Page 04

Mom hugged me to her ear. "Shhhhhh, now," she whispered. "You know I can't."

She groaned as I pushed my wet tongue into her ear, flicking and swirling it around. I let her watch the movie in peace then, slowly fingering her pussy, inserting more and more fingers until they were all inside her again. Eventually, her legs were stretched wide open so her oily, slick cunt could envelop my hand. I didn't have to shove it inside her, I just held it while she fucked herself with it. She became frenetic, frantically humping my hand, almost taking the whole thing inside her. Afraid she would, I clasped my thumb tightly under my other fingers so she wouldn't hurt herself if she suddenly thrust herself down so hard she slipped down to my wrist.

Her breathing was harsh and she was grunting primeval sounds into my ear as she ground herself on my hand. When it was finally over, she collapsed onto her back, tits heaving as she gulped in air, her hands stretching down to cover her pussy, hips bucking against her own hands.

I rose up to look down at Mom's sweaty, heaving body, her tits still rising and falling with her ragged breath, nipples extremely hard and sticking up like little gun barrels. Though her eyes were closed, she closed her legs, her hand still cupped over her pussy. A little lost at first on how I was going to relieve my raging cock, now that she was lying on her coveted ass, I moved to straddle her stomach, moving up until I was poised above her tits. Reaching around, I finally found the lube and squirted a liberal quantity onto Mom's solar plexus. Her eyes opened, understanding filling them as she saw my cock wavering above her tits. She smiled and nodded, closing her eyes.

I spread the lube over her tits, massaging it in well on the inner swells but taking lots of time to squeeze and tug on her fantastic nipples until I couldn't tug them anymore because they were so slippery. I leaned forward, laid my cock on her chest, pushed her tits tightly around my shaft, and started fucking them.

Mom kept her eyes closed as I fucked her chest, even when my breathing became more uncontrolled and raspier. She knew I was getting close. I hadn't thought things out when I had started on this tack but I now found myself wondering what to do when I came, which I knew was coming soon, no pun intended. I couldn't splash cum all over my own mom's face. I mean, she would get really pissed off and I wasn't sure I wanted to do that anyway. But I couldn't pull away, it felt too good. I'll grab it, I thought, and shoot off to the side as soon as it starts to come. Satisfied, I began fucking her tits faster.

But Mom did something that amazed me. She lifted her head off the pillow and tilted her face toward me. Just a bit, but enough that on the next forward thrust, her open mouth accepted the tip of my cock, her warm, wet tongue pushing against the tender underside. What an incredible feeling! I soon shifted forward so I could reach higher, the entire head of my cock now slipping in and out of her mouth.

I was humping desperately now. Trying to get back into her warm mouth as quickly as I could after each retreat, I lost all sense of anything else. All that mattered was getting my cock in Mom's mouth. That was it, that was my entire universe. Thrusting into her mouth. I was surprised when my cum throttled up my cock and spewed into her mouth, filling it with my thick goo, then feeling shocked as I pulled back ready for another thrust but it burst out of my tip before I could get back inside, spraying a long rope of stringy white fluid across her cheek and closed eyelid and onto her forehead.

Into her mouth which closed as I withdrew so she could swallow, watching as my cock quickly rammed back, outside my control, bursting forth with another shot of white spunk streaming across Mom's face on the other side, dripping along her nose as my cock entered her mouth which opened just in time for its arrival, her lips closing over it. Mom's mouth made a loud, sucking pop as I withdrew and immediately pushed back inside, loving the feel of her lips closing around me again, and the now predictable pop as I pulled back. Almost sated now, I pushed back more slowly and Mom grabbed my shaft in my hand, steering my cock away from her mouth, directing it to the side and squeezing it so that last driblets of my cum oozed onto her face.

I kneeled there, gasping back to normal breathing, my cock now hanging on its own over Mom's face, her hand having dropped away. Her eyes were still closed which was good because my cum was all over her face. I moved my softening cock over Mom's face, bouncing it back and forth over her nose and lightly rubbing my sperm into her cheeks.

"Did you like that," Mom asked, her eyes still closed.

"Yes," I rasped, barely able to recognize my voice. "Fuck, yes," I added with emphasis.

"Don't swear, William."

