Part 08

Week 4: Hands to Myself

Sunday, September 25


That night, Sara had another sex dream but this one was different. This was the first time she really remembered someone other than her son being present in them.

She had come home and caught her son and daughter again. Jack's huge cock was being jerked by Jo in both her hands, while Jack was sucking on Jo's tits.

"Stop this!" Sara yelled but they wouldn't.

"How is it fair, Mom!?" Jo complained as she jerked off her brother right in front of Sara, "That you get to dance for him but I can't jerk him off?"

Sara opened her mouth but couldn't answer. In the dream, she had already danced for her son many times while he jerked off on her body. Sara realized it wouldn't be long until Jack was fucking her, and now his sister wanted it too.

"I'll do it," Sara said as she stepped forward and moved her daughter's hands out of the way, "I'll help my son orgasm now! It's my duty as his mother!" And then she removed all her clothes, straddled her son and took his cock deep inside her pussy...


For once, Sara woke up and didn't have a mind-blowing orgasm. But because of that, she was feeling exceptionally horny.

Her dream got her thinking though. As she showed she considered it, If I'm really willing to do something like posing for my son while he masturbates, is that really much different from what I caught Jo and Jack doing?

But then she remembered that her son and daughter had looked like they were moments away from fucking on her couch when she caught them. Shit. She thought, that's something that just can't happen! Siblings fucking! And under my roof! Under my fucking nose! This is my fault! My fucking wet dreams of my son every night made me start avoiding him and I didn't even notice that Jo had started taking a very big interest in her brother that she never had before... God damnit... someone is going to have to keep Jack's sexual needs in check. She nodded to herself. It's going to need to be me. I can't trust anyone else to do it.

Sara then considered her latest dream and wondered if she herself could be trusted. But she made another decision right then, she was going to start masturbating.

Immediately after making that decision, the water from the shower cascading down her body, Sara put one hand on one of her large tits and another on her pussy and immediately got to work. Even though Sara hadn't touched herself sexually in an extremely long time, she knew exactly what to do.

Sara began by pinching her nipple lightly, which was already sending lightning throughout her body, but as she started rubbing her clit it was followed by thunder as well. She began visualizing a very, very large meaty cock and as Sara moved her fingers from her clit to her pussy and shoved two fingers inside to stimulate her G-spot, the cock she imagined became her son's cock.

Sara was far too horny to reject the thought of her son and proceeded to fantasize that Jack was fucking her right there in the shower with his monstrous cock, then Sara added another finger to her throbbing pussy. It was too much for her and Sara fell to her knees as she started cumming.

"Oooohhh," she moaned out, loudly, so overcome with pleasure Sara didn't even think about who might hear her, "JACK!" She shouted so loudly as she came all over her fingers on the floor of the bathtub.


"Jack!" Sara shouted so loudly it woke up everyone who was still asleep.

Jack was one person who was still asleep. When he heard his mother shout for him he assumed she needed his help and got up and ran across the hall completely naked because that's how he slept.

The lock on the door to the bathroom had been broken for a long time so Jack just pushed his way in. His mom closed the curtain when she showered so he crossed the room to open it. Jack was still mostly asleep so he did all this without thinking about it. But as soon as he saw his mother's naked, quivering body on the floor of the tub he was rendered speechless as he became fully awake. And also fully aroused. Jack got a boner immediately.

Sara yelped in surprise. She put an arm to cover her nipples but her breasts were so large her areolas peaked out around the top and bottom of her limb. She used her other hand to hide her throbbing pussy.

Sara also made an extreme mental effort to stop cumming but that was impossible as her extremely powerful orgasm continued.

"Oooohhh... Jack," she spoke through clenched teeth as her body gyrated on its own, "What, aaaahhhh. What are yooouuu doing here?"

Jack gulped and didn't answer as his cock throbbed and he watched his mother move her hips like she was a pole dancer and kept making fists with her toes, her hand over her boobs grabbed her other arm tightly, is she having an orgasm? He thought, his cock bouncing as he watched Sara move sexually all over the tub.

That was when Jo came to the door, she had been awake already but was naked on her bed masturbating with her 7-inch vibrator knowing it was nowhere close to the huge cock she really wanted, the cock that was standing at attention right in front of her when she walked in,"What happ-" She said her speech stopping short as she saw the scene before her. She then got really angry as she walked over to them, her face in a knot, "What's going on here?!"

