looked over Mom's shoulder at her breasts, hanging nicely from her chest, her nipples jutting out, stiff and excited. Her breathing betrayed her arousal and the rise and fall of her breasts made her look even sexier. I turned to look just in time to catch my partner pull his mother's shirt apart and to see her tits burst forth, nipples proudly poking out. He looked over at Mom's tits and then slid his hands under to lift his own mother's breasts, holding them out. I did the same. He giggled and I couldn't suppress an answering laugh.

"Ok, boys," the other mother spoke for the first time. "Stop it now."

In answer, my partner turned his mother towards us and I did the same with Mom. Despite my greater height, our mothers were the same and their breasts lined up just inches apart. He giggled again and moved his mom's breasts in a little circle, I did the same, laughing in return.

"Boys," Mom said, just as the other boy pushed his mother forward. Reacting, I pressed Mom and their tits mashed together. "Boys, really," Mom complained.

A similar complaint was put forward by the other mom but neither tried to push away or raise their hands to stop us from moving their breasts against each other. They each exhorted us to stop several times, their voices sounding huskier each time as their boys pulled their tits apart and sparred, each wielding a pair of stiff nipples. As we crossed our mother's nipples, brushing back and forth, I pressed my hard boner into Mom's behind, sure that my partner in crime was doing the same.

"Stop, please stop now," the other woman said, panting.

"Yes, that's enough," Mom echoed, her own voice as shaky as the other mom's.

"Okay, okay," I agreed, pulling Mom away. As we reconnected the buttons on their blouses, I said, "Ten tomorrow morning?"

"How about eleven? I feel like sleeping in." I was shocked to hear that from the other mom.

"Eleven, then," Mom replied.

Well, you can imagine how impatient I was to get Mom out the next morning. She dawdled and dawdled and it was plain we weren't going to make it out by eleven. She deliberately stalled and took extra time for everything. I was getting really antsy and frustrated and just after I angrily threw myself onto the couch, resigned that the rendezvous wasn't going to happen, Mom called cheerily from the door.

"Come on, Craig. It's almost eleven."

I almost snapped my spine leaping off the couch. The door was open and Mom was halfway to the elevator. I ran to catch up. In the elevator, I pushed the button for their floor. He was waiting at the door when it opened, sporting a bulge in his pants, and looking impatiently down the hall. I peeked out to see his mother strolling casually our way, in no hurry. Though I hadn't thought it before, she looked really hot.

"Good morning," she said cheerily to Mom as she entered. "Sleep well?"

"Oh, yes."

That started a chatty conversation between the two moms. I leaned forward and switched the elevator off. They continued their conversation, looking at each other this time, as we undid the buttons on their blouses and loosed their unfettered tits.

They both laughed at our shock but didn't say anything else about our surprise at finding that neither of them had worn a bra. Had they called each other? I don't think so. I think they just had the same mischievous mind. They continued chatting as we recovered and turned them to play our childish nipple swordplay. We played longer this time and our jousting involved longer presses and rubs. The women seemed more excited, as were we, it being obvious that we were both grinding into their behinds.

The thing was, neither woman told us to stop, or seemed about to. We were each squeezing our mother's breasts to make their nipples stand out more to aid our swordplay and during one joust, I reached out with a spare finger and rubbed it across the other mother's nipple. Immediately, my parry was returned. Soon, we were constantly feeling each other's mother's tits, our heavy breathing echoing off the walls of the elevator.

Suddenly, I pulled back. Looking into my partner's eyes, I turned Mom to face the back of the elevator and pushed until her breasts pressed against the dull stainless steel finish. The other mother was pressed into the same position, her hands pressing against the wall. Mom placed her hands against the wall took and her right slid over to hold the other woman's left hand. They locked gazes and waited while the other boy watched me, and waited.

I bent down to grasp the hem of Mom's skirt and dragged it slowly up her legs, stopping when it bunched below her ass. I looked at the other boy and waited for him to copy me. He did and then waited.

I pulled Mom's skirt over her bum to her hips and stopped. I watched as the other boy did the same, appreciating the sight of his mother's ass covered by a pair of lacy, black panties that stretched across her cheeks about halfway down, just like Mom's red ones. We smiled at each other and so did our moms.