"Sorry Mom."

"Does it make up for it? A little?"

"Make up for it?" I asked, my brain still not quite functioning as normal.

"Yes, she said. "For not letting you fuck me."

"Oh," I said, understanding now. "Yeah, it does. Almost," I added.

Man, if she was going to let me do stuff like this, then I was almost glad she wouldn't let me fuck her. I had thought I would never be able to do something like that to any girl, thinking it only happened in porn movies, but here was my own mother, offering to do it because she felt bad about not fucking me. What else would she let me do? Mom interrupted my reverie.

"Ok, you've played around long enough. Clean me up now."

"Sure, Mom. Where's that towel?" I looked frantically around my room. Not for the towel, I knew where that was. There it was, my little digital camera. I leaned over to pick it up from my bedside table, turning it on and focusing on Mom's face.

"Come on," Mom urged, "it's getting sticky."

I took the picture. Mom was surprised by the click, then flailed her arms at me.

"Hey," she yelled.

"Mom. Shhhhhhh. You'll bring Dad."

She flailed at me silently but I managed two more photos, tossing the camera over the edge of the bed before grabbing the wet towel to clean Mom. She was quiet as soon as she felt the towel and didn't say anything until her face was clean and dry. Only then did she open her eyes.

"Give me your camera," she said. "I want to delete those pictures."

"Come on, Mom. You don't now how awesome it looked. It was incredible."

Uncertainty crossed Mom's face but she could see the truth in my eyes. There was no question that I truly believed she looked incredible with her face covered in my cum. Her expression softened.

"Ok, but you never show them to anyone. Understand?"

I nodded my affirmation.

"And you make sure no one can ever find them. Right?"

I nodded again.

"Ok," she said. "Now let me up before you get ready again."

Mom put her robe on and left, turning to blow me a kiss before passing through my door.

I had Mom regularly after that. Several nights a week, even when Dad wasn't away, she would sneak downstairs after he had fallen asleep. If Dad was gone for the day on a weekend, we would spend both morning and afternoon together. I had rubbed my cock everywhere on Mom's body and had become expert in getting her outrageously horny, finding that I could slip my well oiled fingers or thumb into her ass when she was lost in her ecstasy. It became a regular feature when she and I both realized that it intensified her orgasm, though we never spoke about it and I never tried to finger her butt until that climatic moment. For some reason, she didn't like the idea of things in her ass, but she definitely loved the feel of it.

Several times, I managed to get Mom to give me a blowjob when Dad was nearby. Once, in the stairwell outside my room, just below our living room where Dad was watching the news on TV. I had run after her and caught her arm as she passed through my door. I was still naked and she tried to escape my hold, looking upstairs with a frightened look on her face. When she couldn't pull away, she sat down on the steps and braced her feet widely to stop me from tugging her back into my room, which is what she thought I wanted. Quickly, I moved between her legs, still holding her hands, and as she looked up at my face, I pushed my cock into her surprised mouth.

She could have turned away and spit me out, but she didn't. She held her head up as I thrust, fucking her face and gazing up where my father must be sitting as I unloaded in her mouth. I knew she would keep my cock firmly inside to swallow it all and not make a mess since I had already unleashed my first sperm of the day and wouldn't overflow her.

She wasn't angry and that reminded me how excited she got when the movie sons molested their mothers with the fathers close by, and of that fantastic morning when I had first fingered her with Dad right there in her bedroom. She was excited by the danger of it, I could see it in her face. I made a promise to myself to surprise her more often.

One of my favorite surprises was the one when I rushed into her room as soon as I heard Dad begin his morning shower. Mom was propped up against the pillows, reading the morning paper, quite shocked to see me burst into her room stark naked. She was more surprised when I pulled her down to the end of the bed, on her back, tipping her head over the edge and pushing my fat cock into her mouth. I had a quick, gurgling throat fuck and though she stood up and angrily whirled around to slap my face hard, she found a way just after lunch for us to get away to my room where she kneeled on my bed for a fist fuck.

