Page 03
Another drawer slid shut behind us ... pause ... then the sound of another opening.
I turned away from the hidden hand, back to the mirror, sliding up until I met those eyes, still staring directly at me and still undecipherable.
I recaptured my dispossessed appendage and willed it to move, staring deliberately back into Mom's eyes, intensely aware of their pressure but also sensing with exaggerated perception the soft inner skin of her thigh. Slowly, slowly my hand climbed, Mom tracking every inch through my eyes. The skin became even softer, more yielding, and less resistant. I knew I was near and wasn't surprised when my fingers dipped into the hollow at the top of Mom's leg just before her panty leg.
My hand stopped as Dad's voice rang out again.
"Could they be in one of your drawers?"
"I don't think so," Mom answered with a dead calm voice.
Dad's footsteps approached and passed behind us.
"But see for yourself," the deadpan voice suggested.
The sound of a drawer opening on the other side of Mom arrived as if coming from a great distance rather than the six or so feet it had actually traveled. Was that last comment directed at Dad or me? The mutual gaze between Mom and I became incredibly intense. I moved my hand up and to cup her panties. Mom reacted immediately with a sharp, audible intake of breath. Her eyes were riveted on mine but her face registered shock. From the unexpected completion of my threatened action, or her reaction?
"What? What did you say?" Dad asked, another drawer opening and closing.
"Nothing," the calm voice returned. "Just look carefully so you're sure they're not there."
I pushed my hand further between Mom's legs, fingers sliding along her cleft until my palm was pressed against her mound. It throbbed in my hand. Reluctantly, I pulled my hand slowly out, dragging my fingers through the groove, the tips following the narrow canyon until it petered out. Mom's mouth opened in silence. Pushing slowly back in, my fingers dug deeper, creating a shallow furrow like a farmer plowing a virgin field. When my hand once again pressed against Mom's mound, the tip of her tongue appeared between her open lips, as if somehow forced out. Realizing my tongue was peeking out of my own mouth, I squeezed Mom's pussy between palm and fingers, gratified when more of her tongue made an appearance. Pleased, I did it again, like gently squeezing a Japanese orange. I loved the look on Mom's face and, though I didn't squeeze any harder, I pushed my arm up harder to increase the pressure on her cunt.
"They're not there," Dad said, exasperated, the last drawer closing with a bang.
I heard him stand up and turn to look at Mom. I pulled my hand up so it wasn't sticking obviously out Mom's slip but I kept it high on the inside of her thigh, flat against her leg, my arm hidden against her side. I followed the sound of Dad's voice until I could see his face the mirror. He was standing on other side of Mom, a few feet away and slightly behind her, looking directly at the side of her face. Mom still had her hands raised to her ear. Though it seemed odd to me that a woman would still be trying to put on a pair of earrings after all this time, such a practiced movement, but that didn't seem to occur to Dad.
"Will you take a look, Linda?" Dad was frustrated.
"In a minute, dear. Go have your shower."
How could she be so cool?
As Dad turned away, I slid my hand back to cup Mom's pussy, snaking the other behind her legs, over her buttocks to the top of her panties, halfway up her ass, and tugged them down until the elastic was stretched across the back of her thighs in the creases between buttocks and legs. Dad disappeared through the bathroom doorway as my front hand retreated up the front of Mom's panties and my rear followed, chasing it's team member, but on the inside, along Mom's wet pussy. At the sound of Dad's trousers hitting the bathroom floor, my longest finger dug into Mom's hole, pushing as far as it could reach up her slippery channel. I tore my eyes from the doorway and looked at Mom's face again, witnessing her closed-eyed grimace, thrilling as it screwed up even more when I wiggled my finger and gave it an extra push into her cunt.
Knowing that she must be at the height of her excitement with Dad's exit but still only feet away through an open doorway in the next room, I drew my hand back and inserted another finger, frigging her rapidly for a least a dozen thrusts. I heard the shower start blasting away and pulled my fingers almost but not quite out, spreading them to open her slit. Slipping my other hand inside the front of Mom's panties, I aligned my thumb with her slit and pushed it gently up to the top of her little hood and began rubbing in a small circle on her clit. Mom moaned loudly but thankfully it coincided with the sound of the shower door sliding shut.
