Page 02
"Tomorrow, I need to start studying for my history exam," I announced.
She nodded her head, springing new life into my young cock. She squeezed it in her mouth.
"Dad's already gone to bed," I stated for good measure, trying to keep her there as my cock swelled and hardened in her mouth.
She nodded again, the action sliding her mouth over my cock. I grasped her head more tightly, thrusting gently, fucking her sweet mouth for the second time in ten minutes, for the second time in my life.
Well friends, that's it for now. I'll tell you more about me and Mom in my next letter. In the meantime, I look forward to reading your stories.
Hi everyone. Frank here. First, thanks for all the letters. I can't tell you how much I look forward to receiving your letters. They were so interesting that I doubt you remember my story. My mom had offered to help me study for exams, something she'd never done before. I think she really did it to keep me away from Donna, a girl a little older than me who I had deceived my mother into thinking was interested in me sexually. This led to Mom flirting with me, teasing me with her legs, allowing me to look down her blouse and even touch her breasts and her panties, culminating in her taking my cock into her mouth in my room while we were supposedly studying.
I'm not sure whether Mom had got carried away with the taboo excitement of being sexual with her son, especially when my father was so close by, or if she was willing to do whatever to keep me away from a woman she thought would lead me astray before finishing college. It didn't matter to me, as long as she let me touch her and put my cock in her mouth again. I wanted her all the time now. I couldn't look at her without getting a hard on.
Like the very next day at breakfast. Dad read the newspaper, as usual, while Mom bustled around the kitchen. That left me free to constantly follow Mom's every move. She wasn't dressed any differently than normal but I could still see her legs, her slender bare arms, and the hints of her breast moving under her dress. Mom did seem to pay more attention to me. She smiled at me every time she brought something to the table and would glance my way when she stretched up to get something from a cupboard, pulling her dress tightly against her body, knelt down to retrieve an item from a lower cupboard, allowing her house dress to ride up on her thigh, or bent over to reach into a bottom drawer. Or was it just my imagination?
She finally joined us at the table. Dad, having long finished eating, had buried his nose in the paper. Mom noticed that I had waited to eat with her, something I hadn't done before. She seemed very pleased, rewarding me with an extra sparkly-eyed smile and a pat on my knee.
"Thank you, dear. That's so nice of you."
"What?" father asked, without lowering his paper.
"Nothing dear. I was talking to Frank," Mom answered, trying to speak and swallow her cereal at the same time, some milk spilling out and dribbling down her chin. She pushed her chin out so the milk wouldn't drip on her dress.
Instinctively, I reached out and caught the little rivulet of milk before it fell, dragging it back up my mother's chin with my finger and returning it to my her lips. Mom gave me an appreciative look. And then I did it ... I pushed my luck. Looking into her eyes, I deliberately poked my finger through her lips into her mouth. She didn't do anything except glance at my father, without turning her face away or moving her head. When her eyes returned to mine, I pushed my finger right in, feeling it slide along her tongue. She let me do it and didn't glance away again. When she started to gag a bit I quickly pulled my finger back. Mom closed her mouth around it, her cheeks caving in as she sucked it briefly, before releasing it to form a smile. As I pulled my hand away, Mom spoke again, "Thank you, dear. That was nice of you too."
"What?" my father asked again, not really paying attention. No one answered him.
When we were leaving, Mom asked if I wanted her to help me study again, because if I did, she would skip her girls night out. I protested that she shouldn't do that but she insisted, saying that she and Dad thought my school work had always been a high priority for them. As we walked away, Mom called me back, "Come here, Frank. You've got some breakfast on your mouth, dear."
Mom wiped the corner of my mouth as Dad continued on to the car, then slipped her finger into my mouth, a curious smile on her pouting lips, then stretched up on her toes and replaced her finger with a quick kiss on my own lips.
"Don't go to Donna's, I'll help you study tonight."
She watched us as we backed down the driveway and waved as we drove away. On the way to school, Dad offered to speak to Mom if I would be better studying on my own or with other students, but I assured him that studying with Mom was actually way better than with other students because she didn't assume anything and asked all sorts of things that other student's wouldn't, so I really had to know my stuff.
"Ok, well that's great, son."
