Page 04

"Are you boys going to play that game all night?" she asked.

Gary and I looked at each other, not moving, then both of us jumped to our feet. We quickly went to the bed, one on either side, and sat down. Mom lay quietly, her shallow breathing forcing her chest slightly up and down, pressing her breasts against her robe. We weren't sure what to do since her robe was cinched tight around her waist and it covered her from head to toe. There wasn't any bare skin to stroke or massage, nor had she provided an invitation by remarking about how sore her legs were like she'd done before.

"That light is so bright," Mom said unexpectedly, startling us both.

I got up and turned my light off, leaving the room lit only by the computer screen and the small lamp on the table on the far side of my bed. I always turned it on when I came into my room because I didn't like to get into my bed in the dark. We sat in the dim light, looking down at Mom's slender, covered form.

As usual, Gary took the initiative. He leaned to his side and pulled Mom's slipper off her foot. I didn't react fast enough to do the same before he removed the one on my side too. Sitting straight again, Gary began fumbling with the belt on Mom's robe. I joined in that task. We didn't hurry but instead concentrated on disturbing Mom as little as possible, afraid she might stop us at any time.

When the belt was undone, we parted Mom's robe from her feet to her neck. The gold chain still surrounded her right ankle. She was wearing a shimmery pink nightgown bordered with off-white lace around the hem and the bodice. The latter wasn't cut low but it showed the swells of her breasts and, more importantly, the distinct outline of her nipples which pushed aggressively into the thin fabric. This was the first time I had seen my mother without a bra and I was very impressed. So was my cock which instantly swelled to fill all the spare space in my jeans. Gary and I looked at each other and smiled. What to do now?

Gary took the initiative again. He put his hand on the top of Mom's foot, curled his fingers around to caress her instep, then starting moving up her calf. I followed suit with Mom's other foot, managing to catch up with him by the time we reached Mom's knees, pushing the hem of her nightgown ahead of us. Expecting Gary to continue, I was caught off guard and had to play catch-up again when he stroked his way down Mom's leg to her foot and lightly scratched her instep and then her sole.

Back and forth, we stroked Mom's lower legs and massaged her feet, all the time looking at her breasts under the nightgown. They slowly seemed to become firmer, swelling up to fill the nightgown and her nipples definitely became more prominent. Gary paused at Mom's knee and I looked up to see him watching me. He smiled and nodded higher up Mom's legs. This time I didn't fall behind. In unison, Gary and I pushed our hands onto Mom's thighs, shoving the hem of her nightgown ahead of us until it wouldn't go higher because it was pinched to the mattress by the weight of her legs.

We concentrated on stroking Mom's thighs now, periodically retreating to caress her lower legs and feet, always watching each other to act in tandem. On the way back after one such excursion to Mom's feet, Gary paused by Mom's knee, slipping his hand inside and stretching his fingers underneath. I matched his move. Gary then moved his other hand to lie palm up on the bed, above Mom's knee. I did the same. He pressed against the bottom of Mom's leg, lifting her knee and then swept the other hand up toward Mom's hips, pushing the nightgown under Mom's legs until it reached her bottom.

When Gary released Mom's leg, it remained slightly lifted and pulled toward him, as did the leg on my side. We now proceeded to caress Mom's upper legs, following up the inside of her thighs, pushing the pink nightgown up, all the way up, stopping just short of her panties. There, we reversed direction and repeated our caressing strokes, once again periodically tracing our fingers all the way to Mom's feet.

Mom's breathing quickened and became uneven. Her chest was rising and falling in a similarly quick fashion, almost heaving her breasts off her chest. She was very excited, like she had been that night so long ago. I couldn't believe how hard that memory and the sight of her made my cock. I was so hard I half expected the seams on my jeans to burst apart.

For once, I took the initiative. I just had to see her panties. They would be pink I knew, but would they be of the same shimmery material, or a delicate, lacy affair? I grasped the hem of her nightgown and waited for Gary to follow suit. When he didn't, I lifted the hem and tossed it up onto Mom's belly.

My god! Mom was naked under the nightgown!

