Page 06

"Go upstairs and do your homework, now," Mom said.

"I can help you with the dishes," I said.

"No, I don't need your help."

"I insist. You can't do them all by yourself."

"Evan. I said, go do you homework."

Mom's abruptness made me stand back, my fondling hand falling to my side. I did as she said.

Mom didn't come to visit me that night.
* * *​

Gary was at our house early the next morning. He was ready to fondle Mom all the way to school but I didn't give him permission, though he asked twice. When Mom pulled into the mall, nearly empty this early in the morning, I instructed her to park off to the side away from the few cars that were there and far from the storefronts.

"Wait here," I told Gary, leaving him standing beside the open door. I walked around the front of the car and approached Mom's open window. I leaned down on my elbows beside her.

"Take off your panties."

Mom looked at me, surprised by my instruction and my tone. "What?" she asked. Gary was staring at me over the roof of the car.

I didn't repeat myself. I just looked at her. Her hands dropped to her lap and pulled her skirt up. Gary leaned down and peered inside. Mom had her skirt up as far as it would go. She pushed down on her feet and pressed her back into the seat, lifting her ass from the cushion. When she sat back down, her hands emerged from her skirt tugging her panties down her thighs. Gary was mesmerized. This, I could tell, made up for his lack of play time on the drive over here. Mom had difficulty in the cramped space behind the wheel getting the pale blue panties over her knees and off her feet but she managed it. She didn't look when she handed the panties to me. I shoved them into the front pocket of my jeans.

I leaned down and whispered to Mom. "I want you to be a little late this afternoon."

Mom looked at me then, comprehension growing in her eyes. I leaned in and kissed her, full on the mouth. "Park here and wait for us to come to you," I said.

I walked away and Gary scrambled to catch up.

Mom did as I asked. Gary was antsy as hell, worrying that she wouldn't come. He was pretty worked up when Mom finally showed up and parked way off. He kept trying to hurry me but I sauntered to the car. He waited for me, sensing that it wouldn't turn out well if he ran ahead. Gary asked permission to sit beside Mom and slid in quickly as soon as it was granted. I left the passenger door open and walked around to Mom's window. I leaned in a gave her a quick kiss on her lips.

"Pull your skirt up."

Mom pulled her skirt up to the top of her thighs.

"Higher," I insisted.

She pulled it up, exposing the hair covering her pussy.

"Open your legs more."

Mom obeyed.

I looked at Gary. "Don't touch her."

I walked away, taking my time. I went into the grocery store, got a cold pop and went to the counter where Ben was working even though it wasn't the express lane. I finished paying, looked Ben in the eye, and said, "Mom says hi."

I walked even more slowly back to the car, swigging my coke, knowing eager eyes were watching my progress intently. The car door was still open. I stopped beside Mom's window and offered her the coke. She shook her head but I put it to her lips anyway and tipped it up. Mom gulped but a little spilled over her lips and ran down her chin. I walked around the car and got in the other side. Both Gary and Mom were breathing rapidy. Mom's skirt was still high, her pussy fully exposed.

"Let's go," I said.

I didn't let Gary touch Mom all the way home and, since Dad wasn't there, I made Mom stay in the car with her legs open wide. Gary was waiting, knowing that now I would let him touch her. I didn't. I opened the door and took Mom's hand, helping her out of the car.

"Go home," I curtly instructed Gary.

Dad drove into the driveway just as Gary was closing the door. Mom fumbled with the keys at the door. I took them from her trembling fingers and opened the door.

"That was cruel, Evan," Mom said as we stepped into the house. "I didn't know you had a mean streak in you."

"Neither did I," I replied matter-of-factly. I didn't bother to defend myself.

Looking out the door, I saw Dad talking to Gary who was standing rather awkwardly, facing away from my father as he talked, for obvious reasons. I pushed the door partly closed, leaned toward Mom to curl my left hand around her waist, and kissed her, cupping her the bottom of her breast with my right. I held on to her when the kiss was done. "You taste good. Are you wet?"

The way Mom's body stiffened in response to my bold question, I knew she didn't wouldn't answer and was angry that I'd had the gall to ask. Her breathing told me what I wanted to know anyway.

"Goodnight, Mr. G."

I didn't hear Dad's response but I let go of Mom and bolted up the stairs. Mom avoided me that night.
* * *​

Wednesday morning. I waited until Dad had left for work before suggesting that Mom change into her tight jeans, the ones that made the men turn and look at her after she walked by.