I couldn't concentrate at all that day. I thought about Mom all day long and couldn't wait to get home. I really wanted to skip my evening class but couldn't think of a way to justify it, and was afraid to jeopardize anything with Mom because I knew she actually meant it when she said my schooling was a high priority for her.
When I finally got home, Mom had waited to eat with me. We sat together in the kitchen, kitty corner rather than at each end of the table, while Dad watched a game on TV. A couple of times during our meal, we each made a production of wiping some allegedly spied food from the other's mouth, followed by almost secretive smiles. Mom asked me about the course I was studying for. After my monologue that lasted to the end of our meal, interrupted by only a few leading questions from Mom, she leaned toward me across the corner of the table and thanked me for my exposition, remarking how interesting the course was and how infective my enthusiasm was, all emphasized by the brush of her knee against mine which was what I really noticed.
Mom got up, placed her hand on my shoulder, and said, "You go up and get ready to study. I'll be up in a few minutes." She walked into the living to speak to Dad. When I passed through on my way upstairs, she was saying, "... so let me know if you want anything because I'm going to help Frank study for his history exam, and we can't have any interruptions once we start." I couldn't hear Dad's response but as I topped the stairs I heard Mom reply, "Ok. Is that all, because I'm not coming back down." I carried on to my room, my boner already starting.
In my room I stripped down to my boxer shorts and slipped into my housecoat, leaving the belt undone, spread my notes around on the bed, and waited for Mom. I tried not to rub my cock while I waited but couldn't help doing it a few times. It was at least fifteen minutes before Mom came in. She was wearing a silky, three quarter length kimono that covered nearly all of her but also clung to her figure, hinting at the delights underneath. To my disappointment, she didn't climb up on the bed as I had expected, as she'd done the last time. Instead, she pulled the chair near the bed and sat down, just as she'd done the first time we had studied. "Hand me your notes," she said in a firm, authoritative voice.
She glanced through my notes for several minutes and then started asking me questions. Half an hour later my dick was soft. Mom was actually serious about helping me study. After an hour, I complained that I needed a break. She seemed reluctant until I remarked that Donna wasn't such a hard task master. I thought that would make her angry, but it didn't. She just smiled and shifted her feet on the edge of the mattress, allowing her kimono to slip off her legs below her knees. I looked at her legs appreciatively, and didn't try to hide it.
"Speaking of Donna," she said, "I found a package of condoms in your drawer here today." She indicated my bedside table with a nod of her head. "Is she offering you something new to study with her?"
I was stunned. As far as I knew, Mom had never looked through my things. And since that package of rubbers had been there for almost a year, this must be a new thing for her if she'd just found them. Cagily, I replied, "I don't think it would be right for me to talk about that. You shouldn't be going through my drawers, anyway."
Mom ignored that. "I just want you to be aware of what you're doing. You should be careful, you don't want to make that girl pregnant. Those things aren't foolproof, you know."
"Mom, we talked about that before."
"Well anyway, I thought you liked studying with me. Don't you like studying with me?"
"Yeah Mom. At least I did before you started working me so hard."
"Just be patient, honey. I'll only quiz you for a little while longer." She stretched her right foot out to press it against my leg, twisting her foot to rub her sole on my thigh. "There's usually a reason for everything you know."
Mom had just started asking me questions again when we heard Dad coming up the stairs. Mom casually withdrew both feet from the bed, set them on the floor, and adjusted her kimono to cover her legs. There was a brief knock at my door and my father's head popped in.
"How's it going?" Dad asked, his eyes flitting between us, taking in our studious scene.
Mom finished asking her question then pointedly turned to Dad, "I said we shouldn't be interrupted. We're in the swing of things here."
"Oh, sorry." Dad mumbled apologetically. "I'm off to bed and I couldn't remember if Frank needed a ride tomorrow morning."
"Uh, no Dad," I replied, "I don't have any classes until 1:30 tomorrow."
"Oh, Ok son. Then I'll see you tomorrow night." Turning to Mom, he said, "See you in the morning, honey."
Mom nodded as Dad shut the door, repeating the question she had just asked me. As the sound of Dad's footsteps dwindled away, Mom replaced her feet on the bed, one reaching forward to rub my leg again. The kimono, seemingly of its own volition, fell away from her legs, but this time to well above her knee. Several more questions were directed my way, but the sight of Mom's legs robbed me of my concentration and my answers were faltering at best.
