Part 03.2
She felt herself breathing harder, her heart beating faster. Jo had never felt this way before and she was pretty sure she didn't like it. What the Hell!? He's a loser! HE'S MY BROTHER! CALM DOWN! HE'S A LOSER! HE'S MY BROTHER! CALM DOWN! She kept repeating that to herself in her mind in the hopes it would help things. It didn't.
It's just his cock, right? Jo thought after her mental mantra chanting didn't help, I mean, if anyone else had a cock like that, I would be just as obsessed with them. I mean, imagine if our Principal had a cock like that... She pictured the principal with his giant fat ass and a huge cock like her brothers standing in front of her. Jo almost threw up in her mouth. Okay, maybe it's not just his cock. Maybe it's because he's such a loser. I'm nervous that if he's no longer a loser and becomes popular by having to beat off women left and right with his massive cock, then we'll have to hang out together! UGH! But even as she thought that, Jo knew she didn't really mean it.
She pictured eating lunch at school with her brother, Jack. Jo felt those same butterflies come back in her stomach as she knew that it wasn't just his humongous cock and it wasn't that he was a loser either. Jo knew what it was. She had a crush on her brother...
As if realizing that summoned him, Jack wandered into the room in some shorts and a t-shirt, looking like he just woke up and threw those on.
"YAWN! Good morning." Jack said as he walked past his sister and cousin on the couch without looking at them to grab some cereal from the cupboard.
Jo just stared at him, spellbound. As if she'd never seen him before, and he was also glowing like a god or something.
"Good morning!" Clara said happily. But she noticed Jo's odd expression when she looked over, "You okay?"
Jo looked away from her brother then, "Um, yes. I think, uh..." She stuttered.
Clara had never seen her cousin this way, "You sure? You"
Jo took a breath and gathered herself, "Yes. Sure. To prove it I'll go tell Jack the plan." She stood up and boldly walked into their dining room where Jack was eating cereal.
Jo came up to him and put a hand on the chair across from him. She struck a pose. She was trying to do something that was sexy, classy, and sisterly all at once, but failed at all three.
It didn't matter anyway since Jack was busy reading the cereal box instead. "You're usually not home now." He mentioned, a mouth full of cereal, still without looking at her.
Jo scowled and pulled the chair out to sit across from her brother, "Same ol' Jack." She commented, disappointed, and she sat down. She decided not to be coy, "I thought you, me, and Clara could all go to the mall today."
Jack slurped some more of his cereal, "You buying me school clothes or something?"
Jo was getting annoyed, "You know, you can be really dense sometimes! This is why we didn't hang out before!"
Jack was very confused, but really didn't like to be yelled at, "Then what are you doing!? Why do you want me to go to the mall with you!?" He yelled back.
This caused Clara to jump up from the couch in the other room and run into the dining room. "We're going to teach you how to date!" She shouted with excitement.
Jack was more confused than before, "What? I don't need to know that." But then he remembered that he can't cum without help and it was just his normal reaction to reject Jo and Clara's plans most of the time, "Actually I probably do need to know that..." He added miserably.
Jo suddenly perked up, all her anger and annoyance at her brother disappearing, "Oh good! Let's go now!" She said with way too much enthusiasm. "Um...I mean, if, uh, you want to, that is..." Jo added as she blushed profusely.
Jack shrugged, "Sure, whatever you two want to do." He was still half sure this was some kind of trick since he'd never gone out and done anything with his sister, outside of family obligations. But Jack would rather put faith in people most of the time than doubt them, even when one of them was his bitch of a sister.
When they went out to Josephine's car, Jo handed her keys to Clara. "Do you mind driving there? I thought we could teach Jack something on the way."
Clara shrugged. "Sure thing." She didn't see why not, also she was curious what the dating lesson was on the way there and why she would have to drive for it.
Clara got in the front, Jo got in the back. Jack was about to get in the front when Jo told him, "No, bro, get in the back with me. It's your first dating lesson."
"Um, okay," Jack said, basically willing to do whatever it took to get through the day alive at that point, so sure he was that Jo and maybe Clara too were about to do something really mean to him.
He got in the back. Jo got in on the other side. She smiled at him. He glanced at her nervously and then looked out the window.
Jo scowled at his reaction. And felt like punching him. Except this is my fault really, she thought bitterly as she felt that butterflies returning, I'm the one who's always dismissed him in the past. Just because I'm popular and he isn't...I've been a real bitch to him, haven't I?...
Jo felt like crying all of a sudden. She knew a good way to fight back the tears, since the last thing she needed was to start crying in front of Jack, was by getting very angry. Jo ended up punching her brother anyway.
"OW! What was that for?!" Jack said, feeling his sister might have completely lost it.
"I'm trying to teach you stuff! Don't ignore me!" Jo spat angrily and that calmed her down, "And I want you to pretend," she explained, "That you and I are on a date."
Jack did a double-take, "W-w-what?"
"It's just pretending." Jo said, acting innocent, "I just thought you could use some practice for when, um, you know, someone, um, might, uh, want to date you. You know? I mean, uh, not that you know just that it might be someone you know... NO!" Jo just shut her mouth realizing she just kept putting her foot in it when it was open.
"Oh! Can I be Jack's pretend date too!?" Clara asked enthusiastically as she drove, glancing at them in the mirror. "It could be a double-date!"