Holding Mom's skirt with one hand, I began tugging her panties down with the other. Eventually I got them below her butt front and back and saw that my colleague had done the same despite starting after me. Inserting my hand between Mom's legs, I pushed the panties down to her knees and stooped to take them the rest of the way down, waiting while she raised each foot to help. Standing, I held Mom's red panties out to my friend in exchange for the black ones. We shoved them into our pockets at the same time and let our mom's skirts fall down to cover their sexy, bare cheeks.

"Let's stay together today," I suggested. Everyone nodded, each agreeing with a murmured 'yes'.

We spent a very pleasant day together. With another woman along, Steve and I got a break from such intense shopping duty and both Robin and Mom seemed to enjoy themselves more. It doesn't matter how good a man is at shopping, a woman companion is always better. After a nice lunch we headed home. Neither of us touched our mothers until the four of use were walking alone along a curving sidewalk through a park adjacent to the last cluster of stores we frequented. Only then did our arms circle our Moms' waists. But once again ensconced in the elevator, things quickly changed.

Mom entered the elevator first with me right behind. Before she could turn around, my hands held her in place as I waited for Steve and his mother to step in beside us. Following our lead, Robin faced the back of the elevator without her son having to hold her. As the elevator door closed, I reached behind me to push the button just below Steve and Robin's floor. I pushed Mom's back lightly and, instead of stepping forward, she obligingly fell forward to press the side of her face against the back of the elevator as she correctly interpreted what I wanted to happen. Robin patiently waited for Steve to copy my action. Although it wasn't necessary, I kept my hand between Mom's shoulder blades to hold her in position as the elevator proceeded to its destination. Steve watched me, and the women looked at each other, but I made no further moves until the elevator stopped and I had switched it off.

The lacy black panties snapped as I yanked them out of my pocket, matched by a similar sound when Steve pulled Mom's red panties out of his pocket. Kneeling, I fed Mom's feet through Robin's black panties and tugged them up her legs, past her knees and part way up her thighs under her skirt. Steve followed suit, dragging Mom's red panties up his mother's legs and under her skirt. Standing, I saw that our mothers were once more holding hands as they gazed into each other's eyes.

I spoke quietly, "Close your eyes."

When they had both complied, I looked down at the lump in front of me and pushed my shorts down, freeing myself. Steve's eyes opened wide as my cock sprang out, clearly ready for action. I don't know what he thought was about to happen but he was clearly surprised. I waited, not looking at him, until he did the same. Then, I lifted Mom's skirt slowly over her ass until it was gathered at her waist where I held it until Steve had done the same with Robin. His mother smiled as she felt her skirt being lifted and she began to pant.

I slipped my free hand between Mom's legs and cupped her pussy, aligning my long middle finger with her crevice and pressing between her lips until it was partly inserted in her already moist slit.

"Ohhhhhhhh," she cried in surprise.

"Keep your eyes closed," I whispered quickly as I saw them start to flutter open.

I had pulled back and pushed my fingers forward into Mom's pussy when I saw Robin react to the touch of her son's fingers.

"Ohhhhhhhhhh, Stevie, Stevie," she moaned.

I looked over to see Steve's hand moving underneath Robin's skirt and saw that he was watching my own hand busy working underneath Mom's. I smiled and he answered with a huge grin. We worked away for about a minute to the beat of our mothers' sighs and moans until Mom started to put a stop to this transgression beyond the boundary of her acceptance.

"Craig ... ohhhh, ohhh ... that's enough now."

"You mean ... huuuuuu uhhhh ... take my hand away?"

"Yesss ... uhhhh ... yesss."


I yanked my fingers out of Mom's pussy.

"Ohhhhhhhhh," she cried, sounding unconvinced that she really wanted me to stop.

"You too ... uhhhh uhhhh ... Stevie," Robin panted.

Mom was panting against the steel wall, eyes closed, but Robin opened her eyes as her son pulled his fingers out of her. She looked at the intense expression on Mom's face but her eyes were quickly distracted and directed to my hand guiding my cock toward Mom the bottom of Mom's ass. Like her son's a moment ago, her eyes widened but didn't warn her new friend. Instead she watched, enthralled by the impending surprise about to be visited upon my mother.