With Mom's eyes closed and her face indicating she was lost in the feelings emanating from her womanhood, I awkwardly got off the bench seat and stood behind Mom, managing to keep both of my hands busy on her increasingly wet and slippery sex. Remembering how she liked my breathing near her ear, I started whispering to her as I pulled my rear hand away and used it to push my pajama bottoms down, freeing my rock hard cock. I didn't have much time. Dad wasn't known for languishing in a hot shower.
Hoping I wasn't making a mistake, I whispered, reminding her of the movie, "I really liked it when the mother was watching her husband talking to his parents." I knew she would know what I was talking about.
Watching her, you wouldn't have seen any reaction but I could feel her push herself harder onto the hand I held in front of her which, when I'd stood, had twisted around so its fingers were now ensconced in her slippery pussy. Helping her along, I pushed the three fingers further inside her.
"Remember how the son rubbed his cock between her legs," I whispered, trying to add an extra rasp to my voice, though I probably didn't need to. Mom moaned aloud again and I knew I was on the right track. Moving in for the close, I swirled my thumb across Mom's little hoodie and whispered, extra soft and drawn out, "Remember how long it was?"
Another loud moan. I pushed forward, dipping my knees and, cock in hand, rubbed it up the inside of one thigh, down the other and then back up until it rested at the bottom of her bum, between her cheeks.
"A long cock rubbing between his mother's legs when the rest of the family were just outside the door."
I didn't remind her that the son had actually fucked his mother. I nuzzled the back of Mom's head, turning it to the side so my mouth was closer to her ear but also to point her face toward the open bathroom doorway. I pushed my cock along the crevice between Mom's cheeks, the panty elastic stretched across her thighs keeping me pressed hard against her perineum. Mom's eyes fluttered open, eyeing the open doorway with the same blank yet intense gaze she had fixed on me before and during my initial caress up her inner thigh. I shoved forward, using the fingers of my front hand to seek and guide the head of my cock over the front panty elastic. Mom kept looking at the doorway.
"He had such a long cock," I whispered.
With my cock pushed firmly up against the bottom of Mom's pussy, I began sliding back and forth, shifting my hands up to rub and hold her tits through the slip and flimsy bra.
"Rubbing and rubbing between her sexy legs... from behind," I murmured in her ear.
I stopped talking and concentrated on my fuck-like thrusts, squeezing her tits and swirling my tongue in her ear. Faster, faster, faster. I was fucking and fucking, my excitement outgrowing my ability to control myself, getting lost in it, thinking of nothing else, becoming an uncontrollable, spastic muscle.
Reality crashed inside my head ... what was that? Something wasn't there. The water. The shower had stopped!
"Unnghhh, unnnnghhhh, unnngghhhh."
Thrust, thrust, thrust.
My mind was starting to work again but it couldn't control my body. Fuck, fuck, fuck.
The shower door opening. Any minute now. He'd be here. Any minute now. I'd come.
Fuck, fuck, fuck.
"Ohhhhhhhh, ohhhhhh, ahhhhhhh."
I stumbled back, my Dad's voice humming, the sound of a towel, scrubbing.
Get out. Get out!
Mom was straightening up, her slip falling over her thighs. I could see her face as I backed away slightly to the side, heading directly to the bedroom door. Her eyes were on mine again, watching me leave. A slight smile graced her lips as she raised her arms, swinging both hands up to her ear, canting her head that way. As I backed through the door, I could hear Dad talking to Mom. He was coming out of the bathroom. Mom turned to face him but my eyes glued onto the part of the mirror that became visible as she turned, now blemished by a large splat of milky white stuff, just starting to ooze down the glassy surface.
I turned into the hallway, catching Dad exiting the bathroom from the corner of my eye, and stopped just out of sight.
"So is William going to join us?"
"No," Mom's voice was calm and collected. "He's going to study so he can watch a movie or something tonight.
"I wish he wouldn't download free movies. We can buy anything he wants to watch."
"You don't get it Bill," Mom replied. "It's not the downloading, it's the thrill of it. Young people these days like to do something a bit naughty, but without any real harm being done."
"But what's he watching?"
"He's eighteen, dear. Whether you like it or not, he's a young man now."
"I still don't like it."
"Would you like me to see what he's watching?"
"Would you mind?"