Jo groaned, "That's not what that means!"
"I know," Clara said, annoyed, "but I still want to be Jack's pretend date too!"
Jo didn't like that, of course, but she also didn't really want Jack to know that she had a crush on him, "What do you think Jack?"
Jack was not sure at all what was going on and was half expecting to wake up from this weird dream he was having, "I guess...that's cool." He said after another minute.
Jo was disappointed but didn't show it outwardly. It doesn't matter, she thought a moment later, Clara probably doesn't know what's really going on. This is all just a game to her. That cheered her up.
"Okay," Jo said after another minute of driving and she turned to her brother, "Well, I'm your date for right now. So how about you put your arm around your date." And she grabbed Jack's arm before he could do anything else and draped it over her shoulder. She then nuzzled her head into his arm and took a whiff of her brother's masculine scent. Jo leaned over, lay her head on her brother's shoulder, and closed her eyes just to drink at the moment. It felt nice.
Jack was having mixed emotions. He was still fairly certain his sister was about to pull a knife on him and stab him in the chest or something. But he was also very intrigued by the feeling of her head on his shoulder and as he draped his arm over her he could lay his hand on her belly, covered by her shirt, which he laid there now just to see if Jo would do anything.
Jo did do something. She hummed happily and put a hand on her brother's to make him hold her by the waist more tightly. "You know, Jack?" She asked dreamily as she opened her eyes to look into his handsome brown ones.
"Uh, what?" Jack said, feeling strange as he stared back into his sister's green eyes as her red hair flowed down around her face.
"You're really special to me, Jack," Jo told him, only wishing it was something more to really express what he meant to her, and went back to leaning her head on his shoulder. Part of her wanted to kiss him but those damned butterflies were back again. Also Clara was there and probably wouldn't approve, but Jo had kinda forgotten about her at that moment.
Jack was taken aback by that, "Um, thanks." And then a moment later, "That's probably the nicest thing you've ever said to me."
Jo punched him again, "I'm not that mean!" But she was being playful.
"Ow! No," Jack said, with a laugh, "I just meant it was really nice." Jack took another moment, lightly moving his hand along her belly. "You're special to me too, Jo." He told her after another few seconds of silent driving, "I know we don't, um, get along." He felt strange saying that since it seemed they were getting along now, but he continued anyway, "but I've always looked up to you. Really respected you. You always get what you want it seems, and it's like it doesn't take you any effort at all. Meanwhile, I work as hard as possible and usually fail. I guess I've been spending a lot of time being jealous of you actually, but really I think I'm just proud at least one of us is so successful at life."
Jo looked at him again, Jack's brown eyes were captivating, "And now we're even." She said as she smiled broadly, "Now that's the nicest thing anyone's ever said to me." And then those butterflies were back, but this time it was because Jo just leaned in and kissed her brother on the lips.
Jack was so surprised by this his lips didn't do anything at all for a few seconds while his sister's lips seemed to quickly nibble on each and every part of his closed mouth for a brief moment. And then it was over. Jack was just staring at his sister wide-eyed, completely unsure what he was feeling anymore.
"I'm sorry, I don't know what came over me," Jo said as she pushed his arm away and moved to the other side of the seat. Jo was too embarrassed to look at him and instead just stared out the window.
Jack did the same to his own window until Clara announced, "We're here!" And they pulled into the parking lot of the mall.
As Jack walked towards the doors, Clara held Jo back for a moment, "So...I saw you kiss your brother." She said with a wink and then a laugh at Jo's completely mortified expression.
"That wasn't what it looked like," Jo said, not sure what else to say.
"Uh-huh." Clara said with a smile, but also completely unbelieving of Jo's statement, "You know he has a gi-NOR-mous cock right?"
Jo huffed, "I was aware." She said as they slowly walked far enough behind Jack so he couldn't hear them.
Clara ignored how annoyed and upset Jo was to keep joking, "You going to add him to your boy toys? Your own brother in your little black book?" She laughed and mimicked talking on the phone in Jo's voice, "Hey bro, I'm horny. Want to come across the hall?" Clara laughed again, finding her own joke very funny.
Jo scowled, and stopped walking, letting Jack get really ahead of them. "If you must know, I broke it off."
"With who?" Clara asked still all smiles.
"All of them." Jo put simply and started walking towards the mall again.
Clara stood behind for a second as she put 2 and 2 together. Then she got really excited as she caught up to Jo before she caught up to Jack.
"You have a thing for your brother!" She whispered excitedly to Jo.
Jo hit her in the arm. She felt she was being extra violent that day, "Shut up, okay? We'll talk about it later!" She whispered back. They caught up to Jack who hadn't even noticed they weren't walking with him. He had been completely lost in thought.
Clara was still kinda looking at this as a sort of game. But now it was one with stakes! She took Jack by the hand, "Remember, I'm your date today too." She then smiled like the devil at Jo, hoping to make her jealous.
Jo glared back at her cousin, wishing she were evil so she could hate her. Instead, she just felt annoyed at her otherwise very nice and sweet cousin. Jo walked up to Jack on the other side and grabbed his other hand, forgetting completely that she was still feeling embarrassed about that awkward kiss in the car, "Remember I'm your original date though so you should pay extra attention to me." Jo told him.
