Page 03

"Mervin," Mom coaxed, "Gerry has a new game to show you."

Mervin followed Mom and I upstairs and I took him back to his room to keep him amused while Mom changed for bed too. We had just started a game of I Spy when I heard Mom and Janice pass by Mervin's room on their way back downstairs. A pit grew in my stomach as I imagined Janice spilling the beans during a private tête à tête.

It was some time later, when it was Mervin's turn to spy something, that he decided to show me a secret instead. He waved me over to the far side of his bed and pulled up the carpet in the corner to reveal an old, ornately designed grate in the floor. He peered into the grate, then looked at me and laughed, covering his mouth with one hand. I put my head next to his, and peered inside.

I was surprised to find that I could see through the grate to another one about 10" inches below it that must be embedded in the ceiling of the living room. The couch was almost directly below us. Mom and Janice were sitting on the couch, talking, and had now changed from coffee to red wine.

Mervin giggled into his hand. "Watch TV," he whispered.

I strained to hear what the women were saying and had to shush Mervin, at first to no avail, but less than a minute later he tired of watching our moms and left to find something more fun. I pressed my nose against the grate and turned my head to the side to hear better.

"I can't believe you're still doing the turtleneck thing with Mervin."

"I know, Jess. I just can't get out of it. I should have known better. It worked so well at first. I was wearing a turtleneck the first time that show came on and he bugged me all day for several days to turn it on. He just wouldn't understand, so every time it was on, I changed into a turtleneck and he knew his show was on. That way, he left me alone unless I was wearing one. I just completely forgot today. I don't know how I could have been so stupid."

Mom left the last comment behind. "Are you still letting him play bumpsie?"

Janice turned away and took a long sip of wine. It seemed she didn't really want to answer. Setting the glass deliberately on the end table, she turned back to Mom.

"Yes," she said, so quietly I could barely hear and it may have been more the nod of her head that let me understand what was said.

"Janice," Mom admonished.

"It's so hard to get him to stop, Jess. You see what he's like once he makes an association," she held her hands up in the air. "Unless he finds something he'd rather do, it's just about impossible."

"Has it gotten worse? Is that all he's doing?" Mom persisted, her tone indicating she suspected more, which I found bizarre.

Janice dropped her hands into her lap. "Yes. He doesn't just bump, he pushes them around. They're his favorite toys during the commercials."

"Jeez, Janice. What are you going to do with him when you're out? What if he tries it with someone else? He's a big boy now."

"I know, I know. I've told him he can only do it at home, and only when that show is on. I told him it's just a family thing and he can't do it when anyone else is around."

"So, what about Gerry? Has he seen it."

"I couldn't help it. I told Mervin he couldn't play that game anymore now that Gerry was living with us. But you know how much Mervin thinks of Gerry. He couldn't wait to show him his new game. It was really embarrassing but Gerry was so good about it. He said if that's what made Mervin feel comfortable, then there was nothing wrong with it. No one else had to know. He just ignored the whole thing."

"You mean, my twenty old son sat next to you while you were getting your boobs felt up and he just ignored it?" Mom cried in disbelief.

"Pretty much," Janice said, defensively.

"Oh, Janice. Come on."

"Well, ok. He did look but I pretended not to notice. I didn't want him to make the situation more awkward than it already was."

"And nothing else happened?" Mom pushed.

"Mervin tried to get him to play too but Gerry said no, it was a game he had to play by himself," Janice lied.

"How long has this been going on?"

"It just started a few days ago," Janice lied again. I couldn't see her face but I could see part of Mom's and it looked skeptical. "I think Mervin will tire of it when he sees Gerry isn't interested in playing."

"You think he can look like he's not interested in those?" Mom waved her hand at Janice's chest now covered by a pair of men's style flannel pajamas like Mom was wearing. "You may be his aunt but he is twenty, and you always did have the best tits."

"Shhhhh," Janice's head snapped toward the stairs but she was laughing. "Well, you got that awesome butt."

They laughed but Mom quickly got serious. "You know, Janice, I surprised Gerry this morning with a hug and he had a hardon."

"What?" Janice sounded incredulous. "I hadn't even got up yet. It wasn't anything to do with me," she cried, her voice sounding overly defensive.