Rita and her daughter Clara got to the bathroom door at the same time then, both taking a little longer to get out of bed. Just in time to hear Sara shout, "This is NOT worse than anything I caught you doing with your brother yesterday!" Sara's orgasm finally subsided enough she could get ahold of herself, though she was still feeling after-waves of pleasure as her pussy continued to pulse, "Aaah, um, you go back-" She started to order her son and daughter.

"What happened yesterday?" Clara asked, interrupting her aunt as she stepped further into the room. "Does this have anything to do with Jack and Jo being grounded?"

Jack used that opportunity to run out of the room, all four women staring at his bouncing boner as he bounded across the hall and shut the door to his room as he went in.

"Yes," Sara said immediately after Jack was in his room, feeling embarrassed enough as it was being caught like that by her whole family, she figured her daughter could share in some of the embarrassment, "I caught Jo and Jack, um, kissing, and, um, doing other stuff..." She couldn't bring herself to admit everything she saw as she stood and grabbed a towel.

"Oh?!" Clara said, a little too excitedly as she looked at her cousin.

Jo cringed, "It, um, wasn't like that." And then she walked out of the room before anyone could say anything else to her.

When she had gone, Clara said, "He's an amazing kisser." Before she considered who she was talking to.

Then Rita got angry, "And how would you know that, young lady!?" Becoming very suspicious of her daughter.

Clara smiled and said, "Someone at school told me." without missing a beat. And then skipped out of the room after her cousin.

Rita watched her daughter go, though a moment after she was gone she thought, wait? Jack's never dated or anything? Who would have told her that? But shrugged it off as she approached her sister who was wrapping the towel over her breasts and around her waist.

"So, what just happened?" Rita asked as she honestly didn't know, "And Jo and Jack were kissing?" This was all news to her.

Sara took a breath before facing her sister. She considered for a moment telling Rita about everything that had been going through her mind and in her life lately but decided that would involve admitting to her that she had sexual feelings for her son. She decided against it, "I just tripped and fell, I guess I cried out for Jack without thinking about it." Sara hoped she sounded convincing, "And yes, Jo and Jack were kissing and they're grounded for life as far as I'm concerned. I don't even think they should come to church today." Sara thought that sounded good, "No church for either of them until they're ungrounded." She declared.

Rita considered this, "Um, you know that would leave them home together, alone, for two or three hours every Sunday, right?"

Sara cringed, "Okay, then no one will go to church today!" She declared. She took a breath and then nodded before walking away and back to her room.

Rita stood in the bathroom somewhat shocked as she thought about that, Sara missing church? What the hell is going on with her lately? A month ago she never would have even considered the possibility of missing it, but one giant-cocked son later...

Rita was glad she didn't have to work for once, she wanted to figure out what happened between Jo and her brother, exactly.


Jo was laying on her bed. She heard her door open and said, "I don't want to talk to you." Without looking to see who it was.

"Oh," Clara said as she came in, "You always want to talk to me."

Jo sat up on her bed so Clara could sit beside her. But then remembered, "You know I'm still angry at you."

Clara shrugged, not the least bit upset, "Why? About me making out with Jack? Sounds like you're the one doing way worse than that. And besides, I thought we agreed to never be jealous of each other over something as silly as a boy."

Jo scowled, "This is different!" Her anger at her cousin all coming back.

"Why because he's an amazing kisser with a huge cock?" Clara asked with a giggle, "or because he's your brother? Because you've honestly never acted like this about... well, anyone now that I think about it."

Jo considered it and voiced her thoughts, "It's not those things, or at least, it's not just those things." She began, Jo wasn't concerned, even though she was still angry at Clara, Clara was also one of her closest confidants and friends, "I guess I just broke up with my boyfriends and thought that everything was going to magically work out and Jack could be my, I dunno, boyfriend, I guess, and the rest of the world was just going to have to accept it." Jo got very somber then, "But instead: I don't even know how Jack feels about me, Mom is probably inches away from killing both of us, well, maybe not Jack," Sara added when she thought about what she walked in on that morning with both her mother and brother naked in the bathroom and Jack's erection sticking out, but she didn't even want to think about what might be going on between her mother and brother, "but definitely me, and I just can't think about Jack being with you when he keeps pushing me away..." she buried her head in her knees as she brought her feet up on the bed, "I just feel like an idiot, and I don't even have my phone now to text Rose about it."

