Page 04

"Yes. I was really scared that he was going to tell Mom. Can you believe that? 'Uh, mother, your daughters made me come in my pants'."

Both women laughed hysterically for a minute. Mom quieted down first, getting serious.

"Then you did it." Janice lowered her head. "Mom grounded you. I can't remember what for, and you got Dad to let you go out."

"I know." Janice's voice sounded strangely ashamed. "He was sitting in the living room in his chair and I went to sit beside him while you and Mom were making dinner. I tried sweet-talking him but it was no use. He wasn't budging. Then, I just put my hand on his pants, right on his thing, and it got hard. I couldn't believe what I'd done and neither could Dad. He jerked his head toward the kitchen but he didn't push me away, so I unzipped his pants and slipped my hand inside and started rubbing. It was like a dream world. I pulled it out and it got bigger and bigger and I just starting pumping it. I remember being so enthralled with it, I wasn't even scared. Somehow, I knew nobody was going to come and I just kept moving my hand up and down, and then it spit out all this sticky white stuff, all over his pants. He jumped up and ran upstairs."

"And later, at dinner, he announced that you could go out if you wanted. Mom was so mad, she was furious."

"I know," Janice acknowledged. "I never got along with her after that."

"Do you think she knew?" Mom asked.

"No. I don't think she even suspected."

"And then you started getting everything."

"And you started complaining about how much stricter he was with you." Janice laughed out loud. "I think that really bugged you."

"It did," Mom admitted.

"I sucked him," Janice burst out. "I was rubbing his pants in the garage, trying to get him to let me do something, I can't even remember what now, and he was saying how it all had to stop. He let me pull his thing out but then he said, enough was enough, and started trying to put it back in his pants. The next thing I knew, I put my mouth on him. God knows, I didn't' know what to do. I just pushed down and it filled my whole mouth. Then Dad grabbed my head and he was pushing more of it inside, and then he was fucking me, fucking my mouth."

Janice paused. "There was no going back after that. Every time I wanted something, I just gave Dad a look and went upstairs, or to the garage, downstairs or even outside. I would just kneel down and he would walk up to me, opening his pants, already hard, and stick it into my mouth. He always held my head, as if he thought I would try to get away. I never understood that. Why did he think I went out there in the first place?"

Janice shook her head, still not comprehending.

"At first, it was always over quick, but then, he started lasting longer and longer and my mouth used to get sore. We did it so often, once three times in one day. And he got carried away sometimes."

"Like that time I caught you in the garage," Mom chipped in.

"Yeah. Brad had been gone, what, at least six months then?"

"Yeah," Mom agreed.

"Dad just yanked out and I knew someone was watching. I thought it was Mom, and I braced myself for a shitkicking. But it was you. Dad was standing there, with this horrified look on his face, one hand still on the top of my head, not moving. And you, you just walked up to us where we were, him standing and me kneeling beside the car. I remember, you just smirked at him, ignoring me as if I wasn't there, and then you bent over the fender, reached back and pulled your dress up over your ass."

Mom nodded, but didn't say anything.

"Dad was gobsmacked. He stood there, looking at that beautiful, mid-twenties ass of yours. It was something then." Mom nodded in agreement, looking proud. Janice went on. "Then he moved. His hand left my head and he stepped behind you, pushed you farther onto the hood, and ripped your panties right off. Then he pushed his hips forward, shoved it in, and started banging you. He must have known you really needed it, married, and Brad being gone so long."

Mom nodded, still silent.

"I remember thinking he must be hurting you, shoving his whole thing in and smacking into you so hard. I stood up, to see. Your whole body was jerking across the hood. You were both grunting and moaning and Dad was saying, 'Take it, take it.' Then he grabbed your head and pulled your head up and started fucking you even harder but I could see in your face that you loved it, you really wanted it, and I thought about you not being a virgin like I was and Brad being away so long, and how you must really need a man, any man."

Mom nodded. "And then you wanted one too."

It was Janice's turn to nod in agreement. "Yes," he hissed.

"You fucked him, didn't you, that very same night? Didn't you?"

"Yes," Janice mumbled. "I went out on my date with Jeff but I couldn't wait to get home. I kept thinking about you and how much I wanted to feel like that, to be filled like that. Jeff felt me up and thought it was a big deal to get his finger into me, but Dad, he just shoved his whole cock into you and took complete control, made you lose yourself in it. I wanted that."

