Part 14

Wednesday, September 28


Clara set an alarm for an hour earlier than usual. It was about an hour before her Aunt Sara woke up and about an hour after her Mom left for work. She figured that would be good enough to make sure Jo and Jack had gotten to bed and didn't sleep in the basement.

Except when she got to the basement she could already hear the sounds of snoring from the other side of the boxes.

"Aw," Clara said as she walked around and saw that Jo was sleeping in her brother's arms, her head next to his on the pillow, they looked like they belonged together to Clara, "You two are so cute!" She said, it was loud enough that both of her cousins woke up.

"Oh shit, what time is it?" Jo said as she sat up and the covers fell off her and her beautiful breasts came into view. This also showed Clara that both of them were completely naked.

"Oh? Did you two..." Clara said, letting the implication hang in the air.

"No," Jo said disappointed, "Jack wants to take things slow. But he also made me cum harder than anyone has with their dick, so-"

"Do you two always talk this openly about this stuff?" Jack asked as he grabbed his pants and put them on, not really caring that both Jo and Clara were staring at his typical morning hard-on.

"Yeah," Clara answered, "We're best friends and Jo and I have always compared sexual exploits." She shrugged, "If you had more sex, and more friends for that matter, you might do the same with them."

Jack thought about this, "Well, you're both my friends." And then said, "But I guess I don't really have any sexual exploits to talk about." Which he added when he realized he probably shouldn't mention what happened with Rose, Beth, or his and Jo's mom since that was likely to make Jo very upset.

"No?" Jo said, pouting, "So last night didn't mean anything to you..."

Jack knew she was just kidding so he leaned into her and said, "It didn't mean a fucking thing to me." And then kissed her passionately, not caring at all that Clara was watching them.

Clara licked her lips, "So... cool if I join you two tonight?"

Jack broke the kiss, glanced at Clara but then looked Jo, "It's up to you." he told her.

Jo also glanced at Clara before looking back at her brother, "I don't know..." She told him. Jo didn't really want Clara there, but she also didn't want to tell her "no" when it was Clara who set up such a great night for them.

Jack knew what she wanted, "Not tonight Clara." He told her, "Sorry."

"It's cool," Clara said with her normal overly happy smile, "But I hope you both don't fall madly in love and just forget about me." She then laughed like she told the funniest joke ever.

Jack and Jo exchanged a strange glance, but then they both joined in with Clara's laughter.

Soon after Jo and Jack were dressed and back in bed, just time too as Sara was just getting up then and they just missed her. As they both got ready for school, brother and sister felt absolutely amazing that morning. Jo was less concerned about getting sex from her brother for one, if he can make me cum like that every time without fucking, he can take as long as he needs to...

Jack was having a similar experience. He felt like he was walking on a cloud as he sorted through his clothes for something to wear to school. He still didn't want to fuck his sister, but he also wasn't kidding himself. Jack knew he wanted whatever it was that was going on between him and Jo to continue.


Jack left his phone in his room overnight and didn't check it until they were about to leave. There was a new message from Rose reminding him to meet in the kitchen room at lunch or there would be hell to pay.

Jack rode in the front seat again since Sara wasn't going to let him and Jo ride in the back together, but Jo sat behind him and they kept smiling at each other in the mirror and making faces to "communicate" with each other.

Jo made a face that said, "I wish we had more time this morning to fool around more."

Jack's face said, "I want to climb over this seat right now and kiss you."

Jo opened her mouth wide in an "O" and made a fist in front of her open pie hole to say, "I really want to suck your cock."

Sara glanced in the rearview mirror then. Jo coughed into her first as if that's the only reason she raised it. She wiped her mouth and stared out the window as if that's all she was doing to begin with. Sara didn't notice anything.

When Jo looked at her brother in the mirror again he was looking back at her as if saying, "I'm really conflicted about taking things further but also kinda want to take things further."

