Page 05
"Do it," she cried.
I stared but she wasn't looking at me. Her eyes were closed tight but her voice was urgent.
"Do it," she repeated. "Put it in!"
I struggled to my feet and crouched over her, pointing my cock down at her ass, bending my knees to bring it close.
"Do it," Mom cried.
I pushed, surprised when my cock slipped right in, surprised again when it suddenly stopped feeling her ring tighten around me, hearing her moan, or rather groan, very loudly. I was thinking about pulling out when Mom, no doubt sensing my relaxing pressure, yelled.
"Don't stop! Push. Push."
I increased the pressure, struggling to push my cock further into her ass.
"Ohhhhhhahhhhhhh," she groaned. "Ohhhhhhaaaahhhhhh."
I didn't know what to do. Was I hurting her? I looked down and was surprised to see my cock almost all the way inside her.
"Ohhhhhhhaahhhhh... Unnnnghhhhhhh."
I was in, balls dangling against her pussy and hips pressed tight to her butt.
"Move, move," Mom cried.
I pulled out.
"Slow, go slow," she implored.
Mom groaned loudly as I pushed back in, the road easier now. Slowly, I increased my pace and it kept getting easier and easier but Mom's moans and groans grew louder. Soon, I was moving in and out of her as if it was a regular fuck, like the few I'd had with other girls, except I could tell by Mom's groans and grunts that this was on a totally different level.
At some point, I pushed her flat to the bed but she cocked her ass up to receive me better. Holding her narrow waist, I threw her a real mix of hard thrusting and slow grinding digs in her ass, all of which she seemed to loved. Man, the sounds she was making. It was a good thing she had drugged Dad. I was raising myself up and dropping onto her fleshy cheeks, really rooting into her butt. Fuck this was awesome. This was the best fuck ever. This was even better than coming on Mom's face. The way she was trying to fuck me back with her ass. She was beyond excitement. She was wildly abandoned, humping desperately back at me, almost as desperately as I was fucking her.
Suddenly I was spurting hot semen into her ass and she moaned like she was experiencing the Second Coming. My thrusts grew even wilder, but eventually they slowed and finally stopped. I lay on her, my cock still in her ass, recovering. My cock slipped out after a while and though I was still lying heavily on her, she didn't complain.
"Wow," she said, finally.
"Wow," I answered.
"That was awesome," Mom said, using my lingo.
"Too right," I replied. "I can't believe you made me wait so long to do that."
"Neither can I," Mom replied.
"You mean, you liked it?" I asked.
"What do you think?" Mom shot back.
"Well, I loved it. Can we do it again after Lynn's gone?"
"Yes," Mom agreed. "But you have to be nice to her while she's home.
Elated, I nevertheless became practical. "I will, but we can't do this when Dad's home. I thought you were going to wake the neighbors."
"You too," Mom laughed, her body shaking underneath me. "Didn't you hear yourself?"
I laughed back. "No." Then I sobered up. "Dad doesn't go away much anymore, Mom."
Mom became serious for a moment then started to laugh, her body shaking. I laughed along but as it went on without explanation, I became a bit annoyed. What was so funny about having to go without my new joy until Dad went away? Mom finally stopped laughing.
"I guess Dad will be drinking a lot of Ovaltine, then."
My sister arrived home and immediately took over the household. She and Mom had a lot to catch up on but had to find time when Dad wasn't around because he monopolized her time for the first few days. Of course, I was relegated to my old room and had to put up with my sister's harping about how I'd ruined 'her' room and that she was going to fix it when she came home for the summer. Now, this was patently unfair, to expect me to give the big room up whenever she came home, but I didn't make a single sound of protest, not a peep. I wasn't going to jeopardize my new activity with Mom no matter what and thankfully, my compliance didn't go unnoticed by Mom. Or my sister.
My response, or lack of one, clearly perplexed Lynn and I knew she suspected a trap, but there was none. I just wanted to her to visit and get lost. I just needed to masturbate for two weeks and not get drawn into anything with my sister that would ruin things with Mom. But Lynn didn't make it easy. She kept prodding me to see if she could bring me out but I kept my cool and stayed nice. Not too sweet, that wouldn't go over, but just pleasant no matter what she threw at me, and that really confused her. This was probably the first time in her life that she couldn't easily figure me out.
