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The Mom Memories: Gerry's Story
I sent this letter after hearing about your group even though it's about my Aunt Janice. Aunt Janice is my Mom's younger sister by about five years but you can definitely tell they're sisters. Janice's hair is a darker red than Mom's almost blonde color, but other than that, they're quite similar. They are both quite pretty with slim yet well-endowed figures for their small frames which makes their waists seem even narrower.
Janice lived alone with her son. but that wasn't why men didn't want to become involved with such a pretty woman. Mervin was slow and all the men Janice met didn't want to be tied up with him. It was a shame, because she would definitely make some guy really happy, at least that's what I overheard my mom once say to my Dad. Mom went on to say that her sister had given up on men, considering them more trouble than they were worth, and certainly not worth the disruption they caused in her and Mervin's life. So my Aunt and my cousin lived alone in the city.
Mervin was almost as old a me and, like my mother and aunt, we looked enough alike to be mistaken for brothers. But Mervin was different. He was quite slow, always had been, but he was also very good natured and happy. He was a nice kid to be around but he had some odd behaviors which we tolerated as family but Janice's men friends couldn't handle, even Mervin's father who had run off so many years ago.
I always liked it when Janice came out from the city to visit us but I wasn't all that thrilled when Mom suggested I stay with her while I went to college instead of commuting fifty miles a day. It would save gas money, be cheaper than living in the dorms, and help Janice out, Mom said. I couldn't really argue. Mom's mind was made up.
So I ended up staying with Aunt Janice and Mervin in the our grandparent's old house that she and Mom had grown up in. It was one thing to visit, another to live together. I wasn't happy. That is, until I discovered that several nights a week Janice changed into turtle neck shirts in the evening, with seemingly nothing underneath.
The best part came when I found out why Aunt Janice, or just Janice as she now insisted I call her, preferred this kind of clothing. I had started to fantasize that she was flirting with me since she didn't dress like that when she was out during the day. I remembered Mom saying it wasn't healthy her shunning men for so long. Maybe she was lonely, and being in close proximity to someone more manly than Mervin was affecting her. But alas, my night time fantasies were just that, dreams.
We had been watching Mervin's favorite show on TV after a nice roast chicken dinner, with mashed potatoes and mashed turnips and carrots, a favorite of mine. Mervin was ready for bed, dressed in his pajamas, which he had to do or he couldn't watch his show. I had put on pajamas too at Janice's request so Mervin wouldn't make a fuss. During the last half hour of the show, Mervin shocked me by turning to his Mom as soon as the commercials started and touching her breasts.
Though stunned, at first I stared as he playfully poked at her loose breasts, but then I became embarrassed and looked away. Janice's face reddened as she pushed Mervin's hands away.
"Mervin," she whispered, "we talked about this. Now stop it."
Mervin laughed and batted at her ample breasts, giggling when they jostled about. His attention was focused on a new toy and I knew Janice's protests were futile, as I'm sure she did too. Nevertheless, she kept trying to keep her son at bay.
"Mervin. It's not polite to play this game in front of guests." Aunt Janice whispered intensely but quietly and directly to Mervin, reminding her son of a pact they had made but also trying to keep it between themselves.
As soon as his show started again, Mervin's pestering stopped and he showed no further interest in his mother's assets. But I sure did. I watched Janice from the corner of my eye as she sat on the couch between me and Mervin. Well, I guess to be honest, I looked at her chest. I tried to be circumspect but I think my aunt was aware of my attention. The two of us sat in uncomfortable silence while Mervin enjoyed his show.
During the next set of commercials, Mervin renewed his game. This time, I kept my eyes averted, which may have contributed to Janice's new tactic of silently suffering through his antics instead of fighting him off. Perhaps she figured this would draw less attention or he would lose interest more quickly. It was partially successful. Mervin giggled less but he still played with his mom's breasts, in a childish fashion, until his show started.
I noticed, through my sneaky peeks as we watched the TV, that though Mervin may have been playing a childish game, Janice had reacted. Her chest was rising and falling more rapidly, possibly due to her displeasure about her son putting us in such an awkward situation, but the two now prominent points poking through her turtleneck suggested another explanation.