"Not at all dear. I'll go downstairs after supper and insist on watching a movie with him and see what he's got to offer."
"See what he's got loaded on that machine," Dad pressed.
"I'll see what he's got loaded. Now get dressed. All this talk is making me hungry."
I retreated down the hall, their voices diminishing as I descended the stairs, heart still pounding from my close call and the thrill of getting her so excited that I was sure she would have let me fuck her if Dad hadn't been so close. How could I get her that excited again without him being so near?
I finishing a gigantic sandwich when Mom and Dad came home and washed it down with a beer. Dad looked askance at me and though he looked disgruntled at finding me drinking a beer in the middle of the day, he didn't say anything. Mom went over to the window behind the sink, and looked out at the back yard.
"Your roses are coming up nicely, Bill."
Distracted, Dad joined Mom to look out at his roses, and she then turned toward me. "Are you going to study this afternoon, William, so we can watch some movies tonight?"
Mom was smiling as she spoke, probably because my mouth was chock full of bread, ham and tomato along with all the stuff I'd spread on it. I munched and munched but it was clear I wouldn't be able to speak for almost a minute at least. Dad was staring out the window and Mom stood about three feet this side of him, one hand on the counter and the other on her hip, the leg near the cupboards bent at the knee with her foot raised, leaving the other to take all her weight. The way she stood cocked her hip, emphasizing the line of her outer leg, the narrowness of her waist, and the heaviness of her breasts as they jutted out over her tummy. Her smile widened as she watched my eyes drift up her body, as if riding a slowly rising tide from her feet to her chest.
"I said, are you going to study some more this afternoon?"
"Oh yeah," I finally choked out, still admiring the contours of the expensive white blouse Mom was wearing under the jacket that matched the skirt that flattered her hips. I couldn't wait to see her walking away.
I stood, pausing to pick up my empty plate and take a swig of beer, wiped my mouth with the back of my hand, eyes roaming around the contours of Mom's chest as I stepped to the sink and reached around Dad to put the plate in the sink, leaning heavily against Mom's side.
"A bit early in the day for a beer, isn't it?" Dad grumbled.
I was about to reply when Mom pushed me away and turned to lean back against the counter, facing me but looking at Dad. "Why don't you get changed and do a bit of gardening this afternoon, dear."
Dad nodded and walked out of the kitchen, kind of grumping along the way. I looked down at Mom, eyes on the swell of her breasts under the fancy white blouse that revealed nothing since it buttoned at the back.
"I thought that was ham and tomato you were eating, or did you have oats for breakfast?" Mom's face broke out into a big grin as she brushed past me before I could reply. "You'd best get studying before your Dad comes downstairs." I turned to watch her, briefly catching the movement of her bum before she turned up the stairs.
I saw Dad walk by as I exited the downstairs bathroom. The back door closed a few seconds later but by then I was watching Mom's silent descent down the stairs, still dressed in her white blouse and skirt with matching white stockings but no shoes. She had removed the jacket and her breasts featured prominently as they pushed against the blouse, jostling with each step. She watched me as I watched her but she wasn't smiling, instead wearing that same unfathomable blank look I had seen this morning. She was sexy but aloof and there was a sense that touching her was taboo but not completely forbidden.
She paused on the bottom step, one leg hanging in the air with toes pointing to the ground and calf muscle tensed prettily, flashed me a quick, warm smile, then completed her step in slow motion and turned into the kitchen. I followed, stopping close behind her where she stood, resting one hand on the counter just to the right of the sink as she watched Dad through the window, pruning one of his yellow rose bushes.
We stood in silence, Mom watching Dad, and I too, over her shoulder. I placed my hand tentatively on her hip, slightly back of center where I could feel the flesh just beginning to swell out to form her buttock. Which way to go? Part of me dearly wanted to slide my hand down over her bum to squeeze and cup her buttock while the other yearned to dip into her waist and slide up to hold her breast. I chose neither.
Instead, I raised my hands to the top of her fancy blouse behind her neck and released a button through the delicate material. Mom didn't move or say anything, so I undid another, and another. I was startled when she moved, but she simply shifted her weight to stand like she had while I ate my sandwich, one knee bent and supporting nothing while the outside leg was stiff and straight, cocking her hip up to emphasize her narrow waist. I slipped another button out, then another, and another, continuing until all the buttons were undone down to the waistband of her skirt. There were more to undo underneath but I didn't try to pull the blouse up to get at them, or to unzip her skirt. Only the skin above the back of Mom's slip was available to my eyes but I was very excited and had trouble keeping my breathing quiet.
