Page 05

My aunt was just edging through the dip between my leg and my genitals when Mom moved, wriggling lower and turning into me even more. Her breasts split again, one on my upper stomach and the other pressing into my side, as she stretched an arm across my chest. Suddenly, her arm moved downward, sweeping the pillow out of the way.

"I can't see the TV now," she explained.

Thankfully, Janice's hand, which I expected to see almost on my balls, was gone. She must have anticipated Mom's move. Unfortunately, my groin no longer enjoyed the camouflaging effect of the pillow and my reaction to feminine presence was open to inspection. Fortunately, my fear must have dampened my earlier response because my pajamas weren't providing much of a manly show at all.

The movie went on. Janice twisted more toward me too and her breasts split like Mom's, only her lower nipple was pressing into me more aggressively. At first, I thought it was due to her larger size but then I realized that Janice was using her hand, under her side, to push her tit into me. The smirk pasted across her face confirmed it. When she realized that I knew what she was doing, she pressed her pelvis into the side of my thigh. That warmth was match a few seconds later by a similar soft press on my other leg.

There was no way around it. My pajamas began to fill. How could Mom not notice the rise. If my guy had been pointing upward, I'm sure my pajamas would be like a teepee obscuring the TV screen from Mom's view but fortunately it had grown downward and the head was tucked tightly between my pajamas and my right leg. Still, its growth was eminently noticeable. It lurched higher and throbbed against the flannel material.

"I don't think I can make it," Mom whispered, snuggling closer to me.

I looked down just as she closed her eyes. Janice looked at her and smiled, then looked up at me and the smile turned very mischievous. Oh god. Despite my mother's presence with eyes that could open in an instant, Janice moved her hand onto my lap and let it rest lightly right on my engorged cock. Her smile became almost evil in its glee. She blew a kiss at me and squeezed. Releasing, she stroked her fingers down my length, then used her palm to rub back. Stroking down again, she extended her finger around to tickle my balls with her fingernails. Her knee lifted on top of my leg and pressed in. I could feel her hot pussy on my thigh.

God, how could she tease me like this? She kept stroking, rubbing and tickling until I was sure I was going to come. I had difficulty keeping my breath even and noticed a slight breathlessness in my aunt as well. I couldn't believe Mom's eyes were still closed. How lucky could I get? Janice was regularly pressing her pussy into me and I was deathly afraid the motion would cause Mom to open her eyes.

Just when that fear was reaching a peak, Janice rubbed her hand up high, right off my cock. My momentary relief and simultaneous sorrow was quickly replaced by shock as her hand slipped onto my bare belly and then dug under the waistband of my pajamas, pushing them down as her hand returned to my cock and slid down its length and off. Her hand twisted to snap the waistband under my balls and she gripped my steed in full upright position, right in front of Mom's nose and, thankfully, her still closed eyes.

I couldn't move for fear of alerting Mom. Janice's countenance was now truly full of naughty glee. She stroked me, once, twice, three times and then let me go. Thank god, we had gotten away with it. Now, put me away! But she didn't. She wiped her hand below her mouth, silently filling it with saliva, and returned to stroke her gooey palm up and down my shaft. Oh, god. If I came, I'd shoot all over Mom's face. Please stop, Janice. You'll ruin everything. Mom will make me go home and never let me see you again.

Mom moved!

Fear stabbed through me and I almost shot my wad.

Mom turned and shifted away from me, lying face down. She moved too quickly to see if her eyes had opened. As Mom squirmed lower in the bed, her pajama top pushed up, baring her lower back and forcing her bottoms tightly against her bum, digging into her cheeks.

Janice spoke. "She can never make it through this movie. She always falls asleep."

She released me and reached across to stroke Mom's back. Mom murmured quietly once but Janice continued trailing her fingers around in an oval around the small of Mom's back. With the loss of Janice's handwork, my boner waggled in the air and relief flooded through me as my near eruption subsided. Then, Janice broke the oval and allowed her fingers to rise up the slope onto Mom's left buttock. There, her fingers paused, then crested the slope and trailed down to the crease marking the start of Mom's leg. Her fingertips moved toward the center and then traced up the crevice delineating the divide between left and right cheek. Instead of returning to Mom's back, they swerved to the right and blazed a path around the edge of that cheek until they once again followed the crevice to the top.

