Page 03
I took my cock in hand and aimed it directly at her cunt again. No way. She wasn't going to let me in. What the fuck?
I stopped still. I could feel Mom spread before me, her ass still tilted up, open, ready for me. So why wasn't she letting me? I pressed my cock against her fingers, gently, nudging. She pushed me away, just as gently, not out, but up. Up? I used my hand to guide my cock higher, directly above her pussy, to the place my thumb had just vacated, to her little hole, still slick with my saliva. I let the tip rest there. She didn't try to avoid it. After a minute of me just resting there, her ass wiggled just the slightest little bit, from a small wriggle of her hips. The tip pressed in a little more.
Another wiggle. I pushed. Wiggle, wiggle. Push, push, oh this felt good, this wasn't rejection, wiggle, wiggle, shove, shove, POP. I was in.
That little grunt. I shoved quickly in and back, rocking her forward but keeping the head of my cock just inside her ass.
More shoves.
"Ungghhh, ungghhh, ungghhh."
I grabbed Mom's hips and held her as I shoved completely in her, a moan escaping my own lips as I felt the tight scrape of her anal ring dragging on my shaft. Mom let out a long grunt matching my moan, all the way in. God, this was great. Incredible. My very first fuck, and it was in my Mom's ass!
I pulled her hips up higher and started steadily fucking her. She grunted each time I shoved into her. It was amazingly exciting. I got up on my feet, squatting over her ass as she raised herself right up on her knees to follow me. I really dug into her. I was making sounds like an animal as I humped her ass, gasping and grunting, my hands on her waist, keeping her head down in the mattress. I pulled out, stretched her back and pushed her flat on the bed. Straddling her thighs, I spread her cheeks open and pushed my cock in, feeling around for her hole, digging in when I found it. She wailed as I shoved in. I laid down along her body, fucking, fucking, reaching around to grab her tits for the first time in my life, squeezing as I dug my cock into her ass, frantically now, pounding, pounding, coming ... oh my god, coming and coming.
I stumbled to my room in the dark ten minutes later. I forgot my pajama bottoms in Mom's bed, but didn't want to go back for them. When I woke up the next morning, they were on my bed. Everything was as usual for the next few days, just like last time. Was it going to be another five or six weeks? After last night? I knew I couldn't last that long. Fortunately, Mom starting mentioning intimate details about her and Dad's marriage at breakfast only eight days later.
Mom was cooking something on the stove. I'm not sure what and I didn't look as I shuffled past to the coffee pot, mumbling "morning," not yet quite awake. The past week had been uneventful and I was resigned to waiting at least a few weeks before having another chance at her. I added milk, spilling some on the counter and walked over to sit at the table before getting something to eat. As I sipped my coffee, my eyes wandered to my mother, to her big fluffy slippers, up her bare calves and to her behind, or at least what I could see of it covered as it was by her thick terry cloth housecoat. Still, it moved interestingly as she slowly stirred the pot on the stove. My ears perked when she began talking about Dad.
"Come over and keep me company while I cook this," she said.
Grumbling, I got up and scuffed my way over, leaning against the fridge and drinking my coffee while she continued to talk. She was talking about the time she finally managed to still Dad's wandering eye.
"... and that was it," she said. "One day I just happened to wear a pair of slacks that was too tight around my butt. Well, your father was beside himself. All the way home he was on about how he had sat on the bench in the middle of the mall and watched guy after guy staring at my butt when their wives weren't looking. Even the young shop boys looked he said."
Mom stopped stirring and laughed, looking up and away as if watching a recording of the scene from long ago. She stared to stir again and continued, "It was a good thing you and your sister weren't home. He was in such a rush, he bumped into me on the way up the stairs and I dropped all my bags but instead of helping, he started pulling my pants down. By the time I crawled to the top he had them off and he was on me."
Mom fell silent but she continued to stir.
"That was the first time," she said in a lowered voice. There was a long pause while she continued to stir silently.
Sensing that she might be getting into a mood, I gently prodded.
"The first time ..."
She didn't respond and I was about to nudge her again when she whispered, "He took me from behind."
I almost dropped my cup. Recovering, I quickly finished my coffee and walked past Mom to set it on the counter, returning to stand behind her, the blood already rushing to my genitals.