Gary and I stared, stunned, our hands for once still. Mom's pussy was covered by a neatly trimmed bush. Her faint, aroma filled out nostrils. I looked up to Mom's face but it was still covered by her arm. Her mouth was open, lips slightly parted and her chest was heaving in concert with her deep, raspy breaths. She was ready for something and it wasn't just stroking her legs. Last time, she had let us brush our hands over her panties and she had let me do the same in the kitchen. What would she allow tonight?

I pulled Mom's leg closer to me, lifting it up a bit. Gary did the same. A narrow, pink slit appeared, glistening with moisture. I ran my fingers up the inside of Mom's thigh, stopping short of Mom's pussy, and Gary traced the same path along his thigh. I pressed in on Mom's thigh, into that hollow part inside leg just before the leg ends. The slit widened and then again as Gary followed suit, turning into a pink gash.

I pressed forward, the tip of my index finger riding point. I reached my goal and ran my fingertip up and down, testing the moistness of that maternal slit, pulling the lip on my side apart. Gary joined me and repeated my actions exactly. We took turns running our fingertip up and down Mom's wet slit, holding it apart for each other. Mom's breath was now coming in ragged gasps. On my turn, I inserted my finger inside up to the first knuckle and paused, waiting for my friend. Gary inserted his finger below mine and then, together, we pushed inside, and kept pushing until we couldn't go any farther.

We fingered Mom. In and out, in and out, slowly, then faster, then slowly again. We moved our fingers so they were side by side instead of top and bottom. Mom moaned aloud when we first did this. Her tits were heaving and it was me again who first leaned forward to cover a nightgown-covered nipple with my mouth. Gary's head quickly joined mine on Mom's chest and he began sucking with gay abandon on Mom's tit.

I was surprised how long Mom took to come. At first, I thought she was coming multiple times based on the sounds she was making, but she didn't slow down. Her pussy was grinding in response to our manipulations. Then, I thought we weren't doing enough and I inserted my middle finger too, and was soon joined by Gary's longest digit.

Four fingers now gently fucked Mom's pussy. I alternated between long hard sucks and rapid flicks of my tongue across her stiff nipple. Mom's nightgown was so wet with my saliva, it was like a second skin. She was moaning constantly now and her hips suddenly began bucking wildly. I knew for certain when she came because our fingers were flooded with a deluge of slippery fluid and her bucking slowly subsided, punctuated by brief, harsh relapses.

Finally she was still. I pulled my head up, as did Gary, and marveled at how her nipples were still trying to poke through her nightgown. I was surprised that Mom's arm was off her face and that she was regarding us without embarrassment. Gary and I were breathing harshly.

"That was very nice boys," Mom's voice was almost a whisper, but not quite. "Why don't you undo your jeans?" she suggested.

Gary and I were surprised by her request but quickly undid our belts and zippers, excited by her husky breath.

"Kneel beside me," Mom said. Then, when we had complied, she added, "Push your pants right down."

We obliged and laughed in embarrassment when our hard cocks sprung out, hanging over Mom's belly. Mom took us each in hand and slowly began sliding her soft hands up and down our shafts, applying exactly the same manipulations to each cock, whether stroking or swirling her fingers and palms over our tender heads. We didn't take nearly as long to come as Mom. Within minutes, we were both spilling our stringy seed all over her belly. Mom got up when our last spurts were done. She pushed her nightgown down and calmly wrapped her robe around herself and tied it.

Looking at Gary, Mom laughed quietly and said, "It should be easier for you to get out of the house without a wet spot on your jeans."

With our cum still wet on her belly, Mom told us to pull up our pants and she'd walk downstairs with us. Gary said goodnight to my father and asked who was winning the game. I guess he felt guilty and, like a novice perpetrator, called attention to himself so he could brazenly display his innocence. Mom stood next to me in her robe and when Gary was gone, told Dad she was going to have a quick shower and go to bed. Dad's only acknowledgement was a quick nod without even looking Mom's way; he wasn't happy that Gary disturbed his game. I was lying in my bed when I heard the shower start. I was so exhausted, I fell asleep even though it was early.

Monday, Mom insisted that I sit in the middle. Gary was heartbroken since he now expected to have the favored seat. My delight quickly faded, however, when I looked down to see Mom wearing jeans. Gary and I had been so intent jostling for position that neither of us had noticed that Mom wasn't wearing a dress. I had been waiting outside by the car to secure the favored spot so I hadn't seen Mom after she had gone up after breakfast to dress.

