Part 19

Friday, September 30 (cont.)


Jack told the study hall teacher that he needed to go and was excused. As he walked out the door to the school, he only had enough time to wonder if he should run back in just in case Naomi showed up, tranquilized him, threw him in the trunk and he was never seen from again. He knew that was very unlikely to happen, but it seemed to him like a lot of unlikely stuff seemed to happen to him when Dr. Naomi was around.

But as soon as he had the thought that maybe he should cancel their lunch, Naomi pulled up in a green sedan and opened the passenger side door from inside the car so he could get in.

Jack sat in a buckled his seat belt, "Where did you want to go for lunch?" He asked nervously.

Naomi grinned, she had a lovely smile, "My house isn't too far from here," She suggested, then added after checking the map on her phone, "Well, about half an hour away, anyway."

"Um, I have to be back when school is over," Jack mentioned.

"Oh, hot date?" Naomi asked and laughed at Jack when he blushed, "You are so innocent! It's cute, Jack. It really is."

Jack rolled his eyes, but was already regretting this, "Can you please promise me you'll get me back here by then? It's very important to me."

"Sure," Naomi said as she put the car into drive. She drove out to the street and added, "But until then, you're mine." She then laughed like a supervillain with a mad look in her eyes.

Jack gulped, wondering if he would survive if he jumped from a moving vehicle.

Naomi's maniacal laughter changed into normal laughter, "Sorry, I'm fucking with you again. You are just so easy to mess with."

"Cuz I'm such a dork right?" Jack said, starting to feel annoyed with his beautiful doctor.

She laughed harder, "Hahaha, if you didn't take these things so personally I might not feel the need to make fun of you. Just so you know."

"Noted," Jack said. He sighed. Not sure where to start. But there was one thing to get out of the way first, "I need you to promise me you won't tell Rita, or my mom, about anything I'm about to tell you."

"I promise," Naomi said, but she was still being overly playful. She held up three fingers, "Scouts honor. Also, I consider everything we talk about as covered under doctor-patient confidentiality."

Jack scowled, "That's not what Aunt Rita told me..."

"Oh? Well, Rita is a liar." Naomi said cocking an eyebrow at him as she drove. Then she thought of something and continued as jovially as she had been, "Okay, I did tell her about the doctor's appointment on Tuesday, but you have to admit, that was really fucking hot! I'm usually professional about these things, I promise, but you came on your mom's body! And it's Rita's sister! Fuck, that's a once in a lifetime thing, I swear!" She reached over and put a hand on Jack's leg, as if in comfort, but she slowly moved it up towards his crotch, "If I jerked you off on the way there would that ease your mind?"

Jack's cock lurched to life in his pants but he pushed her hand away from him. He stared out the window and said, "I think this was a mistake. Take me back to the school."

Now Naomi scowled. "Sorry," She said, now intensely serious, "I was coming on strong. That was wrong and presumptuous of me." She looked him in the eyes for long enough to say, "I promise I will not betray your trust." And then looked back at the road as she drove, "And I apologize again for acting like a horny school girl." She then playfully stuck her tongue out at him.

That made Jack smile, and feel a bit bad for overreacting, "Sorry. Now I guess I really am a dork."

They both laughed at that.

"So, what did you want to talk to me about?" Naomi asked as she turned onto a side street.

"I just need someone to confide in," Jack explained, "I honestly don't know who else to tell about all this... um, stuff."

"What sort of stuff?" Naomi asked, though she was already guessing.

"Sexual stuff..." Jack said, staring out the window so she didn't see his face turning a deep crimson.

Naomi smiled, "What about it?" She pulled into her driveway, "This is my home. Pretty good for a doctor, huh?"

Jack looked at it, it was a one story house but very fancy and new age, "Yeah, very nice." He said.

"Come in," She said excitedly, 'I'll show you around."

About half an hour later, Naomi showed Jack her amazing bathroom, badass living room, small but efficient kitchen, and her bedroom, which had the biggest and most comfortable looking bed that Jack thought he'd ever seen, but he refused to get into it with her and they settled in the living room.

"So, tell me what ails you?" Naomi said, "Unless you changed your mind about joining me in the bedroom?"

"I haven't." Jack replied, "no offense, um, you're a very attractive lady."

"Aw, thanks," Naomi said, "So polite. I could just eat you up... I might actually."