Jack still felt odd. Like he'd stepped into the twilight zone, totally opposite of how normal he thought everything was yesterday. He did like the feeling of his sister's and cousin's soft hands in his own, and they both smelled really good right then, but he had to keep reminding himself that these two hotties on his arms were his sister and cousin.
They got to the mall entrance. But as soon as the automatic doors opened, Jo let go of Jack grabbed Clara and they hid around the corner.
"What is it?" Clara asked legitimately concerned for her cousin.
"Ugh, one of those guys I used to date is in there," Jo said as she rubbed her eyes. Because her eyes were covered she didn't see that Jack had walked up behind Clara and she said, "The last thing I need is for the whole school to find out I have a crush on my brother and-"
"You have a crush on me?" Jack asked probably the most confused he'd ever felt in his life.
Jo looked up and saw Jack, no. No. NO. NO! She thought over and over again for a very long time. Not saying anything at all while her face flushed a deep red and her gaze slowly moved down to get feet.
"Umm, well," Clara said hoping to clear the air, "Jo kissed you in the car, do you remember that? And then she told me she broke up with all her boyfriends and, OW!"
Jo had stomped on Clara's foot to get her to stop talking. Then, too embarrassed and angry to speak she started walking back to her car.
"Hey, what'd I say!?" Clara shouted at Jo as she walked after her.
Jo started walking faster to get away from her.
"Hey Jo, wait up!" Jack yelled after her as he ran up to her. Jo did stop then to wait for him.
"What do you want?" Jo said. She sounded annoyed to Jack.
"I just wanted to say," Jack blushed and went on nervously, "I've never been on a date before."
Jo was taken aback, "I know, that's why I-"
"No, I don't think you do." Jack said, "I mean, not right now've been on so many dates. I mean, now you don't have any boyfriends but you used to and, um..."
"I get it what are you saying?"Jo said, not at all insulted by Jack's ramblings.
"Well, I just want us to have a good date is all, being they it's my first. I just wouldn't want it to end with my, um, 'girlfriend' angry at me."
Jo felt her heart grow three sizes, Jack does want to go on a date with me! She suddenly hugged him feeling like a million bucks.
"Thank you! Thank you, thank you, thank you!" Jo said, feeling she'd never felt so grateful for anything in all her life. She broke the hug, all smiles, but a bit embarrassed, "Where do you want to go for our date?" She asked, "You asked so you have to choose?"
"Oh is that how that works?" Jack asked.
Jo smiled, "Not really. Every date is different. That's your first lesson." She then laughed feeling giddy.
"In that case, I'll let the driver decide where we go." Jack said and nodded to Clara. "Someplace romantic."
"Yes sir!" Clara said as she gave him a salute.
Jo and Jack got back in the backseat while Clara drove. Jack put his arm back around Jo's body. And Jo leaned into him.
"I hope I didn't ruin your first date," Jo whispered to him.
In answer, Jack held his sister a little tighter.
Clara parked somewhere nearby on the top of a hill that overlooked the rest of their city. It was a really nice view.
Jo wasn't paying attention to where they were going until they got there, "This is Make-Out Point!" Jo complained once Clara had parked. It was called as much because of how often teenagers were caught parking there.
"Yeah, it is," Clara happily agreed, "Jack said to go somewhere romantic, and I find this place very romantic!"
Clara climbed over the seat into the back and got on Jack's other side. Jack and Jo had to move over so she could fit. Once she was there she grabbed Jack's other arm and put it around her shoulder. Jack now had two of the hottest girls in his school on either arm. Even though they were his sister and cousin he was suddenly very nervous (maybe especially because of that reason).
"Umm, what do we do now?" He asked since he really wasn't sure.
Jo opened her mouth to give some advice, but Clara spoke first.
"It's called Make-Out Point for a reason," Clara said, "You wanna make out?"
Jack was surprised but the suggestion but Clara didn't let him answer before she leaned in and started kissing.
"Wha-What!?" Jo complained as she watched her brother and cousin kiss. She seethed with jealousy, which only grew when she saw that Jack was kissing Clara back!
He hadn't done that with me! Jo thought bitterly wishing she had been more up front with him earlier about what she wanted from him.
There was a honk of a car behind them. Someone had pulled up in the parking lot with them.
Jack and Clara stopped kissing. Jack looked the most embarrassed Jo had ever seen him. Clara seemed fine, however.
The person in the car got out and came to the side of the car. "What's going on in-"
It was Beth Ryder, Jack's first-period history teacher but she taught all three of them at different times on school days. She knew who they were and that Jack was Jo's brother and that Clara was his cousin.
When she pulled into the parking lot, there usually weren't cars out there until the evening. She liked to come out there to read, or be alone with her thoughts, or to smoke a big fatty. Beth was just surprised that there was another car there this early in the day. And one that she recognized.
It was Josephine's, one of her students, she knew because Beth saw Jo park it almost every day of school because they got to the building at roughly the same time And when she pulled up and saw two kids making out in the backseat, but not just two, three! And she looked at her horn to get them to stop.
Beth came up to the door, assuming she was going to have to tell Jo to not have threesomes in public, of all the things to have to tell someone. She did not expect the three people she saw to be siblings and cousins to each other.
"What the hell are you three doing?!" Beth said, angry more at how much this situation confused her than anything else.
