Page 05

"Jack, please stop."

I unbuckle my jeans and push them and my underwear down to my knees, my cock springing out, ready for action.

Mom stood still, leaning on her elbows with her legs spread about two feet apart. Her breathing was ragged. She sucked her breath in and held it when my hands grasped her hips and pulled her back a step, then pushed her back forward, forcing her to lean against the counter at a sharper angle. Immediately, grabbed the hem of her dress and pulled it up over her hips, bunching it around her waist and stuffing it between her tummy and the edge of the counter.

I marveled at the beauty of her ass, her panties only partly covering the protruding cheeks that jutted sharply out after the gradual fall from her hips. I tugged the panties down her thighs to her knees.

"Lift," I instructed.

Mom bent her knee to lift her foot, allowing me to pull the panty off, then repeated without instruction with the other foot. She replaced her feet in their spread position, and waited.

I ran my right palm over my mouth, licking it and my fingers, then cupped her pussy from behind, rubbing my saliva over her cunt lips. I didn't wait, I pushed my cock forward until the tip hit her wetness and quickly slipped the head inside.

"Oh, god, Jack, oh god."

I shoved in, all the way. I couldn't wait. I started fucking her hard right away, rocking her like a rag doll over the counter. She became wet very quickly and our fucking generated a loud slap, slap, slap racket that was thankfully covered by noise of the washer and dryer. Mom was grunting with every thrust. I don't know if it was from my frenetic pace or if she was really getting off on my cock slamming into her from behind. A little of both, I guess. It didn't matter, I loved it!

Spurt, spurt, spurt. I slowed down to grinding hunches as I emptied my sperm into her, finally coming to a stop. Mom was leaning flat on the counter.

"Every day until Sunday, Mom. I'm going to fuck you every chance I get."

I pulled my cock out and watched my semen trickle down the inside of her right thigh. God she looked hot, hair wild, legs trembling with my cum dribbling toward her knees. Amazingly, my cock stiffened.

I grabbed a bunch of stacked towels and threw them onto the floor, followed by a couple of sheets, then dragged Mom upright and gently laid her down on her back. Without delay, I kneeled between her legs, pushed them high and against my shoulders, feet on either side of my head, then leaned far forward, bending her almost double.

I aimed my cock and slipped it into her wet hole again, and used my hand to feed its semi-hardness deeper. Grabbing a tit in each hand, I squeezed each firmly, the long distended nipples poking through thumb and fingers.

Then I started, working up to another vigorous, strenuous fuck. It wasn't long before our skin was again slapping together but it was Mom's ragged, gasping that almost overwhelmed the sound of the machines.

I fucked like a demon. Mom couldn't move on her own. In that position, she could only take what I gave. But when we were close again, near her second orgasm in half an hour, she craned her neck up and bit me on my neck. I don't know if it was the pain or the timing, but cum burst up my rod and out in a geyser that took half a minute to empty into her shrine of her holy cunt.

For more than a minute she kept her legs hooked around my neck. I gouged my cock into her every ten seconds or so in spasmodic reaction, jerking the last dregs of my cum into her. At last, I stood, looking down at Mom lying on the floor, limbs akilter, exhausted.

"I don't think I can take this until Sunday," she gasped, turning onto her side, breasts still heaving and tummy pulsing with each gulp of air.

As I watched, her hips twisted slightly forward, gracing my eyes with her ass once more, her beautiful cheeks creasing against the back of her thighs, a shadowy triangle forming where her thighs met. Mom turned to look up at me as she got onto her knees and I panted above her. Her features configured into surprise as she recognized the lust returning to my young face.

"No. Jack, you can't be serious," her words echoed her countenance.

"What?" I said, leaning down to grasp her ankle and pulling it up to prevent her from standing.

"No, Jack. It's not possible," Mom cried as she tried to twist into a sitting position, but her eyes were on my cock, lurching as it stiffened before her.

"What?" I asked again, grabbing her other ankle, pulling it up too, twisting her legs, turning her over onto her tummy.

"It's not natural."

Mom tried to raise herself on her hands so I shifted down, slipping her legs through my curled arms to her knees, holding her up like she used to do to me when I was little, playing wheelbarrow.

"Jack, don't."

My cock tingled as it bounced to full hardness. Impossible? Give me a break, I thought, gazing down as her ass, her parted legs, her pussy, wet and used, open and pink, but ready. How could I not be hard again? Show me one eighteen year old who wouldn't have a raging boner looking at this no matter how many times he'd just done it.

"Feel it Mom," I panted, slipping my knob inside her, "its not natural." I grunted as I shoved my cock into her, feeling every millimeter of her soaking, gripping glove. "Holy fuck," I cried.

"Holy fuck," I grunted, again and again, crouched with knees bent, holding Mom's thighs splayed about my hips as I plunged my cock into her over and over.