"And you got it."

"Yeah, I did. Everyone was in bed when I got home so I crept into my room but I couldn't stop thinking about what happened in the garage. So I got up and walked down the hall to the top of the stairs. I only stood there for a couple of minutes before he came out of his room. He was only wearing boxer shorts. He walked quietly like he didn't want to wake anyone up. I could see he was hard, the whole front of his shorts were like a pyramid and I remember feeling strong because I made it do that. I took off my robe and showed him that I had nothing on underneath and the look on his face made me feel really powerful. I giggled and he panicked, shushing me. I walked down the stairs and he scrambled after me while I teased him, wiggling my ass and giggling."

"Things changed when we were in the basement. He wasn't worried about my giggling then. He threw me on the couch in the rumpus room and said, I'll give you something to laugh about. I tried to turn over like I'd seen you do but he forced my legs wide open and then he was in me. It hurt and I struggled but he just kept repeating what he'd said. And then this feeling washed over me and it started feeling really good. He just filled me and he felt so powerful and I loved it. He kept me there after, whispering to me. He wasn't talking to me like a kid and I liked it. Before I knew it, we were doing it again. He fucked me once more after that and it was almost morning when we snuck upstairs."

"And that's when Mervin was made," Mom observed.

"Yeah," Janice replied. "After that, he always used a rubber. It must have been that first night. God, he filled me with so much stuff, I was overflowing. Like you in the afternoon on the car," Janice laughed. "It was dripping down the inside of your leg and you didn't even know it. You went in the house like that."

"I know. Thank god I didn't run into Mom."

"He didn't use a rubber on you that time either."

"No," Mom acknowledged. "But he always did after that."

"So that was it for you too, then."

I couldn't believe my ears. Did Mom have a kid before me, when she was married to Dad? Did she get an abortion?

"Brad came home not long after that."

"Yeah," Janice accused, "but you let Dad fuck you for a long time after that."

"I know," Mom hung her head. "I couldn't help it, it was so wild, so over the top. I loved Brad, still do, but sex with Dad was incredible. I never knew what to expect...tender...rough...whatever, it was always good. The best I ever had."

"Yeah, almost," Janice concurred." Her eyes flicked upstairs but Mom didn't notice.

"We had lots of chances," Mom carried on as if her sister hadn't said anything. "Nobody thought it odd to see Dad and I together, anywhere. He always wanted to fuck and I never said no."

"We were bad girls, especially me, getting pregnant and having to go away," Janice said. "And you, the golden girl, everyone just thought how virile Brad must be to make you pregnant on his first night back."

Wait a minute, what was she saying?

"Did Brad ever suspect?" Janice asked.

"No," Mom replied. "Thank god. Maybe he would have if Dad had lived longer. I don't think we could have hidden it forever."

What? What did she mean? Explain.

"Let's call it a night. I'm bushed," Mom yawned.

"OK," Janice got up. "BTW, Gerry checked out your ass on the way to the kitchen."

"Don't start, Janice," Mom scolded.

"All right. Let's go to bed." As they walked toward the stairs, Janice said, "I'm just sayin..."

"Janice, we're not going there."

"Ok, ok."

Janice peeked in on Mervin before she went to bed. I stayed as quiet as a mouse, lying on the floor beside his bed for almost an hour before I was brave enough to risk going to bed. Mom was sleeping with Janice and I could hear the low murmur of their voices for quite some time.

It was a fitful night. Once in bed, I vacillated between beating my meat to pictures of gramps fucking Janice's face or pummeling my mother from behind, and trying to remember the exact words they used to confirm whether or not my father was my grandfather and not my Dad, or if there was an unwanted pregnancy before I came along. Was Mervin my cousin, or my brother?

Part 3. Family

Next morning, they sent Mervin in to wake me up. It wasn't a gentle awakening. I wandered downstairs in my pajamas to find Mom and Janice already dressed, as was Mervin. They berated me for sleeping in so long but soon realized that was useless until I had eaten and had a cup of coffee. I suggested they go ahead without me but retracted as soon as I saw Mervin's face. I woke up after my first cup of coffee and noticed Mom's tight brown, high-waisted slacks.