My cock slipped through Mom's wet lips and penetrated a couple of inches before her eyes flew open in shock.

"Ohhhh, God, Crraiiiggg."

I pushed home, lifting her up and pushing her whole body against the wall. I held her left hand with mine and covered her right, still holding Robin's, with mine. I pulled back and quickly thrust into her again, then again, and again. I didn't stop. I kept fucking Mom, her face sliding up and down against the wall. I was only vaguely aware of Robin's cry as her own son penetrated her and her head also began sliding up and down the wall.

All too quickly, it was over. I was spurting hot thunderbolts of cream into Mom, gasping and gulping for air. As soon as I was finished, I stepped back, pulled up my shorts and reached down to tug Robin's panties snuggly over Mom's ass. Steve quickly followed suit as I straightened Mom's skirt. I flicked the switch for the elevator and pressed the button for the next floor. Mom spoke behind me as the elevator lurched into action.

"Should we get together tomorrow, then?"

"Yes, certainly," Robin replied, her calm voice belying the intense expression that had molded her face moments ago.

I owed Mom bigtime for that one and my face was between her legs for quite a while that night.

I was disappointed the next day when Mom said she was tired and begged off shopping. Who knows what would have happened next in the elevator? Mom sent me down with a note to tell Robin and Steve we couldn't make it since we didn't know their phone number. I knocked on the door, expecting to just hand the note to Steve's grandparents, then thought I had better hand it directly to either Robin or Steve. I was trying to think of an excuse to give his grandparents when the door opened. Robin's face broke into a big smile when she saw who it was. I held the note out but she had already turned away and was walking down the hallway, telling me to come in.

"Lock the door behind you," she called.

I followed, looking at her legs as she padded barefoot along the carpet, the pleated skirt swirling about her tanned calves and her long curly, dark brown hair bouncing on her shoulders first showing, then hiding, the tanned arms poking out of her sleeveless blouse. I caught hold of myself before she turned around because I realized that her parents might be see me ogling their daughter.

But they weren't there, and neither was Steve.

Robin walked straight to a couch and sat near the far end, motioning for me to sit at the other end before opening the little card with Mom's note. Her face softened into a smile as she read and I realized how pretty she was, how attractive the mature lines were in her face were and how they made her strangely sexier than girls my own age. As Robin closed the note, she shifted to face me a little more directly, lifting her left knee onto the couch to accommodate her move. I couldn't help dropping my eyes to her legs as the loose skirt was drawn higher above her knees. I blushed, knowing she saw me look.

"So, that was very naughty of you boys yesterday."

I didn't know what to say. Yesterday, this woman and my Mom seemed to be almost under my command but today I was confronted by an assured, slightly amused woman who was definitely in control of the situation. I looked around the apartment, as if looking for help, or an escape.

"They're not here," Robin said in response to my questioning glances.

"Where ..."

"Out," she explained simply.

I looked back to find Robin looking expectantly at me, awaiting a response to her first comment. My eyes dropped to her chest, noticing that her blouse was unbuttoned sufficiently far down for me to see she wasn't wearing a bra, at least not a conventional model. Quickly, I shifted my eyes up, fixating on her face, but she was already smiling knowingly at me. Her eyebrows lifted.

"Yes," I choked out.

"Your mother's note says she got a special treat to make up for your naughty behavior."

I looked agog at Steve's mom, completely taken aback. Mom had told her in a note?

Robin lifted her right leg and straightened it out to poke my knee with her toe.

"I didn't get a treat."

I was still at a loss for words when she nudged my knee again. I noticed that her toes were covered with a light pink polish that looked very nice on her tanned foot. She poked me again.

"Certainly not anything special." Nudge. Nudge.

"I ... uh ... I, uh ...," I stammered.

"Oh it's ok, Craig. I was just teasing you," Robin laughed. She reached behind her to adjust a pillow and sat back against it, shifting her left leg completely onto the couch and also her right, leaving her foot resting against my knee.

"Will you do me a favor, though?"

"Sure," I answered, eager to find some way to recover from my embarrassing incompetence.​
Next page: Page 07
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Next article in the series 'The Mom Memories': The Mom Memories: Evan's Story
Previous article in the series 'The Mom Memories': The Mom Memories: Colin's Story