"Holy fuck," I cried, with Mom's bent knees and curled toes beside me, stretching her pussy to enhance the feel of my cock digging into her cunt, hips jackhammering furiously. "Fuck ... fuck ... fuck," I cried until I burst into her a third time, heard her wail through another orgasm, felt her spasm on my cock, lunging, slower now, stopping, slipping out of her, finally soft.

Gently, I lowered her knees to the ground. Hovering over her, I whispered, voice hoarse and ragged, "Not natural? That's what God's love should feel like."

As I stumbled upstairs, yanking my jeans up and cinching my belt, our words played over in my head.

"It's not natural...Holy fuck...God's love."

That's it, I thought. That's the key. I could hardly wait to get to school tomorrow. To see my art teacher, the one with the tattoos.

Jack Gets Religion

"Airbrush?" I exclaimed. "So, that's not, like painful, right?"

"No", my teacher patiently explained. "But if you don't want a permanent tattoo and you want one of good quality in a lighter color, then it's your only option. Henna is too dark. InfinitInk is almost permanent and takes about as long as a real tattoo to do."

"So, this airbrush thing is quick, can do light colors, and looks good?"

"That's right. Its like a stick-on tattoo but with more control of the artwork at the time of the application. How fancy is the tattoo you want to do?"

"Oh, nothing fancy. Just a cross."

"A cross? Like a Gothic cross?"

"No. Just a plain one."

"How big?"

"Small. About two inches high and an inch across."

"For your arm?"

"Here," I patted my shoulder.

"And you want it a pale yellow, like a light?"

"Yeah, kind of holy looking, not dark and evil."

"Ok. You don't need an airbrush for something that simple. I can show you how to make a home-made stick-on, but it won't last long. You'll have to redo it fairly regularly if you want to keep it."

"That's great, Mr. Hicks," I said, rushing toward the door and my next class. "Awesome. After school?" I held out my hand, thumbs up.

Mr. Hicks didn't answer. He was already looking critically at the project he'd been working on when I interrupted him.
* * *​

Mom and Aunt Carrie picked me up in Dad's truck after Saturday's game. Carrie was nervous. I had told her about Mom's plans and she was very worried that Mom would involved her in her confessions the next day. I climbed into the middle of the truck and kept my hands to myself as Carrie shut the door and Mom drove away from the field.

"Can we go down Enderby Road, Mom?" I asked.

"Way out there?" Mom was surprised.

"It's so nice out and I don't want to go home right away. My game sucked and you know Dad, he'll be asking how many goals I scored as soon as we get out of the truck."

"I don't know," Mom said. "It's already a few miles out of the way to take Carrie home."

"I'll come too," Carrie broke in. "I haven't been out there for ages. It's so pretty this time of year."

"Ok," Mom acquiesced, "but your father will wonder what happened to us. He'll be wanting his dinner so we can't be too long."

I was good on the way out but Mom noticed as soon as Aunt Carrie put her hand on my leg. She didn't slide it up near my crotch but Mom placed her hand possessively in the same spot on my other thigh. These two friends couldn't help but compete with each other.

When Mom turned down Enderby Road and slowed down to travel the windy country road, I leaned back and stretched my arms along the seat behind Mom and Aunt Carrie's head. I lifted my knees and moved my feet around to get more comfortable, jostling the women's hands and causing them to fall up my leg, right next to my crotch.

"Can we stop at that spot, Mom?"

"What spot?" Mom kept her eyes looking rigidly ahead, jaw tightening at my mention of our picnic spot in front of her friend.

"You know the one," I said smugly.

Mom gritted her teeth and sped up. I think she knew something was up. That was my mom, never shirk a difficult task, just face it head on and get on with it. Aunt Carrie looked similarly determined. She must have assumed that I wanted a private place for her and I to confront Mom about her confession and she was girding herself for a battle. My mother was a stubborn woman.

We bumped down the road up and around the little knoll and then off the road. Mom stopped the truck near the spot we had made love looking over the valley below. She threw the transmission into park before the truck had fully stopped and shut the engine off. We jerked to and fro with the truck as the motor dieseled in pre-ignition and finally sputtered out with a gasping roar.

It was suddenly quiet. All of us stared straight ahead, not looking at each other. Strangely, Mom and Aunt Carrie still gripped the inside of my thigh, each hand partly on and partly off my shorts.

"Well?" Mom asked, impatiently triggering the anticipated intervention.

"Marg, we've been friends for a long time." Aunt Carrie turned to look at Mom, her body shifted around to follow. "I know things have gotten a little crazy lately."

Aunt Carrie lifted her hand from my thigh and shifted it across to cover Mom's, fingers sliding underneath to pry it off my leg.