Mom watched Dad, as if nothing had transpired, and waited.
Slowly, as if afraid to touch her, to warn her of my breach, I pressed my hands flat together and moved my fingertips between the open edges of Mom's blouse. Opening my hands, I kept my fingers away from her body and slid underneath the blouse, spreading and forcing it to slide over the back of my knuckles. I pushed forward until my hands were hovered on either side of Mom's waist, then dropped them to hold her hips. Mom's breath sucking in was the only sound in the kitchen.
I hadn't really expected a rebuke but I was still surprised when one wasn't forthcoming. It was several seconds before I slid my hands along the outside of Mom's slip, along the curve of her waist and up as her flesh burgeoned out until my palms pressed lightly against the side of her breasts. I paused again, unable to stop my ragged breathing.
Dad moved to the next bush and began snipping things only he could see. I pushed my hand, forcing my fingers around Mom's supple globes, the weight of a full breast in each of my palms. I squeezed and couldn't help groaning as I did. Mom didn't respond, so I began a slow massage, gently squeezing, pushing and pulling her breasts, and pinching the nipples, which I could feel stiff and hard even through the slip and decorative bra underneath.
"You should be studying, William."
I didn't reply. Instead, I lowered my head to nuzzle her bare neck, sliding my lips against her skin to her jaw just below her ear.
"Behave yourself, William."
I moved my mouth slightly higher and dipped my tongue into Mom's ear.
"Ooohhhhhhhh," she purred, her body relaxing against mine, now pressing harder into the softness of her behind. I swirled my tongue around her ear and suggestively pushed it in, pulled back, and then in again.
"William, stop it," she breathed, the huskiness of her voice causing me to stiffen against her cheeks. I found her nipples and pinched them, retaining my hold through the slippery slip, tugging them outward until I lost them.
"Ohhhhhhhhhhh, William, stop."
I ground my cock into her ass and dropped my hands to her skirt, bunching the material up, trying to get underneath so I could pull her panties down. Mom stepped forward and whirled around to face me.
"Go downstairs and study."
I stepped toward her.
"Please, William." Mom held her hands up to ward me off. "Go study."
"Ok, Mom." I turned away, and went down to my room, negotiating the stairs with difficulty because of the large boner interfering with the movement of my legs.
I didn't study. I couldn't. As far as I was concerned, the whole thing about studying was to lay the groundwork for Mom and I to watch some movies together tonight. I was lolling back in the pillows on my bed, trying not to jack off while watching one of the mom-son movies. How was I going to last four more hours until supper and probably another after that before Mom came downstairs?
I could sense the smell of her neck, the arousing weight of her breasts and exciting feel of her nipples between my fingers. My cock stiffened in my hand, remembering the yielding softness of her cheeks when it pressed between them. Fuck! I couldn't wait. This was torture. I should go for a drive or something. I couldn't do this.
I yanked my hand away from my cock and leaned forward to stop the movie. Grabbing the mouse, I caught movement out of the corner of my eye. Mom had just come through the door and was walking toward me, a Mona Lisa smile on her face. She walked slowly, her hips swaying deliberately, emphasizing her hourglass figure. Mom stopped beside the big armchair, kinked one leg to cock her hip, and raised her right hand to the side of her head, pushing her hair up in a disheveled way, her face taking on a quizzical expression.
"I couldn't remember, was there a matinee playing here this afternoon?"
I was too dumbfounded to answer and just sat on the bed looking at her body in its hot pose.
"Because I just told your father I was coming down to watch a movie with you," she pouted, smiling.
The hand dropped and Mom turned to face the chair as she tugged on her blouse at the sides, pulling it out from her skirt. As soon as it was out, she hunched forward to slip it off her shoulders and down her arms, letting it drop on the chair. The buttons were still undone. I pictured her walking out in the yard and talking to Dad as he clipped his roses, her blouse open at the back. Still facing the chair, she had turned to look at me with that enigmatic smile while her hands reached behind to unzip her skirt. Her breasts thrust tightly against her slip, drawing my eyes there.