So one night about a week into Lynn's visit I was on my way to the kitchen to get some snacks. Dad was alone in the living room and, in response to my question about where everyone was, answered that Mom and Lynn were downstairs having another girl's night.
"Three nights in a row," I asked.
"Yep," he said. "You know how women like to talk."
When I started into the kitchen, Dad added, "Better not disturb them," thinking, perhaps that I was going to continue on down to my sister's room.
I assured him I had no intention of doing that, that I was just getting something to eat and heading back upstairs to study for the night. While I was making myself a sandwich, Lynn appeared.
Like me, she was dressed for bed but not in a housecoat like me. She was simply wearing a plain, white cotton nightdress that fell to mid-thigh level. It wasn't a sexy affair but it left no illusions about the fertile young body subtly moving underneath its contours. I had never before thought about or looked at my sister in a sexual way and it came as a bit of a shock. But then, Mom had once occupied that same platonic zone and Lynn, it now came as almost a revelation, was very much a younger version of her mother. Maybe her being gone for a few months made it easier to see her as someone else other than my dreaded sister, or maybe the lack of poison in the air between us allowed a different a perception to filter through to my mind.
Whatever, this young woman flitting around the kitchen making tea and assembling snacks on a tray was definitely a powerful source of erotic stimuli, especially, for some reason, the tensed muscles in the backs of her thighs and calf muscles when she was bending over to fetch stuff out of the vegetable crisper in the fridge. Not that I didn't pay attention to her chest when it wasn't turned away, especially since it was obvious there couldn't be anything encumbering its contents.
I was startled out of my reverie by the entrance of our father, who announced that he was off to bed. After a hug from his daughter, he nodded at the response to his question about whether or not Mom would be talking for much longer.
"Alright," he sighed, "tell her I said good night."
Lynn and I were alone. I felt awkward in her presence, a first for me. Usually I was simply disinterested or ticked off, but attracted? Aroused? Why? Because she looks so much like Mom, you idiot, I thought to myself, and everything is tighter and firmer. Just wait until she opens her mouth, I thought, and that tingling in your balls will disappear. Shit! I couldn't help looking down at myself. I had half a boner going. I grabbed my sandwiches and jug of root beer and headed for my room.
I stopped by the doorway, glancing back but keeping myself facing mostly forward to hide whatever might show even with my housecoat on.
"Don't tell Mom or Dad, but I'm getting engaged."
Now why did she drop that on me? I didn't care and I didn't want to be holding the secret. But then, it amazed me that she had confided in me. Before I could say anything, she spoke again.
"By the way, Mom wanted me to ask you to come downstairs."
"Uh. I can't. I've got to study." I started for my room again.
"Wait." The patter bare feet running up behind me, a hand on my shoulder.
"Come on, William. Mom wants us to spend some time together. Just don't spill the beans."
Lynn's voice was different, definitely more feminine than I'd ever heard before. And she was calling me William, which made me realize that she hadn't once called me 'Billy', a typically annoying habit of hers, since she'd been home.
Please come down," Lynn pleaded, lightly shaking my shoulder which now seemed almost sexual in nature. "For her. She wants to watch a movie, so bring your laptop."
"I'll see," I said.
I pulled away, letting her hand drag off my shoulder.
"She said for you to come down after Dad went to bed," Lynn called out, whispering so only I could hear.
I was torn. I really wanted to be downstairs in my old bed with Mom but not with anyone else around. I didn't know if I could take that. A movie? She'd said they wanted to watch a movie. It had to be one of the new chick flicks I had downloaded for her. They probably just wanted me to leave my computer down there so they could watch it together, but I couldn't leave it down there in case Lynn found the other movies. My sister was computer savvy.