"We have to talk about it. We can't waste all our years of friendship. My gosh," a tear ran down Aunt Carrie's face, "we've been friends since Grade Three."

Mom turned to look at Aunt Carrie, tears running down her cheeks as well. She looked down at her hand held tighly in her friend's, then looked her in the eye.

"I know Carrie," she choked.

Mom used her free to clasp the one Carrie was using to hold hers and shook them. Carrie added her free hand too and both women looked into each other's teary eyes, pouring out their love for each other, their shaking ball of knuckles scraping the large lump in my shorts. I grasped a wrist from each woman to join at the edge of the union, pulling their hands closer to my crotch.

"But I have to do what I have to do," Mom was cried. "I have to do what's right."

"But you'll ruin your life," Aunt Carrie cried. "You'll ruin all our lives," she began balling.

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry," Mom sniffled.

"Do you have to mention me?" Aunt Carrie whimpered.

"I won't say anything but if he asks, I can't lie. Not to God."

"Oh, Marg. I know, I know." The tears really started to flow and both women leaned forward to rest their foreheads on each other's shoulder.

It was hard, but I released my grip on the women's hands, loosening their contact with my bulge, and put an arm around the shoulder of each woman.

"There's no need to confess," I assured them.

Both women staightened up.

"What do you mean?" Carrie asked, as the same time Mom reitereated, "I have to confess."

"God already knows, and he's pleased."

"Of course He already knows," Mom retorted angrily. "And don't use His name in vain, you have no idea what He thinks."

"Yes," I countered emphatically, "I do."

"How?" Aunt Carrie asked, desperate to keep any chance of salvation alive, no matter how slim.

"Because I can hear him. I know he doesn't want Mom to confess to the servants of the Church because they wouldn't understand. But He wants me to continue to spread His word through love. He said there's lots of love in the world but it needs to be released, from the mothers of the world. Only they, He said, can save the world, and I am to be His messenger."

Mom's hand flew to her mouth. "Jack. That's blasphemy!"

Aunt Carrie's eyes narrowed as she scrutinized my face. "How do you hear him?"

"In a dream. He had a booming voice. I could see Him but He was obscured in a swirling mist with a bright light behind it. He told me what I just told you. He said I had to make love to the mothers of the world."

Mom relaxed and leaned forward to put her arm around me. Aunt Carrie followed suit, patting me on the back.

"Oh Jack," Mom comforted me, clearly thinking I believed what I said but my mind was simply reacting to stress.

"He left a mark," I said, putting my gambit into play. "He said it was to remind me of my mission and to use it to convince nonbelievers."

"Jack, Jack," Aunt Carrie murmurred, her hand patting me more rapidly.

"See for yourself," I challenged them.

"Jack...," Mom began.

"Look," I cut her off, grasping my shorts and yanking them apart, sending the two front buttons flying. My cock, which I'd been careful to uncover after the game by removing my sweaty jockstrap, sprung out fully formed. Both women looked dumfounded, then started to laugh.

"Jack," my mother said, "that's not funny."

"No. It certainly is not," Aunt Carrie sounded amused anyway but the way her eyes latched onto my boner betrayed more serious thoughts.

"Look closely," I demanded. "It was there when I woke up."

Both women looked at my cock, more seriously now, though still confused about what I was on about. I pushed my cock forward with a finger until it was standing out about forty five degrees. Aunt Carrie peered closer, catching sight of something. She held out her own hand and placed the tip of her index finger above mine, just below the ridge at the base of my helmet. She pressed my cock down toward the seat so she could see the back of my shaft.

Mom gasped. Aunt Carrie sucked her breath in hard.

"What's that," they exclaimed in unison.

Mom reached down with her own index finger and gingerly touched the faint yellow, elongated mark stretching up the middle of my rod. Nearer Aunt Carrie's finger, the thick line was crossed by another.

"Oh, my God," Aunt Carrie said, curling her finger around my helmet to hold my cock more firmly, then engaging the assistance of the rest of her hand until my cock head was wrapped gently within the soft skin of her palm.

"I don't believe it," Mom said, running her fingertip up and down the cross.

Aunt Carrie gently squeezed my cock head. "Does it hurt," she asked.

"No, but it feels strange, like there's something alive inside, something powerful."

Mom's fingertip traced the outline of the cross, then ran down and up the stem again. She kept moving her finger along the same path. "It's like it's lit up inside," she whispered.

"I think it's Him," I groaned. "I feel this enormous pressure to let him out," I explained, expelling a soft moan as Aunt Carrie twisted her hand over my knob.

"Let me touch it." Aunt Carrie released my cock head and used her finger to push Mom's out of the way.

Mom's hand fell away, then cupped around my balls. "Are you sure it doesn't hurt, sweetie?"

"No," I gasped. "There's just this strong, pressure, this urge for release. It's getting worse," I cried.