Mom eyed her younger sister with a 'methinks thou dost protest too much' expression and lowered her voice, "Gerry does look a lot like Dad."

"Jessica! Don't even go there."

Mom's words stunned me and I almost didn't hear the next few exchanges.

"You can't tell me you're not aware of it."

"Yeah, sure, he looks a lot like Dad but you're not suggesting..."

"No, but I can see you stretching the line, just for the you used to do with Dad."

Janice flirted with my grandfather? This was getting interesting. I had to adjust my position because my cock had stiffened enough to be uncomfortable lying on the floor.

"Well, I know where the line is and I didn't cross it," Janice was emphatic. She was so convincing, I believed it myself.

"Not even a little bit?"

Janice shook her head but didn't say anything. She turned and took another long sip of wine. Mom was still waiting when she reluctantly turned back to face her.

"Did you let him touch you?" Mom hissed.

Janice looked away, then at her hands wringing in her lap, her head leaning sideways away from Mom.

"Mervin grabbed his hand and put it on my breast," she admitted. "Gerry was embarrassed but I told him not to be, that Mervin would lose interest as soon as the show started again."

"You let him keep his hand on your tits through the commercials?" Janice nodded. "How long?"

"I don't remember. Not long."

"Oh Janice. No wonder he has a big boner in the morning. He was probably thinking about you all night."

Mom thought my boner was big? I wriggled on the floor, pressing it into the rug.

"So did Mervin lose interest?"

"Yes, but he wanted Gerry to play as soon as the commercials came on again," Janice admitted.

"Is this still going on?"

"Yeah," I could hardly hear Janice's admission. "We're trying to outlast Mervin."

"I don't suppose Gerry's too broken up about having to touch your breasts, is he?"

"No. I guess not."

"It made you think of Dad, didn't it?"

Janice nodded.

"And you got excited, didn't you?"

She nodded again.

"And Gerry felt it?"

Janice shook her head, "I don't think so."

"Oh Janice. How could he not, with nipples like yours? Dad didn't have a chance and he was forty. Gerry's probably lying awake at night thinking he made you horny, wondering if you'll let him go further, scared that you won't and terrified that you will. Oh, god. What are we going to do?"

Janice shrugged as Mom picked up her wine and took a big gulp. Just then, Mervin jumped on me, yelling in glee at the success of his surprise attack. Both women turned and looked at the ceiling and the thumping coming from Mervin's room. Quickly, I shoved the carpet over the grate to block the light.

We were wrestling around on the floor on the other side of the room when the women appeared at the door. Janice settled Mervin down by promising a trip to the zoo if he calmed down right away and went to bed without a fuss. She told him to say goodnight to me and Mom.

Mom said, "Gerry's going to bed too, aren't you Gerry?"

I agreed and Janice said, "Gerry's going to the zoo, too?"

I nodded and Mom pulled me out of the room. She kept hold of me all the way downstairs, sitting on the couch and pulling me down next to her. Janice started to sit beside me but Mom asked her to get a glass for me so we could all watch a movie together. As she walked away, I couldn't help checking out the way the flannel pajamas clung to Janice's behind, outlining her unencumbered, wiggling buttocks. I jerked my eyes away but knew Mom had noticed. Thankfully, she didn't say anything and fiddled with the remote to start the DVD player, acting like she hadn't seen.

I turned to watch Janice's approach at the sound of her bare feet padding across the floor. She was carrying a glass and another bottle of wine, a gentle smile gracing her soft, pretty face. Though I tried, I couldn't stop my eyes from dropping to her chest. Her smile broadened but quickly disappeared when Mom looked up, pressing 'Play' as soon as Janice sat down and started to fill my glass. Without a word, she handed me the full glass and we all started watching the movie, a chick flick, of course.

The movie went on and on. Originally bracing myself for a talking to, my fear gradually gave way to another kind of tension, wanting to escape but afraid to leave in case I became the subject of conversation. I looked longingly at the stairs and then the kitchen. Mom, noticing the latter, paused the movie.

"Hungry?" she asked.

"Starving," I cried, relieved and finally believing Mom wasn't going to ask me about touching Janice's tits. I was afraid that once she started, she would get it out of me that I had been fucking her sister for the past two weeks and then all hell would break loose.