Ok. I'd take the laptop down and stay to watch it to be safe, to make sure it came back upstairs with me. If I didn't, Mom might think that I wasn't being nice to Lynn and cut me off. I gulped my sandwich down and drained my root beer, burping as I gathered up my laptop and power supply. Mom looked surprised when I walked into 'my' room but Lynn looked pleased with herself.
"William said he downloaded a chick flick for you to watch and I asked if I could watch it too. Do you mind, Mom?"
Sisters! Manipulated again. What was she up to? No matter, I was pretty much stuck now.
"Oh, that's nice sweetie. You're so nice to your sister. See Lynn? Here, move that stuff off the table."
Mom indicated the little table we had used to watch movies on the laptop which was still set up beside the bed. Lynn was lying closest to that edge of the bed and after she cleared the table, I set the laptop down and opened it. While it was recovering from standby mode, an apprehensive expression appeared on Mom's face. She must have thought that the list of movies we'd been watching would appear on the screen. I tried to calm her with a reassuring expression but her eyes were focused on the laptop. Mom's face relaxed when the computer displayed the directory with normal movies in it.
"Which one do you want to watch?" I asked.
"Come up behind me," Mom's voice sounded relieved as she patted the bed behind her. "Let Lynn choose."
The sheet covering Lynn and Mom had slid from Mom's shoulders when she had first sat up to nervously watch the computer fire up. She was wearing a satin nightie that dipped deep between her breasts, conjuring up memories about how nice they were to touch. It also made me think of how much I wished Lynn's simple cotton nightie was styled the same way so I could see hers too. I walked around the bed and crawled up behind Mom, partly because she asked but also to hide the rising bump in my crotch. Another whole week. I wasn't sure I could stand it.
Lynn had highlighted a movie and was conferring with Mom when I lay on my side behind Mom, gathering some pillows together so I could watch the movie over their heads. Lynn started the movie.
I was good for probably almost half an hour but then the proximity of Mom's backside to my front began to chip away at my resolve. First it was just the heat emanating from her body, and it didn't help that the sheet had been pushed down to rest over her waist before the rising swell of her hip, offering tantalizing glimpses of her loosely covered cleavage. But the worst was the tickling feel of something akin to static electricity impinging on my crotch, almost like an invisible presence was making itself known. My cock and balls tingled and warmth spread through my pelvis, pouring down my thighs and rising past my stomach to my chest.
My hand was on her waist, dangling down onto her tummy before I even realized it had moved, and the only reason I was aware of it was Mom's head momentarily lifting from the pillow and partially turning to look back. Her head settled back into the pillow before her eyes could make contact and her hand moved down toward mine, surprising me when it passed over to grab the sheet and pull it up to cover mine. I guess Mom recognized my need to touch her or, maybe, could it be that she yearned for it as much as I?
I didn't do more than stroke Mom's tummy within the range my fingers could reach but eventually I did allow my hand to move too. Soon after that, I was traversing a small circle from her breasts to her lower pelvis but that was soon curtailed. I guess Mom wasn't comfortable with my hand brushing and rubbing over her breasts since that was outside the sheet's coverage. My hand was soon blocked, restricting its path to her tummy under the protection of the sheet. That was fine by me. I simply extended my lower range to retain the original radius of my exploration.
Mom seemed happy as long as my forays were hidden. For the first time in more than a week, I enjoyed the scrape of my hand over Mom's tummy and upper thighs, even though they were covered with the shiny satin material of her nightie. Inevitably, my fingers craved the touch of her soft skin and began tugging the slippery nightie higher with each upward pass. I cuddled closer until my front was pressing against Mom's still covered bottom.
All the while, there was no sound or movement from Lynn. She seemed truly captivated by the movie and, uncharacteristically, didn't even sustain a continual dialogue with Mom about what she was watching. I don't believe it was long after the nightie was dragged above Mom's panties that my hand simply slipped between her legs and cupped her pussy. I moved my crotch forward to block the anticipated retreat but she fooled me by pressing her warm muff into my palm. I nibbled the inside of her neck in appreciation and to block the loving expletive that otherwise would have burst forth. Mom turned her face into the pillow just as I felt the dampness through her panties.