"Umm..." Jo and Jack said together as they both tried to think of some excuse. Jack had moved his arms away from both of them and used his arms to cover the obvious tent in his shorts.
Clara, however, didn't hesitate, "We're teaching Jack about dating!" She said happily. But then went into some sort of trance as she remembered kissing her cousin, that might have been the best kiss of my life! We didn't even use our tongues! What the flying fuck?!
Beth blinked, "By making out with him!?" She accused.
"Huh?" Clara said, already very distracted by her horny feelings for her cousin right then.
"Ah, okay, that was my fault," Jack said, nervous but doing his best to cover it up, "Um, I read a lot, as you know..." he added. He and Beth discussed the books they read on occasion, "and the was a romantic scene in one that I didn't understand and we were kind of, umm, acting it out. We weren't kissing," he added, "our, um, faces were just close together."
Beth considered this. "Then why do you have an erection?" She was not leaving any stone unturned.
Jack looked away from her nervously and instead out the window as if he were looking for a bird he thought he saw. He didn't know how to answer that.
Here Jo stepped up. "Oh my God, Miss Ryder. Jack is always popping boners all the time. It's been happening pretty much since he whipped his dick out in your class," Jo was pretending to be angry but that turned into real anger, "Why do you think we're trying to teach him to date! He has a real problem!"
Beth nodded, "Because he can't masturbate." She said without thinking. Or really she was, but thinking about the doctor's note that Jack gave her, the same one he had given to the principal.
"What?!" Clara and Jo said together. This was news to them.
Beth saw Jack flush an even deeper shade of red. She realized that Clara and Jo obviously didn't know about his condition. "Umm, sorry," she mumbled out, ashamed for revealing one of her favorite student's secrets, "I'm going to go, but you three just go straight home okay?" She said before getting out of there quickly.
Jack got in the front seat before Jo or Clara could say otherwise and drove off.
Beth watched them go and thought about everything she just heard and seen. I thought for sure I saw lips locking but I must have been imagining it... Is Jack getting dating tips though? Or need to act out romantic scenes from books to understand them? That boy obviously doesn't know the first thing about the opposite sex...
Beth thought about Jack for a moment longer but then decided to push the whole thing from her mind. She took out her joint from the glove compartment...
On the ride back home Clara asked Jack to turn the radio on. It was a lot harder to hear people in the backseat when the radio was on. Jo knew what that meant, Clara wanted to talk about something.
Jo was still angry with her cousin though and didn't really want to speak to her.
Clara ignored her cousin's dismissive attitude, "Oh my God Jo! I see what you like about Jack!" She whispered excitedly.
Jo was visibly upset now, mostly because Clara had done this before, "What? You're going to steal another one of my boyfriends?"
Clara was surprised, not because Jo had just referred to her brother as "boyfriend," but because they'd talked about this, "I thought we agreed we wouldn't be jealous of each other. Y'know? Keeping everything casual?"
Jo closed her eyes in frustration when she realized that Clara was right. But still, she didn't think Clara would even be interested in Jack... but realized, This is my fault... Clara's always been copying me. And it's true that we've agreed to never be jealous of each other, but Jack's different...
Clara noticed Jo getting really quiet. She knew she was upset with her but she wanted to give her the good news. She leaned in and whispered, "Jack's an amazing kisser."
This distracted Jo from her thoughts. She scowled at her cousin, "When I kissed him he didn't react at all!" She said jealously.
Clara smiled like the cat who ate the canary, "It was probably the best kiss of my life and we didn't even use our tongues!" She whispered fiercely.
Clara went back to her side of the seat and they road the rest of the rest home thinking their own thoughts.
That night Jo was up late thinking about her brother. Mostly thinking how he had actually kissed Clara and had been like a dead fish when she kissed him. She waited until everyone else was asleep and then snuck down the hall and into her brother's room.
She was just going to shake him awake but remembered that he slept naked. Also being close to him was making her feel... strange. Jo got into bed next to Jack and snuggled against him under the blanket. She was wearing her PJs but she could feel her pussy getting wet as she took in the feel of her brother's body as she spooned him. She smelled his masculine scent. Jo wasn't sure what was getting into her as she lightly licked his neck, a thrill going through her whole body as she did so.
This feeling woke Jack up. As he stirred, Jo moved her head away from his neck but continued to spoon him with her arm and leg. Jack looked at her in the darkness incredibly confused, "Jo?"
Jo suffered a mix of emotions at that moment. For one thing, she thought, I'm so fucking horny right now! It's even hotter that I got caught doing something so naughty! Jesus! What a thrill! For another, why do I keep getting those damn butterflies in my stomach when I do things like this? Is it because it's my brother? I mean, imagine if he wasn't! The biggest loser in school with the most popular girl! He'd jizz in his jeans every time he saw me and it would be something else entirely then... I could use him however I wanted. Fuck him, leave him, make him eat my pussy, take him to the movies...leave him for my amazing brother...
Jo just stared at her brother in the dark as her brain ran rollercoasters around in her head. After a minute Jack was starting to feel very awkward, "Why are you in my bed?" He said, "You know I sleep naked right?" He wasn't sure what was going on with his sister lately but this day was getting weirder and weirder.