Jack's cock throbbed, but he continued, "I'll just tell you, okay? I'm sorry if you judge me or whatever, but you already know some stuff and you haven't, um, seemed to want to, um," He was getting flustered, so he just shouted, "I finger fucked my mom this morning!" And then cringed and shut his eyes in embarrassment.

Naomi's mouth dropped open. She got up from the chair she was in to sit next to him on the couch, "That. Is. SSSSOOOOO! HOT!" She said to him.

"What? But-" Jack said as he turned to look at her in confused distrust, but Naomi was so turned on she started kissing him. The first time she'd kissed Jack, but as soon as she did, she saw why his mother was so nuts about her own son! Jack embraced her and pulled her close to him, and as they necked she moved so she could straddle him. Jack grabbed her ass with both hands. Soon one hand moved to her breasts and she unbuttoned the front of her shirt so he could take her tits out of her bra. He tweaked her nipples and Naomi was already fishing his cock out of his pants.

Jack had to fight every ounce of his being to push her away, "NO!" Jack said and stood as the African-American doctor, her beautiful brown tits hanging out, just looked up at him confused as she lay on the couch.

"What, but-" Naomi said as she put her clothes back on right.

"It's too complicated..." Jack explained, "If you got involved it would just be even more complicated."

Naomi nodded. She was a smart lady, but she also knew more than she let on thanks to Rita, "Because your trying to balance multiple women including your family members." She said. It wasn't a question.

"Um..." Jack said as he looked at her suspiciously.

Naomi smirked, "Come on, Jack, it's obvious. So who are they?"

Jack sighed, "I guess, if I'm including, um, well, you-"

"And I insist that you are," Naomi replied, thinking about his amazing kiss he just gave her.

Jack sighed again, "Then I guess there's, um, seven."

"Wow, seven women?" Naomi said, impressed, "For a dork, that's really good."

Jack glared at her, Naomi laughed and added, "Sorry, couldn't resist."

"I know that's probably nothing for you," Jack said, "but I have no idea what the hell I'm doing! And like you said, some of them are my family! How can I do anything with them without fucking everything up?" Jack sat back next to Naomi, depressed.

Naomi put a comforting arm around her patient's shoulder, "I actually haven't fucked anyone since your aunt two or three weeks ago."

Jack gave her a surprised look, "Rita's fucked you?"

Naomi nodded, "Yeah, she's a very sexual lady."

Jack looked back to the ground, "I noticed, she's one. Also her daughter Clara wants to be involved. Mom, my sister, Jo, Jo's friend Rose, whom I hate, and, well, I'm going on a date with my teacher later, Beth, and I have no idea what to do?! I want to make everyone happy and not upset anyone. I want to come clean about everything to everyone. I hate lying. I hate feeling like this. But I also, um, don't want to make everyone angry at me for, well, trying to cheat on seven different women at the same time!" Jack sighed, "I don't see any way for this not to end badly."

Naomi listened attentively, "Hmm, that is a thinker." She said, jokingly.

This made Jack look at her angrily, but she leaned in again and kissed him on the lips. It wasn't a very long kiss but it was enough to get Naomi good and horny again.

"You are a very good kisser." Naomi said as she broke away from him and stood up, "I'm going to make us some lunch okay?"

Jack followed her into her kitchen and watched as she put some water on to boil. "What if you didn't have to choose?"

"What?" Jack asked not at all sure what she was getting at.

"What if," Naomi suggested, "You could have them all?"

Jack shook his head, "I'm not comfortable with cheating on anyone. And most of them are my family! I don't want to fuck up anything with them?"

Naomi licked her lips as she thought about the incest aspect, she shook herself out of it though as she reminded herself it was less of a turn on for Jack, "First, are any of these women your girlfriend? Like, officially?"

"No but-" Jack started.

"Then you aren't cheating on them." Naomi explained, "Welcome to the world of casual dating. If any of those girls don't like it, they can figure it out."

"But my family-"

"What about them?" Naomi asked slyly.

"I don't want to fuck anything up between us." Jack said.

"And you also finger blasted your mom this morning," Naomi laughed again, "I mean, if that didn't fuck things up, I don't know what will."

Jack was silent at that.

"Look," Naomi explained, as she stirred noodles in the boiling water, "I've never been in an incestuous relationship, so I can't really relate, but I can tell you as a woman that sometimes it doesn't matter what relationship you have with someone. I mean, I've fucked a few of my patients," she gave Jack a sexy smile and wink when she said that, "And I know sometimes people just turn you on, whether or not you know it's wrong for them to make you horny. You just want them and you can't help it." She turned the pot down to a simmer and turned back to Jack at the counter, "And all relationships are messy, all of them. But the heart wants what the heart wants. And sometimes getting what you want you're going to fuck up a few lives along the way." She laughed at Jack's horrified expression.