"Maybe you should avert your eyes while I get ready," she spoke softly.
I ignored her, staring at her chest.
"Suit yourself," she said, leaning forward as she tugged the skirt down until the waistband tightened around the wide part of her hips and rested on the top of her buttocks, switching her hands to push the skirt down as she shook her hips and wiggled her bottom.
As Mom folded her skirt, I started the movie up again, expecting her to immediately come around to get into the bed but she surprised me. When I looked back up Mom had turned to face me and was reaching awkwardly inside her slip, hands moving around until they emerged pulling a light blue, shiny bra made of the same silky material as the slip. The enigmatic smile returned as the bra was dropped on top of the skirt on the chair. The smile grew as my eyes widened and Mom's eyes seemed pleased by the shock she had no doubt produced on my face.
Stepping it up a notch, Mom pulled on the sides of her slip until it reached mid-thigh. Her hands suddenly disappeared underneath, reaching up and quickly returning to her knees, panties in tow, stretched across her legs. First one leg and then the other was lifted for each small foot to pull through. The panties were dropped on the skirt.
Mom was at the end of the bed before I realized she had moved. She crawled up and forced me backward, pushing between me and the edge of the bed near the computer. She wiggled around, getting comfortable, pushing her body against me, her soft ass pressing against my hard cock which, unbeknownst to me, had been sticking up out of my shorts the whole time. Mom wiggled her ass on it. I looked down at her breasts pushing hard against her slip, the aroused nipples struggling mightily to pierce the material. I brushed her messy hair away from her ear and lowered my face until my mouth pressed against it, my tongue slipping wetly inside.
"Look at him," she whispered. "He wants to fuck his Mom."
Fucking rights I did, I thought, but she was looking at the movie, watching a young guy turning his sleeping mother onto her tummy, pushing her dress up over hips and pulling her panties down to expose her ass.
"Is my bottom that nice?" Mom asked.
"Better," I growled, pulling her slip up over her hips, shifting myself backwards and pulling her toward me, then shoving her upper hip forward to push her onto her tummy a little. The guy in the movie spread his mother's legs and slid a hand under the front of each thigh, pulling her back toward his big cock.
Mom's breathing increased and her voice was very excited, "He's going to fuck her."
The woman's hips were lifted and the young man leaned forward to lower the tip of his cock, nudging it between his mother's open legs, inserting it into her moist slit and pushing slowly forward, disappearing into her wet hole.
"Ohhhhhhhhhhhh," Mom sighed as my own cock, freed from my shorts a few seconds earlier, slid just under her ass as I kneeled between her own open legs. "Oh my god," she cried as I sawed my cock back and forth along her perineum, trying without success to lift her hips so I could angle my cock into my own mother's cunt and fuck her like the movie son was now vigorously doing on the screen.
Even though she moaned like she really wanted it, Mom wouldn't let me raise her hips so I could get inside her. Mom was flat on her tummy now, not just leaning a little forward. I had pushed her right over in my efforts to get into her. I was fucking her in every way now except being inside her, pushing and shoving and bending my cock against her ass and the bottom of her pussy. I just couldn't get it in her.
The guy was really humping his mother now and Mom's eyes were glued on the screen. Every time I pushed her into the mattress her ass shoved back at me but resisted each time I tried to pull her higher. She just wasn't going to let me get inside. I spread her legs wider and tried to dip lower to shove my cock up in a surprise attack but I was frustrated at the last second by her hand reaching from underneath to block my entrance.
"Mom!" I grunted in disappointment.
"I can't," she cried, moaning now.
I humped away, sliding my cock between her cheeks and rubbing it up and down across her asshole but when I tried to poke it in there she twisted violently away.
I reverted to sliding back and forth through her cheeks, humping hard. Mom pushed her ass back, making it better, and we fell into a rhythm. Not long after I began spurting through her cheeks all over her back and the slip which I had pushed up onto her shoulders. Finished, I remained kneeling behind her, drawn back a little but keeping her legs wide open and spreading her cheeks with my hands. Mom lay there, wanton and exposed.
There was no play acting now, no pretending. I ran my hands around her buttocks, slipping between and pushing my fingers into her pussy. She lifted her ass to accommodate me now, allowing me to easily slip several fingers inside, moaning when I twisted them back and forth, reaming her steamy hot hole.