I was really aroused by Mom's obvious arousal. I remembered how excited she became when I touched her when Dad was nearby. Clearly, letting me put my hand on her pussy while she was lying behind her daughter was something she couldn't resist. I wished I could have been inside her mind to witness the struggle between the good and the bad mother. My boner extended and I pushed my shorts down with my free hand, freeing it to spring out, nudging between her legs just below her bum, until last week, it's favorite spot.
I froze when Mom let out a moan when she felt me poke between her legs, barely audible but still a moan. I don't think Mom realized, or if she did she may have thought the sound was muffled by the pillow. Fearfully, I stared at the back of Lynn's head, my eyes frantically searching for any sign that she had registered Mom's joy. Encouraged by her inert body, I rubbed Mom's pussy and thrust my cock between her legs until I was pushing into her behind. Unable to resist, I pressed my mouth against her head and threaded my tongue through her hair into her ear, wiggling it to signal my gratitude in case she didn't already know. Mom's legs clamped harder on my dick and I wondered if it was possible for us to get each other off without my sister knowing.
I froze as Lynn shifted to get into a more comfortable position and Mom's legs tensed so tightly I though her powerful thighs would snap my boner in half. Lynn's bottom briefly brushed against the back of my wrist before she settled in again to watch the movie. Both Mom and I lie inert but our muscles relaxed as minutes passed and it appeared we hadn't been caught. My cock, shriveled as if doused in water, resurrected itself between Mom's thighs and in celebration I bulged my scrotum into her soft ass, once more pressing her pussy into my welcoming palm.
Excited anew, I squeezed Mom's pussy and sucked her earlobe into my mouth. How much longer would this movie go? Could I get Mom out of the room, or Lynn, so we could have a go? Fuck I was hard. Get hold of yourself, my head screamed. You're going to shake the bed. If we get caught, it will all be over because Lynn will freak out. Even through her panties, Mom was soaking my hand and my cock. If the movie didn't end soon, I'd either come or try to fuck her.
Fuck her? Would Mom try to stop me if I tried to get my cock in her, or would she allow it rather than risk Lynn's attention? No. Lynn would know. What if she fell asleep or dozed off? Come on, this movie is so boring, how could anyone stay awake through it? In my mind, I begged Lynn to go to sleep so I could fuck Mom. Unable to help myself, I began rubbing Mom's pussy again, and got the shock of my life ... or at least of the evening.
The back of my hand brushed against my sister's ass, and it wasn't covered by a cotton nightie. No sir. This was prime female butt except for a narrow band of silky material that was definitely sexy panty, not cotton nightdress. Quickly, I pulled my hand back against Mom's pussy and braced myself for my sister's rage, eyes tuned for her head to whirl around in anger.
Nothing. Lynn lay there watching the movie like nothing had happened.
Like the prisoner who tries to escape days before parole, I lifted my hand away from Mom's pussy and brushed Lynn's ass again. No reaction. Not an eyelid flutter, or even a tensed muscle that I could see. Nothing.
I did it again, but this time I let my fingers linger with my knuckles resting in her crack where the panties began to widen. Nada. Daring more, I pulled my hand away but rubbed it against her lower buttock as I passed, dragging it down and parting her cheeks briefly. Still no reaction. Lynn was intent on the movie.
After a brief rub on Mom's pussy, my hand returned, but this time I let it turn around and cupped my sister's tight butt, stretching my fingers down along her crack, reaching as far as the start of her pussy. Cautiously, I wiggled my fingertip the slightest little bit. No reaction again, except perhaps the faintest perception of Lynn's cheeks relaxing, widening the barest bit to accommodate my touch.
What an incredible thrill. My nerves were zinging with messages flying all over my body at lightning speed. Loathe to leave my new treasure, I struggled to push my other arm under Mom's waist to take possession of her pussy. Amazingly, she shifted her ass back and tilted her pelvis forward to make it easier for me to reach my target. Mom must have thought I needed to change hands for some reason and had pulled back so she didn't bump Lynn when she leaned forward. Man, sometimes things just never go wrong!
