Part 10
Tuesday, September 27
Jack woke up early, even though he needed extra sleep because of his late-night basement visits two nights in a row. His dreams kept waking him up though. Every time he drifted off he just kept remembering how Clara or Jo's lips tasted and it only felt like his cock was getting harder and harder with every dream.
Finally, he decided to just try jerking off again. He didn't even care that he was thinking about his sister the entire time he was doing it. He imagined how her lips tasted. How good her boobs felt pressed against his. How much he wanted to keep doing more sexual stuff with her, even though he knew it was wrong, during that fantasy he didn't care.
He pictured sticking it in her mouth, even though he wasn't sure what they would feel like. Jack didn't watch porn regularly but he had seen some on occasion and he pictured what he saw there. That he was laying on his bed, as he was now, that Jo came into his room in nothing but the red pair of panties she was wearing when he came to her room the other night. Her large tits hanging out freely.
"Need help with that?" Jack pictured what his sister would say to him as she crossed the room and got on the bed. She took his whole cock in her mouth and down her throat. She started gagging on it obscenely as Jack had seen that woman do in that blowjob porn he watched once. Jack imagined as he jerked off that he grabbed Jo by the side of the head and was now throat fucking his sister as she jilled off through her panties from loving every second of her forced blowjob. It was making Jack feel really good. It was starting to feel maybe he would...maybe eventually he might...
He was just about to give up again once he realized he wasn't going to cum. But that's when his door opened. His mother, Sara, was standing in the doorway.
Sara gasped as she walked in on her son masturbating, "I'm sorry!" She said, "I didn't mean to, um..." Sara was embarrassed, she considered running away back to her room, or putting her hands over her eyes, or even closing her eyes. But she did none of these things and even unconsciously licked her lips as she openly stared at her son's humongous dick in his hands.
Jack let go of his hands and said, 'I'm sorry too." In defeat. He grabbed his blanket and threw it over the lower half of his body, it made an obscene tent where his overly large cock was still standing like it was made of steel. "I just thought maybe this time I could cum." He didn't care that he was speaking dirty to his mom, he was so frustrated, "But I can't, I just fucking can't no matter what I do."
Sara could sense her son's frustration but was still too scared of her own feelings to offer any sort of help. Instead, she said, "We have another appointment with Dr. Naomi after school. Why don't we bring it up with her and maybe she can help us find a solution."
"Yeah," Jack moaned miserably at his mom, "I suppose I'll just wait till then." He added sarcastically.
Sara nodded, feeling too horny to really be a comforting mother to her son. "Um, I'll go take a shower." She said and practically darted out of the room. She couldn't think straight being that close to Jack's hard dick, even if it was under a blanket, there was just no way to hide it when it was erect...
At school, Jack was so frustrated he didn't even feel that tired despite being so low on sleep at that moment. His erection, at least, had eventually gone away on the trip over. Mostly because his mother made him sit in the front seat, so he could at least stare out the window and try not to think about how he could pick out the smell of his sister's shampoo amidst the other scents in the car.
Miss Ryder came up to him in the first period to remind him they have a "special tutor time" for lack of a better thing to call it for now, during the third period. Jack said he wouldn't have forgotten.
During the third period, he came back right on time, "Remember to lock the door behind you." Beth reminded him as he came in.
"Oh yeah," Jack had forgotten but turned and locked both locks on the door as he had done before.
"So," Beth said, "I've been considering how to take this 'class.' or whatever you want to call it. I think that since you have absolutely no experience at all..."
Jack winced at that because he really didn't, outside of things he'd done with his own family. Which he knew he could never admit to Beth Ryder, no matter what.
" I was thinking," Beth continued, "Maybe the best thing would be you to first gain some experience and then we can begin the class. What do you think?"
Jack was confused, did she want me to, like, go find a girlfriend first? Or something? "I thought we were going to start the class right now?" He asked.
Beth bit her lip. She'd been spending most of the weekend thinking about this. She didn't think it was wrong. Even though if they got caught she would probably get fired, "No, no, no," She said, "You aren't understanding. I'm saying, what if you got some experience right now, and then we'll begin the class. What do you think?" Beth had convinced herself over the weekend that this was in no way to gratify herself in any way. This was only to let Jack experience something with a woman first hand and then won't be nervous when he was trying to get a girlfriend later.