Clara listened intently and considered Sara's plight. She suddenly had an idea, "What if I helped you?"

"What?" Jo said, her head coming back up. A moment later she sat normally again.

"What if I helped you with your brother?" Clara suggested happily, "You know, find ways to get you two alone, distract Aunt Sara so you can sneak into his room, send secret messages and junk, and then, y'know, maybe all three of us could do some stuff together sometime?"

Jo was taken aback, "Wait? Do you mean, like, a three-way?" Though Jo and Clara used to share some boy toys, before Jo dumped them all, they'd never had sex with any of them simultaneously.

Clara shrugged, "Whatever everyone is comfortable with."

"I don't think Jack would even know what a threesome was!" Jo laughed when she thought about it, "His mind would just explode!"

Clara laughed with her cousin, "Well, think about it and maybe I could arrange another double-date!"

They both laughed at that and then Clara and Jo spent some time scheming up things Clara could do to help move things along between Jack and his sister.


Aunt Rita just pushed her way into Jack's room since he never locked his door. He had gotten back in bed to go back to sleep but he turned and saw her, his erection quite evident under the blanket."

"Is it hard lugging that big thing around?" Rita asked as she sat on the bed and motioned towards her nephew's very obvious massive penis under his blanket. She wasn't the least bit embarrassed about talking about something so overtly sexual.

Jack, however, was very embarrassed. "I just wish I'd stop getting erections all the time..." he admitted as he blushed.

Rita almost offered to help him out but thought, remember who you're talking to. And what if Sara catches you? She already grounded Jack and Jo for life! She will probably kick me out of the house even though I pay for everything! She decided to change the subject.

"So what happened between you and your sister?" Rita asked her nephew. "I heard your mom caught you two making out?"

Jack groaned and became even more embarrassed, "Ugh, does it matter? We're already being punished for it."

"I guess not," Rita admitted, "But I feel that if I knew exactly what happened maybe I can help lessen your punishment with your Mom." Rita did tend to help her sister out when she felt she was being unreasonable.

Jack looked at the wall opposite his aunt so he didn't have to look at her while he admitted, "it's like mom said, we were making out. It was on the couch in the living room. Things were getting a little out of hand. I had a hand on her boobs and on her ass. She, umm, had both her hands on my..." he motioned to his erection.

Rita glanced back at the door feeling a bit naughty, "I don't think I'm getting it. Maybe you should show me what you and your sister were doing?" She was taking a major risk she knew but thinking about her own niece and nephew, brother and sister, making out and touching places siblings shouldn't touch, it was making her hot and bothered.

"What? Show you?" Jack asked.

"Yeah, I mean, we don't need to kiss," Rita added as she realized that would be hard to explain if anyone else came in, "but just put your hands on my body where you had it on Jo's yesterday."

Jack tried to complain again but his aunt was hearing none of it. She could be really stern when she wanted to be.

Jack sighed and placed a hand on one of his aunt's tits and another on her ass. At first, they just stared at each other, awkwardly.

"That's all you- oh..." Rita said as Jack's hands began to move almost on their own. He naturally found the most sensitive parts of her breasts and ass, squeezing or rubbing her in just the right places, making her pussy very wet. She was absolutely putty in his hands.

"Are you trying to seduce me?" She asked her nephew in a sultry tone, absolutely ready to be seduced.

Jack let go of his aunt. He had no idea he was having this effect on her. He hadn't even realized that his hands were even moving that much. "What? No, I, uh, was just, uh," he felt his cock throbbing as if angry at him. It was very distracting.

"I was just teasing." Rita said then to cover it up, adding a forced laugh at the end, "I'll talk to your mom, I think I can convince her to get her to rethink your punishment." And then she quickly walked out of the room and back to her own.

Jesus. Fucking. Christ! Rita thought as she jilled off her horny pussy on her bed, I was absolutely ready to jump into bed with my own nephew after only maybe thirty seconds of him touching me! Motherfucker! Jack is a sexual dynamo and he doesn't even know it! She started to cum but stifled making more than a few sounds, That boy is going to be an absolute woman eater if he ever figures it out! No wonder Jo was trying to fuck him!