The implications turned over in my mind until Mervin's show ended and he began complaining about having to go to bed but Janice soon had him on his way with a promise to come upstairs and tuck him in. So after a quick hug for me, Mervin bounded up the stairs. As soon as he was gone, Janice turned sheepishly toward me.
"I'm sorry about that, Gerry. I've tried everything under the sun to make Mervin stop doing this but he doesn't understand. I never should have let him start in the first place but he was quite sad last year and it was the only thing that made him smile. I thought he'd tire of it, like everything else, but he hasn't yet."
"That's ok, Aunt Janice. I don't mind." I was still a little embarrassed, though mostly because I was still acutely aware of my aunt's chest, and the way it now so strenuously filled her shirt.
"No, it's not right. I'll speak to Mervin about it." Janice started to get up from the couch but I put my hand out to stop her.
"No, Aunt Janice. Mervin shouldn't be uncomfortable in his own home. It's ok with me and I won't say anything to anybody. It's none of their business." The intensity in my voice surprised me.
Janice relaxed and smiled. "You're such a good boy." She gave me a quick peck on the cheek and then a hug which I very much enjoyed, especially the feel of her loose breasts pressing against my left shoulder and breast. She pulled away and smiled again, "I thought I told you to call me Janice."
She got up and went to tuck Mervin in bed. I watched her walk away, noting how her hips flared out from her narrow waist and how well the black material of her slacks molded over her buttocks, still shapely despite her age.
* * *
Nothing happened the next night which was disappointing because I had been looking forward to it all day. I thought Janice had spoken to Mervin but I was wrong. Evidently Mervin only played this game during his favorite show, and it was on only three nights a week. I found this out the next night when the show came on and Mervin began to play as soon as the first set of commercials started.
At first, I kept my eyes averted but when Mervin became quite rambunctious, I turned to look. I thought Janice would be embarrassed or angry but she simply put her hand down by her side on the couch to grasp mine, squeezed it and smiled, her face wearing an apologetic expression, mouthing a silent, "Thank you."
I was surprised. My aunt clearly appreciated my effort to not disturb Mervin in his own home and evidently felt slightly indebted. I eventually lost my shyness in watching Mervin play. Over the next two sets of commercials, I openly watched as he giggled and pushed his mother's breasts around. In between, I even took longer glances at my aunt's breasts, not bothering to hide my looks. Janice didn't seem to notice but I'm sure she was aware of my gaze. During the last set of commercials, Mervin got a little carried away. In his excitement, he pushed his mom's breasts around quite roughly.
"Mervin," I rebuked my cousin loudly. "Be careful with your mom. Be gentle."
Surprised, Mervin immediately settled down and started to lightly nudge Janice's breasts instead of mauling them.
"That's better," I said. "It isn't fun for your mom if you play too hard."
I reached across Janice to pat Mervin's shoulder but as I withdrew my hand he grabbed it and pushed it directly onto the breast nearest me. Shocked, my hand rested there a second or two before I tried to jerk it back but Mervin held it there, pressed tightly on her breast.
"Don't fight him, Gerry. It'll just make it worse." Janice's soft voice calmed the panic rising within me.
I relaxed and let my arm go limp. A few seconds later, Mervin pulled his hand off mine. I was about to pull my hand away when Janice said, "I hope you don't mind just playing along for a minute. He'll forget pretty quick."
Mind? Was she kidding? She had just asked me to touch her breast to make her kid happy. I was certainly happy to keep my hand there as long as she wanted, as long as I could. Mervin didn't pay any further attention to my hand but I didn't volunteer to remove it. Instead, I left it there, unmoving, as if it was frozen to my aunt's breast. When the show started its final segment, Mervin kept his hand pressed against the side of his mother's left breast, perhaps because mine was still resting on her right. So I kept mine there as the show played on.
After a few minutes, my hand 'thawed' and I enjoyed the fantastic sensation of my hand fitting like a glove over my aunt's tit and though I tried desperately not to move, my breathing nevertheless caused some motion. I turned to look at my aunt but this time she didn't meet my gaze. She just stared at the TV.