"They don't," Mom rejected my claim.

"They do," I repeated.


"Do," I insisted. "Put them on and see what happens today."

Mom returned wearing a nice tight pair of jeans topped by yet another criss-cross blouse. How many of those did she have? She had to know the effect they had on Gary and me. Her nipples were muted by some kind of stretchy bra worn underneath but the structure of the blouse accented the shape of each breast. That blouse really made me want to touch them. Why not? I thought. I whistled as Mom bottomed the stairs and walked toward me where I was waiting by the door.

"You look awesome in those jeans, Mom."

"You're just saying that because I'm your Mom," she smiled. "Come on, let's go," she urged when I remained standing in front of the door, blocking her exit.

"There's something I want to do first, before we go."

"What?" Mom stamped her foot playfully.

"This," I answered, taking posession of both breasts, holding their supple weight in my palms and gently massaging them between my fingers underneath and my thumbs scraping over the tops.

"Your friend's waiting," Mom admonished me.

"Let him wait." My guy stiffened in my jeans.

Mom sighed. "We'll be late, Evan."

"All right." I leaned down an gave Mom a nice kiss. "You're the most awesome Mom in the world."

I opened the door.

"Try not to be so mean to Gary today," Mom pleaded.

At first, Gary was as impressed as I was when he saw Mom in those jeans but in the car he realized that there was no skirt to slide his hands under. Despite Mom's plea, I didn't offer to fix the problem for him.

"Do we have time to take another look at that house, Mom?" I asked.

"We can make time if that's what you want to do," Mom replied.

"Good. Then let's go."

I really liked it when Mom acted like I was boss. Just the way she responded made my cock hard and I could tell it excited Gary too. I mean, I'm sure he'd rather be the one she was submitting to but he was getting off on the fact that she was putting herself in anyone's control. The simplest acquiescent act was highly erotic, like the way she opened her legs a little wider the day before when I told her to.

Mom drove quickly to the house and I didn't have to tell her to go down the lane in back. She drove right up to the corrner of the lot, behind the neighbor's shed, and turned the car off. Mom waited for instructions.

"Did you want to get out and look?" Gary asked.

"Shhhhhh. Be quiet," I said.

Nobody said anything for thirty seconds.

"Show Gary how that blouse works, Mom," I spoke quietly.

"How my blouse works?"

"Yeah, the way it crosses over like that."

"Well, one side goes over," Mom waved her hand in front of her chest, "and the other comes back over top of it." She waved her hand back the other way.

"Yeah, I know. But show him, so he can understand how it lifts and separates your breast to make them look so awesome. They're awesome, right Gary?"

"Yeah. Awesome."

"They can't look like that naturally, can they?" I voiced the question as a statement. "It must be the blouse." I waved my hand at Mom. "Show him how it works."

Mom looked at me quizzically, not understanding what I wanted her to do.

"Undo it," I said.

Comprehension flickered over Mom's face. Dutifully, she began undoing her blouse. Gary and I watched intently as her blouse loosened, first one side, then the other.

"Pull it apart," I whispered.

Mom pulled the blouse apart, exposing her breasts covered in an uplifting bra.

"Hmmmm," I mumbled. "They're still unnaturally perky. Open the bra."

Mom removed her bra. Her tits sagged a little onto her stomach but they actually seemed to stand out more, freed from the confines of the bra. Her nipples definitely stood up to be counted.

"Wow," I whispered. "I was wrong. They're even more awesome on their own."

Gary agreed. "I've never seen any so good."

"Touch them for me," I instructed him. "Tell me how they feel."

Gary reached out and took the closest breast in his hand, sliding his closed fingers and palm underneath and hooking his thumb above the nipple, then closing to squeeze it between.

"It feels beautiful," he said. "Soft but firm." His hand was milking Mom's nipple which was noticeably stiffening from the attention.

"You can have one kiss. Then we have to go. Quickly now," I looked behind us. "There's someone coming down the lane."

Gary immediately dipped his head and captured Mom's stiff nipple in his mouth, his cheeks hollowing as he sucked. Mom looked into the mirror to confirm my comment about the approaching intruder. Her eyes widened slightly as she saw that I spoke the truth.

"Suck, Gary, suck," I urged. "Quickly. She's almost here."

He slobbered on Mom's tit, audibly drawing her nipple into his mouth.