Jo made a series of faces and complex maneuvers as she tried to say, "I'm cool with taking things slow, but also can't stop thinking about just ripping both of our clothes off and having my way with you. So I'm sorry if I keep trying to push you into something you're not ready for, but I'm also pretty sure I might explode if we don't fuck soon."

Jack's next expression very clearly and specifically said, "What??"

Sara then glanced at both of them suspiciously, "Jack? Jo? What are you doing?"

"Just saw a thing," Jack said pointing at absolutely nothing far off in the distance.

"Checking my makeup." Jo said as she glanced in the mirror on the door again, "looks good!"

Jo exchanged a glance at Clara then. She looked very amused. Jo stuck her tongue out at her.

"Oh you two are so full of shit," Sara said, angrily, as she pulled up to the school, and then said much more sweetly, "But it's too late now! Goodbye! I love you! See you after school!"

They all said their goodbyes and got out. Sara scowled as she saw that Jack and Jo walked in together, something they hadn't done yesterday, but her anger softened when Clara and Rose joined them as they walked in.

I guess everyone needs friends, Sara thought. But then her anger was back, Except a brother and sister can be too friendly, but then her anger softened again, but can I blame her for having the same feelings I am? Anger on, yes because I haven't acted on those feelings. Anger off, but after the conversation, Jack and I had last night, and he's SO understanding and sweet, I mean, how can anyone not fall for him, anger on, even his fucking sister! God dammit Jo, what are you thinking? Anger off, But what am I thinking-

It was then that a car honked its horn behind her and Sara realized she was still sitting in front of the school. She put the car in gear and drove home, having conflicting thoughts the entire way.


Dr. Naomi woke up hungover, did I really drink two bottles of wine by myself?! She thought as she got out of bed.

As she called in sick to work she thought, It's always ironic to me being a doctor and having to call in sick... Naomi explained on the phone she probably just got the flu from one of her patients and would be back to normal the next day.

She then went back to sleep. When she woke up she took some aspirin. She took a shower. She ate a fried egg while she drank some coffee. Then she felt a lot better. Naomi sipped her drink and thought about what she wanted to do on her day off.

Naomi considered calling an old boyfriend and just fucking the day away, but that just made her think about her appointment with Jack and his mother yesterday. I wonder if Jack could be convinced to fuck the day away... She glanced at the clock and knew he was probably in school. Instead, she called Sara.

"Hello, Naomi?" Sara said when she answered the call. She had just gotten in her car and walked into the kitchen. "Is everything alright with Jack's case?"

"Yes," Naomi replied though she had considered lying to see if she could get Sara to do something naughty with her son sooner, her professionalism won out over her horniness for once, "I was just wondering how everything was going with you? I know this is a complex case and what you've agreed to do can be taxing. I just want to be sure-"

"We haven't done anything yet." Sara said, bitter at her conflicting feelings, "We talked about it though."

"Did anything come from communicating with Jack?" Naomi asked, professionally.

"He was very understanding and honest. I think we're going to ease into it slowly if we feel that's necessary at all." Sara remembered how she felt when she watched her son and daughter walking into school together. "I think it might be necessary though." She added feeling very guilty all of a sudden.

"Are you okay?" Naomi asked, "You sound like you're depressed."

Sara sighed, she knew she didn't really know Naomi that well, but she still wanted to talk to somebody right then, "I am." Sara told the doctor, "I feel like this whole... thing just keeps spiraling out of control. I'm worried about what I might do once I'm alone with Jack, and what he might do, but what worries me most is if I'll the willpower to be able to stop him. He just makes me soo..." Sara realized she said too much, "I'm sorry...I don't really know you well enough to talk about this stuff."

Naomi was now incredibly horny, Holy fuck! She just practically admitted it! She's horny for her son AND she knows it! THAT! IS! SO! HOT! She cleared her throat and tried to continue being professional but it was far too late for that, "I think," Naomi told the conflicted mother, "that you should pose for your son while he masturbates." She, at least, sounded professional as she said it.

"What?" Sara was confused, "But I just told you that I still don't think we should."