Here I was, one hand lying under my Mom's pussy and the other sliding under my sister's ass to poke at the bottom of her pussy. I hoped this movie would never end, but five minutes later, it did.
We lay there as the credits rolled, all seemingly fascinated, and then for several more minutes before something had to happen, someone had to say something, to make a move.
"Well, I guess I better go up to bed," Mom said.
"I should go to sleep too," Lynn kicked in.
Wow. Could I catch Mom before she went into her room and then come back for Lynn? Would Lynn let me, would she acknowledge what she'd let me do? Could anything beat touching up both of them at the same time without the other knowing?
"Let's watch another," I blurted, surprising myself.
"Another chick flick?" both women cried.
"Yeah," I stammered. "It was nice lying here with my sister and my Mom." Too right it was, I thought.
"Are you sure?" Lynn asked, turning to look back at me. I nodded and Lynn pushed herself up on her elbow so she could pick another movie. This time she didn't confer with Mom. She just made a selection and started it.
"You lie up front this time, Mom." Lynn startled me by throwing the sheet back and twisting herself up and over both Mom and I, landing behind me and slipping under the sheet. "Move ahead," she urged us both.
Unperturbed, Mom shuffled ahead but not as near the edge as Lynn had been and I followed with Lynn moving closer to me. As we settled in for the movie, my disappointment settled in too. How could I fondle Mom with Lynn right behind me, and how could I touch her? Is that why she moved, so I couldn't get at her? Had she tolerated me just to avoid a scene in front of Mom?
I thought and did nothing for the next fifteen minutes, much as I'd done for the first half hour of the last movie. I could just make an excuse and leave but I didn't want to leave the laptop with the folders open in case Lynn browsed for other movies after Mom had gone and found all the mom-son porn stuff. I was stuck.
I lay there for some time after that thought, my mind drifting. I was brought out of my fog by a hand pulling at the elbow of the arm I was lying on. Lynn was tugging my arm back. I lifted my weight to accommodate her and she pulled my arm out behind me, her fingers sliding down my forearm to my wrist, holding my hand just behind my ass. What was she up to?
Nothing happened for a couple of minutes and then, when an intense conversation began between two of the main characters in the movie, Lynn shifted closer to me and her hand pulled my wrist back toward her. It took a moment for it to penetrate my brain, but I realized with a shock that my hand was now pressed against Lynn's panties. Lynn's soft hand slid over my waist to press my tummy, pulling me closer to her. In a natural reaction, my fingers curled between her legs, cupping her pussy, my long middle digit finding and settling into the crevice lining the front of her puffy mound.
Lynn hugged me and ground her pelvis onto my hand. Her mouth found my shoulder and slipped down to my biceps, biting my muscle. The pain seared through me to my cock, stiffening it into the rod it had been twenty minutes earlier. Again, she ground herself against me, pushing herself hard enough to bury my finger between her lips, even covered by her panties. Her mouth slid over my shoulder and she bit me on the tendon stretching to my neck.
Lynn's hand slid down along my tummy. She's looking for my cock! She's going to touch it. It lurched in anticipation. But at the last second, her hand slipped sideways, pulling back, onto my other hand lying along my upper side, to grasp it by wrist. Another grind but no bite this time. My arm was pulled, forward from my hip, toward Mom, above her waist, and dropped. Lynn's hand slid back to my elbow and pushed my arm, directing my hand over to caress Mom's tummy, then down, toward her panties.
I resisted, pulling back but Lynn's hand was surprisingly strong, and she bit me again.
"Touch her," she whispered. "You know she wants you to. I know you were doing it."
Her hand urged mine downward until my fingers slid over Mom's panties. Mom made a low sound and moved her hips back toward me as if she'd been waiting for my touch.
"See," Lynn whispered in my ear.
As I tried to accommodate this new understanding of what had been happening during the first movie, Lynn's tongue swirled around my own ear and her hand moved mine, showing me how she wanted me, wanted us, to touch our mother's pussy. Slowly up and down, then a firm press directly on her mound, then the slow stroking again. Over and over.