"Ok, mister. You need to buck up." Mom stood and crawled up onto the bed, straddling my legs and squatting on my knees. Her kimono was pulled apart, exposing her legs high on her thighs. My eyes stuck there.
"I guess I'll have to treat you like a little kid. If you answer correct three times in a row, you get a treat. One." And she asked the first question. After answering the third question correctly, Mom smiled, lifted herself and walked forward a few inches on her knees, settling her bum down on my thighs. "Ok, sweetie," she smiled, "Undo my belt for me."
Excitement coursed through me. I reached for her kimono belt and tugged on it. I didn't rip it open. I pulled slowly, wringing every bit I could out of the moment, like I was enjoying opening my present just as much as the present itself. Almost.
Mom smiled knowingly at me as I worked on her belt. "So, you've learned to savor what you work so hard for, have you?" She rocked her hips side to side, twisting her waist. I just kept at my task. Finally, the belt was undone. I started to pull her robe apart but she stopped me.
"Uh uh, three more questions, buddy."
Three more questions and I was reaching for her kimono again.
"Just one side," she said, blocking one hand.
I pulled her kimono to the side, revealing her torso, her almost flat belly, and her left breast covered by a pink, lacy bra.
The questions started again. I urged her to ask faster but she just smile and kept to the same pace. Once more my hand reached for her kimono, pulling the other half to the side. Now her bra-clad breasts were open to my eyes, as was all of her tummy, but the kimono was still closed over her pelvis.
Three more questions, not one wrong answer. My attention was certainly focused now. I used both hands to pull her kimono apart, revealing a matching set of pink panties. They were just a hammock held up by two strings reaching around her waist, the hammock itself covering her pussy and disappearing into the juncture of her thighs. No hair spilled out the sides despite its tiny size. The material was so thin, I could make out the lines of her pussy lips underneath.
"Do you like them?" she whispered.
I nodded, intensely. She asked three more questions, more quickly now. I reached up to undo her bra but she shook her head, and pulled my hands to her breasts outside the bra. I cupped her breasts, squeezed and kneaded them in my palms. When she started to ask me questions again, I shook my head. She relented, allowing me to fondle her breast for a few minutes more. Then came the questions. Again the perfect score.
I slid my hands down and deftly undid the bra. She didn't try to stop me. Her tits sprang out. As I grasped them in my hands, she shrugged her kimono off her shoulders and took her bra completely off. She arched her back as I fondled her tits, my thumb circling her nipples and squeezing them into the crook of my hands. She shifted forward, her crotch now almost touching mine. The questions came even faster now. I blew the third one.
Mom started over. I complained, "Mom, forget the questions."
"No. You have to answer," she insisted.
I blew the second question. Mom hadn't stopped me from touching her, my hands still held her tits.
"Frank!" Mom panted, "Is this all you want. Don't you want more?"
"Yes, yes," I cried.
"Then concentrate," she whispered harshly.
I mustered all my cognitive strength to answer three more.
"Finally," Mom smiled, her breathing quickened.
I continued squeezing her tits, manipulating her nipples, stretching them out, pushing them in, twisting them. I wasn't sure what my next reward would be. I wasn't sure what to do but Mom answered for me. She reached down to pull my housecoat apart, spreading it until my chest was bare all the way to my boxers and beyond. Looking down at my obvious erection, barely contained by my shorts, she laughed, a soft guttural sound.
"Oh. Someone's been studying very hard indeed."
Was she going to take it in her mouth again? She was. I could tell she was excited too. She was going to do it! Mom suddenly shifted forward, sitting right on top of my shorts, covering my hard dick. It was so warm and soft. She was rocking slightly to and fro.
"Does she do this for you? Hmmm? Does she?" Her hips were rocking.
I was just about to say, 'No, You're the best' when she looked over at the night table.
"She's going to let you fuck her, isn't she?" Her tempo increased
I didn't say anything. I didn't nod, but I didn't say no either, despite the truth of it. All I could think about was her pussy rubbing on my cock.