Watching Janice play with Mom's behind renewed the caldron in my balls and eruption once again threatened. However, with Mom's face buried in the pillow, I was less afraid.

"It isn't fair that God gave my older sister this ass," Janice complained. "Feel how firm it is. It's unbelievable for her age."

"I can't do that."

"Sure you can," Janice insisted. "You can't tell me you don't want to touch a bottom as nice as this just because it's your mom's."

"I can't, Aunt Janice. She'd kill me."

"She won't know," Janice urged.

"I can't," I reiterated.

"She wouldn't mind, really. If you asked her when she was awake, she'd let you. She might feel a bit awkward, but she'd let you."

"Are you sure?" I wanted to believe, but didn't really.

"Yeah," Janice was emphatic. Then, cajolingly, "Try a quick touch just to see how firm it is."

I still didn't believe her but desire got the better of me.

"Ok. Just a quick touch," I agreed, "but don't you tell her."

I put my hand on Mom's ass. It was surprisingly firm, yet soft. My fingertips rested in the crevice and I brushed the bottoms of my fingers over the roundness of the left cheek nearest to me.

"See?" Triumphant, Janice demanded confirmation but before I could answer, she said, "Ok, that's enough for you."

What a tease she was. Quickly, I swept my hand over Mom's other cheek. I was about to pull it away but Janice lifted hers first and grabbed my wrist, pulling my hand up, then setting it down again on Mom's ass.

"Ok," she said, winking at me. "To be fair, I'll let you watch while I tickle her for awhile. I used to do this when we shared a bed to help her sleep. She always liked getting her bum rubbed."

Janice pressured my wrist and urged my hand across Mom's prominent cheeks. She nodded and returned my hand to my cock, stroking me as I caressed Mom's ass. Slowly jacking my cock, she twisted her slick palm around and around my helmet, then down to my root where she tickled my balls with her fingertips. Again and again she repeated this exquisite pleasure, stopping only to re-slick her palm. Each time I threatened to come, her hand dropped to squeeze my balls hard. She was a merciless, gorgeous cock tease. Throughout, I continued to caress Mom's pajama bottoms.

The movie ended just when I didn't think I could take any more. I tried to escape so I could attain with my own hand the release I so desperately needed.

"I better get to bed."

I was surprised when Janice agreed.

"Ok, but first give me a big hug."

She released my cock and urged me over with her hands on my hips. I turned and ended up lying on top of her. Her pajama top was completely open, exposing her gorgeous tits. I had been so focused on Mom's bum that I hadn't seen her undo her top.

"Hold your weight up, you big lummox," Janice laughed.

As soon as I pushed myself up, she shoved her pajamas down, baring her dark reddish bush. I had only a glimpse before her hands grabbed my hips and pulled me down, pressing my cock against her soft belly. Her hands slid up and took my wrists, directing my hands onto her hard nipples.

"Do you like hugging your Auntie?" she whispered, pressing her damp pussy up against my shaft.

Quickly, I looked at Mom, afraid that she might wake up. Janice chuckled throatily at my fear but she knew that, despite it, I wouldn't pass up the opportunity to rub my cock on her moist cunt. I pulled back and tried to push inside her wet slit but she thwarted me on each try. Finally, she pushed me away. What a fucking cocktease!

"It's your mom's turn," she said, laughing at my anger and frustration.

"What?" I cried.

"For a hug," she explained. "You can't hug your Auntie and not your Mom."

"But, she's sleeping."

"Then be gentle so you don't wake her."

"I can't hug her," like this I left it unsaid but glanced down at my bare cock to make my point clear.

"If you don't, I'll tell her tomorrow that you hugged me and not her," she threatened. Then, coaxingly, "Just a quick one."