"I can't fuck up my family's life..." Jack told her, more worried than he was before.

"Okay," Naomi said, "But do you want them?"

Jack thought about this and explained, "My sexual needs aren't more important to me than they are."

Naomi nodded, "So, it's all about them? You only want to do things if everyone is on board with it?"

"I mean, yeah, that's what-"

"No, Jack," Naomi said with a smirk, "I mean, maybe in an idealized reality, but that's not how the world works. I think the big question here is what do you want out of all this? Do you want to fuck your mother? Your sister? Your cousin? Or do you want to just date your teacher, which is also pretty hot by the way, and forget about everyone else? I think you're problem is that you've been spending so much time worrying about how everyone thinks of you, or how your actions might effect other people, that you've forgotten that you should take care of yourself first and foremost."

"But isn't that narcissistic?" Jack asked.

"No, dork, that's just human." Naomi explained, she turned the water off and strained the noodles as she spoke, "I mean, if that's all you did was worry about your own needs, yeah. But I'm not saying disregard everyone to get your rocks off, but I am saying that you should figure out what it is that you want out of all this. Once you figure that out, it's a process of trying to get it. And if it doesn't work out," She shrugged, "Oh well, at least you tried."

Jack guffawed, "Just that simple, huh?" He said sarcastically.

Naomi set the noodles on a plate and put stuff on it then split it between another plate and handed one to Jack with a fork, "It's pesto parmesan," She explained, "it's not that fancy but it's quick, easy, and tasty."

Jack thanked her and they ate in silence for a bit. Jack considered what she told him.

What do I want? I really like kissing Mom...and well, every other girl I've kissed so far. I really want to go on that date with Beth later today. I really, really want Jo and I to keep meeting up in secret, though we probably can't with Mom knowing anymore... I guess in a perfect world, I'd have them all. I really like them all, that much I know. But it's like, impossible.

"It's impossible," Jack spoke his mind a moment later.

"Um, what is?" Naomi asked.

"To have them all." Jack said, "I mean, I think you're probably the only one who'd even be cool with everything I just said. I mean, I feel like if Mom even knew you and I made out she'd probably lock me in my room for a year, at least."

Naomi smiled at him, knowingly, "But we figured out what you want." She said, "You want all 7 girls," Naomi smiled even wider, "That includes me, if you remember."

Jack shrugged, blushed, and looked away, "I like kissing you..."

"Awww," Naomi said, then grabbed his shirt and pulled him into her. They made out for a moment, "You're a really good kisser." She said as she pushed him away.

"You said that already," Jack said.

"Yeah, well, I get the impression you don't believe it," Naomi told him as she continued to eat, "but on the couch a minute ago, it was like you got me so horny I was ready to fuck you immediately. That's kind of amazing...hmm." she said thoughtfully.

"What?" Jack asked.

"I think maybe you could use some training though. It's obvious you don't know anything about sex, well," Naomi added, realizing it might not be that obvious to most women, "To me it is."

Jack cringed, "So I am a bad kisser..."

"Not at all," Naomi said, trying her best to remember how insecure she was when she was still a virgin, "But it's kind of obvious your in a rush to get where you're going."

"I'm really not," Jack explained, "I'm not trying to rush into anything, really, but it's like I just..."

Naomi nodded, "You follow your instincts, I get it. Well, I think you need to learn to slow down, and here's why. Though, for men, sex is all about the act itself, just thrusting away with you cock inside a cunt," She smirked at Jack's expression at her dirty talk, also that his cock was engorging in his pants, "but for women, it's so, so much more than that. Every touch, every compliment, every look or move you make can be a turn on. And, if you can learn to slow down, tease, and build things up, all these women will be eating out of your hand."

They were done eating so Naomi grabbed their plates and threw them in the sink, "Come, I'll show you." She said as she made her way to her bedroom, removing her clothes as she walked away from him. Spellbound, Jack followed her.

He came into her bedroom, and Naomi was naked. Jack ogled her amazing body, her shaved, dark brown pussy, her amazing tits, and his cock throbbed in his pants.

"I think you need someone like me," Naomi explained, "Someone to teach you not only about sex but the real art of seduction." She lay on her back on her bed, "Now come and massage me."