"I couldn't let you, William, because I'm a married woman," Mom gasped, struggling to raise her ass on trembling thighs as I lifted my hand, moaning happily when I pushed them firmly back inside her. I set Mom on her knees, ass raised high, and worked my hand, twisting and turning, pushing in and out, slowly working more and more inside her until my knuckles met her nether lips.
I'll make her want it, I thought angrily to myself. She'll beg for it. Pulling my fingers out for a minute, I reached under my pillow and grabbed the tube of lube I used to stop my dick from getting sore when I masturbated for a long time. I lathered the lube on my fingers and, squirting out a bunch more, applied it to her pussy before pushing my fingers back inside. She was moaning constantly as I twisted my hand inside her gaping pussy right up to the knuckles again and then beyond. I kneeled beside her, holding her steady with my free hand stretched under her belly and gripping the hip on the far side. I stopped to apply more lube.
"This is what my cock would feel like," I exaggerated, still hurt by her refusal to give herself to me. "This is what you're missing."
I squeezed my freshly lubed fingers together like a small bunch of bananas and pushed them back inside her, constantly working her pussy, making it squish and squelch wetly as I treated her cunt to a massive finger fuck and then more. My whole arm moved as I pushed in past my twisting knuckles until the crux of my thumb met her ass.
Now I worked most of my hand in and out of Mom's cunt. She was beside herself, moaning and moaning, her ass cheeks and thighs quivering with each digging probe until, finally, she had a loud, long orgasm that drenched my whole forearm. It was incredible. Her thighs were pulsating uncontrollably on my hand as she moaned for more, legs clutching my bunched fingers until she stopped, lying on the bed, breathing raggedly. Feeling bad, as if I had abused her, I nestled beside her and put my arm around her shoulders. Her face was turned into the pillow.
"Are you ok, Mom?" I asked, gently rubbing her shoulder. "Are you ok?"
Mom expelled her breath in a loud sigh.
"I'm sorry, Mom. I didn't mean to be so rough."
She mumbled something but I couldn't hear her.
"What, Mom? I didn't hear you."
Mom turned her head so I could see her face. "I liked it," she whispered.
"You liked it?" my voice rose an octave, indicating my incredulity.
"Yes," she replied. "I liked it."
I put my hand under her ass and pushed my fingers between her legs, seeking her entrance again, but she twisted away.
"No," she said, sitting up. Taking my face in her hands, she kissed me sweetly, mouth to mouth, drew her head back and said, "Wait 'til tonight, William."
After Mom left I lay back on my bed, ecstatic at the turn of events. Everything was out in the open now. When she came downstairs again, I could touch her without fear. I could hardly wait for that wonderful feeling that traveled through me when I first put her on her tummy and spread her legs. I wanted that feeling again. Soon.
I was very antsy at supper and couldn't take my eyes off Mom. Dad was in a better mood, partly because I said the studying had gone really well when he asked but that I was looking forward to a break tonight. He smiled and said that Mom was hoping to watch one of my new movies with me. He gave Mom a conspirational look as if they were up to something. If only he knew what Mom and I had been up to that afternoon. I couldn't help getting a boner sitting there at the dinner table with my mother to my left sitting at one end of the table and my father to the right at the other end. My boner grew when Mom added her two cents to the conversation.
"I might watch two, Bill. Maybe you shouldn't wait up for me," she purred in that soft voice that never failed to stir my loins."
I cleaned up and did the dishes after dinner, not wanting Mom to be delayed by anything. Dad went into the living room to watch the news and read. Mom went upstairs, telling me she'd be down soon and to wait for her downstairs, blowing me a kiss with her fingers. I rushed down to my room, feverishly clearing my bed and putting fresh sheets on. I didn't want anything to put my mother off.
I waited. And waited. And waited.
Just as I was about to go upstairs, Mom appeared through the door at the far end of my room, slowly walking into the brighter light. She was dressed in a floor to length robe and the only thing I could see were her bare feet.
"I decided to have a bath," she explained, stopping just behind the computer on its little table. She looked approvingly at the obviously freshly changed bed and then just stood there looking at me.
Finally, she asked if I'd started the movie. I shook my head. "Start it," she said.