Mom's spoke again, her voice resuming its normal tone. "It was a regular thing after that, shopping at malls all over town, even other places, just so Dad could follow and watch men look at my butt. I had to wear pants that emphasized my ass, especially anything that would divide my cheeks no matter how uncomfortable. But he didn't have eyes for other women, so I put up with it."
Mom kept stirring, adding some spices to the pot now and then.
"And then one day, he didn't want to go out anymore. He always found a way to pat me on the ass when you kids weren't looking, or he'd get you to go out and play so he could play with my bottom, especially while I was cooking, like this."
"Really?" I asked, stepping closer so my pajamas brushed lightly against Mom's terry cloth robe, placing my hands on her hips.
"Yeah. I'd fetch something that I had to bend over to get and the next thing you'd know, he'd be right behind me." Mom laughed softly. "Sometimes I teased him terribly." She pushed her bum back, bumping me lightly on the front of my pajamas. "Like that," she laughed louder. "It never failed."
Mom's voice lowered again. "But then he started getting fixated. He wanted me to walk around in my panties when you kids weren't home. And then he wanted me to just wear an apron. As soon as you were out of the house on the weekends, I had to put on the apron and pretend I was cooking while he stared at my bare butt and touched it until he got really worked up and I'd run upstairs and he'd try to catch me like that first time."
Mom stirred for a few more minutes without saying anything. This time I was afraid to disturb her reverie lest I derail her from the path I hoped she was following. I had managed to pull her back a bit to nestle against my pajamas but I didn't dare push in case I interrupted her train of thought. Please go on, I thought.
With a tiny extra push, almost a rub, Mom began speaking softly.
"Then, one day, he started doing strange things. He'd been hugging me, you know, standing behind me, kissing my neck and stroking my back. Oh he did that so nicely, you know, running his fingers up and down my back." She paused. "Gosh, it's hot in here." She began to fidget.
No, don't stop, my inner voice was shrill. Please don't quit.
"I think I'm getting a flash. I'm so hot." She was wriggling around now. "Baby, help me get my robe off."
Quickly, I reached around and undid the belt on Mom's robe and pulled it from her shoulders, pausing to let her get each arm out, one at a time so she could keep stirring the pot. After draping it over a kitchen chair, I turned back to see Mom stirring the stove, dressed only in a thigh-length nightie cut in a deep U shape that bared her back. The material was so thin I could see a long shadow defining the divide between her cheeks. My boner stiffened markedly. Why wouldn't Dad be fixated on her butt? I stood behind her but made sure my eager member didn't touch her bottom.
"Thanks sweetie."
Mom continued to stir but was silent for a long time. I kept myself busy staring at the smooth womanly skin of her back, the swell of her buttocks, and the bulge of her breasts at her side. At some point, I began stroking her back, lightly dragging the fingers of both hands up and down, following the edge of her nightie from her shoulders until they met at the base of her spine. Over and over, as soft as I could manage. When she still didn't speak, I couldn't help prompting her.
"So, Dad was doing strange things?"
"Yes," she said quietly, staring into the pot.
"Like what?" I matched her quiet tone.
"Well, he put his fingers on my butt. He was always patting it, but this time he slipped his fingers between, you know, like, between my cheeks."
Mom shuddered.
"It felt so weird," she whispered.
I hazarded a touch on Mom's bottom, thrilling to the free feel of her loose cheeks.
"No," she said. My hand froze.
"He was always doing that. It was right in there, you know, in between."
I moved my hand toward the middle of Mom's ass, lining its edge up with her crack.
"Yeah, like that," she said. "Except, since it was your Dad, and I was only wearing an apron, he pushed his fingers right into my bare ass."
"Oh," I said, not sure what to say or do.
"And then he did it," Mom said.
"What?" I whispered.
There was a long pause. I let the edge of my fingers push deeper between her cheeks, pinching her nightie in.
"He spit on me," Mom whispered.
"He spit on you?" I was incredulous. I couldn't imagine my father treating my mother badly. I knew he loved her.