Jo lost every nerve she had coming in there. She pushed away from him and got out of her brother's bed. She turned to say "sorry" at the very least, but the words caught in her throat. Jo then walked out of the room, totally lost as to what was wrong with her lately.
It's just his cock, right? Jo thought after her mental mantra chanting didn't help, I mean, if anyone else had a cock like that, I would be just as obsessed with them. I mean, imagine if our Principal had a cock like that... She pictured the principal with his giant fat ass and a huge cock like her brothers standing in front of her. Jo almost threw up in her mouth. Okay, maybe it's not just his cock. Maybe it's because he's such a loser. I'm nervous that if he's no longer a loser and becomes popular by having to beat off women left and right with his massive cock, then we'll have to hang out together! UGH! But even as she thought that, Jo knew she didn't really mean it.
She pictured eating lunch at school with her brother, Jack. Jo felt those same butterflies come back in her stomach as she knew that it wasn't just his humongous cock and it wasn't that he was a loser either. Jo knew what it was. She had a crush on her brother...
As if realizing that summoned him, Jack wandered into the room in some shorts and a t-shirt, looking like he just woke up and threw those on.
"YAWN! Good morning." Jack said as he walked past his sister and cousin on the couch without looking at them to grab some cereal from the cupboard.
Jo just stared at him, spellbound. As if she'd never seen him before, and he was also glowing like a god or something.
"Good morning!" Clara said happily. But she noticed Jo's odd expression when she looked over, "You okay?"
Jo looked away from her brother then, "Um, yes. I think, uh..." She stuttered.
Clara had never seen her cousin this way, "You sure? You"
Jo took a breath and gathered herself, "Yes. Sure. To prove it I'll go tell Jack the plan." She stood up and boldly walked into their dining room where Jack was eating cereal.
Jo came up to him and put a hand on the chair across from him. She struck a pose. She was trying to do something that was sexy, classy, and sisterly all at once, but failed at all three.
It didn't matter anyway since Jack was busy reading the cereal box instead. "You're usually not home now." He mentioned, a mouth full of cereal, still without looking at her.
Jo scowled and pulled the chair out to sit across from her brother, "Same ol' Jack." She commented, disappointed, and she sat down. She decided not to be coy, "I thought you, me, and Clara could all go to the mall today."
Jack slurped some more of his cereal, "You buying me school clothes or something?"
Jo was getting annoyed, "You know, you can be really dense sometimes! This is why we didn't hang out before!"
Jack was very confused, but really didn't like to be yelled at, "Then what are you doing!? Why do you want me to go to the mall with you!?" He yelled back.
This caused Clara to jump up from the couch in the other room and run into the dining room. "We're going to teach you how to date!" She shouted with excitement.
Jack was more confused than before, "What? I don't need to know that." But then he remembered that he can't cum without help and it was just his normal reaction to reject Jo and Clara's plans most of the time, "Actually I probably do need to know that..." He added miserably.
Jo suddenly perked up, all her anger and annoyance at her brother disappearing, "Oh good! Let's go now!" She said with way too much enthusiasm. "Um...I mean, if, uh, you want to, that is..." Jo added as she blushed profusely.
Jack shrugged, "Sure, whatever you two want to do." He was still half sure this was some kind of trick since he'd never gone out and done anything with his sister, outside of family obligations. But Jack would rather put faith in people most of the time than doubt them, even when one of them was his bitch of a sister.
When they went out to Josephine's car, Jo handed her keys to Clara. "Do you mind driving there? I thought we could teach Jack something on the way."
Clara shrugged. "Sure thing." She didn't see why not, also she was curious what the dating lesson was on the way there and why she would have to drive for it.
Clara got in the front, Jo got in the back. Jack was about to get in the front when Jo told him, "No, bro, get in the back with me. It's your first dating lesson."
"Um, okay," Jack said, basically willing to do whatever it took to get through the day alive at that point, so sure he was that Jo and maybe Clara too were about to do something really mean to him.
He got in the back. Jo got in on the other side. She smiled at him. He glanced at her nervously and then looked out the window.
Jo scowled at his reaction. And felt like punching him. Except this is my fault really, she thought bitterly as she felt that butterflies returning, I'm the one who's always dismissed him in the past. Just because I'm popular and he isn't...I've been a real bitch to him, haven't I?...
Jo felt like crying all of a sudden. She knew a good way to fight back the tears, since the last thing she needed was to start crying in front of Jack, was by getting very angry. Jo ended up punching her brother anyway.
"OW! What was that for?!" Jack said, feeling his sister might have completely lost it.
"I'm trying to teach you stuff! Don't ignore me!" Jo spat angrily and that calmed her down, "And I want you to pretend," she explained, "That you and I are on a date."
Jack did a double-take, "W-w-what?"
"It's just pretending." Jo said, acting innocent, "I just thought you could use some practice for when, um, you know, someone, um, might, uh, want to date you. You know? I mean, uh, not that you know just that it might be someone you know... NO!" Jo just shut her mouth realizing she just kept putting her foot in it when it was open.
"Oh! Can I be Jack's pretend date too!?" Clara asked enthusiastically as she drove, glancing at them in the mirror. "It could be a double-date!"
Jo groaned, "That's not what that means!"
"I know," Clara said, annoyed, "but I still want to be Jack's pretend date too!"