Jack was taken aback, "Wait? You mean..."
"With me, yes." Beth told him, when she saw his shocked expression she got a little nervous, "I mean, if you want to, that is..." Beth had imagined Jack would be really gung ho about doing something with a hot older teacher, now she was worried he didn't find her as attractive as she thought he did.
"No!" Jack said, misspeaking but still not believing the hottest teacher in the school was saying what he thought she was saying, "I mean, yes! I do! Sorry, I'm just, um, a bit overwhelmed is all..." He then felt a bit stupid even admitting that much.
"No, that's okay, I guess it is a bit of a shock." Beth said with a friendly smile, "But know that for one, I only mean kissing, okay? Nothing more than that. And two, nothing that happens in here can ever get out, okay? I mean, you already covered for me once, I don't think you want to get me fired after that..."
"Of course," Jack said, still not believing she'd even be willing to kiss him, "I promise I won't tell anyone."
"Good," Beth was beaming, she knew she could trust Jack, he was her favorite student for a reason and it wasn't (just) the dick in his pants! "Well, um, do you want to start now?" Beth asked him nervously as she brushed her red hair out of her eyes. She was suddenly very nervous about kissing her student. Come on, calm down. Beth thought as she looked at Jack in his handsome brown eyes, I'm not seducing him. Or even going to do this a second time. Just show him what it feels like to kiss a girl, and we'll move on to my lesson plan...
"Don't be nervous," Beth said as she took a step towards him, "this won't mean anything, it's just to demonstrate what this feels like for you. And in the future perhaps you'll be less nervous about kissing other women." She really hoped so.
"Okay," Jack said as he took her hand. He wondered for a moment if he should pretend to be "a dead fish" like Jo had accused him of being after the first time she kissed him, just so Beth wouldn't be suspicious. But as their faces came together and Beth's soft lips pressed against his, he just thought, ah, fuck it. Probably never get to do this again. And he kissed her back with all the passion he had for her.
Beth was only going to kiss her student on the lips for maybe five seconds. She definitely wasn't going to use her tongue. But as soon as Jack started kissing her, it was like his lips were making sweet passionate love to hers, sending shivers of pleasure through her body, and she opened her mouth and let Jack's tongue in without hesitation. Their tongues wrestled and fought as Jack moved his hands to his teacher's back. He knew without knowing that she didn't like it hard and fast like Clara or Jo seemed to. Beth liked her lovers to use deliberate and slow touches, as Jack did from the back of her neck, down her spine, across her back and then just lightly touching her ass before going back to the top put petting her down slightly harder this time.
After a few times of this slow burn of Jack's hands down her back, Beth was suddenly so fucking horny she pushed Jack back onto her desk so she could straddle him. She continued kissing him the whole time, his tongue curling around hers as she became addicted to his saliva. She was grinding against his massive dick in his pants with her pantied crotch, her cunt feeling partly like she was getting fucked just front doing that much against that massive log.
Jack wanted to grab her tits, so he moved one of his hands from her ass to push under her shirt. As soon as he got a hand on one of Beth Ryder's massive melons, the bell for the next period rang.
"Holy shit! It's been that long!" Beth shouted as she got off her student. She glanced in the mirror that was across from her desk on the other side of the room. Her clothes were disheveled, her hair was a mess, her makeup was smeared. She looked like she'd just been fucked for hours on end!
"You have to get out of here!" She told him, not concerned that Jack essentially looked the same, except it was Beth's lipstick smeared on him.
Beth ran back into her office to clean up before the next class. Jack fixed his hair and got some make-up off before going out into the hall. Doing his best not to look at the first student coming in for the next class for fear they just notice something on his face.
At lunch, Jack got his food and sat down at his normal table. He noticed Jo, Clara, and Rose all get in line at the end.
Rose noticed him and came up, "Jack, your sister wants you to meet her in the girl's locker room. I don't know why." And then walked away before he could ask questions.
When the three younger women came to the table, Jo asked, "Where's Jack?"
"No idea," Rose told her she then excused herself to use the restroom.
Rose came into the girl's locker room where Jack was waiting, "Rose?" He said confused as she came in.