"Yes. It shocked me, but before I could react he did it again. But this time, it was more like a dribble. I could his spit running down my back. He spit again, a wetter one, and it pushed the rest faster down my into my bum, running into my crack like a little river. He grabbed my cheeks, one in each hand, and pulled them apart with his thumbs, I guess to let his spit get right in there. I could feel it oozing through my crack. Then he spit again, almost gobbing, right at the top of my ass. It ran slower, like hot toffee, flowing like hot lava into my ass."
Mom stopped. She was panting, gasping for air. I was having difficulty breathing myself. I pulled her nightie up to her waist and held it there, staring at her bare ass. She was oblivious.
"Then he ... oh god ... when it dripped down, he smeared it all around with his thumbs. It was so strange. Nobody had ever touched me there. It felt weird, but good, and that shocked me. And just then, he pushed one of his thumbs inside. I don't which one, but he poked it right inside my bum." Mom followed up with a few short gasps, each followed by a quick intake of air.
I leaned down, put my mouth near the top of Mom's ass and went for broke. I squeezed out a large stream of saliva, opening her cheeks to let it drool down her crack. As it neared her little hole I moved my right hand below, stopping the flow with my fingers, forcing it to pool around her crinkly brown door. I could hear her panting quicken. Was she thinking of Dad that day or reacting to me?
I drooled out another mouthful of saliva, moved my mouth lower and used my tongue to urge the goo along. Was that moan for me? No matter. She was ready. I slid my finger inside and quickly moved it back and forth as I discovered how easily it slipped through her dark little entrance. A second finger followed. I shoved them both in and out several times. She's getting fucked right here, I thought, desperately trying to pull my pajamas down with one hand. Mom must have realized what I was doing because she suddenly lurched forward off my impaling fingers and stumbled out of the kitchen, catching me completely off guard.
"No, the children. They'll be home soon."
What? The children? What the fuck was she talking about.
I stumbled after her, dragging my pajamas off as I went. Mom was halfway up the stairs by the time I passed through the doorway, discarding my pajamas on the floor. I caught her near the top but she struggled up to the landing before I pushed her onto the carpet, kneeing her legs apart and pushing my cock against her butt.
"No! The children."
"Fuck the kids," I yelled, my cock nudging against her slick anus. I pushed and the head popped inside.
"Uggggh," Mom responded.
I pushed, forcing myself in, slowly widening her.
"Ohhhhhhhhh," Mom moaned, and then, "ugghh, unnghhhh, unnggghh," as I stared pumping into her ass, nudging her along the hallway.
We reached her bedroom doorway by the time we came. She fell flat to the floor and I collapsed on her. A few minutes later, she pulled herself ahead away from me and stumbled over to the her bed, falling face first onto the mattress. I struggled up and followed her, cum dripping from my half hard cock.
I scrabbled up onto the bed and straddled her thighs. Spreading her cheeks with my hands I stared at her asshole, my cum oozing out. My cock stiffened so fast I thought it would snap. Guided it down into the pool of white goo, I pushed in, relishing in the loud grunt from my mother's lips that my effort produced.
"Oh, god. I love it," she cried as I started our second ass fuck that morning, a long one with lots of moaning and grunting. It exhausted us. I'm surprised we even heard my sister coming in the door with her kids. I ran to my room.
Mom was downstairs in a dress when I arrived, also fully dressed. My sister Wendy was chiding Mom about leaving laundry layout around. My pajamas had been picked up and placed on top of Mom's housecoat, still draped over the chair. My sister and her kids stayed for lunch, long enough to fulfill her duty visit before she drove home in the next town. I managed to pat Mom's ass several times without getting caught. Mom seemed shocked and then angry at first but warmed up and seemed to be enjoying the game by the time Wendy was ready to go.
As soon as my sister and her kids were out the door, I pinned Mom up against it, holding her there with my body while my hands reached around to grope her tits. Mom was looking through one of the long vertical window slits in the door as her daughter leaned in the back seat on the far side of the car to strap one kid into their car seats. As she shut the door and walked around to do the other kid, I dropped my hands to my jeans and undid my belt. As my sister leaned in to do her daughter, her behind facing us, I lifted Mom's dress and pushed myself against her, ready to rub myself against her panties until my sister was gone.
I was surprised when my cock mashed against Mom's bare ass. She wasn't wearing panties. Well, I guess she hadn't had time to put any on. Watching my sister's well-defined behind as I rubbed Mom's, my cock hardened to pure steel.