I wasn't sure what to do so I kept my hands to myself. Gary made sure I was aware of the smartass smirk he had painted heavily across his face. Mom backed out of the driveway, changed from reverse to drive, and the car gained speed down our street. Gary's smirk disappeared when Mom's hand dropped from the gearshift onto my hand, lifted it, and dropped it onto her thigh. Envy appeared when Mom's hand pushed mine between her legs before regripping the steering wheel. I rubbed the inside of her thigh all the way to school.

On the way home Mom once again insisted that I sit in the middle. Again, she took my hand once we were underway and pushed it between her legs. It was Gary's turn to watch again and I reveled in his jealousy when I twisted my hand from Mom's thigh so I could cup her pussy. Mom's only response was to open her knees slightly to accommodate my embrace.

That's the way the rest of the week played out. Mom wore jeans all week. Gary tried to sit in the middle every time and once, I felt sorry for him, so I held the door open so he could play too. But Mom wouldn't have it. She made him back out so I could take his place. Except for Friday.

Mom offered us a ride even though she was going shopping and not to work. She took a detour to that house she had shown us before, driving down the back lane and parking behind the shed against the back fence of the house next door. She got out and stood close to the power pole positioned on the property line between the two houses, leaving no room for us to stand on either side of her. Despite being last out of the car, I managed to grab the spot beside her. We stood for a couple of minutes, looking at the house.

"It's such a lovely back yard," Mom said, admiring the gardens. "It's so beautiful. I don't know how they keep it up so nice," she mused. "You'd think they were retired and home all day instead of being working stiffs like us."

Gary and I both nodded, listening and eager to please, though neither of us could give a rat's ass about the garden. Mom leaned close to me and slipped her arm around my back at waist level. I put mine around her shoulder. Gary looked smitten, being left out.

That was nothing to the look on his face when Mom started to unbuckle my belt. Both of us looked down, stunned. As soon as the belt was undone, Mom unzipped my jeans, adeptly twisted the snap undone and fished my cock out of my pants. Without hesitation, she started jacking my cock. My head swiveled around. After making sure nobody was coming down the lane, or hanging out in their backyard, I peered intently at the back windows of the houses near us for any sign that we were being observed.

Gary hadn't stopped watching what Mom was doing and she was still commenting on how lovely the yard was, how she liked this flower and that, and wondering what the plant in the far corner was, wouldn't it look great in our yard? All the time, she was wanking my now very hard cock, faster and faster. Her hand was moving quickly, blazing away. Mom leaned in tight to my chest, finally looking down to concentrate on what she was doing.

Wham! Spurt, spurt, spurt. My cum shot way out, all the way to the fence. The new Tom Sawyer applying his own brand of white wash. Gary was shocked. So was I. Mom let go and turned away.

"We better get going or you'll both be late for school."

I stood there, reeling from this wonderful experience, cock still hanging out for anyone to see, suddenly seeming more exposed now that Mom had let go. Gary, recovering from the realization that he wasn't to receive the same treatment, was standing by the car, holding the door open for me. Mom honked the horn. Panicked, I turned away, stuffing my spent cock into my pants, shuffling hunched over to the car. As we drove slowly down the lane, I frantically scanned the houses to see if anyone had witnessed this bizarre event.

Mom told us she couldn't pick us up that afternoon. I barely heard her but Gary was crushed. Obviously, he must have been hoping that his turn was to come on the way home. To top it off, Mom didn't invite him for dinner on Saturday.
* * *​

Gary showed up at our place Saturday night after dinner. He hadn't told me he was coming over and looked a bit awkward at the door when Mom answered. She made him feel welcome though.

"Gary, how nice to see you," Mom greeted him cheerily. "Evan's in his room," she said, turning as she heard me coming down the stairs.

"I thought you might want to play the new game," Gary said as he stepped into the house, coloring slightly and glancing at Mom. "The computer game," he explained further.

"You boys better get going," Mom chided us, reacting to my father's impatient glance, not happy with us disturbing his game.

I nodded and started up the stairs. I had to pull Gary by the arm. He was watching Mom walk into the kitchen. You would have thought she was naked the way his eyes bore into her rather than dressed in a long, dark brown pleated skirt that fell below her knees. I could understand his fixation. I hadn't been able to avoid looking at Mom myself that day but the focus of my attention was on the pale yellow blouse she was wearing. It was one of the criss-cross affairs that wonderfully emphasize a woman's mammarian assets.