This went on for a while, and the whole time Lynn worked her pussy on my hand stretched behind me. Then she pulled my hand up, completely away, above Mom's panties but still on her tummy. Before she pushed my hand back down, she whispered, "Dig in under her panties."
My fingers sought out the waistband of Mom's silky, panties and pushed underneath over her sparse pubic hair until I slid through a damp furrow to cup her very moist treasure. Mom's hip's jerked back and she turned her face into the pillow. Although I couldn't see, I sensed Lynn smiling. As my finger slipped between Mom's wet lips I felt Lynn working behind me and my other finger was suddenly slipping between another pair of lips.
"Work our slits," she husked in my ear. "We'll love it."
Following orders, I moved my fingers, wiggling, rolling, moving up and down. Mom's head was still turned into the pillow, making no pretense of watching the movie, and Lynn was tracing her tongue around the edge of my ear, suddenly slipping across with a brief, teasing dip inside.
"Inside," she whispered excitedly. "Put your fingers inside."
Who? Was she directing the hand on Mom or asking for herself?
With timing calibrated to within a heartbeat, I slipped two fingers into two pussies, finding the wet pink hole inside each and plunging home, past the first and second knuckles, as far as I could go. There was a muffled sound from the pillow in front of me and a moan behind me followed by a wet mouth and tongue swallowing my ear. I wiggled my disparate fingers in concert but soon lost my timing and simply concentrated on maintaining their motion.
Surely Mom must now realize that her daughter was aware of what was happening but she made no effort to quiet her trembling hips and was instead pushing herself back onto my invigorating hand. Lynn's hand had pulled away and she was now pushing me forward and pulling my hand away from her pussy. I didn't want to lose that touch but she was pulling hard. She was whispering again, in my ear.
"Pull her panties down," she panted. She was pushing my elbow forward, back underneath my chest, urging it toward Mom.
Again, I obliged my sister, finding the waistband of Mom's panties and tugging them down, working them over her hip and buttocks.
"Push them right off," Lynn's whisper was intense and broken, over-excited.
I switched hands, pushing my bottom hand underneath Mom and reaching up to find and insert that finger into her pussy as soon as I pulled the other away to drag her panties over her upper hip and down to her thighs.
"Right off," Lynn's whisper was frantic as she rubbed her pussy against my ass, pushing my shorts down.
With my finger still inside Mom, I slipped my other hand under her bum and grabbed her soaked panties, yanking on them until they grudgingly slipped down her thighs. I dragged the panties under Mom's knees and pulled upward, forcing her feet off the bed until the panties slipped up her calves and over her feet. By this time, Mom had twisted until she was lying flat on her stomach. When the panties snapped over Mom's toes, her legs fell back to the bed. My eyes ran up her lovely legs to her bum, her cheeks tightening and releasing as she pushed herself onto my finger, still embedded inside her.
Lynn's voice was feverish, "Spread her legs... get on her."
I pulled one leg toward me and pushed the other away, surprised that Mom offered no resistance. Dutifully, I climbed between Mom's legs, finding it difficult because Lynn hung onto me and I had to pull her up with me, clinging to my back, her pussy still scrunching into my ass.
"Get on her," Lynn rasped into my ear again.
"She won't," I cried, speaking for the first time.
"She will," Lynn insisted, her pelvis forcing me down toward Mom, her hand slipping around my waist to take hold of my cock, directing it to Mom's precious 'Y'.
I was down, flat on Mom's ass, my cock between her legs, nudging at her entrance, this time blocked by my own hand. I struggled to keep my weight off Mom.
"Mom's a one man guy," Lynn's voice was finally calm, no longer whispering. "But Dad hasn't done anything with her for almost two years."
That explained a lot, I thought. Lynn went on but I got the feeling she was speaking to Mom more than me.
"She's been faithful all her life, but she deserves to have joy too."
Lynn paused, as if for effect.
"There's only one man in this house now, and that's where her loyalty lies."
Her breath was quickening again.
"He deserves it, and he owes it to her too."
The raspy voice returned.
"Give it to her."
Lynn's pussy suddenly shoved down hard on my ass, nudging me into Mom's slit and against the two fingers I had in her cunt. Thinking Mom was resisting, the raspy voice urged her to comply.