Jack came up and eagerly grabbed one of Naomi's breasts. He lightly pinch her nipple, sending shivers down her spine. But Naomi grabbed Jack's hand and stopped him, "No, Jack," Naomi said, Jack looked back at her as if he'd done something wrong so she added, "That felt great but the point isn't to make the woman feel good."

"What? It isn't?" Jack asked, incredibly confused.

"No, not in this case," Naomi continued, "What you want to do is tease my body, you want to build me up until I'm so incredibly turned on that I can't help but throw myself at you. This isn't about sexual gratification, this," she let go of his hand, "This is teasing!"

Jack wasn't sure he got it, but he was willing to do anything this naked Black beauty was saying to him at that moment, "Um," he said to confirm something, "So, I shouldn't touch your boobs?"

She bit her lip mostly because she really wanted him to, but this was for Jack to learn, "Do what feels natural, but only follow this one rule, you don't want to make me cum. Not at this time, okay?"

Jack nodded, still not sure he was getting it. But he started to massage her neck on both sides. Lightly and slowly, searching for her erogenous zones without even realizing that's what he was doing.

As Jack rubbed her neck, with a gentle touch, Naomi was feeling very turned on. She already was horny from their conversation in her kitchen, but Jack was only touching her neck and somehow this was sending shivers down her spine. He moved her shoulders, and that was making her juices flow like a river, "Okay, now stop, pull back." She explained as her legs rubbed together, simulating her pussy slightly as they did. "It's about raising my arousal so that I can't help but throw myself at you."

Jack stopped as she said but still felt confused, "But, how would not touching you arouse you more?"

"Because your body," Naomi said as she took one of his hands and put it on her belly, "is making promises to my body, and when you don't deliver," she moved Jack's hand down her belly until it was about to touch her pussy, "It drives women insanely horny." She threw his hand off hers, "Now, try again. Massage my body but don't let me cum, that's the only rule."

Jack nodded, feeling kind of stupid about this, but more than willing to do anything he could to keep touching Naomi's sexy body. He put his hands back on her shoulders, his hands was sending shivers down her spine, he moved to an arm, then the other. Naomi felt he was being too nervous, even though his touch was still electric, he wasn't really going for any of her erogenous zones anymore.

"Maybe be just a tad more aggressive," She said.

Jack nodded and moved to her legs, he still wasn't sure what she meant, exactly, about only building up Naomi's arousal, but he decided to take a chance. He moved his hands up her leg, from her ankle up to the top of her thigh, but he didn't touch her pussy and then moved all the way back down her leg again. Naomi started to moan as he did this a second time, then a third.

Naomi could feel her arousal growing quite a bit as Jack did this for her. As he came up with his hands again, part of her felt like he was just about to touch her pussy lips, but then went back down her leg. It didn't help that's Jack seemed to naturally find the exact right way to touch her to send pleasure throughout her body, Rita is right...her nephew really is a natural!

Naomi felt as Jack moved his hands up both her legs simultaneously. With every inch across her skin, she felt like her arousal was heightening so much that she knew if Jack even brushed against her pussy she was going to explode in an massive orgasm. But Jack, almost sensing this, he moved his hands up to the last possible square centimeter he could touch without rubbing her cunt, and then...

Then he stopped. "Was that good?"

Naomi was so horny, she forgot she was trying to teach this boy something. Instead, she grabbed his shirt and pulled him onto the bed with her. She pulled Jack into her and kissed him, his hands automatically going to her breasts, but Naomi knew what she wanted and one of Jack's hands and took it to her throbbing cunt. Jack started playing with her clit right away.

Naomi broke the kiss long enough to say, "Get your clothes off," she ordered as she started undoing his pants, "I need you to fuck me!"

This freaked Jack out more than anything else, only because Naomi was still very intimidating to him. He stopped kissing her and feeling her up and got off the bed, "Um, sorry, I, um..." He mumbled as he buttoned his jeans again and stood awkwardly, not looking at her.

Naomi scoffed, but then stood as well and started putting her clothes on, "No, I'm sorry. Sometimes I get so horny I just can't stand it." She said, "But, that's the type of stuff you should expect if you get teasing right. Women lose all control." She smiled as she got her clothes back on and stood next to him. She leaned in and kissed him before Jack could do anything to protest, their tongues met, but then it was over.

"So, I better get you back to your teacher for your date," Naomi said as she glanced at the time, "I guess we were in the bedroom longer than I thought."​
Next page: Part 20
Previous page: Part 18