Jo didn't like that, of course, but she also didn't really want Jack to know that she had a crush on him, "What do you think Jack?"
Jack was not sure at all what was going on and was half expecting to wake up from this weird dream he was having, "I guess...that's cool." He said after another minute.
Jo was disappointed but didn't show it outwardly. It doesn't matter, she thought a moment later, Clara probably doesn't know what's really going on. This is all just a game to her. That cheered her up.
"Okay," Jo said after another minute of driving and she turned to her brother, "Well, I'm your date for right now. So how about you put your arm around your date." And she grabbed Jack's arm before he could do anything else and draped it over her shoulder. She then nuzzled her head into his arm and took a whiff of her brother's masculine scent. Jo leaned over, lay her head on her brother's shoulder, and closed her eyes just to drink at the moment. It felt nice.
Jack was having mixed emotions. He was still fairly certain his sister was about to pull a knife on him and stab him in the chest or something. But he was also very intrigued by the feeling of her head on his shoulder and as he draped his arm over her he could lay his hand on her belly, covered by her shirt, which he laid there now just to see if Jo would do anything.
Jo did do something. She hummed happily and put a hand on her brother's to make him hold her by the waist more tightly. "You know, Jack?" She asked dreamily as she opened her eyes to look into his handsome brown ones.
"Uh, what?" Jack said, feeling strange as he stared back into his sister's green eyes as her red hair flowed down around her face.
"You're really special to me, Jack," Jo told him, only wishing it was something more to really express what he meant to her, and went back to leaning her head on his shoulder. Part of her wanted to kiss him but those damned butterflies were back again. Also Clara was there and probably wouldn't approve, but Jo had kinda forgotten about her at that moment.
Jack was taken aback by that, "Um, thanks." And then a moment later, "That's probably the nicest thing you've ever said to me."
Jo punched him again, "I'm not that mean!" But she was being playful.
"Ow! No," Jack said, with a laugh, "I just meant it was really nice." Jack took another moment, lightly moving his hand along her belly. "You're special to me too, Jo." He told her after another few seconds of silent driving, "I know we don't, um, get along." He felt strange saying that since it seemed they were getting along now, but he continued anyway, "but I've always looked up to you. Really respected you. You always get what you want it seems, and it's like it doesn't take you any effort at all. Meanwhile, I work as hard as possible and usually fail. I guess I've been spending a lot of time being jealous of you actually, but really I think I'm just proud at least one of us is so successful at life."
Jo looked at him again, Jack's brown eyes were captivating, "And now we're even." She said as she smiled broadly, "Now that's the nicest thing anyone's ever said to me." And then those butterflies were back, but this time it was because Jo just leaned in and kissed her brother on the lips.
Jack was so surprised by this his lips didn't do anything at all for a few seconds while his sister's lips seemed to quickly nibble on each and every part of his closed mouth for a brief moment. And then it was over. Jack was just staring at his sister wide-eyed, completely unsure what he was feeling anymore.
"I'm sorry, I don't know what came over me," Jo said as she pushed his arm away and moved to the other side of the seat. Jo was too embarrassed to look at him and instead just stared out the window.
Jack did the same to his own window until Clara announced, "We're here!" And they pulled into the parking lot of the mall.
As Jack walked towards the doors, Clara held Jo back for a moment, "So...I saw you kiss your brother." She said with a wink and then a laugh at Jo's completely mortified expression.
"That wasn't what it looked like," Jo said, not sure what else to say.
"Uh-huh." Clara said with a smile, but also completely unbelieving of Jo's statement, "You know he has a gi-NOR-mous cock right?"
Jo huffed, "I was aware." She said as they slowly walked far enough behind Jack so he couldn't hear them.
Clara ignored how annoyed and upset Jo was to keep joking, "You going to add him to your boy toys? Your own brother in your little black book?" She laughed and mimicked talking on the phone in Jo's voice, "Hey bro, I'm horny. Want to come across the hall?" Clara laughed again, finding her own joke very funny.
Jo scowled, and stopped walking, letting Jack get really ahead of them. "If you must know, I broke it off."
"With who?" Clara asked still all smiles.
"All of them." Jo put simply and started walking towards the mall again.
Clara stood behind for a second as she put 2 and 2 together. Then she got really excited as she caught up to Jo before she caught up to Jack.
"You have a thing for your brother!" She whispered excitedly to Jo.
Jo hit her in the arm. She felt she was being extra violent that day, "Shut up, okay? We'll talk about it later!" She whispered back. They caught up to Jack who hadn't even noticed they weren't walking with him. He had been completely lost in thought.
Clara was still kinda looking at this as a sort of game. But now it was one with stakes! She took Jack by the hand, "Remember, I'm your date today too." She then smiled like the devil at Jo, hoping to make her jealous.
Jo glared back at her cousin, wishing she were evil so she could hate her. Instead, she just felt annoyed at her otherwise very nice and sweet cousin. Jo walked up to Jack on the other side and grabbed his other hand, forgetting completely that she was still feeling embarrassed about that awkward kiss in the car, "Remember I'm your original date though so you should pay extra attention to me." Jo told him.
Jack still felt odd. Like he'd stepped into the twilight zone, totally opposite of how normal he thought everything was yesterday. He did like the feeling of his sister's and cousin's soft hands in his own, and they both smelled really good right then, but he had to keep reminding himself that these two hotties on his arms were his sister and cousin.