"Let him Mom. He wants you so bad. He needs you."
Her hips were thrusting against my ass, making it very hard for me to keep my weight off of Mom.
And then, Mom's hips lifted, pulling off my fingers, her ass twisting up toward me and pushing onto my cock. Sensing it, Lynn cried out.
Mom moaned.
And my cock slid home, not stopping until my pubic hair was pressed tightly against Mom's ass. Pausing only briefly, my ass quickly rose and slammed down again, then again and again, and then I was steadily humping Mom, at a loss at how this had happened but not caring. I was fucking her, really fucking her.
I lost control, and it didn't help that my sister was hanging on to my wildly pounding ass whispering hoarsely in my ear.
"Fuck her, fuck her."
I finished with a raging blast of seed that soon lapsed into a trickle, and I fell away to Mom's side, dumping my sister off to mine. Panting, I wondered what would come next.
With surprising normality, Mom's face turned up from the pillow, facing away from her children. "I really must be getting to bed."
I was shocked by her lack of acknowledgement of what had just transpired but Lynn took it in stride, calmly answering Mom's statement with an equally calm one of her own.
"But you have to come back down tomorrow morning, Mom. You remember what it's like in the beginning. He's going to need you in the morning, first thing."
Amazingly, Mom nodded, still looking away.
"I'll keep Dad busy while you slip down to take care of your new man."
Mom nodded again and slipped out of the bed, slowly walking away, a little shocked I suppose, like me.
As soon as she was gone, Lynn twisted up to straddle me. Her hand immediately grabbed my cock and started massaging it, then stroking as it began to stiffen. When I was fully hard, she let go and used both hands to pull her nightie over her head, tossing it aside and laughing when she saw my eyes on her wonderfully pert tits.
"Do you like these young ones?" she laughed.
I nodded as she grabbed my cock again, lifted one knee to spread herself and inserted me into her slit, slamming me home with a quick thrust of her hips. My sister leaned forward, taking my hands and holding them above my head as her mouth closed on my ear.
"I'm not a one man woman," she breathed. "You owe me big time, and its going to take you years to pay it off."
Her hips were already slamming down on me, her knees gripping my sides like she was riding a bronco. She fucked me like she didn't want to leave anything for Mom in the morning.
I woke the next morning to see Lynn disappear through the doorway. Moments later, Mom appeared wearing a full length kimono, smiling and undoing it as she walked toward me. She didn't open it until she stood at the bottom of the bed. She was stark naked underneath. Laughing at my surprised face, she yanked the covers off and climbed onto the bed, taking my stiffening cock into her mouth. She didn't stay there long, soon straddling me and sinking her own pussy over my raging cock. She wormed her self down until she couldn't get any more of me inside, then leaned down and pushed her mature, slightly sagging tit to my mouth, threading her long nipple between my lips.
"Suck my tits," she whispered.
Mom humped my cock but she was much gentler than my sister and treated my body like it had to last. From that day forward, where sex was concerned, I was the man of the house. Both of us refrained from any activity that would make Dad suspicious let alone chance getting caught.
I fucked my sister when she came home and continued fucking her even after she got married and had kids, through her divorce and courtship with her second husband and I'm still fucking her now. But my sister never was as good a fuck as Mom, or as satisfying a woman to be around. She never let me have her ass but that's ok because she obviously didn't like it or even want to try it. And she never let me come in her mouth let alone spew on her face, not realizing the joy and power of giving such a gift to that one special man, but then, maybe it was because I wasn't her special man.
No, it wasn't anything physically obvious. There was just something lacking that was always there whenever I was with Mom. Despite her older body, she was always the sexier woman. Oh, and by the way, we're still making love. We just finished our fifteenth anniversary fuck with the longest anal session ever. We had to do it with Dad at home. We just couldn't get him out of the house, but he can hardly hear now anyway.
Mom's lips just closed over my cock and her tongue is sliding back and forth underneath it. I'm so glad I called my wife and told her I was staying overnight to visit with Mom and Dad, again.