I too focused on Mervin's show. At some point, I became aware of something poking into my palm. Her nipple! Janice's tit was tightening under my loose grip and her nipple was stiffening into the tender skin of my palm. The tip of my cock tingled and excitement trickled through my growing boner. I was just getting up the courage to react, to maybe squeeze her breast, when the show ended. Janice rose quickly and chased Mervin up to bed ahead of her. She didn't come back down that night.
* * *
The next two days passed as if they were epochs. I couldn't wait for Mervin's show to come on and yet I dreaded it too. What would I do if Mervin didn't invite me to play?
I waited anxiously for the first set of commercials to start and was crushed when Mervin seemed content to jostle his mother's breasts around on his own. He was gentle, providing me with no excuse to interject for his mom's protection. I continued to be depressed through the next segment, wishing Mervin would get overexcited again during the second set of commercials.
But he didn't. He started quietly nudging Janice's left breast. My eyes wandered to the kitchen and I was about to get up to make some hot chocolate when I felt a tug on my arm.
"He doesn't want to play, Mervin," my aunt said. "Just play by yourself."
But Mervin, as always, was persistent, tugging harder on my arm.
"Mervin, leave him alone." Janice's voice grew stern.
Mervin ignored his mom and kept pulling at me. I turned toward Janice.
"You don't have to Gerry," she said, not looking at me.
"I don't mind, Aunt Janice," I replied, reaching over and depositing my hand lightly on her breast, half afraid she would push it away and half afraid she knew how eager I was to touch her.
Happy, Mervin continued lightly nudging his mother's breast, watching me for a minute but then losing interest. His hand went still as soon as his show started, barely brushing my aunt's breast. But I kept my hand resting heavily on Janice's breast and after a couple of minutes I let my hand change its shape until her tit was enclosed in my grasp, filling my hand. I turned to look at my aunt but she ignored my gaze and stared at the TV.
Slowly, so slowly, I tightened my grip, applying the slightest pressure but still purposely squeezing my aunt's tit. Almost immediately, I felt her nipple poke into my palm. Using as much restraint as I could muster, I gently kneaded Janice's tit. At one point, she looked over at her son, who was oblivious and focused on the show. Satisfied, she returned her gaze to the TV. She didn't look at me.
I continued my subtle manipulation, relishing in the feel of her stiff nipple poking at my hand, and even began pushing my palm against it, bending it off to the side a few times as I pressed too hard. Janice never protested but twice more she looked to see if Mervin noticed and then returned her eyes to the TV when she saw that he hadn't. My cock was rock hard by the time the show had ended. I was glad I'd worn my jeans and not changed into pajamas like the other nights. I felt a little guilty when the show ended and started to mumble an apology about getting carried away when she and Mervin stood up.
"Aunt Janice, I ..."
She leaned down and gave me a quick kiss on the cheek.
"I really do think it's time you just called me Janice," she whispered.
I was too stunned to reply and simply watched her body sway as she walked away, not really able to focus on any particular feature. She didn't come back downstairs that night which both surprised and disappointed me.
* * *
The next night was Saturday. Mervin's show wasn't on until Monday but he was keen to watch another show. As usual, Janice asked him to get into his pajamas beforehand and asked me if I would help by doing the same, which I did. I wanted to be helpful in any way I could, hoping for a repeat of Friday night on Monday, which seemed an eternity away.
When I came downstairs, Mervin was already seated and sampling the snacks Janice had laid out on the coffee table. I sat down at the other end of the couch, leaving just enough room for my aunt. Munching on a cookie and sipping from one of the mugs of hot chocolate, my ear was tuned toward the kitchen, waiting for signs of Janice's imminent arrival. The show started while her seat remained empty. After several minutes and still no Janice, I noticed there were only two mugs on the table, the one untouched in front of Mervin, and mine. There had also been no sound from the kitchen. Deflated, I realized that my aunt was probably not joining us tonight.
Then I heard footsteps coming down the stairs. Turning, I saw Janice dressed in flannel, men's style pajamas walking quietly toward us in bare feet. She stopped to turn off the kitchen and hallway lights leaving only the lamps on the tables at either end of the couch lighting the living room. My aunt looked so soft and feminine as she moved and my eyes stayed on her. She smiled at me as she negotiated the coffee table and sat down between us, the warmth of her thigh delighting me as it's softness pressed against mine.