They got to the mall entrance. But as soon as the automatic doors opened, Jo let go of Jack grabbed Clara and they hid around the corner.
"What is it?" Clara asked legitimately concerned for her cousin.
"Ugh, one of those guys I used to date is in there," Jo said as she rubbed her eyes. Because her eyes were covered she didn't see that Jack had walked up behind Clara and she said, "The last thing I need is for the whole school to find out I have a crush on my brother and-"
"You have a crush on me?" Jack asked probably the most confused he'd ever felt in his life.
Jo looked up and saw Jack, no. No. NO. NO! She thought over and over again for a very long time. Not saying anything at all while her face flushed a deep red and her gaze slowly moved down to get feet.
"Umm, well," Clara said hoping to clear the air, "Jo kissed you in the car, do you remember that? And then she told me she broke up with all her boyfriends and, OW!"
Jo had stomped on Clara's foot to get her to stop talking. Then, too embarrassed and angry to speak she started walking back to her car.
"Hey, what'd I say!?" Clara shouted at Jo as she walked after her.
Jo started walking faster to get away from her.
"Hey Jo, wait up!" Jack yelled after her as he ran up to her. Jo did stop then to wait for him.
"What do you want?" Jo said. She sounded annoyed to Jack.
"I just wanted to say," Jack blushed and went on nervously, "I've never been on a date before."
Jo was taken aback, "I know, that's why I-"
"No, I don't think you do." Jack said, "I mean, not right now've been on so many dates. I mean, now you don't have any boyfriends but you used to and, um..."
"I get it what are you saying?"Jo said, not at all insulted by Jack's ramblings.
"Well, I just want us to have a good date is all, being they it's my first. I just wouldn't want it to end with my, um, 'girlfriend' angry at me."
Jo felt her heart grow three sizes, Jack does want to go on a date with me! She suddenly hugged him feeling like a million bucks.
"Thank you! Thank you, thank you, thank you!" Jo said, feeling she'd never felt so grateful for anything in all her life. She broke the hug, all smiles, but a bit embarrassed, "Where do you want to go for our date?" She asked, "You asked so you have to choose?"
"Oh is that how that works?" Jack asked.
Jo smiled, "Not really. Every date is different. That's your first lesson." She then laughed feeling giddy.
"In that case, I'll let the driver decide where we go." Jack said and nodded to Clara. "Someplace romantic."
"Yes sir!" Clara said as she gave him a salute.
Jo and Jack got back in the backseat while Clara drove. Jack put his arm back around Jo's body. And Jo leaned into him.
"I hope I didn't ruin your first date," Jo whispered to him.
In answer, Jack held his sister a little tighter.
Clara parked somewhere nearby on the top of a hill that overlooked the rest of their city. It was a really nice view.
Jo wasn't paying attention to where they were going until they got there, "This is Make-Out Point!" Jo complained once Clara had parked. It was called as much because of how often teenagers were caught parking there.
"Yeah, it is," Clara happily agreed, "Jack said to go somewhere romantic, and I find this place very romantic!"
Clara climbed over the seat into the back and got on Jack's other side. Jack and Jo had to move over so she could fit. Once she was there she grabbed Jack's other arm and put it around her shoulder. Jack now had two of the hottest girls in his school on either arm. Even though they were his sister and cousin he was suddenly very nervous (maybe especially because of that reason).
"Umm, what do we do now?" He asked since he really wasn't sure.
Jo opened her mouth to give some advice, but Clara spoke first.
"It's called Make-Out Point for a reason," Clara said, "You wanna make out?"
Jack was surprised but the suggestion but Clara didn't let him answer before she leaned in and started kissing.
"Wha-What!?" Jo complained as she watched her brother and cousin kiss. She seethed with jealousy, which only grew when she saw that Jack was kissing Clara back!
He hadn't done that with me! Jo thought bitterly wishing she had been more up front with him earlier about what she wanted from him.
There was a honk of a car behind them. Someone had pulled up in the parking lot with them.
Jack and Clara stopped kissing. Jack looked the most embarrassed Jo had ever seen him. Clara seemed fine, however.
The person in the car got out and came to the side of the car. "What's going on in-"
It was Beth Ryder, Jack's first-period history teacher but she taught all three of them at different times on school days. She knew who they were and that Jack was Jo's brother and that Clara was his cousin.
When she pulled into the parking lot, there usually weren't cars out there until the evening. She liked to come out there to read, or be alone with her thoughts, or to smoke a big fatty. Beth was just surprised that there was another car there this early in the day. And one that she recognized.
It was Josephine's, one of her students, she knew because Beth saw Jo park it almost every day of school because they got to the building at roughly the same time And when she pulled up and saw two kids making out in the backseat, but not just two, three! And she looked at her horn to get them to stop.
Beth came up to the door, assuming she was going to have to tell Jo to not have threesomes in public, of all the things to have to tell someone. She did not expect the three people she saw to be siblings and cousins to each other.
"What the hell are you three doing?!" Beth said, angry more at how much this situation confused her than anything else.
"Umm..." Jo and Jack said together as they both tried to think of some excuse. Jack had moved his arms away from both of them and used his arms to cover the obvious tent in his shorts.