"Um, right..." Naomi's brain was trying to find anything to rationalize this, "That's why you should do it. You see, I think.. That, um, sorry I just spilled my coffee." She had, actually, on her blouse and grabbed a napkin to clean it up. This did give Naomi a short time to think of a good excuse, "But, this is something that you're son needs. As you said, you think it will be a necessity, and every normal 18-year-old boy has a healthy sex life, whether through sex or masturbation. But, and this is from my own personal experience, but the more you do something, the more you grow accustomed to it, and the less stressful it becomes."

Sara considered this, "But, this isn't something I want to grow accustomed to." She complained.

"All the more reason to do so," Naomi said. In her horny brain, that all made sense to her.

"I'll...have to think about it," Sara said. She ended the call before Naomi could try to convince her of anything.


Jack was so distracted thinking about Jo that he basically daydreamed through his first two periods. Something his first-period teacher, Beth, was well aware of. During his third period "special class" as Beth referred to it, she mostly tried to teach him where to take girls for first dates, and appropriate things to do with girls on first dates.

But Jack was so distracted fantasizing about his twin sister that he couldn't even absorb this very easy information to understand. By the end of the class, Beth was fairly convinced it was impossible to teach Jack anything about girls.

But he's such an amazing kisser. God, I practically cummed while we were making out yesterday... Dammit, Beth, he's your student! Get your fucking head out of the gutter! She thought to herself as Jack left and her fourth-period class filtered in.

Jack was in such a haze that he almost forgot that he was supposed to meet Rose in the locker room at lunchtime. He walked straight there without getting his lunch and casually checked his phone while waiting for everyone else to filter out of the hallway.

Rose, Clara, and Jo got in the lunchline, "Where's Jack? He's usually the first one here." Jo commented as she spied their empty table.

"Running late I guess." Clara said, "Actually you want to eat really fast and go talk in the locker room?" Clara asked Jo.

"Oh sure, I just don't want to miss Jack." Jo said as she pursed her lips. She felt kind of relaxed talking to her friends about him now, I mean, she thought, they'll just have to get used to it...

This made Rose gulp, "Um, actually, I'll catch up with you guys. I just remembered I left something in my locker." She quickly walked away from them to go warn Jack that they're meeting in the locker room would have to wait.

Rose got to the locker room and then realized, Oh duh, I could have just texted Jack. Well, since I'm here. She walked in. Jack was sitting on the bench he normally was.

"So what is this about?" Jack asked, more annoyed than anything else.

"We need to get out of here," Rose said, "We-"

She didn't finish her sentence as they both heard footsteps of people echoing down the hall. Rose grabbed Jack's hand and forcibly tugged him into a bathroom stall.

"What is this about?" Jo's voice came from the main part of the locker room.

"Wait, did you hear something?" Clara's voice came.

Jack and Rose glanced at each other, neither really wanted to be caught just then. Jack would have to explain to Jo why he was meeting with Rose in secret, and Rose would have to do the same.

Wordlessly they climbed on the toilet seat. They did it as quickly and as silently as they could. Just in time as Clara's shadow walked by the door.

"Huh? Must have been my imagination." Clara said as she came back to her cousin, "Okay, well," she started to explain, "As you know, I really want to be there tonight."

As soon as Jack heard that he hoped that they didn't say anything that gave him and Jo away to Rose. His hopes were in vain, "And I said 'no' already," Jo said back to her cousin, only slightly annoyed. Much like her brother, she'd been walking on a cloud all day, "Jack and I haven't fucked yet, I mean," she sighed, "he won't even let me give him a blowjob..."

Rose glared at Jack in the stall. He shrugged at her.

"What? Dude turned down a blowjob?" Clara said.

"Well, I don't think he's ever had one before," Jo explained, "And I think anything sexual makes Jack really nervous. I don't think he, um, exactly loves the idea we're brother and sister either..."

"That's why you should let me be involved." Clara suggested, "Once there are two girls to love he won't be able to resist!"