The high waist not only emphasized Mom's narrow waist but also her streamlined butt, curving out in two gentle slopes to define well-defined pear-shaped buttocks with clear separation. I couldn't take my foggy eyes off them and this did not pass unnoticed by my aunt. Things stirred in my pajamas below and my naughty aunt, surmising as much, tried several times to get me to stand up to fetch her things. I stayed put, of course, knowing that if Mom saw my boner now she very well might think it was for her.

When I was finally ready, Dad called. I talked to him briefly and then put Mom on the phone. I wandered outside to wait in the front yard with Mervin. When my glance fell across the old garage, long since used only as a shed, I slipped inside to check it out. In the gloom, I imagined a car parked where all the junk was with my mother bent over the hood getting slammed from behind, her jolting head lifted to show the ecstasy on her face, the hand grasping her hair giving way to an arm that traveled up to a man's face, my grandfather, no, me, then my grandfather, then me, and me, and me.

Mom was calling. They were ready to go.

It was a great day. We went to the zoo and then had lunch. After that, it was off to the marina to look at boats which both Mervin and I loved to do, then the park, and finally home. There was lots of bantering and walking arm in arm. It was a wonderful time for two sons with their mothers.

Mom wanted to order in but Janice insisted on making a big dinner. I took Mervin upstairs to his room to play games. I wasn't thinking about eavesdropping because the women were in the kitchen and not anywhere near the grate in the living room. Mervin must have gotten more than his fair share of fresh air, because he crashed. He was too big for me to lift onto his bed so I straightened his legs, put a pillow under his head and threw a blanket over him, and left him on the floor.

I was going to go downstairs but a strange feeling made me change my mind and I wandered down to my room instead. I sat on my bed, wondering why I had chosen to sit there by myself instead of hanging around with the two attractive women downstairs. That got me to thinking about them and my grandfather again. Soon, I had my cock in hand, lazily stroking it while imagining all sorts of super lewd sexual activity involving my grandfather and his daughters.

That was a thought. They hadn't mentioned doing it together except for the first time Mom caught Janice sucking gramps, and that was hardly a threesome. Had they ever done it all together or did he prefer them one at a time?

The faint sound of Mom's voice caught my attention. I looked at the floor, then sat up and looked more intently at the far corner. I pulled my pants up, climbed off the bed, and walked to the corner, cocking my head to listen. Yes, I could hear Mom's voice better. I picked up the small ornamental table in the corner and moved it to the side. Getting down on my knees, I carefully pulled up the rug. There was a grate there. Leaning close, I peered in. I could see Mom and Janice sitting at the kitchen table.

Janice's elbows rested on the table, her forehead leaning into her hands.

"I just miss him, that's all," she sniffled. She raised her head and looked at Mom, tears drying on her cheeks. "I know you do too."

Mom stretched her hand out and Janice took it. "Well, we both have a piece of him, don't we?" she consoled her sister. "I see him in both our sons."

"So do I. I see his innocence and enthusiasm in Mervin and his wildness in Gerry."

"In Gerry?" Mom was surprised.

"Yes. It's there hidden just under the surface, like it was in Dad, waiting for something to let it free."

"No," Mom disagreed. "Look how Gerry is with Mervin. He's like the good father Dad was when we were little and growing up, always there for us, not the wild, underground guy we saw when he was older."

"We turned him into that, Jess. If it wasn't for, I guess...he may never have come out."

"Well, he certainly came," Mom said, causing both women to burst out laughing.

Janice became serious first for once. "That was the most alive I ever felt, pure, raw emotions. Everything was so intense and it's all been so dull since. Until lately."

"Janice, I said we're not going there. He's not Dad just because he looks like him. Now just stop it."

"All right, if you say so. But you better hide that ass or you just might be proven wrong." Janice got up and walked toward the stove.

"Oh, you're disgusting," Mom slapped at her sister as she went by.

I dropped the rug and returned the table to its proper place. I hoped they asked me to watch a movie again tonight.
* * *​

We ate at the kitchen table that night. I complimented Janice several times on the marvelous dinner, the last time just after we finished dessert. Janice opened her arms wide and declared that my appreciation deserved an extra big hug. She squeezed me tight, pushing her tits into my chest, her stiff nipples protruding like blunt weapons into my ribcage. She semi-released me, looked at Mom and, seeing she wasn't looking, rubbed her pelvis against mine.

Finally letting go, she said, "You'd better give your Mom a big hug or she'll be mad. She cooked too, you know."