"Look at that," I whispered. "Like mother, like daughter."
"You keep your eyes to yourself," Mom reprimanded me.
"Do you think Don does her like this?"
"Stop it, Grant."
"No, I don't think so," I went on. "He's too much of a wuss."
"He is a wuss," Mom agreed as my cock slipped between her thighs and I slid my hands up inside her dress to take her bare tits into my hands.
Wendy finished strapping my niece in and closed the back door, turned to wave at the house, and got into her car.
"I hope she doesn't get frustrated and start looking around," I whispered, sliding back and forth between Mom's legs as my sister began backing down the drive, smiling and waving at the door where she could probably see Mom.
"No," Mom said. "We don't want her to stray."
My sister had backed onto the street and her car started moving forward.
"We should keep her busy in the family," I whispered, pushing into Mom's pussy for the first time in my life. She was surprisingly tight but I managed to get the door rattling before Wendy's car disappeared. I didn't let her off the door until I was finished. She seemed to like it. She loved it the rest of the afternoon, too.
We were graced with several visits from my sister after that. Almost every weekend. I had been visiting Mom's bed every night so it wasn't too much of an interruption except that it stopped me from having her during the day on the weekends. Still, I looked forward to her visits because I couldn't get the thought of her behind out of my mind since I first mentioned it to Mom.
I was so keen on looking at my older sister, who I had fought with like cats and dogs for years, that Mom had to ask me to leave so she could talk to her. She suspected that her daughter was trying to tell her something and needed time alone to work herself up to it. That week, Mom confided in me.
I guess Don wasn't satisfying her too well and she was getting bored and antsy. She was at that age, almost thirty and married six years, where she wanted some excitement and Don wasn't it. Mom was terrified Wendy was going to have an affair. I guess one of her and Don's friends was flirting with her when his wife and Don weren't around. And Mom thought Wendy was weakening. Evidently, this guy had got Wendy into online chatting with him during the day and late at night and had sent pictures of himself to her and pointed her to a website with video clips of sex that was more exciting than the not even weekly missionary position excursions she engaged in with her husband. Mom thought that confiding in her was a desperate attempt to stop herself because she was about to give in.
On Saturday, Wendy arrived for another visit. Mom was petrified that she was about to reveal a tryst with their adventurous friend and that two marriages were now in jeopardy. Just a matter of time. I took the kids out for the afternoon so Mom and Wendy could talk. As it turned out, nothing had yet happened but they were closer than ever. Evidently, Wendy's trips were more to avoid the inevitable than to seek counseling from her mother. Mom thought Wendy might not visit the following week, and was desperate to do something.
Wendy wanted to leave right after supper but Mom insisted she and the kids stay, promising the kids that I would take them to the local fair the next day. After that, it was impossible for Wendy to get the kids to go home. Mom insisted that Wendy have a relaxing bath after supper. She came downstairs in the velour robe Mom had laid out for her. Mom insisted the kids go to bed early and shooed them upstairs with a promise to come up to read them fairytales from her big book, the one with the scary stories unlike the safe vanilla ones offered up these days. Wendy usually hated for Mom to read these stories to her kids but she didn't complain tonight.
As soon as the kids went upstairs Mom dragged out her large exercise pad and covered it with white towels. She lit the gas fireplace, turned out the lights, and pulled a surprised Wendy onto the mat, instructing her to lay face down and relax. Mom went into the kitchen and returned with a large metal mixing bowl filled with warm oil. Now I began to get an idea about why she had insisted earlier that change into my robe while Wendy was in the bath.
"You need to relax dear. Now, I'm going to go upstairs and look after the children until they're asleep and you're going to lay her and enjoy a massage from your brother. He's been taking a special course in relaxation therapy and it's done me wonders since Dad passed."
This was pure malarkey. I hadn't taken any course in relaxation therapy and didn't know the first thing about how to do a massage. Wendy began to protest but Mom insisted she wouldn't take no for an answer from either of us. She turned to me.
"Now you do the best job you can for your sister. God knows, you owe it to her for all the years you were nasty to her." Facing Wendy, Mom said, "Just let Grant do his thing. He has a real talent, and you need it."