Janice watched the show intently though she could hardly be more interested in its silliness than I. My eyes roamed over her pajamas, especially her chest. The flannel was soft, like her, but it performed a more capable job of confining her womanly assets than the turtlenecks Mervin, and now I, preferred. Still, the way her breasts rose and fell with her breathing managed to enthrall and I was surprised by my bold observation and her accommodation.
The commercials started and we all sat and watched. Mervin and his mother the TV, and I her. Nothing happened. Mervin knew this wasn't his special show but I almost sensed that Janice was waiting for something. Maybe it was just the tension in the air but I convinced myself it was so. During the last commercial before the show started again, I playfully nudged the side of my aunt's breast. She didn't respond but Mervin looked right away. Again, I bumped her breast but this time a little harder, visibly jostling it even through the cover of the thick flannel pajamas.
Mervin answered with a corresponding bump on the other breast. Several more bumps followed, accompanied by a couple of mild rebukes from my aunt, "Boys, boys."
When the show started a moment later, Mervin quit and glued his eyes to the TV but I kept my hand pressed to the side of Janice's right breast. As the show continued and Mervin's attention became ever more riveted, I opened my hand and slipped it further onto her breast, though still approaching from the side. My fingers cupped the underside, taking full measure of the weight of her meaty swell while my thumb coursed over the top of her stiffening nipple which I could just feel rising beneath the flannel.
"Boys and their toys," Janice sighed.
Mervin didn't seem to hear her, and she didn't look at either of us, but I read it as a signal that I was free to play. I wasn't shy about applying light squeezes to her tit and rubbing my thumb back and forth across her hard nipple though I tried not to attract Mervin's attention. I didn't want this to descend into a silly game. I wanted my aunt to enjoy my touch as the caress it was, to revel in it as much as I.
And so I changed the game. When the commercials started, I quickly slipped my hand away. Without a prompt to remind him, Mervin didn't renew his attack on his mother's breast. After all, this wasn't the special show to which his mother had limited him, probably so that she could control when his inappropriate behavior occurred.
But as soon as the show started and I could see Mervin immerse himself in it, I slipped my hand back onto my aunt's tit, quickly renewing my squeezes and rubs, and the slow dragging flicks of my thumb across her engorged nipple. I really wanted to fondle her other breast but I was afraid that Mervin would see and want to play too.
They say the grass is always greener on the other side of the hill and I guess the male exploring gene can't ignore the urge to find out if this is true. So I pushed my hand across to Janice's other breast, but higher up on the swell of her chest so I could slip in and hide under her flannel pajamas.
Janice didn't object. Ecstatic that I was able to touch her bare breast without censure, it wasn't long before I tried to slip my hand lower to feel her bare nipple. But the buttoned pajamas prevented me from reaching my goal. Slowly, so I wouldn't catch Mervin's attention, and tentatively, in fear of rejection from my aunt, I moved my hand to mid-chest and fiddled with the top button of her pajamas.
Time seemed to move in slow motion. Janice's beautiful chest swelled up and down under my hand with her breathing while my eyes were intensely tuned to any sign of attention or rejection. Finally, after an eon, the button slipped through and I felt the lapels loosen. Pulling my hand back a few inches, I immediately slid forward again, underneath, my hand gliding over soft, bare tit.
God. It was exquisite! To feel her turtleneck or pajama covered breasts was fantastic but this was truly divine. The rub of her stiff nipple in the crook between my thumb and finger, the tension of the skin covering her breast, were sensations I never wanted to end. Her tit seemed to throb in my hand. Oh, god. I closed my thumb and finger, pinching her nipple, rolling it between, pulling it back toward me. Fuck, this was so hot. I wanted Mervin to leave. When would this show end? No, it couldn't end. Janice would go upstairs to bed, like she always did. Please don't end.
The commercials started and I had to stop, though I was reticent to do so. They seemed to drag on forever, probably because it was the mid-show set at the half hour but they went on and on. Because he watched the commercials intently, Mervin never noticed that his mother's shirt was open at the top. I focused on more important concerns. Could I get another button undone? How could I get Janice to stay downstairs?