Mom was clearing the table, ignoring us, but she snorted at Janice's remark. I made my way over to Mom but she turned away and walked to the sink, keeping her back to me even after she unloaded the dirty dishes on the counter. She returned to the table, still keeping her back to me.

"See, see," Janice cried, triumphant at being right, "you've put her nose out of joint. Hug her anyway."

Mom was back at the sink. I stepped behind her and shrugged at Janice when she refused to turn around.

"Hug her anyway, she likes it from behind."

I almost choked and I could see Mom stiffen in surprise. Without willing myself to do so, I wrapped my arms around Mom and pulled her back to me, enveloping her in a big bear hug. She struggled, but weakly, not really trying to break free. Her wriggling simply pushed her tush about in my groin. I was in danger of embarrassing myself again, so I let her go. Janice was killing herself laughing and Mom's face and neck were flushed pink.

"You big lug," she pushed me aside and went to the table for another load of dishes.

I could feel the residual touch of Mom's ass on my groin and the effect of its afterburn began showing. I turned away and headed out of the kitchen.

"I'll go see what Mervin's up to."

Janice laughed even harder.

Mervin wouldn't let me go and it was almost three hours later that Janice popped her head in his room and told him it was bed time. He wanted to watch a show but she insisted he had played too long upstairs with me and he had to go straight to bed. He wasn't to make a fuss if he wanted to watch his special show tomorrow night. Mervin calmed right down and quickly got ready for bed. He insisted I get my pajamas on too which I went and did because Mervin would go to bed without a fuss if he thought I had to go to bed too. I said goodnight, shut his door, and went downstairs.

It was dark. The lights had all been turned off. Hugely disappointed, I realized there would be no movie tonight, no perky breasts poking into my sides, no soft hand slipping inside my pajamas. Saddened, I moped my way upstairs. A faint light spilled out of Janice's partly open bedroom door. I slowed my gait even further and tried to peek inside as I passed.

"Is that you, Gerry?" Janice called.

I froze. I didn't want to be caught peeking.

"Come in. We're watching movies up here tonight."

I pushed the door open a few inches and stuck my head inside. Mom and Janice were sitting up in my aunt's kingsize bed, backs resting on pillows propped up against the headboard. They were watching a movie that was already started.

"Come on," Janice beckoned, patting the bed between her and Mom. "Your wine's waiting," she waved a glass in her other hand. "We started without you."

Mom didn't look at me and seemed to be engrossed in the movie. Janice followed my gaze.

"Don't mind her. She's still miffed at all the compliments I got for my cooking. I always was a better cook," she laughed.

"Were not," my Mom replied without glancing away from the movie.

"See? She listens to everything." Janice responded, laughing harder. "Come on, Gerry. Come hang out with us old gals. Look, your mom even left room for you," she pounded the bed harder.

Feigning reluctance, I slowly made my way to the bed. I was anything but reticent to get between these two women who the past two days had proven were far more complex than met the eye. I settled between them and accepted the glass of wine Janice handed me. My skin tingled and I started to feel short of breath as excitement crept through me in anticipation of another breast pressing evening. As memories of the night before filtered through my mind, the pajamas covering my lap began to swell, like the slow filling of an empty air mattress. Alarmed, I lowered my arms to cover myself, holding the wine glass in place over my stiffening dick. Janice pulled a pillow from behind her and threw it onto my lap. She didn't say anything but there was a glint in her eye and a smirky smile on her face.

We watched the movie for at least twenty minutes before either of the women leaned close to me. I was surprised that Mom made the first move. As soon as she did, Janice took the wine glass from me and, without asking, set it on the table beside her. She slouched lower in the bed and, lifting my arm, snuggled close, resting her head on my chest. Her breast pressed lightly against my lower ribcage. Mom then did the same but she hooked her shoulder under my armpit causing her breast to point more directly at me and higher up. Her nipple was already stiff.

I relaxed. Everything was as it should be. I think the pillow lifted a bit. Rather than panic, pride that my guy could lift the pillow percolated through my chest. Maybe it was just my imagination because the women didn't seem to notice. Naughty girl that she was, Janice's hand began tickling the side of my leg and eventually crept onto the top of my thigh under the pillow. This really was going to be a repeat of last night. Panic did begin creeping through my chest then because Mom's more reclined position meant it would be almost impossible for her not to see any pillow movement caused by Janice's playful fingers.​
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