I nodded and shifted myself over until I was hanging above Mom, legs straddling hers. I lowered my upper body down and gripped Mom's shoulders with the inside of my arms. Janice rose up and pushed me down onto Mom, shoving the small of my back down until my cock was pressed firmly into Mom's ass, perfectly lined up amid the cheeky divide.

"Give her a nice hug," she whispered, pushing down and releasing, several times. I tried to pull up but Janice pushed down harder. "That's not a real hug. Put your arms around her."

"I don't want to wake her," I protested.

"Then be gentle."

I slipped my hands under Mom's front and pushed in. I was shocked when my hands slipped onto her bare breasts. Somehow, Mom's pajamas must have come undone like my aunt's. I guess women's flannel pajamas had looser button holes, maybe from the pressure over time of trying to hold all that tit inside. Mom seemed undisturbed, so I filled my hands with her bare tits. What the hell, if I could get away with it, why not?

Janice lifted her hand from my back and I pressed into Mom's ass anyway. It felt great. Why not?

"Now, you're getting the idea," Janice whispered. "That's it," she urged me on as I pressed my cock into mom's firm-soft ass.

I was massaging Mom's tits and even in her sleep, her nipples hardened in my palms. I wished I could do this whenever I wanted. Janice was fussing about, her arms reaching over on either side of me. She returned to the one side and started pushing something. I looked down and saw her pushing Mom's pajamas down onto her thighs, the waistband stretched across the bottom of her butt. Incredible as it seems, it was only then I realized my cock was sliding through Mom's bare cheeks. Oh, sweet Jesus. Fear made me want to yank myself away but instead I increased my pace.

Janice slowed me down and, reaching underneath, flipped my cock down, guiding it under Mom's ass above her pajamas whose closeness pushed the top of my cock head against Mom's lightly haired pussy. I started rubbing back and forth in a slow, fucking motion.

Janice tugged Mom's pajamas down her thighs but I managed to keep my cock against her pussy. Looking down, I saw Janice pull the pajama bottoms off Mom's feet. She rolled onto her ass and shucked her own, then kneeled and peeled her top completely off. She was completely naked.

"Hasn't she got the sweetest ass in the whole world?" Janice whispered.

I nodded. I was gone. If only once, I was going to rub myself off on Mom's ass, consequences be damned. And I would live with and fuck Janice no matter what happened. I didn't care what anyone said.

"That's it, rub her. She loves it like that...from behind."

Memories of Mom's recounting of gramps fucking her from behind flooded my head and I began moving faster. Janice reached forward and wormed her hand between my hips and Mom's ass. She pushed my cock fro the bottom, was pressing it tighter against Mom's pussy. I wanted to come on Mom's ass but between her legs was fine too. I thrust harder.

"Pull her hips up," Janice whispered.

"What," I gasped, almost ready to come.

"Pull her hips up," she hissed.

Obediently, I grasped Mom's hips and urged her up, slipping my legs between hers as they opened. Janice reached between us again, grabbing my cock, guiding me into her wet slit. I pushed and slipped inside.

Oh glorious, glorious hole. Slick, wet, velvety glove. How could she be this tight, a woman in her mid-forties. What an incredible cunt!

"Unnnnngggghhhh," I shoved all the way home.

"Unnghhh," I ground into to her, pulling her hips up, digging in deep.

"Ohhhh, FUCK," I cried, losing all control and shagging Mom hard, banging, banging, banging.

I was coming already. My seed burst forth. Mom jerked underneath from my assault. God. I was fucking Mom. I was coming in her, draining all I had. I slumped forward, exhausted in body and soul, hips in spasms, dropping my full weight onto Mom's back, cock still fully embedded inside her.

A minute later, I struggled to lift up and pull out but Janice stopped me again.

"No," she said. "You've had your fun. Now it's her turn."

I shook my head.

"You can't really believe she's still sleeping?" Janice's voice was incredulous. "Your cock is still in her. Now fuck her slowly, the way she likes it. Make love to her."

Janice turned to look down at Mom. "Come on, Jess. Twist up and let him know you're not finished."