"Of course," she said devilishly, "you don't think I'd actually help you and your sister hook up, do you? I mean, that's incest, for one. How do you think that's going to work out for you?"
"Mind your own business," Jack said, angry, and went to walk out of the locker room.
But Rose stepped in front of him, "Wait, Jack. I want to let you in on something."
Jack wasn't interested, "Just move out of the way." He ordered.
"But I want to let you in on my little secret. But if you don't want to know..." Rose said and then moved out of the way. She sat on one of the benches behind Jack and sat so that her arms pressed her tits together showing off extra cleavage in the tight shirt she was wearing.
Jack watched her do this and knew he should just leave but also knew that whatever Rose was up to, it was no good.
"Fine. What is it?" He said, crossing his arms, annoyed.
"It's this scheme I have, and it'll ruin any chance of your sister being with you." Rose began looking like she thought herself quite the criminal mastermind.
Jack was still pretty sure he didn't actually want to "be with" his sister but he didn't tell Rose that. "Oh?" That was all he said instead.
"Yes," Rose went on, "and you're so stupid and incompetent I'm just going to tell you what it is because I don't think there's anything you can do to stop me." She laughed evilly.
Jack was growing impatient, "Just get to the point." He said.
"I've decided," Rose told him, her evil grin growing stronger, "That you're my new boyfriend. Added to a growing list of boy toys I have. But you'll be more like a puppy, one I keep on a close leash."
Jack felt like laughing then but held back to say, "Except I don't like you at all."
Rose shrugged, "I don't like you either." She stood and motioned to the bulge in his pants, "And that doesn't interest me as it seems to interest Jo. I'm not a size queen like she seems to be," Rose wasn't being entirely honest as she really liked a big dick in her pussy but she did think it was more important who that dick belonged to, "but if you're with me, then you can't be with her."
Jack felt like just turning and leaving again but he felt he had too much to say after that, "Wow, you are so full of yourself, Rose!" He started, letting his anger get the better of him, "Why would I want to be with someone I had to share? What makes you think I would just jump in bed with you at the drop of a hat? I mean, I don't even know if I want to continue doing anything with Jo," he admitted before he could think to stop, "but I sure as shit don't want to do a damn thing with you."
"Oh come on," Rose said, motioning down to her toned and sexy body, "I'm hot as shit! All straight guys want to fuck me!" She took a step towards him, "Tell me you don't want to kiss me, at the very least."
"I don't want to kiss you," Jack said, not missing a beat.
Rose took another step towards him, "Say it again."
"I don't want to kiss you," Jack said again, in the exact same tone.
Rose took another step, she was very close now. She stood on her toes so they were face to face. When she spoke, Jack could smell what toothpaste she used that morning on her breath, "Say it again." She spoke sultrily.
"I don't want-" Jack started to say again, the same as the other times.
But Rose broke his sentence by kissing him. And Jack immediately embraced her, kissing her right back. Like with every other woman he kissed, he naturally knew what Rose wanted. He grabbed her roughly, lifting her off her feet. And he did something no one had done to her before. He bit her lower lip, just light enough it brought a slight amount of pain and pulled it out with his teeth before moving back and attacking Rose's mouth full force with his tongue.
"MMMM!" Rose moaned in a mix of pleasure of pain as Jack turned and pushed her body roughly against the wall. Rose was getting hornier by the second. She felt like she was going to cum any second by how Jack was manipulating her body. She'd never had anyone be so rough with her. It was like Jack was only using her to take what he wanted from her and Rose was absolutely LOVING IT!
She broke the kiss long enough to say, "I'll break up with everyone else if you want me to." She moaned, ready to marry Jack at that moment if it came down to it. Anything to feel how she felt in that instant over and over again.
"I don't want you." Jack said, angry that Rose "tricked" him into making out with her, and moved away from her and left the locker room. Rose took a breath as she left, composing herself as she straightened out her hair and clothes. Fucking A! She thought to herself, I can see why Jo is so obsessed with him. The guy is a natural when it comes to a woman's body... And then Rose started laughing uncontrollably as she realized it was Jack she was having that thought about, Oh. My. God! HAHAHA! The absolute biggest loser is a natural at sex! Holy shit! I'm going to do everything in my power to make sure he's mine before anyone else figures that out...