Clara came out of Jo's room after about half an hour of scheming, with a note for Jack. She went into his room without knocking.

Jack had gotten up, not feeling like sleeping anymore, and actually felt pretty miserable so he was playing computer games on mute despite his mother's punishment. When the door opened he control tabbed away to something school-related.

Clara came in looking overly enthusiastic about something. Though I guess she always looks like that... Jack thought as Clara shut the door behind her.

"I brought you something," Clara said as she gave him the letter. Then she whispered, "It's a note from Jo."

Jack read it. Brother, As your Sister, Even though we Made out, Even though Nothing is like your Touch, Thinking Only that Nothing Is as Good as Having you with me, what we did should come To an end, with love, jo

And then there was a kiss at the end in lipstick. "I thought we already agreed to that. Or I agreed to it, anyway." Jack said feeling his anger rising at both himself and his mother after getting caught yesterday. He tossed the letter on his desk in his rage. Which didn't do much since it was just a piece of paper...

"No dummy," Clara said, joking, "It's, like, a secret message just in case our moms find it. See," Clara grabbed it and showed him. "Just read the capital letters and you'll get it."

Jack did so, "...Basement tonight... I don't get it."

Clara rolled her eyes. Jo was right. He doesn't know a thing about anything! She leaned close to his face and whispered, "Once everyone is asleep, meet Jo in the basement." She glanced at his unmade bed, and kept whispering, "You might want to make some pillows and blankets up to look like your sleeping, just in case your mom pokes her head in."

Jack considered all of this and got very nervous, "I don't even know what I want in all this, I mean-"

Clara interrupted him, "So go there tonight and tell Jo that. And you can't know what you want if you don't talk to her about it," Clara realized she wasn't sure about that right after the moment she said it so she added, "I think... Anyway, there's no way the two of you can reach a middle ground, or whatever, if you can't communicate with each other." Clara felt she was more correct about that one.

"Fine," Jack said, he wrote "yes" on the letter and handed it back to her. "Why are you helping us?"

Clara thought about telling Jack about the possible threesome idea but then remembered, I think Jo is right, Jack's brain would literally explode if I told him that... so instead she said, "You are both my friends, and your mom is being hella unfair. I just think you guys should at least get a chance to work things out." And she took the letter back to Jo.


Rita approached her sister while she was making lunch, "Hey sis, do you really think you're being completely fair to Jack and Jo?"

Sara had been thinking about that a lot that day, "Rita, I swear they were, like, seconds away from doing something that they would regret. I mean, really regret."

"Oh, even more than making out?" Rita said, "Come on, Sara, they're brother and sister! You can't really think they would-"

"I don't know what they might or might not do!" Sara shot back, interrupting, "They're both teenagers absolutely filled with hormones!" She was too upset not to continue, "And Jack is so hung! How can any woman resist a dick like that! Even his own sister!" Sara went back to making lunch trying to use it to distract herself from her thoughts.

"Any woman?" Rita pointed out, "Even you?"

Sara scoffed, "No, of course not me! Don't be ridiculous, but anyone else."Sara said, so quickly it was a little suspicious. Sara decided to change the subject. She had wanted to talk to someone about her idea, Rita was basically the only person she trusted, "Actually, I had a plan..."

Sara told Rita her idea, skipping out on certain details such as that Sara, just like her daughter, was becoming increasingly more sexually attracted to Jack.

"So wait?" Rita asked when Sara finished her story, "You want to pose for your son... while he jerks off?"

Sara sighed, blushed in her embarrassment, but then said, "Essentially, yes. I mean, I feel like I'm the only one I can trust to do it without letting things get out of hand. It'll keep Jack's sexual drive in check, and then nothing can happen between him and Jo. It seems to me like a win-win." Sara had already convinced herself that it was the right thing to do, this conversation with her sister just solidified the idea.

Rita only nodded as Sara spoke but then said, "Well, I think it's a bit of a weird idea. I mean, I've never heard of a mother doing such a thing for her son, but it is a strange situation he's in." Rita smiled sweetly, "I think you're a very caring mother to consider doing such a thing." Secretly, Rita was coming up with her own scheme, if Sara is willing to do that, what can I convince her to let me do with her hung son?