Mom got up and walked to the kitchen in her bare feet, hips swaying in the same captivating motion that Janice had affected. I was looking across Janice as I watched Mom so it was impossible to hide my attention, but then, my aunt already knew I was guilty. She smiled smugly.

"Pretty nice, huh?"

I had to admit that Janice was right. Mom did have the better ass and she didn't just look pretty good, she looked fantastic. The weirdness of the situation fluttered through me as I sat next to my mother's sister, who I was fucking, discussing my mother's delectable bottom. I didn't have to answer, my face gave everything away.

"Come in and let me know what you want guys," Mom called out just as soon as she disappeared from view.

Janice leaned over and put her hand in my lap, fingers closing over my hardon.

"You'd better stay right here," she whispered, squeezing my cock through the flannel, "because you won't be able to hide that thing if you stand up."

Janice stood, started to walk away, then turned, picked up a pillow and threw it onto my lap. She laughed as she walked away, throwing an extra surge into each sideways sway of her hips. I struggled to get rid of my boner while she and Mom bustled about in the kitchen, resorting to my old standby of picturing my dick lying over an anvil while a huge, stocky, sweaty guy with a medieval mask raised a huge hammer over his head.

I was almost there and then Mom's references to her 'Dad' popped into my head. Evidently Janice had teased my grandfather. No, more than that. Mom said he wasn't able to resist her nipples. Did that mean she had shown them to her father. Had he touched them? Thinking about how easily aroused Janice was, I wondered if she had let him fuck her. Her own father. I pictured a young Janice arching her back to tease her father with those great medium-sized tits, spreading her legs and beckoning to gramps—it wasn't hard to imagine him then since he died just a few years after I was born and was probably about Mom's age now—while an almost as young version of Mom watched disapprovingly from the sidelines. I was lost. My cock grew under the pillow and I pressed down to subdue it, making matters worse.

Mom emerged from the kitchen carrying a platter of sandwiches and cookies.

"Here we are," she said, looking for a clear spot on the coffee table to put it. "Oh, good idea," she said, spying the pillow in my lap, stepping around the table and plunking the large platter on top of the pillow, to a silent groan from my pecker underneath. "Come on, Janice," Mom yelled, twisting around and plopping down beside me. "The movie's starting," she warned, picking up the remote.

Janice rushed out of the kitchen, carrying another bottle of wine and plopped down on the other side of me. We watched the movie, not speaking, eating sandwiches and cookies, and ruining the taste of a pretty decent merlot. The food was soon gone—I guess we were all hungry—and we each settled back with wine glasses in hand, sipping as we watched the movie, the silence broken only by Janice refilling our glasses each time she did her own.

I transferred the empty platter to the table before one such refill, but kept the pillow in place. Both women leaned close to me in the dimly lit room, flickering from the changing light on the TV screen, their heads almost on my shoulders. The next time Janice tried to fill my glass, I declined, tossed the rest down my throat and handed her the empty glass. She filled Mom's and hers and I spread my arms along the back of the couch.

Mom and Janice snuggled closer and reached across me to clink their glasses. The press of each woman's breast against mine did not go unnoticed. After only two more such clinks, the breasts did not part from my chest. Who would think you could have a sense of touch in your chest? I certainly wouldn't have, but given the motivation, I found myself perfectly capable of registering the different shapes of Mom's and Janice's tits.

They were definitely free under the flannel of their pajama tops. Janice's was larger with an already excited nipple but Mom's smaller breast was strangely more exciting. I found myself, twisting a bit, as if stretching, but I was really trying to move my chest against Mom's tit to better sense its shape. She shifted once and I was afraid I'd gone too far but she only snuggled closer to me. I stayed still, afraid of giving myself away. Seconds later, I felt an odd protuberance, a hard bud that increased its pressure, as if growing into me. Stunned, I realized that Mom's nipple was stiffening into my side!

Janice reached across with her glass again and Mom met it with her own. They lifted their glasses to their lips and drank, each woman's breast skidding over my side under my arms. As they tipped their heads back, their nipples scraped up my tender armpits, dragging like rubber erasers, one large, the other small, but both stiff and resilient. They clicked their glasses together once more and turned back to the movie, but each breast was still pressed into my side, their focal protrusions not subsiding. Cautiously, I moved my hands from the back of the couch to each woman's shoulder and sighed when each one snuggled closer still. I was in heaven.