I looked down at Mom just as she turned her head to the side and looked at Janice now lying beside her. She smiled and took Janice's hand.

"Tell my son I want to be fucked slowly, with him knowing that I know."

That was a message Janice didn't have to relay. My mind in shock at Mom's awareness, my body nevertheless began to move. Slowly, I hardened enough to make it worthwhile for Mom and she murmured encouragement, her hips twisting up so her pussy could grip my cock and pull on it.

"Can I have him after?" Janice asked.

"Tomorrow," Mom replied. "He needs to get some sleep."

"I can't wait," Janice complained. "I'm too horny now."

Mom nodded. "Can you do her too, son?"

"I'll try," I whispered.

My cock, now hard as a pillar of granite, bulged through Mom's cunt. Janice gripped my balls and guided me in and out, pushing and tugging, setting the pace. Everyone in a while, she squeezed my balls to remind me who was in control.

Just in case I didn't understand, she whispered, "You can't come until I say so."

Janice controlled Mom too, but indirectly. Gently squeezing my nuts, she held back with just the tip of my cock inside Mom, in danger of slipping out rather than plunging back in. Mom's hips lifted, pushing her ass up and sliding her hot sheath back up my shaft but Janice, ever the tease, tugged my balls higher, forcing Mom to chase my cock. She kept doing that until finally, she wouldn't let me plunge back inside Mom. From then on, Janice held me still, by the balls, and Mom fucked me, shoving her ass up from the bed, impaling herself on my slick pole, grunting from the effort and moaning with pleasure. I was frantic to follow Mom back down, to drive her into the mattress, but Janice anticipated me each time and squeezed my sack tight, warning me to obey.

Near the end, Janice retained her hold on my balls but slipped her hand higher to part my cheeks with her thumb, teasing my asshole. What a weird feeling. She whispered about Mom's great ass and how lucky I was to be near it, how I could have her from behind any time I wanted now, telling me to pinch her nipples harder now because she was ready for my son seed.

"Grind her now," she cried, pushing down, "come on...dig in...get her."

I shoved Mom down hard into the mattress, grinding my cock and moaning loudly, coming, spraying my goo inside Mom. Janice's thumb pushed through my pucker and my gush became a hurricane.

"OMG, OMG, OMG," I cried, thrusting hard, pausing on each downstroke, then up and, wham, down, until I just fell on Mom's back, jerking uncontrollably.

Janice was stroking Mom's hair, damp with sweat, whispering to her, kissing her cheek and forehead.

"I did it for you, Jess. You deserve him and he needs you. I love you, my sweet sister."

"I love you Mom," I gasped, needing to be part of this exchange, then knowing that I was and always would be. There would always be the three of us.
* * *​

I wasn't up to my promise to do Janice. I don't even remember rolling off Mom. The next thing I knew, I woke up on my back in Janice's bed, listening to the birds and seeing rays of sunlight streaming through the window to strike the wall and floor. I was lying on my left side, facing an empty bed with rumple spots where Mom had been. I turned over to find Janice facing me, watching me with laughing eyes.

"It wasn't a dream, if that's what you're wondering."

I laughed, because she had read my mind perfectly.

"And no," she went on, "you didn't fulfill your cocky man promise to do your aunt too." Janice reached down and grabbed my soft cock. "He just wasn't up to it."

'He' started to grow in her hand.

"Yeah?" I bantered.

"Yeah!" she answered emphatically.

"Where's Mom?"

"Keeping Mervin busy. Sisters do things like that for each other."

I 'nodded' with my eyes. "Does he get another shot?"

"What do you think I've been waiting for?"

Janice suddenly moved over me, pushing me onto my back, her legs opening and straddling mine, her puffy pussy centering over my stiffening cock. The warmth of her pussy instigated an abrupt growth spurt and my boner burst through her legs. Undeterred, Janice rose up, reached behind her to grasp my misdirected hero, and guided him to the grail. What a way to wake up. Her heat was incredible. She must have been simmering near boiling point for a long time. Immediately, her hips began to rise and fall as her cunt gripped and squeezed my shaft. Janice leaned forward, cupping her tits, offering her long nipples.