"There, there," Mom leaned forward to kiss the side of my face, her arm curling around my neck.

Aunt Carrie leaned down, and kissed the tip of my cock. Her mouth opened and she sucked my cock inside, locking her lips behind my helmet. I felt her wet tongue swirl around my head and I groaned loudly. Aunt Carrie's fingers curled around my shaft and starting jacking my cock, urging it into her soft, mushy mouth. I pushed my hand around to the back of her head and pulled it closer, further onto my cock. I twisted my head to side in ecstacy and Mom's mouth closed over mine, her tongue snaking inside. She stretched up in the seat, excited, pulling my balls up with her and shoving my cock deeper into Aunt Carrie's mouth.

"Suck him," Mom cried when she pulled her mouth from mine. "Help him," she demanded.

I hunched my hips up, pushing as far as I could into Aunt Carrie's mouth but, despite my hold on her head, she pulled back until my knob was just inside her lips, pouting and rubbing my tip through her frothy softness.

"Let him mark me," she gasped, eyes wild, hand frantically rubbing my cock all over her lips.

I hold it. I blasted a huge wad of come all over Aunt Carrie's face, then another, and another. Aunt Carrie's head fell away, toward the dash, her face deleriously happy. She was unceremoniously bumped farther away as my mother's leg swung over mine and she dropped on top of me, straddling my thighs. She was in a furious hurry, yanking her dress up and snatching at her panties, pulling them way over toward her right leg.

Mom rose up on her knees, holding her panties to the side. "Put Him in me, put Him in me," she cried, desperate for consummation. Frantic, consuming her hysteria, I grabbed my cock and was suddenly engulfed and Mom dropped onto my cock and recklessly shoved herself down hard. Immediately, she started bucking her hips wildly against me, slipping her hands under my armpits to help pull herself down as hard as she could. She was wild, moaning and groaning loudly, flinging her head back, gasping and laughing until finally, in a huge convulsion, she let out an ear splitting scream.


Mom slumped forward against my chest but before I could hug her tight, Aunt Carrie was pushing her off behind the steering wheel and at the same time trying to pull me over her way. As soon as Mom was off my lap, Aunt Carrie replaced her and started humping me just as frantically as Mom had done. She lifted her shirt, ripping her bra up and over to bear her tits and shoved them into my face, trying to steer her nipples into my mouth. She was possessed. She used me until she, too, collapsed against me, her chest heaving as she struggled to regain her breath.

I got out of the truck and had to push Aunt Carrie back inside after she half fell out after me. Mom seemed to be almost in a coma and Aunt Carrie was not much different. I tried to push her farther in on the seat, her legs dangling out the door. When she seemed steady, and not about to fall out, I turned to leave but her marvelous ass caught my attention.

I was still rock hard, having not come while each woman fucked me. I leaned forward until my tip pressed against Aunt Carrie's cheeks. Man, what an ass. I spread her cheeks and nudged my tip against the large brownish blemish and its crinkly center. I spread her cheeks wider and it opened into a nickel-sized hole. I shoved and my tip popped inside.

"Unnnngghhh," Aunt Carrie moaned.

"Here come's God's love," I moaned back.

I pressed forward, relentlessly until my cock disappeared and my hips were tight against Aunt Carrie's butt. I looked up with my eyes squeezed tightly shut and grimaced at the sky, then lunged into her ass and bulged inside her. I rocked back and forth and kept it up until I was sliding in and out almost the full length of my cock. Aunt Carrie was sliding back and forth on the truck seat and Mom was draped limply over the steering wheel, her head flopped on its upper arch, facing toward me, watching as I fucked her friend in the ass. I grasped Aunt Carrie's hair and pulled her head up so they could look at each other while I furiously reamed Aunt Carrie's butt, the way each of them had done me.

When I finished and pulled out of Aunt Carrie, I straightened her up and pushed her dress down over her ass. A thrill swept through me when I spotted my cum squeezing out of her butt hole. I strapped Aunt Carrie into the seat belt and carefully closed the door. After gently prodding Mom into the middle and fastening her in, I started the truck and headed home. The women still seemed to be in a daze.

"We better head home. It's going to be a long day tomorrow." There was no response.

"It's Sunday tomorrow," I reminded them. They both nodded. "I don't want you to go to church, Mom. I want you to stay home because you're not feeling well, but send Dad anyway, understand?"

Mom nodded.

"And you come over to look after her," I looked over to Aunt Carrie. "Alone."

Aunt Carrie nodded.

Sunday school will be in session tomorrow, I grinned to myself. Big time.
* * *​

Jack finished school that year but he didn't go away to college. Everyone was surprised when he became involved with the church. Marg and Carrie began hosting meetings for a new church women's group in the evenings. They always sent their husbands away, but insisted Jack stay behind to help. But that's another story.​
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