When I looked up again, she kept looking back at me, smiling when a confused expression surfaced on my face.
"Aren't you going to help me with my robe?" she asked, seeming to be quite amused.
I scrambled off the end of the bed, stumbling around to get behind her. The smile became more amused. "Eager to get the movie started, are we?"
"Ummm, yeah," I replied, flustered. I didn't feel as much in control as I thought I'd be. Why was I so stupidly nervous?
Mom undid the belt on the robe and the three large buttons keeping it closed, then grasped the lapels and lifted so I could lift it from her shoulders. I gasped when I took the robe and let it drape onto the chair. She was stark naked.
One leg was bent at the knee again in that characteristic stance she favored, crossing her legs and emphasizing that triangular area under her bum that had attracted me so much this afternoon. Not only did that stance cock her hip to emphasize her narrow waist, it also made her right buttock jut out. My cock grew so quickly I had to free it from my shorts.
"I put powder on," Mom said, looking over her shoulder. "Doesn't it smell nice?"
I leaned forward to smell her neck.
"Feel it," she said. "Doesn't it feel soft?"
She looked over her shoulder and I dutifully put my hand on her powdered buttock, slipping my hand in a small circle over her cheek, gently squeezing its weight.
"Let's get started," she said and abruptly walked away, circling around the computer to crawl up onto the bed. Mom was already stretched out on her tummy watching the movie when I scrambled onto the mattress. I paused, thinking about spreading her legs and nestling between them, then changed my mind and lay down beside her. As she watched the movie, I let my hands roam over her body, from head to toe, gently stroking and trying to stoke her fire.
Not until the start of the second scene did I part her legs just enough to dip my fingers in for a quick rub over the outside of her pussy. I was thrilled by her prompt push against my fingers, showing how eager she was for their caress.
Not yet, I thought, not yet. Throughout that scene I continued to caress my mother, sneaking back for a quick dip between her legs only half a dozen times. Her breathing was deep and audible by the time that scene ended, and I began the next with a full minute of fingering, dragging my slick long finger slowly over her puckered hole when I drew it out of her pussy.
I let her hear me dripping lube into my hand and rubbing it between my palms. I pressed her thighs slightly and she readily moved them apart, her anticipation evident. Her breathing noticeably quickened as she waited for my first probe but I reveled in making her wait, watching her throbbing pussy beg for my approach.
I slipped my hand between her legs, deliberately moving off target to scrape along the inside of her thighs, moving as slowly as I could toward my target. I let my fingers brush against her waiting lips with the faintest touch, sliding up and down several times before entering her slit, my heart pounding at the first sight of moist, pink flesh. I contented myself with brushing my fingers from side to side, pushing her lips farther and farther apart until they didn't close when I withdrew.
I pushed back to tease the seam of her pussy again but this time I pushed two fingers right inside, forcing a gasping moan from Mom. I pulled back, circled my fingers around the inside of her lips, then pushed back in, slowly, but shoving way in until her ass rocked forward on the bed. Quickly, I fingered her fast for almost a full minute then suddenly pulled my fingers out. Mom was gasping, her ass moving up and down with her rapid breathing. I noisily applied more lube and then inserted myself again, this time moving in slowly with all my fingers.
I teased her until the end of the scene, working inside her until I could easily twist all of my fingers in and the top part of my hand inside her. She was moaning constantly when the movie ended. I had difficulty holding the mouse to select and start the next movie. Mom watched in silence as I worked, waiting patiently, her hips constantly pressing into the mattress.
I continued to work slowly throughout the new first scene but when the sex action heated up I started to really hand fuck Mom. Her gasps were really hoarse and I worried that Dad might have gone to bed early to read but there wasn't much I could do so I threw caution to the wind and concentrated on making Mom as horny as I possibly could, reaching under her tummy to manipulate her clit with my free hand. Resting my head on Mom's ass, I stopped pushing in and out of her pussy and just shook my hand, trying to turn it into a natural vibrator with my thumb planted between her cheeks, directly over her crinkly brown kiss, rubbing it in our first exploratory caress.
I was thankful for the silence when Mom finally came. She turned her head into the bed again and though her cries were louder, they were muffled by the pillow. I was amazed again by how her thighs quivered, her cheeks shaking as her pussy kept clutching at my fingers. It was several minutes before she was still.