The second favorite surprise was when we were out on the boat sitting on the fly bridge and sent Dad below to fix an especially complicated drink that required slicing and squeezing various fruits. As soon as Dad disappeared down the ladder, she stood in front of me, lifting her skirt to show me that her panties had been removed and pulled my head to her pussy. Boats passed all around us while she maneuvered my head exactly where she wanted it under her skirt. She lifted one foot on the bench to open her legs wide and ground her pussy in my face. After she came and released my head, she said, "What's good for the gander is good for the goose, too." She laughed uproariously at her own joke.

We had a good personal relationship and a good sexual relationship too. I had given up trying to fuck Mom but I was trying hard to get my cock into her ass, and she knew it. I had come close several times when she was still in the throes of a major orgasm, almost poking the head into her little hole before she shied away. She let me finger her ass almost every time now, and I could start earlier rather than just at the end when she was coming. She was acclimatized to my finger inside her forbidden hole and I knew she liked it because she allowed me to get two fingers in to play for awhile, fucking her backside with a double-sized finger. At first I thought she was just letting me do it to make up for not letting me fuck her but we were way past that now and the way her ass moved as I manipulated her butt, I was positive she really did like it.

Anyway, I had given up on ever getting to fuck her for real but was reasonably pleased with my progress toward possessing her ass when Mom announced the bombshell. My sister was arriving home the next day for a couple of weeks and wanted to stay in her old room.

Over my dead body!

That night at dinner, Mom raised my sister's return again. Why couldn't I just sleep in my old room for a couple of weeks? It wasn't a big deal.

Well it was to me. That was my space now. I had made it mine. I pointed out to Mom that Lynn would hate what I'd done and wouldn't want to stay there anyway.

"Well, then that will solve the problem, then," she replied.

"I'm not moving," I insisted but quit trying to argue with Mom. She was smarter than me and I would just lose. I fell back on irrationality.

"Why don't you just give it a try, son," Dad interjected. It was only a suggestion, but Dad's suggestions weren't to be taken lightly no matter how gently they were introduced.

I sensed imminent defeat and tried to see the bright side to lighten the inevitable blow. For one thing, Mom certainly wouldn't come downstairs when Lynn was in the house, but I might be able to get her to slip down the hall for a quickie, especially with the dangerous presence of her husband sleeping in the next room as a catalyst. Maybe it wouldn't be so bad. After all, it was just for two weeks. But my sister always won, and that stuck in my craw. I ended up saying I would think about it and that settled it for my Dad. Mom looked relieved, but not convinced.

After supper Mom made a special treat to get us in the mood for Lynn's return: three large mugs of Ovaltine. We sat around and drank it like we did in the old days. Strangely, Dad began to get very tired shortly after finishing his mug and Mom convinced him to go to bed early. She accompanied him upstairs but returned a short time later wearing a satin nightie that clung to her figure, emphasizing her narrow waist, flared hips, and sexy legs. Stopping in the middle of the living room, she raised her arms over her head and stretched, knowing she had my full attention, and thanked me for being so understanding about my sister's visit home.

"I think you deserve a special treat," she said. "Why don't we watch a movie together up here," she added, walking over to the shelf holding our collection of DVDs. Mom leaned forward to read the titles, resting her hands on her knees and pushing her bottom out to let it sway gently as if in a breeze. My eyes were riveted on the shimmering matching panties just visible below the raised hem of Mom's nightie. Suddenly, she straightened up and whirled around to face me, catching me by surprise, and smiled as she confirmed her suspicion about the focus of my attention.

"I know," she exclaimed. "Let's watch one of your special movies."

I was surprised because we had long ago dispensed with the need to watch movies. I had managed to download another dozen movies but they weren't as good as the ones Jeremy had given me and I hadn't been able to catch up to him for more. Mom kind of skipped over to me, coming to a bouncing, girlish stop and stooped to pick up my hand, pulling it as she straightened up.

"Come on, it'll be fun."

I certainly wasn't adverse to getting Mom downstairs before my sister arrived but I was still miffed about the whole thing, so I feigned a false disinterest.

"Shouldn't I finish my special drink in honor of Lynn's visit?" I asked sarcastically.

Mom laughed, ignoring my negativity. "That was just to get Dad to sleep," she confessed. She put her pretty, bare foot on the couch between my legs and tugged my arm again. "Come on," she said, sliding her foot forward until her sole covered my bulging crotch. She pulled again, pressing her foot along the length of my stiffening cock.