Rita then went back to her room to masturbate again. She jilled off for so long, Rita didn't eat lunch until after everyone else had eaten and gone back to their rooms. Her food was sitting cold on the counter when she came to get it.


It was after midnight when Jack came out of his room. He did what his cousin suggested and set up his bed so it looked like he was still sleeping in it as he made his way down the stairs.

He came into their basement, which was pretty nice for a basement. It had a carpeted floor but it was just one small room and a side room that was filled with boxes that Sara had packed into boxes at one point and forgotten about, also some Christmas decorations.

Jack was nervous, but not more nervous than Jo was. She had come down an hour earlier for fear that if she waited too long Jack wouldn't wait for her and she'd miss him. She actually thought she might have missed him already and was thinking of going back to bed, depressed, when she heard the basement door open.

Jo became very nervous just waiting for Jack so she jumped around the corner in the storage room so he wouldn't see her right away.

"Jo?" He whispered softly as he reached the bottom of the stairs.

Jo wanted to just run up and kiss him. But she was worried about how he might react. Would he push her away? Instead, she just stepped out of the shadows looking like the scared little girl she felt like right then. "Hey," she said giving her brother a weak little wave of her hand.

"Hey...I guess we should talk." Jack said.

"Yeah..." Jo said.

They were silent for a minute and just stared at each other awkwardly in the dim basement light.

"How about I start," Jo said once she found the words, she was still very nervous but she found more confidence the more she talked. "I promised to always be honest to you and I think that means I shouldn't hold back just because I think it might be stuff you don't want to hear..."

"I know what you're about to say," she did a purposely horrible impression of Jack, "'We're brother and sister! We shouldn't feel this way! You have a really hot body, Jo!' okay, maybe I'm just hopeful on that last one," she added in her normal voice, "but I want you to know that I don't care about any of that. Wherever you touch me it's like I'm losing all control. And it just makes me want to, um," Jo caught herself before she said 'fuck your fucking brains out' knowing it would just freak her brother out and instead said, "do, uh, even more than that... and when you're not touching me all I think about is how you make me feel when you are touching me! I mean I feel like I'm going crazy! And maybe I'm becoming more than a little obsessed with you, but I don't care! I want you, Jack! I don't care about anything else."

Jo stopped speaking, feeling as though she should just run from the room and go cry in her bed as she waited for Jack's response. The room was silent for about 30 seconds. It felt like a million years to Jo.

"I think," Jack began, "that you're right about the things you thought I was going to say, we're brother and sister, etcetera." Jo felt down after hearing that, "But, I also think that you're right in that... I really like kissing you. And I really like how your body feels in my arms, and you're right Jo, you're super hot. But-"

After his admittance that he enjoyed Jo, at least physically, she did what she wanted to do since he came down and ran into his arms and kissed him. He was taller than Jo was so she stood on Jack's toy feet and on her tiptoes to kiss him. He wrapped his arms around his sister as they made out. His cock was immediately hard and pressed up through their pants between them. Jo started rubbing her pussy against the mammoth log through her pajamas.

God, I just really want to fuck him! Jo thought as their tongues fought and she ground her hips against his cock. But I don't want to push him too fast. Maybe...

Jo stopped kissing to ask, "Can I give you a blowjob?"

Jack pushed his sister and faced away from her, "that's kinda what you interrupted when I was speaking. I was saying that I don't know. I don't want to just rush into anything. I mean what if mom caught us again? She'd probably kick us both out. And I don't know about you but I'd be screwed after that." He turned back to her. Jo was obviously disappointed, "I just don't think we should continue. I don't see any way that could work."

"Okay..." Jo said but she also knew her brother was right. It really wasn't possible to continue. Not between brother and sister, no matter how sexually attracted they were to one another. But... "Want to meet again down here tomorrow night?" She asked Jack, hopeful.

Jack hesitated but then said, "sure." Before walking back up the stairs.

Jo waited until her brother was out of the room and then silently celebrated to herself for a full minute before going back to her room. Even if tomorrow night is the last time, after what he admitted and how he kissed me, I know he wants me too, now...
Next page: Part 09
Previous page: Part 07