"Suck my tits," she whispered hoarsely.

God, she was ready to fuck. I raised my head and clamped onto the nearest nipple. I alternated from tit to tit and, when I didn't change soon enough, Janice pulled out, scraping her nipple across my front teeth, and shoved the other in. She pulled her tits away and sat up straight on my cock, her hips working steadily. She looked down and laughed as she rode me.

"You better eat lots of wheaties today," she gasped, pushing her hair up the sides of her head to produce the most wanton picture of a woman I had ever seen.

"Why," I gasped, thrusting up to fill her cunt.

"Because your mother told me she wants you again."

"I'm up for it."

Janice leaned forward, dangling her great tits over my face.

"Oh, big talker," she cooed. "You weren't up for me last night."

"That was a special occasion," I gasped, thrusting faster, reacting to her quickening pace. "I've got my energy back."

"You'd better," Janice huffed, "because once she gets her legs around you, she won't let go."

"I thought she liked it from behind."

"She does. But with you, she'll want face to face and it's going to really work her up, just like with Dad. You better keep tight to her, or she'll rip you off at the root."

Enough talk. I grabbed Janice's hips and kept her tight as I shoved up as hard as I could. Her laughter incensed me and soon she was riding a real bucking bronco. She didn't seem to mind. After we had both come hard, she lay on top of me breathing hard.

"I made your mother go downstairs without panties this morning," she whispered. She chuckled when my cock hardened between her legs. "God, even the thought of her makes you hard."

I didn't answer. Instead, I kissed, slipping my tongue deep in her mouth but I wasn't able to get my cock inside her.

"Save that for you mother. I'm going to take Mervin out and I want you to take her by surprise. Can you do that?"

I nodded.

"Get close to her and when she turns around, just lift her skirt and shove it in."

"No warning? What if she doesn't want to?"

"She'll want to. She doesn't want you to ask, she wants you to take it, like Dad did. You just take her, and no matter what she says, you do what you want. She'll love it."

"Ok," I said, not sure I would do as she said.

"And after that, take her upstairs to bed. Then, hang on for dear life, sonny boy, because you're going to get the ride of your life."

"Ok," I answered, this time with more conviction.

At the bedroom door, Janice turned around and said, "I knew you'd find the grates."
* * *​

An hour later, I stood behind Mom at the kitchen window as she waved to Janice backing out the driveway. Janice laughed, because she could see from Mom's face that my cock had just slid inside her pussy. She paused at the end of the driveway to watch Mom's face disappear from her view as I pushed her head forward and began rocking into her with a vengeance. I waved to Janice as she droved away.

Vengeance? That was Mom's because Janice was right. As soon as I flopped her down onto Janice's bed, her legs locked around my waist. She pulled herself up, found my tip, and pushed up my shaft. Her heels dug into my back. Soon, I began to move, or tried to. Mom gripped me so tightly it took a huge effort to slide at all. She laughed in my ear, squeezing her pussy muscles, teasing me with a million tiny assaults. Pushing her onto the mattress, getting on my hands and knees, it didn't matter, she kept herself tight, grinding on my cock. I tried lifting her high as I sat back on my knees, even rolled over on my back. Nothing changed. I could draw back to slide back in. Fifteen minutes later, I was begging her to loosen her legs so I could fuck her but she only urged me to try harder. It was a long time before I finally came. I had nothing left and Janice was right, my cock felt like it was hanging by a thread.

Lying on my back, finished, Mom finally crawled off my exhausted corpse. She kissed my forehead.

"I'll make you some lunch to restore your energy."

"Oh, shit. Is Janice home already?"

"No. Don't worry about that."

"Thanks, Mom. I don't think I can move."

"I told her," she said, ignoring me, "this isn't like it was with Dad." She paused for effect, smiling. "Mom's always come first."​
Previous page: Page 04
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Previous article in the series 'The Mom Memories': The Mom Memories: Frank's Story