I rose to my knees and kneeled between her open legs, grabbed the lube and held it about a foot above her. It dripped onto her ass and I enjoyed the way it either drooled between her cheeks or dribbled off the side depending on where it struck her cheek. Mom kept her face hidden in the pillow. Tossing the tube to the bed, I lifted one knee and pulled Mom's legs closed on my other leg, set my knee down on the outside of her leg and shifted my weight so I could move it outside her other leg, pushing it tight against the other.
Straddling her hips like that, I lowered myself until my cock lined up with the crack of Mom's ass, pushed it between her cheeks, and began sawing my cock back and forth, fucking her bottom, pushing her cheeks tightly against my shaft. Changing up, I forced my cock down between Mom's closed legs and starting fucking along the bottom of her cunt. I didn't try to angle myself to get inside her but I kept it pushed against her pussy as firmly as I could. I kept switching back and forth like that until I couldn't hold it back any more and I loosed by first blast of the evening all over her ass, some spilling onto the backs of her thighs and some onto her back.
I got up and walked quickly to the downstairs bathroom and back, carrying two towels, one small one damp with hot water. Mom was still lying the way I had left her, my spunk in droplets except for a few rivulets that had run between her legs. Gently, I wiped her clean and dried her with the soft towel. When I finished, I lay beside her, between her and the edge of the bed on the computer side, stroking her shoulder and neck, and then up to caress her hair and the side of her face with my fingers.
I leaned down to kiss her cheek, moving slowly down until my lips were nibbling at the corner of her mouth, a thrill shooting through me when she turned her head ever so slightly so my mouth could fully cover her. A moment later, my tongue slid inside her mouth. We kissed and hugged for a long time and were face to face, lying on our sides, when we finally stopped, our legs tensely entwined.
"You're a very sweet man to be with William," Mom whispered, stroking my hair back on the side of my head, her eyes searching mine. I gave her lips a quick kiss in response.
Mom pulled back. "I should go. It's getting late."
I didn't argue, but I leaned forward for a slightly longer kiss, my lips just brushing hers.
"Really," Mom said. "Your Dad will be waiting to see if you have stolen movies on your computer. He sent me down to find out." Mom laughed quietly.
"Are you going to tell him about my movie preferences?" I asked, looking very serious.
I caught Mom by surprise and she laughed out loud.
"If I did," she said, "he would never leave home."
"That would never do," I laughed back, leaning in to kiss her again, a longer one this time, slipping my tongue inside her near the end.
"But I better go," she repeated. "We don't want him coming downstairs to find us like this, now do we?"
"Dad never comes down here," I answered, stretching forward to kiss her again.
Mom allowed the kiss, but I spoke before she could when it ended.
"You told Dad you might watch two movies, and these are shorter than regular movies."
While Mom pondered what I'd said, I leaned back and used the mouse to start the next movie in the list. Turning back, I slipped my hand around Mom's waist, kissing her again, my hand drawing back to slide down the front of her tummy and up to her breasts, taking hold of the upper one and gently squeezing it as we finished our kiss.
"I really shouldn't stay," Mom whispered, looking past my head at the movie, now playing the opening scene, relating the first tentative gambits between mother and son that she seemed to love so much.
"I know," I whispered, putting up no argument but lifting her knee and pulling her thigh over the outside of mine, opening her legs.
Mom pulled her eyes from the screen and looked into mine. "You're being bratty."
"I know," I whispered, inserting my hand between our bodies, poising my hand in front of her open legs.
"You really are a sweet man, my little William," Mom whispered, stroking the side of my head again. "I wish I could."
"Wish you could what?" I asked, lifting my hand so my fingertips barely brushed Mom's pussy lips.
Mom quickly sucked in her breath, then replied, "You know what."
I stroked my finger up and down her slit. "What?" I asked, pushing it.
She was still very slick and wet, and the first sloppy sound from my finger work struck my ears when Mom whispered hoarsely in my face, "Let you fuck me," she said.
I poked my single, long finger into her hole and wiggled it inside. I shifted my head close until I was under her ear. "I wish you would let me fuck you, Mom. I really want to fffuck you," I stretched the 'f' out, then slipped my tongue out to flick her ear, knowing how much she liked that.