I was pretty worked up myself, having observed Mom all day but Gary was probably beside himself thinking about what happened to me Friday morning, and not himself. I bet he couldn't get the picture of Mom's delicate fingers wrapped around my pole, wanking and wanking. I had to steady him once as we walked up the stairs, just as Mom disappeared into the kitchen.

We made a pretty dismal pretense of playing on the computer. We put the game on, just so it would be on screen in case Mom came in but then we just sat around like a couple losers waiting to be activated. Quite pathetic really.

"Go see if she's coming," Gary finally cried in desperation, stating out loud what we'd both been thinking for over an hour.

"I can't just go down and ask Mom if she's coming up to my room, moron. What do you want me to say, Can you come up and play, Mom? Gary and I are getting really horny."

"Fuck off," Gary replied. "Just go down and start making some hot chocolate or something. Then I'll yell down that it's your turn and you come running but ask her if she'll bring it up when it's finished."

Not bad, I thought. Gary was little, but he was a thinker. I found myself in the kitchen two minutes later with the kettle plugged in. Mom wandered in from the living room and sidled up to me where I was waiting by the counter. I was very encouraged when she leaned her hip against mine. Looking down at the pale yellow blouse that tightly wrapped her individual breasts, I immediately began to stir.

"What are you boys up to?' Mom's husky voice inquired. I straightened another notch at the first sultry note.

"Oh, playing our new game," I replied, emphasizing the last word as I put my arm around Mom's shoulder.

"Oh really?" Mom's voice rose a teasing octave. "Just the two of you?"

I leaned over and kissed the top of Mom's head, pulling on her shoulder to squeeze her close. "It would be more fun with another player," I suggested.

"But only one can play at a time on the computer anyway," Mom taunted, turning away and starting toward the door.

Afraid she would leave before Gary called me—where was that dolt?—I sprang forward and grabbled both of Mom's shoulders, pulling her back. My momentum carried me forward and my emboldened groin pressed into the soft folds of her pleated skirt. We were standing near the doorway. Another step and we would be in my father's line of sight.

Mom stood still. I let my hands fall down the outside of Mom's arms until just below her elbows where I transferred my hold onto her hips, tugging her closer, not to get her farther from escape through the doorway but to press her ass tighter against my bulging jeans.

"Mom," I whispered hoarsely.

Mom whirled around in my arms, I suppose to still my voice so close to my father. I felt lightheaded with her so close and the memory of her hand on me filled my mind.

"Mom," I repeated, my hands on her hips sliding up to cup the sides of her full breasts over that magnificant blouse.


I reeled backward, stunned! She had slapped me. Hard. I stared at her, shocked. She wheeled around and was in the middle of the doorway when Gary called.

"Evan. It's your turn."

The kettle began to whistle behind me. I turned, groggy, and watched steam billowing from the kettle and spreading out under the cupboard, then folding around and rising to the ceiling. I stumbled toward it and pulled the plug just as it began screaming at full pitch, matching the sound inside my head. What the fuck? I ignored the two waiting mugs, already prepped with hot chocolate powder.

"Evan!" Gary yelled again.

I stumbled out of the kitchen, avoiding the living room where I was sure Mom had gone. I crashed through my partly open bedroom door and whirled around to shut the door, leaning my back against it.

"What happened?" Gary asked, surprised.

"Mom slapped me," I replied numbly.

"She slapped you?"

"Yeah." I was almost in tears.

"Why? What did you do?"

I shook my head and stumbled to the bed, flopping down onto my back, raising my hands to my head, covering my face.

"What did you do?" Gary repeated. I shook my head.

"I don't believe it. You fucked it up. You fucked it all up," he accused.

I turned my head away from him. My face stung. Mom had really walloped me. She must have really meant it, must be really mad. Tears welled up and fell onto my cheeks.

"You fucked it up," Gary's voice evoked despair now rather than anger. "You fucked it up."

Oh, fuck off, I thought, turning further away, too depressed to voice my feeling. I heard my door open and softly click shut. Gary was gone. I heard him say goodnight and a begrudging reply from my father. There was no reply from Mom.​
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