"But only through a piece of rubber." She reached over and pulled the drawer open, fumbling around inside. I thought she was going to take the rubbers away but her hand held my scissors instead. She swept my arms away from her tits and thrust the scissors in my hand. "Take them."
Dropping her hands to her side, she grasped the panty strings running over her hips. "Cut them," she commanded.
Shocked, I nevertheless cut the string on each side of her panties, confused, uncertain of what this was all about. She started rocking again. Looking into my eyes, she whispered, "You can pull my panties out if you want."
I reached down to grasp the patch of pink material she was calling panties.
She grasped my hand, stopping dead still. "But only if you leave those rubbers in your drawer and promise me you won't do anything with her."
There it was. She thought she was putting me in a real quandary. Without hesitation, I gasped, "I promise Mom." I tugged on her panties, trying to pull them out. "I promise, Mom."
I pulled harder. I could feel her lift her weight just before they broke free. I was holding her panties in one hand, looking down at her bare pussy, a tuft of hair atop her mound and a bare cleft below.
Mom reached down to manipulate my boxer shorts. My cock soon poked its head through the fly. Mom slid forward, directing her pussy onto my cock, pushing it flat on my stomach. She let her weight fall against it. She leaned into kiss me, a long soft kiss on my lips. Pulling back, she whispered, "Bareback is best, baby." She kissed me again, slipping her tongue inside before pulling away again. "And no girl out there is going to let you do that." She kissed me again, this time flooding my mouth with her swirling tongue. "You have to come home for bare pussy. Remember that."
Mom started fucking her wet pussy back and forth along my hard cock, bathing it in her juice. Mom didn't know it, but my cock had never been christened with cunt juice. This was its first bath. A moan escaped my lips.
"Oh yeah, baby likes that, doesn't he?" She rubbed harder. I nodded, my face red, panting, moaning.
"That's it. Fuck up against me." She was panting just as hard as me now. "Rub my wet pussy." She was gasping, we were gasping. "With your hard cock!"
On that, she suddenly burst into really rapid fuck movements, her hips churning. I matched her pace, trying to thrust my cock into her cunt but she kept it flat on my stomach, not letting me dip it down far enough to gain entrance. Her head fell back as she arched her back. "Oh, God!" she cried, not whispering, as her pussy began clenching my cock. That did it. I began spilling my spunk all over my stomach. I could feel myself getting even wetter as she came.
Mom collapsed forward against my chest. I held her for quite a while until she raised her head and latched her mouth on mine, her tongue instantly invading my mouth, digging around, retreating and attacking, a very long, hot kiss.
"Remember your promise," she reminded me when the kiss broke. "Remember yours," I fired back. She pulled her kimono back on, picked up her torn panties, and climbed off the bed. Smiling at me, she dropped the panties into my open drawer, "I will," she said calmly, then turned and walked out of my room to join my father in her bed.
I won't bore you with all the details, but Frank's idea of bareback, actually fucking her without a condom, didn't match his mother's. Bareback to her meant a repeat of their last tryst with her rubbing her soaking pussy on his uncovered cock. Not that this was bad. His mom made a habit of visiting his room and bringing both of them off. She sometimes allowed him to fondle her tits as she mashed her pussy around on his stiff rod until he shot his wad onto his own stomach.
But she wouldn't relinquish control. She always remained on top. His efforts to convince her to switch failed, as did his attempts to wrestle her onto her back. She invariably freed herself or blocked his goal with crossed legs, and she always punished him by leaving and not returning for the rest of that week. Frank fell into line despite his craving to lodge his pole inside his mom, something he couldn't do with her firmly in control on top of him.
When his mother last walked out on him, Frank decided to return to his original strategy, holding out the threat of Donna. He waited out his mother's absence for the rest of the week and then followed that by coming home late every night the following week, insisting he was 'studying' on his own at school, but making it clear he wasn't being entirely honest.
Finally, he stayed home one night but he avoided his mom, choosing instead to watch a game with his Dad. He declined his mom's offer for help studying, saying he was studied out. His mother left in a huff for the kitchen to start baking, something she often did when she was angry or needed to think about things. Frank still wasn't sure how to get her to let him be on top so he was simply delaying until he could figure out how to do it. He didn't want to blow it after going without for two weeks and he was sure if they were alone in his room, he wouldn't be able to resist her damp charms.