"Enough," I yelled.

Mom pushed Gary's head off her tit and started the car, throwing it into drive and peeling out down the lane. She almost turned onto the street before realizing her tits were flapping free. Flustered, she pulled her bra over her breasts, quickly adjusting for mininum comfort, and deftly refastened her blouse. We were gone. We were late. Mom drove us directly to school.

The ride home later that afternoon was uneventful. I didn't allow Mom to be fondled but queried her extensively on how many men looked at her butt and her boobs. Evidently, quite a few had taken advantage of opportune moments to sneak a look. When Gary got out of the car, I reminded him to come over about eight to play on the computer. Mom looked surprised, so I reminded her that she told Dad she would monitor our play on Wednesday nights.

In the house, Mom went upstairs right away. "Your father will wonder what I was thinking going to work dressed like this," she explained. I didn't follow her, mainly because Dad drove in just then.

Gary arrived promptly at eight. He seemed pleased to see Mom in a skirt again but disappointed that she was wearing an ordinary, white blouse that didn't shape her tits. We headed straight upstairs. Halfway up the stairs, I called down to Mom.

"You can come and watch us, if you think you really have to."

Dad glanced toward the kitchen, where Mom was, then looked at us and smiled before returning to his book. We had only played one round apiece when we heard footsteps approaching, sooner than I had expected. We must have excited Mom over the past few days. Was she keen to have her tits touched some more? My boner was already starting to to grow and I'm sure Gary's was too. There was a brief knock before the door opened.

"Let's see what this game is all about," Dad's gruff voice bellowed.

Right then, you could have sucked me off and called me dusty. And I expect the same held true for Gary.

Dad watched us play. Gary and I took turns playing and explaining the game to Dad. By the time Mom arrived with a tray full of mugs of hot chocolate and cookies, Dad was playing himself and managing to stay alive while Gary and I stood on either side of him. He didn't appear to think the game was so stupid now; he'd been playing for over half an hour.

Mom set the tray down on my desk and offered a mug to Dad but he waved it off without looking up. Mom shrugged and handed it to Gary, another to me, and then took one for herself. She sat down on the edge of my bed near the foot, behind Dad's left shoulder. I was on the far side of Dad behind his right shoulder and could easily watch Mom nibbling her large peanut butter cookie. Gary's back was turned toward Mom but he rectified that when he saw where I was looking.

With a mug in one hand and a cookie in the other, Mom wasn't able to pull her housecoat together—she had changed into her bed clothes—after it split over her crossed legs. The split was quite high on Mom's thigh and the robe held together only because of the belt cinched tightly around her waist.

Mom's smile widened when Gary's head swiveled around and it didn't disappear even when she bit into her cookie. After that was gone, Mom took a big drink of hot chocolate and laughed quietly, as if we were sharing a private joke, when the mug tipped so high it left a brown, foamy ring around her mouth. Her tongue slipped out and slowly swirled around her lips in exaggerated fashion to clean it away. Only then did I notice that, though she had changed into her night clothes ready for bed, Mom had applied fresh lipstick.

Mom leaned over and placed her unfinished mug on my dresser, then leaned back on the bed, sretching one leg straight out in the air and casually twisting her foot left and right before allowing it to relax. She made a point of fixing her robe but managed to actually loosen it, revealing a very sexy nightie curling over the swells of her breasts. When she turned slightly to the side, we even saw the round bottom of her right tit as it swept up and away from her chest, but only for a moment because she quickly closed it, acting as if she'd made an innocent mistake. Then she turned her legs away from us and lifted the bottom of her robe up, exposing her entire left leg and the fact that she was wearing panties with no side panels at all. All we could see was a brief flash of a narrow band circling her waist.

Dad died but quickly began playing again.

Mom swiveled her legs toward us and adusted the belt on her robe again. Then she placed both hands flat on the bed behind her and leaned back on her braced arms, arching her back as she stretched. The robe fell away and her breasts appeared, covered only by the flimsy nightgown, their heavy roundness straining against the fabric, nipples threatening to rip right through it.

"Damn!" Dad lost his first man.

Mom sat up, carelessly leaving her robe open. She looked down and examined her right breast, pulled the robe open even wider with her right hand and then slipped her left hand underneath it, lifting it up for a close examination.


Dad lost another guy.