I could resist no longer. I got up and followed Mom downstairs to my room, loving the sight of her, relishing her legs and ass as if it was the first time I'd seen them. Obviously, she had something in mind but I had no idea what.

In my room, she instructed me to start a specific movie. While I searched for it and opened the file, she stood in front of me by the bed, turned to face away and bent over to slip her panties down, allowing her bare ass to sway in front of me until she stood up and the nightie fell down to cover her mostly supple yet slightly sagging cheeks.

Mom crawled onto the bed and kneeled behind me until the movie started, waving me back so she could lie down. She dropped her hands and crossed them in front of her. I expected her to lift the nightie over her head, as she usually did before lying down, but she surprised me by lifting it to just under her breasts, gathering it tightly there and falling onto her tummy, her bare ass jutting into the air. Then, she turned her head to watch the movie.

I began stroking and caressing Mom's back, legs and bottom. For ten minutes I slowly trailed my fingers over her skin, along the back of her legs right down to her feet, scratching my nails along the length of her sole, back up the inside of her legs and coming teasingly close to her pussy but not touching it, then up and over her buttocks to scratch through the crack of her ass. Two more minutes and the fucking really got started in the movie. I spread lube over Mom's buttocks and between her thighs, even brushing my oily hands over her pussy.

The scene ended and when the next one started, recognition memory washed through my mind. This video was the one that had fascinated Mom so much that we watched it several times. In the next two scenes, the young sons fucked their mothers in the ass. My cocked lurched in my pants, reminding me that I hadn't taken them off. Quickly, I pulled my t-shirt over my head and shucked my pants, including my shorts, and returned to kneel behind Mom with my hard cock waving over her butt.

Normally, I would wait until I had fingered Mom for quite a while before approaching her asshole but this time I squirted some lube along her crack and pushed my finger between her cheeks to let the slippery liquid ooze directly onto her little brownie. Quickly, I withdrew my finger, afraid of triggering a ruinous response. I squeezed more lube into my palm and lathered it around the inside of Mom's thighs and onto her pussy. Since there had been no objection, I couldn't help repeating my anal probe, dripping more lube on her crack and pushing it between her cheeks before rubbing it in near her dark hole.

I was surprised by how much time had passed when Mom moaned and I looked at the computer screen to see the son nudging his cockhead against his mother's ass, her cheeks spread wide by her own hands. I reached down and inserted my fingers into Mom's pussy. I needed to get her going or the movie would be over too soon.

At first, Mom fucked back on my fingers but then her hands suddenly appeared and pushed my hand out of her cunt. Grabbing my wrist with one hand, she dragged it up onto her ass, released me and pulled her cheeks apart, exposing her crinkly bud which opened into a small oval as her hands stretched her ass apart. Understanding about my special treat seared through my brain. She was going to let me finger her ass, directly, right from the beginning.

I grabbed the lube and squeezed some directly onto Mom's asshole, quickly putting my finger just underneath to block it from dripping away. My finger easily sipped inside to the first knuckle and Mom moaned in appreciation. My cock was rock hard. By the time the scene ended, I was easily sipping my whole finger in and out of her ass and in the first few minutes of the next one, I pushed two inside her, my excitement boiling over at the resistance I encountered, loving the way Mom struggled with the new girth.

I was amazed by how quickly her ass accommodated to the thicker invasion and the way she switched from toiling to appease me to excitedly thrusting her ass up to meet the invader. My sense had been correct. Mom loved the feel of something in her ass. She had struggled to come to grips with the soily idea of it but she now seemed to have come to some kind of reconciliation. Her hands slipped away from holding her cheeks open for me and her elbows bent at her sides as she used her flat palms to push her hips up higher. She was really loving my two fingers in her ass.

The second scene ended with the son pulling his cock out of his mother's ass and spraying his spunk all over her backside and the back of her thighs. Mom was really moaning now and she groaned when the screen went blank as the movie ended. She was moaning steadily. Suddenly, she stopped with her ass up in the air, struggling to shove it higher as she moved her knees closer to herself until they were perpendicular to the bed, ass high and open.​
Next page: Page 05
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Previous article in the series 'The Mom Memories': The Mom Memories: Mark's Story