Clara, however, didn't hesitate, "We're teaching Jack about dating!" She said happily. But then went into some sort of trance as she remembered kissing her cousin, that might have been the best kiss of my life! We didn't even use our tongues! What the flying fuck?!
Beth blinked, "By making out with him!?" She accused.
"Huh?" Clara said, already very distracted by her horny feelings for her cousin right then.
"Ah, okay, that was my fault," Jack said, nervous but doing his best to cover it up, "Um, I read a lot, as you know..." he added. He and Beth discussed the books they read on occasion, "and the was a romantic scene in one that I didn't understand and we were kind of, umm, acting it out. We weren't kissing," he added, "our, um, faces were just close together."
Beth considered this. "Then why do you have an erection?" She was not leaving any stone unturned.
Jack looked away from her nervously and instead out the window as if he were looking for a bird he thought he saw. He didn't know how to answer that.
Here Jo stepped up. "Oh my God, Miss Ryder. Jack is always popping boners all the time. It's been happening pretty much since he whipped his dick out in your class," Jo was pretending to be angry but that turned into real anger, "Why do you think we're trying to teach him to date! He has a real problem!"
Beth nodded, "Because he can't masturbate." She said without thinking. Or really she was, but thinking about the doctor's note that Jack gave her, the same one he had given to the principal.
"What?!" Clara and Jo said together. This was news to them.
Beth saw Jack flush an even deeper shade of red. She realized that Clara and Jo obviously didn't know about his condition. "Umm, sorry," she mumbled out, ashamed for revealing one of her favorite student's secrets, "I'm going to go, but you three just go straight home okay?" She said before getting out of there quickly.
Jack got in the front seat before Jo or Clara could say otherwise and drove off.
Beth watched them go and thought about everything she just heard and seen. I thought for sure I saw lips locking but I must have been imagining it... Is Jack getting dating tips though? Or need to act out romantic scenes from books to understand them? That boy obviously doesn't know the first thing about the opposite sex...
Beth thought about Jack for a moment longer but then decided to push the whole thing from her mind. She took out her joint from the glove compartment...
On the ride back home Clara asked Jack to turn the radio on. It was a lot harder to hear people in the backseat when the radio was on. Jo knew what that meant, Clara wanted to talk about something.
Jo was still angry with her cousin though and didn't really want to speak to her.
Clara ignored her cousin's dismissive attitude, "Oh my God Jo! I see what you like about Jack!" She whispered excitedly.
Jo was visibly upset now, mostly because Clara had done this before, "What? You're going to steal another one of my boyfriends?"
Clara was surprised, not because Jo had just referred to her brother as "boyfriend," but because they'd talked about this, "I thought we agreed we wouldn't be jealous of each other. Y'know? Keeping everything casual?"
Jo closed her eyes in frustration when she realized that Clara was right. But still, she didn't think Clara would even be interested in Jack... but realized, This is my fault... Clara's always been copying me. And it's true that we've agreed to never be jealous of each other, but Jack's different...
Clara noticed Jo getting really quiet. She knew she was upset with her but she wanted to give her the good news. She leaned in and whispered, "Jack's an amazing kisser."
This distracted Jo from her thoughts. She scowled at her cousin, "When I kissed him he didn't react at all!" She said jealously.
Clara smiled like the cat who ate the canary, "It was probably the best kiss of my life and we didn't even use our tongues!" She whispered fiercely.
Clara went back to her side of the seat and they road the rest of the rest home thinking their own thoughts.
That night Jo was up late thinking about her brother. Mostly thinking how he had actually kissed Clara and had been like a dead fish when she kissed him. She waited until everyone else was asleep and then snuck down the hall and into her brother's room.
She was just going to shake him awake but remembered that he slept naked. Also being close to him was making her feel... strange. Jo got into bed next to Jack and snuggled against him under the blanket. She was wearing her PJs but she could feel her pussy getting wet as she took in the feel of her brother's body as she spooned him. She smelled his masculine scent. Jo wasn't sure what was getting into her as she lightly licked his neck, a thrill going through her whole body as she did so.
This feeling woke Jack up. As he stirred, Jo moved her head away from his neck but continued to spoon him with her arm and leg. Jack looked at her in the darkness incredibly confused, "Jo?"
Jo suffered a mix of emotions at that moment. For one thing, she thought, I'm so fucking horny right now! It's even hotter that I got caught doing something so naughty! Jesus! What a thrill! For another, why do I keep getting those damn butterflies in my stomach when I do things like this? Is it because it's my brother? I mean, imagine if he wasn't! The biggest loser in school with the most popular girl! He'd jizz in his jeans every time he saw me and it would be something else entirely then... I could use him however I wanted. Fuck him, leave him, make him eat my pussy, take him to the movies...leave him for my amazing brother...
Jo just stared at her brother in the dark as her brain ran rollercoasters around in her head. After a minute Jack was starting to feel very awkward, "Why are you in my bed?" He said, "You know I sleep naked right?" He wasn't sure what was going on with his sister lately but this day was getting weirder and weirder.
Jo lost every nerve she had coming in there. She pushed away from him and got out of her brother's bed. She turned to say "sorry" at the very least, but the words caught in her throat. Jo then walked out of the room, totally lost as to what was wrong with her lately.