Mom looked up and smiled, dropped her breast and stood. Picking up her mug, she walked over to my desk and put it on the tray beside the full one Dad hadn't touched. Lifting the tray, she turned to us and held the tray out for us to put our empty mugs on it. She was now in Dad's line of sight, standing slightly to the left and in front of him, but her robe was still carelessly left wide open and her right tit, the one she had examined so closely, was hanging almost completely free of the nightgown. Gary and I stood with our mouths open as my smiling Mom stood, robe open and one tit nearly fully exposed, waiting for us to put our mugs on the tray. Mom pushed the tray toward us to prompt us into action. She was laughing quietly when she left the room.

Mom returned about fifteen minutes later, her long robe cinched respectably tight.

"That's enough, dear. Let the boys play for awhile now." Mom took Dad's left arm and pulled, maintaining her upward pressure until Dad stood up.

"That's quite a fun game," Dad spoke for the first time in over an hour. "I can see why you play it so much."

"That's right," Mom said. "It's addictive, and that's why I'm going to shut the boys down in half an hour. You go get ready for bed, dear. I'll be there in a bit."

Mom gave Dad a kiss on his cheek. "You're just a kid at heart aren't you. You should get a good night's sleep if you're meeting with the boss first thing tomorrow," Mom reminded Dad about the big meeting he'd talked about at supper.

She shooed him out of the room and waited he went into their room, then pushed the door almost closed. She walked over to my bed and sat down on the edge. Neither I nor Gary had taken my father's seat. We still stood on either side of the chair. Mom looked at us while she unhurriedly untied the belt on her robe. When it was loose, she leaned back on her arms, smiling when shock swept across our faces as the robe fell away and we saw that the revealing nightgown was no longer there. She must have taken it off when she left the room. Gary and I stared at Mom's upstretched tits, capped by a pair of healthy nipples.

"You didn't seem overly interested in your father's game, Evan. Whatever were you looking at?" Mom's cheeky voice purred. She turned toward Gary. "And you Gary, where was your mind?" Mom opened her legs enough to cause the robe to spill from her thighs, revealing a narrow strip of panties that barely covered her pussy and widened only slightly before meeting the narrow band circling her waist above her hip bones. The panties were stretched tightly over her pubes, sinking between to clearly outline their feminine structure. Mom smiled and followed our eyes to her pulsing pubes.

"Oh, look at that," she said, stretching languidly back, arching her back and lifting her hips, thrusting herself even tighter into her panties. "Can you fix that for me Gary?"

Gary simply stared, frozen in place, as was I.

"Pull them out a bit for me," Mom clarified her wish.

Gary moved toward Mom until her was right in front of her, between her open legs. Slowly, he fell to his knees. I shuffled ahead so I could watch. Tentatively, Gary reached out and pinched the leg of Mom's panties between his fingers.

"That's it," Mom purred. "Pull them out."

Gary tugged lightly at Mom's panties. She reached out and put her hand on his head, palm against his forehead and fingers in his hair, as if to stop him. She looked up at me and smiled seductively.

"Is it all right, Evan, if your friend fixes my panties for me?"

I nodded. My mouth was too dry to speak.

"Go ahead, then," Mom whispered, tugging Gary's head slightly forward and glancing toward the hallway through the slit in my partly open door.

Gary tugged and tugged but each time the panties snapped back into place, embedding themselves even deeper between Mom's pubes.

"Slide you finger inside and then pull," Mom advised.

Gary crooked his index finger and, from the right side, slipped it under Mom's panties, across her bare pussy. My cock was shoving hard against my jeans and, barely realizing what I was doing, I loosened my belt and unsnapped the button to relieve the pressure. Gary was tugging away but the panties weren't cooperating. He didn't seem too concerned. In fact, he seemed quite happy moving his finger around inside Mom's panties.

"A big, strong boy like you should be able to pull harder than that," Mom cooed.

Gary tugged harder but Mom's panties still didn't give. He gave another yank just as Mom lifted her hips. The panties were suddenly halfway down Mom's thighs.

"Well, I never," Mom sounded surprised. "Well, if you're going to do that, you may as well take them all the way off," Mom husked, closing her thighs.

Gary pulled Mom's panties down and over her knees, then slid them down her calves and over her ankles. Mom lifted her feet, pointing her toes down to let her slippers fall to the floor. As soon as the panties were clear, Mom opened her legs and, still holding Gary by the hair, pulled him closer.​
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