The movie ended not much later. I managed to twist and stretch several more times but the best was when Mom and Janice toasted each other, scraping her nipples up and down my armpits as they emptied their glasses.

"Should we watch another," Janice asked as the credits rolled up the screen.

"I'll fall asleep," Mom warned.

"So?" Janice countered.

"All right," Mom gave in. "You pick."

"No, you. I picked this one."

"Oh, all right."

Mom made a big production about getting up. I stayed right where I was, feeling I had to keep the pillow pressed down with my hands. Mom crawled over to the TV and bent over to extract the DVD and remained like that while she scanned through the drawer for another movie. My eyes glommed onto her pajamas which were stuck between her buttocks, outlining her pearish cheeks perfectly. Janice grinned at me and her hand slipped under the pillow, firmly grasping my cock and squeezing it hard.

'Yummy', she mouthed silently and then blew a kiss at Mom's behind. Mom selected a movie and slid the disk into the player while Janice mercilessly pulled my cock, releasing it just in time as Mom turned and crawled back to the couch. I noticed for the first time that not all the buttons were done up in her top and wondered if one had come undone as her tit scraped up and down my chest. I didn't know if I could make it through another movie without coming in my pants.

Mom started the movie and, looking sleepy, declared, "I might not make it to the end."

"That's ok," Janice replied. "I'll wake you so you can go to bed."

Mom nodded and leaned in toward me, snuggling close like Janice was. The feel of her breast renewing contact with the side of my chest was wonderful and I automatically put my arm around her shoulder and pulled her closer. Tingles shot through my cock as Mom mumbled something sleepily and her breasts split, one pushing toward the front and the other digging more firmly under my arm. Her eyelashes fluttered as she squinted at the screen.

Several minutes later, Mom's eyes closed. Not even a minute after that, Janice's hand crept back under the pillow. I stiffened in surprise and fear but I couldn't stop her advance. Within seconds she was again gripping my shaft. Thankfully, she didn't start wanking me but she kept squeezing and releasing, as if handling a firm sponge.

It was hard enough to handle her hand but Janice glanced up from watching Mom every few seconds to flash me a smile with her sparkling, mischievous eyes. When she opened her mouth and slid her tongue around and around as if she was swirling it around my cock, I lost it and began spurting down my pajama leg as Janice mocked me with her licentious smile. I don't know how my shuddering didn't wake Mom.

As soon as I was finished, I leaned forward, carefully dislodging Mom and, before her groggy eyes could register much, bolted from the room, pillow held firmly over my crotch. I ran up the stairs and hurried into the bathroom to clean myself up.

The lights were still on downstairs and the movie was playing when I emerged from the bathroom. I went to my room and put on a fresh pair of pajama bottoms. I could hear Mom and Janice talking but couldn't make out what they were saying. Quietly, I crept into Mervin's room and made my way to the secret corner on the far side of his bed. Lying on my stomach, I lifted the carpet and peered through the grate.

"...but you have to admit, it takes you back," Janice was persisting with a point she was making to Mom, who was sipping her wine as she listened to her younger sister.

"Yes, I suppose," Mom admitted.

"He's so much like him," Janice insisted.

"But he's not," Mom replied firmly.

"Don't you remember that first time, sitting on the couch watching a late movie with Dad when Brad was on his first tour and you came home to live with us? How he sat there, not knowing what to make of us, pretending nothing was happening while we competed for hit attention?"

Mom nodded. "That was wrong, Janice. We never should have done that. If only we'd known better."

"I disagree. He wasn't satisfied with Mom and we gave him something that made his life so much better."

Mom didn't answer. Janice went on.

"That night was unbelievable. We kept acting like we were playing a game and he kept getting harder and harder. I couldn't believe how big his pants got. Then you and I pretending to fight across him, wrestling, those accidental touches, a press here and a scrape there. Him telling us to settle down and us starting up again, until finally he had to leave." Janice laughed, still in awe at her memory.

"Yeah," Mom said, "because his pants were all wet."

"I never saw that. I always thought you were lying about that."

"No. He came in his pants."

"He was so mad at us for days after that. Remember how grumpy he was?"​
Next page: Page 04
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Previous article in the series 'The Mom Memories': The Mom Memories: Frank's Story