Jo rolled her eyes, "Why are you trying to have a threesome with us? As I said, we haven't even had a twosome yet. And I don't know... we've just never done anything like that before, Clara."

"What? You and me?" Clara asked.

"Yeah, I mean," Jo bit her lip, "I know we shared boyfriends before, but we never, like, fucked them at the same time. I mean, I've never even been in a threesome before..." Jo felt strange admitting that to Clara, figuring Clara was probably organizing threesomes all over the place.

"Well, neither have I." Clara said, "I've never even had sex with a girl before..." Clara smiled excitedly, she stared at her cousin to gauge her reaction as she let the words hang in the air.

Jo was really taken aback by that, "Wait, um," she had been in a horny high all day thinking about her brother, and that's the only reason she then asked, "Are you saying what I think you're saying?"

"What do you think I'm saying?" Clara asked, she playfully stepped closer to Jo.

Jo looked into her cousin's beautiful face, her brown hair flowing down around her features, her ravishing eyes, straight nose, and thick lips, "You want to fuck me, Clara?" Jo asked her cousin, not entirely sure how she felt about that suggestion. For one, she was desperately trying to fuck her brother. For another, she'd also never had sex with a woman before, she never even considered it a possibility before.

Clara shrugged and took another step, "I think I might like to give it a try." She took one final step because now she was so close to Jo that there boobs pressed together. Clara leaned her head forward so the tips of their noses lightly touched.

If Jo wasn't so horny already she probably wouldn't have done what she did next. She grabbed her cousin and started kissing her. Clara and Jo both really enjoyed making out with each other, their tongues meeting in their mouths. Clara started undoing her cousin's bra...

In the stall, both Jack and Rose could hear the wet sounds of their kissing. They both wanted to see what was really going on and made too much noise.

"Who's there?!" Jo said as she pushed her cousin away from her.

"Yeah, come out with your hands up!" Clara said playfully.

Rose and Jack both glanced at each other but they were caught. Rose came out first, "So, just moving right through your family, huh?" She said to Jo, smugly.

Jo blushed but looked from Rose to Jack, "And just were you two doing?"

Jack opened his mouth but Rose answered, "Making out, just like you two." Rose gave Jack an evil smile then added, "He was just about make me gag on his giant cock! Can you believe that?"

Jack's eyes went wide, "That is NOT TRUE!"

But Jo was heartbroken. She wasn't sure what to believe and went running from the locker room with tears streaming down her face.

"No, Jo!" Jack shouted and went to go after her when he tripped. Rose put her foot back before he noticed.

"Whoa, cuz, you okay?" Clara said as she helped him back to his feet.

Jack didn't answer as he went out into the hall but Jo was nowhere in sight. He turned and went back into the girl's locker room and angrily went up to Rose, "Jesus Fucking Christ Rose! I don't know what the fuck is wrong with you! If you think I want anything to do with you after this you can go straight to hell!" He then turned to Clara, angry at her as well, "And you! Why are you pushing Jo to do things she doesn't want to do?" And to both the women, "I thought you were her friends! Now I'm not so sure." He then turned and walked out. Jack went to his next class without eating lunch and just waited in the hallway until the bell rang.

Back in the locker room, Clara wasn't phased at all. She shrugged off what Jack said to her and told Rose, "I just want everyone to have a good time."

Rose glared at her. She didn't have a retort though, Jack just did something no man had ever done to Rose before, he made her feel guilty, "Something tells me Jo isn't going to want to talk to me. I'll text her, but tell her I said I was sorry if you can."

"Okie-dokie." Clara said as Rose left the bathroom.


Jo got a text from both her brother and Rose before the end of the school day. Both said, 'I'm sorry." But she ignored both. She wasn't sure what was going on between them, she was fairly certain Jack wasn't about to get a blowjob from Rose (but she couldn't be sure...) but they were still sneaking around behind her back, and that was bad enough.​
Next page: Part 15
Previous page: Part 13